The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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778 THE ISTE-W YOBK CLIPPER- SEl'TEMlJER 23. :eoo:K:s. S O XU G _ THB BKBT PrTrSwD l-T^T COwlT^^T^TH« tH^ COMPARK IT WITH THE OMB YOU ARE USING AND '""^^ T^^^ll''^'^' The BiaGEST, the FLASHIEST, and Sell on Sight Always. CONTAINING the SEASONS BIG HITS. Keap a Llttle>-y Cor,er> Your^Heart For Me. My Ouidin, 8tar..rxB:o<,lngjo M^^t^^^fJ^Jof Vt*e ^X^X^r KeSeTr^S^^etSr^Br^^^^^ S^^'t^ t a pToture of You? Lights of nime, They All Spoke Well of You My Bun Burnt Lily I'm Goin'gS; of Weary Nights, KoBianna-ann, The Girl Who Haa a Sweetheart in the Army, Qeronimo, look What'8 the Matter with SarahP Billy McNeil for Mine, My BashfUl Moon, By Where the Dreamy Suwanee Flows, Under the Banana Tree, It's the Irish, Just Away Nelli^ Darling; In the Jamedd Way, The Songs of Other Daya, The Palace for Me in Chei+yTime, and Two Complete Pieces of Music Up to Datb, Eeoitations, Jokes and Monologues. /.„™«.«v i.nnk. in ten dav> ttam rrrelpt of oriler. B«nii fi.r .« . Uur stock book onr Hong Book'(<f>t(«r giving foil Inrormatlon on aong book notteri. 8«nd 10c.'In •tampa to pay poitagc — - — --1 O Klght DIITcrvnl Hong Book*, size 8x11, 60c. par 100, or 97.00 per 1,000. A. L.ONI »iJB. OO.. 7tl ^A/lllov^r No booka aent C. U. St., P>hll! BAR6AIN IK FILMS AT 7 GENTS PER FOOT Tne ChlclcNi Tlilerea, Tlie Maonihiaen, Tbe NllilN iixa. The Hero of Lis YnnK and othcra. All In flnit claaa coidlUoD, alUNKY ORBRNVAI.D, C«re of Giang Pavilion, Coney Uland, M. V. CALl FORM I A. I.nn AiiRi'lpa.—At the MnHon Opera IltiiiKf (II. c, U', iiiDunKcr; lliirry Vfit- tnviT nnd IiIb own conipnny will i>r?.wnt •■(ilinatK" Hntiirdny miitlnpe niid evcnIPK, Sept. in. AIny Irwin will o\wn. n tlirw lilRlilM' png.iRehioni. IS, In "Afra. Blnclt in llnck." MiiUOBrn'H I»lin«ANK (Ollvor MoroHCO, innuiiKfi*.—"It I WtTc KIiik" Ih liiivInK ■! nvii wofka' run, liPi|>K preaulited li.v tlit- suk'I: ruiiipniiy. l.lndprllnod, "'i'lic Vliiegnr Iliiyi-r,' 18 nnd week. Ilci.AHL-u rJohn II. IllnrkwomI, mnnn)!(?r). —"Dn nud <lftV' by tlic UplnMro tirm-k <;■).. II nnd. week. "Krh-ndM" .18-l!ll. (IiiA.Nii OrimA lloiiHK (Clnrcnpi' rirown. mnniiKfi'l.—Tlici irirlch Ktork (.'o, prPHi'iit"'<l •"l'li<> Whlrc CnpH" 11 npd wwk. Tlit! fin'e- wi'll nppemniici of the (romiiimy for 11I0.>, iu "Qiiceii of Ihi' IllKlihluUcrH," W-'IX r>iii>iiKijM (Miirtlii »eck, Rcncral initnnat'r). —h'viitiireH 11 mill wovk: Iliirlon'H d»KJ, Kedford nnd Wlm-ljcalpr, liiirlpsiiiiu Jueel^ix: Hiiale KIbIipi', Imrlirnio; l-'mir Umpcrors aX Mimic, Mlllmnn Trio, on llip wlivi llodi Kllon Co.. In ".M'lle. ICIrrl;" Violet IJiile, inlnilc; O'llrlen nnd Ilnvel. In •'l.'lli-kH and Tlifka," mill Oiplieiim motion pli-liiroH. r.NiqiiB (Ileiitz «( Zailee, proprletorR).