The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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September 28, KiiF.KDY ttuou (\). It. nuQlDton, manii!;rr). —••I'ridfl Hi'd I'overty" wos prcgentpfl by the niifflntoii Htofk Co. last wwk, to good IjhuI- urn "Men and Women" IBliX CASIO TiiKATiiii! (Al. llaynee, managFr),— THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 777 -.?J*1' .""^"^K""' IhP n'-nnHt-Mniiltrin f.i. ptMcnlcd a Miiiug list ot pliiys. tn |!<»ul <«♦ XEW YOIIK STATE. hinetograiili. NlCKKLOOliOX. Rl18ln(8B IllSt WrCK WHS up to the otalidBrd, Wetk of 18: Newton SIh Ki-x, Morton and MaHon, Cbaa. Mlllimnn, Maaon nnd Mnson, nnd optlacopc. NoTi:3.—The Cnato has added a new or- clieatra. under the IcndcrRhIp of Stuart Brian. Geo. Albert Haley, who was on the CHMto «tnlt three years ago, has returned to the Al. llaynca forces, and will he resident iiiannger of the Kail Itlver house, .1. Fred Lee, for the past two scusonK at Kail Itlver, having lipcn transferred to the Colonial Theatre, In Ijiwrencf, which has been added to the Casto flrcult Htcve O'Oonnell, Inic of "The 'IVlepbone lllrl," has Joined "Buster Drown" Co. as musical director M. U. Sheedy will open the rf^ular vaudeville senxou at Sheedy's BIJou 2.1, .- t HlirliiKflplil.—At the Court Hquiire Tbc- alrc'l). O. tillmore, innnafjcr)"Buster Bruwu" iiud fair returns Hopt. 13. Master Olovannl, In the title role, and .lack Hell, as "I'lgc." tnrrleU off the honors, t'hauncey Okolt gnirc "Kdinund Iliirke" 1.', and n well lllleil liouHe found plenir to hold IIk attention. "BaticM In Tii.vliind" 20, Hvn Tangnay 2.1, ■The (lovernoi'a Hon" 20, "The Duke of Kllllcrankle" :!0. .VKW OiI.MOKB TllKATItK (I*. K. ShcK & Co.. iiiMnagerH).—'llm Ollfnore Stock Co. presenlcil "The Hlgn of the Kour," to ko<nI bualness, last week. Itobert Urauct crented a line liu- iirrsslon ' I'lorrncc tJalc did well, and Anna I,nvng also scored. "A Social Hlghwaypnah" I'oi.l's (.1, C. Criddle, resident manager). —Another excellent ruudevlllc lilll was of- fered last week. Card for week of 1H: The Barrows-IiuncaMter Co., Nalndn. Mason- Heeler. Josciihlno (Inasrann and her pickr, Htnrle and Violet .Mien, Al. Lawrence, Crouch add llUtaai'dH and electroKrapb. N'Ki.Ho.v {!'. K, Hhea & Co., mauagers).— The European Sensation JUirlesqiiera, 11-1'!, gave a bright idiow, and liuslness was good. "A Hon of Kent," 14-lfl, had large audlcnccn. Those deserving special mention were: Wll Ham Hwur, Chaa. IJdell. Edward Hayes, May l'\ Linden. Margurrt Miles. (leorcK Krencli and Hslella 'J'linmerman. Al Beeves" . ItiirlCMfHiers l«-2(l. Notch. —The programme of the Court H'lnnre 'J'hcatrc has made Its appearance <n a new nnd attracllre design. .Tohn V. BivlKht, Its publisher, Iuim moved his iiKrr to L'lG^Voilhlngton Ht The Chlcopcc Kails Aerie of I'aglcs la to hold a carnival, com- mencing Nov. 10 M. V, Connolly, of the local Aerie of ICnRles, was elct:tcd grand ivorttiv conductor of the Mngles of Auicrlci at llic convention hold at Denver. Col., In August. .. .IMie Trolley Car Trio, Mack and I'helps, Harry aud Mny Howard, the Oltlcin HIsters nnd booinosropn made up the bill for the cIokIuk week at llrookslde I'ark Klorciu-c Cinle held a i-eceptlon at -the nil- more Theatre 12. which was ntlendcd by IIbout Ihri-c hundred ladles, light rcfrf-sb- :uentK being served A now lodge ot KIks Is lo Ik. instituted In Niu'tbnmptMn. 2n. Already llfty have slBUlllod their Intenllons of becoming mcuiliers .Tolin T. Moran, ■ who baa gained some renown an a maglclnn, lo soon lo apiKiur In vaudeville rrank- Mn I'air will be held nt Grcenlleld, Sept. HO, 21. « - I.VHti At the Lynn Theatre (I'Vauk 11. Harrison, inannger) the Daniel It. Ilyan Co. plaved to big buHlneiw week of Sept. II. '•Whv (ilrls Leave lUimo" had fair buslnesM lit, 2(t. "The 8bcpherd KIbb" 21-2:1, Thomaa K. Hbcn 2ri.itn. ACiiiTiuilii.M (Harry ICalsies, mansKer).— I'ncked bouses ruled last week. The current mtracilons luchide: Ned aud D'Arvllle Sisters, Irene Lee, Uslley and Austin. Morton, 'i'eniple and Mi>rtiui. Iloey and r,ee. Bai-r an4l Kvans und the .MarveluUH Ten .11 Trouiie. (ii;« (CblirlcH \V. Shcafe. nianagerl.—This playhouse opened 18. and many Improve- ments have iieen mnde during the Summer. Mllllam T. Williams Is musical director. The current hill Includea: iCarln and Burllctt, ;i. Thomas and H. Hose Itaiarf, Hob ^rorrlH, Allaire, Thomas and I'ayne, and ttin ranllon pivlnres. Hai,k.m. Haleui ((ieorge H. Cheelham. nuiii- Hger).—\Vcl|{ht liorlnier nnd couipiiny pre- Hcnled "The Sliei>berd Klug" Kva Tanguay, In "The Hamlio (4lrl," 22. NOTK.