The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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September 16. THE IsrEW YOBK OLIPPEB. 763 j»ai>i,ai****>t*<>a>ii»aiUr>>>Uijji>t^ ft you Have ihe vblce aiid can deliver the goods, the hit of your life awaits y6u with this Hr. y,an Alstyne's, masterpiece. n "Egbert Van Alstyne SACRED SONG SUCCESS OF TWO CONTINENTS BY THE UfallH OF "SHADE OF li&y recoKitiud prbfcMioiUl iiel^d late prb^rai V AN AlItTYNE'S fG^JfMcst d )'NO CARDS. •.'He«V»il sent J dhd molftt beautlfurnUrlHiera, I pgnlzed orchestra prban^ le«ilers~send proRrnm. ...;•■ ^ ,.. , ^. The Smillr-it nnil Ural known CalaloKiiP In America. i HUNTING & WALTERS^ PLAYERS THE THREE NIOHT STAND SHOW THAT GETS THE MONEY. The Stironge^ Popular I^rice Vaudeville Co. on the Road. X^OOZS;^ ^^:1J'S OTTES^Et. HARRINGTON BROS, and KAYO,,Comedy Acrofiats; %h^ Greatest Mat Artists in the World. LEWIS and CHAPIN, the Laugh Produoors. ■ ' - THE TNREE DAVMARSi a Novi^Uy in Refilled Musical Conledy. Standard Instruments Exclusively. FRANK ARTHUR, the Minstrel King. THE AERIAL WEAVERS, Sensational Drops and Breakaways. MR. ^n/MRS. ELLINCTON, Society Sketches/ "HUNTING" and his Great "Dane." Show cloiei ivltit'tt on* act rnrcs. Coinplctw rhaniie of hill nlglilly. Ca^ilil* tinit iiiorv anntl Skolcli Tnaiii. 8«nil phntoa. Alan ivhii( n l.lvi> PItKflM AdKNT, not alrald to work. Ad.lreiia. unni Sept. .I«>. " " FRANK H. WALTERS, Bntltir. P». OHIO. t'iiiuliiuatl.—Mgbt ovcrcuots nnd wrnpii n Pre qiillu (^onaplcuuim here last week. Clillly hrceiBB blew over tbc Queen City nnd made Ibc tlieiilrlcal nianoRorM Jubllmil. The clianKe la the temiieralure lind n notlcciiblo olTcct on Ihe liox oftlCR rciTl|)ls, good kuaincss being reportcil at nil the hoiiuOH. U/iANii orBli.v IIousii (John 11. Uavllii & Harry Kuluforlh, iDBiiagcrH).—Henry \V. Ba»- iige will proHcnt "The Sho-Giiii" Sept. 11. L«8t week UluDc'lic Walnh, In ■•The Woinun In Ihe Case," eujoyed ono of her most succesHfiil eagaKemeutH over played Id a Iflciil thenlre. (Jeurgc Cohun, In '■X,lttlc .Tolinny .lotifn," IS. Walnut Btkebt Tiik.itiik (BI. 0. Ander- sun, iBBniiKor).—Melville II. Uaymond'H "Iliis- ler Hrowii" Co. Is due 111. I'lorenco Hind- lev. lu "The Hclle of the WoMt," tntide a hit with Ihe luriic niidlcnccs lust week. "Uity New York" 17. Oii.r.MUH TiiKATiii! (.\I. C AnduriMm, nrnimger).—"IHdn" topu the bill at tbiH boiisc JO. Otherx f,rc: Ti'kln Zoimven. Car- ver iiud I'ollnrd, Aiirle Dugwell, Ciipt. Uloom, :MiiiiIi'r1 tJoulmBOH, ilme. HlupulTitkr, and Mr. und MrK. KKHionde. Aulmittcd pletiiroB con- tinue a fentiirc. HoniN.HOx'M Oi'KiiA llovsB (ticorRC v. x\ I,uella KorcpmiL'hh'lKh, mnnugem). — "A lloyal l''Hinlly" will be proMcntod 10, by llio Fordpuiigh Stock Co. I,n«t week the fouipiiiiy gave n pleaidnif performance of "Itorolhy vernon, of lludiion Hull." IIUUCK'M Oi'BHA IloUHj; (Huiiok. Stiilr .t: KennenKV. miinugers).