The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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Septembee 23, THE KEW YOKK CLIPPER, 4 4*1 :AS0IM :-:-:-:- ILNNTE MAY jAlBBOTX IN IIKB BKW ONK ACT PLAVLKT, Sc CO., (A Twrnty fllnulr Mriinin mii.r|i|, by Knni'NU l>AV. Minigert ind Agtnli, S» II it Ptslar'i thli wath CONIIKIVHKD <'ONtKNTnATK|) VOAII>RBS8BD CUNSULIOATKD CONFINKO A ««:0 MOT S-AOT* •9L.AV'. MIKSOLItl. SI. I.oiiIh.— At llii> (jiii-pli-l iT, \V. nuvil. iiiiiiiiiKi'i'i '"riif I'lllliiiKtur," wlilcli KiR'Hvd till." lii'iisoii at llili tliwiire Si'iil. I». \\nn rt'iiiiirk- iibl.v Kiicci'Hsfiil. IliixliH'HM wiiH to tlic cnijiivilr of I lie liounp. 'I'lii'ii' 11 ri- inuiij- gwd s«iii(!S mill clioriiMi'S III ••Till! Kllliiiisloi-, niid It Ik iivi'i-j'tliliiB ri'iiHoiiiilily UonUtO In ilii. ivu.v of iiii orvnliiK tllviuiiluu. In llic riiiiiimiiv iiru: CliiiH. K. HviirH, llcniv l,iil«r, Tlivoduiu J''rlv- liiiK. UnlWo MuHlyii, kulv t.'niiluii, 1miiIh!I lliilt nnil llelpiiH I'lillllim. iitlier U'adInK |iuii|>lc iiihI II i:liiiriiH or xlxty, and llip wcnci'}' iiiiil ttisliimVH lire iiplcDdlO. Thin wt-ek, '"riu- Koviil I'lipf.'" t'liNTiiiv TiiHATiiK (I*, 'r. Slmit. iiiaiia- uri'l.—"Till' Killlrnlliin iif .Mr. I'lii|i" niiiu till' Ml vt Hii<:c<-HN. DIkIj.v llrll. an tin* Aiiii-r- Ican nilllluiitiIrL-, wuri-ii lioui-lly. Tliv (illi- Mill iiii'ii wore |)>(l liy KolK-rt Warwick ami fi'iMl t'oiii'lffiicy. W. S. Sl.Cliilr, ax llu> linKiiK (oiiiit, (pivr an iiiiiuhIiik liii|ii>r.>«iiiiill<>ii. Tlic kIi'Ih ari! viTy allnicllvr In tla> ihtwihs 111 Jiini'l Uvci'livi' ami Advic l.iidinmiii. Itlg liiialuoNM I'lili'd. "TIjv L'uiiiily (.'liiilrmiiii IIiIh W(!ck. "Tlie rrlnce of I'IIhch"' next: ivA-k. Ol.VMric (I*. T. Short, inHnaiivrl.—"Wlicii Juliony t.'oDiM .MarvliluK Home' lo-lti, W. I*. Cnrlclon, wliu wan Id stoik at tliv ddcim. «a»K Julinny. II In voice In s(i'ou)i; and widl tralnod, and lie eniindateil cleiirly. IIIm finnlns of ■'I,<»V(!'a Miclit," with liertnidi! \°aii;;lian, had (u hv it'iicati'il Hcvernl tlnii-H. ■liiiiii'K l''rnni.-li« wan a lilt hh .luimlhan I'hu'nix. Sui-Q fan. as Mrn. roinlierlou; Harry Ki-lloy. as Miijur Walkir. iinri Dimiild .MHcKcnalo, an I'Vllx Urahiiiu, wi-ri! ullicr CIIIIHble UIK'H. (tdUd IiIInIiII'NH fUlltlllllOK. ■I'lir: I'atT.'! I'oiif.'!:- thla wfi'k. Hlnmlic Walsli folluwH. Ul>K<i.\ (Jamb l>|i|"!lilii'liiii'i'. li'Kscc),-- .Mcllwiinii' 'Mi'I>uwcll, as Alnioila. I In; fiil- i.iinUir. ami JcHsfllnc KimIki'I'h. In lliv llll'^ l-iili' iif ••tilsniuiida," Hliaird In llii' hnnurs iif ilii' iirodiii'tluii Klvra liy Ihi- .MeI>owi.'ll I'limiiHiiy lii-Ili Till- iiluy wiis nlvpn a niiii^l iIiiIhIii'iI iiriHliHlliin liy llii' i'iini|iiin.v. Mr. .^ll■lluW('ll KiirpuHHcd lilaisclf In hIiiilsIiii; I*. StilcndlO |i.ilruiiii|ii' miitlnai'H. TIiIh »x'i;k, ■KniiiritiK Thi'udoia.'" ■ .Itl'KIII.M, III. i:. ItllKSCll. IIIHIIII|,'l'r>.~"S<<- rri'i Mi'rvlct^ Saiu," with llic lU'liir-i'iinii'dlaii, t'hnK. T. iUilrlcli. iik IIii> star, iiliiynl lu rrowd- 111 IIUIISI.-S nil Hwk of in. Till' drama 1m n rlrviM' jili'ci' of work. .Mr. AlilrlHi uiiimirs as n rli!vi'r mu^'li'lan. and Mm innniu'r In wlili'h III' IntriHlniTs ilio iirl as (■IIiiihxi'h to tlii> heavy jiiirtK of llic |day, rri-ntnl pU'iily of i-x- cltaii-nt. I'lthol .Martin and llniT.v Ciiulo.v. as the villains, ttavc vxtIIi'iiI sntiiKirt, niiil lldltli UrownluK alsu a|i|ii>ui'i'd to Ki'i'Ot iid- viintniji'. Si'vi-riil clflvi'r siK'clalllfn were pri'- si'uti'd liy Addk' St. Alva and (.'Inirlcs It. • 'rulliiN. "An Kyi' VVItui'Ss" this week. "Ulif llnicti'd ,1lin" ncvl. i;iHM) tii'Kia lliH.'si; (.luliu T Slii'clic.v. launaciri.—Klm't'iiit' Illndlc.v ii|i|H'ari.'d In. Ill u new ihi'ci' Mil uiiislnil cuuiirdy, lulli'd •Tlie Hi'lli- nf llic West." Miss lllinllcy as- siiiiK'd the |iarl vt Vlriilnlii ii licantlfiil M'aKhliiKtun ;;lrl, alimil wliuiu llic ihiiiikIhk rumiillcHlluaH cciitrf. '.MIkh llhidivy Is u ■ iinii'ly yumiK woiniin, and ii caiiital viichIIkI. llcr sona IiIIn wcii': ".My 1,11 llo Imhihi. Plin I'm;; and ilic liwl" and "lliildlaK lliiiids." Ilia IiiisIiii'hs. "IliiKlcr Itiown" I his week, Al. 11. Wilson iicM.'s I Wui. (iaii'ii, niaiiiiiii'r).