The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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September 16. THE N:ErW YORK CLIPPER. 767 A RECORD BREAKING HIT!! WE DUPLICATE OUR SENSATION OF LAST SEASON !!! THIS IS IT. ^oi ,«*• PROPBSSIOlfiL COriES AND OR0BB8TR&TI0R TO RBOOaNIZBD FERFORMEBS. THE YORK MUSIC CO., ALBERT VON TILZER, Mgr., YOU 3EEIM HENRY BROV^N ? A GOOD OPENING For some LWe Oompsnj. Houae lemodeled and eolarged. Weetcg Sept. 17 and Oct S-9 Open; Hat loeea Dallr. Week day matinees, lo, 20 so; Sunday matmeeaand olglit prlcea, 10, 20, 30 and 60 cetitft. Fint Olasa Popular Price and Kepertolre Combinations, write lor date. The houao that Ib popular with ep^op- siuiVI TMEATHE. WIL.!. A. MILLBR, Manager, New Orlean*, Ija. AND JAOtiC. * 0 ME ANY i ANDERSON «a» HOWARD THEATRE, BOSTON, MASS., WEEK SEPT. 11, IN THEIR ORIGINAL COPYRIGHTED ACT, p. 8.—MaglnU and cnancy send regards to all friends. WANTED AT ALL TIME*, Sister Acts, Sketch Teams. Single Ladies and Comedians, Musical Acts, Single and Double. NO ACT TOO aOOD FOR THIS HOUSE. Address JBHMLIKG'S MUSIC HALL, Baltimore, Md. ALF. GRANT, TWENTY MINUTES IN ONE. A NEW IDEA. PROOTOR'S 23d ST. Aug. 28, MEW ARK, Sept 4; ALBASY, Sept. 11; 68th ST., Sept. 18. Morsan Bros/ Comedians W 0Vfonef.IrmlLehi;a,wrl» ^ "^MAHAQBB MOROAS BROS.'OOMEDlAJiS, , Savanaa, III. V, ^IZTS J. OwlM to dleaDDolntment, AM AT LIBERTY for Season 1906-«. for CHARACTERS OR LI cmivY. ..ReS?rsiSo"t{ne Piece Show" only. Yes I I do a HEAL 12mm. Singing Tam^^ Dancing Act In One. Wire or write. No. 3 FROTHISOIIAM AV E., Jeannelto, 1 CIRCnS PERFORMERS and MUSICIANS WANTED For RENO & ALVORD'S WINTER SHOWS. i^,ea'?dS?fc'?s>rra^o?«'r» "iSSaryrun^yK^^^^^ Pa^Jn'sJe^tlSroVTR^oad'^. Husf he a Oood car .pd Cn-P^-C-'Vrifa'Lt'iriSnn^o... NEW ORPHEOH THEATRE, DAVEIPOBT. IOWA. FINEST UP-TO-DATE BURLESQIJE HOUSE IN THE WEST. >A^A N TED, CBORU8 GIIII.8, SINGLE AVOJHBN »nd _ gISTER TEAMS; Alao Al PHODUCBIl. ao week* saaranteed, and Mg ••Urles to right people. 050AR WAI»IHAgl-, IN/lanagcr. lANAOl MOTH and HIGH CLASS ENrKaTAINEIlS (Three Acts Combined). The Marvetaof Modern Acrobatic C/cllug. Barrel Jumping and AU^ Open for Dates or First CT;gS?I'°!^nK''sTRl.!ET?BkoCKTOy, MAB3.. or AL. MAYER. AOEST. V FM8 ai!«:k: B>. LON^G CO. VematUe Heavy Man for Repertoire. Must he tan and t." wardrobe and .hl£ f'-o Hsn who «.h^o STR^^^^ JJ^ JJ-J Reeponslble Parts. A man who can manoge the stage »"*|,ft'j[jiK g. long, salary. Tell aU and send photo. Bloom lngton, Wis.. Sept. 111»; Elkhorp, \»I9.. Sept. 18-23. fflMTen "1ST 0"88 VAUDErilAE ACTSofaimndBtJ"^'^^^ nMlBU,Toauohact«wec»nofferlowwconsecuuvew^^^^ KlchmoDd. ind. G08 StJN. OrphoBm Theatre Sprlpgfleia 0^, for Sprlngnei^ u^^ Acts going East write JOHS rf. AfiMOI^a, 0[T»t«l Theatre, Harion, in°- ^^ .n 10 »nd KoKomo, Ind. Transporuuon from point 10 P"'"'ri.iT. <"?vtral M cent theatres, glTlng three or more performances dally. otJt 1 "*»> __^ ^^mm; COOD OPEN TII«E^«SS3sS»tS-'^SS OPERA CHAIRS. We mannfaotnre a com- plete line ol chairs, from one with a plain reneer seat and back to thoae wim castings and DphoK Bterlsg material dealgned etpeclaUy for the theatre In which they are to t>e