The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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September 16. THE iS-ETV^ YORK CLIPPER. 761 THE REPRODUCTZOXV OF THE BRITT-NELSON FIGHT WILL BE READY BY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. SEND YOUR ORDER, WITH DEPOSIT, AT ONCE. BIG MONEY EASILY MADE WITH THESE FIGHT FILMS THE COUNTERFEITERS. 8»niiatlonal, Exciting Cham, liengtli, 700 Feet. Price, $77. BREAT TRAIN ROBBERY. Mo»< Popular Picture Ever Shown. Length, 000 Fe«t. Price. «mi. HIGHWAY ROBBERY. The BIggral Hit of Ihe Vrar. I4»nglh, 740 Feel. Prire, tS^.-tO. ON A VACATION TRIP. Fiinnr from Starl to FlnUli. Length, :t.1lt Keel. Price, «:iH..'kU. BOLD BANK ROBBERY Most Menaallniial Pllm Kver naiie. Length, 000 Feet. Price, SOU. IfiOS EXPOSITION MODEL CINE06RlkPH WITH STEREOPTICON COMBINED, tTE ■www includlac OkUlam Lamp, Electrlo Lamp, AdJaitaliU Rheostat, Vllnu aad aildei. <P ■ W STAB HODBIi OOlBOaBAPB, WITH BRSBOPnOOl COKBOIBD $60. tl B. JElcktk Btrtat, PhUadalphla, Pa. P W. E. WHITTLE The Ventriloquist that Fooled the President. Wa« the Hit of tliu Bill nl Kelth'x, Phlla., last ivi^ek, tuklng Five lo Sleveii Uou« at every performance. Thlt iveek at Kcl(h*i, N. Y. Sent,. J, Keltli's, I'hlladelplila; Sept. 11, Kellir., New York City; Sept. in, Keith's, rrovldence, R. 1.; Sept. 116. KclUi'B, BostioD, Mftfl.H.; Oct. 2, Mooro's, rorlland, Mc; Oia. 9, Park Thoalre, Worcester, Mas-i.; Oct. 10, Kelth'8, Syracuse, N. Y.; Oct. 23, DavlB 0(ior» lloiiac, Plitsburg; Oct. 30, Keith'., Voiingstown, Ohio; Nov. e, open; Nov. 13, Pastor'!;, New TorV. Attcr tljat all open. Ad<lre8t a* per Haute, or W. MOHRIS. ^^^ IMTED TILTON'S PLAYERS Kepertolre People In All Ijlnvm lieniling Man, .Tuvenllc Leading Womun, At Heavy nun, Coniedinn with .SlronR Spcclaltlcx, MiiDlnr JuveiillR!< and l!cn. I)ii!>., Al AkghI, Vitiidevlllc I'DHliircH who plar purls, iltutu all niiilsciid photos, which will bv returned. Will tmjr >g Illustrated Sonir (lullll.. Cdti tiso one or two ((ood .Snulirclie Bills, wlih paper. IIOMIOIl II. TILTOM, Maltooii, Illluflls, 8epl. lliu; Viuceiint!.-!, Indiana, i^cpt. w--£i. THE 3 CASTRILLONS, NOW PLAYING AT N. Y. HIPPODROME. ' Tlicouly aurolmtlo troupe thatdoes round oirillpllnpiiud a full i« nt up u> ihc^ shoulderH. EIB&SBO FOB 8 WEEKS. OPEH TIDE AFTEB GOT. 27. THE TALK OF NEW TOBK, " c NIBBE and BOROOUEX »>"e All N. V. llanaKcrs and AftenlH say we linvo sonietmng lo nrow alioui, us wc have Ihc kooUa. Rc- cniraKcd at Pastor's iwo a day, and put down on the hill afler Urst show. Couldn't accm all ollern, liowaboullt, knnckerH. AddrcsM llUUTKl .V .SKAMON, 1J7 W.4al St., N. Y. THE DEAGON THEATRE CO. HATE OPEH TIME, BEOINKIBQ lANUABT 1, Aad will be pleased 10 lieur from best week and tlirteday time iii Indiana and Mlihliiaii. 