—"Th« t'nnfiwsliins i)t II Wife," a thrlllint; an-lo- ilrania. hKIi ii cm- load nf siTiicry. played In IiIk liiiKliieiis HMO. This new (livllli-r Is Mni> ■if iiiin.'iiial iiierll. The story of the play Is jii'iilialile, and the i.'haraclei's are nut over- drawn. The seeiiery Is perfecl. .Iiii' Welch. In "Tlie I'eddlcr, ■ tills week, "ller WiHldliiR I My" next. (;,>vi;tv (O. 'I', fnnvfurd. iniinu«erl.—Tin; Trucudvrn lliirleKiiiicrs caiiio tii hiK liiiKlncsK t'Mtl. Ill llie I'uaijiuny are a niiniln'r iif clever lii'uple, InclndhiK: llrlnn. Kriiuk (irahaiu. .Inhn liuyce, .Mackin mid Walker. William llluck, I'harles lleluiunl, Aiuilu lllll nad <ji'uce (Ira- liani. ST.\.vi>.ti.'|i 11.CM Itelcheiihneli, uiiina;.'eri. - -'niK new tVnIiiry lliirlexiinerM Is-jjan tlie'r sinuv Willi "The 'liiklnR .Mr. IIhIIIch." Hl-HI. The speclallles were: Adi'hildii .Marsden, Ihii'iy and Wolfnrd. 8alhlal and tirovlnl, ll:ii'm>s atal Sliickuell, Haley and .Meehan, and Sleivarl and liesainiid. "la Smith Ihi- kiila" was Hie rinsing' travcKty. Ijllge ciiivvds. 'I'lii! .Masrollcs week i)f 17. <'iil,i«iii.\ I rniiik II Tale, niiinageri.— lllll week of IT: I'aalhie Hall. Hie Se^i'ii- lei'ii IVkIa /(iiiiive.s, .Mu.slii'r, MoiiKhlon and "^loslier. .Mr. iiud Mrs. Alfred Kelri'.v. llip i'oiir llliiMos, l"rll.\. Ilnny and Kellx. li.i- I'll liy Iti'cw. I'lern^ and .Mal/.i'e, Ualniiinil and <iii>»l, Kiix iiad Snniniei'H, rail Ilea 'I'liriiln. 'il.ohi; Tm.xTUi; ill. K, llln'. iniuniKrn. -■ Kill of Ml anil week: llcnrli iiad lleach. Ilnti' iile IK' Itiicliii. Ivdwiii tiii'ld. .Iidni iJalhiKT. till' lliidKiiiiths. rai'kii' and Itarker, l.iiiii lies !-e||iiiaii, llio lail^luilil" fiilie. enlltleil 'Tie: }<lrai|dcd .MhiHtr:'!." .iiid Hie Mui'lugnipli. (OMKOV wsn MITES or 1 ii V? ■?•?•?•? KhHCR KIM nOIIATU!* MII8IC »rek li. "Iliiniaii llciirls" ilils In ■The I'cdiller." i>,-..;;ii. AlDiTMaiiM iWoodwanl & IhirKcss Aiaiise '■'.'ri".'."; »"l'i"K"i'HI. -Last week "At Pliiev .'.'..f .. !i'"' ,V" '•!*"";"'' '"""""ei-s. Tiii; lie 1 ' "''"'■''''' •"'"■" "•■*''.''■ I'arni" i' uv I.I. week the .1. llarreil. iminager). - l.asi .Masiolle llnrli'Mtnci's phivcil 'ii piod l.llsllle«s. This week. Ihc «'„h,Mllll llic rallfcirnla lilrls •::,;»). I.Cllcv .MuKSTic I Sam lleMjanilii, nniniiKcri I hi.' Inaise will nj Ms icpilnr Reason Sun ''"•;• ','• «'H', " « ' vandevllh! kill. In which Aslaria Is the headllnec. I'lT.iii.viiN. (Hven llucklcv. who for many years had charKC uf llic dour al the l'i''"'!,-i..^'"'''" """w. I" 'low con 'led with tlie Hj'lls Woisl In a like capacltv. and als-i has chill),'!' cif Ihc pro^ralaine.H Theic are many rinniirs athiat nf the liiilcpcndenl Syndicate hnlldliii; a tliealie here, hut an far iiiithlUK dellnlfe liiia niaterhill/.ed. iihl K.'iilii4ky • 1.1. K;. .MiuiaKcr Walker uill pl:i\ •lien llnr" at the Aiidllorliini Sinn r liaiilen week of ■2:\. «« the Wlniilpv): The- aire Is ant larc" ciimiKh. lioMi.vioN TiiKATKi; IM. Kyle. nmnapTl.- • rulhiwllii; Idll for wceH of II: ltoh.ion- .Mlitliels. lUck anil I'ltllc tialse. .Morton I.. Iliirkhai'di. Arthur Kiiaia. lli'ssic Alhiiills. .Marvelous SpatitilliiK. Cliiis. Itossow anil the kIniHlroiiie. r.\|i|i»: illiiiTows & .\asli. iirnprleiorsl. Ilnslness is psiil. Ilill for week of II: The ■I'hi Whkers. Sam II. ,Mtir|iliv. Ilnssell nail Si. I'Inlie. .1. S .Mliciicll and iiioviim |ileliiiTs. Arniioan M Si .mmi:h Caihikn ir. Sis-iner, niainicen. Tom .Marks' I'o. did p>ii>l IhinIiii'ss week einlln).' n. Addrtsi allcompUlnlslo T, N. ABBOTT. Manager. 118 West 44IH St., IV«w Yark, ' ■ ■ ■ I !. I III' SI. .I<f4f|ili Al riillley. inaiiauerl drew a well lllled liuiise Sept. 11. Walsh IP. "Ills Highness the lley' ••'J'he ColleBc Widow" :;it. Tiinlle's Tliealiv il' I The ■ Sultan of Snin' lllauclie L'-J, L'.'t, li'Be ■ ,Yo:r.>i (f. i;. I'hllley. manap'r).—The t olijnlal llellcH had larup and well pleas"il nndlences H-Kl. "At I'lney Illdge" 17. IS. •A Itiinaway Ti'iinn" i;ii. The Cnllfor-ih. (,lrls 2l-j;i, 'T'hc Keuiale lleleetlves" L'i. •J.'i. IJainly I'lirec t'li. :;ii, 27, "Her I'Irst I'aliie Step" 'MW. Lviili.' ill. Walter Van llyke, iiianaKcri. Ihla house enjoyed a simhI run of hnslness HMil. when the Van Ityke Co. aiiiH'ared In "Miss lliirsey from .lei-scy." and Kcoreil a IiIk hit. "A Oiieen of Hues" w«s;k of 17. CiivsT.ii, I'.MiK (Kriil (Wmiii, malnl^erl. —lliiNliiess last week was liiiniense, aiid a stroni! hill tfreally pleased. Teoide week nf 17: Mr. and .Mrs. .1. T. Towers. Itoiihlns and 'JVenanianii, Ilnti While, the .McKiiiulits. Ilav. monil /,el, Win. II. Itoaeis, and Cosmiitr's inovliiK plcliires. I'viijlK iWalli'r T. Terry, iiiainip'ri This iioiise I formerly Turner llalll opened ns a vaudeville theairo HI, nailer liic niaii- aifeaienl of Walter '!'