The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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700 THEt NEAV^ YOUK CLIPPER. Septembek[16. THE BIGGEST HIT IN ENGLAND STARRING FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN Cfi All the London papers say they are the greatest colored comedians and dancers ever sent to this coTintry. The two song hits of London: "IWIY BUNCH OF* SMVEETNESS" and **CINDY BUUE/' words and music by AVERT and HART. WILL RETURN TO AMERICA AT THE CLOSE OF THE PRESENT SEASON. FREE!! KAT.r PODin) OAK OF FREE!! :m:. s'rB>iiw^'s coryi> or£>.^vi^ AT THE STORES OF J. & F. GROTTA, I 446 Sixtli ATe., hewyork 130!2 Broadway, Oor. 37tU Bt. CITY. Knickerbocker Tbeatre BaUdlng. Rach person preMntlng this Advertieement, snd parchsBing One Dollar's wortb of mcrcbandtae' of BDT descrlptloD, will be preBented, wlUi tbe manutactarer'i complimeDta, A KEaDLA.R rORTT CKNT BOX OF STEIN'S GOLD CREAM, ABSOLUTELY FREE. Make-Up Box 31 AC. Rou^ COOMPLXTE. • TRAY, LOCK, 2 KEYS. Lengtb, 6}i incbea, Height, t^ inobea. Wiath. «Inches. Java Al Powder £1 18 C. ICNIOKKRBOOiCK*^ vll Pound £y 9 cSwansdown Po w^der Gossamer ICC* Powder 19 Slxtb iTe., cor. 87tli. Broadway, cor. SStb TAYLOR TRUNIU. •. A, VAYIiOR TRVaKWORKS, M I. Bandolph Bt., OHI0AOO« W W. tltll It, SI W TOB&. - Write for Hew Oatalogne. ^XD A X ■?'"ALF-TONE 3 1 K/% 1 Er PROCESS CO. i_ PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y; A.| ^„^- so ct8. SQUARE INCH • '^ * *'"'^ TnO OnBAT SmOLISH TAODBVILLB PAPBB. THE • o. AND TMKA-rPtK PtKVIK>M^, rORBIGN 8DBSGRIPTION8, - • . . . 8l. 8d. PHR THAR PROPBSSIOIIAL ADVBRTIBBMBHTt, . - Zs. Od., Blnsle Golmnn Inek NBW TORS CX>RnB)SPONDBN'r AND RBF., IDA OARL,B, OPFICB, 708 ST. JA^UBB ELDQ., where edvertlBementa will be received. Copies on Die. Now oSon to the nrofeBslon a frsab Rtoek of etTlUh, nltshUj nned and dp to date Street and BTeDing OowbB, CarrlaKC Urtsses, Ten Oownn, Opera UorIb anil liondsonie Furs. In ourGculs' Department wo carry InTornesii Capes, Kiill Drees and TuicUo Bultx, I'rlnce Allurt* In Coals and Vesla, and an excellent line of Fall and Winter Overcoats of all kinds ut low llgarea. We know It will be to four advantage v-)ien In rhlladolpliU to look na up. Al the old place, Oa«-0»0 SOUTH STREEIT, bet. ttlh and 10th Btreeta, PMIadelpIilB, Pa. wies TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Uteii and Mo»t Popular Stylti In Ladlas Hair Driialng. I A. JH. BUCH <& CO., 119 y. Wlnth Sir— t, - . - - - PhlUdelphia. NAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED OR ROYALTY Bend nn a good potni, a Kood nielortjora complete work. We have no (avorlte wrltera. All hart enirnl chance. All lottorH answered promptly. PIOlfBBR nVBIO PUBLISHING COMPANY, HOO nanhattaa Bldg., OHIOAOO. /^^lAf MC FOR STAGE AND STREET ^_M WM WV 1^1 ^^ SRALSKIlf JACKKTS AND FVUB. BI^IOHTbY USSD ML JROFtSSIONAL "mUNKS THE HEADLIHEB OF TRUHKS. No Manager or Agent knows how good vonr act iBunUl bo sees it. The eanie rule applies to the BAL Trunk. It must bo BCeo and tried. Bend tor photetrapblo cata- logue "C." 0<9 UROAUW'AY, near 3(1 St., N. V. PROP. BILYCK'S EDUCATED SEALS. SPECIAIi FEATURE Orria Bros., BCezlco. Per. add., care of CLIPPER. UNITED STATES AND FOREICN .COPYRKHT: PATENTS AND TRADE-MAqKS And make yoa a fartanc. Ifyotthavea PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONU or BOOK tliM Is \rortli anythlngr. you should copyrielit It, Dou't take cli.iuccB wlien you can srcnro our serv- Iceft at small co^t. Scndfof our SPtCUL OffER 10 INVtSTORS before applyliisr for a patent, il will pay you, HAWBOOK on palenlt lent f nil. We advise If patenta- ble or not. FREE. ^Ve Incorporate STOCK COMPAN'lES. Small Icca. Consult ns. WORMELLE & VAN MATER. Manager*, Cohiaibla Coprrigfat i Pateat Co. lac, WASHWGION.D.C ■llkollB* Tlclata, M.OO Wonted, -„ «» TIfhu; apt ■llkoIlB* Tlclata, 99.00 Wore TIahts, ta.OOi CottoB TIal tl.OOt Silk TlahU, froae ta.OB 8hlrta to aaatcli all aama pi £rloa ait- ie Bapportars, pporters, its oenta. Liocae aa tiantsi FaiiBpa, tiS teatai i •TS, fl.OOi Blaatie BapjMM tit Olotli Supporters, its c Send for oataiocae and aanapiea of tigtats free. PosittTeljr a d»- Sailtr«qulr«d. Batisfactlon gnartn' ed or tnoQej refunded. SPICER BR03., M Woodbine St., Brookljn, N. T. Old atand bat new address. 