The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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September 16. THE -N-lSrW YORK CLIPPER. 759 H«d»on Theatre (Henry B. Htrrls man- ,„«r) Id the new Bernard Shaw three act lomiiy, "Mnu and Superman," which RoherC Loralnc presented for the Brat time In Amer- iTa evening o( Tuesda;, Sept. C, maklne herein hli debut aa a atar, toere is a great dett that Is bound to quicken the Intellect uf those whothink, and while Shaw's daring lUscUJslon of uubjects usually barred la polite sucletj- iflax stock one, the brilliancy oX the lines carry the piny merrily nlong to a laugh- lo« KUCCfHS. The work wiis given Its Inlt'nl iiodiict'on at the Court Theatre, I<ondon. Kng. on Mny i'-'J IflHt. Mr. Shaw again trols out his "adtanced" views concerning the prob- lems of life and society, and his characters are chnreed like au electric battery with talk, wblcli tbe least spark sets olf, and which n-anrien about on Its lampooning career until the auditor is made dizzy by ll. In faet, the so-called comedy Is nothlni; more nor less than a loog spun out dialogue, and is not a play in the strict sense iif that word. But tbe cleTcrncss of the lines Is so great that one never wearies of them, and tSe audacity with which subjects are dlsrtiR'ied Is lost sight of In the Interest oc- i-ailoncd by these same witty lines. Nothing that this author has contributed to our stage Is quite so bright as this entertainment, and incessant laughter on the opening night set tbe sea.' of success llrmly on It It is use- lei.s to try t^. understand Shaw, and as he is repolrtcd to have said that be does not uBderaUnd. himself, the problem must be given up. He pokes fun at everything that Is established by custom, and then turns alKiut and' assalla his own arguments with ^grcilEiti and scorn, furnishing thereby eap- Itil entertainment and proving beyond ques- tion bis ability as a witty writer. In •■Jlnu r.Dd .Superman" we are jihowti bow Ann Whltelleld, left by her' fath.;r with two guardians, Koebuck nanisdrn, an elderly hypocrit, and John Tanner, a youQK social reformer, sets her heart upon wlDalng the latter, and eventually triumphs Id spite of^the fact that the young man Is determined to remain a celebate. Tanner's struitglds in tlio net which Ann cleverly en- mesbcs bim In, and his Snal capitulation, form, the groundwork of the story. Mr. 'I/irilhe, who had not previously dis- tinguished himself on our stage, gave a very Hne performance as the energetic and self- Eitlslied Tanner, wbo laughs at convention- ality and the marriage laws, and Anally sur- renders his views and bis freedom. He plared the part In the determined and egotis- tical way in which it was meant to be por- trayed, and was completely iiucccssful in it. j. D. Beveridge, who appeared only in the last act, Hs a wealthy and obdurate Irish gentleman, scored the real artistic success of the roihpiiny. lildward Abeles was excellent as a cbauffcur of advanced Ideas, and Louis Massen did very well as the hypocritical uld guardian, tay Davis played Ann White- Held successfully, but did not get the best points of the character. Clara nioodgood, liow- pvor, gave a most intelligent interpretation iif her role, and Alfred Illckman, In u rather unsympathetic part, also did good work. A bit of cliaractcr acting was well done by liols Kranccs Clark. The cast: Uoebuck Kamsden. Louis .Mossen : Tarlor Maid, I'aul- Ine Anthony: Octnvlus Iloblnson,' Alfred Hickmun: .John Tanner, Ilobert I.,oru!ne; Ann WhItcHeid, Kay Davis: Mrs. miitelleld. Lois I'Vances CInrk; Susan Ramsden, Sally WllllHOis ; Violet Iloblngon. Clara Uloodgood ; Henry Straker, Kdward Abeles; Hector Ma- lone Jr.. Itlchard Bennett; Hector Mulone Sr...J. I). licveragc. ■Mniihattait Tht^atre (Harrison (irey Vlsie, manager).