—Lew Benedict, Ihe minstrel man, was the gucHt of Manager Kalxrs last week, and was looking hale and hearty. Mr. Itcne- <ll'-t will go iMtii vnudevllle. possibly doulding wllh Lou Hynumrtri In some old lltue sketches. » Worccater,—At Ihe Worcester Tliealre (.luK. V. Hock, resUleat manager) "A Scm of Hest" Sept. IP. The Kour Mortnus. In "Ilrcak'ng Into Soclcly," 22, 2;i. with nuitl- aee 2.'t. Chauncey IHciitt n|)peared 1(1. Kli*XKl.iN HotlAiii: (.1. K. Burke, resident anmager).—Week of 18, Malcolm Vlllbuus aud his slock /•ompuny will be seen In "I Hi Itarrv." . Lust week the conipsnv iiicsenlcd "A I'oor Itclatlou" In a very creditable man- ner. .Next week "Men und Women" will be the attraction. Ilosauiond Hrockway. well known In IIONtoii. hns Joined Ihe compan,v. BuslnesH Ihe lieiivlesi In town. ... . I'AiiK fAir. •!'. Wlllon. manager).—Week of IS: Dlda. Dolliir Troupe, Murphy nnd Kiaa- ces, Hapiiy Jack (Jnrdncr, Le C'bilr and Ilardt. Hurry TbompHOU, .lack and Ilertba BIch, and the kInetOKraph. Last week ssw excellent bushu-ss. evccv number being a drnwlng card. l'Ai,AfK.—\Veek of 18. the burlcsiiiie. "Tnuililes of AlphonKC and C.uslou." TIio olio Includea: Mdlvoy and Hughes, Carrol and Iluker, li'riinccs RIelrose and Dolly liliiier. Mons. KolM>r und Kittle lIolTmun. ■ l.nivri'iief At Ihe Opera House (Crunl. «V: Culiii, niunageiH) "Down bv the Neii Ideused a fair house Sept.. H. „ 'liuvld llaruiu" iMinie to goml houses. Including niiit- Inee. Hooked: "Twin .sisleis" IK. "Ihe Heart ot Texua" 2'l, Mva Tanipiuy 21, "Why tllrls Leave Home'' 22. 2!l. Casino I\V. L. tialluglier, miiiiagci).- - lliiKlueiiS wu« to capacity week nt II. Hooked week of 18: Dallcys. t.'eo. Koslcr, Alleii His- Irrs. Uolllc Clilford. .Jules Do Lorle, Manilc Martin, Carrie KleliardsoD. « llolyiike.—At the Opera House (Luwler llros., manuKcrs) "A Son of Host," Sept. I.I. drew mnllutn ntlemlani-e. "Might He Is in, "The Ninety and Mae." 2U, cuuceled. Ihe Kour Mortons. In "ISrcaklng Into Society, K.MiMitK (T. K. Miirrny, manager).— "Hu'.uert- LIvea," ll-KI, and the Kiinipenn Keiisatlon IliirleHiiners. H-KI. did sallsfuc lory lumlncKS, •'llie Way of the Trnnsgres- sor" 18-20, Al. llecves' Co. 2l-2;i. "More t.i l»e I'ltled than Hcorncd" 2.--27, the World Iienlern 28.:i0. » >«r«Ii Adnms At the ICmpIre (.Tobn II. Sullivan, niansger) Henrietta Crosman. In "Miirv. Mary, tjulle Contrary." gnve ejcnilent Mtlsfnetlon. to a large audience. Sept. II. A 8on of Hesl." 12. drew a u«od house. "W ben We Were Twenlv-one." 1.1. did gond liiislnesH. "••onn llolUnv." 14. was creeled by generous patriinuge. ami pleased. ''Busier Itrown. I.;, drew well. "Hunied Lives" 1(1. "KIgbt Dells 22. "The Way of the Transgressor" 2.'l. UintMovn TliK*raK (W, I'. Mende. mtin.i- rer).—De Wolf Hopper. Ill 'llaiipflsiiil.^ Will open the regular seifon at tli.3 hou^e ^j. . Tanntou,—,\t the Tauttton Theatre (C«liD ItntTnlo.—AC the Htur (1>. C. Cornell, iminsger) "lluiniity Duuipty" «ii|iciics wi'ck of 8ept. 18. "In Tummauy Hall'' next week. .Iiillnn .Mitchell's prisliicllon of "Alice nnd the hieht Princesses," a dream play. In two acta demanded attention for two davs. The inusic Is by Victor llcrhcrt, who conducted the orchestra In iierson. It proved to l>e a benutlrnl presentation and drew 8. 11. tl. „ VJ''P -v. '•'• ''""Rhlln. manager).—The B,i'dwln-Mclvllle Co, this week, la "Ihivy rrockctt:" "I'nder Two rings" to follow. Palronage has been verv good. CoNVKNTioN llAU, (H. L. Meech. custo- dian).—Sousn 10, matinee and night. Bos- ton Symphony Orchestra Oct. 1. HuKv'a.—Ccellla I,oftus. 0. K. Halo. Bloom nnd Cooper, Crane Brothers. Helena Kred- erlck. Charles I'relle, O'llourke and Ilurnetl. lilrard and Cardner, and the klnetograph. Ikck IV f. t'lirnell. manager).—Klsie .Tunis. In '"nie LItlle niu-bess," this week. Keilar next week. "Busy Isiiy's Vacation" proved n big magnet last week, and delighted crowds. LArAVKTTB (C. ,M. Bngg. manager).— Miner's Mercy BurlcripicrH this week. Krsnk B. Carr's Tliorougbbreds nnd Lniirpst Trio next week London (lalety Olrls won many new friends Inst week. CAmiKV TitKATni;. — Mnnuger MrMnbou olferu this week Bob Manchester's Cracker- jncks, including seven female wrestlers, I'u- kIuo CIrls and Smiling Islnnd next we-k. lliiblc'K Knickerbockers suslalned their cnivl name last week. AfAriEMv (I*, r. Cornell, ninnairer).--"\ llnce for Life" this week. "A Ilespein'e Chance" returns next week. "Dungers of Working (ill-Is." InsI week, fared well. NoTHN.