. Ti'rry. The opealiii; lllll Incliideil Three llylaiids, Sadie Hart, licit (iranvllle, .Momi .Marsliaw. Kinnliv Coniedi- Koiir. .lames I.e Itiiy. I'mf. iKnIil and I hi: Terrlscone. I'ciipie for week of 17: The Three .\iilairas. .las. W. llliiKliam. llclie Verini, .Iiiines l.e Itov, llert liianvlile, .Im- /.aiielll, Kmiilrc I'liiiieily Kimr and .Moiia .Mar- sliuw. .N'oTi;.—The openhiK at the Crystal The- atre has liiH'n postponed niitli 21. C'cyHliil I'lirk will iiintlniie until that lluie. »« ♦ (-A.\AI>A. .liantrpnl—At Ills .Majesty's ill. I,), llroiiks, managert .Mine. .Si'hiiiaaiinllelnk. In "Irfive's Lottery," pla.ved to liix tnislness Sept. lllu. "The IMlcbess of Uautzic" iS and week. Ai;.\UKMY of Mush: d'. llaworth, uiaaa- p-r),—"lilrls Will lie tilrls" drew voml houses 11-111. "Tin! Smart Set" IS'.M, West's iMhiHtrels -.','1:111. TlUMTKI': Ilo\.\i. III. C. I'JKerton. inaiiiiKcr). —The ThoroiiKhlrmls did kiwU himluess for week nf 11. Ilruadwny (Jalety (.ilrls 1M-2,'!. I''li.\.vi;.\is il'". W. I,e I'lair, manii[;er»,- The Uiuers. In "Les Siilllnshamiiics," In rrencli, caiiie to fair IiiisIiicsh ll-ll). "I,i: Jockey MalKre l.iil" I8--J:i. .N'ATio.v.d. rn.t.M'.tis Hi. ilaiivrenn, man- aijeri.—The iierinanenl Kiench Sliick Co., In "I.e lliinhenr (.'oiijngul," ilhl uood liiisj. news 11 and week. '.Monte Crlsto" IS'.'Jt 'I'lH^A-rni: i.i;k Xoivh.vdtck. —The per- inanenl Kreiieh Slock Co., In "la's I'ailes iie ,\oiichi'," Hllraeli'd jioisl hmises IIUI. "I.e Callce" 18 and week. •V»rwnUt. At the lYIin-i'Ms ill. II. Sliep p:iid. mainiKcel Hark Sept. I Mil. "Tlie School Olr!" lS2;i. <ln.\Nn <lii:u.\ 1 lot si; lA. .1. Siiiaii. iiiiim.i pri. Week of II. "San Tov" drew ne:i. "Itiisy lz/.y's Viicalloa" ISo;t. .Mvirsrir lA. .1. Small, iiiiiniiijeri. "A Hi'siH'rale CImine' drew hlir hnsliiess II Hi. •She Hared Ho ItlKht' ls.-_';i. Siii:,\'s i.I Kiii'ii. nianiiL'rri. -lllll week ol IS: Marjiiierlia Sylvhi. l-'lve .Mnwatls. 'i'line SisliTs Maciirl", .Mr. :iiid .Mih. Ilonard 'I'lns dell, lilxon and Aniier. .luhii KIhtIi'V, •tiille Klier and llarrctt and klni'lom-aph.' Sr.\« I r. .1. Stnir. niaiuiKeri. .Miner's Merrv Ihirlewiin'is drew IiIk houses llHt. 'I he Tli'iroiichlaeds l.S-'j;;. .M.(8SKV .>li SIC iSinari Hioistoii, iaiinaKcr).- The Irish liiairds Ihiiiil Hi. .NiriK.-- .Moiirnc Turk and llanhiirs I'oliil have ci'iseii a snecessfid sciikiiii. St. .lolin.-. Al the I liieiii llinise (A. II. .'ikinaer. inanaKcri Anierlean ViiaKiaiih Co., with iiioviiiK pielni'ci., closed here Sept. <i, after siiciwlii!; one week to piod iiiisiiiess. "The Kerry i;ow' I I III. VoaK TiiK.irni: ill. .1. Arniwlloiiit. inniia fieri.' loirioa's .MInslreiN opened II, in .S. It. <!.. irlvlii;; a spienilid perfiirinanee. .\|es>i<. I'enrI, llohiiid. W'eiiii, Klaier, .Moraii, l.ce. Ilaininond. Newton. Ilowliiiid, Hell and .Mi<i I'cll, liie last aained a III lie ulrl, arc anion.; IhoM' de.kcrvin!; Hpechii mcnlloa. VlilNI.MA. \nrr«ilk. At the ,\i'iiilcaiy of .Music 1 llllii Wi'IIh. t,icnl niainiKi'ri "llniaaa Hearts." Sept. It. ilriMv II fiilr sly.ed andleni-i'. i%i)|.'eiili' Itlair, 7. S : "The P'oriiine Tcllei'." !i. pla.vcil to coml nlli'iKhiiiee. Top heavy houses fjreelcd ".Mi- Kaildeirs t'lat" II, I'.', rriitik liesimii IP, J'Mcph anil Wllilani W. .ieirelson 2", "The Clatisiiiiiii" *JI. l.oiiis ,liiiiies *,*,'*. "Italics in Toyland" '.'Ii, 27, Clias. Ii. Iliinford 211, "The Strollers' ;iii. lia.vMil iiiiiii \Veii«. Iiieiil inaiiaseri.- • tliisliiess nci'k of I i was vcr.v p>od. Masmi and Ma^iiii I.'^'j:!. III.101 I Alil< Siiilih. iiiiiiMiueri. .\cw pisipic f<ir week of IS: .May iiph'n. West and Cos- telln. .Meliionriie .Sislirs and Si'iiKcr. Anna Harrison, Harvey and I'lirker and Clias. West. Illislness Is i;oiHi. Aciii: (WItki'i'siai \ .Miia/.le. iiniiiuKer-'i I'lMiple week of |.S: ami Anderson. Kdaii lleniicit, Minnie West. Kisie l'°ay. I'aiii'y iiini l''arli\v. I'roiich and llriiiuloii, Alice l.ciniir, ■Maaile Walsli and llie 'i'lucc llnsiinis. Iliisl- ni'HH is exreiittonally l'ooiI. ,\i'tiiT>iiiiiM iJ. .