—There was very little in tbe line of entertainment in the new three act cuiiifdy, by Edith i;ills linker, entitled ■•Mary arid John," which was given Its llrst production on any stage Sept. 11, opening the lioiise on that date. A very c-ommon- place plot was given an equally hackneyed alid uninteresting; tieutroent, and aside! from tiie pleasure coqtrlbuted Uy several well known chnnlcters, wbicb proved oase^ In a deuert of words, the play made no Im- Ktesslon. Very little Interest was, aroused y the story, which had a weak char- Meter IS llie iicro and a simpering creature as the heroine, whose actions aroused a feeling uf i-esentmcnt in place uf sympiithy. ■liic story toils of how Mary and John, rct-ently married, ipiarrel liccaiise Mary iusists on earning her own living liy iwlatlng atrocious water colors, and John feels angry becantie iiis wife never asks him for ntoncy. Mary goes back to her studio work, anij eveutuiiUy. discovers that her best customer is u man wbo patronizes her be- cause he admires her and not her paintings, and other things which occur open her ryes fully to the. folly Kbc bus drifted into, and a reconcillatlun witli John follows. Mary was played by Sadie Martlnot in'an affected oianj ner. and John. Mason, although he worked hard to make .fobn interesting, was too much handicapped by the character to score as well as ho Is capable of doing, with hale a chance, AVm. U. Mack, an excellent actor, was lost as Jlr. Trowbridge, .Mary's father, but John Emerson contrived to make Krank Warner, :i young lawyer, quite interesting. Amy Iticard did wonders as Unrbara Drew, u young artist, and was rcraackubly clever I'a one scene in the second act. arousing the most prunoimccd enthusiasm of the evening. Anni* YeamanH, always funny, played the rook, Teresa Murphy, and got more than the face value of fuu out of the part. Kdwiifd Kills made a distinct Iroprcaalon In a charac- ter role. The cast: John lirwln, John Mason ; i-'rank Warner. John lOnierson; Mr. Trow- bridge. Willlaiu 11. .Mack: Mr. KalrlleUi I'alr- tleid-Stevens, Edward Kills; I'helan, an ex- prcssmau, JOBcph Ilanuaway, Mary Lrwm, Sadie .Martlnot: Barbara Drew, Amy llicard : Tcrtsa Murphy, Annie Veamansj Juno Jer- gensen. Vivien Holt; Miss Jones, Ida A. rbomas. Grand Overs Hunse (John II. Springer, wpnagur).—Henry M. Blostom Jr.'s iioptilar comedy, "Chci-UcrK," is 'his week's bill, ufid the opening:Monday, Si-pt. 11. was to the usual packed house. I Inns Uobcrt nssiiuicd the title role, and gave ii good account of himself. The cast In full was: l-dw*™ Campbell (Ciicckcis), Hans Uobert; "rush Miller. Dave Bruham Jr.; Judge Martin, W- T. Clark; "linclc Jerry" Halter, Chares W'l- lard; Arthur Kendall, Wallace Worsley; Murray Jnnieson, I). V. WhII : Adonlrsni Bar- low, Jos. Wilkes; the General, Claude H. Cooper; the Colonel, Josnah Nathan.; tuo Major, (ieo. Merritt: Jasiver. Wiii. I'oran; 'Chick" Allen, frank .McCoy ; Philip, I">en dan, K. V. Wall; Bud Breckenridgc, tliiude II. Cooper: HI I'rendergnst, frank .Mi'Loy: liCm Srcveus, .los. Vnthnn; I'olw, Geo. Mer- ritt ; Jim'Brown, Howard Smith: "Ispllnt llagan. Joe. Dc Milt; Offlclal Caller, Jos. (. Shannon: Cant. TUtou, Jos, Nathan; M- Haines, Wm: Hull; Hank Winter, trank McCoy; Barney O'Brien. James C. Shannon, Simpklus, Wm. Koran: Pert Barlow, Ki'tber- Ine Mulklns: Sadie Martin, Alice .Miirtln. Cynlhy. Lvdia Dickson; Aunt Deb, ■-Im Sotb'jm: Mrs. Wotaon. Myra Macneypolds. .Mt». Long, Jane Taylor: Gertrude ?;ev'I e. Clare Arnislmug: Clara i-i)niond. i'H'e.'>« Wilson. Next week, "Me, Hlni and I. Vorkvllle Theatre {.Meyer K. IJInibent. managerl.—Large audiences ruled here all last week, and In'' uew members of lb? slocK compauy, as well as those who Ijeesrae vi-ry popular with tbe imtruns of the house during 1 he slock Keason of last year, were well re- ceh-ed and pronunuccd entirely worthy, to fuimi all demands of the pi-csent, Heason. 'The hill for tblH week Is "The Oirl I. Left Behind Me," with Ilciuleltn llrnwn and Ilyron IVing- Li-. In ilip leniling rolcM of Knli- lienhlnii nmi l.ioiii. llnrhsR-orlli, r(S|iefllvely. Ne«l "''''••- ".Vro You n Aiasnn?" will be prcfciitwl. nriiHilwnv Thpnire (A. W ninBW.lll| iiinnagcrl.—■The iVinl nml III'- I'uuuiklu »iiirt«a Sept. 11 Us fourth week. .-h'J ?'.,'**■*'*.' •>'"''tl Krohman, man- the UailanUos, );llOord md Butke, Nortoa and S?f, i" — '"^" two nlBbts of darkness this Nlclwlson, Stuart. CaliiihaQ nuil .Mack, the nousc vvas reopened Wednesday night, Sept. Crand Opera Trio, I'ctt^tt and Uoherty Sis <• by Nat C. Ooodwin and cumpaoy. In ters. Beaut/and the Barge," a three act comedy, by Mr. W. Jacobs and Louis N. Parker, which on that occasion was given Its liret American r.errormancc. Tht play was orlglnallv pro- duced Aug. 30. 