The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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*co> /tht: ':NrT:w iroTti^ ci.tppf.'r, SEPTEMBET? IB. BEYOND EXPECTATION SSXTOOE VAUDEVILLE TOUR OP JOSEPaiNE COHAN (L.ate of "TME FOWW OOMANS") AND A 6MAI.I/SKI.KCTKD COMPANY. PHKSKNTINO A Olf B ACT MKSICAI. I^ARO^^ th.»* - . , , iif»v unFFMAN. Lyrlcn l»y VINCKNT BRVAN. By WIL,L. M. cnKSRY Bn.! FRED MBI-O. Mu«lc by MAX HOFFMa™. "y r .„„„.„.„ ^,, , ,, rRFR«Y *^ „.„,,.. nl-vleU by HERBERT HAtb WINSLOW, WILL. M. CBKBS\ , Olhrr pr..luc.lo„. I. b. .d.l.d to MISS COHAN'S '''P"t^j;'.„^»™DVv,*FRiD Vaio «f otCrl. '' W, Pr.dlcM . Hit to "IBM «lin, «00» in. ■ II hu ,ro... II»U ll» Bl,g.rt BH »1 Io.l ramm. B.ig ...r .rill... Jhr. ." Iw mmjm BiU: "WHEN THE ORIOLES ARE NESTING ONCE AGAIN Tl.. Ore»te.f B.IUd In • Beai.tUul and SHd.. on .ame. "YOU'LL NEVER MISS THE WATER TILL THE WELL RUNS DRY Tll« tooUeU COOB Bong in ..1.I.11... »UI<«» th. andlenre holler "lUlieluiBl. !" Orrhentra l^eaderx, lend lU clK. You miiH » p*y po»«»«e for In«triimen«»l HM». _ ^-»^ ^^'WCST'T^^ J^ ^'^ ^"^ o. M. o»A.g»Bij <te oo.. ev cia-yfa- St.. C«IOA.a-0. M SONG BOOKS llltOltoKtlmsSONOSIER r- AbSOLllTELY THE BliST -i MWAYUONTAINSHIi:.lAI[SllllT.H , C HAS, K.Harris I 31 WVSI 51" ,V Ni'wYoik J.C.GOSS CO. [ BUILDERS _-f^P5^.^rnton, I OF ^^.rf^gy^p^yf>||^ic»{ ROSABELLE LESLIE CO.. y iinl lie Al IHreiior itnil ArranKiT. (looil aitpt'iir- niiue tml Hulirlolv eH)OulUI. Lowest hhIhi^ hihI f>.>. partloulurx llrHl. luiirr. SlU AMiKN, U|{r., ll-ia, llHuuver, I'll.; l8-2:t,JlrlilKuloii, N.J. POWER^S OiHBRaRAPB, FIBEPBOOP H&a&zaiEB and TAKE UP DE7ICE. The Modern Motion Plctare Macliln*. FILM 8AFKTY NOW AggVRBD. Our Fireproof Magazlneg and Tale Dp Device will lit uny KxhlMlloD Modern Motion Ploliire Ma- olilue. An enllrciT new upparalim by wMlob abso- liilo wifetf to tlie aim Ironi loss by KIKK 18 AS- .SUIIKI). The only device of IM klod which him re- vclveil ofllrlal enilonemeniB froDi tbe J.ocal au- Ihnrllles ai sik'Ii. Write UrCATALOO. All ot our Apptratua la fullj proleoted uy Dnited StttteH pntentM iHmiod or pendlDH, and InfrlnRe- nicula will be vlRorouAly proovoiilLMl. N. POWKK (New York Film KxchauKO, 1111-117 Nuumiu St., N.Y I, HOWARD BMNIIN, JUVENILES. Iddreaa Care (ii'iieral Deliv ery, sprluKi b'id. olilii . CHARACTER MAN, To Join on ri'celiit or wire; salary kiw, Iml Hore. aiaif all 111 llrxi IuUcm-. lAY HILLHAI STOCK 00., Corning, N. Y. HIATUS AND HIS FAMOUS lOVtL H1IN8ARIMI COURT ORCHESTI* N now AT l.IUKHTV 10 oxcept onKauemeiitu for uiiy uccAHlou; uliii au experlouci'd MAK^dKK w.iul«il, Willi Home i^apltal, rov Iho uaniu orKiuil/a- l iou. Ad d re.