The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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774 THE ]SrEW YORK CLIPPER. September 23. morid of ?mzt%. Nona FBOM tub dot KlBBOtl- Co.—BUBl- ne"i bM been eicellent nine's our op«n»°« «" M«rlboro, Mass., tear itetlutgo. Oar taM- neu In Lynn was a pleaiant •urprlae, aa w« Sujea to far better CubIdmb than ione com- panlea played to during a regular Winter aeaaon. Al HaverUm It wa. tEe aame, and our opening at LewHton, on I^bo'D»yi *"' be aomethlng to be remembered. The honoe wa» completely packed, with huodreda aund- Ing and hundreds were turned away at tne matinee. The evening house was a repetltloa of he afternoon. The outlook seems unusu- ally bright for record LubIdcbb. Our com- pany is the strongest we have ever had, and all our speclnltleB are feature acts. The ro» ?»r Is as follows: J. C. Welsh, manager, m. 011dc™Snce representatlvo; Cll«ord Smith, M. 8. Ooldalne, li. K. V'ckery, J. II. KUId, Edward Barton, Jack Warburton, Hugh Connoly, Ocorge Ilalston, the Cycling^ Zena- rosT Ilobbetta.'kpp" and '.<'"""Vu?'«'h^,'"- Chester, Pearl \<'ool8on, Uessle F eld, Helen Olrard and Dot Karroil.^Our plays The Counterfellcm," "Yankee Bea.," ,, A Nljht la Chinatown," "The Moonshiners," He,"',fi Virginia^ "Moths." "Katal Likeness,' "Titled Outcasf' and "Daughter of lajmael." Man- ager Welsh has recently secured the Great itobetta for a term of three years, and will raako a special feature of bis work. We are iTooked solid until Spring, having on our route several of the larger cities In which we have "°iiK"KBOM TU. Wn.0HT8.-W. closed on? nrat sea.on, the middle of June In Del- phos, Kan. (this being a return date), to big Cuslness. Opened JuPy 17, lu Jafltso^V Neb., and have done a big business "loce;.""V™/ exception of four days that we were In Oak- land; Neb., where thej all aald that we had a good show. Saturday closed our engage- ment of eight nlghte there, and to eicel- °Dt bSilnels, and" It^ l» «a«Ji that we have tJie best show thnt hag been In town sine* the old days when John Dillon made a 1 thla territory. Wo hove a few more weeks In Ne- braaka, and then we will get down Into our old territory In Kansas, where we made aucli an excellent ehowlng last season. AjTion A ri,BA8ANT uNo^on,"""! with the Mabel Paige Co., at Jacksonville, Kla,, Kath- m Van Esse Joined the Van Dyke * Eaton 0)^at Qulncy, 111., Aug. 21. liAnni Levy, agent and m«°»fe'-,ha" 80iie (o Denver to become associated with Loula Hallett'a Theitrlcal Exchange, which Is ea- taMlablog the Western boo""8,P'«»''!,''J'^^^ will embrace theatres In territory West of KsAsas City. Mr. Hallett haasuriclently re- covered his health to return Haet, and will establish branch offices In other cities. Will 8. Hibino has been engaged by A. H. Woods, for the Elfle Fay Co. lie will play a character part and act as stage manager. Notes kbom "A Jolli Amb«ican Pbamp" Co.—We are In our sixth week, and every- thing Is going along nicely. At Brantford, Can." we alrcngthcncd the cast by making four changes. The new cicmhers are Wm. Bee, Cora Bee Jefferson, W. 8. Kly and Bertlne Knrnworth. Ruslneaa Is excellent At Ni- agara Palls, Aug. 20, the 8. lU O. wni out for matinee and niglit. H. W. Yoii.NtfB niJOU COMBDT Co. IB play- ing Bcvcral fair dates, with a result that re- turn dates ore secured for next year. NoTFB fhoji tub No. 1 Woodwabd Stock Co.