—I.llllnn Morllraor, lu ••So Mother to lluldo Her," la booked U), .loe Welch, In "The I'cddler," repealed his Inruier triiimplii) Inst week. "Voting Uulfala" i.ycEUJi TiiKATnii (Heuck, Stair & KcnncN- Ky. mauutjers).—"The IIoiisc of Myslcry" will Ik; Ihe iitlractlon 10. "The While C;u|ih" drew well last week. "A Ulrl ot the StrcetH" i'KOl'LK'H TiiKATiiB (Hiibcrt llouck, mtinii- gei).—Tlic lOuiplrc HiirlesqucrB roinc ID. Ml»8 New York Jr. nliiycd to good business last week. Cliorry BlossoruM 17. KtANU.miu TiiKATiiK (Clwrles 11. Arnuld, iiiuiiugerj.—The Ilnn Touu are due 10. I.usl iveck Uoue Hyilell's London Ilelles pliiyed to erowded lioiisos. Harry Bryant's Mxtnivu- RBIIZU 17. TliK Xoi) (Walter Draper, mnniign-K— Diitis and his bund will play ii special retiirii cugngenient 1(1 and 17. , _. Ult'Mic ll»l.i..— The MonliiiHls und Muua- fuctiirDi's" Kxpus'.llon opens It. Artliiir llur- hour, of the conservatory or niiisic, will give uu organ recital la the inornlng. Crcatorc's liiiDd will give concerts ot popular music la the afteriioon. I CIcvelniiil At the Opera House (Hurry Kline, luuuagcr; liCW Doekstader, week ot Sp|)t. 11. Krnnk Uunlels. lu "Sergeant itrue." drew well lust week. Solhern and Marlowe J8-*j;i. tVi|.i>NUi, (Drew & Cnmpbcll, luauagci-sK —"The Mtllo Minister," by the Vaucbnn • lIUHer Bloi'k Co., week of 11. "A Ifovul Kuinlly" wiis the first phiy given by this Ktrnng ;iud popular couipiiny after Its Sum- nier seuKOu of rest. The Sim)mer vacation haa been particularly bcnclldal to Mr. tJlaser. us his work cleverly shows. The Rame rush tor seals prevails. "Tnc Altar of Friend- Kliln" 18-'jy. lii'cwu Avli.NUB LiAaiiK.vs (Mux h'uulkcu- lieaer, niauager).—"Under Two b'lags." by Ihe Huelld Avcniio Curden Theatre Stock t.'o., winds up a most siutccsaful sciisou here week of II. "'llic Tauilug of the Bhrow" had splendid houses week of -1. UcKUM (J. IC. Cooksoii, BinuaBcr),— "Texaa" week of M. Jobiiale snd Kmin i Hay, In "Uowu the I'lke." had llielr Uood bouses week of 4. (lap Ward, la "lUc (irafier," 18.2a. Clkvki,.\nu (J. !C, Cooksou, manager).— "The (•ursc of Drink" week ot 11. "Ttie Child HluvcH of New York" drew well week of ^. "The Boy llehind the Cuu" ^S■2X KuiTlfH (11. A. Daniels, uuinngerj.—ClxsW; LoftUB Is the hendllner week ot I'l. Olhev-i nri-: Cloy Clements and company. Six MiihI- ml Cuttles, tialcltl nnd his tnunkey. Caiiaclty houses rule. bYRie (li. 11. Unog, manager).—mil week "f 11; Great llurds, Scarlet and ClHiidluv. lioldou auil Hugbes, Alice Alva, llurr and HvHUB, and Barry Scanlon. Business liero hUK opened very promisingly. Star iDrew & Campbell, luaungtrs).—1 be .MlsH New York Jr. Co. week of 11. Inn Keliiy & Wood Show had good business week of 4. Empire Burlesquors 18-2a. KMi'im? (Max Fnetkenbcuer. mnnacer).