0|iciicd Monday, Scpl. 4, AuditorlinnTlieatrc, ifouth Uend, tollie IsrKCSt businci'S In tin.' history or Iheliouse. Wautto hcarfrom a YOt;N(!,(;0OI) i.OOKIMl I^KADINd MAN and a NiuaII I.ady for InBcniicsand line or more floulirctto'puts. Prefer one who can doHoinc speelftlt'e^'. You inuof have wardrolie. Would lie pleased to heur froiu Tliad. (irey and Pearl Slznr, also Claude and Addle Mcllnote. Kuiile: 11, II', la, Wttlsoita, ill.; 14, iri,lti, llcnnosBlear, Ind.; \\ Id,'.lu riyiiionili, Ind. MILLER BROS'. STOCK CO. OOOD fflUSIOAL AOT, OB SFECULTY TEAR THAT CAR FLAY PARTS. 8000 OEN'L BUS. Hill AHD WOUAN WITH SPECIALTIES. state nil. Pay your own. Must Join at oiii;e. lllonmllcld, la , Sepl. 1) lii; l.a I'orle City, la., Sept. .lOlIN M. MIMil^H, MaiiaKcr. YOUR PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BOOKINGS ARE ALL RIGHT Ther«' U NO "VELLOW FKVEIl wKliln 100 nilliis of PADl/'CAH. 1»0 ttfAREIV. TINE RESTRICTIONS. No nunnyiinci'*. Ituiilnciia liui atarled olT wKli a boom for the aeaaon. PLENTY OF OOOD UATEH OPEN. Write at once. THE KENTUCKY THEATRE O. CfTTERaAOK, IVlMnaflE. AGENT AT LIBERTY. [ am opoii 10 pronosllhms lioni iiianascrs who have the HitiaclloD and paper lo work with. l!l-;UAUI,i;, SOBKII, ^;.^CI■r:RIENCKU. one pleeo p,e^er,.a^ Addi^Kj, ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ y,,,^^_ AT r^IBKRTY KOVUMET'I'E, LKADS, •i!U4 MAIllUN AVK.,1 I'OUIIHAM, N. Y. I |S. and D, 8PK0i/lL.'l'IES. I hWKM. WARIMIOBB. CBiCK SHOT PI8T01, BEADY FOB DELIVIBY. KOVPTlAN PORTt'NB TKI.LINf* "«^i^'K^'^^f^'lTI''vi«"" MACHINE- ELEVATOR BLOWlNU MACHINE-ALL NEW. KvcrythlnK tor Hlot Muel.Ino l'arlors._ «o"^rt^J'',i'i{.'','i„,^N,.-, i;. »lli SlreH, Xca-Voih Cfj. BABITORE OOBHET, Double Orchestra; Everything first leller. ^^^ SECOND FID., Double Brass. <;. C. til^T, Kulllvan, l»d. WANTED AT ONCE, First Class Clnb Inggler, To Join three act; one experienced iu comedv J^OKgli... Prefm^^^^^^^^^ •kexche: VAUOKVIkil- Themttiiilstl-eTohiclc. It must Mc up to date. J-el we k ow wiml von want and I will wriic it lor yoii lo suit your Hup oMvort. IRVK M. .lONKS, Palmyra, N.,I. WASTED, Mau for Heavies,^ AtLil)ertv.JolinnieVan Sickle, . . . ,..,.. I>B<»P'< ANII HITS. ';<v<I salary tor good nun. cniilNNF; RUNhKL ioil«JMK \A\ sn-KI.K. K'wpM, Midi. Ui.GoldBlioro, N. C. n:.Sijnnik, V«., I'^. ..._-—1—: —-—--— . ., . T — 1 _. ..I....I,.. I.J Ui,A Pn tt/inic Pirinrmgrt n Waiieeli^Meil'Co-Wants Performersln WANTED---A PALMIST. 'AnMjy..w;dicp.n.i^?^i:.^^ PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sole Preprlttar ind Minager. I. AUSTIN FYNcS. General Manaser. T BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Devoted to Rcllncil Entertnlnment. Proctor'a Bth Avo. Thcntrr, I'roctor'e is:id .St. Tlientre, Proctor'a RHIh SI. Tlientrc, Proctor'a lanth Mt. 'Plientrr, Proclor'j« N<>T,«rk Tlienlre. Prootor'n Albany Theatre, I'roctur'a Tray TUc- alre. PROCTOR'S 3TOOK CO. Bisl Plays iBd Bis! Vavdivllli. