The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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gEPTEMBEE 16. THE ISrEA\r YORK CLIPPER. 765 856 ASSORTED CHARACTER WIGS 856 At Prices Below Manufacturing Cost. Send your order at once. Do not delay as we will only fill these orders while this stock lasts. Write today. Oar Regular $3.50 Character Wigs, in all colors, from Black to Blond, Cloth Top Bald, while they last—ONLY $2, in Gray $2.50, White $3.00. Crop Wigs. Suitable for Kid, Rubs A|^ Our $5 and $6 Gent's Dress Wigs $3.00 Pomp, soubr. Wig. Qf ^\mf Characters, $1.75. Vr^W| ^^^^^ ^^^^^ |g qiq^,^ ^3. ^,^,^ ^^^^^ ^,^ ^3^ Our $5 and $6 Soubrelte Wigs, in Ul Shades. Only $3. V fE In Gray. $3.50; White. $4. Our Ladies' $8 and $7 Ventilated Beards on Gauze. $1. udy^SlfwiS. Full Dress Wigs. Only $5. Our Special Make $8 and $8 Chamois Top Dutcli Character Wigs, Best Ever Hade, While They last will he Sold at $4.50 Each. you can order by mftll. Qooda will be sent for examination on receipt of $1.00, to gimrantce exprtsa chargea: balance C. 0. D., or aend full amount and wo will tend goods prepaid, on our cipciiBc. Wo will guamiitce tatlifac- Uoa or your money Daclt. wnea ordering mention size of hat or circumference of head, cboracter and color wanted. Itcmcmbcr the name and place tbnt aaves you nioncj. 162 State St., CHICAGO. 5t]i Floor. •9 W< h«. Uia LARGEST M dBESr EQUIPPED Wtrkdnth. World lor tha Mmuficiure ov ROLLER SKATING! IWIAIM A O C R S can make more money during the coming season by operating a ROI.I.EBSKATTJIG RINK TH\N IN ANV OTHER MANNBH. teT^jiS^tr Wrlt« for Catalogu and full Information rrgardlng Skate* and Rinic Itlanai^enient. THE SAMUEL WINSLOW SKATE MFG. CO., WORCESTER, MASS. WIIII$L»ff SKATES standard of tlie World for FIFTY YEARS PRINTING CO LLI I L/K lllyAUj CnVELOPtS ETC ETC r/>rt ojMeifj \pf<C >STA0C-MONtV IBOOr^ OF CuTcJ CHICAGO PniffIT £ rft Wi? & Tvapee Uaken, m WJni JkViVlfa PAHT and POWDEB. nvVICKnU'S TIICATIIE:, Chlcnico, III, Tclcplion 'cntral, 004. Send for Cntalogue. STAGE PROPERTIES neilfl. K1R8T CliABS WORK AT LOWEST PRICES OPriCK AND 8IiUW ROUM8, 300 W. VM ST. nianuf«ctur«il by J. M. LRAVITT lieur tlieatainp of Artistic Workinaimhlp and LaHtIng (JiialltlCN. The Largcat and Uest Eriulppcd Plant In this line «( Uual- PACTORY, 3ia W. 43a ST., N.^Y. Performers, Bring Your Checks Or telephone Oaoo 38th Street, to L.OWANDE'8 TRANSFER CO., N, B. Corner 41it and Hth Ave., Men- York. I am nn nx-pcrfcrnier and know huw to handle yonr baggage. Band- ling exolualvelf fur Tony PaHior'a Tlieutro. Ht<irage alao. WILLIAM HEPNER WIG COMPANY, L.KAOINO \A/IO IWIAKKRS. Largeat stock Id America. WIga made to order. Fullllneorpalnti,powderH and cold cream. Send for catalogue "0" to cither place, IM WEST 3flth St., N. V., Chicago Opera lloune Block, Chicago. TO. KTlB (..TS. OABH WlB •OlB i6.00. WITH «Oin 33lB M.aB. ORDER Bend for enU. THE B&IdBR TRUNK AND BAG CO., U» Oolnmbltt At*., PhUiMl.lphl*, Ps. re.BO. I.I TEBATBIOAIi COSTUMBB, lae R. TTH ST.. PHIIiA. PLAYS SCENKRY For Stock Cooipanies, for Repertoira Goinpanias,for Amateurs. IjAROEST assortment in THE WORLD. Booki for bome amuse ment, Negro Flan, Paper, Soen.ry, His. JarleVa Vox Work.. Oat* * IT W. aM .t., N.w York. Falat«d for ererrtblng In W.tercolor, or Diamond Dye. Specialty of Deatgnlng TAUDEVILLK AOTl and FRODDOTIONB. Lfoweit prlcei. Write ni. ELIZABETH ODBTAII CO., EUiabtU, 1.1 I BEST, CHEAPEST. WRITH FOR