placed. If yon want the beet, II will pay yon to see onr line before yon buy. IMERICAN SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. CHICAGO, 04 MrBhmsta At*. HEW YORK. 19 W. 18th Btreat. BHOKEMUS LEO mPBOVBB PATEKTEl). PorMen with bowed, crooked or hoUow legs. Make pants hang per- fectlyslralght,nomstt«rhow bowed or crooked the legs. Made of alunil- nam; Invisible: nolnconTenlonce; yon never know joa have them on; easily adjuated with ordinary gar- ter. By mall postpaid, $1 per pair. Write today for FKEK Booklet. 8. F. RHOREMUS &CO . Bax E, Sprlngfleld, Ohio. lETTER ! LITHOGRAPH* AEOUT HALF THE PRICE MtW LITHO-TINT PAPER SEND FOR.C»T«1.0aut Morrison Show Print t,.,-,,* CALL HoMAHOH'S ramoai Theatrical RESTAURANT ftTa SIXTH Ava.. Bet. 18th and 9Stbat, HBW YORK OPTT. BeatofFood,Perte«ttr Oeoked, DeUoloDaly Berrad. Prloei na- sooabla. BpaidaiDla- Ing Boom for LeOM. FU8HLIKETNE«iRUIHI Day or algkl. Solid gold mounting. Yon «an own m [diamond eqaal In brUlUnoj (o any genalna atone at oae thirtieth the cost. BABODA DIAMONDS iund aold teat >nd expert •xamlaatlou. We Btarantee them, see them drat and Uiea pay. Write for oatalogne. Agents wanted. THE BAHODA COMPAHT, Dept. 4, 03-Tl W»b«ah Av»., Chicago, 111 BTALLJIAN'B DHEB8BH TRVNK. Easy to get at everything with- out dlBtnrblng anything. No fatigue In packing and unpack- ing. Light, strong, roomy drawers. Holds as much and costs no more than a good box trunk. Band riveted; strongcet trunk made. In small room serves as chiffonier. 0.0. D. wlih privilege of ex- amination. 2c. stamp for cata- log^ F. A. STALLMAN, 8t w. Spring St., Colnmbas, 0. AGENTS AND STREETMEN "P" PUZZLE I MT OUT A HOT SEI.I.ER. Send 12c. for Sample. li. L. yOUNO & CO., 030 Washington St.,Uostoii,Mai8. PATENTEES AND SOLK MANDKACTCKERS. .ATtNTIO. BAR6UN8 MAKEK OF BTHREOPTICOB, RHK08TATB AND ARO LAMPS. OlrcnUra cbeerfnly furnished. L. HBTZ, aoa B. Had aireet, R. T. C. M CHICAGO PL^AY TACTORY WSIIIIWIO OPDCR -■■• AJH.'PAF<T5 IU' I AD!*!'.: lkAMC'15 TUCKtR '^L'^r^'j^rMf^. UNIFORMS Bands, Military, Minstrel Parade Oat- flts, I'Hhcrs and all oihen. Send fur Catalog, mention kind wanted. Special Attention Olvcn the Profession, west- ern Uniform Co., MO Ulark St., Ohlcag*. M. 8TRA88MAN. ATTOKXEV, 853 Droailway, New York City. i Riverside Park, THE CONBV ISLAND OF MONTREAL. CAN. LRVIB TRBMBLAY, Bole Prop. .... al. H. RKAD, MRr. TO BE THB UBOBST ARO FHfEST AKUBEIBHT PARS OT OAHADA. WILL OPEN IN MAT. 1906. HOW PI.AYINa TO 46,000 PAIS ADMISSIONS WEEKI.T. OpcntoA-Nambcr-lOONOBBSlONAIRBS; also booting VAUDEVILLE ACTS, TIIR IIR8T. Write Immediately to AL. B. HEAD, Riverside Park, Uontrcal. THE (IREiT AND OlY COLOIKEL fliSTON BORDETERRY. TnE INVENTOR AND ORIGINATOR OK PLAYING THE PIANO WITH REAL WIN0IIE8TE11 RBPKAT- IN(I RIFLES, the drst man who had that IngenlouH liloa, no ohaiico for liiiluitorfi, kiiccohs cannot be copied, not saccesstully. Every man will bo » failure In proportion un he geut away from himself, and H man who originates Bonieihlng (not » copy ofmimeoiio eluo) ijulokly gota recognition. "Imlta' tors are like buow flakes on itie river, a moment wlillo, tlion uono forever."