The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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September 23. THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. 770 TAULH OF CON'l'BNTS. Viiae. »ll'.,s nipivr'H Aiit'Lilulm, Wc 770 iijil niul (lio I'lttun-s—l-oeiu 770 Hfnrl French—Sketch 770 Belle VmIii— SketrU 770 0»r rxindoii Irfller 770, 772 AnI Hill—8'K'K'l" 770 Kcaliire.i of the Wepklr Rhov—llluMtratlonii.. 771 \\b\ Nf't Tuirgli' ror Ilenlth! 773 Vniiilerllle an<l Minstrel 77U. 78^ Mu^le «nil SonK 7T3 Worlil of I'lavcM. ■••;,•••••, T74, 7S.-. lloKrni Brothent tinner Nfw Manngeim-nt TTt« Oiieiles Answereil 770 (Ml.-CiilMS" I^ltw 770 Oiir AUKlMlInn Lrtter 770 An Iniporfiint Gnii.<>oll.liitloii 778 IrnniKilii Thealre, Cblcajo, SoM 77H rilrtu"' rnnt OIBre 788 Under the Tents 77.S I.«te«t by Teli-grapli 77f, On llie Ho"1 770. 780, 781 VnudMlIle Ronte l.M 781. 782 Jiew Vork Ollr—KeYlew anrl Comnifnt... 784, 78*1 With tlie mil roslcrs 7s.-. THKATniCAt, COKRRRI'OSDENCF:. MlHwnrl 77."i Onmla 77.^ Kentocky 77ri Weil Virginia 77.', VIrRlola 77."i New Jcrwy 77.'i. 7SS lows 77."i .MaiiaclniiwttK 770 Xew York Stale 777 tmii) 777 DIatrlet of Onlumlile 777 Maryland 777 Rhode Island 777 .Maine 777 ('Bllfornla 777 Sonlli Onroilnn 777 .Michifion 7«i Oklahomn 7SS flreiton Cnliirndo 7,«i8 North Onrollna, Inillann 78s Nebraska 7.S8 .MlmieMtn, Wa^hlnalon inn Wlnfonnln llllDolH 7Sn rennsji»nnla 780, 7nf( "''■•"• 78!) Texas (leorula ... Vermont .. Toinmsee . ronnectleiit (lOkDRN fiATR ai.BANINa.S. A rinr lilue of Attrapllnim la DaliiK RlK BnalnrM*. Hfectal DltpnlchfH <o Tub New York Ci.iiter. San PnANf'isro, Sept. lii.—At the Columbia thl.s Is the !iecond and laxt week of W'lltnn I.ackayc, when the piny will he "The Pit." A revival of '"J'rilbv Wednesday mntlnce, 2(1. Kthei Barrymore follows 'S>, for two weeks, presenting "Biinday," and prolmbi; ahe will ilre one or two performntireH of "Alice Slt- liy-llie-Ii'lre." .Ma.ikstic. —"Alnbnnm" Ih this week's at- I loot Ion. r.«AND Opkha lIoiT.sK.—"Queen of the Hlifh- wny" Is c'lii-rert. (.'AMFonNlA.—The Kentucky Relies Co. this week. Hefore 8 o'l-lork Inut ulghl the bonne was packed. Jnines R. Ilrilt In ndded to the bill. ALrAZAn.—"The Plrst Violin" is this week's offering. Centrai,. —"Th« White Tigress of .Topnii" this week. TlVOl.l OrBRA HoiiSK.—Thl5 Is the second week of Ki'and Italian oporn. "I.ncin," ".Ma- non I,e»c«iil," "I I'agllncd'' nnd "Cnvnl- lerla ItiiNtlenna" will be olTered. Solidly fipcked hoiiHOR rule. OltniKiiM.—Bill for tho week opening 17: .liilleh Kltliifre, llolronili, Cni'tls nnd nebb, Afthiir Biirkner, Jnlson, I'nlmer and Jolson, Rose 8tnbl C<i., I>nn Qiilnlnn and Kellnr Mfti'k, Krnncis Oerord, Brown and Brown, nnd tlio rirpheuni motion pletiires. Chiitph. —Bill for week opening 18: The Hawntlaii Quortette, Barnelds' dogs, rats nnd iDonkeys. I'rnnk Cluylon, Mr. und .Mrs. (leoree Wilson, ha Knyette, Lnmnnt 'rron|)e, lUe Five IlewlttH nnd the t>lngraph. i KROM OTHBH POINTfl. "BnhrH In th« Wonil" necelves Ila Amcrlrnii i'reinler nt llie Lyrlp, rhll"<Ifl|ilitii—"Tlif nruKon Fly" AImA liiiil Its FIrHt Henrlnic In <liat Vlty at «li«> Cnrrick—"The Wallii of Jerlehn'* neerlvril ltd Klrst AnierlviiK I'roduolUiii at the Xu- ttoiinl, WnMlilnK'IOHf D. C. PHii.ADKi.i'iriA, Sopt. 111.—Excellent attend- once greeted openings Inst night. "HabeH In the W^od," nl the Lyric, proved to be a splen- did spectacle, nnd an audience which tilled the hotise bestowed the stamp of approval ou 1/ A dlscrlinlnntlng audience of fine sixe heartily applauded "The Dragon I'ly," which WOK given Its first production nt the Oarrick by a company of great raerlt. nnd this poetic melodrama proved worthy material "The ■Mayor of Toklo" continued Its popularity nt ihe Chesfput '•Bnnkers and Brokers" oiiened well at the I'nrk The other com- blnnllon houses fared excellently, while Keith's had n lllled house lor a capital pro- Krnramo The burlesque houses, (be Kleventh nnd Museum had their full quota, and Ihe two »lock productions (Koiepaiigh's and Standord) merited approval. ClIlcAdO, Hept. in.