1004, at the New Theatre, London, l!,ng. The story concerns Ktbel, ibe daushter of .Mr.Jor Sniedley. who Uvea on the shore of the Thsmes. The major is a tyranni- lal parent, and he has determined that Ethel shall m.trry Herbert Manners, who Is about ic return from abroad. Ktbel Is equally re- solved not to,have a husband forced upon lier. and. la tl.c nick of time, an enterprising joiirg lieutenant in tho navy, named Selon llovne. anpears. who introduces himself to Lthel and lieglns to make love to her. She decides to run nway from bonne, go to I,on- iion and lake to the st.-igc, and wltii t!ies» purposes, lakes passage In a barge bclonglnc to a certain Captain James Barley, n good natured owner of a barge, whose altabilltj' lo the sex is always getting him Into acrapea. - -... He has hern paying his addresses not only and pictures, lo Major Smcdiey's elderly maid «rvant, .Mrs. Baldwin, but to the wife of the oroprie- lor of the local Inn, which Is the sicnc of iho aecond net of the play. Boyne, in order' to watch over Ethel, disguise? himself as a sailor, and bribes one of Cai>- taln Barley's crew to fclga Illness so that he, Boyne, may be engaged in his place. He Is thus able lo "stow away" on board the barge Mrs. Baldwin, who comes to spy on the captain's dirtations, aud In the Inst act the barge 1h seen nt anchor near the shore, the captain's attempts to make love lo ivihtl being cleverly felled by the lieulcrinnfs rtady interferences. In the eud tbe young people come to an understanding, and the major, arriving in pursuit of his daughter, hng to consent to the nuitch. The luithors liavc dMwn several excellent characters, chief of which are Captain Bnrlcy nnd 'I'om Codd, which Rre flnisbed In Jlr. Jacobs style used In tis well knoA'n nantlcul stories,, entitled ■•Many Cargoes." The story, however, lacks strength and purttose. nod the work la weak in construction. Mr. Goodwin entered Into the spirit of the role of CnntnlH Barley, aad gave us another of his dellgbtful charucter- I^Rtlons. His humor was unctuous, and his "nflability," for which the old barg<j cotn- CHoder f» noted, was always effective. Sir. Coodwin always do«s good work; and in this, Ids latest creation he has made an individual success. Gnlway Herbcrl was excolicnt as Lieutenant Selun Doyne, George Sumner, as Tom (.'odd, nnd Nell O'Brien, as John DIbbs. save capital por- trayals of charocter '•blta.' Kathcrioc Klo- rencc was charming as Klhel. Kva Vincent. as .Mrs. Baldwin, and Katherinc Stewart, 'as Mr?. Porter, were good. The cast In full: Captain James Barlty (of tbe "Heart In Hand"), N; C. Goodwin; Lieut. ,Soton Boyne, It. N., Galwey Herbert: Herbert Man- ners, Frank Goldsmith; Major Smedley, George i^umner; Tom Codd. George Mllltr; Augustus Smith, Harry Barton: John Dibbi, Nell O'Brien; George Porter, Owen Hwent; Ted, W. II. Post; Joe, B. W. I*arment«r; Bill, Frederick Baymond; Alf, Herbert Ay- llng; Jack. Harry Gwynnette; .Mrs. Smcdlty, Ina Goldsmith; Etbel Kmedley, Katherlne riorence; Lucy Dallas, Davenport Seymour; Mrs. Porter. Katherlne Stewart ; Mra. Bald- win, Kva Vincent. Mr. Ooodwin began his second week Sept. 11. Dewey Theatre (Sullivan k Kraus, uian- agers).—Kred Irwin's Big Show is llic attrni- tton here this week. The opening iioiisi'. matinee of Sept. 11, found every seat flIltM). and full appreciation was evidenced by tim laughter auu applause which wus almost In- cessant. The compauy Is made iiii of viir.v clever slngprs, dancers and comcdiunH, and B lively i^medy, by Harry AV. Wllllaag and Geo. If. l''oster, Is exceedlugly well rendetSd LioTUAM (Sullivan Ji Kraua, aanagcra).— Weber's UalDty Duchen Co. oiade Its Srit FInrlem apnearance thli season before two well Oiled nouafes 11. The show created n most favorabls ImpressloD. It ii more farce comedy than burlesque, there Mag no olio. II prcsenli* a three act musical comedy, by Kdgnr llixby, which Introduces some gooii slttglng and nright come<ly, and should i<rov<< q strong caid. Next week, Clark's llunawjy iilrla. Kasiilt TilK-VTui:—The programme this week Announces; Kilwnrds and Rcrnell. Harry T. Green. Ward Bros.. Barton nnd Donald, the Alberts, Haldts Itusaian dancers. Three Kimbnitii, and Dlda. IMlack THcnai: (K. Beroslcln, mana- ger).