— KentiireH: Bacon and Vnne, trnvenly Hkelcli: tlnrdnpr (lulden nnd hia mpclianlcal man; ronkey, comedy JiiBgler: Kelly iinil (llliaon, ► keti'li urilHia: fjoyil S|»enrer, cnmi'dian, and mot Inn plolureH. llmiADWAV (A, .1. Morgnnalern. mnnnRer). —KenliireH II nnd week: Hmitliern yiiiir- tell. Ilelenn I'nvonln, ciimedlennp; I/OuIh Liiwrencv, trninpiiler; IJIIInn MellmiirDe; Mndelhie Howe anil moving plvturea. I'AMi.Mi (A. .1, .MorKiinnU-rn, miinneer).— realiircR 11 nnd week: Moaquerla SiHters, l.ydell and Km lorwiirlh. Itnv WIIkod, IIIiiH' tr'ntcd Honif', Uoiiuvim mid .SlH'iiilley, Wills nnd ColliuH, akeU'li ; Oiirotliy TMne, nnd n vmiili'vllle Henaiillou, "llllrlt Dliiuioud lluy- InK." nnd niiitliiu piriiirca. I'lKciiKn's (i;. A. Kluplier, nmiinRer).— I'niliiri-K II nud week: Mliiidi-lcli mid lliix- ler. Nnl rnrr, lUdn-ew Ini|n.'i'HoniiI»i'; WoiiiIh mid M'liiidH. Mild KIhcIii'i'k Hloi'k ninipiiiiy, In "A Wnrni Ili'iM'pMoii," iind iiiotliin pleliireM, t'l.NKoiinAi'ii I A. W. l''iii'Kl, niiinuKiT),— I'Vnliiiea II iiiiil week: Iloiiovnn (iiul Ki'iiu- Ida. In "Tlie Dug mill the ]>iicliir:" Ui>9.i Iti'Ini. KeHKle Olinddock, Biirlon Itell itIiiKei'a, miiali'iil cDiiUMly aki'tcli; new niiivliiic jilr- lureH, nnd the <:ineiixrn|ili Hlock t'oiiipiniy, In ••Have II t.'nrd." Kmi'Iiik tllllly lliiokR, roaldent mnnufier). —I'Voliirea II nnd week: The lleifoma. on the rliiKN; l.niiru IlanliH. Illimlnited MiinKK: llni-ry Logrenlu, i-oniedlan ; MeymonrH, comedy neriilmia: IIIchnrdH. mule Hoiihrette; movlni: pIcliiieH. and llinplre Sloek Coinpnny, Iu ^kl•l<•h, ■•.MnrderiMl a( the Toll date." .VuTKM.—Two »i>e(lnl mntlneea nt the Itiir- Imiik, i:i. I'l, when Vlrxlnln I'nilioiin nud Iter own eomimuy will prcHenl "Itnmone." Wliiil wiiH foraiciiy known m llie AnKCliiH 'I'henlre Ih now under tlie iiinnnKenieni of lliilie Welch, nnd la known na the Slur. Il opena with ii Hmtlnei' 17, nnd will he devnlcd III liiiiiewiiie. Oakliiiid.—Al ilin MncdoniMiini (Clina. 1'. Hull. iiiiinuKer) "Vork Stale Kidka" drew ernwdeil liiniaea Kejit, 7-rt. .VIny Irwin I'.'. Kt. I'llleford Htock «.'(>., Ill repi'rtory, 18-(tct. 1. I.iiiKiiTV HI. W. IHalion. ninnflBer).— IIIkIiiip'h Slock Co., In "llie Sea Wolf," drew piii'Ki'd hoilaeK -I-IO Jua. Nolll and Kdllli t'liiipmnii. aiiniHU-ted b.v lllKhop'a Co.. la "Ahi- lunna,"' ll-li: '■Ilia lliinor, the •Mn.vor," lo follow. IlKi.i. (I'd. Iliiniim, nmnnKer),—IVntureit IS nnd week : rnif. Uufnidtr» perfoniihis nionkeyfi, iIokh nnd catw. Nellie Mnsnire, aliDrec nnd chunjie iierforiner: Waller Wllaon, In jdclured inelodlea: CHIT Denn and coinpnny. preaentlnK ".Married Life;" l>re«no, binfk fnce I'oinedlnn: Alklnl, Iu tricka uf iniiKle. and llie klneioHco|>e. Cupnclty bualneaH nOea. ■VinKl.TV (Tony I.iilielakl. mnnnKcrl.—At- IraetlonH IK iind week : ItoberlH' nerforinlnK iloKM, linly nnd Murphy, coniculnuH; the rii'li4iei-H, comedy tikeich teiini; Win, Mc Marry, vlidlnlat ;' Jua. Gpplneer. tenor; the (•'our Di'iiKdoiiK. cnnicdlniiH and dnncera, nnd Novelty niiilh>n pictures. lliiHlnexH Ih to S, 11. It. IOmi'mik il'i. M. C'arlHon, innnnKerl.