<|. IliirliMi, iiiiiiiai,'cri. .Vow people for neck of Sepl, IS : .Morey iiiid l.n .Mont. Ihe Tlirce llcnix. Harry and I'eii- man. Hold over: Mill Kraakford. Ilessle ItoMenioul, .Mailue .McCooh mid Ilessle Clay. Illislness Is Koial. M.*.Mi.»Ti.\x ii'riaiiiaii llms,. aiaiiauersi. ■ I'eople week'of Sepl. i!i: Jiiiiile .Miller, l.cii riorence, I'nnsy WIer. Clandlin' llandoliili. May Ashliin. Hie Maddens, .lack Stnektoli niid .luck .MiHire. Kiisincss Is kohiI. Niiri;. - liick C. Calilll, for many years as snclnled Willi vaadevilli' and laliiHlrel 1010 panics, has assiiaied Die leoilcrsiil|i of the orchrstrn at Hie Acndiniy nf .Mnsle. ti-is. Kelly and tloKiin, Ciiol. I'lilis and liH I'llaciited horse, liie .Meier Inailty, Kelly mill licno and I lay anil Ci'ci,'i;, I'nterMiiii. Al the liiiera llonse i.lidiii ,1. i.iH'lelilns, inanaKerl I'l'nlier); Slmk I'm. Iitaied to erouileil liciises week of Sept. II. •■ 'VVay Hown llasi" IS 2". 'Treity I'ejjuy" 21 2:1. Ilenriella Crosman 2,*>. "A Hot lllit Tl " 'Jli. 27. "The Miiely and .Mne" 2N :in. Iti.iio i.Mi's. Hell l,ea\ill llowley. iiiiinii- K''vi. Watson's lirleiilal lliirlesipnrK unvn exeelleiil perforaianei's. lo |iiirkeil lioii'.c'i, «eck nf tl. Mini'i's .Vnierlcaa lliirii'Mpieis week of I.I, Miner's Ihdicmlaiis week of 2.'i. Tamilv I .Morris ,V Siiinns. ma navels 1. ■ Illislness la^l week was fi 1. Hill wecii of IS: .Maie. Schell's ilons, ,lack l.yle. I.llllaii .Ma.inai'il, Tiiiieaii, l-'ellx and l.'laMoii, and inoviiiK plcliires. I"»ili\i..\.vh (.Mi'livllii' H SclialllieUer. man. iii;cisi. Tills lesiiri closed 7, after a lory sai-ees>rill season. .Nnri;. llic iiiaiiaiieiiiciil of llie Ilijoii liiivii seeiireil a I'i'tiirii dale witli Wnisinrs iiit- Calais, In consldciatloii of ilie exeelicnce o( their »lio«. IHInnii. -Al Ihe lliivseil 'theatre 11'. Car man. aianiiKcn "'liie .School Iihl" proved a Konil drawing card Sept. I I. "I'Morodoni," 12-lti Ifillr weekl. had ca|uiclly. Mine. Seliii- inanii'llelnk Is, ridliii'd's Aiistrallan nncra I'll. 111-21. iln.i.Mi {>v\:u.\ Hoi hi: ill. .1. lllnlnhtNile, inaiiacerl. "The Wiiyivard Sim" pla.ved lo IiIk houses 7-11. "Ilnaian lli'iiris " was a ;:oi»I fair week alliacthtn, III.'I. "Down hv the .Sen" It.HI. "When Wc Were" IH-2II, "Heserti'<l al llie Altar" 21 2:1. Hlrlininnd. -,\i liie .Vriiiieiiiy of .Mnsle (i;has. W. Ilex, iniimii.'1'ri "Hosier Itiown" nmilc iiiilte a hit .Sept. II. i'J. Al. Ii. h'h'hl's .Minstrels drew the usual inide iion'<es Ki. ".Mel'addens rials" II. tr.. •'Tlie Kleraal City" IS, III. •■•I'tie liniee Hoy" 21, "Tlis lllvitls" 22, l.iiiiis .laiiicM 2:1. "The I'liinsaiun ' '^.'i, 211, I'hns. II. Iliinrord .N, "Hahes In Tov land" :",>, '■:«. IH.Kil HVcIIk a .Ml Kee, laaiiap'isl "I'liclc lian'l" played to crnwdeil hoiisi's ti Hi. Kiviiii; a goisl show. '•Tlie .Mliileiiiilie lleloetivc' IS 2:1. .Mason iinil .MasMii 2,'i ;ili. i'iHriiiirlli. ladlcaliiiiis |hiIiiI. In an e\- leili'iil season for the tia'niics. l.vii.iM iKti'oy K Hrake. iiianaKersi ■ ••'I'hi' liyp:y lill'l," Sepl. II i.I. lllll fair IhihI liesH ".S tint Hid ■I'iine." It HI, played lo I'Mellelil iinsiness. The lomeiliiins. Wllllaiit .Mclloiiie and Harry V',. .Muck, made liils iiiiil kepi ilie uudleiiic hi uoinl liiiaior. '• lo the World" |M'2li, "'riie MkIiI iinn'c iiy tlm Sei" 21 '2:1, .\. S. Wooil 2.". •-•7, •SlnTlock lloliiies' 2S ;ili. .Ivi'iirs'. "Tlic .Sieepiiii,' lleniilv iiinl Ihii lleest" 12. "iliuci Klli.e'^ II. ■■'liilil. I Mrk iiiiil Many" IS, "'Wiiy linwii h;asl ' 'J,'!. I'niiiiirn, W. Taylor. opclo'il lip il piiiieil lo S II. <|, •I'ariN li.\ MkIiI ' ■ 111 I lie World" 21 2.'l. Wcsl and 2,'i-27. "I.iwt III ,1 IIIk I'ilv' 2.m:iii. tilrU' Leave Home" (lii. 2 I. Al the Cniiideii Tlieatrc I.M, niiiiniKcri •Kliiiilnan's Hnil"' week. "Iiiele Tom's riildn'' IS ■.'II, Voki'i •■Wliy St. rnllierlncN. At the ttniiid iiiiern House II'. II. Wilson. nianaKcri "t.iiillny Adnuis Sawyer." .Seiil. II. delighted. In kinhI returns. "The SchiMii lilrl" l,-|, "Kticii Hidden" IS, "The Wayward Son" 21. «iii<-l|ih.--AI Iliiynl Ilia-ia House ill. I, HISKhis. mamiKeri ■'Tlie Wayward Son" drew a InrKC hiinse Sepl. i;;. ••The Sclmol • iirl" 111. "A He.siuTHic f'lianec" 21, "laiwu hy the Sea" 2,", "I'lorodiira" '2M. Hfrllii. -■ At Hie llcrlln fipeia llonse ll''rank l<'iiril, nniiniiieil '"i'lie Waynaid Son" plKyed to a larce house Sept. 12. Hooked : "^tiilncy Adams .Sawyer" 2il. •I'loiodoni" 2Ii. WiioilNlni-U, At till' Wooiisloik llpera llonse "ijiilney Adiiius Sawyer"' played, to a lair hiMise, Si'jil. HI. "l'"h>rndorii" 21. • »» ivl<;,\TII"KV. KniiiinH «:ily..