—"Alice and the KIglit rrhu-esse,." departed by special train following the mutl- nee of 10, for Chlengo Manager Waller S. Baldwin Is In New Orleans looking utl"" bis Southern Interests Athletic Park's closing week was algnalized liy innch merri- ment : many Innovations arc planned. ■ llncliPNifr. — Al Ihe Lyceum (M. V, Wolff, munagerl Joseph I'nwthorne, In "In Tuinmany Hall." for Ulie llrst lime on any stage. Sept. 21-'j:!. Xatio.ssi. (Max Hiirllg. manager).-"The King of the Opium King" [ilayeii lo good buslneKs Ilia. "Hup" Ward nnd a Inrce and excellent company played to di-scrvedlv capacity business, In "The (irnfi.r." Thorough satisfaction was given, the show proving lo be u great big bit. ItesldcK Mr. Warde. Lucy Daly. Winifred Spniildliiu. Wll- llsin Kricnd, Chas, llntes and .Muy Thom|i- son scored heavily. The chorus was line looking und well drilled. "The tJrafter' mnde a lasting ancress in lis llrst visit here. Daniel Sully, in "Our Pnslor," 18-20! Kei- lar 21-2;i. Cook OCKliA lIousK (J. H. Moore, ninna- ger).—Week nf 11 sllcnrttince was tine. (!ool- innn's dogs nnd cnts. the Ilri'd Ulrds, und the Colby Knmlly lu'oved to be Ihe leading features. Bakku tJ. H. Moore, riaanger).—'I'lic opening performance of the Miwre Slock Co. iinil tlie jloorc regime occurs 18, when "The Altar of Krlendshlp" will lie put on. CouiNTiiTAx (II. C. .Tacolis. manager),— 'I helse'H M'lne. Women snd Hong C.n. did capacity hiiRlness week of 11. a rattling good show being given. Those who mnde hits were: Ilonlln and her pncknnlnnies, Howe and Scott und Krederiek Ilcos. nnd Burns. Itoblc's Knickerbockei'H 18-211. .VoTi;.—K.vdne.v Iticc. a Uoclii'slei' Imy. of Hie Krobman forces, Is spending il few ilnys in hia home town. Ctlen.—At the .Majestic Theiili-e (Sliii- berl Bnis.. munngci's) "When the World Sleeps" di-ew big Sept. 11, 1'.'. Dan'l Sully dill w»ll l.'l. Black (!rook Jr. Co. drew big 11 Mnbel McKlnley was well received Ifi, lit. Sousn's Band 18, matinee: "Shadows of a (;reat City" 18, 111, "Deserted nt the Altar" 2(1. "Babes In Toylnnd" 21, "Beauty und the lleasl" 22. 2,'l. ORniL'M (Wllmer i A'incent, managers). —Owing to Illness on the part of .lennnette J.owrie. Trovollo wns iiilded to Hie lilil, mid drew big last week. Illll week of 18: Thos. '1. Senbrooke and .lennnette Uiwrle. In "Ilouglit at Auction:" the Kngllsh tlraud Opera Trio. Ud. llsliis, .Mllrliell und Marlon. Kennedy and iloone,v. Ilukec and Lynn, Nat Clltord, and Ihe klnetogiaph. nr.WKV Mi'Nic irAi.i, (David Barry, iiinna- gcr).—Last week's iieupic drew big crowds. Illll week of IS: .Mr. and Mrs. Ilobine. ||e.;H Sisters, Dors Hart. K. C Wallace. Kva .Mc- Kennou. Kernim Sisters. lOdlth Dnnoqiic. IhiOA I'AHK (Clias. Scrnni, iniinnger) wns (ppen IG. for darning. Bulb's OrcheHlra fur- nishing music. Mohawk Valley circuit races week of 18. SUMHM' I'AKK (J. A. Baker, ainnsger).— 'I'lie seuson closed, having reglatered lo.iiiiii more admissions Iban lust year. XorK.—Prof. it. A. ZKo. ii prominent harp plnycr. was given a farewell reception at the Star 'i'beiitro Sept. II. In Ihe future he will follow vaiuleville. Alliniiy At the Umpire (I-'rank Wil- liams, reHldeut manager) lluvciiy'a Min- strels. Scpl. II, drew a very big audicnie. The Black Crook Co.. ITi. Ill, had excellent business, nnd pleased all. "The Sleepln.( Benutv und Ihe BensI" 18, Thfllla Theatre Yiddish Co.. In "'I'he Sonata." in. Haujia.vch Bi.UKCKKli Hai.i, (II. It. Jacobs, uiauageri.—"The Smart Net," ll-l.'l. had Ihe best jioiises of the season, and "Deserted al the Altar." 11-111. clo.scd a Hueeessfiil week, "Ilulned Lives" 18.2(1. "Ikey and Abey" 21- 2n. ".Nettle, the Newsglrl." 2,-.-'.J7. Punrrou'H (Howard (Iruhuni. resident man- OKcr).—Tlie return to vaudeville here bus pleased Ihealregucrs, as Ihe btaiNe waa pnrkeit during the week. Bill tor 18 and week : Jan. J. I'orbell. Mncurl's Monkey CirniK. the Six AlllsouH, T'l-To, MItcbeil nnd Cnln. Curtis and Mav. Ha Orsnnon. nnd (iii.ver und O'Neil. liAiKTV 111. It. Nichols, innaager).—'i'he World Heaters gave a siilendld liurles(|ue show, ami Ihe house was tilled. I'roniinent In the comitany were: He Knrest Sisters. Me- Kiirlaud ami .McDonald. Ilohannan und <!oi'cy. Qiilgg. Kdwnrds nnd Mckerson, and Nlbloand Spencer. Wliie. Women und Song Co, 18-2:i. Kl.tliTllIc I'AUK closed lt« Ibeatri' for the Summer wllh u strong vaiuleville bill,headed by Ihe Dixie 'I'niiilmdoiirs. ■ Selieneetndy.—Al the Van Curler Ojieiii House (I'. H. Ileiiedlct. nuiuiigen "IJiilncy Adams Haw.ver" Sent. 18. Hadiey's movlOK (ilcliires IP. "The Sleeping llenuty and IIm- Heast" 21. "Cimii Hollow" 22, "Shiidows of a Drcat City' 'i.'l. MoiMWK (Weber A Itnsli. uianaifersi.— Hill week of 18: Kauuy Illce. I'aron and Karnuni. llae and lliosibe, Oolden Oate Ouin fette, Ccorge und .Mae Woodward. Jiwse Houtwell. nnd the Klvo Columbians. XoTBK—Joe Weber, ot the Mohawk. hn.