The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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764 THE l^flP.'W ^"OP.K CLTPPEH. Septembei} to. Two BVAIVS I^t/O YD'S Great Songs Tel MeWliy. He GirlJel MeWhy W IT'S A MIT ROR AIMV AOT. ^ WOULD YOU Hear the First WOULD YOU Hear the Original WOULD YOU Hear the Only - WOULD YOU Hear the Greatest WOULD YOU Hear the Real Hit EVANS XmIaOyh's great some :N0 laWOORAIVII NO CAR ^viz I iM^ i> iS o R naxjsrc NEW YORK OFFICE: 41 W. 38tli St. CO., CHICAGO OFFICE: 368 WABASH AVE. DuffiniRedcayTroupe Originators of Everything New and Novel in Gymnastics. HiierUI Kemiiri- tcirlwo wi'i-k» ar Ilie(!ANAl>IAN NATKINAI. F;XIIIB1TIIIN, Toninlo, <,'iin»<lii. Alfli> S|if L'lHt I'eutiirc HI (lie (lllKAT WKHTRKN KAIlt, ut Luiidoii, «lnt«rlr». \V« w*reniu^li u (Ireiit Succeiin ul Uurh |ilHi't!s tliKi we liuve lit-t'ii enKitged for uext yeiir. Loot; oui fur mir NKW KINISII TIIIH skasdN W£ SVII.L HAVE SOME OPEN TIME FOR 190& and 1900. Perm. ftdilrCHH, No.aiS'j ItKKI) ST., Itcaiimn, Pit. WANTED, COLORED TALENT, for RICHARDS & PRINGLE'S MINSTRELS BAHITONK I'l.AVKK for BiiLd to doiililo nIiiru oi oioIkwIvii. A «)00I» NOVKI-TV A(-T. 1,oiik<'H- llitgem.-ut. AddreHH llliHGo .t mil. land. Cure NiiMiiiiitl I'rIiiiliiK auil i:iiKi'iivliiR CiiinpHuy,Trllmue UulldlnK, Ulilcago, 111. AND EVBKYONK, Ditiilrlng Song* wlili-li arp Not Uclng Done lo Death, HvntI I.nta Program* for tli<« Pollon-Ing Kncorp Winner*, unit Gitt In th« Swini, PALS,G _ I_ . -t • !•]§ OLD PALS ACTORS, MUSICIANS, WANTED IMMKIIIATKI.V. KDK HKI'I'm'i'OIIII'.. HtroiiK (IciiKritl llimliietH Mull. Woiiiiiii fur Jiivc- ulli'H uiid Ooiicml lliiHliieH, HtrnnK Chiirkuler Woniitii, olvvcr t'lilld tav pnrtn, li VuudfVlllelVuiii In doiilile HOlull |mrlH;Ournel for Duiid.oiie doiililiUK HtiiKU pr«(urr«il; Allo.lo double iiroiiH nrKtaKi-. Mlitleull, Willi I'preri'iii^e Kiul lowi'Ht HHlitry, III ilmt leiivr. Tli'kuiH udviiiu^cd If reijulreif. I'eople la All LliieM, write. Nouulnit llritt cIhhh, HOlicruiid reliable peoplviieed iiimwcr. ArtdrOHX 1)11. 11. II, imcKKK, Jniillll, MlUHOlirl. ETHEL WHITESIDES JH-NV PICKA.NIH'N'ZES. FOREST PARK. HIGHLAND, t,OLilS, Sg lO. SANSONEiDELILA. HKPT. 10. OliPIIKIIJIt, niNNNAFOI.I8| 8RPT. U, L.BX1NUTOX NTATK FAIR, KV, liAVH HOMK UPKN TIMK. P. H.-IIAHUIUAIM, NAVK KORIK SHIRT FKONTS FOIl DtK. THE BIG LAUOHI27G SHOW, "REUBEN IN NEW YORK" CO. 600D L00KIN6 JUVENILE MAN WITH SPECIALTY; also PIANIST. Aildre^ KKNKV I'. Wll.l.AUD, .Scpl. fi, C'ovliiirlou. Vti.; .Supl. i;i. Illueliolil, \V. Vii ; Sept. 14, Pui'ii- liuiilHH, Vu.; .Si'pt, 1.'<, lU'ilfonl Oily, Vii.; Sopl. lU, liniivllK', Va.; 8t;|<l. lt>, Wlliulnxlon, N. O. MYRTLE VINTON CO., A gioud lieiierHJ Ai-lor to piny wliHtvvvr chhi tot; u Unn rorCliarucivri) aud (leHVlea, uiid an a Vi>. I Uriiei'ttl lliiNluess Wnmnii. Prcreruni^u ulvcti peoplit dolnii ipeulalllei*. State nil lii tlr»t Ipilnr. Scud |)liuto. I'ny your own wiroii. U you drink or iiiiurrcl we vitii't lire }uii ut uuy price. Be reiidy lo Join uii wire. Adilr«!t!i