BOOKLKT. FOR LOBBIES, WINDOW DISPLAY OR IIOMal USB. , „ ^ THE NEWMAN ART MFQ. CO., 114-120 W. 80th St, KfW Torll JUGBLERS SUPPLIES- ClubR, Batons, Quna, Rolling aiobcn. Hoops, ■ ■WIrewalkera'Apparatus,Roman AxoH. Slainpror Catalog and list. Edw. Van Wjck, Cliiclnnatl.O. FBAIH PUB. CO., »0 W. IBtb St., N.Y.O. "I'Te Oot a ot ny Own." 19c. Liittle 8weetliear1 OROHESTRATION, lOO. NFRVniKNF^^ EXHAUSTED OR DEBILITATED tltYUUMMt55 ^£,{y£ FOHQE FROM ANT CAUSE Cared by WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILL. It contains no Mercury, Iron, Cantharldca or «'ber Injurlniis iBKrcdlciits wlifttevcr The Pill 18 purely vcgoUDle, has been teeled and prcHcrllicd by Phy«lclan», and !»» proven to W the best, safest and mSst clTectlvo ticalmcnt known to medical s^'™';*for fc««rli.g \ i'"'/; «° matter how originally Impaired, as It rcacboB the root of the ailment. „<J"'f^inf*«" ^'VinLo oro iliclrklnd, and coniafn only the bout and purest lagredlenw that money can buy and solcnce pro- ii lice; therefore we cannot oirer free samples. _ « _ _ . i m «. i*riee. ONE DOLLAR per Box, j|(, Hflmbug, C. 0. D., OF Treatment Sciieme. PPnSOHil nDTmnUcruear sirs: Ihave used a bottle of your Uypophojphlica of NanBancPO for fmmi OPINIONS: iiverand kidney complalnla In my own person •='''1'S"^' '11*!""^?^^* "*? : I"; I will inclose Ave dollars and will ask you to send me as '""^h a« you can by Mpre»», P"P»"".''" •:.':fnrs"e"aM' f-o? '.zrioVri'!^ ^^^^^iz^^iz^^i^iii^f^^ '•'7SSo*J'oVn^7/,SS5»Who,«MaterlJ^^^^^^^ -AUOLPH BBURE, M. D., Professor of Organic Clicmlatry and Physiology, New York, "^?«W.fer" WINCHESTER & CO., Chemists, 704 Beeknan Blfc. N. Y. "1^1:'"= ►■on WEAK LUNOS USE WINCIIBSTBIi'S HVPOPH08PHITE8. New Uptown Ferry or THE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL West 23d SL (Narlh River) CDNNKCTfl WITH AIjL TBAINS run Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington, Atlantic City Asbury Park and All New Jersey Coast Besorts MAQICAL GOODS AND SUPPLIES. YOST A COMPANY, 43 N. Ninth St., (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. ta- Large eatalogne for stomp. ) WM MURRAY CO. Clf^US CANVASES, rolM and aiaket, SEATS. TUks. Bte. BLACK TENTS. Agents for KIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. Bl>-ai W^. Waahlngton St.. Chltago, III. BIG SELLERS CONTAINSONOS-JOKES-PAROOIES etc . 75^ PER 100-^e"-"PER 1000 SAMPLES lO'-NOC.O.O-CASH WITH ORDER WEHfviAN BROS. l26pARRR6w.NtwYo»K ACCORDEAN PLAITINfi. NO 008TDMK as attractive tor stage wear aa an AOCOKDEON PLAITED OOWN. Plaiting by ■•FALK" moana the best work at the lowest prices. Send for booklet. Special discount to the theatrical trade during the Bummer months. 122 B. 59111 Bt., . • . . BBwTork. Oreat DlscoTerr, Experts cannotdelectit from gen- nlDC diamond. OosUi bat one-tenth. In brllUanoy and cot it has no eqnal. Betting solid gold, wnte tor Ulnatrated catologoe. ROWK A 00.. Dept. O.. U8 Dearhom Ht. Ohlcoco. mm (EH BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS we have made the euro of Blood Poison a specially. Blood Polion Permanently Cured. Ynucan belrcaledalhomeundersame guaranty. Caplul|£OU,(IU0. We solicit the most obitlnale cases. If you have exhausted the old methods Of treatment and sllll have aches and pains. Mucus Polches In Mouth, Sore Throat, Pim- ples. Cnpper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling (juI, write for proofs of cures. lOO-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO. nil