—There Is a change of hill at four down town theatres this week. The firand Oi>era House opened Its K«oson Sunday, 17. with "Alice and Ihe Ulcht fflneesses." which proved a bit "'ihe l-'tllbuster" suppluuled "The College Widow" nl the Studehnkcr .Monday. 18. opening to '•apncltv "Mrs. liefllngweirs Hoots'' re- iilnces "The .School for HusbnDdH" at rowers', and "The Show fJlrl" follows "His r.nst Dollar" at Ihe dreat .Vorthern Business Is snllsfurtory nt nil theatres. Boston. Sept. II).—Chauncey OlcotI oiiencd at the Mnlestlc, In "lOdmund Burke," to nearly cnparlty Topular priced nftrac- ilons opening wcr">: Klllv S. Clifford, In "A Jolly Baroii," .it the (I'lobe, imd Bob I'ltii- :^lmmonH, in "A Klght tor l.ove," at the ';rand Ono;-n House.. "llappylnnd," with Jlp Wolf Hopper, nt the Boston, und Joe XVeber's Co., at the Colonial, opened ihelr Inst week to big hoMsea Others holding 'iver with large gath«rln>t« were: Otis Hkln- >ier, In "Ills Grace d'? (^raminont." at the I'nrk; "The Melr to the lloorali." at the Mollis, onn "The College Widow." at the Tremont. .Stock bills .al Ihe Castle Square. Ihe KmpIre and the Bowdolu Snunrc had "he OBiiol Alondoy crowdH Vnudovllle «:id burlesque houses wero crowded to the limit., Washington, Sept 10.—James K. Ilackett nnd Mnry Mnnnerlng presented "The Walls of Jericho" tor the first llroe In Amcrlcn last night, nt the New Xatlonnl, to a large nnd delighted audience "Woodland •Tdwdcd the Columbia Hrroll Dunbar. in "Sherlock Holmes," hnd a large following at the I.iifnvette Joseph Snntley. in A llunnwny Itov," had n standing room house ni Ihe Academy A tine bill had two co- imolty audiences at Chase's Rellly 4 Wood's nig Show, nt Ihe riyceum. crowded the house twice. UiitisviM.K, Sept. 10.—"My Wife's Family" WTe a pleasing performance at the Masonic. '."Ilpr \Ve<Idlng Day." nt the Avenue: Ihe .Merry .MaldeuN. at the Buckingham, and vaudeville, at Hopkins', all drew crowded houses nt the Sunday openings Ma- '■•anley'a Is dark until 21. CiNctNNATi, Sept. 11).—"Utile Johnny Jonu" i^as lntrodvc«d to CinciODeU at the Ur.iud 17, by fleurgo M. Cohan, and a ble y nttei^d«V''""w""' "•""'•'B^ «"c large l«nchito.M;■;;•.■, *^?Z ^^^ ^ofls"' proved u lauyhlng alt at the Wa nut At Robla Eon^s "|leartSMse" was put oii by the Fore. \nide»llle, at the Columbia, packed fhi '»2^^.'."r;, ".".^^'""'K nii(ralo,".it Heuck's, and "A Oirl of the Ntreeis," it the I'muin 5 en™5 i?^!;!;^''^"'"l'"w meiodramti^ Z: dlences nt both places were large The 1^7'-n»"'"""{?'' '^"'^ *■''" I' the PPople'.s: nnd Ilnrrv Br.vant's Burlesnneri pleased crowds nt the Standard. P'en'eu Citv. .Sept. 10.—"The College w )?I^vv"''S°o'' ". '^'"'^'^ cngocement at tlie «1I1I8 Wood Sunday night, and scored a hit before an appreciative audience At the Ijrand a good Sunday matinee and a big nlcht bouse Ki^elcd Florence Bindley, In "Till Belle 2,„h5^ ^^1''' ^9^^ ">« ''«r aoiJ production made good... .. .Two good houses nt Ihe Or- pheum saw the new bill. Id which Leslie and Onlley were the headliners At the fsillis Human Hearts" drew two well pleased audi- ences. ... .At the Auditorium 'Big Hearted Jim drew the usual Simdav ollentel '"1 ^".L r'n'1'f.V Ihe Colnnlnl llelirs gave splendid hurle-sque performnnees The Ma- jestic opened Its season Siindnv with the new policy of two shows a day, and a good vaude- ville show was given. Df.s JIotXKs, In.. Sept. in.—Phenomenal Ivraus, The Or;M:t Anscime and double vaude- Mlle opened tlip New Aiidllorlum last night, L",.™""',. thousand people, nnd turned awav Qfteen himdred. The excellent programme gave geiieml !<atlsfnctlon. ♦«-♦ DEATHS IN THR PROFRS8ION. .. 7sn .. 782 .. ;8:: .. 