—Itlll 1N and week: MarveUiuN .Mnnily, KiiKcne De Itell. hnrlliine: linliy Itoylit nnd the Throe tjeoiye (lli'la. preaentlni; "The Four tJiiitl- leea ;" Harry IlernniMl nnd company. In "In- di-r till' (jaH PI|ieH," nud the liloKi'aph, lUial- ac.'-K Ih excellent. .\o'i-i:k.- -Iliu'iiiiin & llnlley'a Circus Hhnwed lo I'liiNK'lty four performniiceM, II, IL' Iihini I'nrk cunllmu'K to attrnci InrKe crowds. # « » MttllTH CAIiOi.lN.t. Chnrlealou.—.U tlic Academy of Miialp (ClinH. II. .Miitllii'WB, iimmiKerl l.ce's Vnnde- villi' Co. npiienciHl Sept. \X\. 1(1. "The I'or- tnne Teller" 111. "Iliiatei- Ilniwii" un, '1\, Slie|ini'd'a idcliiri'S -:i. (Tulniiiltin.—At the New Cdliiiiihin Tlie- nti'o <!'. I<. Itriiwn. iimniiKer) lnlerniith>iial Vniidevlllt' Cii. drew lo <'apnclty Sept. rj. "The Korlane Teller" lit, "Itnsler Itrowii" IS. 4-»-* All ]iii|M>rlnnl l^oiiNolldntloii. U In reported tlint un urrniiKeinent has lieen perfi'ded whereliy the Itelnaco and Shulieri fiirci's have Joined those' of Stnir h Ituvlln and Kernau .1 Itlfe. Tkhi coimnlldatlon In- ■ liidcH theiitrea In nil the Ini'KC cities and na fnr West no KnuRitH Olty. Stiilr & Unvlln now have Interests In .Vow York, riillHtleUihln. Italllniore. WiishlnKton, ChlcnKu, ItulTalo, Ilacheator, St. Lonls nnil KmiHns City, u circuit tnklni; In nearly one hundred nnd Itfty llrat class thentreH. Kernnii i^i Itlfe control the nen- .Mnryland I'lientre, the llotllilay .Street Thentre, In llnltluiore, and Keninn s Tlientre, In WnslihiKton. Il Is suid Hint the ari'iiiiKcinent will K" Into elTert i<t iiai'v, 4-»-» Irw<|iMilN Tiivntre. I'lilfnico. i*oltl. The rei'iinstriicted Iroquois Thentre, la ChlciiKii, liiiely inllvd Hyde tVc llelinian'N, mid which lins heen miller the luniiaKeinent <it Ilydc t'i llehniiin, MriHiklyn, since It wna iiiieiied, Inst HiMiKon. linHlteiMi sold oiilrlKht to ihe MetruiMiUa Tlienln> Co., \\ corimrntlon, of which William llnrrla, of Kleli .V Harris, la ihi- president. The llieiilre will he nmnnued hv tleorge M'. U'derer. The iiniae of the liotiae will lie t'hniiKed to the C»h>iilnl. It will lie o|hmiihI tinder Us new iniiimxemeni Oct. I, hy h'ny Teiupleioa. In HeorKi' M. Ci>huu's "Korty- live .Mlnntea from Itronilway," 'WANTRDiforStevenn k Hoasmsa Co., Sketch Team, Lady, Play Piano and Small Character FariH; Oeat to Uoiible Band and Small Parta. Other vanUevllle people. Travel lu Pullman car. Winter engagement. Tell all. I^vUigtoH, Id. now TO START IN SHOW BVBINBS*. (Oopyrlght), 3 different booka, lOo. All kindi aeti, kOM'ifET'8 8CII00I.. 837 jl. 12th St., Flllla;, Pa. PRINTINO-TICKET8, TONIOUTERS, BEK- AliDH, CHRAPRST. (IRAYBON SHOW PRINT. Walden, S. Y. MliaiC COnPOSKD and ARKANaSD for any Instrument or number of Inittramenis. 8oDg:e,worda and music, gketchea, etc. Send itsinp. 