-^ 'I'he Cracker Jacks week of 11. lloblcs Knickerbockers had good receipts week of 4. Casino Girls week of 18. , FA'na Paiik (Dell Taylor, manngcrl.— IhislticsH burn continues fnlr. The flrcat Western Band furnished Ihe music week "f 4, and gouri crowds prevailed. WniTK rrry (J. ininierman. mnnapT).— Husso'h Band week ot -1. Ooud crowds run- finue. Note.— I'he liurleRfiue business here bus a little light on. The Umpire has cul Ms prices. Drew t Couipbell uumuime, how- fTer, that they would not cut theirs. a Coluiiibnii.—The Great Southern Tbeaire "•. M. Heiriipr, nuinni'cr) opeHcd ll^ M'av."a W'lb "l.lule .l4,liaiiv ,(»lieR,'^ Sepl. 1, r,, I" filed linuses. fapnclrj house.^ for aI. f; flnld'K .Allnslrnls (l-O. "Th.' rriricc of I'll "<'»" 18. ISi, Tim .Mnridiy 2^'. 2;i. Kmi'imk (l''rfd Nedderni.ver. inaiiairen.-- ''Urge houstm greeted the new Empire Stock Co.. In "ClirlKlopher Junior." "I'rlnce Otto" 11-10, '"I'he Jiir iM-:;;!. OiiAND Oi'KKA llouSB (I''. C. Osborn, man- ager).—Capacllv houses greeted "The llun- flways" nnd '"I'lic Show Girl" week of 4. "The Volunteer Organist" 14-1(1. Iliuii HinKKT ((!bnH. W. Harper, tnnnn- iicr).—"Young Bnllalo" nnd "Slaves of Ihe Mill" lilayed to R. It. O. business week of 4. "Her Wedding Duy" ll-l.'l, "A Wife's Seirct" 141U. Oi.K.VTASOV I'AliK (W. W, I'ronscr, uuuin. cer) continues lu draw well, Week of 4 : I'he h'nur Juggling .Morions, Campbell, Dil- lon nnd ('nmpbell. Ilerhert nnd Willing, Wal- ler Stanton, and Ted Seymour and company. N'uTKN.—The Itblo Stale Fair, t-8, drew Hie lariresl allcndanie In Its history. Aiuiini Ihe utlrucllons were: Itoy KnubcDshae anil Ills airship, nnd Frank I*. Spcltuuin niid his nitrncllon.x The Itoblnson Amusement Co. was the main attraction at the ■ West Side Carulvul. .\ttcndancc was good ,1. Lawrence Weber, of the C'olniubin Auiuse mcnt Co., of New York, closed n deal witli hlmoln Fritter, for a new opera bourn-, to be built In llio central pnrt of the city, lo he uiied for burlenrjnc shows. i YiiiiiiH'ston'ii. — At the (iraud Dpera House (T. K. Albaugh, niamigcri bill week (If Sept. 11 : llnrsky-iiergere loiupuny, John Illrlrli, Durtiyellc Sisters. Augusta Glosc, the Udgerlons, tlie I'ryors. Three Kcntons, and fertograph. Very good business. Lyman II. lowers moving pictures attracted good ul- tendance 10. IMRIC Tiit.'ATiiH (Julc Manager, manager). —The I'urislau Widows week ot 11. (leDrgc M. Cohan, nnnuuni'cd lor '.'. did not nppenr. The entire liouso was sold for liolb nmilnco und night, but on nccouiit of dllTereuees be- tween Weber, Hurt & Uusli. the IcsseeH, and the stage lumds here, enough elci'trlclansand ciipable men eouUl not In" setrurcd to put the piece on to llie satlsfattlon ot 5Ir. Cnhnn. C'onseuuenllv, :ill luoimy was refunded. IiiuiiA I'AUK Casino TiiKAraK (Mdwaiil Stanley, ninunger).