782 LATEST BY TE LEGBAPH Mniiday NiRht'a Openlnita ia oil the BiR Show TOIVHS. JiiMAN Maoniis. theatrical manager, died Sept. 10, nt his home in Fort Hamlltnn. X. V. from n stroke of paralysis su.stnlned on the preceding Monday. .Mr. Magnus, who came to America when a .young man. wn» horn In T.ondon, Kng., nhoiit flfty-llve years npn In ISTl lie was n violinist lit the or- chestra at the Ornnd Opern House, New Vork. nnd plnyed cornet In the Imnd of Ihe younger Julien, nt Terrace (larden. Later he drifted Into Jonrnnilsm. starting The Am- rrkan Mhrnncum, and subsequently Joining the staff of Thr Arcnilliin. Mr. Magnus then became press agent of Wnllnck's, nnd In turn n member of W. J. Florence's and the Wnl- lack Stock Co.. with which he plaved In "Itosed.ile" and "Ours." Later he went with A. M. i'almer and Shook & Isomer's com- panies. He wrote "Conscience," la collabora- tion with the late A. K. Lancaster, and n number of other nln.vK. chiefly with II. ('. Bunner, In 1880 he acted In 'Boslna Yokes' Compaiiy. nnd then became dramatic editor of 'I'lw Epoch. Then he became a dramatic writer on 7';ic Tribiinr, assisting William Winter. His managerial cnreer extended over many .years, and nmong the compnnles he managed were those of Frederick warde. iMorle Walnwrlg^it, Marie Tempest and Charles llawtre.v, of which lost named or- ganljiatlon he was manager last year. He was nsslstnut manager of Henry Irving for Keverni seasons. He leaves n widow, Kale Magnus, who was nn nctress of merit some .venrs iigo: a son, Cecil, who Is on Ihe stnge. nnd n daughter. Rose. Jiil.RS (iBAii, Ihe operatic manager, died at his home In New Vork City on Sept. II. from Inromoloi' •itn.vy, after nii qiness of two .years. Mr. firau was born at Brun. Moravlu, llfiy-two years ago. nnd was brought to this country when he was almut two years old. He produced "The .Mikado" tor the first time In Ihla country, and for more than twenty years managed operatic organizations. Al- though 111 last season, he managed a company playing "The AVizard of the Nile" and "tJl Cnpllan," his lost managerial ventures. He was the son of Herman (irnii, a manager of operatic favorites of years ago, and a cousin of .Mnurlce Gruu. ills wife and three children survive hlin. llAiiiiv Fkanklin, of Franklin and McNutt, vaudeville sketch team, died In Los Angeleu, Ca\., Sept. .1. The remains were sent to Uulncy, III., his home, for burial. He was fifty years ot age, twenty-seven of which he spent on the stage. He was born In th« South, and made his borne In St. Ixiuin up to seven years ago, when his wife died. Fi.ORKVCt: Zkiti>is, n well known Bebrew actress, died Sept. 7, after a short Illness, at her home in New York City. In private life she was Mrs. Paul Harlioe. JOHN F. D>i GF.y., an actor, died at the BruBswick Home, Amityvllle, L. I., Aug. 11), from paresis. His last engogement was with '■Sherlock Holmes." Among the productions with which he had appeared during his ca- reer were: "The Pit,'' "Darkest Russia." "The Child Wife" and "The Widow Hold- steln." Interment wns in the Actors' Fnnd I'lot, In Kvergreeti Cemetery CifARi.F.s Fox, comedian and dancer, of the team of Fox nnd CooKor, died on Aug. :tll, from coDBUQipllon, at the home of Karl Lam- bert, a retired performer, In Ixis Angeles, Cai. He won bis greatest success In Impcrsona- tlons of Chinese nnd negro chnrocters. Two sisters survive bini. Iniercnent was at Los Angeles. (iKOHOB Jknnigr Ha., equilibrist, of the Cook & Barrett Show, died Sept. 5, from hemorrhage of the brain, caused by a para- lytic stroke, sustained Ihe day before. He was born aad raised In CInclnDatI, and bad been connected with the circus business since he was eleven .vears old, having been an ap- prentice of Dan Itlce, He married Dan Itlce's niece. Nina Howland. Dec. '2f>. 1878. .Mr. .lennier was fifty-four years old. Ilia wife and seven children survive him. Four of his chllilreu, 'ieorge Jr., W.ilter. Hoy and .Mrs. Sinude .Mllleitc. are pro:'i'Kslonals. In- termont wns In lOllwuod Neb.. Sept. 7. OilAiil.KS K. .Noii.MAN, on old time minstrel, died at Lexington, Ky.. Sept. 14, from a stroke of pacnl.vsls. He wok over fifty years of ago, and bad been connected with many oUl tnne minstrel organizntIons, Including those of Billy ICnicrson, John Allen,. Mnnnmg and Hnrt, llyinnn and Master Barney. After loiiv- Ing minstrelsy he went into voudcvtile, and did a "conn" act w'th (ieo. Liglitner. W'M. IlKiiiiNM, of Ihe Hlggins Bros., vaude- ville performers, died at Ihe home of his sister. In Providence, R. I., Sept. 11, from a compllcnllon of diseases, after a prolonged Illness. II10 lllgglns Bros., Wm. and Joe (the Ifttter having died In ISflU), were sing- ers, dnnicru and comedians. They had been ul different tImcB with Primrose & West, Primrose & Dockstadcr, Barlow Bros.. Luder l(r'i.