-< mnde 11 line sele.lbin of bleb eluss iiei-fiirm CIS. and Is meelliig with hage siicccas. Tie Is a liat'ii worker, and deserves iiincli cre'iii for lh<' m«nn"r lu which he Is r'ondiictliip Ills Ihiuilrc I.lad, Ihe feiiuilc iuiinr- viualor. Is liicseulllli' one of (lie urrrNilc-l acts III Vaudeville. UN lui|ierH'iimtlon« of nr.tlonul tviies of temules are i-finarknble. The Iwiil press devoted coluinaa to this ad. The Som: and Jest Club (local) In lurpii'rlnc fur lis niiniiiii inlimlrcl perfinii I,,,,,, |(,„i' I' ll«il<.n. f.aHiirly of tin rUv W ■ nf.H 10 m.te hif debut lu vsiidsvilli,-. votli n sketch, wiiltcn b; Peed noy . A iccepiion wa.? given by thi! rBuUcrlll« i>cr- formers nfler l!ie weck'x eiigngeiucni. Aiih.iik those present were: I'rcil Hoy, Stuart Kol- llus. i-'red Polk. Harry I'oyle. Mlsa trinrke. oMIc Voting and brother, I.. K. Biirlon, Jo- seph WelH>r nnd Tiir (.'i.iiTnn representn- tlve. K. M. Wlllnrd. Music bv Prof. IMr- soiK Juliet Wociil, of Wood and Itay, Is a sindeni of astrology. I Troy.—,\t Proctor'H (iriswotd iWilliam H. (Irahaiu. resident insunger) large Imuses laKl week, tlie second of the season. The bill Sept. 18 will include: James J. Corliett. Mar- rny and Idine. the JuggliiiE Mclbinns, Hadic Kurman. Bossl's .Musical llorse. llnycs aud Ileai.v. i'ewltt. the mysterious face, nnd Hy- man and Franklin. LvcEr.M (Harry R Wood, innnnger).— HIg liouses greeted the Snow Slock Cumnnny last week, in "Hamlet." "The Crisis" l,<t-2:i. IIano's (H. T. Thumiison. resident ninun- ger).—"The Black Crook" drew n tilg house 12. "The Smart Set" drew well Illll. "Ikey nnd Abey" 18. lit, "The Sleeping llenuty aud the Beast" 20. IIoVAt, (William H. Buck, munngerl.—Al. Beeves' Show drew big liouses lust week. 'I'lie Woild Beaters IS and week. KInilrn.—At Knrlrk'a Ijlen Thenlre (Her- bert SnilnBcr. manager) "Woman Agsln«t Wnmnn" diew large audiences Inst wck. despite the cold weather. "Wicked London" this week. Tlie theatre will then Im>cIo«'-iI until next Summer. This has Is^en Ihe most Nuccesstiil hcaann In Its history. iliAi.T.i II'. W. .McConnell. manager).— Hill week ot 18: ('(irlietl and l\iricster. Hub liiHon Sisters, Ilcrthn Mc.Morrls. Jl'lle. Alinn, Olive Clnylon and James It. I'roudiove, 11- liistrnl'.'il rongs and llialtiisrope, featuring Ihe Brllt-.Nelson Dglit. Business Is good. XoTK.—Work upon the new Lyeoinn Then- ire has been resumed, and It la nnnounced that the thentre will be c.iniplete<i and ready lo open by the middle of October. Myrneiiat',—At Wellliii; Opera House (J. L. Kerr, mnnngcrl. week of Sept. ll."H«mply llumpiv" drew big biislneMs. Soiisa's Bund 18, "Love's Lottery" 21, "Babes lu Toylnnd" 2;i. llAMTAUMCdI. A. Hurtlg. muiiUKer).—"King of the Opium HIng." U-lll. did good business, Kellur t8-'2(>. Dan Sully 2I-'J.'I. (iHAMiOl'KUA lIoi'SM IC. U. Pliiminrr. Dinn- iiger).—Hill week of 18: W. II. .Mni'phy. Henry und Vonng. Nate Leip/lg, Blanche Nichols and I'oiniinny. Ijulglcy Bros.. Siairi and KcKsnec, W. C Kelly. Ihe Cregsous, Co- lore nnil lilibert und Ihe kinetogrnpli. s ItlnKlininton,—At Slime 0|ierii ilo.ise (J. 1*. I-;. Chirk, nianageri tlic Chunipiln Stock Co.. In repertory, drew good buslMcss Sept. 11-111, except l.'t, when ilenrlettn Cns- man. In "Mary. Mnry. ()iilte Conlrnry." drew a large audience. "I.lltle Johnny Jones" 18, "ICben llcldt'U" 21, Schuinann-ileink 22, l>nu llurleigh 2a. ilAOK.VMKl'K'S A.M.MAI. CinCIK coUie.S 22. « JnmeHlotvn. — At the Snniiii'ls Opera House I.M. Dels, ruauager) the Aubrey Stiick Co.. Sept. 11-lU, gnve good plays, to line busi- iiess, llaverly'M .MIUNtrels, H. gave un ex- cellent pertonuance, lo fnir patronnge. Cum- ing: "Wedded and I'liitcd" 18. "SI Slehlilns," mnllnce nnd night. IP: Mabel McKlnley. In "The Parson's Wife," 21. The house Is now being repaint I'd. « «» OHIO. ClMi-liinntl.—Aiitoinn, with IIm liltlngly cool evenings, has arrived, and Hie Ibehlricnl Hcuaon Is fully on. Ilvcry lioiwe In the clly Is now open, and ImihIucss Is averaging big. There Is one more house thin season thun Inst—Hie rivalry for hiirlcsipie patronage be- Iwcen the i'eople's and Standard being one of the most lulcresting incidents ot the caia- pulgn to dale. (iuANU Oi-KMA IliiiJHK (Harry llnluforlh & John II. Ilnvlln, managers).—(leorge M. I.'oimn, esipilred by Samuel II. Harris, will come Sept. 18, lu "Little Johnny Jones." LnHt week C'neinnntl got aciiunlnteil with "The Sboliiiii." nnd large auillem-eH appre- ciated Ihe brightness of tieoi-ge ,Vde'« Korean crc.illoa as staged by Henry W. Havnge. Agues Cnln Brown, as HunnI llimn. was given a cordial welcome. She Is a l!lncln- null girl. John K. Hen«linw, ua the Amer- ican promolvr, shone as a i-oinedinn. The cbonis was good. Dlgby Hell, hi '"i'he lOilii- cutlou of Mr. PIpp." riiflowK. CoMLiiaiA TliEATUi: I.M. C. Aiidei-Hiin, iiinii- ugeri.