—Vaudeville enjoys go"'' patronage. Avon I'AKK (Jos. W. Wess. manager) closed t), so far n.s vaudeville Ik I'onefrned, but the large. Mkallug rluk nnd olhvr noiusc- ments will be continued. a Akr»n At the Colnnlnl (Uly S. Hill. manager) "Dora Thurno" bad two rdocI houses Sept. 4. "Uncle Josh Spruceby" did well !). The Rays II. "The Gambler" 10, "Wedded and Parted" il. I,aki:niiu; Casino (11. A. Ilawu, lunnugcr). —Ulg bushicss week of 4. For week ofU : Hud l''nmuni nnd coinnuny. Caprice FjCivIh, MerrItt and Ilu/.elln, Sidney Jerome, the He Maths, Kllue and Kline, and Arnwcln's pic- lures. L'xnii'B (Achllle I'hlllun, manager). — A large audience attended Ibc opening 4. Week of II ; Cameron nnd Toledo, Frcer.e Bros., Snuford and Darlington, laadnr and Anna Weiss, l.nlu Santone. Wm. Well was made musical director 1. NoTBS.—Chas. W. Itogers succeeds (luy Cullette as the new u.islstanl lieasurei' at the Colonial Mundv's Carnival Is billed (or week of IR Harry Cady closed with llic Lemcn Brothers' Show 1, at I'coria, HI. a SiimlaaUj-.—At Cedar Point I'leasure Itc- sort (Geo. A. ISocckllug, loauugrr) week of Sept. ;i was I hi! closing week. Iluslness for the season was more than double that of pievloui seasons. ImproveuicntK for next year are nlreadv under way. and Include a new The elosluK bill Included : La Getle, The Chesterfield Overgarment. This overcoat 18 a "very gtaccfiil single breasted llyt front, sack, full Hare at the bottom with a sixteen inch centre vent close fitting back. The cfToct is stylish and strikinp. "VVe have a line of coverts, Venetians, lucdiuni mid wide wale worsteds special for these coats, silk lined to measure at $25. Sample of these garments will be mailed to any address, ARIMHEIM Bi*oaclway and Ninth Street, Neir Xork. Pauk ((HI Ilurriiws, uiunager).—The (Jjiy Masiiueraders 11 1:1. I..m»i;kiui; PmiIv (Jus. A. Kirk. nuiniijirrK — ItuslnesH still iDnllnueH Kood. 'J'h<> an. noiiniea^eulH for week <if 1(1 uiu Leonard and Fulton, » KInilrn.—At llorlik's Glen (HerlM-rt Sa|. luger, nuiaaaeri "Infatuation' won bigli tiralse from large uudlences Inst week, uri (n Kept. H, when "In Ihe Days of Nell tlwynii" was suballtuted, nnd will he ctinlloucd week of 11. UiAi.To (F. W. McConnoll, uiunugeri.— Following Is the new hill ut this resort: lloHHnku and lladcllir, llaulon and Sbn>v, Ilerlhn F. McM.irrls. M'lle Alma, Olive (.'lay- Ion, IJIIlaii Hall, Illustrated sunaH and the ItlaltoHcope. Business Is excullelil. ~MiinHllcld. — At Meuiiirlnl Oiieru Ilouw (H. II. Ilowers, manngerl Henlfruw's Illg Slock Co., week of Aug. 2H. drew goiul busi- ness. "The Kenmlo Deled Ives" Iiuil a splen- did top Iviuse Kepi. (I. I/AKH I'AnK ('Aslj,'ii (K. II. U;udl.v, iiinua- gerj.