II. r. UULUBIt, OreMio'H Opera lloiijio, Uudxr Itapld^, Iowa, care Myrtle Vliitou Co. WAJfTED QtriCK, TOR THE MULVEY COMEDY CO., AI Keporiulre People, UeudliiK .Mud aud U'uiiiun, MuhI Imvp Kuod wardrulie. Clinrncltr Man, .luveuile Mnu, Ulmracier Womuu, Kond Coniedliiii. Prefer people who eaii du xpeclaltles. AI.siiik« Ulreclor witk Huiue Kuud Hcripli. Ullier lueful poople, wriie. You must U» Kobor and rdlablt. Stla- I'leK low, hut »iire. A1 I'liiuo Player Dial CHU double Bluffe. 11. U. mUtiVKV, IA-4 I^iiSmU.* St., Aurorn, 111. a 99 ''THE BIG COON SONG HIT" FEET, BAD FEET fomponn- lit "SIIAMB ON YOU." JOHN HHKIN, cuh' of CMPPKROFFICK, N. Y. 0. ?W! mi fftnFF^QinKiAi THE BAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK InUrLoolUllAL ]* made of KlUKK, and U UUAKANTKRU by Ita maker _^^ : It U Unlit lu welgtit. Tlila Is llie truuk that lakeeplug I RMNkS) ''"'"""'' tuocufacturera gueailiiK. Send lot vatalugu* n« BHOlDff AY, Dtar M m., N. t. Featured by MISS ORACR r.KONAlin, AmerlBi's VRSTA TirjI.RY. Written by THURLAND CHATTAWAY, the composer ot ••.MoDdy," ami the *).M'; .Miireb linllnd of tlu- Yeur, In wlilili "sliul uiid xhell" unil bmkeii benrtR piny no pari. It has a Hlory true In lli'« from tiOTboiid Ui inunlifloil, otid uii IrrpslMtllile swine In either Rulind or iNIari'b .Style, JUST KEEP YOUR EYE ON MY BABY riy JOIO flur.I.ANDlOlt. A rirniid New Idea In Conn Songsi, with one of those Meludlea tbat the; whistle. rrCWMElVI^'!^ (Toll IMEe Tx-ue) By TAYLOIl nnd UAMSAY. AIho n fenture with MI.S.S LRONAIID, and a Unlnty Song which we expect to sweep Ibe country In the blx iniiiilliH. We hnve yet to lieiir ot uuy ni-t which liua fulli'tl U> hi-oiu heavily with this Niiinher ufler unco imtlliiK 11 ou. UNDER THE BANANA TREE lly I.AMB nnd U'CONNOlt. A Cntchy I.yrlc, nnd Oient Jingle, fully lUe e(|ual of MIt. OfONNOIf; Von will nil wnnt to hIiik liicse soiikh n Utile Inter, nnd why uol NOW? Dou't foruct l-.VriC I'ROIillAI aUinul I'ople.s nnd llivlu'slriitlouH. Wiu. I'hilllps, ,Mgr. Trof, Uejit. MIt '.s ".syi.vii-;." MH wlieu ordering Profei- Ba«'t:or», lUa Wnahliiglon Ml PUilMNIIBH. . N*vw York, ;iU W. JiNth St., DON HAHNAV, Ma»ag*r IMPORTANT. IN AKRANOING TOURS FOR Theatrical Movements TO UOTII [liiii m mill im. It you will kindly write ine, Klvlug parllcularH of muvoiuontH, I will hulihIi irulii lllnirHry uudulau coat. FIIAI^K P. DAVVKH, B. P. A., Urmul Trunk Ity, Rya., 'MO Broadway, N«w York. FILMS! FILMS! And HoTlng Plclnra Maohinaa, all makaa, bonght and for sale. pBILAIIEIiPHIA FILM BXOHAHaB, 1608 Nortb ISIb St., PhUadelpUa, Fa., U. 8. A. ATLAS TRUNKS For tbe Proteaulon are wlthont a PKER. Made with oor PATGKTEU BINUINO, tequlrlag uo uaUi nad riveted tbroughout. Oar oat«logae will cbetrtalljr intTodncethem to you. The Belber Trunk & Bag Co. Ha. IBii Columbia Aveana, PhllAdalphlK, Ps. LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R, K. ACCOVNTINO. f60 to $100 per mouth asuurcd our graduates uudoi bond. Y'ou dou't pay ua until yuu liavea duhUIou. bargeHt kjhIciu of telegraph hcUouIh In America. KndorHod by all railway uiIIcIhIb. OPEKATORH ALWAYS IN UBMANl). I.adica nlnn ndmilted. Write for uatalogue. MUIISK SCHOOL, OF TKLiGOllAPirY, UlnclDtiatl, O.: BnO'alo, N. Y,; Atlanta, Oa.; l.aCrusBO, Wis.; Toxarkana, Tez.; Ma n yranul B co, Ca l, CONTRACTS TIOKETS,. PABSBS. CARDS, EtO. BIMFLES. WKB B PTO. 00.. tU Dearborn 8t., Ohloago. ni i:,'it)leiierlieudit,'.'SO envelopes,'JSO (■ard^.