— Cllvetle, Hie 'I'lirri' .S'evarroii, Ariii- striintr and Holly, I'luyton, JeiikiiiM nnd Jas- per. West and Vmi SIcIcii, IlellT llrothi-rs und Slarcus und (lartelle are Ihe new people t» open 17. LuHt week's houses were Jumined, and Ihe olio was provided by .Mme. Sinpolfskl, the I'eklu 'Aiuuves, Auric Dngwell, the (ilrl of 'Ul, Captain Illoours ileiaoiiHli-nllon of Ibo •Murconl wlrelCMS tclegi'U|ihy, the .Musical lioolinuns, Mr. unil .Mrit. Kdwnrd Kiinioiide, Louise Corver ami (icule Pollard, snd the mystery, DIda, Ihe creullou uf wuuiuu froui nothing. Wal.m r .ST'ci:i:r Tiikatuk (.\1. C Aiid"r- son, manugcri.—"Ony .New York" will be seen Hits week, wllli linn .Mason nnd lldwaril H. Adams aumiig the chb^f fun makers. The return of "Buster llrown" IuhI week wns niurkiil by tremendous outpourings, nnd lh>- little fellow und Tigewere realty niiire popiiinc than last season. Master Illce and Arthur Hill were cnsi as the prluclpnlH. The com- pany was ciipniile. "(Jiiincy Adams Sawyer" 24. Hkii'K's Ocksa Iliii'HK (lleiick. KenneHsy kV: Stnlr. munagerx),—"Voun;; iliiiruio." nii iitlicr ot Charles K. HIanoy'H ireiiliiius, will be pul oil IT. I.nst neck Lillian Mortimer, ill her pluy, ".Nii .Mother to (liilile Her," mnde n favornble liuiiresHlon, nnd druw big cj'owiIh. "King of the Opium HIng" 21. Itiiliivso.s's OI'Kua llui'Mt: iCeoi'gc l>. KIhIi & Liiclbi l-'orepaiigh KIhIi, uianngcrst. -The Korepnilgb Slock Co.. nfter a miihI KUrci-i'Sfnl week 111 "A lloval Kaially." will slage Henry Miller's old Kin-cesM. "lleurtHeiise." it. LvL'KCM TiiKATiu; llleiirk. Stair * Kcii; ncKs.v. managers).—".\ (ilrl of the Siris'ts." onu of Lillian Mortlnicr's lueloilrainas. will Iw put oil 17. Last week Laiigiion McCormlck's i:rciitton, "The lloiisc of .Mystery," did a big business. "A Wife's .Secret." 21. PkoI'I.k'h Tiii:atio; (lliiliert lleuck, mana- ger).—The Cherry ISlossom Buries(|uers nic coming IT, folluwlng u week's siicccaBfiil en gugeiiieni of the l-^uipire Buriesi|iicrs. Merry Maidens Biirlesipiers 24. Sta.viiauii TliKA'rui; (Cliurles B. Arnold, iiiiinuger).— Harry I'rvnnt's IliirlcMipiers uii! due II, Lust: we"k I;, !■'. iliisb's lion Ton Hiiriesipici'M did n splendid bUHlness. Ilerg'i Merry tilrls were the inpllneiH. The Iroiipe of fcaiule U'leHllers who were wllh Ihe i-oui ptiiiv nt Pltlslmrg. did noi citnie lo Clncln- na((. Kose Hill BiigllMh Kiilly I'n. 21. i'iii:sTi:ii I'AaK (1. .M. .Mart In, innnnger I. —Tlic season closes IT, with niiolher Hiaa- leitr dav at the vniidevlib- theatn'. The Three K's. Kloreiice ThIIhiI, Kddle Smith nnd Hannah Hess. Ilolwrt l.'arle nnd Pearl Young are nmong; those who will appear. They were Inst week s prl):e winners. OosNie iiK Tilt: Lonuv. - Kay Teiaplclon nnd all who are to appear with her In "i-'orty live .Mlnittes from Hrondany," will !«• In ('liiclii- mill iicil week, lo be itei'Konnlly ivbearsi'il by the aiilb'ir. ijeorge ('oliaii. Munngi'r Sam Harris will also be here Iiiiini loines lo Ihe Zoo IT, for two farewell iwncerls Ilarrv Yost, an old time clnilniiaii Isiy. who bus (leserled the sisge, Is here, nbead of "i!ny New York." » rievfllltiil. -At Hie Dperu llmre l.\. I'. ILn::;, iiiaii.'ii.i r i .Si.ibciii ,iiiil \I/iili,ive npiu their season here week nf .'-li-iii. In. with '"i'ttuiiuy of tii<: .Shrcts ' and "ihu Mcccliuul nf Venice." Advance snle Is heavy. Lew iVick- stnder had line business wtek of II. Coi.n.N'iAL (Drew ft I'amiibell, iiianajierH). --"The Altar of Krlendablii" Is Ihe offering bv the Vaughn flinser SlocK Co. week of 18. "The I.lltle Sllnlsler" drew capacity honsea wii<k of II. ".Ml on Aci-iHUlt of i-;il/.a" 25- .'lU, Lvi'KCM tJ. K. Cookson. manager)."- "liappv" Ward, la '"I'he Oiafler," week of 18. ••Texas" drew well wii'k of 11. "llnlury Ailaais Sawyer" 2.'i-:m). Ci.KVKi.Avn (J. K. CiK>ksiiu. manager).-— "The Bov Behind (lie linn" week of 18. "The Curse of Drink" drew fairly well week of 11. "The llnce for Life" 2.'>-:i(t. KriTli's III. A. Dnniels. mnunger).~-Hlll week of IS. SIdnev Drew, Lew Sully. MuHlcnl Jobnslons. Pantner Trio, La Pel Me .MIgnon and Mullen and Coreill. Business heit* con- tinues to cnpaclty. Lvnic (K. K. Lang, manager).—Hill week nf 18: Zlskn and /.enllb, Zedn. Bnby Hawk- Ins. Howell and Kmerson. Clark nnd Temple, and .Tohnstou Pliaener Co. Star (Drew A Cninplwll, manngers). - The Mmpire Burlesipiers week of 18. Miss New York Jr. (,'o. drew line houses week of II. The Cherry Blossoms 2ri-,'IO. ICmI'IKi: (.'Max KnetkeMheiier. manager).