-.Matislliild Dramatic Co., locnl talent, for local benelll, drew full bouses last week, whieb closed Ibis resort f<M- the Henson. •—' '/.nnvNvlllC.—At the Wellnr Tlieallv (J. G. lilnglund, mnuugeri "A Pair of Counlry Kids," Sept. 'I, packed the bouse. "A Poor Helatlon," '.', dirt goid business, Floreuin Hliidley, lu "The Ilelle of Ihe West," drew wcr and pleased. "The II»Iy City' », At. 11. Wilson la. Stetson's "U. T. C." 1«. ♦ »♦ niisaouiti, theatre „ . , , Karl and Wilson, Canillle Pcraoul, and La Vine and Waltone. ,., , GiiA.sii in'KUA lluiiKli, formerly tbc Mclsen (Slnfjler * ."^inllh, managers I.—The Hpason opens Sept. 11 with Hluimelela's luiperlul Slock Co.. for one week. Snow Gli"i;,vi'S.—'I'bu Oscsr K Cook hlocK Co. appeared week of 4, lo good business. Mnuillt —At Ihe JelTeisoii (Tom A. Smith, manager) "The Show Girl" packed two houses .Sepl. a. Ill Henry's Jllnstrcls. 4. did fair bualnesK. "L'ncle Tom's Cabin plavcd lo the usual big houses T>. "The Home o( jivsterv" U, "t»ver Nlagarn Kails" 10, '"llio Mberlv Belles" M. Katie Kmnielt 10. "D<ii'a Tboinn" 17. "Child Slaves of .Vcw York" :iO. GUANU TilKATSK (Wiird & .MuCarthv, mann- ■iprg).—(j'ood business. Bill week of 11: IJoI- "nore and Darrcll, Caaad and He Verne, Omnr, "the Iluninn Top;" Frank Erarocrsun, Nellie Boot nnd the klnadromc. ■ Surliigllclil.—At the Grand Opera House (1, J. Dalle, mnnnger) "A .Millionaire Tramp" came to good business Sept. 4, "Dr. Jckvll and Mr. Hyde" bad n uell (llled bouse (i ""A Poor Helatlon" P. OuiMllu.u (Gus Sun. muUHBiTi,—Gmul iit_ lendanee Ihe past week. IlllI fur week of 11: Three Kliuhall Bro.^i.. Sisters lloagler-;, Kiicene \;ctur. Lollle Muyuurd, James V Kiirardl. and llie Oiphiutuscope's new pic "'s"nilMi (iai'^U I'Al'lv II'. I". Powell. UIUDU- L'eei closed I'l l.'iider the miiusgeuient of Mr. Powell the park has had a very luccesa. ful season. IJnv*nii..-AI llic \'l.lorl:i Tlie.Ure fC. C. ■Miller. iiinimi;"ri '•Wlnii .l"l ) (■"|m>" Murihlnr Hi'iiif" din-,- r.ill ;'iiii *'■■ \\TiiiVAi, liiil Jliiiiiv.s. nriu.nnc-ri. ■ me .Show fiirl "'l"l S II (I l.u>.Hii-ss 4 (i • ii.iiiiE llullnii'" "»- "-11 piiirdiilccl 7!i" ll"«- llemi- Arc Unihcii' lll.'l, "Htr, «edding Day" 11-10, SI, LoiiU,—The Oarrlck (G. W. Floyd, inaaager) iipeucti for llin season Sept. !), wlipu the Messrs. Shubert olTereil "The Fili- buster" (.'harles K. Kvnus Is llie principal comedian, und Kate Condon Is prima donna. "I'lK! Itoyal Chef 17-'.'a. CB.Nrunv (I*. 'I'. Sborl. nanmgiTl.—The best version of "The Tenderfoot" St. Iiouls has ever seen cnme to fnlr business Sept. .'III. "The Kduiallou of .Mr. Pipp" lUlO, '"I'bo C'ouuly Cbuirman" next. Oi,y.«i'nr tp. T. Short, nmnagur).—Itobert Muiilell gnveebiHsIc plays, lo fafr atlomlaacc, Inst week. "When ,l»liany Ciimes Marriilrig Homo" this week: "Plff! I'allll rouflir next. Uki.maii Ga«i)i;.v (J. N. Norton, uuaii- ger).