—This attraction opened Us eeason at the Auditorium, In Kansas City, Aug. 13, with "The Qlrl I Lett Behind Me." The play nnd plovers hnvo made a big Impression on tJic public. We open the Now Hurwood The- ntro. In Omaha, Sept. 10. Ilostor of company: O D. Woodward, Albert Morrison, Harry B. McKcc, Cecil Owen, Harry Long, James Krod- rlck l<'ulton, llobcrt Barrltt. J. L. Todd, Grant HlmpHon, Prank Mcyera, J. Btownrt, Will am Howe, Btcvcn Manly, Kva I.nng, Mary Hill, Florence Gerald, Alma Ituthiirford, Dolly Davis and Mascot llaby Jack McKce. Jack I'iiblan has closed with "The Belle of Hoston" Co., after a ten weeks' Summer cngagemont over the Oormuu park circuit. liiA IliiBU., leading womnn with the Cur- tis MualenI Comedy Co., at the Curtla Ihe- atro, Denver, during the past Summer, haa been rc-engnged with the aame company for . thla scoaon. . , , ■ „_ ,. Pmnv Hutlkdou lilts signed with "Day'd Ilarum." Hunporting Wm, II. Turner. Thla Is Mr. llutlodgo'B third leoaon with Mr. Cnhn. Wii.i. II. KiKi.nB wrltcn: "I am In my sixth week, playing the principal comedy part, that of Holly Cohon, In 'Why Women Sin.' This Is my Hecond scnson In the company. Grace Towner, of the Towner Sisters, Is playing the lugcnui) pnrt." Maiitin IIowciir, comedian and stage man- ager of Jas. T. McAlplu'8 "Hans Hanson" Co Is In his sixth week with the company. He writes that bn»lnC8B Is good and the show aud band Is making a hit. Thoy are booked clear to the coast. Everybody Is well and enjoying food health. OwKN Davis' dramatization of Cyrus Town- aend llrady's famous "A Corner In Coffee," nnd KobcrlBon's old atnndnrd classic, "David Onrrlek," comprise Tlni Murphy's repertory for the present season. Mr. Murphy has a line compiiny, Including Dorothy Shcrrod. Kncb piece has been artlstlcnlly mounted and' einbornlciv coRtutned. K. C. wnoiinui'K has been engaged by John Connors to iilny the leads In uU production of "A llurglnr's Sweetheart.!' Noras Kuosi "Why Women Sin," under the direction ut Jus. II. Urowne and Jack F. White.—'I'lio season opened at Wnukegon, III., Aug. a, nnd business has been far better than expected during the hot weather. "Why Women Sin" la hooked solid to the coast and hack. Hosier ; Jack P. White, manager; Horry Morrison, buslucos mnungcr: 1*. P. Parks, stage inuniicer; W. H. Mocl'hcrson, master inechnulc; ucrt Wheeler, prpcrty man; Uer- nlce Howard, Plora wctitworth, Grace Towner, Mildred Iloyd, Utile Margie, Alns- worlh Arnold, Harold Kelley, W. 0. Sals- burr, Ulck licnd and Geo. Sneura Notks kbom Al. W. Mabtin's "Uncli ToM'B Cabin." —'l"hc comnany has been pleas- ing the crowds Id all tue cities vlRlted,- In many aud new ways. The concert bnnd, un- der the direction of Woody Voo Anda, holds the people In noonday concert, ond proves a great drawing card. The now scenery pro- vided for thla season la strikingly correct and handsome. The novel light effectB are of moving Ice, ongcla Hying abuut through Occcy clouds, snow Ktorms aud other effects. The uiHt Is a Btrong one, nnd each performer has been engaged for bis ability. The press of Columbus, uaytoD nnd all the cities visited are unanimous In acclaiming this scason'B production as the best yet seen. Prank I.eo, Woody Van, Pmnk Adnnis, the Doblman Children, W. V. Gallagher, P. W. De Brune are among the members of tlio company. iticiiARn Manhkihld'b Coui'ANY Will In- clude ; Puller Mellish, Clarence Hnndysldcs, Sheridan Ukiok, Prnnklyu llurleigh and Wln- throp Clmiiilerlaln, Prederlck Ijine, Walter Howe, Sydney Mnlher, W. H. Gllmore nnd Leonard Shepbnrd. Among the principal actors of Mr. .MansAeld'a support, who have been with him for years, and