— The Cnalno Olrls Cn. week of IS. Hob Maii- ehentcr's Cracker Jacks had bimxI business week of II. The Masipierndcrs 2r>-ail. NiiTK.—John J. Ilyan. Cincinnati; S. .Mor- ton Cidin. Chicago, nnd Jolui W. Cousbllne, Seal lie, met hero week of II. lo discuss Ihe foriuallon "f a cireiill embracing Is-tween llfly or Hlxly llienlrcs between New York and the I'aclllc coast. ■ YiiiinKHtotvii.- ,\t Ihe llrnnd Opera House iT. K. Albniigli. lunnager) week ot Sent. IS. the third week of vaudeville, em- liraces: Tlie Six Heed Birds, l,olla (llnd- slone. KIndlay and Burke. Hubert Henlli. Ihe Chamlierllns. the Avidns and gertograpb. The bill highly pieuaed. Pa«k iJule Delmnr, malinger).--The cur rent week's olfering Ini'ludcs; llaverl.v's Mlii- strelit lit. Sousa's thind 2lt, "King ot Ihe Opium itlng" 2I-'2a. NiiTKS.—Iilorn I'nrk Cusino closes lis season IT The case pending In court. Is>lween the stage hnluls of InsI seuson at the Park Theatre nnd the lessees, hus been sellled Win. II. Hundley, of Hrsdy's Lake, has aiven up Hie project lo eslabllsli n vnudevllle Ihentre here, as luenlbmed in'verni weeks iigo (ieorge W. Scliwarl'/ died in this city l.">. of a|s>iiiexy. He was liruprielor of Ihe Park ilolrl for a nuiiibec of years, wlilcli wan a headipiarlcrs for mnny Ihealrlcni peuple. « CnluinltuM.—Al Ihe lin'al SinillK^ru (O, .\l. Heniier. manngeri Ihe house was dark wis'k of Hept. 11. "The PHnce of Pllseii" 18, lit. Tim .Murphy 22. 'Ja. Kay 'i'cuiplelon 2,"i, '.'tl, .Marlowe and Solhrni 27. Kmi'IIu: I Kred .Nedderinyer. munager).— "I'rince Olio." by Ihe Kniplre Slis-k Co.. was cordially received by ginid hintscs week of II. Week of 18. "The Jill :" "Mr. Snioolh" '.'.-.•Md. liUANp opi:n.« Hiii^NK (R ('. osborn. man- ager).—"The Volunteer Orgunisl" iilayed lo giHHl lioiises I l-lll. The Ilnys '2,'i-27. HiiiK S'lUKK-r TiiKATHK (Clias. W. Harper, mniiuger).—"Her Wedding Hay" nnd "A WIfe'K Secret" divided week of II. lo fairly gixid IhimIucss '"i'lie House of .Mystery" IN- '211. "Child SlavcH of New York" 2l-'.'a. "p'oc His Iliollier'K Crime'' 2,"i-27, "Shadows on the Hearth" 28:111. Oi.rxTAMiv I'AHic (W. W. Piossi'r. malin- ger t.—The allendanci' week of II was Ihe best of Hie season. Tlie bill wua excellent. Tin lioiise will In- dnrk week of 17, and will reopen with Crenlore's Hauil 21. Kellev i.niiia l'ra?.ef, Kdlc llavue, ituse rell. \ bib't iiay>i, Agnes Srolt and IsubcHe l,oi'ell, Hnsluess Is very guiid. 9 'Amiravllli* Al Ihe Wellcr Theatre i.l. (1. Knglnnd, innnagrr) •■The clay linker" mini. Sept. II, 10 a fair hmi»e. "I'bc Holy city." P. did a large hiislncss. Al. WIImiui i;:. Sin son's "p. T. C." III. "I'lie Viiliiiilccr iirgiiiilst " 18. .Nirri:.- - Col. C. W. Itolicrls. nianngec nf tiordon & Hennclfs '"I'he Holy Clly." has been trunHrerred In llicir Kaslern aunipnny of "The Ho.vnl Sluvr." «_» DisTiurr <ii<' roi.i'.Miii.\. WiimIiIiikIoii. M the New .Nntlniinl iW. H. Ilaplcy, laanagerl James K. Iliickeit ami Mary Jiannerlag will Ibis week present, fuc the llrst lime lu America, Altieil Siilros "Tile Walls of Jericho." Last week Louis James presented "Vlrglnlus." "lugomar" anil "lllchclicii." cnch with siijierb settlugs iiiel iiingnincenlly iicled. "The Wizard of liy.' 2,'. at). Cm.i'JiniA I J. K. Liickcll. innnnger).- 'I'lils week. "WiMMllnnd. ' Last week "Slmide SI nion Simple" bad good sl/.ed bouses. KIrsi proihiction of Murtbn .Morion's comed.v, •'I'lU' Triilh I'ellcrs," an elnbornlloii of "The I'll grlms." priidoced two years since. 2."i-:lil. Lakavuiti: oi'Kh^ ilorai: (Ira J. La .Molle, nianngcrl." 'I'his week. Krroll Dunliar, In "Siicrloik iiolnies." Lanl week .Mnsun ami .Mnnon, In "Krlla nnd Siilli'.," ployed to bumiI bnsiuess. .Murv .Miirblc, In ".Nnncy llruwii," 2.-i-;iil. ,\caiu:mv or .Mcsir (J. \V. Lymis. iiiiMui' gerl.—TlilM week. Jiisc|ib Sunt lev. lu "A Itiiii away Hoy." I.iist week .V. S. Woisi ap|>ciircd fur the llrst time here In some yenrs. lucsenl- ing "Uist III n HIg Clly." Iiiruing iieojile nwny nt everv performanee. lloWMid Hall. In "'i'hi' .Mllllimnlre Detecdve." 2ri-ai). CiiAKK'M t.MIss II. Winifred De Will, mnii ngeri. -This week: Nick Lung and lilnlcne Ciitluu. Olive .Miiv and J. W. Allmiigli Jr.. Siipble Hurnluim, Hilly Link. Alexiinder .Mir ret and Adolph NIose, Klein anil Cllfliui. Coin's dug iHinloniline. nnd the vllngnipb. Last week Ihe usual cujiacity iiiidiences pre vailed. Lvci:rM (l')iiKi>nc Kernali. mniingeri. - Tills week, Hellly & Wisnl's Big Show. I,nsl week 'he .