^a OAltK O K Cl.ll'rklt. GLEVER AifEOIIS, UDIES AND GENTS, WANTED. liraiiiHtlc Uomimiiv. AddrenH _ E^W., ftl,IlOlt«UI(). Kaunas i^ly, Uo^ WANTED, OOOD BILL POBTEB. LITHOeR&PHEB, PB06BAHHBB. H. H. Whitteu and Tom AlKaiiH, wrlio or wire. Aildri'MA M. II. WKI.SII, (^liiimberHliiir;, l>a. ATT I^IKKKXY, FRANK BROADBENT, THE KING OF THE WIRE, JUHT OliOBBD WITH IlBBeiota State Talr, St. Paul. Have open lime for Wemerii liilen. AddreK WKST Vli KT., N. Y. OITY. Wanted at Once, VIOLIN LEADER, For Oolootal Tbeatre Orctieatra, OAniiitinuH, o. Fur tianaon IihjTi-o. Muat be nober, tellable uD<l fiiriilFli roferehoeB, unri able to iiln; the beat Musical Oouicdiea on the road at mIkIiI. UiihI have u good Holectlou of up to date iiiuhIu. 2 lo a ahuWH and -i daiicea a week. Good opening for right person. Addretui IIAMMOIVP BROS., Wanagyri. Addreaa «KW. !>«!<.. TROY, W. Y. Coison & NIblo'slllpVn'Winkle Go... Willi Hand and OroUgHti'u.Avioix (or licrlcli ami 0 ,1'kii'H, lo doulilo,Alliiiiur llugn Drum lit Uatid: Small youbrotte fur Hoy I'ari; muHi Uoublc 8pu- ciulilc!!. Slate Kluu, iiRe and Halar; Ural leiu>r. We pay expeuiics. Quick. . .fOLSOy A NI1U.Q, WaniOHo. Kanaas. Booil Vaudeville Skelcties, Just Out, On Hoyalty or for vivle. Two or Ihroe eiiaractora; fiiuiiv ami orlKliiul. orderu aollclted. 0. W, UONILLK, riaywrl((hl, 41 NVafliinglOB »q., M. V. BEBNABD KLIRe. PUtWBIOHT. :iVT .lay 8t., Urouklyu. N. Y. tiketcbea and Flays written lo order. I iiave a good t act Melodrama that 1 win aell very reawuabie fur faali. WANTED QUICK, GOOD TEAM, Man and wife, with HiroHKapeclaltlea, do HlnKleH and doiililea; either to help p'ay or fuke organ. \V<-ek Htmid, Salary I'JC, all alter joining, If you deliver the goodti. Plenty of wardiolie. male all you 4la. MiikIcuI learn preferred. Other Med. iH'oplc, wrlie. Opera lionne iiiiw, never close. AddtPHN RROrilKltKKANKLYN. IfDAKRR nRMKllY OO., I.onp City, Neb. WANTED, TO OPEN SRPT. !ft, Al BLACK KAOK SINQINCI AND DANOINd OK MUSIUAl.TKAM, Al NOVKl.TV MAN. All niUH cliauiie lor one week, (loud iialary lu rlslil peo- ple. Uouzern cloned wllhuiii notice. Addresx DK. II. I.A MOrr, llox iW, Yorkvlljo, Jll^ A CD Ir I » B 1* ^r Y, Al ACTOR and SCENIC ARTIST. Uau iiiBDage aiage. Iiext of wardrobe on and oir. Addreaa It. A. UKKNIKK. llarlfurd. So. Dakota. Actors, Managers. OUR PUZZLE N the greaiest thing out for pecurlug BUJ IIODSKS ON .SHORT NoriUK. Heuls I'omera | and N'ew'paperB. and co»u lean. Liberal Prim- ing fpai'C. write tor iampleB. „ ^ , .1. KKLLOO l! MFli. CO., '."JH Broadway, New Y orli. SIT MICilES ALI, KINDS. WII.U BUY OR RKNT. J. B. IVIORRIS. :ia W. 8HII«^SI^jJI. Y.Cliy. WANT Houbrette or SiHterTcani, I ndy Vcicallsl for Paria BU'l SpeclallUK, Kepertolre People. Addre»H FRANK WINSINOIOIl. Ollnloii, lowH. Harpist