—The report from this house Is that liuslnesA is srillsfaclory. Tills week's bill : McKeever and Sandiy. ClIITord and Ball, Archer Bros., tloon and mmpany, Collins nnd Hawley. the Albenes. Hawley, Sjiolwell Brooklyn,—At tbe Majestic (W. C. Kud lev, manager) "'I'lic WliarU of Oi" Sept. 11- 1(5, with Montgomery aad Stoac. "Balies In Tuylatld" lust week did a flno business. .Vext l»Mk, Billy B. Van. UiiANI) Ori:i<.\ lIouBi) (M. T. MIddletuD, maftHger).—Yorkc and Adams 11-10. Last week "Uavld Ilurum" packed tbe house. .Next week, "Hearts of (iold." Bijou l.M. K. Spooner, manugcr).—"Men and Wohien," witli Kdaa May and Crrll Snoouer, 11-lU. Augustus I'jllllllw ano iraruld Kennedy share In the^honorii. ".Ma- tilda,": last week, did big buslaeM. Next w«k, ,"l'lquc." ' OnpiiKUii (Percy 0. Wllllaius, niunuger). —Another Strang bill Is presented Ibis week, Including: Ileury K. lllxey, tluvcman'a trained anlmuls. Cole nail Juhntuil. I'alil Conchas, Gus Williams, Gteeuc and lionet, nines and Ileininglolt, tlie Brothern Lwmm. Colby and May, and tbe vltdgraph. IlrDK & Bkii.mVn's (Mck Nurtuii, mann- ger),—'I'he current wcok's bill- presents. Charles liityoc nfld his Incubator Girls, cunning, the Jnll breaker; Mlliidl'e Slutora, Hie I'Bcliccu lumll.v; Charles Sabinc, M'Uf. Vera company, Itaymotid nnd Caverly, til'; 'i'obin Slaters, Adamlnl nnd Taylor slid Sey- mour and lllll. (Wm. T. Keugh, mnnager).— MIncr'H Anierlcans IMll. in the olio arc r 'Ihc Kour Stcwail Sisters. Joe OoodwlU, h'lsher anil Clarke, Snili .Moore, SHslMled by ilnrry Harvey and Ileloisc Iturtun, aud JiiU Williams. Nasmau (K. Fleck, maUHgcr).—Jolly Olr'.H t.'u. 11-1(1. "An lloiietit Pullticlan" und "A Tchiiieat In u Ten llouse" arc the t)Urle«uvll■^. StAIi (A. II. Kills, manager).—'i'he Goldea Crook Co. with two burlesqm^s lllll, prc- ucntlng "My llusliaud" and "Htmrlllig Lllc." Bliu.\bWAir (Leo (.'. 'roller, mahugci).— "Woudlaild" ll-iU. Capacity buslucas Inst week,' (vith •'The Virginian. I'he County Chhli'inan" 18-23. Kui.i.v (Bennet Wilsuo, inauHgcr).—"Kust Life In New York" ll-lU. "Busier Brown" had crowded bouses last week. Lultle Wil- liams 18-2a. Oavfty (Jns. Clark, inanHgcr).—Tllo New York Start) Co. 11-10. Cupflcny buaincsa Inst wi*ck. PAVto.s'H (S. S. Allen; lunnajier).—'"Mic Mafa From Mexico" Is tbis week's olTerllig. "The Belie ot Ulchmund" had a big week, ending II. "lOuglc Tavern" next. Ami'iiiu.n (w. C. Grover, mauager).—.Mr. (iruver liegan bis seciind season or vaiide- trllle here niglll uf II, with sn ciccliunt bill. The house liati been renovated fwun orches- tra to galleries, replacing old upbolstotles with new, and with new urtlstlo aecuratluns Bill includes: Itbbert IllllliiJ'd A IW SffiAMAL CHASE FILM Oil imEBlCK. With MISS UURA BURT dale Leading Lady witli SIR HENRY IRVING) in the Principal Role. > * * * * * MOUNT8-Ail blue ribbon winners from MR. SlbNCY HOLLOWAY'8 Celebrated Wfl«^- qhester Farm. Dathirig Pursuits Across Country. Thrllllbg Jumps Over five-bar Fences. Helter-skelter Dashes Thro' the Water. LVMOTU BfiOrt. CLASS A> ODNT FORQET TfiAT VB ABB TBB OBtQUlATORB OF fBB FOtlOWlBB WSIL KROVN SlfB: Kt^CAfKH LUNATIC...: «l'fl. I'HUHOSAI '. — :iTiri. Tiii; wilMiw .\Nn tiik only man -itt.'ift. 'I'HH LOST CHII.n., TIIK SIJBIIUBANITI'; TO.M. TOM, TIIK PirHll'S B()N.. WA.Vl'KM—A 1)I)G Tin; DICADWdOD HLHIU'KB,... TIIK FIUKIICU fiitdrt. , 7i«ft. , WWft. , TJiirt. . •j:iori. <UMIt. TIIKCHICKDNM'HIKl'.. ...... OIll' IN Till-; .srilHK'I'S Till', MOONHIII.M;itH IIATILK dl' THU VALi; II into (/!'' LIAO VA.Ntl •rilK NIIIILISl'S. ..., THK WtailtlNli.. HBl B1;N IN Till': HIIBWAV.. , 'LIlTlMi Till-! LIU" TfiSft. fltOft. iiDori. •I'Jtlfl. 71lfl. NHIfl. 4»lfl. :i«Tft. 4^1 ft. THREE NEW tii &DOKT WiSBBOiB. iOlOSB TBB ATL&lltlO. rVO STBERUOOB BUBES ORESCENT IiBMlIk SUILi OUfl A. LnSih Mil Olui B. L«fltlk 440tl. OUll B. ftMEJ^lUN MUTOSCOPt & BI06l{AI>it % jW'nr II BA8T 14th 8TRIEET. NliW; VamC:. '' ■ ' * •'• ' ItliBJIMa »ll'TIC\l. €;Oi, <!lil«*fr«. '■ MILBN OUOII., Son rr*i^«Uro ^^kblAll SKLMNU A(»KNTIt | I lllll foniinl II irtrluei. -lllll with Ml'toii'Nclilci l-i the inelruyblla, Mr, IJanlcv, Wltildrcw Ii i the iiiutliertfiili Willi ilr. S'ii|)l>>i lTil«-ii>mi' lounagcr for llarrlgilii & Ilarti iiflor tliey hml JiMt lliilslicd Ibolr fliigMgnmcnt M thi- old ThPiitre Comliiili-, .IM Htunrtwaj, "" With Mr. ilHUley lliey wont ciigerly Hi'work iilii iil'wcr ThlHwHu In .lune/ l8Tfi. I'clly foi- lUHUi' by (ieo. II. i'oster, Is exceedlugy well renaerea. lUrbughout. Bill Incliides: Itbbert llillliij-d It Is miislcfilly bright, and the tompsby, led «|,d Co., Tobv (.'luiide, CHIT Gordon, Mtcely. by Wllllard Terrc and .Madgo Anderson, ren- i)„ty ^^j (>oi,, .Sabel Johnson, Use und Ucue- lloty - (lettu, the 'llirec Mitchells and Murk's mu slcai dogs. t'Niijbi'' (Krank U, Carr, mauager).