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: IV^ plot of acts: complotc "prop" list; correct llciit plot; if yon ojion or close In one; i;\A<;'r time of acts, aiul of "close In ;" 1)111- Ing tor newsiMipcrg and piOKninitnes; and lU.HAN rilUTOliltAl'US for I.OUIIIUS T\VI) WKKKS IM ADVANCi; 01' Ol'I^NI.VO DATI'I AT lOACII nOlJSM. nddresslns KKSIDION'I' .MANAGICK. FAII.IIHK 'JO rOMI'l.Y will) those INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUlUKt'T AIJTIST.S to tbc lliaKOK CANCKr-LATlOM. VAUDKVIM.H ItimiOAUSALS, 1) TO 11 A. M. MO.VDAYS. TIIKSK KUl.IiS WILL IlK SrillirfLY U.NKOUCKU. I'laywrlelits, AutborH, Day Agents, Address J, AUSTIN PYNES, Ocnerul MiilWKPr, nFTH AVE.THEA1RE, N.Y. OITT. A TREMENDOUS BIT. SMITH & ARADO Ki'V York ManiiircrH and AtrenlK are Invllcd m look iiH liver next week (HKI'T. II) at Itic GOTHAM THEATBE "Wc area Wfsicrn iici. Ncvir pliiyod Kiistliaforc." "Ualnly Dcicliess Co.'' SMITH @ HAYES SONG ILLUSTRATORS iriio want^ iisr We have a new line of llluslrticd HOURS and motion pictures. Klrst chisn operator. i;an play puns, do siroiiK SliiRlnif and PHiicInK apoulallieB. Sonil Ixtm lcriii«. Aildreas 8niTH and IIAVKH, euro of Howell House, Wellsvllie, .V. Y. L-IBE AFTER KEPT. 1». JOHNNY PHILLIOER, WITH SlNOINi; AND DA.MJINi; SPKCIAI.TV. Ilclghl, 6fl. *.'ln. Winona, Minn., .sept. 16; fan Claire, Wis.,,Sept. Ill, in care "The Mean of i;h|. cB)rn"Co.; alter ihnMier. add., Klkliart, iDillaiia. For the Quaker Med. Co., III all branches of the Med. Inisincss, Hiictuh Teams, HiiiRle I'ertoriiiers.- Money sure. I.odr acasou. Play halls only. TicliclH anyivhcre: iinist Imvo DiiggaKe checks. No liuozo. Uiist ciiangc for Ino weeks. UIe towns. 1(11. W. 11. KKSTNKR, M|fr. i^uakcr Med. i;o., Per. ud., Illackfooi, Idaho. I.linii. Mont. IVI Mum for Pliineaaand I.ei;icc, wninnu for Ophelia, douhic Kllza: also lliirris anil Hi. Clair. Band header and MiislclaiiH. Lowest salnry. Join at once. Kuiiic: l(en>'ei'daiii, Ohio, .Sept. 14: Jeneia li, AillnKtoii HI. Dunkirk 18. I.ONO ilKOS. AT LIBERTY OCT. 10, JACK L BLEDSOE, Cofltraeling Agenl. Can route .Sonthcru .States. Addiefs 60J YOi;.N<i AVi;., ilOIJPKSro.V, ILL. v^ante:! for Ogdeu's Rij) Van Wiukle Co., BARITONE PliAVKR, PIANO PLAVER. CORNET und other niaislelane who Duuhle Hlugi*. OHAg. \V. OaPKlV. WaupacM, Wl«. 'MOTION pTcTUBE MiCHmES. HONti STKHKOlTIcnNH, KIl-MH. SI,II)K.S, El.KC TRIC LAMPK, HilEO.STATH, O.NY. IIYK. JBTH, Ein . KTC. atKfi^atly reduced prices, ijcnd (or Supp'cment 23. HAKUAUll A 00.. HOD Fillicrl HI., PhllB.. Pa. L-fl ,1. II MULLEIt, MUH. I>lr., Piano iliruni».l''i \eara' ex. all lines. MAHOARET HIILLER, Char., In. and Uen. Kns. Joint only. i« KAHT 'Jtii St., t'lndnns^l^O. WATr"REPERTOIRE LEA0IH8 MUM, AlSO A l,l(;ilT (■OMEIIIAN WITH HI'Ktl AI.TIK.S. SOIII-'.n. ItKIIABM--. TKI,I, Al.l. IN Flimr: BKI.CHEll'H l.'OMBOIANS . RICH llll.h. MO. Al Liberty, Versallle Soubfefle (or Al Med. r.)!. rnlj i ::p. l,i ."u."lc. .~:;jiipn Hint-.? '■•ii'^iiCiHu to rdr..