0BA8.1,. LEWIS, 428 Richmond St., Cincinnati, o. nOVIMG PICTVRK SUPPLY and RENTAL, nime, Itachlnee, Stereoptlcona, Catneraa, LcDMa, Sote Slides, new and lecond hand, bought, lold ezoDSDgeil. Bargalna. Studio for fllm and elide making, colorlag. Special Flag and Fire Fllme, expert repalrlog, free advice, long years' expe- rience, prompt deallnga. Eberhard Schneider, Oerman-Am. Cine. A Film Co.. IW K. 121h 8t.,N.Y.O . WANTBD, STRONG UNOBRBTANOBiR for Hand to lland work. One capable of doing good lland Stands, None bat those who are reli- able need apply. Address CHARLES NKVAKRO, M\ Tenth Avenue, Mllwaaken, Wla, ' WANTED, First Olaaa Violin,'Celloand Troni* bone. Fine op|>ortunlty to study and practice. FIrM claea orcheaira; light work; |30 per month and malnionancD. Addreaa 1)K. J. c. COKBUS, 8upt.Illluula Kasteru Iloapltal, Kankakee, llllnolR. OPEN TIIUE, NEW KEN8INOTOR, Pa., OFRRA IIOUHR. (18 milea from Plttgliurg, Pa.) Sept, 23, 28, :», Oct. «. 10, II, 23, 24, 2f., Nov^LI-ia, Dec. 11-10 open. Big nionev to good compai^ea, FIrat money or percentage. WIro or write . . J. U. BECKKR, Mgr., New Kensington, Pa. CITY llUTEIi, intli Ofld State Sis., Oliicago. AMKRICAN, la.OO A IIAY-J8.IXI A WEBK. , ■ EUROPEAN, |3.(i0 A WKEK ANDVUP. FOR SALiE-Trimk and .Sacic Mystery—A Sen- aatlonal Act, cuBy to work and guaranteed tomnkc good on liny Idll; Al for single or douMe Inrn. Price, complete, $80. Circular for atemp. (IKO. A. RIOR, 4 Underwood St., Auliurn, N.Y. WANTKO. PARTNER. Reliable, Kxperl«lued Buslnesa Uunnger with aiiiall capital or 'good piipcr. I liirulHb slereoplooii iiiHcblue, eleclrli- and calcium lliilil uutllta, "Passion Play" Sltiles. I play line niiiHical Hpeolalty and sing Illustrated BOUgH. "MUSICAL," Box ib\ WIncliCHter. Ind. WANTKD-Med. People that make their stnir go; no booze; Tlohela, If not too far. Have Leader Stcreoptlcoo, lirund new, that I will sell cIichii. Will liny aecond hand Kllni. Add, Cleinentln«'» Vaodevllle Co., Connelsvllle, Adams Co., N. V. HOW TO BKCUMK A CONTORTIONIH r. Frontaiid Back Bending, each trick Illustrated. WVe. Morphel ' s Schoo l, aa ? N. Pith St. . Phll8.,Pa. WANTBO «iuick-(lood den. ~Biialneaa Woman, One lliat can and will plav some leads. Singing mid Dancing Comedian io piny parts, <:iiaracterUan with strong apeolalty. No fares to strangers. Jack Peruy, wriie. IIALPII K. PRKHTON, Shluuaton.W. V». WANTBD-Al Lecturer and Olllce Worker for Ural c.luan Med, Show. Salary or per cent. If you have not got the goods save stumpH. Piano Player. Rut and Hieep In liolela, work In lent. Booy.ersy No. Those who wrot« before, write again, Harry F. Miller, prop. Toii-Ko-No Mod. Co. Nu. 11, Mia- laud,:itld. Tar, WANTBD-Houhrette to work wlthOomedlan, muatdogood, niroDg siioclalty. Season already liooked, AoHwer with photo, age, w«(ght anil height; iilao If you play piano. Curiosity scekera, save atatnpN. COMKUIAN, Selmcoe, Out., Ciiii. MAGICIAN'S leLVlNG LAMP, complete, $16;send itanip. Trick Cards, luc. Prof. Iloiramn, lllghlaBdand Unlveralty Ave.,Olnelnaatl, Ohio. 100 I>ETTBnilBAD8,2r>c.; poatage, lOc; euv., sanm; carda, loo, 2uu.; postage, fie; 3'idB, 200.; leilis, 30c.: sampluH, 4c. Kllaworth Ptg. Co., Webbervlllc, Ulcli. WANTED UUIGK—Piano Player who can read and play vaudeville mualc; also Black Face Song and ilancc Comedian who la up lu medicine acta. State salary In drat, quick. M<1R DALY FAMILY, Harvey. III. ADVANCE AOBNT AT LIBEHTY- Strlclly Boberand reliable; a lluailcr and always ou time; boat of reference. Only Al Cos. answer. 