*^ Auv color. Crackerjact work. An iirtutit Intro- duction to auT Dianager. Samples ^eut .'ree. Cash uinii accompany order, Til)': CKAdt^l'HtiSH, 7sa2 Haachall Me., Phlla,, Pa, >A/ARNIIMO THEATRE OWNERS and MANAGERS It hiaa Itceii eulled to my attoiitlon thai two eerlain companlen »re itrrnenllng an Illeged version of In tha siiiuller cUl«* of MInnvtota and IHieblgan, All uwnera anil manager* of T]i«a«re», HalU nnil PlaitfS of AuiU4«iueHl »r» herehy nollllvd that any (roiniianlea iirodiiclng Ihia play iire Play Plrnle. nnd doing HO tvltliout aulhorltv ut the owner*. » «- * TilK IlIlJHTg OK DAVID HAllUni are vealed In MIt. (HAS. FlIOIIMAN and ar» lea»«d lo MR. .lUI.IlliA CAIIN anil any owner or iiiannKer of a uIuch of amM«i- miMl wlio allow* DAVID IIARDM or any .olorahle Iniinltution ot It «. lo be pr«- avuled, txeepling by .IDI.IUel CAIIN'S Coinpaniea, will lie linld reauontUilr under llieeo|iyrlght law. Kl.l8ABE-ri-l IVIARBI^RY, Agent of the Antliom an<l Ownori. STRIOTUV prmST C^A88 VAUDEVILLE AND NOVELTY ACTS :: TAKE NOTICE. :: :: I Uav« Leaaed llie Largeil nnd FIneat Thoalre In the Weaterii IlnltKd Sliile». THE NEW AUDITORIUM .Seating Tweuty-al.x Hundred People, und will conduct a IlIU 1)0111(1,K VAIIDKVIIXK SHOW all llil» season, ^oii ciiii hook one to i wo mouths any time vou are en route KiiHt or Went. Hulurv must i-e lo*, and you iniixt state all In llist letter. No (llckerlug. All corrcKiioinleiitH ninilng low, cousialeui suliirles HUMWered. I employ il.\ty people all the lllue, AOdrCHH PHBNOUENAL KRADS, New AQditorinm, Des Moines, Iowa, U. 8. A. O P* E> IV 1>X:Mi E>. ^ GRAND OPERA HOUSE, READING, F>A. SEPT. as, ao. Ml OCT. 10, 17, IS AND 86, »7, ««. Address N. APPEI.L, Mgr. (iraud Opern House, Keadlng, Pa,, or STAIR .V HAVI.IK. J. S. GARSIDE BIG STOCK CO. >A/ANTED ^#w^ «% r^ ^^ E^ ID , ,\MVJS'J;i'c'l',r"l??J."'' Jl'\'KN"'E '"^AN; SINGING COMEDIAN, H0N(1 AND DANCK SOUHHKITE, t.'llAKAcrhll MAN to manage stngc. All must be sober and reliable: Kood dressers ou uiid on. Positively uo fares advanced to strangers. Address „ „ ., . , J-«■ "ARSIDB, MsboD.O., Sept. 111(1! YYellsbnrg. W.Vu.,Sept. 18 !'•';• l'..s.—nn not mUrepretenl, or luliig money lor fare home. lllUyMorlarily, write. '"", FINNIOAirS "FRIEND." .Sept. 4, Athletic Park, Bnirulo, N. Y., general verdict belt ever seen here. Tweutv-fonr minniej every night, aud llieu the audleuce refused to pail with me. No. not OHOtl'ni. liii-t plnlu irmli ""'I fact, sept, 11,1'elorou Park, Jamestown, N, V., or ,lule Delmar. Will be ou e.xhlliltlou in NtM ^"''■ shortly. P. s.—Just iluldtaed loconsecntlve weeks for Frank Uelville. Uarveluua snceeas.