-el all (iici-tli. f»id frleh'is pin if ■..rltt, MAY OI.A.VT, 14'r liHlnlitniic; !f<., BnaDurv, l"«. PERCIVAL S WARDE'S BIG FARCE COMEDY CO., PRKSKNTING TUB NEW ANO I'P-TO-nATK FAIICR COMEDY, THE MARRIAGE TRUST AND A NIGHT IN VAUDELAND WILL OPEN THEIR SEABtlN OCT. V. "nr A W^PKn Cond Karcc Uoniedy people who citn do specially uiid iiiako |ond, A No. 1 w" i»-l^ ■• MSlMr^ Piano riajcr, A No. I Advance Man who ciui roiilo and hook a goon j niiihl stand .how In lood territory. Nauioyoiir very lowest, wc pay all; send plioto. VlillU/ PItlMTVIill Bend ine samples of ', and 1 sheet comedy l.liiios, nlso,l sheet I'icloi nil. I OnVn rnilllunaf canuBCHOvcmllhunKand, Address all letters to O.P. noWIIRAY. Manuger.w K. Uaiiidcn 81., llallllilore, Md. Ti'7AXTTSD, FOR TSS -niTllfl PMilET, HAVANA, CUBA, PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER, A. SAAVERIO. Wonid like lo lioar from FIrsI ClitsH i\i'ls not dipcinllni; on ihe t'lii^'llsh laiiKuagi'; also In in flood Animal Acts, Can oiler from 1 in a wceka'Wiiilcr onvaKCnieiii lo riKhl acts, fiulo lowest salary drstlotier. Pay Anierluaniuout'j and fare one wiij. Fare iroiii Havana lo ^ew Voik only fli. All comiunnlcutlons m lUCHNO mmi, 139 21I A>e.. New Tofli Ci'y. MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS. And irihey linvr any iiiorll no have llix I'nrllllloN to iiinlx' them go. All letter. uii.werKit iironiiMly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Room -Mt. Mnnhattan llldg., CIIICAOO, ILL. FRED POWERS BESSIE KINGDON INUKVUE, .III VENILE, NOt'llilKTTK. LltillTt OHIEUV.CIIAItAUTEKM, UKN. IIVM. llclk'iii. on.; Widghi, 1(0, llelKht, bit. lin.; Wolniil, llii. KXF»ERIEniOK, ADIUITV, nKI.IAHI.L.K Oood Appcaraiiie, Al Wurdrrdie. One I'lcreor I'list Olaxs Hup. llespoiiallilo M«iia((cr'< iiiily. Aodrots IIKN. IIK.I,., ll'.-IU'Vllh', III. WEEK CtiniMENC'INtjl HEPT. '41, GEORGE, HAEB.7I DOLLIE WELLS KEATIIIIE VAtlllEVILLK AIITINTH. MiiHii:ai CoinodianH, HinKOis, Usiiccra, i.aily Coniorlloiilsl, etc. All play pans. Ilc'iitilnlii', lariiB Comedy or Vaudovllle. Week Sept. lOlil, <areor 'I'IIKjii'h i'laycrs, .MalluoM, III ; wiuk l;';!4, Vimcciiucs, Ind. SOUBRETTE AND GEN BUS. WOMAN. Nonlil'ettl^ doing •fivrlnlly ^'vi^n |irar«r.-iire. JIIItNT dreau, look and iti<l. 19. €». OOV. Sulilvcar-t, Irtci. E 0. Tlioae !)oiil>linK I'aud or Stage or IioIiik hpeciaitie" | referred. Hiile "-alaiy, alcady work. Bi-»i trcaluioiit lo rcllaliie iicoplc. carshow. ."liii iiooxi-, < ha<e or do|{s. Address BILLY BENNETT'S BIQ SHOW. MHaca. Minn. LOCATION in Vaudeville Theatre by ILLUSTRATED SONG SINGER. Am Fliat Class Stai;e (larpeiiler, Klciirlelai) and Ks|ieri I'liiuie Mui.hlnv Operalor. Have nlronu lisrilonn voire for soiiiH. Am cvpirleni-cd, leilalile. c.oiniHilent and Biriclly eolicr. Prefer cdly in the middle West. Halie me an niroi. Address Il0ill';in'W. CIIAMIIMIIH. Hot iwi, herre. Hn. liak. W. L. CHAnaPESNOIS LIOHT CO.VF.UY ANO OHAIIACTKIts. Hue plfCf [pielcrifd. Ili'spnoi-lhlc iiiiiii«(o.r» onlv. Address call.'of llDACIlK'h ili)Ti;i.. .Mh .Hr. slid ;ili Ave, Now York. I WANT PAiiJivKK. i.Aiiy «tii «<*i>N'r. nvHT he a (iimii ACKOIIArTHAT IN CHKOTO WOKKINti It.S HiiAitiis iiNK Will) ^:A'^ hiNii (iNO iianci; flllJFM'.KKI). AddrosH (11 AH. n. n.sBOKNi;. No. IWr I'lail l;ilh Strflel, .Vow Vi.rii JAMES AND BONNII FARLEY Jn a^ (inalnt VauuaviUe nnlilrit, Fi»lrvlan<i Park, I'iturtun, N. .1., thi<i irerki