—^Toin Miner's Bulicmiau UurlcsqiicrM 11-lU. Busi- ness last week with Wulsuu's Urieatals was big. GoTiLVM (Chas. Wllllaius, luauuacr).—Thl:^ week's bill: Fanuy lllce, Uobert Carter, tlie Mllanl 'i'riu, i<'uster nod t'oster, iiuycs aud llealy, Bruce and Uiiguau, tlic "Kcd h'eatlici' Girls,'' Kd. Gray, Vnl .Stephens aud the Vila graph. 'i'Uu policy of making of this a vuude- ,,,_.., , , , vlllc house has nitt wllli much bucccmh. jloinoii (.oldstcln, uenior in LvcEWi (Louis I'hlllns, muniiger).—'I'lui , Will Ii. Cohon : Adolfhiis O. ^tocit comimny this wwkl In "Nobody's Imrl- u musician, (.'hurles ['■ Buck- |„„.. |j,ut ^^^^^^ "Wedded, Hut No Wife," * """ ■■ """ ■ ' did well. At tiiu c'lLNCLUHio.* of the iierformunce given by (be Uriental Burlesuucrs at the .S'ns- sau Theatre, Brooklyu, Wednesday ovouing, Sept. 0, Blanager W. B. Watson look charge of tlie stage and announced that Beatrice Harlowe, a member of the com|iniiy, was to be married to A. 3. Kauat; Tbe couple ap- peared ua the stage,' followed by Alilcrmun Downing, who tied the knot In due fashion, and a|t the conclusion of the ceremony filled the fiinctlou uf Ills oOlce by bestowing a rous- ing kiss un the lips of ihe blushing bride. Mrs. Faust was attended by Kittle. Ucbhardt, wlillc Itciii-eseDtatlve KrauccNco, of lUooklyu, performed a like service for Mr. l-'ausl. A shower of rice and a storm of congratula- tions, midst the cheera or-thc niirprlsed audi- tors, was the llnale. Thruughoiil tha eulire Iierformunce the cuniing event was alllidcd lo In more or less expressive hints. A. bottle of champagne, bCHliics a number uf bouquets were bunded over, (be foudlgbtH, and every one thoroughly eujoyed the cvcniug,. wlili.-u concluded wllh a cetepllon by the linpiiy ci-uiile. Many iiresents weri! received by tun briue and groom froai meoibets uf thu mm- puuy as well iis outside friends. — . .. * .. ■» , der clfectlvo support. Then follows an .excel lent olio, Includin-,': Klsa IJobm, baritone; W, S. Harvey and c-ompany, in a sketcii, "A Boom Up.<tlde Down:" Bevlne and Williams, "magnelic couple:" Sisters \ie Kayo, musicul maids ; Six Itastablndcrs, la Austrian military tactics, und Carlton and Terro, comcdla'n and singers, all of which 'were very siiccess- fill. A burlesmie, eulltled "Wives of tlio Sul- tan," brings tiic long and cutertuloing bill to a close. It emploj-s the full strength of (ho coroiiany In beautiful costumes, and goes wltb a vim and snap from start to finish. The cast: Solomon Goldstein, dealer In (h-lentui goods, Splash. Germs Icy; .Viigiist Sliiut. member of Splash Or- chcttra, Harry Duvlne; Hank Spinner, pro- prietor of the gafflcH, Wlllard Terre; LonI IlUckinghani. froni (ieur old London, M'._,S. Harvey: illi-dle, Lllllaiv i-'oi-bes; Alux lirinkles, Jennie Ilol Croli: .Madam Uoufle, Belie ' Williams: Xulcuka l,ouklc», Marie B'OvIe: I'anlauii. Madge Anderson. Next week, (lav Morning lilorlcs Co. Mlner'M Elt^hth Avenue Thealrc (Ed- win U. Miner, munaceri.—The Yniikce Doodle Girls furnish the bill this week at this house, nnd the opening. Sept. 11. was to good bUHl- ncsH. Tbe company Is ..le same iis played flu L'BKt side theatre last week. Next week, tho Baltlmori! Beauties Co. _ Wallack'M Theatre (.Mrs. Tbeo. Mom, manager).—Itayinond IIIIchcOLk, In "ICiisy Dawson," oiiened Ills fourlh week Sept. 11. New Vorlc llliipodrome (Tbompton k Dundy, managers).—Good bu.slucss cimiioucs «t tUis resort, tho pertormunccs Monday, Sept. 11, being well attended, lu spite of the Inclement t\'eiither. "A Yankee Circus on Mars, "The Haiders" und high class viiude- vllie cuutluue to pteuse. and livlghlei'-plBiiii. .V' coinpnny wiiH .iirgnnitnl' In ihU ijie lirsi draihnllc road.irlii I'vci- Illii'rlgnn'A'Ilarl'ns proiirliMorB "f iMdr own sliow. THoy curried llirrtysevch iicople mill Ihc piece \V«s "Tbe tlnyle llitilliers." (lUU the si>nsou lasttjrfi about fotty-foul- ivei-ks. 