remain, are: A. (1. Andrews, Lcsllo Kenyon, Urnest Wnrde, Chorlea Quhm, Prank Maples, Thomas Mills, J. A. Hnfey, Klennnr Horry. Irono Prohar, Vivian Bernard and Miirgoret Kllroy and Plor- encD Itockwell. Norn Dunblnne, Plorcnro Bradley, Adelaide Nowak and mizobeth Lea arc players who have been engaged. With the addition of actors for the utility and walk- ing parts, singers, muslclana, stage manaKcrs nnd their heads of deuartnients, Mr. Mnns- llcld's company numheri, it is said, one hun- dred and seventeen penle, "TiiK CuoBsiNo" win be produced In Cleve- land Oct. i. The dramattiatlon la by Loula ISvan Sbtpman. Norxs moM Tn« "HcFaddbn'b Fi,at8" Co. —This attraction Inaugurated Its tenth sea- son at Pateraon, N. J., on Sept. 7. A large audience welcomed the ladlcroas comedy. The scenery Is new. as well as tbe eostnmes, and the comedy Is Improved greatly. In fact, the "Flats" Is again the show It waa when It was In Its halcyon days. Billy Barry makes a good Tim McPaddea. His brogue Ib rtrj broad, he sings In a popular fashion, and nothing more can be desired from bis work. Clark Oandy, as Baungartner, causes plenty of laughter; Qussle Nelson, as Mary Ellen, la a clever contributor of songa and dances; Terrcnce McSwatt bai a good deal to do, and Carl Anderson, who assumes that role, pro- vokes much laughter, and Joe Deming, as tbe policeman. Is all that could be desired. Mary Baker's beauty and personal magnetism fit her for on Ideal portrayal of Oeraidlne Mur- phy, and her delineation of the character Is marked by orlglaallty and artistic concep- tion. The most of the real fun Is brought out by the Speck Brothers, as Alex and George, "The Yellow Kids," who are Indeed funny, their very appearance forcing laughs. The "Flats" Is made more striking by the group of ladles that appears with the farce. They have proved tbemselvea good singers and dancers, while their drills and marches are of the highest order. The piece was pro- duced under the direction of W. L. Heckert, while the ensembles were arranged by U. T. McConnell. The company Is under tbe man- agement of Thomas It, Henry. Manaobb W. B. Milleb writes; "Last week was the closing week of tbe Excelsior Carnival Co., and It has been a prosperous season with UB, the management harfng booked return dates for next season all along the line. I am now organizing tbe Kxcelslor Stock Co., which takes tbe road earljr in December, and which win tour New England and the Cana- das, The Bccnery and paper for this show are now well under way, and good time has been secured." Lauba a. McnpHT made her professional debut as Mrs. Muldoon, In Joseph J. Plynn's "Muldoon's Picnic" Co., at Westwood Park, week of Aug. 28, and played the part very lucceesfully. May Walsh has been transferred from tbe Oabrlel "Buster Brown" Co., to the "Semi- nary Girl" Co., to play the title role. She opened at Richmond, Vs., Aug. 31, and scored a success. Albxbt Fabsl, advance for the De Pew- Ourdette Stock Co., writes: "We have been out since Aug. T, and have thus far estab- lished three new house opening records, and also total receipts for tbe same number of weeks. This company la a prime favorite In the South. We are now nearer the yellow fever district than we wish, but do not anti- cipate any serious trouble from that source. At Bomerset, Ky., we were obliged to secure health certlflcates to enable us to enter Chat- tanooga. There are few shows down In these ?artB (Georgia), nearly all evidently pre- erring to ploy In the North, or else not opening until