—"The Belle of New York" wos re- vived a-'.i, iiiiil iiluyed lo fair biiHlneas. Gus Weinberg. ICdwIii Clark, Strlln Trncey and Kdllli Verrlnglon repealed Ibeir furincr bits. '"The Telephone Girl ciirrnnt, Sta.miaiu) rl,ei) Ilelchcnlsich, manager).— The iMcrry Maiden IJarlesiiHcrH a-». Good business <-outlniieK. The Oiitury Girls lltld. Wbnt I'Wu IlKiuirrs (J. W, Wasbburn, ninnuger).—-"Woman ARalnst Wiiuian," with Klhel Fuller III the lending part, played to fair huslness, a-O. UirciiiAi, (D. H. Itiisspll, maiiacor).—"At Plnev ItldKc" was seen .'l-!>. .Mr. van Kln»ie appeared In tlie lending iiurt. He Is ualural ami easy, nnd his (|ufet manner pleased Ihiimgbmil. .Margaret .\evlltc was eiiiiallv eireelm'. Uu.sliiess was big. ('has. '1. Al- drlih 10-10. "An Kyc Wltm^ss" 17-2;i. (tni;oN (Jacob Oppeuhehiier, lenseei.—On till! big stage of this theatre .Molbuurne Mac- Duwrll ann his company presented "Anthony und Cleopatra," 8-il. Miss Rodgers was given a big reception when she oppeared. Ah for Mr MncDowell, he went at his tusk with the \lgor of a lion refreshed. The entire com- pnnv did well. Big bualucss. "Glamoiidn" lO-l'fl, "La ToRca" 17-23. Havlin'h (Wro. Onreu, ninnager).—Lillian Mortimer apjicured S-fl, In ber Intest dramn. "No Mother to Gable ifcr," .-ilid enjoyed Kplendid palronnge i;ll week. The iiluy Is easily llip best nhe has yet olfcred. 'The lenlrsl chsracti'r Is a Utile wiilf of Ihe iDiiulry, called Iliuuo. Miss .Mortimer played IPinro wllli splendid effect. '"I'be •'iinfesKloUH <if u Wife" this week; Joe Welci, lu "The reddlcr," next. Gkanij oi'BBa HoiHi: (.liihn Kheebcv, msu- ,igen.—"Peggy from Purls" played to large lust wii-k. Arthur Ueagan. the !-<de survivor of the original cast, nnil one of III,' IiesI men la bin Hue lu llie priifeiidnii. H'ill I',' •.pirri'il 111 Miiii'n'cr <'(>re,» next n..i f'nn. Mr. Dcican'^ (ci; iiitiiiy Iniprt.rIng ivorl: i-ccioi t« tn.'tlfj Micb ;i coui.'-x-. "Ihe Belle of the West" this week, 'IliiHtfr Itronn" ne.\' Cijl.i MUIA (Frank It. Tnl''. iilanaciTi. - I'rosperoua neck 4-10, '3.1ii( mvi't blllj .si.\ lliiiiaway Wl(h>>vs, llooney and lleiil, WP,:ou Trio, .M'lle lloinnno. Six and (Icdiicy, Jiigglli'i: Delnio, Xar.elle and Vermin coin- pany, ICinmv's dogs, l,rH Mlgimas. I'eerleHs Qiinrlelle, Nettle Fields, und tbit kliioilrunie. Gavktv ((;. T. Cruwford, managiTl.— Charles Itarton. who headed Ihe Idee \ liar, ton Big Unyely (.'o. Inal tveek. Is one <if llio cloverent ciunedlnns on the burlesiiile stage und his i'oiue(ly kept Ihn nuillencn In ii four of luughter. > In the ulhi were: Hen lUker, Lemuels, .Muluighan and ,N'<dnii, lliildsinllb and lloppo, Fanny Veddcr and Kllly Itai-l, the McGrallis, Annie Uunu, Tvssln /.urns, Dulorn Seymour, Lillian Do Turk nnd Stella Sylvesler-. Bit; huslness prevailed. Troen- ilcro Ilurles(|iierH this week. HtjauHuAN UAutihN IJitinb (ipponbtiimer, lessee).