16 BIBLE flODSE, I Y. HBilKIDABTBBS FOB 6. &S.TIieatTlealTniiks Pittsburgh, Penno. FORT Pin HOTEL, pterin. Ar\r&» a.rL<l lOtli. St. This mag:niflcent Hotel, containing every Uodem Appliance for the Comfort and Convenience of Queste, J WILL OPEN ABOUT OCT. 1, ie05. It ia located one block from the Union Station, within five minutes of any part of the businesa or theatrical district The Iiobby and PubUo Booms are the Largest and Finest ot any in Pittsbvtrgh. There are over 400 Bleeping Hooms, a large percentage of which are connected with Private Eatha, and all are OTTTSIDE Rooms. The Fumishlnga and Decorations 'will compare favorably with any hotel in the country. In the~ Restatirants, of which there are three, a Louis XTV, a Louis XV and a Palm Soom, and in the Cafe, the Best Foods, Carefully Prepared and Served, will be Pumished at Moderate Prices. 100 Rooms at $1.00 Per Day. 300 Rooms at $1.50 Per Day and Upwards. C. A. BLANCHARDp Manager. _ H. B. MARINELLI, THE WORl» REMNED EDROFEAN TM'DEmLE mi, 'Will arrive In New York Tharadajr, I4tli of litis month, A>r alx days enly. "WANTED A.1* OIVOK, Big Attractions and Headliners for Europe. All Artists 'MrlUing to accept engagementa are Inwlted to call Immedlatelf. TELEPH: 2492 Madison So. CABLE: Helferalcb-New Yc H. B. MARINELLI'S AGENCT, St. Jamea Bids., 1133 Broadway. orfc. HKW YORK CITY. AT^LIBERTT, THE ONLY VERNELO & GO. "^. IWIAOIO Mi-kd IL.l.CfSION8. 3 FEOPLK, MYBEIiF, WIFE AND NIECE. Oarrj two UIubIodb and can change for one week. Klece piajB sonic piano andBlngs. Also other Bpeclalilea. Bave4 etyica apeclal lltLos bj CouiKr Co. OPEN FOR DATES OB GOOD SHOW. IM ILLINOIS ST., Chicago, lU. HELEN OODEN, SOUTHERN CLASSICAI, SOPRANO AKD COlPTRAI/rO TOGAI.I8T. ^ CHARLEY SINGING DALY and O'BBIEN KITTIK EOCENTRIO COMEDY DVO. TALKING ECCSNTBIC DANCINU. WANTED, ILBMEO HEMCDiE CO., Performers ia All Branches. Teams, Novelty PerrormerB, Song and Dance, Comedians, Violin and Piano Players. OtberB write. State all first letter. Addresa HARRY J. BARNARD, 16i Broadway, Benton Harbor, Mich. "Tell It To Me" EZRA KENSAIX'S 3d BOOK. AI.L N£W • JUST OVr. For tale o'n all rralaa and news standa, or by mall, !9Sc. Address EZRA KBKDALI,, BO Sonth rth Ave., Mt. Vernon, W. Y. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. MiiWfilBOAN A COn Waoianati Plenty Corn and LIke's One «i«8 Lined lort.'Wall, One 12x36. One 14jt3« Bit. Tenia, Folding all Wood Camp Packers, Auto matic Nlolle In the Slot and Self Acting Sprlng- Motur Grant; riano. Settees ItU Long, Folding Organ, Band Organ, Crank Piano, Megapbonea. Send {or Free Eariialn List, R. H. ARMBRDSTER, Springfield, IlUuoU. .A.t Xjii'b^x'-t^r, MAGIC, TRAPEZE. LIGHT BALANCING, DUTCH COMEDY. L. 0. KLOCK, Waukesha, Wla. Send Me Your Melodies One ot the best known word writers vrlll take on row melodies tills season, to set to words and Jelp place. Address P. C. M., 114 W. 28Uj St., N.| | NOTICE I Folding Paper Fans, the large elze, assorted colore, big lellersj per grosa The Best Place to Bor Watobee, Je-welrj, SUverware, Stage BrIUlants, om SSow Ooeda, Pror. WamcsfsoM Grease Paint*, Burnt Cort, Face Powder, etc. Send for Catalogae. Tbe Old Reliable. B. Q. CHER * CO., U Wabash Ave., OMoago, ni. E IM Large Stock 80ft. and Under > New and Second Uand. Write THE CHARLES I*. SIEDEB TENT AND AWNING CO., Snceessors to the T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dept., Detroit Bag and Mfg. COy D etroit. Mich. _ OPERATOR AT LIBERTY, &FTBB lOth IH8T. Long experience, own machine. Best of rcfer- eccea. Addreaa B. S. LUCAS, Sobleavllle, lna-_ #-^ A n C& FOR LEASE, BALE Bagaln aid Ali«t«aoBa Mad*. MEW JEltSEr SAB WORKS. CIIBj Pji- DIE-CUT COUPON TICKETS Look neater, better printed, handled ea^-i'-'f' taten fasur with less chance ol error t'lsa any others oyer made. Samples lor the aei^i'!<•_ DIBPBBB8 CO., 37 MiU 8t. ,qigenoTla, S-J- WANTED-Parlner lo PlaTlif^J ?! Comedy Ring Act. Whole season's *?''>'.'V West's MliiBtrelfl. Address MICHAEL AL\ ■.':• Oare of Wm. West's Mlnstrela, Montpeller. ^<" mom, 18; Kewport 20 $44 icetrlene Stereopticon $20 Acetylene Jet, Generator and Oarbldo. i«« llARBACH A CO., 809 Filbert, PhUa. ■ » '» With