- DUIlNS. imltatnra mliht come, ImllRtora may go, but COLON DL OASTON IIORIIEVKIIIIV QOKH ON FOltEVHR. There Is only one llordeverry, creating a big Konsation, now on tho (Irplieum circuit. No act In thn world has created a greater sensation, or caused sueliuDhounited ontliuslaHiii. Absolalely the grentont DRAW In th* world. People tarn out at every porformanru. OnniiiiunlcatlnuB OllAS. IIOltNllAUIT, liUBlMOss iriiuiiiger, or csro of CMPPER. THB ORIGINAL FEFtnr COniEDY foxtr Emperors of Mirth, Melody and Song. Lew llearn, IsC tenor; Dick Morse, Pint Haas; Hid Fern 3d tenor; James Mullen, Second Baas; all plHy parts, 23 minutes of nnntlriuouH rours nf luiighler. Address SID FERN, as per route, or WILLIAM MORRIS, No. tl W. asth HI., N, Y. Olty. Coast Axnusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Owning and operating to First Glass Vaadevllle Theatres East, Northwest and West. ■%TKir A. "!WT^"13^"rfc at all times, FIRST CLASS ACTS OP ALL KINDS ^tW ^:9k.J^i- M. JCwM-W^ that can deliver the goods. SOLE IIOOKINO AGENTS: AL. ONKEN. 131 W. 42d St., New York Clly; OIIAH. WRAT. ns Dennv Bldg., SealUe, WsHh.iSTKRNAD A UROWN, eiH. Ulark St., OhlcHgo; AROUIK LEYY, lUBddySt., BaDFraDOlsoQ.Cal. HEBBMANN THE SECOND, eUS LEWARD, <he Han wllh the Medals. TUB ODD MAGICAL BIirsiCIAN. AN ORIOIHATOR-«OT AN IMITATOR. Inlrodiielng an act (hat can follow any act on any blU and make any audience Inugti lor fourteen nilnntes iBll In one). The man tliot made Archie Levy writs to tho undorlaKem. Week of Bopt is Olympic Theatre, Olilcago; Columbia, Ht. Louis; Oct. 2, llaynairket; Oct, u, llhlcago (litera UouHO. For open time and route see J. J. MIiIlDUCK, *«t, AHlilaijii lllocli, (Jhlongo, III. THE DI! LACEYS, 8INUEIIH ANU DANOBIIB. ' 16 Minutes In One. Seasons 1906 and 1006. Would conilderoirors from good road sliuwH.ror Parts and Hnoclaltlos. IIUHpoiislblemanuirorsonly Week Sept. 10, Ddniar CInrdens, Oklahoma Ulty, Oklalionm. I'ernianeiitadarcHs, N. Y. ULIPPKR. ]Nra:>xs]3 GOOD REPERTOIRE PEOPLE <"» MUSICIANS For B. and 0. Thoao who can do Special tics or doiihio Hand or Hinge preferred. Btendy work, sure salary, good treatment to reliable pcoolo. Car Hliow. Nn bon/.c, cliaslng or ilogK, HILLY UKNNKTT'N IIIO HIIUW, Milaos, Minn. REFINED COMEDY SKETCH FUR K PEOPLE, LADY AND OENTLBMAN. JOSEPH KING Ad. (letter only) Care of J. D. IIAUTON A CO., AOlTImn* llldg., N. Y.CIty. WANTED, FOR MIUER'S MINSTRELS (ALL WHITE). nood Minstrel People, Specialty and VnudcTllle Acts, Novelty Turn», Bister Tenm, HIngers, Dancers and C'omedlens, Iland and Orchestra I'cople, or Hand and Orchestra of eight moutii pieces; Leader who cna furnlth and arranxo music. C'nn useunod Agent. Versatile People, write. Unless you are sober, reliable oud compclcnt, don't wrile. Hlnto all you do and lowest salary. Show opens here Oct. 1. «. W. MlLLKIt, Sweet Springs, Mo, VACII :viA.i. I»0 DEAHBOHN RTHUKT. Chicago, HI. OI*y, GUVERNATOR'S THEATRE, ^4'.w*j:,f: 11. J. LARKIN, Hole Prop.; MM FERN, Bos. Mgr. WANTED, st All Times, BIO PKATUBE ACTS. Ho aol (00 Urge for thU heusa. Bid FEKN, naasRer. Ian for Oeo. Bu. who owni picture mBcblno; afio PlBDiit and other naofol People. COKINNE RUNKKL CO., Qoldaboro, N. C, tl| HufTolk, Va., IH.