lute." A NOTB from Manchester, N. H., states that Tom Waters, In "Neighborly Neighbors," opened on I.abor Day, at the Park Theatre, that city, and In a terrific rain storm, smashed the house record. TiiiiEK Bi-ECIAL COMPANIEB and four re- pertory organizations are producing Charles lllce'B "The Sign of tbe Pour this Beoaon. Mr. Rice has also written a new Sherlock Holmes play, "A Study In Scarlet," for Walter Hd- wards, to bo produced this season. T. 11, WInnctt leprcsenta the plays of Mr. Rice. PsnciTA Weht, formerly Robert li^dcson's leading lady, has announced her permanent retirement rroin the stage, to become the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James De Wolf, said to be wealthy New Yorkers. KoHTEU ov Stetson's (Western) "U. T. C' Co.—Wai. Kibble, manager; M. P. Luce, gen- eral agent; Morris Plelu, programmer; J. D. Barnes, Joseph Barnum, Taylor Davidson, J. H. Henry, Chna. Vinton, John Henry, Del Vcchoe. John Sterling I'hllllpH, Prank Iloycr, Pred Sfhulch, H. S. Wlllnrd, Wm. Smith, Mrs. Mnmlo Kibble, Mrs. Alice Zlllman, Fay Klllman, Baby Hose, Qua Collins, Geo. Mas- ney, James IloloDil, Tom Bryant, Coffee CroBby, Kdwnrd Betters, Sam Zucaa, Amanda Cnssel, Myrtle Dcmus, Mnble Green, Mattle Owens, UerUm Houts, Amanda Wallace, Ida Anderson, Jennie Smith, Kay Miller and Geo. Uarlow. IlAiiur liA Mack writes: "We are turning people away every night In Texas and Okla- homa with the II. H. Praxce 'Uncle Josh Purklna' Co. Managers of theatres are aak" Ing for roturo dates at every stand, ond the company In pleasing the public. Roster: Harry La Mack, manager; Thornton Prell, Made Ultchlo, Annette Humphreys, Irene Marshall, C. P. Arkermon, Fred Austin, C. I(. Moore, Walter Wilson, Wm. McOarry, Wm. Anton, Leopold Mueller Moulen Kamp, U. B. McDnnlels and ICInora McDanlcls." JAMXH A. Callahan, comedian of the "When Women Love" Co., mourns the death of an Infant daughter. CuciL BrooNiiii Is the possessor of an auto- graph of M. WIttc, which she secured while crossing the Atlantic on the same steamer with tue I plenipotentiary, on his way to America. "Aunt" Louisa uiLdridob, celebrated her birthday Sept. 4, and received many letters, telephones and Ilowora: also a basket of fruit, T/hlch she fully enjoyed. i C. B. Radkokd, of "The Banker's Child" Co., was married on Feb. 23, at Torrlngton, Conn., to Justine K. Fontaine, a non-profes- sional. Tub sole agency rights to "Thelmo," the Charles W. Chase dramatisation, has been vested with T. II. Wlnnott, agent. "Tub RMnABSY Ball," by Augustus Thomas, and In which Lawrence D'Orsay will star, un- der the mnnHeement of Daniel Prohman, will Include the following people In tbo cast; Mr. and Mrs. Charlca Walcot, Maude Knowlton, Marian Baruoy, Mary Tunlaon, Stanley Dark, W. H. Hitchcock, Ilenrv Hcnton, K. W. Mot^ riaon, U. Carrlngton. Rdgnr MacQregor. The piny will bo produced out of town next month and come to New York Inter. Anoiigw Mack will reopen his American tour In San Francisco Oct. 24, after his en- gnKOment In Australia, where ho met with pronounced succeas. "The OiNUion Bbkad Man," by A. Baldwin Slonnc and Frederic Dumoulln, will have among Its members: Almyra Forrest, Nellie Lynch, Rmllte LowIm, May WBIard and Hen- rietta Dert, W. H. Mack nnd John Norele. SiQMon Tamaqno, who died recently, left tbe Bum of fl.400,000 to his daughter. Mar- gherlla 'i'nlnmone. Pour bequoats of $2,000 each were left to charitable Institutions In Turin. Fay Tsmi'lutok will begin her tour In Georgo W. Cohan's comedy, "Porty-nve