<i., Ilnrry Ward. Barlow, D<ilsoii und Powers, (Jns Sun and others. Mas, Nbii. (.Mahv) Bchgbbh, wife of the well known actor, died ou Hept. IT, at her Summer home at the Highlands ot Nnvesink, .\. J., from 11 stroke of jparnlysls. She suf- fered from un attack of paralysis about a year ago. Mrs. Burgess was a daughter of (ieorge and Annie Sloddart, and niece of J. H. Stoddnrt. She had appeared In support of her liusband, In "The County Fair,' for some years, |ilaylng Sally. Her husband and one son, John, aged about flftecn years, sur- vive her. , ., ,. . ,.k NEM.tK Bblck, of the Four Avenas, with the Floto Show, died Sent. V. from typhoid fever, nt the St. Johns Uospllal, Fnrgo, X. I) She wos twenlyelcht years of age. In- terment wos under the au.iplres of Fargo Aerie, Ki.'l, F. 0. K. Her busUnnd survives her. . ♦-»♦ Mn. anp Mns. CiiAni.r.fl Oiibim Cowms have Just reliirned to New Vork City from n visit to California and the Portland, Ore., folr. Tub Siddon Bros., after playing sliteeti weeks In parks, opened on the Ije ilsia cir- cuit Sept. IS. with Ihe Howard, Boston, and Pajtofs to follow. OH tH Koad. All RoBtea Maat Resell V* Not Later Tban Monday. DRAMATIC. A .tnitlln, Mamaret (ShnU'rt nro«,. nigr^.)—New- ark. N. J.. IS-iu, .N. V. City 21, ImleaBlte. Aldrlcli. Obns. T. (A. H. lV<x>.ls, nigr.)—Chi- ritgii. III., 17-Urt. 7. Aubrey Stock, Mlllrntlinl Bws.' (J. T. Micauley. mgr.)—I.r<ckiinri, N. V.. l8-2:t, .Niagara Kills •j:>:«i. Arnold Stick (.T. I'. Arnold, lugr.)—PIttstoD. Pil.. 18-2:1. Cncll!<lo 3.v:;d. Adnlr, Orcgg ,t Adsir iJotaunjr Adnlr. oigr.)— l\4tie. Pa., 18-2;i. '•An You Sow" (W. A. Drnly A Jo*. It. Orltini't. niirr».)—Cblcogo, 111., t»a«. "AiliDiia" (Dnvirt J. Ui.mii|{i', niirr.)—ruelvla. Colo.. 20. Aallda l!l. ijsdville 22. Salt Lake City. 1!.. 24-27, Omleii S8. Buk). .Ne».. 211. "Across the I'ncldc," Chfl«. K. Illgney's—Orniiil Kiildds. .Midi.. 212:1. ".\rier Mliliilitlit" ISiiencfr & AUirn, nigrs.) — l'linnilel|diln. Pii.. 18-2::. ".VI rrljipje Creek." K. J. Coriienter's—Pealnsly. Kill.. 20, WIclilln SI. Colilv.eil 22, Klnu l''lsliei. Dlthi.. 2:1. 'Iklr.linii.n Hiy 21. ShnwnM> 2.V riiillirle 211. Perry 27. INmcn I'lly 28. Bliick- itell V!). Arkansas City. Knn.. M. "As Told III llie Hills" (W. l". Msiin. miiM- halnninsno. Ml,-li., 20, Biiltle Creek 21. An- linrii. lull.. 22. llunlliiKliui 2:i. Uecatnr U, I'rrllnnil 21!. Hartford City 27, .M«il|H'lle.- 2.H, Mnncie :tO. "An Arlstmrnllc Tramii," A, Kllroy A nrltloa's (Harry .\. Murray, inur. I—Snlliiii. Kan.. 20. Mcl'bersrii 21. I.ynn-* 2'i WIrbllii 2:1. ArkaiiHa" City Zr,. Caldwell 2lt. WelllnKlun 27. Pond Creek, Okln., 28. Klniitlsher 'SO. •Iklnhonm City :iii. •An Arlslo.Tntlo Trnmii." B. Kllroy * Brillim's (S. K. Lester, iiur.»—rrescott. Ark.. 21. T«- nrkinii 22. .M.irsliail. Tex., 2:), ntliiier 2^. Wlnnslhiro 2(1. "Alone In the World" (MItleiillinl Bros. Amuse- Co.. mitr.-i.l—Wllkes-hnrre. I'n.. 18-20, Scrnii- lon 21-2:1. Dnnvllle sn, Alloona 2)1, Jobnsluwu as, .^IcKeesporl !'.0. "An Or/ilian's Prayer" (Martin Sbeeley, nifr.)— W.ilertinvii. Wis.. 20. 21, Komi dii 22, Two Rivers 2.1. Apiilcton 24, flreeu Bay 2U. Sturgeon liny 20, Marlnelle 2'. Cllntouvllle 28, Aiittgo 211. Wnnsan .'to. B Barrymore. F.thel (Charles Krobman. nigr.)—SUB Lake City. I'., 21-2^, 8iu Fraiielsco, Cal., 2.-i- Oct. 7. RInIr, F.ugenle (Oeii. A, Ubiinenlbnl, niiir.)— Wilmington. N. C, 20. Cliurlotte 21. Hellew. Kvrle (l.leliler & Co.. rogrs.)—Montreal. Can.. 2ri-:iii. lleninrd. Samuel (t^liarles Frnlimnn, oigrs.)—N. V. City isoct. 14. llliidley. Florence (B. K. Fiirrester. iiiKr.)—Kan- sas City. .Mi>., l7-2:i. Omulin. Nebr.. 24. 