-.M liie Willis Wood The litre iWisidwnrrt & lliirKi'ss Ainnsciaenl Co.. iHunilKersl. hist week. "Mrs. Teni|dc's Tele- Kiain came tlic ilrsi fniir nltilils, lo fair hii.slncHs. Itiancla- Walsh, Sept. I Mil, In "The Wiiaian In the Ciim'," had piod Imsi- iii'ss. .mIhs Walsh dhl cscelh'iil work. This week. "The CullcKo Widow;" Itubert II. Man- leil 2.-|-;i(l. linAMi (li'Kii.v tlui'Mii illialsini fc .Inilali. inanagei'K).—Last week, "IVitjry from Tails" fepeiited ItH Kiicii'ss nf la»t nciisiiii. Arlhiir K- Iieasfiin coiilhinrs to lie the hit. This "cok. r'lorciice Ulnilloy, In ••riie Ilelle nf the West:" llanliina' "I'lintasuin" 2.'i:ii». HniTliiliM (Martin IJeck. ueiivral inat»«Keri. •-'i'lie ri'Bnlur Hi'nsoii o|iciicd 10. ihe Iiihisc i'lcscnilnif a line niipcaniiK-e. as It Inis hoeii eiitirply rcdccor.iled, ruHuhli'd and reseated I'lie color Kchenie Is crciria. Ivnry and cold. wlHi red walls. The iislicrs are all in Tnxc- diis and the urelii'Htra hi nnlfarins of hliie aud Kohl hrahl. A line new tlroji curtain, repie- senllni} a woodliind scene, with a Isirder of iniisale iapeslry. iialnled liy Sussnian aud l-andls. \c\v carpetH have Is'cu ndded to every iioor. mid the uiituaiHtlc sprinkling system huH h«Mi Installed. Martlu I.eUiiian cnntliiiim lo h<> the resident munuiter, and Mil] Winch la Hie press r»?prt'HcntatlvP. Ihc upeulug bill Included: Hniry l.'orsou ' nirke and (ruinpuiiy. In "Strateiiy:" Sylves- ter, .loues and frftiglp. I,u Ilelle Kstellita, l'l.xun and Mnliue.s, T'crry. In "rvriyianil:" Hie khiudruiue, Harper, iJesinoud aud Ualley, ill a good cnon act. lliiKluesN was Id),', lllll tills week: Leslie and Itallcy. Sl;;niirlna »ererani. De Koe Trio, Talhat iind lingers, " Helen and lliieklev, llortio l''iiwier. Scliepp's lllll.". and pniih' and kliirKlronic. (P:, s. nrlRliBii, inHniiRcri.—T.Dsi week "An flye WllncNS" prnved In he n LuiDlon.—At the liraiid iJ. K. Tnrlon, tuanaaerl liiislnesii was excis'dliiuly ttuod week of II. ThoilHaiids of visitors to liie Western I'lilr helped the altcndaiice. "I':iieii 'liilden" II-i;i. "ijnimy Adams Saw.vcr" i I- Hl, had very 'urtte Inaises. "The Wayward .Son" IS. '"I'he Isle of IIoiik Hoiik" "JH, ••KIoio- dora" 2;i. 1Ii;.\'M;it'n (C, W. Ileiinetl, ninnaijeri,.- Tiirnaways week of il. lllll fur wck "f IS: Kniersun and cniieKa. Ilossiiy niiil llos lelie. ,laiac.< and iMvls, lleunhle Sims and .Vnna Ahliott. .\ori:s. The Weslerii I'air allraelloiis for week of 11 pive ;;uod sailsl'acilon. The hill : , nice and Klaier. Heilal/.er Sisters, Tiof. Ilarilv. ,Miilleii and (.'orelll, Uiillln and lleil cay, Wolfe and .Mlltini and Minis. Ilrclici. Krai'k Adiiais .Mnlleii, nf .Mullen and Coiylll, met Willi a vcr.v serious injury at the Western ralr. I.nndoii, I'liii.. Sepi. 11, liiliiu Inlnreil liy the ctphislnii of a tiiiinh carlrldKc. Mr. .Mnllcii Is now In \1 la Hospital, London, Can. The do.'tor:< viy Hull lie will lie inialile lo appear any amre this scasKli. even If lie ii'eovcrs from the iliock and hlooil iiiilsonln!; does not set in... . John It. .Stewart, treasurer of ihe liraicl Dpeia llniise, has rcslKaed. .Next year Mr. Slewiiri, with his parlnei'. John It. KHxihiC rick, nf ,\eiv Vnrk. conies hiln pussessloii of the lease of Hie (irand. He will la' resldeni laaiiaKcr licre. four years a);o he was senl lo Londiin liy Lessee Small as 1 isiiier Mr. Inilie, hileiy with llnffato lllll, has lieen apiHiinled ticiisnrer, aud has assiiuicd hi;' duties. I.MuNvllle.. - At .Macaiiley'H "riienlce tJ. T. .Macamey. maniiKen 'I'lni .Miirpliy. sap INirled hy Huridhy Sherrod nad a koihI cinii- pany, presented ".V Corner In Colfce," .Sept. IIL'I, and "Havid liniciek," II-HI, to line leHirns, 'The Kiliicalluii nf Mr. I'lpp" 21- M,\sii.\ii- ic. ,V. Shaw. IlianaKcrt. -"Tlie I'eddlcr." week nf II. allracled larKC nnd|. ences. Joe Welch made a Illi. ".Mv Wife's Kainllv" IS-2.'l. .V\i:mi; (C. .\. Shiiw. inainiKeri.—■■I'oiini: Hniralo, Klni; of Hie Wild West," one nf Ihe liest plays ('has. K. Illnni'.v lias pni tiiceihci', lirnkc the attinihiuce record for Hie iiiinse tills ^ii'iisoa liMii. Till- cnlhiisiasni iliirlie^ the action of Ihc plav was vcrv niarked. '■Her Widdhii; liay^' l7-2;i. Hi'l'Kiv.s' I Wai. Ilelelininii, niatiiiu^ri. .