Min- utes from Brondway," at Columbus, 0., Sept. Tub TiiuRH CnNSTANTiNB SisTicns, In their clever dnnolnp gpeclnlty, are one of the fcnt- uros with Billy S. Clltford'a "A Jolly Baron" Co., and their work Is nlso conspicuously bright throughout the various show numbers. Kki.i.aiiu has been engaged to piny Don Camlllo Murlllo. In "The KtcrnnI City,'' which will be managed this seuHon hy (ilnr- euoo Wcia, opening nt Norfolk, Vn., Sept. 18. TiiR pNii.i.owiNa have been engaged for the John Orlmth Co.: .Tohn M. Hlckcv. manager; Thos. Tnylor, treasurer; A. Kenwick Sanders, agent; John DavldBon, electrician. Company; John Orimth, William Lloyd, Claude Soares, William C. Andrews, George C. Quntber, Hd- inond Dcnnc. ChnrloH 8. Leonard. James Hall, W. A. Kdwarde, D. n. Hodges, Frances Meek. Hetcne Wesley, Mabel Standlsh, Phyllis (irinin, Belie Danleld, Natalia Dumns. and twenty extras, for coronation scenes, battle tableaux, etc. Kblm* Rawlbtoh Informs ua that she his met with favor for her performance of Bllia UhodbAOi, In "Tbe Karl and the Ctrl." FaiNCIB Bcnsatlonal play, produced on Aug. with success. He vllle novelty act Dellsle, wblch they XFc---M!! Si±'J^K'^, beiLW. t^oWX^lK-^Mj^- We opened at let," "Othello," "Macbeth,^ J big Duslnesa, BsNNiTT-MouLTON NoT£g.--We openea SI «. , "^"'^^'^ ghakcapearean playo. Man- F«5'P-V. "^;^ .?.t;S.-»='f^r* he"'weT"w.; "I^r B%y%a, booked U tour In the pr.u^ \r>iiTLX'^ir.i;Poo.Tn^^i ^^l,^ riar-;;-Ke™.-Edwin Foo. big season. The roster of the cogW"? 'V D^^e Parmc?, OeorYe Andrrson, Franklin w!..C McKay,jnanajer;_Je^fferson Hallj,Vtai; gj«^«„,P"^<'J(teV Campbell, Gordon Busby. W, C. McKay, manager; Jeae""? »"'{,""; Rpndcnsen Wa ter Campbell, Gordon I well Driscoll, Fred Ollger, Cbas. Lake, Ernest Bendensen, ^vaiier <- ^ ^^ g „„„ Lane, Thomas Masklirs, Gertrude Martland, Art"-' "■ ^"^Vge Gould, Emily Dodds, Ida Parks, Lulu Brent .EBtcllePlunkett, "?!*,,?,?''.wXneMacCullum and Law- Belle Leila special light Is acting man- Nealand as business ro"n,"car.: 8;pt.-r8,"ir-ihe Noveity Theatre, -""o*^'- """' l^'™ " ■"*«« ""•'"'»" "' '°wT«^"i;"o"'i^A,^ri?po';K go with th, 2 cp^,^^'i-,Ve"L.rai.v^iCB^-^ '■•re';; ^crns^^iffo^metl-rwTh"Vr" I't^S'^^"'^'"' ^"''' "" '"' """"^ '" Stock Co., has been engaged by W. C. Ware October. Shaftesbury to p 87 the lead In his new clay. In Old ^- "• ;"„i^. "r'- for a term of years. Vlrglnfa." His wife, Mazle tevereaux. Is Theatre. London. Bng., ror a i«^^^ muflcal director with the company. „f^,"h. S ■kMtre Brook^n, and wlU NoTEB from the Pierce Amusement Co.— °'.tj"',f".tioiJ'^to coSpJy with the de- ^Sl-^a'v'alla^b're. Zroii^col^X r'T4« aS'SSSId^'«e'Vfn\Vrg'ffi "c"o' «r tt^y^'l^nd" Sr*n1ir''^S fslflfr/tLire'mr'^e::^ W jowing* Is the roster of the com;p_anjj^ J.L. ^J^ancc^^on account of the serious lIIneBa of M ^Tut u. one hundred and Hfty Cb_os. ^CowUy. Oi^.^Crow^^^^ Sweeney, K.llth Browning, Ethel Martin, a l: letters. Notes fbom thb Flotd R. Bbioos Co., Torbett ft Wallace, managers.—We closed our Summer season at Grays Lake, III., Aug. IB, and are ahead of the game, thanks to the Addle St. Alva, Helen Florida, Brown S's- ters, A. H. Woods, owner; John T. Pearsal, iranager; Geo A. Florida, buslneas mnna Frank Florida, advertising agent Oal sVaVof wTscSnsTn.- We" hTve nine weeks of f,'r: ^.'JiJ^nte"Jack Smith pWerty man! fair dates, three of which we have already »n". 