\veiiiie llirls liiid pnckeil hoiiwn. .Miss New Yurk Jr. 2.1-a(). NorKM. The llelnHCii-Sbiibert alliance bus ncipilred bv purchaHC the Lafayette Sipinri' Opera House, tn this i-ity. which will pass liilu lis haiiiis Oct. I, and thecciittec Ih< kniiwu as llic Helnsi'u Theatre, it will be luiiiiiicled as n llrnl rUxn liuiise. preKCiilllig all plavs under the uuinogenieiit ot iiavlil llelaseu. Sbiiliert ilios., iinrrlsun Orey Kluke. Krank Perlev and John C b'tsher. Tlie Itrst pluv to be preseuled will be the Initial iirii diiclliiii uf Belasco's "The lllrl of the Oolden Weil," wllh Illaiiche Hiili-s The Stnlr Kernuii svndlcule, heretiifure ciuitriillliig the Lafavetle und the Academy, lu tblMclty. will switch Hie Liitn.velle dutes lu the ,\cadeiny. and will iiriibiibly reupeu (be lliiiplre. wlileli tlii'v have belli iiiidec lease fuc huiiiu lluie, but kciii cliiseil fur Ihe nccuiuninilnlliui of allraclluiis itls|ilnccil nl the Aiiideiiiy, ♦»» • .M AIIV LAND. Ilniiilltnn At the Jefferson (Tom A. Hiullh, manngeri "The House of Mystery" did fair business Sept. It. "Over Niagara I''nils" plnyetl lo two gumi houses 1ft. '"riie Liberty BelieH" 14. Katie Kmniett HI. "Dora Thorne" 17. "Child Sinvcs of New York" •Jit, "Hie I''nlnl Wediiing" 2'2, "i'acle Josh Spruce- by" 2:1. OuANii TiiilATHi: (Ward k McCarthy, mnn- agers).—'i'lie llieatre Is doing Its usual good bUNlness. Illll week of 18: CuHiid aud De Verae. Albion Bros., Nellie H»ol, llnrlli and Kriige. Louis Hates and Ihe klniMlrome. The (Irand In one of the twenty mhi vnudevllle houses comprlnlng a circuit In Ibis serlloii ot the eonnli'.v, repreaentlng first class vniide. vllle. The niilMlde is Hnished in while, with n large liiiimlnaled sign. Interior is lliilsbeil In red, nnd Hie house has a senllug cnpacltv of alsiiit live hiiudred. In coiiiiecllun with the thenlre there Is a little iimtiseinent hull, having a shuoling unllery. I'Mlson pictiirii nia- chlni-s nnd everylblnu la IhnI line. Ahron. - At the Cobinini (lily H. Hill. mnniiger) the Itnvs. In "Down the I'Ike." pleased a big audience with a very funny show Sept. II. "Tlin (innibler" bad fair bosi- ness HI. Haveriy's Minstrels 21, "Wedded nnd Parted" 2.'t. C.NioiiK (Acblile Phillon. manager).--Hood business conllniies. Kor week of 18 : Wills and Barron. Tung Koo. ifeo. and Lllible Diipree, Cnprlee, Ben Oninr aud pictures. Lakkkimk Pakk Casi.vii HI. A. Hnwn. man- ager).--The season tvlilch closed 18 wns I lie most successful one In Ihe hlslnry of Hie place. NuiB8.--Kreil flliibe) Miison. ngeul. nnd J. W. Moure. presM agent, tor the .Miindy Show, ex b ltd I log here week of 18, were In Akron 12-11 The Hohlnson AmuMement Knierprlse Co. was nt Cu.vohoga Knlls alreet fair week of 11. y 'I'lileilit,—,M Hie L.i im Theatre li.'rniik Hurl, manager) "Shadows on the llearlli," .Sept. Iliia. had snilsfnclory business, "finv ,Vew York" M-Ill. "Down tlin Pike," nllli Johnny nnd K.nimn lla,v. l7-'J(t. KmI'Iui: (Abe Shapiro, manager). ~ The Cusino filrls. Ill mid week, gnve a splendbi show, to big business. The (lay Masipieraders n-2a. Bfirr'K (Krank iliirl. inanngeri.'"A Itan- geruiis Life." Id-HI, pruvi'd most popular. "Too Proud lo Beg" 14-10. "'i'he Klninlng Ar- row" l7-'2(t. .N'orKH. 'I'he Arrnde Thealre opened Sept. IT 'I'lie Knrm closed u siirceHstiil seuson 0 The Casino Thenlre liiid one uf Ihe hltritesl Hensuns In Its history, due largely to Ottu Kllves' good inniingemeiil. tInyOtii. . Al the .Nallniinl Kill lliinuus, iiianiigeri "Mow Hearts Aw Broken," Sent, 1l-ia. Ill ..r/siil liiisliiesH. "Her Weiblliin Itay" dill a niyliiK bii»liiesM 14.1(!. "A Wiff's Sei-rei " Is '.'(1. till' llavs 2l-2a. Vii-roaiA ic. II. .MIlliT. manager), -'I'liii .Murphy 18. In "A Curiier In Coffis.." "The Prince uf Pilsen" 'Jd. I'AUK (Oil liiirroics. nuiiiiigeri. The (liv .MMHipiiTiolers did spleiidlil bilsiiieNS 11 I.'!. Hill' ft Hiirtnii's lllv Onli'lv Co. IN.^II. I.AKi:siiii: Pauk f.i. A. KIrh. ninnnu'eri. I'air bUHbiesK iirernliiil week ot Id. Hie InsI week uf Ibis season. Kmuvikw P.tiiK (A. '/,. Wnid. iniiliai/ei'l. —This iHipulnr ci'surl rinsed 1(1. (iiioil crowds nitendeii during lli<- cliwing wncka. Ilnlli re. • At riiril's ICbarles i;. I'uiil. munngcn "The ,Malil nnd llu' Miiiimiy" Ik- gins 11 week's cngogenieut Sept. IH. "I'lii- Vlrglnlnu" re|s'alrd Its sncci'ss uf Inst jen.- 11-1(1. ilrnwliig full houses iilgblly, "1'l|.^ Drugoii Klv" Is ntinoiiiiccd for 'Jo. ArAiiK.MV iNlxoii ft /.linnierniaii, iiiiinn gersl. --"Slimile Simon Sliuiib'" opens Hi" season for this liiiune IS. "Woudbind" 2.'