'Uu'y retiimod'by -way'iif ihB'Hontb. mid wlmii In- icilihnd I'hBnili'ilililn .Mr. iianli'}- m» nvur lo New Yol'k Id liiiik up u llousii lur thuia liui'c. Ho KuyH'Mi'. iliidiliii, iiwuin-nf Ilic iiriilierly :it Till Briiadwny, llieii kmiwii lis tlie Thi-ulre Com'liiiic, und Willi liliu lie ijpeedliy ilrrnngi-d. In Dciiiiifof llnrrlRan & Muri, fiir^.i leiiwi. The Iliirrlgnn & Hart Co. came burk to tli.' clly at the cluse of tlieir llr*t Huif, iHtt- lU June, '711. llcliovulloiiH nnd nlterutliUH were at -inci' begun oil Hie Cniniiiui-, iiiid; with lliil- rlitun fi Ilnrt ns iiroprlctDrh iiiiil M. W.IInu- ley as nianaKMr,' It was rcopciii'd the mat wiM^k Gil lu August with "Tiic iJoyle lllxilhuili." Till- 'Jll. first acHKon of llHrrigiiii fc Hurl us New York ' llii'iilre lesm-cs cuullniicd with iirollt lo llieiu tlirolikli the li'illl rtiid Winter. Tlii! Hinisuu uf I Itlcliuiopd ilotel, lllilcngo: Ills nume In iirl- Vlllc lire wilH Arlhllr C. I'litli. Ills wife, profi'siiloilliMv kfiowii art MlWred VBlmor*. of llic Klsicrs Valtnorc, and a diiuRhler, sur- vive lilm. 'TIk' rcinalus were Interred In Hi. .Mlclinel's Ceuictery, U L, N, Y. "SBW JKHNIliy. .It-rspy City,-"Tlio Wiiy of Hie Trmis- ;;ri'«"ii|-." with Its ncllng Oors; ImiMlthl ii linn week's biisliieiH In Iho .AcftdCliiy. eiiilliig Ni-pl. II. "'lllll. nri'liiid Buy." Willi llllly If Viiu, hud M HtiMicllv wrck iit llie BIJoii. TU« Inuu' criil Miiftls Co. WHS at Ihe linn Ton 'i. Tlio .MciixHr llwiulli'" ii|iPtliMl fill' regilllir sessoii -I. wllh lllu usual Diutluce. liilalucss wus liirgn iliirlng tllb week. Ai'AliH.«tT ll<'riilik r.. Ilrudci'siin. lunimgrri. •"I'he Mlliiilow IIHllUil thd Thrillli'," ii BBW nliiy, l)V Allchi llaliisHy and lUidnliih ilf cm' (lovn, will) (lie aelinn laid In Clllua (Uirhig ilic Uprising of thn lluxei'H, week <if 11. "Tlin Gl'TOl I Am" n-'lW. i III.IIIII IJ. W. lIoluicH, iii'oiitlcliirl.--".M"rR III lie rilli'd 'I'hnn Scnnii'd'' ll-iil. Ilsrni'y IH77-N wiiH played at (be t'liinlililc, liud the rolluwlng Summer CTHi, in uicordanco wllh ii rontraci made wltb Mauiiuin- C. i{. Lucke, tb(> Hari-tg.iii ft Hurt Co.. witli .Mannucr tluiiley nlloting llieni, slnrlcd lo pluv .Mr. I/ockn's BiihIi mi rent Tlieiltii', Sllti I'ruucUco, Clll. Tliev niled eugiigi'ltii'iifs at s nunibi>r ofi In- tiM'Uir cities, \\llh Ihc arrival of lliu loni- puuy lU this ilty, Aug. Ill, Mr. Ilrtiilev Icrni- innli'd Ills iiiunuRPment of Ilarrlgun ft Hart, Sept. .'Ill fiillnwlng, wllh.JimiCH UiuulilHun as a silent piirlner, bo look lliii Ulynipli.- Tlieil- tre. New Y'ork. aud.pliiyed straight varlely for a very short Heuson—until CM. 1(1. At Mm end of that lime hi> niHiiiued tlic dlrec tlou of Billy Ilnrry nuil Harry ICnrMell's road Imiipc. V'MvXy In IHTO lie Wiis engiigcd by .Malinger William lielidui'snn us iidvnnci' iigi'iit of Hie Slnndard Diamntli;. i'». for ii lour 111 "Almost « Life." About Ihe cIiihu of April. IH7II, .Ml'. Hiliilcy withdrew from lllu coniiiuny tu Join llnri-y Wall. In his dm- miilir iigi'iicy Ml M. i;iiliMi Hiiuurv, I lie llrui n'all « llauluy. Willi Allcu mid liuconifng itarrlsun ivllli lilui be urui riiotos" Co. fur I.SKij-I. I'oulliiuluK lu iiinii UmiIh Itarrlsun ivIlli lilui be oruunlxcd llie HnrleiM.—.\t the Harlem Opera House (Alex. Llchlcnsteln. raunuger) George I'rlin- riise's Minstrels, Sept. II-IU, will no doubt do a big buslneiN. The liousc was well crowded on the upuniug night, when « most t>i.tlsfactory bill wus presented. Next week, •Tlie Virginian." Wi.ST K.M) (Uwi. A. Blunieuthal. maua- gtrj.—'Hahea in Toyland" 11-HI. Tlie house IIKATHS IK TUli! l>nOFKHiHU\. Martin W. Ilnnley. - M.iiiTiN W. ilA.SLLi', tlio widely known and unlversnily iiiimlred theatrical manager, died on the morning of Sept. 7, In u faospilul at vyas'packed on s;onday "If?!". «n.i^« !l!/f= Kan" I'u., from nlieumonlii, ufter «« Illness advance sale Is rspuiled. .Next »c«K, ine ,^,. ,^^ j„y, j^^ L-ontracted the ' Wizard of Ox. . , ^ Mi.-riiopous (Henry Itosenlwrg. manager). -Billy Cllllord, In "A Jolly iCiron," came ilircci from a don n town house after u muc- ressful eugiigenient. All Indications poliit. to II BUccessfiil week. Next week, "lluiel Stak (Wm. T. Kcogh, mausKerl.