2.-1, Cedar Itaplils. Ia.. 2«, riliitnii 27. Diiliiiqoe 28, l.ii CroKSe. Wis.. 2n. Wlmmn. .Minn., .10. Bli'kel. Watson mid WrcitUe (A. II. Woods, mgr.) —Trenton. N. J.. 20. WlhiilnBlon. Del.. 21. Norrlslown. Pu.. 22. .Sniitli lletlileliem 2.1. N. Y. City 2.1-:tO. Buntbig, Emma (Karl llurgess, nigr.)— Anburn, N. Y.. i8-2:i. Biiiuhnmiiiii sn-in. Heniietl-Moulloii — New Hrllnlii. Conn., 18-2.1. Merldeii 2.')-Kl. lipiiiielt-.Moulton (W. A. t'nrlellti. rant.)—Wlnslwt, Cnnii.. 18-2:1. Xnugiilnck 2.'>-:iO. Bennpll-.Moultoii (VV. C. McKay, iiiur.)— Klls- wnrlli. Me.. I8-2:I. BennettMoulton—Osweso, N. V., l8-2:i, Wnler- tottii 2.i:in. Brown. Kirk (.1. 1'. Mtrrli'k. in|(r.(—McKees|Kirt, Ph.. 182:1. Ciinils'rbintl. .Md.. 2r.-:MI. Berry .Xlook (Miles Herry. nigr.)— I.nfayclle, liid., 18-2:1, Wiipukoiirtn, 0.. 2r>':i0. Ri<nliiirH CiiiiinllniiK (I'enip It. lirnlon, nigr.)— Wliiaeld. Knn.. IH2:t. I'crry, Oklo., 2.v;i(l. Bnrke-Mi'Conu (.M. .McCiinn, nigr.)—Port Jht»Is. N. Y., l8-2:i. Brlgits. Floyd H. ITorlielt A Wnllaiv. nigra.)— Alhliin, III., 2.'>-?l). ••Had 8uinnrll«n" (Henry W. Savage, ingr.)—N. V. City 1823. "lien lliir" (Klaw tt Erlanuer, lugrs.)—Wlunliieit. .Mail., 18-23, Bulle. Mont., 2n>:io. "Buster Brown," .M. B. lluynioiiiPs—SI. I,»nl', .Mo., 17-2.1. "Buster Drown." M. II. RaynioinrH—Mvrldeii. Conn.. 20. Wllllmniillc 21, Norwich 22, Mlilille- town 2;i, Piitiiara 2r., New Londiiu 211, Westerly, It. I.. 27, WoonsiK-kef 27. RI»er|iolut 21), Wor- cester. .\iasK.. :il). "liiisi.^r Brown." .M. B. iliiyinond's—Cbnrlrsluii. S. C, 20, 21. "Bunch of Keys" (Oiis Bothiier. mgr.)—New- lierii. N. C. !i(), Wllniliigtoii 21, Florence, 8. 0., 22, Columbia 23. Salisbury, N. C. 2.'!. WInsleil- Salem 2U. Cniirord 27, (jbarlolte 28, Mpurluii- liurg. H. CI.. 20. OreeuTllle 30. "BiK llenrled Jlra." Kliml ft Onr.iolu's—Kaiisui City, Mo., 17-2.1. 81. l.oiilH 24-110. "Bnv Behind the diui" (W. W. Woolfolk. mgr.)— Clevelntd. O.. 18-23, Delroll, Mich.. 24-30. "BiiiikL-r's Clilbl" (Harry Sbaiiiion. mBr.)— Nnsliiia, In.. 21, Wuverly 22, Clurkarlire 2.1. Hampton 2S. Belnioiiil 20, Down 27. Oruiidy Center 28, Iteinlwck 21). Troer 30. "Bowery News tllrl" (llelas & Tollen, mgrs.)— IMillliisburit. Pa.. 20. Tyrone 21, Carweusvllle 22. ReynoTilsvllle 2». "Bell Bov" (.Ins. A. aalvln, mgr.)—BurllugliHi, Vr., 20. KullamI 21, 81. .lobiisliury 22, SI. Al- l.niis 2:1. "Beauty Doctor" (1'lios. W. Prior, lugr.)—Tren- lo«. N. J.. 18.20, N. Y. Clly 2r.-30. "Bnrslnr's SweclUfDrl" (.lol'.ii Conners. nigr. ) — t(nc|u>Hter. .Mliiii., 21. I'InliivIew 22, Owalniiua 23. lli'il Wli'g 2<, BiiNtbiKS 27. Farlbuult 28. "Brt-eay Time" (h. Webster Fit/, inar.l—Stiiiiii- ton, III., 22, nn-riiTllle :.1. IBnliluiid 24, Mount VeriHsi Zfi, Kliimiinily 21), .Mcl.e(.iiHtinri> '.!7, lliirrlslmrii '28. Ileuton 20, Marlasn .10. C Carter. Mrs. Leslie (David Beiasco, mitr.)—N. Y. City 18. Inilellnlte. Crjsninn, Henrietta (Maurice Cumiiliell, mgr.)— llnrrlsburK. Pn., 20, Heading 21, Alleutown 22, Allaiiliv City, S. J.. 23. I'nterson 25, New Uucbellc, N. v.. 20. Wuterbury, Conn.. 27, llrlilueiiort 28, New llnven 2U, llarlfoni :I0. Coiiblaii. Hnm (Arc-hie L. 8hr|inrd, mgr.)—Hew itorliclle. N. Y., 2:1, Ilrldgenurt. Conn.. 23. New lluveii 20. Ilurlforil 27, Norltiuni|itoii. SIdsm., i". Worcester 2V, Hiirlnnllelil 30. Collier. Wllllnui (Charles Frobinuii, mgr.) — I.itn- ilon. Fug., IS, iadellnltr, Cawthoriie. .losepli (Klaw * tCrlnnger, lugrs.) — ItiK'tuste.-. N. Y., 212.1. Buiralu 2r>-3(i. IMinn, (Ieo. .M. (Sum II. Ilurrls, mgr.)—Cliicln- iiiKl. 0., 18-2:!. Lexhiglim, Ky., 2.1. Ixiulsrllle 2d. 27. IiidlunHiiidlH, liid.. 28, CoIuiiiIhih, U., 2(1, ;»nytoii :i«. Cori<, .lime (.Vrlliur C Alston A J. K, Bailer. initrs.)—l»olerwin, .N. J., 21-23. Jersey City ■jr.-M. CIIR'iird. Blllr (C. h'. Wlillnker, iiikM— Uontnn, .MiisH , 18-2:1. Cuik'Cburcli (II. W. 'fiiylur, nigr.)-Amsteriliiin, N. Y.. lh-2;i. (Hem Falls 2.-.-30. ChHse-Msler Theatre, .Northern (Olen F. CUiiki-, mur.)— At«c;i, 111,, IHltll, Alhinllc 2(1-30. Cnris Drnmatic (M. II, Curls, mvr.)