MMome tempie, chicii«, in., u. s. a. For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH of tbe BLADDER. Cures all I Discbarges In 48Hour8 E*cbcap«ela ^ Matty* B4»mrt «/ CAPSULES [V[»IIUi [lECIKKIL FOR THElTm and PRODlltTIOII!!. Invantorsanil MannnirlHrarB of th* N«w««t and Moat Heallstio Btaa* Kirrcla and Accviaorloa. ARC LAMPS, STAGE and SPIDER POCKETS, ELECTRIC SIGNS, Etc. UNIVERSAL 'Sir KlIEQl BB08.. Props., Broadway and 38tb8t. 441 SIXTH AVE., Bet.iMhAnthSts,, NKW YOnK. M.S. CASEY 44t SIXTH AVE., Uol. Wlh A'iflhHiN., NKW YORK. Hi 11 WRITK FOR OATALOOUK. EBTABLIBHED 41 YEARS. Att.nii.Di D0C10RS,IMEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why bundle rocky goods when juu can hniidlo gouda that will sell llu'inHolvcN'/ ICIeetrlc Helta from }1 perdot.iiii. l.iirgo variety to aelcct from. lOlcctrlc Jars, - ~'/je. I 75c. do/.; Klectrlc Insoles, HT'^c. dun. iinlrH. Hiinp, |:!. 10 grosHi Fliio Medi- cal IlultcrlcH. UoiidTftc, forHnmpIo Nu. I'l li!. II., eip. prijiolU. Latest out. Una third cash required. Trial order will couvlncu. I.nrgest Manufa<'lurerauf lOlec- trie Delta BDuAppllanccalnll.B.A. KatabllHbcdlHTH. Lecture and price Hat free. THE ELBOTBIO APPLIAWOB CO., BnrllnQlon, Km. J. HENRY RO\A/I.EY TIIEATRIOAL COaTUMBR. 140 W. ftid ST., NEW YOUK. Opposite Proctor's. Formerly llAYDRN A BOWLKY, Kanaaar of BIJOU TIIRATHB, PATKIWON, N.I. BSTinATEB UIVEN. EliABOHATB BmoOTS. MODBBATB PRIOBt. BEST RUBBER COLLARS, CUFFS, BOSOMS, »2.00 A DOZEN. t4.00 A DOZEN. taOO Hi DOZEN. In All Hl/.os and Htyles. AgenU WanUd. JAHBH UOLUHMITII, » Alitor Plarii, IVuw York. HEADQUARTERS IN BOSTON FOR'MAKE-UP.' KveryunoknoWH that llilH corner (33:2TreniontHlrcut, Cur. iif Kllot Hlreut, Koriiicrly Parker'a) Is lliu oldest and most coiiiploto store for lircHKoI'alnta, Itiiugos and Muke-Up In Now Pnulaiiil. ilur Kllta Ould Urcuiii Is Ibe Uest, anil (luaranlecd not tu becoiiio raiiclil. (oi;. jiuund, iMc. Iiair poiiiiil. Hanipio by mall, lOc. OllEEN'lt PIIAUIIAOY, r.l* Trttniont St., Cor. St., iloatun. SHOES FOR BTAOK, HTHBBT AND KVKNINO. KXUbUHlYfS HTYLRH AND WORKMANHHIP GDARANTKRU. Short Vamu aad lUg* Laata •Iway* CD band. Mall Orders PHIed. Kltguaranloed, WIIiMAM BEUNBTBIN, TaL IM Modlion Banare. M» Sixth Are., near Slat Street, N. T. OUR UOUIERY UKPARTUKNT AN INHTANT SUOURHS. Aj;i^JB>. CRi%.^£>, COSTUMER ia«H BROADWAY, NEAR Mtii STREET, lOCW YORK. Bllchtlir I/bmI Barlcsiiua Costnanea, ttlailr or In Beta, Vor Mala CliaaB, K8TIMATKB OIVKN OlTPBOUUOTIONS. Artifieial Flowers, Prepared Palms, Etc., for Sta^e and Lobby D8E. We constantly carry In stock a full assortment or all kinds of Artinclal I'lowors, Foliages, Oraas Hata, Prepared Palm Trees and Plants; In fact, STerylhlng to beautify the stage <ir luhby. Hond for DBCORATIVB PliANT CO., f lO Uroadv catalogue and price Ibit. Iway, New York. EFFEtTS, Hetropolitan Electric Stage Lighting Co., WRITE FOR CATAMIUUB. SONGS PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY Bend us yonr Honga, Hong Poetas and Inst. tl8H., I'lIBLIHIIKDOIt UNPUBMHIIKI). We adverHse, popularize and nuhllah ou royalty. We also handle pulillshod HHH. and Knllre C'lilulogiioH on royalty. NORTH AHa,ItICAN ItUMK; CO., Ar> W. ^Mlh St., Nvw York. M£ IROFESSIONAL TRUNKS THE PERFECT TRUNK. TIIR UAL PK0KK8HI0NAI. TIttINK 1« the coming trunk: you will use It sooner or later. Your money back U not pleased. Bend lor Caulugue "0." «» BIIOAUWAY, near Sd St., N. T.