—"Tli« Street Singer," with Jessie Mac Hall In the leadlDK tole. came for a weck«slay H. and openedr to the usual Monday audience. Miss Hull, dainty and clever, met with ii reception that showed licr work was thoroughly apprc- dated. Neit week, "Tracked Around the ^PnOCTOR'K O.NE Ht.'NDBEU l.NU TwB.STY- piFTR Stheet (J. Austin Fynes, genernl man- ng^K-^'Natbnn Hale" 11-10., faul McAl h- tlr and Wm. J. Kelley shared honors in Ihc leading rol'.'s. and were ably asalstct tiy Jiime" 10. Wilson, Kcutr'cp Morgan. I'raucfH SlurrMlce Knowlton. Guy TUroy, Sol Alkcii and otUers. Tbe vuiidevilie iircseuls JuggHng MacbauH. Nat Cilirord, ItaJie Kur- nian and icotlou pictures. ALlUMBnA M'eiOy Wllllauis. manager).— \t both lierformances, 11. the liouse was crowded. Helen Bert ram wus one of the star iitmctluns. Othcr« were: Hacker-Leite- Trlo the Village Choir, Mrs. Stuart Bobso.i been ongaged for the nrcseni .reason. aiM ^i';?;^!'T^;»%.'-'"- f^ disease while reliuarslng tlie Koscile Knoll C<>. lu "Whcu Kulghlliood Whh In flower," of wblcb compauy, iie was manager. Mr. IlHulev was born .Nov. 8, 1»4U, lu TIpiierary. Ire. Wllh Ills Duither, brother and sisters Uc raiue (o tiilK country before be was ibrcu years old. and grew up lu tlio Koli rteentli Ward of New York City. He Hi;em« lo have natiimtly tutored himself, Hi< It were, into the show busiueHS, for he was not midway tn bis teuns Iiefore ho secured un upening. It was on (he stage of the old Bowery Theatre tliac Manager Hanley did his earliest work, uboiit 1^58. Ills initiatory exporieoce was agrec- (ible. nnd his aptitude for Ihe slight duties assigned iilm encouraged him to hope r<ir ii better chance. It, was not long coming, lu Ihe form of rtti engagement to Irnvcl with Ihc Iluvel rnntomiinn Co., doing sninll r»lcs liieanwbllu. und with tbcui. during tile sen- son of IHijo, he made his debut ur a inanu- Ki-r. Under Ills acting loaiiiigenivut iliii llavct cowi-anv loured the l^st. For. lint I'lillre seusuu' u( 'lil Ml. Iltiiley and John IJenfer owned nnd inauigcd ilm Ituvellienlcr Co.. which trsveleu for a sliorti (In'e. Luter In that ietv, wltb Wltllnm Hng' llsh, stepfather of Lucille und llelon West-" cm, he sUrtet- h complny from Washington, which • traveled tbhoulth New York Stale: It was In-'H-'i tbot he iinderlook hla first •.leilnr toiil- of (be will reiiicBilK-rcil Miirlellii Ravel, li|H wife. lie wai not only her mana- ftr cs^claivo; h<!>-.''- Alv> her itage iljrerioi- 'hlc cnntlhued irtiill 1^/4, theii he itfcamA hii.inek. nionsiger of Hiolcy'"! rniirt Slrei-t riH'Slre. In l»i-i-klvn. ivlii-ic he l-emnl'ied fm u'fliort iKTlod.- ITicii,. later hi l'!7l, tii} iige lliniu diirlug ihc season of LSHl-:,!. At lt|U luuduslon of ills iwo yenrV imrln«i'shl|i riuifnirt wllh llie Harrisons Mr, Ilunlcy ar- ranged wllh l:'ilwiird llurrliina for llii' r>>ail rIghiK of "SiiMiillcr Sovi-relglilj-," I hi- l>.ii \<v\Wi cipiHl piirluers, I'lie seusoli wiis cii tlrelv sMcci'ssfiil, <<ncuiir>li{liig u rontluiiiiiicc of Ibe Ijiaii fur ISKIi-t, when tins plnii- iliiiic was ".McSorlevM hifliitlon," and for INHI-".. when "Tribiilhtliins" wsh prPKcnli'd. T|i? "Triliiilutluns" lour closefl iu llosion enrly In '8,'), und Mr Hanley, coming lo New Yurk. presenlMl "Are You liisurcirf" for a lirli.T scnson at thi^ Koiirlei-nth Htreiit 'I'lieatic A few weeks Inftr lie couiliided urrungcin<'Ul>, with .Mr. Ilsrrlgnn to nssilinu for (lie liittir ■ he Hole uiiiungi'meut uf llarrlgun's I'lirk Theatre. .Much of ihe Hiirniiiei' of 'N.'i In- ilcvoti'd lo overseeing llio vxtciislvi! :illcra- tloiis lu that iiuiiMii. wlilcli WHSiijiencil Hi-iit, I. The senxin of l)0i(l-7 foiinil ^l^. llMrrlgnn's lurces Kllll 111 poHMessloil uf the Tni-k Thea- tre, with .Manager lliuilny In i-oriiuiiinil. Thl" tenancy roulllliii-il luitit <\|irll \:\. IHKII. A traveling tour followed Miiiliir thn same uiun- iivi'i',. aud un IkM'. '.'11, iSDU, tbi' new llarrlgtiii 'I'liciili-i' ou 'I'liiity-llfib Htrwt was o|icu<hI, wllh Mr. Hsuli-y In uiaiiagerlal ronlrul. He i'cmuln''d iIji mimniier until Kdward llarrl- gnn's tciinllcy if II wiih iloni' with. Mr. Ilnnlcy later mi isanngcd U'il.iert II. .Muutoll fur four years, and last snuiion lie prcaeated ICilwIn .V. Ho.vl HH 0. star, for a brief tuilr. During the past fow years Mr. Ilanley net financial reverses, and at tlio time of bis death lie was in rather straightened clrcum- stnncKs. Ills wife and one. sun survive bini. (Bluiure, In "Tlie Hiicky Ilund In lliiblln," IM- ili.iN Tii.v CI'. W. Dliiklns, lunuiluer),'- l''"r 11-1(1, Hie Viigiibuud BiirbMi|u«i'H. To follow, Watson's (irlenlNls. Ni/|-i;h,— 'I'lio Bon 'i'mi stnlT •■omprlses. laiwaril