—VIroiiiia, Wis.. 18-2:1. Iloxnbcl SG.IO. Carroll Comedy (lyii <:»rroll, mgr.)—Buckhiin- iinn, W. Vn., 18 2:1, 8nlpm 2li.:tO. Crcdoc-Nevllle (Chus. II. .Neville, mgr.) — Beaver Fulls. Pn.. 18'2:i. Nllfs, ()., 2r>-3ll. ChHiineey-KellTer (Fri'd ('baium-y. mgr.)—Jersev Shore. Ph.. IN.2(1, Briiovn 21-23, BnniHslKiro 2'>- 27. Windsor ^8-;i0. Crnsfortl's CunuKtbins (II. D. Criwford, mgr.) — .Miissenu. In., 18-23. Columbia SliH'k (8. A. Aniidil. mgr.)—Union Clly, Pa.. 18-20. Mayrvllle, N. Y.. 21-23, Cnnaii- ihilvuu 2.'i-.10. Clirlslle Sloi'k (A. K. Cllirlstle, initr.l-Peeks- kill, N. Y.. 18-23. C'wgrove Slock—I'nll itlver, .Mass., 18-2;!. "('ollenc Widow." Kaateru (Henry W. Mavage, mirr. I—Itcaton. Mnss., 18-:U). "Colleiie Widow" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—Kaii- xus Clly, .Mn.. 18-23, Toiieka. Kan., 2rf, HI. Jnsetdi. .Mu.. 20. Qnlircy. III., 27. Jiekannvllle 28, Peoria 211. Stirlnnlleld 30. "County Ciiiilriunn," Kaslern (Ileury W. SaTii,*, mgr.)-Brooklyn. N. Y., 18-23. Phllodelphia, Pn., 2.-.;io. "County Clinlroian." Western (Henry W, Savage, mar.)—St. l/iuls, .Vi... 17-23. "Clnckcrs" (The KIrle l.n Slielle Co., mgr*.)— I'lllslnirs. I'll.. i1-;ii>. "f!onfes«loo of a Wife" (A. H. Woods, initr. I — riili-tiioi. III., 17-2.1. Milwaukee. Wis., 24-30. "Child .Slaves nf New York" <J. V. Kckbnrdl, iiiKr.)— Hamilton, fl.. 20. Odumbiis 21-2.1. Day- t(in 2.1-27, Toledo 28-30. "Country Kid" (11. B. Whitlakrr, mgr.)—<;nn- Deravllle, Ind., 20, Carthage 21, Elwood 23, Noblvsvllle 23, Tipton 2i. Marlon 2(1. Van lliiirii 27, llarlfoni Clly 28, WInchrslcr 21), Ateicnudrln M. "Ciistei'a Last KIght" IFrauk 0. Rhmleii, mgr. 1 —N. T. CItv 18-23. Lancaster, P«.. 3.1, York 20, Reading!!?, Kastnn 38, Atlantic City, N. J,, 2H. .10. "Curse nf Drlak." Charles R. Blaney's—Wheeling, W. Vs.. 1S.20. "Convict's naiighter." Kdward Salter's—.leaftle, Wash.. 17-23. "Clansman"—Norfidk. Vn.. 21, RIchnswil S.'s 2«i. D Drew, John lOtiarlcs Frohnian, nigr.)—N. Y. City 18. IndeDnlte. Daly. Arnold (l.lehler A Co., mars.)—N. Y. Clly 18. Itidrllnile. Doune. Allen (Keuiiey * Weslfnll. mgrs.)—New niasgnw, N. 8., 20. Ilallfnt 21-23. HaTrrblll, Mass., 2.'). Salcni 2<l, illoucrater 27. I.«wlstun. .Mr., 28. Togiis 20. Drake 8lu<'k—Tipton, Intl., 18-23. l>e Voas, Flora. No. 1 (i. B. Botnonr. mgr.) — Weyaiiveiia. Wis., I8-2;1. Jefferson 2S:i«. Do Vosa. Flora. Nn. 2 (J. B. Rnlnniir, mgr.I — Miiiiaiimth. 111.. 18-2:1. Dwiley, Frank—i.'alro. 111.. 18-2.1, Unkiu Clly, 'I'mii.. 2.1-3(1. Delniore's Coainllaiis—Misitgoniery. W. Va., 18- 23. Di- I'ew-Hunlelte Stock (Tlios. K. IV I'ew, mar. I —Cidiiinliux. (in.. 18 23, .Montgonicry, Ala., :.'.'•- :ui. "Diulii'ss of Dnnltla" iKinw ft Krlnuijer. mars. I -'.Mnnireal. Can.. 18 'il. Bnwklyn, N. Y.. a.\- :iii. "David llnniiii" Llullits t^ahn, iiutr.)—New Haven, I'linn.. 18-20. DanlHiry 21, llrldgcixiri '.12. '.■:!, Newark. N. J.. 3.'i-:ii). "David llnrinii." .^mvlnl (Jnllus Cnhn, lUKr.)-— Rnnifonl Falls. .Me.. '.I). I.lveriunrv Falls 21, BUIdefnnl 22. Porllanil '£1. Angasin sri. Wntrr- vllle 2(1. Ilnognr 27, Bath 2M, Koeklaml 20, l.pwls(nu 30. "Dom Tlioriip," A (llowhind ft (^^llftord, nigra.)— SiHiltilale. I'R.. 211. .M(mnl Pleasant 'Jl. Johns. ■ own 22. I.aindie 'J3. AllocMia 21), |j>wlstnwn 211, C^diinihln 27. York '28, l.aiii-nster 211, l.e- luuioii :I0. "Dora Tlionie." B (Rowlaiul & Clllfonl. mars.)— Sabine. O.. 20, WllmbiKloii 21, lllllslnni 22. Porlsnioulli '23, Jacksou 2n, Wellslon W, Luitnii 27. Nelsniivllle 28, Athens 21), Purkeriiliurii, W. Vn., tin. "Dora Tlmrue," C (llnwinnd * Cllffiinl. ni«rs.) —Knn AlkliWHi. Wis.. 20. Kdi.vrlnii 21, Bi'l- tM.w. III., 22. Freeiwrt 23. Itoilipllc 2.-.. DImxi '211. .Morrison 27. Tnniidin '2.S. Krie 2U. .Midliie:tii "Dorn Tlionie." D (Itowlaiid ft OlIITonl. nigra. ( —Mount Plennaiil, .Midi.. '20, OwnMO 21, Flint 22, Port linnio 23. Wyaislnile 24, M»niil Clemens 2:i. Poiillai.' 