—Dlc|< Klcburds' Jnvoilllc Mlrtstrids delighted many a-U, nnd displayed histrionic, voeni and liirjilsihorpnu taleuls of a high order. Dick Itichards arled us Inlorloculor In the ilrst part, and Loreuc Van Hlyck, Ni'i- lie Bright, l)iu-olhy Lamb and Jessie Hull, wiig were "Hie eminent end uien." la Ihe iIioriiN were many of the most taleuled clill dren of Ml. Louis. Including Ihe Lallv Kl.<- ters, dniighters of Police luNiHulor Laily; Ksler PerKlns, UiiNsell I'eiin, Lcniirn NovalHn, HicBa Hnhwerlne, Lcuta Wliendoii, Calhreae Creed. Bubles Cecil. Ouesallng and Wliiaidou. (lertriide Crawford. Anun I'felTer, ToUlc Marks, Mny llremsnr, Kitty O'tlrlen (oue at Ihe original ininslreis), llaxel Hinlth a nil many others. There was a tllghlly chaiiRe of jirugrurauic, and la Hio auoiDd part many iiaw songs were sung by tlin III lie ones. Attendance was very satisfactory all week. « KaiiNitia «;ilr.—At Ihe Willis Wixul (Woodward & lUirgesa Anuisement Co., niati iigt^rs) Ihe regiibir seusoii was opened Sepl. ;;. with "TIhi County Cluilrinuii.'' Tlieodoru llnhcQck. (ieorgo Tlmlclier and Juintrs K. Ilrudbury desnrvn Niieelnl inenljon. Itdslness was fair. Ktliel Marrymore, In "Sunday,'' had big bunlneHS 7-1). ".Mrs. Temple's Tele gram" lOli:, nnd Klanebo Walsh 14-10. "Tin (.'ollege Widow" next week. GilAMi IJl'Ki!A llousK (llildsbu A Jiuluri. iiianagers). —laist week '"I'h" Miiltun ot riiilu" linil S. It. Ii. at every perforiaauce. Allien .Maluir, Nellie V. NIcIiuIn ami llarrlel Hlie|. lion scored the hltn. This vveek, "Vi'HitJ from Pnrls (•'liireuec lllndloy follows, lu "'i'he Belle of Hie West." OlilNluiiM I.Mnrtlu Heck, KCiierul lanna'.'erl. —The regular season openeil lu, wlih : Ibiri'y Ciirsi/ii Clarke. Franz Kburl, Dlion and Holmes, KHielletu, Hylvrsler, Jones uiid Prill, gle and Harper, Desniuud and llnlluy. GiM.m Ol-i:iiA iliih'HK <W. K. Krlghain, lauunucr).—l,asl week '"I'lic CunfesMloiis of n Wife" had good audiences. This wii^k, "An Kye Witness." "Ilumuii HeartH" next. Ai;iiiT(iuii;.M (Woodward & Burgess AiniiKe Hieiit Co., managers).—Lust week Iho Wood- ward SbHtk Co. gave very creditable |s'r- forinunces of "Because Kbu l.i>ved Him Ho." Tills week. "At I'lney Hld(<e," and uexl weel;, "Big Ilearled Jbu.'' Cc.NTi.nv (J. J. Barren, ninnagerl, -Lssl week the New Ceulary Girls. This week, llic .Muscolles. and next week, llie (;oliinlal Girls, Ki.Kcruic I'AUK ISntn Iteiijainln, niauager). —The liiinda Itossa sluvcd over uiilll Ijibor Day, niid whs replHC(sl by Kllcry's Hand, la Ibe liennnn Village Tesslr Marshnll srored n big lilt by Hinging u new local Hoiig. "Down tbe Shudy Lune." This will be ibo last week. FoBKHT PABK ((Jeo. Selllnger, mnuagor).