'gt-JSrn elMtr'''"" Bea»on 1b booked played to record breaking business. If this Jp«° »„,Vor'tv two weeks " Lslness keepa up we will break all the '^ W Wiluamb a" o wifb (Hilda Haw- records of this company for our fair dates. ,t,„ • „;-„„«„iJ. Snmrdav nlaht. Sent. 9. at We have a much better company this seaaon ^*i7fc",tin "^N? Y., with YllMo? 4 PlSbn'B re than ever before, and are playing all royalty iiV., „roductlon of "The Black Crook." bills, with Bpeclal scenery for every act. »™ report (Ine ?GcceM In their novelty Thanks to Tub Old Keliadle, we received J^nY^S^t „ct! which was Introduced In over two hundred offers from our last "ad.' ,he IhlVi net of the play. MIbs Hawthorne Chab. Bailey, who has been playing Bruno 1?,„ „'Ir with favor In the role of Amino. Severn, In Stuttz's "Was She to Bjame?" Co., ""m^^^r.'cr CostbIlo reports having closed for two seasons, haa Joined the Bteclsmlths, for character heavlea. John F. Phrnlock has signed for the Juve- nile role with Broadhurst & Currle's "Itu- a very successful season as leading man of the iflaker Stock Co., at Wlldwood, N. J., on Sept. 0. Spknceu Wai.k«r opened the season Aug. ,, . . J J . 3. at Park'Theatre, Indianapolis. This com- !'*"• "";J".^'"a.,"""5^S« '^?,f fSJ^'A^,.^ Pan.v will go East, playing only the beat dolph and Adolph" Co. CHA8. HlJKUNKK, Blns-^s ""o — nnnv will median, opened Aug. 26 with the "Little Pouses Johnny Joucs" No. 2 Co at Norwich, Conn., colson & Nidlo'S production of "Rip Van and rcporlB meeting with the best of succeas. winkle" will open Sent. 25, playing all tha UoHTKB or TUB Reutuudb Ewinq Co.— yf^^i„a cltlcs. They CBTry a bond and or- cbcstra, with all special scenery and ele'.- trlcal effects. The company will number twenty _ people, vvlth a number of leadiug Dixon's "The Second Hand Man" Co.: Charles L. Beck, «t . « .. ..I,., r^ ■ »• • . ■ I Leo P llorrlaon. Artie Beck, Mae Horrlaon, Chcatcrfleld, Millie Des Monda, rene Joues, joh„ k. Lercb. f-'rank H. Shiw. Geo. 11. l)u: Mrs. J. C. Ewing and Gertrude Ewlng. ciianiin, JoBcph La Croix, the Faust Sisters, Notes kboai Milton & Sauobnt Abobn. — nmu™,,, »uoi.i/i. ...» v. _ _, Grace Orr Myers, a new and promising star In the musical field opened her sea- son, under the direction of the Messrs. Abom, In "The Fortune Teller," at Wilming- ton, Del., Monday night, Sept. 4. It Is said that Mlts Myera Is admlrahly suited to the DeVThlcrBV-os., VroprleVo'rs'l'wtT'b'erthlcic, lole formerly aung by Alee Nellsen. Others manager; W; M. fterthick, business mann favorably mentioned In the cast with Miss ger; *Art. B. Witting, Guy Oliver, M. C. Myers are: Hugh Cameron, Jamca McElbern fic„de, Elmer Barker, John J. O'Brien, John Rohteb or TUB GEitTuuua Ewino Co. Ewlng and Ewlng, proprietors; Wm. N Smith, buslnesa mnnagcr; C. A. Clarke, ad vauce agent; Tedd Brcckett, atage director M. A. Smith, musical director; membera of ;",''nr/i„''Tl.''A"'J.«ii'f' fiiirc^v^'t^o'iviir^^ii.'^N.^SiX'M.- a: ''Hi-Vors;j«AM.K * Smith, Drew Simmons, C. A_. Clarke, Hazel . Joueph Season Bros., Felix and Barry, and a chorun of twenty pretty nnd shapely girls. Oert- nido Do veie, who was with the show lust. BcaHon, has signed with Moras' "Red Haven Cadets," now rehearsing at Detroit, Mich. IlosTRit or "Tub I'l-mkin Huskeu" Co. " and Herman Hlrschberg, In the trio of comedy characters: Qruf ton Baker, In the tenor role; P. Sutbrrlund, CThus. Bell, Harry Stuhe. J. F. Garu, W. T. Moore, Arthur Robinson, ?™''7 '"'."'■''I'A ">» the basso; Irene Langtord,, Mattle Davis,'Mrs..Sydney Smith, Janet Oilf- lyy Davis, Edna Reming, Jamea Peeney. and nth.-. Wi. opened to 8. 