\ii cM'ctleiil jirocniinnic was fiirnlHlird on liie opcniiit; id the Measoli, 111 Hi. p'nr wees 01' 17: Mllloii and lioll.v .Noiiies, Carver and I'ollai'il, Thiec Jacksnns. 'I'e;.'i;c and Hiinlels, Jliniiih: Wall, .\iirl" lln^iwcil and the ki'ci driiine. Ill I'KiMiii.v.M iWhailcn lli'iis.. uiunaud-'ii. 'riie Cherry Hhissonis, week nf III, nitrail eil IiIk hoiisei, uivlii); a lively and pieasliiK peit'oi'inane". .NJcrry .Miilileiis I7 2;i. I'ont.m.m: l'i:anv I'.mik iWin. ileieiinina. niaiiaKiri. Helen .May Hiiilers fcaiali- Hand was liie liiMiiiK alliai'lloii week of in. The resnrl iloseil Hi. I'ndHcnh. At the Kenliieky if. W. liooertr, niaii.i{L;i'ri Hie rcKiiJar seiisoa will npea Scin 2.'i. Willi "Tin' Kiijiih nf liiloiit;. " '"I'lillj I'rlmrose" 1 iirelimlnaiy daloi lit. «-»-« U'l'JNT VIIMiniA. llnnilHiMt. Tin.' liranil. new. enlarged and fully nptodate. was nis'tieil Senl. 11. hv ■The School lilrl,"' a very liirRe and eplhiisl- nstie audience assisiliig In Ihe Inlercstjnx evenl. The new liiaail seals I.7IMI. and has a stap' that will lake the larBcsi prndiic- linns on the road. The slaije Is 71 feet from wall In wall, the proKcciihiin width Is il.'i feel ;i Inclies, the depth Is 12 feet, and the wrld- Iron liti feel. There arc nliiclccn ilressinj,' looms, and every care has licen taken to pin- vide for the cnmforl of all. holh ia'tore and iiehhid Ihc cnrtnhi. la front there are six iioxcs. paninet, lialeony and Kailery. A. H. London coutlnacs as niiiiia{;er. and A. Stniw- Kcr as treasHicr. lliHikliiKs: Irish (Iinirils Hand 1.", "Kln-n lloldcn" HI, ••<<iilncy Adams Sawyer" is. IP. "A llesperatc Chalice" 20, "A Wayward Sou" 22, 2:i. Sr.vK TliKAriii: U. <1 Apnlelon. inanni;eri opeiieil for Ihe seavin II. with H stronK eoin- plin.v. and did boihI hiisiness. The house has heeri reilecornled and linprnved. lllll for week of IS: Kiirlls and lliisse. the Three Trniihadoiirs. the Knox llros.. Kraiik Itiirl, Totu lilllen. '.'iinl Weston, the .Mathleils, aud Stock and Hawson. U'tiiliilM'U At the ttioiiipee Tiie.ilie iC 1'. Walker. iiKinHKeri "The fiill from „, Knv's- ea Sept. 7'.l. Ill very iai-L-e lioii,i'«. llirlller, luid liiv miUii-livuii llioiunghly uiijuyed LIuaiior liuijsun did UIk himhu'ss IMl. "In Whrellnit. - At Hie Court Theatre 1 K. Ii. Iran/.helm. nninai:i'ri ■'Tlie .Maid and Ihe .Miiinai.i," Sept. il 1:1. had koimI inishiess. "The Prince of IMIseii," I Illi, also fared well. Iliiveriy'n .Mhislrils 211. lin.v.Mi t)n:H.\ llm si: IC. A. I'dnler. inaiia- ueri. ■ ■ llliuiiieh'iirs Ideals, In repertory, It- Hi, hud IiIk returns, •■fhc Curse of Inhik" IS-2II, "I'lniilKan's llali" 2l-2;i. Ci>.m:v Ini..\mi I'.iiik III. W. lingers, ninn- aueri.—lllll for «erk of 11 nave pmd sails- riiclinn, and the nllendunce was Inrtie. The park closed the seasnii Hi. .NiiTi;.—The West Vlrnlnhi Stale I'lilr and ICxposltlon ,\ss(M-iatloii liiive lin aniiiial State fair ll'l.'i. It was Hie lilk'^-esl fair ever held ill the history of the ushocIuHiiII. ,MI risoi'ds ill alteiiilancc were tirnken. #«» — The Hnuirrn llrolhrrs I iider .\i>«« llniiai4<'iiiriil. lias and Max lluKers, wlm have for live >eaMiHs Is^cn stars iinileclhe nianuxoineni of KIhw ti I'.vtniliC'V. will he seen next season In a new iniisical phiy. nnder ihe maitUKeinenl of Henry H. Harris. 'I'hey will ke Hiili|HirHs| III .Mamie l.';i,uieiiiil. n'ile of llic. lAiri-r, 'I'lie liariliiK of Hie ivayn ts'tiveer KLlwA l-IrlaiiKiT anil Ihe liojjei» Itioihers Is said lo he per- t'.'iiy a mica llic. Stnnnlnn. At Ihe lleverley illarkiana >^ Sliallr.. iiianaKeriii .\l. li. i'leld's .MiiiNliel<,. Sept. II, drew In Ihe iilniosi iniiaillv, ;;lvlii(,' Hie tiest inlnslrel siiow .Mr. I''leld lias ever pri'senled. "Tile Sl|(n of Hie Criiss" drew a liii'Kenuil well pli';iseii ainlleni'c. I.mils .liunes IS. ■'llnnulni: fur iMIlic" IP, "llic I'llernal City" 21. l,>nvliliiirH.'-AI Hie Acailpiiiy of .Mnsle iCcrhla Stilelili. iiiiiaiii.'i'i'I I'lni Murphy |il-.> li ,\ll^. .il. ."•:'■'. i. in Kond linllses. ,\ li. ricid's .MhiKli'cls. t i. Iinil a iMnkcil iioiise. "Il'iinan llenils" lit, ".V Hunch of Keys" tl. •Mil'iiiiilen's l'"liils" HI, Kdsali-Wliillirii|ic Co. IS-'.M. 4«» .M'iW JKIISI'lV. %c««»ii'li. At Hie .Newark Theatre il ■ Miolcnunl, mainih'ei I llcni'ijo l'rlin:'o>'i''s .