— In the Hopkins Theatre a nhort vei-slon of "MidsuMimer Night's Dream" was the bead- liner. The aenaun will dose this week. Natio.vai. (Fred Birdetl, mauBgeri.—The regular ae.iaon opened 10. with the Flying Mlllardii, Brandt nnd Lorano, Violet Wilson, Waller Wutklns and Jimnilo liiirroll. Voti;k.— I'pwnee Bill's Wild West gave four purforDiances here, to big attemlHnee. 1. .%..,. Tbe Kppei-Hon Mcgaphiuie AIIiisIicIh. Hie faiunus locul organlzHtluu, will iiiske their aouual appearance at (.'oiirenllou Hall. r,>"t. 2 and 5, In lonjnucHuii nlih Housu's Hand. 4«» OKI.AIIO.Il.t. Uklnlioma CHy.—At Ihe (.»verholB«r (Ld. OverhoUer. monngrri "riicle JokIi Per. kluN" nnened the '■enrun Aiir, 1":, niul In,I fuU till.llie: . "lh<olikaa lu .'■.ei, u>n.,' ::. iind fiiic )„iilm'ss. lierf.'ir,il',>. .Miniiirtl;' ii., "Human lloHrta' l.'i, Ailelaldi- Hetnnann VO ♦-*♦• Itrsi'ii t VII Iii.tKiit: Joliicil llarrv IlrvniiC^ «'".. at Pittsburg, J*«., Sept. II, for thii aea bOO. So^t^donl hnjno'itl on lis niorllhfor evof60year»- niid never will be nlTfrpiI lo Ibe piiblii lUi any other Kruou'l*. Wc Make Big Claims f,n the flfiiacy of Siuo.lonl. ami wo me prepared to aianil .limii of and ), cvrry claim. It is positively a Non-Acid Dentifrice mid Is free from »r\t nr nny ojbtr subiloncls Ihnl would he u uiloui 10 the lecth, (turns or leolitb, niii shniihl be Ihe lloms ilciitHrlce of all who arc liucrcsud in llic wf In;'- "I Ihttsc vllnl nrBnns. upmi which so amch depnoU lor Hit geatrsi health I'f Ibc libdy. IIALI. A RUCIcru New Vark City. Utiruataporilnil Dlv'lll"," '"' '."*""! HSirilsnllftleeJoFsilil "III ImsoiiliitKiS Viicnl|il oi«SK«»ui|i. Pabst BlueRifen the Beer of Quality The vltfor of die malt and the vim of the hopa. auDuiuiOty all rnStorlalnoododtrpm tho . first rehearsal to tho (InnI curtain for ENTERTAINMENTS OF EVERT iOND for men, women, boya or glrb; from le lo dr ■- mlnst anoe. nome, cl .... ,,.. No other oonoern furnishes ovorythlng; monoloouelo ,. maolo or minstreloy) for pui ' cnr—"- —'•- ratna, sonn lo ODorfl, jloy i for public porlqtm- 00, homo, church, aijhool or lodge. n furnrshesovorythlnoi as iri a, dopartipont store, you »av loh timo and r - tin tfpr one rot^, I fl., ,«ni<*il.. money whom «it ia n.iri,ni'»ii.o", a>a ftaf • pfUilAa, fWiSrtt K«IMAy>. Will. i„-,l.y, E CREST -TRAOING COMPAfTVjp BASE BALL. American League. AMRItlCAN I.KAUIIK I'AnK. Wifli 'WKslilngton, Nxpt, l.'i, 14, l.'i, 10, WUh ri>Uailul|iliiB, Mopl. 1*<, lU, •■*», Brot>lflyn tTookfiy Oltib. GIIAVK,»BlVtl TJtACU. Lnnn IslatKl H, II. .'lilli HI. f>rry. Ut'Oohlyn BrlilKe. Truing. SfU'TII ( tinrli-s4,>ii. Al Ih.. A.^iihi,!, uI .Miii" It ri',« R. Ai:iii(io,-,:, loinaierl ihi Himy n,1ir Gltl' dren a I'ooil iioa.'.,' Heiil. S, Htniy l.e,.'., Viiiiil.'Vill.- I'll l.'i, HI. liAUnii.N' A.vii lliii)t/.il; have Kl)|oed wlUt ihu tioipltu .Vuuderllle C'v. he tUlit Iiciib!!<i<