11. O. at Madlsou, others, surrounded by a large and efficient chorus. In aending Mies Myers on tour In Wis., Aug. lU. John a. Schwbnck, author, manager and the stellar role of Smith and Herbert'a ex- leading character i man with "Tlic Village ccllent work, the Aborna have made every Mali Carrier" Co., which successfully toured •^^Z IL " "',,'', "' * **°* 1' Vi" '''''',' "'""''^"l the Soulh last seaeon, has signed with Oar- offerlngs of the seaaon, In the aclecilon of innd Gadcn, In "Wife In Name Only" Co., the raat and big singing contingent, and In aIiIcIi _. . _ . the staging of the opera HnNBV ig ol W. Savaob has selected another 1 opena Its season on Thursday. Sopt 14, at Plymouth, Pa. MUTBB rUOU TUB SAif A. DU VllABS BlQ title for the John KendrIck Banna-Manuel national Stock Co.— Wo opened our sea- ...J a n^'K*'"/ P" 1?'? ",?'■'{ y'" '"' .«""«•' Kon Aug. 24. Business has been very good, hit??' ll?""2''.V 4* .?*'' been Belected,- and the company la larger nnd better th.^n but It was found that the name had been ever. We are booked to April, l»O0, nn-l previously copyrighted. :Donald, .T ,'° the cast will he: Lave tho very best Southwestern time. Two Helen Marvin, Helep feature vaudeville acta are carried. A full Kct of scenery Is also carried for our fentui-i! bills, Monday and Friday evenings. Hllllaril Christie Mc^„„„.„, „..„„ «,.„.,.„, ncreu Hale, Clayton White, Reuben Pax and Ed- word Martladell WJLLIAM E. BONNBY, who has played i; R. G. Craerln, manager; Harry Child, Bruno Ilocco, In "The Eternal City," the stage manager; N. C. Haynes, advance; Al- nnat, three sengons, baa been engaged by berta Keene, Bessie Toner, Ethel Von Osthoff, Clarence Wcis to bo feoturcd 08 David ItoBBi, May Iladcliffe, Mildred Johnson, Caroline In the same production, this seaaon. Mr. Eckert, Catherine Neats, Gertrude Folsom, """""" °''"' °*"~°- "■ '• - -■•*-'• Wllda Stockwell, Prank W. Smith, Ed. h\ Nanuery, Henry E. Uambro, Thoa. O'ConncIl, Jas. Ayres, C. Stuart Johnson, J. J. BIwyn, P. J. Ford, Wm. Humes, Jas. Smith and Chas. Stuart. Season opened at Stanford, Conn., Sent. 14. Tub Fountain Co. (Central), under the Bonney stagea the production, wblch opened Sept. 10. Notes fbom thb B. O. Roobrs Stock Co. —We are In our sixth week and doing a fine bualnCBS, the S. R. O. sign being constantly displayed. We carry flftcen people and a special car load of scenery. Our repertory Includes: "The Octoroon/' "Match for - St Lynnc," "The "TlS Man FJSm'bann^mJra*' -'"-.^-'^Ji- E"!'■'° reP^'telVblBibuBlneBs,. Uoster: WEn: Freedom," '"" ... Ki„S.. .V„.% r„„„„" u^-h ,, ''",,"" S management of Knhn !c Echols, opened Its ••ifi^'v.r, wLi,^?"°*It a^^2 ,¥'"?''^L''''^1' '■<>'"' season ■*"(?• 7, at Colorado Springs, IllD Van Winkle. "Lady Audley's Secret," col., to reported big business. Uoster: Wm n^S^ nJ A^T,!;?.'wn-.^°.'''™m J^^lio's- *■■ J- Kahn, Herbert Thayer, Monroe H ii«,,i.. ^?,-"'i,°'^ ,u ''?" ?'"' ^''^- ^"' Ilopklna. Sam T. Reed, Chrlss Moran, Lo Roy rtn™ nT1;,.n."J„ Vn^' i?fi„i"?l°'°* manager, l,a,'uborne, Marie Van Etten, Laura Heimlich, „n?i., M» ?li7° V n' I?* *''° fi™"' f;°^^ Mnymo Moran and Myrtle Reed. After a two under his feet. E. O. Rogers, the author, weeks'return engagement at ColorndoSnrlnKS manager and leading man, Fa recelvlnr much he show plays tKXhtatandseicI^^^^^ praise for hia clever acting. Hlldur (Jstman, through the mddle Wcat. Good ttoe haa ?"'■. ""'JIB ^"'"'(.i' ""." ,'°/."