30. Vpsllanll 27, Jackson 2". Tecuniseh 21), lliitler, hid.. 30. "Dura Tlionie." F (Ihiwlund « CIKTord. nigra. ) — tUrklnson. N. I>nk.. 20. Dletidlve. Muni., 21. BlllliKm 22. l.lvlnKsliin 23. Unite 21. Aiiaiitiiihi 2'>. MlsFonln 2(1, Wnllnce. Iml.. 27, Wanlm-r 28. CiHir d'.Mene 211, K|irngiie. Wn>li., .'H). "Dora TlMirne" (C. S. Hiilllvnn. mar. 1--S(erllo«. III., 20, LV Knlli 21, 8ycu(iHir<> 22, Onlemi 2:i. "IVliip'rs .if Vorklcu illris" (A. II. WimmIs. umr. — PltlsliiirK. I'n.. .8-23. Wllkeslmrre 2.1 27. Scrnnton 28-30. "IViiiKcmus Lite," flaspnni Bms.' (M. K. fl<»«l- iiinn. mgr.)—Pltlslinrg. Pn., 18-'23. •Dr. Jekvll niid Mr. Hyde." I). B. Levis' (Ownr Jniies. mar. I—l.e<-<'lilnirg. Pa.. 20, Fast llrudy 21, nil niy 22, TItiwvllIe tX "Down by the Se«" (S. W. Coiiiln. mgr. I—Nniis- nn: Dnl.. 20. Descrvnin 21, PIctini 2'2, Helie- vllle '23, lliu'lph 2.'). "Deniiernle Chni " (Aiilirey Mlltenlhnl. mgr. I —I'illslniric. Pu.. I8-'2:I. Buffalo. N. Y., 2.'>':ui. "Dearrieil nt Ihe Alter," Percy II. Wlllnms'—Ol- InWu. Cnn., 21-23. "Dcsdu'oial Dirk." Iliiich Morrlwin's- Aniuioiir, Ind. Ter.. 20. K Klllnll. Muvlne ((\ 11. Dlllbighnin, liigr.)- N. V. <?(lv 18, liidellnlle. Fdrwin. IIiiIstI illeiiry B. tlnrrls, niiir.I -N. V. i:ily 18-23. Newark. X. J.. 2.1-.'li). Kilsler. Fllb'—N. V. I'lly 18 23, Pbllndi'ljdiln. Pa., 2ri-3n. FniincK. Kalle IFrsiib llaynuui. iiiur.)—Korlh nnlllsHm'. O., 20. Ashlainl 21. Pii|ier 81111- diiskv 22. ihilliin 23. Kenion 2.'V. Brllefonlnlue 211, I'nlod 27. KclliiBH Stock (Moyil * Ceater, ingra.)—Als'leiie, Tei., 20-23, Ilulril 81-20, CIscoi? :«). KIwvn. I/inie liar-'. V(,, 18-53. Cnlii.(. (lerlrude—.lunlh .MoAlester, Ind. Ter, 18- 2:1. Muskegon 2n-3(i. Fhler's SiocTi ((l(«. A. Ijiwreace, mgr.)—Bur- lliiKsme, Klin., I8.'2:i, llollisi '2ri.27, Hnrlim 2N- :i(i. F.dsiill-Wlnlhro(>e Kliick (I). B. Fdaall. iiiiir. I- - LyiirtihiirK. Vs.. 18-23. Kinnlni Slisk (Sam Williams, nigr.|—Hocliesler, Pn., 18-'23. "KilisMilloii of Mr. Plpn" (Daniel V. Arthur, niKr.I—linllnnaisills. Iml., 20, l.iinlsvllli', Ky.. 2|.'2:i. Iluclnnnll. O.. 2n-3». "Kye Wllness," LI In J. Curter'a (Kdiiiuml Mniiley, nigr.l—St. I.<iuIb, Mn., 17-23. indlnn- upolls Ind., 20-27, Dayton 2H-30. "Kleventh Hour." Lincoln J. t'arler's (Ctias. A. Hellon, mgr.)—Hartford Clly. 1ml., '20. Illiin- tani 21, Kurt Wayue 22, 23, Butler 2n, Aiibiirii 20, Angola 27, lilllsilale, MIrli., 28, Binlaisi 21), Jacliion .10. "Kternal i.'lty" (Llelder ft Co., ingrs.)—Sliunlon, Va., 21. "Klabl Bells," Bros. Dyrtie—Norlhaianlon. Mass., 1*(1, Hlirltigneld 21, .Viirlh Ailania '22, Plllsllehl »1. P Fl'ike, .Mrs. (Harrlsiin drey Flske, mgr.)—N. Y. City 25, Inilellnlte. Favershaui. Wni. tl.leliler A Co., iiigni.l—AHnii- He I'lly, N. 1., 2r.. FlHclier, Alice (I'. (,'. Wliltliey, tUKr.)—Dubuque, la., 211. I.I Crosse, Wis., 21, Ksu Clnlre 23, 81. Paul, Minn.. 24-27, Mliilicaisiila 28-:M). FllsHlmnionH, Iloherl (l,eiHi Frlnlniin, nigr.)-' noslnn, .Mass.. 18-23, CidUKilda, P«., 2r>, Al- toons 2(1, Juhiiatuwn 27. Lnimli* 28, Youiign- Inwii. O., 20, Buller. Pa., IK). I>'enlierg Stork (lleo. M. Fenbrrg, nixr.)—Ilblde- fnnl, Mr., 18-2.1, Porllanil 2.1-:I0. Feuherg (Vvnirdy (Will Doshon, ingr.)—Houlh .Nnruulk, Oniu., 1823, Derby 2S-30. Flske, .May (.lohii f^grove, nigr.)—Fail lllver, Mass., 18.23, Newisirl, It. I., 2n'3(). FlyuD Stock (Unipk A. Wanl. uigr.)—Haverhill, Unas., 18.2.1, Maiicliesler, N. II., 2A-3U. Fulton Bms. S«K:k (Jack P. (lllues, mar.)—Fair- bury. Nebr.. 18-23. Flske 4 StK'h I'V. V. 8loi'k, iimr.)- Dweiislsirii, Ky.. 18"2«. I'ounlaiii Theotre, CeiilrnI (Kahii ft I->IiuIh, ingis.)—OiilrnI Clly, (.'ok>., 18-23, Cidorailii Sprlniis 2r.-3(). I'oye. I.ralle (it. K. Brown, mgr.)—.Mbldlebiiry, Vt., l8-'23, Lisllnw 2ri-:ill. "Flaming Arrow," l.limdii J. f!arter'« (W. P. Juckwui. mgr.)—Toliilo, ().. 17-21). I.»rahi 2<. Klyrln 22. Sniulnsky 2:1. Norwulk 2ri, Fiulorln 2(1, Ftnilluy 27. I)i<na(«<e 21), Monns- 31). "I'nnsI," Purler J. While's—North Manclu-sier. liHl.. 20. La (Irante 21, Flkharl 22. Ilcul-m Harbor, Mich., 23, llnrlford 2:1, South Haven '2(1, Feniivllle 27, IXiwnabic 28, 'llirni Itlveis 211, Constaiitlui- III). "Fatal WnldlnK." Snlllvnn, Harris ft Wimla' . Itauilltoo, »,. 22. "FIghtliiK Fall-," <tm. K. Hill's IM'ni. ityim, (ngr.)