1 Nlghterpruferred. Would conalder good Rop. llAltRV FRANK, Glovoravllle, N. T. liADV Will Sell Handsome Street and Kvonlng (iowiiB, $6 lo $U; Opera Coat, Riding Habit. UKBSAi;, 216 \V. until St., First Apartniect hiaat. A No. 1 SKETCHES, etc., written to order. ReferenoeBaud eailinateon everything foratanip, Sainnlo Parndv, "Maiiiiiia'a Boy," ll)c, MARY E. PRQHrEHTTIlAVKR. J7fi Pine St., Prov., It, I, * FHTOBE FIIM. • Paaalon Flay ■.>,80iitcet. .tnf>,00 KdlBon's Uncle Tom's Cabin....1,00;) feet., tfi.oo NIhBlBia Bltfeel.. kt.m) Lite of Am. Fireman 4(iofect.. . 33.00 Fairyland iiri2fect.. lUi.oo JoanolAro UOIfcet.. sti.oo Dluk Tnrplu iuilfect.. 300« Personal 3.Mfeot.. 30.oo Cuator'a Wedding 4(iofeet.. ao.tio Wholu Damm Family, KIro Bug, Snpho, Dead- wood Sleeper and many others. Send for List. HAaBACH&G0..F.Zr..Phil8..Pa. ALL KINDS MEDICINE SHOW PEOPLE, c. TANA, Forrestou, Ilia. WanM-Muslcal and Novtlty Act; Also Good All Around Dancer. State It you jilny PInno or Organ. Oood Winter work. MODKRN IIKMKDY (J0„ 43 Pall.«ado Ave, Yonkcrs, N. Y. JULES FBIOVET (AT IiIOBRTY> Piano Loader, Arranger or Vandtvlllc. rw WRSTSlatHT., Nl-Y. CHARACTER and 6EN. BUS. MEN WANTED, Must aing or do specialty. Stale all lu tIrsL l.nw, sure salary. Join ou wire. Others write. FRANK .1. STANTON, Tully, N. Y. Police Patrol Two step IIIL Two euoorea sure. Uroheatr. free. (20. pnsUge.1 KRKTSMAR. 412 K. I6th St.. N. T. BURlEm LEADER <v.ou.o AT MHKH'TV. Addreaa OKO. lIKNNKri'. VM So. llthSl., Philadelphia, Pa. THEATRICAL MOTELS and BOARDINQ HOUSES. Hotel Rexford BULFINCH PkACB, BOSXON, MASS. FIREPROOF. EUROPEAN. Elegantly furnished (team heated rooms, hot and cold water, six hatha on each door, free to gueaa. Near theatres. ROOMS Tli CBNTS A DAY, $3.00 A WEEK AND UP. ffnilTllirUTII Wabash A Uadtson, OHIOAQO. rJlir irill 0- C. Vaughan, Prop. Strictly UVRIininifll American Plan, (8-16 single; tMldoDble. Vandevllle patronage Invited. HUNT'S EUROPEAN HOTEL, 148 Dearborn St., aud OXFORD UOTKL, Canal and Adams. Katei to profeealon. FRANK HUNT, Prop., CHICAGO. HOTEL EUCLID, Buffalo.H.Y. European,$2.50 Per week and up. Two blocks from all theatres. PAIiACE HOTEL, 101 N. Clark St., Chicago. European, $3 per week; with private bath, |T. Turkish Bath, too. H. B. HUMPURBY, Pro p. St* LiOlliSf IHOa " 09 MARKET. Outside front rooms, alngle, $2.ii0; double, $ week. American, $1.00 day. Free bath, electric lights, bcllB,uew furniture. Down atalra olllce. PRUDENTIAL HOTEL, 44 and 48 Bank St., Newark, N. J. H, A. (iRKENLANU, Prop. European and Ametloan Plan. Fine Rooms. TRAFALGAR, 116-117 E.14, N.Y.,nr. Keith's, Acad, of MdsIc. Dewey. Rooms HOc, :6c., $1, M.M day; $2.60 to (» week. W.D.HANNICAN,Prop, FOR TOLEDO, Ohio MERCHANTS' HOTEL. Theatrical Rates.' Am,, f l.uo, and Euu., coc. (lOOP .smiVIUHS rilROUOHOUT. HOTEL ST. DKWIS, i:ia-i;<K Weal Market St., IndlanapuIlN, Ind. Convenient to all ihesireM, Beat Little Hotel In luillaimnulla. Actors' Rales, rEKFOMERS. lHWiOIII! When In New York Hiop al the leiil place, HOTEL STURTEVANT ItiT-l.ll W. :intli St., neur Broadway, NEW YORK. Rooms hy day or week. Convenient to all thea- t ree am} depot s. D. A. OILMAN. TUIO CASTLB INN, Msgara Square, Bui- falo, N. Y. Rates, |2 to $4 per day. MK. C r. DUNHAR, Prop.; MRS. M. F. UAIR, Mgr. WANTED QUICK, ON ACCOUNT UINAPHOIIVTMKNT, USEFUL REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, Inolniling Lady Plaiilat, to double aniiie purtfi. Good, live Airent. ■lULEH VAN COOK.Oraendeld, Ind, WANTED, FUR Sterling's llDcle Tom's Cabin, Orchestra Leader to double comet, Man for Harris and St. Clulr, Colored C.lrls for Cake M'aik. Musi be good singers and dancers. Write or wire. Mils. lUA WA.SUllURN, Conaliockeu, Pa., lilt Sept. 23; then 2T0 West ;iOth St., N, V. City. AFTER OCT. 1, Al LEADER (Violin) and Al CLARIONET. Joint engugeiiicDl only. OperaUouaoorlrnvellng. Comic Opera, .MInatrel or Repertoire. None but rCapouslDic coaipanlea. 0. (J. MAOKF., Hotel Kvaiis, Hot Springs, S. Dak. IDEIIL GIIS DOTFT OXY-LITHE MODEL B OXY-LITHE ARNOLD (IAS OUTFIT, $2.1. Limes—Killer, etc. —Reels —slide llo.xes —Film Bo.vus—TnlilCf—l,ena Protectors, etc. HARBACH&GO..p.r.rtFHILA.,PA. SLEieH BELLS AND BACK, Nlckd Plated, good condlilou; iinc Octave, > Douolc Stiapa. First $10 ccta tliciii. El). A. PRAM. Erwlii llolvl, OKdonsburR, .N. Y. A WELL KNOWK AND ATTBAGTIYE LADY STAR de.Hlrcs experienced IIUSINESS MANAGEH Willi small capital. Address MISS A. STAR, tioncnil Delivery, Brockton, Mass. 50 wm '"" Male. ._. ., Hook 01 10 Sketchoa-.-iAct8 for 1 Male, I Female; 2 Acts for '.: .Muncv order or 2 cent atanipe, Addreaa IIKUNAIID KLINC, Playwright. 387 Jay St.. lirooklyu.y, V. WANTED, COMEDIAN, Br Al Htralghl Mini, for VaiulcvMle. Addreaa, week Sept. is, Akron, (Hilo; week Sept 24, Toledo, Ohio. A. B. C, (leu. Del. AT LIUBIITY, BBIilABLE, ALL BODND AGTOB. Specialty, V. DK LAOKY, M Bartleit St., Ro.xbury, Masa. WANTED, A-Handsome, Good Sized ACTRESS FOR LKADIXQ PART IN FIR.ST CIiASS SKETCH, with bookings. State size and loweat salary Address STAR, Oare of CLIPPER unice. lilT LaSalle St., Chicago, III. AMERICA'S BEST AND GREATEST Endorsed by Presi end Public. B.OOO references from all parts of tbe world. Tke Only School Endoraed Im CIilcsiKO. SCHOOL M. -;/'V% . tO'date In every detail). ;uck, Jig, Skirt, Novel Cake Walk, Elocution, Blnglng and Rag Time Bongs, Vaudeville Acts. Bketcbei, Dramatic Art, Etc, ENGAGEMENTS SECURED. NO FAILUllKS. PROF. P. J. IIIDOE, Hiss Frances Lee and others. Circulars Free. ORAND OPERA HOUSE, I endorse PROF. RIDOR as the only Actor and Professional Dancing Teacher In Chicago, FRED J. WILDMAN, Theatrical Agent. Small and Leading Purls Coached. 12T La Salle St., near Madlaon, Chicago, PL aEAiLnrEns. CAS$IDY & SIFLIN6, The well known Singing und DancluK Comedians, .'