Wanted. Must read piano purlN. AIho Al VIollulsl. Klghl inoiitha' engageiueui. Openii about .sept. W. Swell Job to right patilen. Clly eugngement. AddreiiH JAMKS Tl. DULINO, Mamliall. Uu., llin; Ilelivllle, III., IS ai , carw I'arler c arni v al Co. Mf IDODTV ''w'bt' lo (doHlDK wllh UDDXll I .Carti'r'H cniaeillaoa (foriiier- ly North Broi.l, H«»MAI.INU VKKENB, Brno tloual and Light I'omcdy l.eailx, good Bli ger, ex perleured and reliable; ve,y gonil reperlolre wardrobe. KeHponKlble inaDUKerA tuuiliig We-l, North and South adilieiM care Carter's IJciue- dIaiiH, Hprlnglleld, O. " WAI«'r:BD, F'OR UNCLE JOSH SPRUCEBY, LlVK.HOLlllUKrTK WITH COOD HlNdlNO AND DANCINU SHEUIALTIK.S, PIANO Doubling Cornet or Alio. UAVE B. LKVIS. Itl2 Tribune Building, CMcago, III. WAITED QUIOE, FOB UNCLE JOSH SPRUCEBY, Tl'BA and OOUBLK BASS. Mcrver, Peuua., M; Sharon l.'i. New C'aalle lU; Cadiz, Oblo, IH; New Coniornlown m, Coahocion, 20 . llAVK B, LEVIS, Manager. Wanted, Bentfrow's Stock Company RESPONSIBLE IXADINO MAN. Appeuraiioo, alilllty. warilruUe ludlnpi-iiHahle Kepertolre: "Lucreila Uorgla," "Three Una- keteera," ' Oamlile." Wire Inwent: no fancy kal- ary, Van Wen, 0., 11-in, Klndlny Id-lKi. .1. W. BBWTPRttW. TRAP DRUMMER and MAN FOR TOM. 01 liera write. State Hahiry and experience. Wire or write. .IIUKK'S INfLK TO.M'S CABIN, Aiialln, MImi. MY FINK PRIVATE CAR, "JUNIATA 99 IVI I C0Mr6SKRS AKIIPOKTS, ncaolloUguod tuauu- HcrUHs. Kare opportunity. ILLINOIS Mt'sio HOUSti, •-'06 OUe»tnut, Chicago. At LIDerty. EXPERIENCED CORNETTIST. »ob»r, rellablB. Prefer Theatre. H. O. BROWN, ■ M18 Haverford Ave., Weal Phlladelphta, Pa. CHORUS GIRLiS Korlv weeka' cngageiiiflnlH. for niimlcftl farce, i:omedle9. {.xiravuganxaa. Apply 1W4 B'wuy, Koonn ttui-im. .\. v. Wanteil, Partner, Lady or 6ent, witli Smtli Oaiilial.tu lake Intcretii In well kuowu ilieatrlcal eiiiuriirlae. No objection to clover aulaieur. An cxcelleatopportuiilly. Addrean, with full partlou. lara aiid.pliotu. Ralph K. Preatoii, Shinaloii, AV.Va. WANTED, Al Rovelty Performtr, MiiHt Change for week. Do well iip In Ouk. Work IQ Ada. Aildruia DU. U. CHIHSTV, Albany. Wli. Cars ou Kaay TeriuK. Have :i Al HUow Can*; aleel wheola. Kully equipped Willi Dishes, l.lneii, eio. Vor Hale J. M. THUNKH, 1104 So. Clark 81., Clihago, ill. WANT TO BUY LUNEHE BELT AND CORSET, Complete. WILSON, &OJAN and KBeRT, Surf Ave. Opera lluuae. Coiioy island. K. V. :?oi Kur Lcaae fur the Winter or longer; (I8ft. lung. Best Car In the ahow IukIduhh. swell for Mlu- Htrei. Will accumniodato 4U people; infi. Bag. Ruoiu, Big Collar. Address C. E. BKYBKLB, Lincoln, Neb. Police Patrol TwoaiepUit. Two eueorei sure. Orclieatr. free. (Ue. poitige.) KHbTSUAK,4IK R. Ulll 81., N. Y, John A. Clark AOENT. Perfectly reliable al all ilmca. Hard worker; padt iwu renitona with the Davidson Slock Company. AddrOKH care of DAVIDSON BILL I'OSTINU CO., Sagluaw, Mich. AT l-IHiKRTPV, " LitUa Oirl Parts mil Spaoialtles- -Big Paalnre—and Cbaraoter Woman. Rcaponalklea, auawer. CIIAKACTEU WOMAN, Opera H ome, S a nduaky, 0. MUSIC ARRANGED, COMPOSED, ETC. k. KHKTSMAIt. 