. Ai'iil'roniliM IJiiuies i>. Keriian, iiiamigeri. - "Nillicv llrown," with .Miiry Marlile In Hie title rule, 18.2a. Hilly Van, I I'lie i'liinnii Hov," Inrned tlieni awny all week eliding HI. '"i'lie SerloCiimlc lluveniesM" Is due 2.'i. .MAnvi.AMi (Jnilies I.. Keriinii. iiuiliiigcrt. ■The bill tor the currcnl week luiludes : Muy Vukes. the l''oiir KealoUM, .1. Kroucis i8ioley, WiHid Slid Itiiy, .Mli'«1 > Wend. .Nesseii, iliiiiler and .Nesseii, and Prof. Wucai wood's perforiuliig niiihheys anil dogs. OihmI nttendaiice ruled InsI week. Hoi.l.lii.iv SrnKMi' MleurKe W. ilife, iiiiiiiii geri."<iiieen of the lllglililiiders" uociih |m, "A liiiiiaway Hoy" did well, closing III, .\c\l week, "Why llirla Leave Himuc," Bi.a.skv'h (Charles H. Illaiiev, innnageri - "Tlie .Mysteries of New York" is 'Jjt. Iliisliiess wns good last week wllli ".Netlli'. Ibo .VewHglrl." "Wcibli'd aud I'uctuil" Is ihtn ;'Mi:\^rAt, (Junii's I,. Keciiiiii. oiniui geci. - 'i^iie Avenue llirls begin 11 wei-k's hIu.' 18. The lui|S'rliil lliirlcsi|uers drew iiui-tu-l houses week ending III. Ilcllty ft Wood 2.'> Iti.iiiii (Jones ft Craft, iiiniiiigerst. .lean Ariiello mill ciiinlianr, the KalneiiJHiiiiiiec Trlu, Oeiirge Austin. Ilnrldeii llruthi-rs, Sally linn ilall and the Ureal lOlilrldge open 18. Iliisl ness opened satlHfactorlly last week. .Nirrtja. -Albaiigh's Theatre, foruierly llii Lvcetun, and hller Cbnsc's. ivlll open '.','■. witti "Till- lllrl and the Hiiudli." iloberl I'l. Irwiii, Hie lessee Htiil ninnngi'l'. luiM urciiligeil Willi the llelasi'ii, Klsko and Sbiibert llitere:<ls in play their nllrnctloiiH. ♦»» HIKIIII-l I.MI.ANIL I'riM lili e, -'ihe Piuvldeiiie Op.-™ Iboisi- ll''i'll.l II. Wi'lidelscliiiefer. niiiiniuen will I pencil for Hie Hciisoii Sept. 2.'i. Willi Wright Lurlmer. In "'I'he Slie|ilieril Kliia." l.»ienaiAi. Tip:.»raii UVciiilelsrI fer. S|ili/. A .Nulliiiiison, iiuiiiagcrsi. -"Dr. Illtl" wim the allracllon uf Oio liiuiMrbil Slmk Co. II III, lu giMid liiiiisi's. "Tlie llaiiker's Dailgli ter" I8.1i;i, "The Harvest of Sin" 2.-1 ltd, K.Ml-iMi: lS|ilf/. A NalhaiiHoii, inanagerHi. Vlcloclii Wnllers anil a ciipnble coiiipniiy jii"' seiiteil "'I'he Wnv of Hie TrMiisgicsHur" It HI. The perfuriaance was eiijo.veil by gnu I houses. ''Knst Life In New York" 18:';;. "Tlie Sign uf the Cross'' 2.''i an. WKsrMi.vsrKa (<1. H. Ilniilo'ler, iiiniin geri. Till' .Majesties uciilpled tliu In II HI, lining an riveiage bnslaess. Tlu' N"W Yurk Stars 182a. KKI-ril'M iCIiiiH. Luvenls'Cg, inniingeri. A goud bill, beaded by the Kadeltes Ori-liuKlra. allrncli'd bilue aiiilb'tiies week uf II, Illll week uf IK: lliidutph Hui'sky iiiiil l,eutiii \ifr ifcre. In "He. She nnd Me;'' llbi- nnd I'udv, CIiiIh Hruiiu nnd .Malsd IIiihmi'II. Deu-iil. Burns niiil Tonnlire. Kelly iiml Violet |e. Clinriei Serin. HerlMTt's dugs. Wlllbmi Cii Illll, W. C. W'lillllc, SlnbT Hiid WlllinniH nnd Kit Karson. Cnntnii. - ,\t Hie Cinnd Itis'ra HoiiHe (VL C, Burlier, nniiiaueri lawyn Klniiiz. In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hvdi'." pli-aseil n biiK">iu<ll enre. Se|il. |J. "A Dnaiiciiiiis Life." I.'i. iPd good business. "A .MilDoiinlre Triimp." <ll, drew 'Wll big bouses. HIack Ccuok Jr. I'u. Itl. Slelson'M "I'ni-le Tom's ChIiIii" ui). "Tb" Holy Clly" 2'2. slid New l,*iiiilon Oayely Olds 'ja. IHmmeleln's ideals. In repertory. 'J.'i-.'Pt. CAUnKN 'I'llnfrm; CM. Manning, ninnngeri. — I'or weel: of l«; |;iul|i.furl and .Mac, Kellev and Terii. the i;iii;il 'ici.i uf ;i.ri<bil', iiiiii Jii-le I'lari-u. n lio are a" li-ni-d In ibe Imi ll-slple by the folluwlng sinck | pti-: l.oll'i. McNeil, lluzcl I'c'Utcv, Ullli; l::dwurds, CUUH. NVtriMirl. Al the .Newport OjnTii iluii-o- (Cnlin .V Ciuss Co., Miiinagerii) .lerc .Mi'Aiilllfe. Ill reperlury, did well. Claia Tiinier Co, 18 .SiiKi'.iiv's I'Nur.iiotiv I'AIIK Tiir.Arui; (I'liir. !■;. Cook, manager). The foiirili sii.ri'iiifiil Suminer vaoilevllle weusuii elnseil Id. .^iipi'r Inleiideiil llynes wilt liiiniidbititv lii-ulu ex tensive linprovi'UO'iits ilpuii llu' lluiilii' nod groiinibi, work ii|iriii which will tiike nil Win- ter. Mr. Cuuli, the milieslrn mid iiiu't of llo' Bllin' will Ku III 'Mice to Sbi'i'ilys Tllejlll-e. I'nll lllver, wlii-ie Ibe vniiili'Vllle seiisuii iippim •.'.■.. . «-»-« .ti.ti.iii':. I'ltrllnnd. At Hie Jefferhon 'r|M.|ilri.<Ciiliii iV (irniil. iniinMiii'i'sl tin llriillu'i's Ityioi-. 111 "Klulit llelln." luuliitnllK^d llu'lc n-uiiil |i'i|iii tarllv Sent. II. Ilu" Sluik Co.. pri",i.aibi|: II guild list III pbivs. 12 III: '•The Heiirt of Ti-ins' IS. "Tin .Sniiibu Olrl" Id. 'Jd. ' Olils Will lie OlrlK' L'2. "Dadil Hiiriidi' 2:!. Polcrl.ANn (J. H. iiiMiiiii.'i'ri. Di I'l'llelil liii-.llii'.i ^ It 11; ll.,ul.i'il W'.'l: !•! I': l.\ilii 1,11'. tl iii'l '..iu)iiint. Ill I IV, ill Ml I Itiillh' .\ II luio.aii. lb" I'.iiir l.ii'ii'li', 111" Mlluii lulii 8l<li'r,', Nun-r Illiiln iiiid Lu Mur, bui'Mcb uuU lluswil, uuU iiiuvlytiraiiii.