.« IIAVWARU ST., CLBVKLAND.O., can been gaged for coming aeasun. New Sketches aud e>0UKS by .SPARLINO .V Ul'RK, I'luywnght-i, Hammond, lud. fl FOR LEASE, A Great Comedy tvllli ii di'fat Tltlit, THE COUHir JUDGE," Copyrlghleil liior, by c, Francla. "A fun feaat with luiialc for dessert and laiigliH In ilieliiierltu." For territorial rights and purilciilarN address TIIK FRANCIS AMUSEMENT CO., Flyrla, 0. AiLibertyJr. Casey Ransom, Talking. .Singing and Dancing Comedian. Sirlctlv sober aud lellalile. Can pluv Htrong line of paria. Wardrobe both modern and aipiare cut. No lion/er. Responsible managers onv, wire or write. OAXKV RANSOM, Mault Hte. Merle. OMt..'Cnnad» ( Hotel lllawathn), HISH CLASS UAGflCAL APPARATTS At moderate prices. Large stock, immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mam- qiulli Catalogue just lasiied, 2Uc. New llsl of 4U0 bargains In due auparatua for 2c. stamp. A. RUTERBERQ, lie OnUrlu St,, Ohlcago, CHAS. BAILEY, CHARACTER HEAVIES, STRONG OLD MEN, At liberty after Sept. 3«. IIUNTSVILLE, .Mo., week of Sept. 26. 11 IHEDICIAIE PEKmiHERS IN ALL LINES, also PIANO PLAYER, to open Nov. li. Would like lo hear from old friends. Address PROF. .1. F. HOVBY. P. o. Pox 4B6, Princeton, Ind. RING GYMNASTS! I WANT A PARTNER FOR A WELL KNOWN CO.MEDY RING ACT. Addicas JOHN MORRIS, lion. Del., Montreal, Can. THE WINNETT PUTS ALWAYS r.ET YOU GOOD UOOKINdS, AND (iOOI) IIOOKIXOS ALWAYS OKT YOl' THE MONEY. Send fnr catalogue of plays for sale. T. H. WINNETT, 1402 ll'way. New York. Tf1[CniCA60PL^AY FACTORY Y^iivm^svunMR.isft 1000 'mmv. HlxlU aud Adams Streets, Bay City, Midi. Wo cater to the proteasloii. Lociuea near stage en- ttttiice to Waalilngton Theatre. Hates; $1.00 to tl.26 porday. steam best and electric cull bo lls. AT LIBERTY, Al CORNET PLAYER; Expe- rienced In all lines of work. Will iiuvcl but nre- for to locate. Addresa FRED A. II. BENNETT, (!en. Del,. Syracuse, N.Y, Wanted, for Rip Van Wiiiltle, .MAN FOR DERRICK, and AdENT. Join iiulck. J. B. RICHARDSON, Woodhiill, Id . WANTED, PIAlfO FAKIB, QmCK. SKKT'c?l''Tf;A'M''.t';,?u'o';:"^t'." """ """ «""" WARDBMEDI OINE CO., EiiBt Pqlfistlne. Ohio. TENT WANTED, second hand, 40xtMj; miiat be In good condition. L. 0. KLOOK, Waukesha, Wla. ACTS. All kinds. Nothing too large. (Vandevllle Dent.l Kttplian Theatrical Syndicate, 11131 B'way N Y MUSIC arrangedT C0MP08ED, ETC. A, KRETSMAR, 412 E, 16th St,, N, V. You - ^r/K^~ Would BE THE iO i Talk oftheTowm ^t^ 'ir-r y-j Hi(}H|sijc(«e;r!r- ^ liUiroatSSiiURJ -^ o«a - ■ aiT( FoucD ~^ A TIP TO THEATRICAL and SHOW MANAGERS An Aerlnl "AilJ' will hi>l,i v..,, ,n »..!.„ „ . Wind up or home play. There Is no lime to W The season la dying by, und yon ahoiild vn iii,I limit to get your Bhare. and some of the nilu-r fellow's, too. "DON'T STANU PA'P" The season Is not over until the last piimnk'in vine la dead. So line up, ajid Join the "HIIUW- ME-THIBK." Put your money on the wluner You know that a big banuer,ii.