412 H. lOOl 8t, MBIT Tort. FACTS. All kind!). Nothing toolarite. (Vaudeville Desl.) Kaphan Thealrlcal »y«rtlcate. mm B'way. N. Y. Attractive Yo«*alist(4, Mualcul, fari't comedies, comic o|>eis, vaude- ville. Apply iiM4 B'way, Hoomi aoi-ao2, N. Y. IF YOU USE A WEEKLY CHANCE OF | MOVING PICTURES and SONG 5LIDE.S AND t'AN GET ON TIIK 'National Service' VOU ARE LUCKY. THAT'S WHAT MANAQERS SAY. NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY, 63 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. a i THE MOST WONDERFUL TRAINED BIRD ACT IN THE WORLD. A Veritable Triumph, and Drawing Record Business Everywhere. \-\ KIHHT 01.ASK AUBNTN. PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS. L. SCHWARTZ TRUXK WORKS, RbTABLINHBD 1800. OLD HTANO, ^ a S» ^IYr*1"k^ £k.\£ ^^ !«0 F..-IXil SI. a.l Ave., cor. Nlli St. ***^ a»I.A.T^n #% V Bk., ,„„ w. MlU SI. NEW YORK CITY. Buy direct from maunfautnrera and get wholesale prlcea and 10 year (iiianiiilee. NIIMBKH (INK | 2K Inch, $lu.-25 32 Inch, tH.^" :iil liii'li, JI3,v'fi 4ii Inch, » .Vi; PROFESSIONAL TRUNK I :10 Inch, lll.Sfi 34 Inch, I'i.W ;w Incli, U.'.!i'i 4'J Inch, Ib.ij Above Trunk (luaranieud Id yearn. Our Trnnka tor sale at our 4 New York Stores only. WRITB FOR OUR I1.LIISTRATBO CATAI.OU. THE HIGH flYER^' ""T"" All people riigugcd fur above ailiaollun will pleiiae asaenilile at Oenlral Hall, U, W. ^Viltt St., MONIIAV, Seut. IS, lOA. M. Ai'kuowleOge call Ui HARRY K0ST1:K, 4U W.SVth .SI.,N. \. WANTKO—K.'iperlenccd Leader. Muat play Violin ami I'lauo. VAUDEVILLE THEATRE Near New York. Will aell, on iireoiintnr lllneaa. lariiniilnK anil niokiiiK monFyt Ail<Ir,-aa TUGATUE:, can- uT CLlPPKH. THOMPSON and VIDOGQ. KKITll'8 UNION SUUARK TIIKATRB THIS WBBK. .IFimS THE SWEDE GIRL Woman lor lltlc part with Specially, Man for .luvcnile Lead, Heavy Unn for Swede, Iilsh aud Cbluaiiiau parts. Thoae doing slroi'igSpecraitv preTefreVir SeiVd"niioto,"8iaic aif il'rsl lellcr, !»• eluding lowest Hillary. Show opens near Chicago OcL 8. FRKD. W. FAI.ItMKK, 1441 Bruniltvay, N*w VorU Clly. THE GREAf rwiTARK'BIGlTOCK CO. Al LEADING MAN, Al HEAVY MAN. only Urst class, rellahle people write. Address C. W. PARK. Mgr. Park .Stock Co., week ulSepl- •' South fork. Pa.; week of Sept. 18, Hnntingdoii, Pa. Will tony roiu|>leto Moving Pirlure Unltll wllh Viliii.