\|in stri'ls k'lvc n iiiosi eoaiiiieln'iislvc perfornaiihit 111 Ulinh'i-n lllll old lliiic niliisirclHy Sept. \'- 2.1. "The Ciinnly ClnilriniiH" reecived falrt.'' Kisiil iltleiiHon II-Hi. Itohert Kde.snii, in ■Sliiomliearl. ' vvi"'k nf 2,"i. r:.<H'ini; 111. .M. Hymns. iiianaKcrl. Tiii,: linllse iipencd the Kciinni. IN, as an inili'iiciiil ciil iheaii'c, iiiiih'r the illrecllnii of the Sim heel lli'iis.. with a stroll); lint of iittnietloiiM. .>lnr);ni'cl .\nKilii, al llic lieiiil nf llic I'l-lnii'is Thc^itic Slock, la "Zlin." iiy Henry .Mlil'-r iind Ihii'tley .Mminer.s. IS2II. I'lioc'i'iHi's iJ. Ansliii l''ynes. Kcnernl ninn- ii;.o.'ri. - l.'arly Kail Units Hie hills Hlri'a»;lli- "iicd lllll this week' riiplnin. In her lire dame: the .Mllliniy lleletle and Ihe ulil with thi. haliin, Holaii and Lenlian, Sloan, WIMv /,iiii;ncrniaiiri. Jus. Hlaiik. Klchls and Waiil, and iMinilni mid .Mnxiiillhiii. lliioil laislnes.i inevnlled IIHi. Ciil.i .iiHi.v I.M. J. Jaciilis, niaiNii;erI. -■ Jessie .Mac llali. In "Tlii' Mil I SliiKer,"lS 2;i. "A llaie fur Life" drew fairly j;iiij:I hiisiness li-Ht. "Iiavid lliiniin" 2.'i illi. Hi,.t.M:v's tJ. II. Hni'heii, maiiiiKcri. "When Ihc World Sleeps," this week. .Mont- (loaiery IrvhlK. In "Custer's Last l''ii;hi,"dii'iv fairly uood hiisiness lllil. "I'IkIiIIiik i'alc" 2.-,:pi. W.ii.nvn.w'H iW. H. Clark, mamnieri. Viinlly I'air Cn. iids week. Clark's lliinnwny lllrls iiroveil II revehiltoii of iirlliiant lO', liiinhi); and ai'llstie i;rnn|ilni{s which eaiiseil aiili'h favoralil niiiacnt tiy liirKe ainlieiii'eH lust week. Slierhhin's Illy Sports 2,'i ."IP. llUMI'll' I'.lllh I Z. Wl'fels, lllllllllverl. 'I'tie ,\lMirti iiperii I'll, deed a vi'vy siicei-hs flit seasiin of Soiniocr opera ivllii "11 'I'lova liiie,^' |ii, and nllh II Hie park i-ioseil fur Hie M'lisnii. l-ii.ii'iaii' I'.IIIK 1 c. ,S. Hniiiaii. iiiaii»i;eri. 'fills ri'Miii'l eiiloyi'd ];eacrnll,i' uonit |iiili'iiii at'e Hii'iiii);li the Siiniiaer. and i-losed Hi, et ii'lithia a perfioioaiiee «ti|ili tviil is- Klveii eni'h Siinihiy ilnrlni; Hie I'liil. No'ri:s. lien. Itnhldas. who has lieeii I teas nrer of ihe Newark 'flieiil re for a niinihei- nf years, has iiceii ;i|i|ioliilcil iisslstant iniiini per of ilial liiiiis", and Hie ticHHiirerstilti tins li'i-n a'sniiied tiy Jnlin HlH l-iilwiiid i.iohiii. miisl'lnn. who was for niaiiv .vears ioniiec'''d H'lh .Miiiire A Itiii'iicss' ,Mlnsli'<''<>, In London. Is at iirei.ent locMleil at Wiild ni.nnn's TIicuhc. iIiIs eiiv. hioklnj; after Uie Int'reKir. of his wife. ,Mrh. 'Jiiliiii wiii fnriiiec Iv Carrie Wnidnialili, diiiiKliler of the tale Kred Waldinann. IOU'.\, lli'M VtiltM-a. M l>'ieili'c's I ijierii llini.'iii . \Viii I'lislM. iiianaKcri Llliet lliirryiiiori'. In ■Siind.iy.'" ptayeii to llic capacHy Sept. II. "'flic "t"i'llile|-riiiil*" hlinwi'll In two uoiid hioiM',4 1:! "I'iinla«nia" IP. 211, Itlniiciie Walsh 211. K anil Hiii 211. 27, Walker WhitiHidi' iUI. 'iiUMi lii't:ii.v Hoi hi: iWm, Koster, niana- (jer), "A lilrl of the SIici'Ik" enjnyed kiuuI hiiilneis 7 II. "Illir llcaileil Jim" pleniicd pni-kiil liiiiive-( III L'l. -A 'fiiiii'iiiiuiihrcil fraiiip ' I I III 1:11111 li'rcd lliicliaiian. aianiifieri Ilill ttiel, 111 In- ■•/nlha," Ihe invNlerv; Hhlck aint i.>"<lle WilHi: and Liirklii, Hurry Hiiinn, -l.-ii-k li'liiiile. and '"I'rlalK and Tioiihles nf an Aiilnimiliills, " on Hie hhinihoaie. i'lin llonse Is packed at every pecfiiiinance. » Cvdiir llnitldM, At Ciecac's iipera llonsn I \* III S. Cnliier. taislni'sN aiiiiiaueri Ihe soil- Mill opened Sepl. i i. nllh M full lioniie lit eiiliiy II fniilllis'. pi'eKi'iilnlloii of .'"fhii Cniiiity I'haieiniin." and lo iidmhe the in. ninileteil. reilei-oiali'd anil I'l'i'iirpeleil I Ileal re, ojioii ivhlili loMi'ii money lias hecn Hpenl hv .NIaniicer Hi nileisoii. It is niie of llie liiiiid- siiini'sl mill sail St hnilses west of Cldciluo. 