?f,J'.l'?»"i?' heen. Loked, «"d a pJisperous seasin Is an- In the strong lino of leads allotted lier. ticlnated Miss Ostmon's versatility has quickly brought Sklma' Ukiisiav will ahnrtlv ho awn in her an enviable position and reputation In Cleveland 0 1 fa ?ew nlav bv Theo Kre the field of drama. Her wardrobe Is one of mer: entitled""'Tb? KllnanSfnir of « oi.PPn • ^SS'fi re''lornV"ta»u]'p«airerot KhJ^^'li H^ S^^^ ;nj?^i.^udKcsT'^Ue"thT^mi?e'Ve''.Sb^?ri? ^v ^ St^BS'SHjS ^^uty^vkXi^^z ^^ooi'X?.^^?:^i 5r''opporit.?rforrpi^'rnrhVYbT Jack Burling, and others, are making good. ''The TnonnADOiin Fnnn" (Nn» «•!»»« ^tnge The engagement opens lu Pittsburg. A^^. 2L''%hf;'hTvel'new act';"ilfch''they W. B. P.vrroK. "The Peculiar Comedian." Tn"Jr?XV^o7^^'^^'^r"'''''''°''-''"'- opened his season nt Jollot, HI., Aug. 27, In Notes fbom Euobmb Kbick's "Montb The Lost Rose of Summer," to a large audi- Cbibto" Co.— This Is our second week to enre. A complete new production, with fair biialnesa. Have Just received a new' set fccencry and electrical effects are uaed, and of sceuery for the lost act, the Porcat of the company Includea: Macauley & Patton, Pontalnbleau. We now carry all sneclnl proprietors; Lou Stteetor, stage manager; scenery for each nnd every act and do not J. H. Cohee. stage carpenter; R. K. Worth, use one yard of house stuff. The comnniiv props; brank O. Ireson. I. B. Roseman, Geo. numbers twelve people, and we will tour Ar- B. Cole, W. B. Patton, J. M. Stout, manager; knnsas. Kansas, Colorado, Wyomlne Oreirnn Krt. Barrou, a^ent; Joe Craig, electrlcFan; Washington, Idnho and Montana clMlng Ida Florence Campbell, iKlulse Foster Stout, SIny 12, next, at Denver, Cot "■■"»'ng Leonell Harrold nnd Gladiator. Waltkb Ghbknwood, who for manv vpn™ Clydb RiJSBEU. UNDtawooD, Infant son of has been a public singer. Is to apDear npil Chas. and Belle Underwood (Belle Uennettl, season In one of H. W. Savnire's onpni of the Clamaa Stock Co., died Aug. IS. The panlea. He Ib studying at present at baby waa bom July 23. Whitney Opera Bchool Tooth Powder No acid—no grit-no waste—no spilling—no scratched enamel—no tarnished gold work. A REWARD Fine, ■troni, healthr teeth and gums KDd a pure breath ar* tha reward of ftosodonl. THREE FORMS LIQtnD, POWDER AND PASTE com- the 'o unpacking whco yousrrlvc;no pick- ing upwhen yon leave, lour clothes hang up Jualaa theydolnyoar wardrobe ut home; your linen I'cs neatly In <lr»wer«;)oiir liata golutbehnt cniiiiHrt- mcnt. No uiaHur lioir iiiiiny or how few gar- Bciitn jou have, ad- uHtuble Blldea keep .hcni free from wrinkles. THoABC M^ardrobe Ti-urilc Is thoono perfect trunk forboth men nod wo- men. Kveryartlolo In Itla Inttsutly accenslblc. No trajB to llft-drawors for evorythlng-lasla ft lifetime. PIUOE jad.oo AND UrWAKUS. H'r/fp/or «'«• iUnntrnli'd book, "Tips to Tram «■»," sent on retmest. AB6L & Bi>GH ObMPm, LnrgeHt Makers of TrimkB and Hags In the World. /^^^ Milwaukee. Wis.. U. 8. A. _<^^^' Insist on having thl* mark on any Trunk. Buit cate or Haii you buy. ItlHyourgUttiaiitee' ^jESai^ of quaflty.Btyleanddurttblllty ?r For a dood drink's sake- K turn down the man 1 who offers a substi- tute when you order CLUB COCKTAILS. Seven kinds — Manhatf«n, Martini, Vermoutli, Wliisltey, Holland Gin,Tom Gin.Yorlt- but only one brand—"CLUB." CF.HUEBLEINORO, ''°" Hartford '•I rroprletori New York London 9^ Y Is OUMANS Silk-- Operas—Derty Soft AJid LdLciies Hats Youmans Hals for Autumn wear rop- resent tha newest and moat authori- tative forma. Liidles' Dopl. $36 5lh Ato. New YorK 1107 Uroadwav 1S8 Broadway S36 Fifth Avp. SONG BOOKS lli[CHAS.yAil5S0iSIEIi r A5501UTELY THE BEST t 'ittakMnso Chas. K Harris 51 Wi'SI 5I"..SI. SowUnK