CndiiKilii, trtNiHurer:' cIuin. Hlietmnn, miiHlcHl dirmjior; Itlchard Wolfi', Hhigo ninu iigni : Jack Armslroiig, piiiperili'Si llemy Woiir, ntlvcrllajng ngeiii, nnd MIhh CmnK'r, urcietury lo Miiiiagir UlukliiH, This liuuu* lilts lis otvn progiiiinii)i; llils si'iisoil. It U :illhirtlvc and rtiircls credit o»i llie di-alguer. Harry Wolir Ims It jirelly woll llili'ij wltli ad- vrrtlsemculH Mrs, John W. Holmes \t thn linppy iioKHtisNor <if h dnnKlIng dlniniinil ring, 1)1 iilili|iie (li'slgii, nu unnlveraury wed- ding gift fiiiin .MMnngnr John W. Holmes.. ., The (list ml (If 'Till' Way of Ibe TrauHgri" Mil" iiiis liceu ihnnged fmni nu I'llerlor lu an, Interior Mli'i-lrlolsii James, llnunii'ii will have chnrgo uf tho iilnclrinil elfiwls Willi the (Itis Skinner Cii. . , MiilMii«*ri. At III" Lyric (II. I'. Kiiilllcr, uuMingeri "I'nrls by Nlghl." Hi'|il. •'Id. ""d "I'lniilKnirs Hull," 7-ti, re.-eivcd giiml pslroii- nge. "A lllll lllll Time" |01!l, "Tlie H,vp«y GlrP' M-lll, "The Liglitliouse liy (be Hen" I7-'JII, "The LIfo tluK Kills" ytl.'J.'l, lOMi-iiir; (A, M. Bruggeinniin, pniiirlelori.— This resort ii)ieniMl thn leKiilHr hoiisuu ivIIIi h lanlini'i', i. A i-upncity gulburliig cnjii.ved a regal vaiiilcvlllo offering. For week of lt»: .Mr. nnd Mim. Crnni! nnd coiiijiniiy. Miiliriii', .Msck and Lswrmice, Jas. Mcllunnld, Itlili null Harvey, Snyder nnd lliicklcy, Ti'iiji and loniimuy, Austin Walah, Thrii'su Imrgevitl nnd Mil' moving plctuii's. N'lTKH.—Tlin Kiiipirn eii'Ciillvc staff com- prises: ,lohn I^ Krolin, liiisineHH innmiKer nnd Iressurer: lieu. Jliilher. iniislcnl dliectiir ; .Ini'k Iliiltiicr, slign ■nniiiiger', .Ion Hi'Uly, pi'opci't li'N: A. ilei'liei', elcclrtcliiii, mid J. J. Brrnoon, ndvnrllsing ageiil Muiilljicr A. .M. Briiggi-manii slates that the new Kmpirs at Pntersnn, N. J., will open In (Irlober. Kd' wnril .Myers, of Bosloii, will be musical lit- reilnr. ♦.» IMN'rilirr «ll'' C'Ol.lfAIUIA. Jiiii.N' AtiiiL'ST, nu aeroDHUt, nged twenlr- tlve yi-iirs, fell fruni n height of kImjuI 'J.OtKi feel while giving au exhibition nl » r-arnlvul held In llaltlmore. -Md., Kcjit. Ii, nnd was i-riislicd tn liiHlnnt deiitli. He was giving an i-ihlliltlou on ii trapeze iiltuvbed to tliii liaiPion, nnd lout ills grill nu the bar, Thi) leuiuliis were siilt lo SueiinmloHb,'' I'h., to/ Interment, .M.iMii,A Ulke. of the tesui of Van Leer HU(! Huke, died Aug. m, nl her boiu« In I'bll- adetphla. .MlHs Uulic made her lasF Mpiieur- (iiice week i.t July lo. ill Wiindlyiiue I'nrk, Cniiidfii. N. J. She wns m-ll kliouii lii vMiiilcvllle a- 't •liicer of Irl'h (hoiiiiw-r i'lttut- lull ibitnt noR ui lliiiy Cru».i Ci.nK' icrv, rhitndelphia Ciuh Mi:iiiiii,:., till; "inf-sseuMr li.iv" cviIKi, f.iimerly of llii- Three .Mnif'-liiiis .^fcrrlll3, (tied HUddcnlj- un Hoill, I!, In tliu Wiiahlimrton.—At Ihc New N'alloiial (W. II. Iliipti'v, iiMiiiiigeri tills week. liiuilM Jnmes. i.iiHt week, "The .Mayor of Toklo" picmed (ireaflv. ■ .lames-K. Hai-Vell nnd .Mary Man- iierlng, Ibiftr brat Jolut Micllur npiwaraace, 111 the Auierlrsn preinloro of Alfred Hutrn's '"Ihe Wiilli: of Jerhnio." IH-^X CiiMi.Mnii (J. !•;. Lueki'tt, msiiugeri,—Tblf week, "Slmiilo Simon Hliiiiile." Lust week "The Hid Humnrltun" hml Its Initial pet- formsni-es, with Ulcliard Ooldon hdiI Anns Siillierlnnd. Thn comedy tnudo u.iniiHt pnj- noiinccd hit, and packed thn liouso, "Wooa> Inrd" 11-'.'.". TiAfitKTTii Omma Houhr (Iru J, Lb Motte, maoigar).— TIiIm w«ek, Masou and Maioti, :i, "iTlt)'. ami Sultr.." ImihI week F/lsle Junm inadn a ilerliled hit In "The LIttIo UuvbesR;" "Sherlock Holnu's" 18 :.':!. ACAUKiMV III' MtlHir if. W. T,y<)»S, ld«nt« gerl. -This week N. H. Wood. In "Lost In a lllg City," Lsst week "Her WeddliiK ItBT" iind fiilliioiis'w. .los. Ssniliiy, In "A Itunaway Boy," lh.'j:i. ('llAMi/s i.MIss H. Winifred l.n- Will, lufip- Hgeri. -I'hls week Mssler Wdlle fk-kstein, Ihe "Boy I'adMrcwskI;" Waller V. Kellr, Grace Leonard, the Flying Ilathbuns, Mr. nnd Mrs. .Murk Murphy, Hid Baxter aitd nenlrlceSnnthwlek, und iiintlou pblnri'ii. ivrm«i iV.npyne Kcniuii. iiiiiiinfcr), ThN well., till' Avenue Glrlo. l.ofU lici'li the liii- Bitrle\'(|ii(li' bid ilewirn.Hlr excelieui l.inlnr.s Itnlly k Wursl Co, I8-2<1, Villi: ■ IIiiiiH F lbili.''r(>.. a rl«lim young WhhIiIiiuIom nclor. has lii'VIl .given Hie tlllO rrtle In '(.'litckers."