'I'lie most Inipnrlaiit liaprovi'an'iit Is ilie new lohtiy, Willi Its imirhle waiawoilinii, nulls, eolimins and iirehes. Separate entraines fop ihe two iiallertes iiavo iieeii laaile. Tiiero are ten iMixes and toues npd i.ciircs of electrhr HkIiIs have i n iidifi'd. i'lie sIiihc will Intro a new dour, anil niher Iniprnveniciils will Ini iiaile. CnniiiiK" .Myrih' Vliiion I'n. IN'211. ■■Villi Vonsnif 2;i, .Mliicr Kliii k Co, 2 27, I'iiilalle Vniinij 2N, ",liiliy Aiiierlcan Trinii|i" :iii. I'l.oi'l i.'s I Vie llniio, MiainiKen. l-'iilt hiillsCH elcry lllulll since the Heasoll iipelted. Hill week of II: Cay. I'onley nail I'liy, Cnii- HOIK niiil .MiKeir/.li', Travis unit 'I'lidor, Vie- lor. Liicliie llnrper and Ihe hlniirapli. Al iiiriniii'ii I Hay W, I'ay, linslnesH aiaii- ni'cn. ltiisliiii|M •iiiitlnni'H iiihhI. J. Illliit- tiraiiil, Jim I mil on. i^ncen mid Hush, 'i'iien, .liiMhiK. Ihiv W. ray and Ihe klneln'.i ■Mm xave saiisi'aellnii 11 HI. .Viiri:M.- i'lic liie Cellar llapids raniivii', • lei 2 7, all InWM railt'oiiils have liriinleii it rale of one fare for Hie roiiiiil trip eveiv •hiy Cred Seyaioiir. iment for ileiilry HriiK.' Shows, WIIS liere li. iit iiiiili lo Clin- loll W. c. Warn, iiki'IiI fur liio .Myilin VliiliiM Co., was in Inwii Hi I'.d. V ■ ilroiix, maiiauei' of ihe "Von Vniihon" Co., was here l.'i .Maiiaycr Vlctne Ioin had, IIS his I'l.'illnci' uncHls. the iicwsImos. icnu- lnijici' cai'i'iei's, and iiniiales of Ihe llnoie lor Hie rrienilless Iiliil of the 'Illi Linlli's' lliiiiii-. Ceihir Itiiplds Aerie, Nil. 1 Hi. C. <'. lhii:li'H. hiiH aaineil, as a ciindhiaje for vrniel lleaNlller of Ihe |;raild aerie, lo he eiei'leil III .MllMllokee, lo .\ll(lllsl. lltHli. I'iihI Wnllliv t'li'siiiinl. iHlil I'asI lll'liaty Slllle i'le..ii|e||l, Ciiii'.. A. Sie|ilii'ii:<. who came niiliin i II miei nf iiellli; eieeleil ;;raaii treasurer al lli'llvcr, ill Anunst taxi. He U worlliv II lilce. 'l'r4>Nloii,--At III!' Tii.tlor iip«ni llnn-.i' I Mi/nik;oiai'iy .Mo«i''", in»iiai;eri "Tlie I'rliiee nf I'llsep," Sepl. ||. pli'iiseil ii cnoil hlzed liniisi'. "Ciicikeri"' IP. ""l"oiii, liicli iiinl llarrv" 'Jii. •■Cmiihi Kale" 21. fhiis, Ilie.s 2:i. Will. ,\. Ilrady Imi ennlrailed for 2."i niid week, lllll has iiol iinniiiiiired llic allriii'tlnii 1 S•(■.^■||: Stui:i;i ll-'iank Shalters. iiinaaKcri, "Vork Stale I'olkK" II. 12, iilayeil to fair hiisiness. Hani liliinnre, L'i. did fairly well. ■".MaiiliiiiB 'I'liriiiiKh lieorcla," 1 I. pleased a laedll|:n st/.ed Iioiini'. i':flie illisier. l.'i. HI, had a«od hiisiness. ■•"fhe lleaiily Hnetor" IS- 20. "Lost in II V/.ii Chy" 2I*J.'I. ■fi:i;N i- ii;d«iiid llealoii, iiiaiiaiter), - An excellent Mil drew «ond atlcndaine hisi wee';, lllll lor IH and week: Casino Coaiedv Koiir. .(aim's I'. .\|<-it/iiiaid, Myh-s McCaily niid Co., lieimorc nad I Saiilnc. Vera hi'iiI Co., Trillers. Ci-ci and the tiloKiiiph. .Nuri:.— 'I'lie nttnicllniiH eni;iiKed for III" llHelidate fair, 2.'"i'-'(i, Inehide : Ciirls IHH'rf slice,Iron liiind, l'uin'<< pyioieiliale inilniee. iTof l''|iiwi'r. In liiiiloiiii aNceiisloiiH. tti.> hiiinan skyrm-kei. the I'Iclii;; .hiiduiis, IVi'leli's d'ljj", Liinj and Levaiiloii, Ihe livrdon Sis- l''<>rl IIimIk'v a I till' .Mlilhiiid T In'iitrii I A, li. Heoli. iiia|ni«eri •Mis IHi'liiic.- llm ll".t ' packed liie hoii-c Sept. II. iilid pien-eil. 'Ihe ,\ihlllls Hliiek Co.. ,'1 tl. Iiriike I lie limiot ■r ril. ■■'fhe LIHie Hnniciead" Ik, "Ilio I'aruilers" 22. "Ilaiol of .Man" 211. iii.iiNos I'.tiia I.M, J. Ihilie. iioimmeri . The rHly-.i\lh lleMliiieal llaiid. Carl i^iii-.i, dli tor. dill well K. NiircK. 'file liiiskllt I'nriilial Co l'l'.'.':. . ,'l'lle WelistiT Coiilily fair i-ollli'lli|i|| mIIIi loiil weather ,'■!•, iiinl Ine iilli'iid.ui'e was IlKhl. lliirliiiHloii, Al Hie llraiid 1 Cii;initc'i'< Illi. ilarrinulmi iV Co. inHiiiiiicrsi "A 'i'lmi illli;iliil'l'd 'i'cillcp" pleiiseil Sept, II. "'I'l.o l,i;s| llniie nf Siniinier" did fair tiiisliiiHii 1". ■"the Cniiiiiy I'liiilrnian.'" l.'i. iiad 11 iai;:i' • lowil. ■•.Mr» ■|'emp|o"s 'I'clei.'rani"' Is. 'I'ltf! I'alf!: I'oiif::!" 211. "Vou Vmisoa" :in. Tin: li.vniiliK Is ready I'oc Inialnrss, ltnlMii|tii>. -At the lirniiii HpeMi Hoicn (Wni. T, Hochl. miiiniKcri •"The IIomiI cio-f Ideiised a fair aildlciirc Sept. .-|. '"rhe l-'or- Iddilen Land"" hiid a kooiI Ikhisc li, "SI J'hiiik- ard"' dreiv lis usual k<'oiI houses !i. "Tlie HnrMilcrs" iiad a fair lioO'-e 12. "<iii llm Itrldve al .Xlidaiuht" HI. A Ihe l'i-<i'iier VU, "Chciry Valley" ".'it, Soiisa 27. Ihoeaie Hind- lev 2S. «.»> lliiv.\r.i' .tMi lilitilvM phiyed Cliesinnt IH|| I'm I,. I'liliailelliliia, Kept, Id. 'liil 1 i. itielr Hiird eiiKaucioi-ni at ihe nark lhl>, i.en-'iiii, having oiieni'd the -eii-nii Ilieie .Mny 2h, ami played Uteri! a»ahi In July.