\l8ft., with your "ad." on. Moating .llWft, In tbe air over viiur ti- traction would be a puller, A lli:siNKH.S ITLI.EK The only way they can avoid seeing It Is toahiit' their eyes. No.:) Outllt, as per cut, $l&, Terma one-lhird with order, balanceC.O.D. Stnil fur photo and Information. SILAS J. CONVNE, 401 McLean Ave., Clilcugo. im™ lANDlN-STRUMEINTS At About bftif priced Alt luKkVH, lukny koimI la aev, W«ri» trailed lu for "H(II.TUN"lTiBtrLiuiDulH,wliicli iii> e«l ftll uthun. If 7011 waut tUebeuC, buy a'ilol.TUH" —If you will liRVo ttiiutUor iimliv, wu likvu it fur yuu ubeap. KvurytUlUtf fur tiauJd. Our CAtiitci^ttudbAr- galu UbC tt%% oa requent- PMHKJiOLT0NACOi^__0MiWi_Bld|,. CHIC^Qft Glogau's Alcohol Gas Stove. Tin i'''r^ C»n do anything it (laa Stove does. InUUpensublr for the I>IIKHI«INM HOOM for the heatlnfK <ir wnlar, <Ha, colTee, etc. .Iiial ilir thing TtlWAUSI UK KAhK PAI\'rH,et<'. Welf(li(,Hul, UiiriiN wickleaa, oduilrai nnd aiiioknleaa. It iiiiinut explode, C^onaiiikiea 4 i-eiilM nf wood or |;raln ulcoliol In un Iiuiir, Never ((«t> out of uriler. Auvnta ivuutod, SKlfT ANVyVllp;UK, KXPIIKSH PAID, 11.00. C. p. MLOUAll di CO., 4U Dearborn St., Chicago. \AA A N T E D , AUSOLUTKLY HOBKIl Repertoire People, WHO PLAY PARTS. Prefer those doing Specialties and dnulilliig Brass; thin a city attraction. You must be clevrr and sober. Never close. K-'^penaes iiiild. BOBBV FOUNTAIN, llutcliluaou, Kansas. HERALD SQUABE STOCK CO., Owing to nilsrcprcaentatlon, wants linineillately Woman for Juveniles, Soubrclte wlMi singing Speclaltlea, Man for General Business with Speclaltlea, UnmAMIiilHW8.0r« . REFERTOXXUE Al Lending Man and Lady, Character Miin,Soii- bretle, Qnocl Spectoltles. those doing apccUltie'' or niiislc preferred. Violin, Piano aud oilier Miislcliuis, write. None other than thoroiiirliiv <onipeient persons need apply. Two lu.iwi-ek HiHiida under largo ton. First class iiiiidlcUie show. Never dose, Amlress K. F. HARRY, Cherry vale, Kaa ,_ FOR .STOCK HOUSES, ROAH AND KEI'KH- TOIRE COMPANIES. Charles W, Obase'a luccossful dramiitl/atluii of Marie Corclll's novel. Its record at Block liuujea cttuuot be eiiuiilcd. Its record on the roiid In two yciits over $125,000 clear prollt. Spectal sceiifrr for road proiluctlnn. t. H. avinneiT. Sole Ahi., 1402 Broadway, Kew York Cit y. ON ACCOUNT OF DISAPPOINTMENTS. WANT PEOPLE, ACL. 1.1 NES. Miiat Join on wire. Open Sept. I'u , KLBA K. WRIOHT, Maltland, MIsKoPrl. WANTED, 4tli Season. Wanted, 4tli Season. DAVENPORT'S BIO CITY SHOWS, Perforiiicrs lu all lines, Al Sketch Teams, Musiia Acts, Comedians, etc. People who Double and Play Part-spreleried. 20 weeks' aohd boukiug. C. E. DAVENPORT. Mgr, Chiirlerol, Peiiu»_ WANTED. -SKETCH TEAM for niv Co., ivorK- lug near Central llllaola. 1^ plalu all tlrat letter. Will answer by wife. WHITE .Hl'EAR MI-iD. CU., Lock Boi 132, Crbana, Ill-_ LEADER AT LIBERTY, B, and 0„ locate or travel, sober and reliable. Reliable people write partlculura to , ,. VIOLINIST, P, 0. Boi 860, Buffalo, N. »•