—Wllkes-ibirre. Pu., 18 20, 8cruolo(i 21- 23, Newark. N. J., 26-30. "Puntoania" (Wni. A i{4lward llnnlon. ingrs.)-- Drs Mollies, la.. '2ii. Oinnlin, N'idi., 2I''23, Ksu- SUB Clly. .Mo., 24-27. "Fnsi Mfe bi Nevi York" (A. H. Wooila. nigr.) — PiVivldrare. It. I., 1823. Ilosloii. .Mass.. 2.'>':iu. "Kiir Hit Suke" (Luiils A. Kllliid, mvr. 1—Waii- •au, Wis.. 20. .N'elllHvHle 21. Aiiishiirst 22. W'aiipaca 23, OshkoMh 24, Wauinin '2!t. Beaver Dam '2(1, Maiistoii 27, Toiiiali 28. VInsiiiu 2u, "For Ills BridlUT's Crime" (<!«(. N. Ilelllmev. nivr.|-'<1tlcaK0, III., 17-23. I'olninliiia, <)., 2.V 27. "Klimlgan's Ball" (Kilwhi Krunklln, mgr.)—firuf. Ion, W. Vh., 20, Wl(e<dl(ig 21-23. "I'«n«le IS'lecllve"—g((lni'y. 111., 22, Mt. .to- H^ik, Mo.. 21, 2r>. Oiiinbu. Neb., 28-30. "Fool H'liiso" (Harry Dull. mitr. I—LoganspnrI, Ind.. 20. Pern 21. .Murloii 32. Lafayetle 2.1. Bbiirt'si ari, Kurt Woyiie 20. Van Wm. ()., 27, Lima 2P, S|irlnatli<lit 30. U nillelle. William (Charles Frobinan, mgr.)—Lon- dun. Fug.. 13, fndellnlle. Ualtado, Allieita (Kaiie, SkijiiiiBn ft Colvhr, ingrs.)—Allanllc Oily, .N'. J.. 21), Trrnton 21, PUInHrld 22, Krkkhi. Pn.. 2:i. Beading 2'i. I.ehannii 20. York 27. Fnilerlck. Mil., 28, Wilirbeslrr. Va.. '20. MarllnsliurK. W. Vu., .10. fjfay, Julia—Llniwlii J. Carter's |Frank T. Wul- lai-e. mitr.)-Ashland, Wis.. 20. BayOeld 21. Xn- iierlor 22, Didiiib. .Minn.. 2.1. Kin (3alrp, Wis.. zr,, Farllinult, Minn., 20, OwaliuiDa 27. Allwrt Lea 28. Kocbealer 21), La Croaae, Wla.. .'10. Qrlffllli, Jobo (John U, illckey, ngr.)—Uanalag' tell. W. Vs., 20. Fslrniont 21. llnrreevlllc, O.. 'J2. /.iiiirsvllle 2:1. New Phllsdclphln 2.'i, Strii< liriivllle 2(1, llis.'lii-alrr. Pn., 27, Yuaii|n<lown, O.. '28, Aahtabul'i -21). Kiyrla 30. Illlmore. Barney (Itarrr Monlgomery. mar.)—Jer< »CT City. N. J.. 18-2.1. Ptillsilel|ibla. Pa., '2.1 :!i'. <larslib> Slock 1.1. .t. (iiir»IOe, mgr. I —Wellsliuig, W. Va.. 18-21 Ollck Sloi'k (Harry iBIck, mar.)-Kokoiim, Ind., 1823. Audrrsun 2r>-.1o, (lllTnnI H«prlnK-<-l'ill»l. Wis.. IS 2:i. Ararlc 25< :in. "(llrls Will He lUrls" (Wui. A. Itrndy, mar.) - I'liiininl. N. II.. 20. MsMi'licsler 21. Portluml, Me.. 22, llniiitor 23. Wulcrvllle 2.'>. Uivlsioii 20. Portsmouth, N. II., 27, Dover 28. Huvethlll, Mnss.. 211. Hnirm :I0. •iljlisy lllrl." W(u. T. Kiiiah's-PblladelpblH, Ph., IS-2:i. N. V. flly 2.". .10. ■1ilrl of the Sirrels" ilNi-ker A Vcronets nigra. I —CliH'lmiatl. O.. l7-'23. I.mdsvllli-. Ky.. '24,10. 'Day New Vork," Una IIIH's (niiia. Ilarlon. uigr.) —Clnrlnuntl. <).. 17-23. "ilreat I .\m" (.Mm II. Meyer, lugr.)--Jersey Clly. N. J.. I8-M.1. •day .Mnlliire Olrl" (,I. C. l'o(rlck. mar.l—Fast, jxrl. .Mr.. 23, I.mIsh- 2-'i. CnlnN 'Jil. II lliicketl. Jauirs K.. oiid Mtr.v .Mniiiirrlug—W«sh> loKKHi. D C., IS.23, .N. V. Clly 2.I. Indcfliilii.. Ilnll. .lessle .Mae (II. K. Fe'-resier. iiiiir.i--New ark, N. J., 1823. N. Y. i'lly •2.-.:io. Hli. Iicoih, llnynMiuil (Henry W, Savnue, mgr.) N. V. (Itv 18, biilellnlle. ll'Slgr. M'lll (i.lelder A Co.. iiiurM. 1 - New ilii- i-iielle. N. Y., 2>1, Wnlerlsiry. ronii.. i:(l. .New Britain '27. MIddb'lowii 28. Wtlllmnnilc 20, Piitniiiu '(O. Iladfoid. Chnrlea II. (F. Lawrence Wnlker. ingr.) - Newisirt News, Vs., '2U. Uli-luiiisul 28. Nur- folk 21), CbnrhillivHvllle :iu. lllxvliis. David iK. D. .Sinlr. mar. i~Milwaukee, Wis., 1823. 81. Paul. Mluii.. \it:\lt. lliitvnni Hull (Henry I'lcrsmi, mgr.I —llU-hiuoiid, Vn.. I8-21. WnslilnBlmi. I). C.. 2ri :ui. Hiniilrl.-kH. Iii>n (Wm. Orny. mac.)--(Hiiidera|v>rt. Pn.. 20. I>:ni.>s)rluni 21. St. .Mur.vs 22. .lolinai-o- iMirg 23, .Miiuni .lewctt 2:^. I)nlsd» 2». CnrweiiH* villi' 27, Tyninc '28. Ilnnlvilnle 2U. Ch-nnli'lU :iu. Ilrnry llurlnu (W. F. Scnniiiion, iiiiii. 1 -Ithaca. .V. v.. '2(1, Bliiahinilmi 21. .Norwich 22, Maver- Iv 2:1, t.'orllund 2ri, llenevn 2d, Aiilniiii 27. Penn Van '28, llnlnvln '211. Dunkirk :i(i. Ilbniiii'hdo's Idenls (.iidui A. illinnielelii, nixr.) -Fast IdviTiaiol, t)., 18 23. Cniilnn 2:130. Ilbiinti'li'lii's liniwrlnl SIih-Ii (II. F. Illniiiieh-bi. iiiiir.I •.Miiiii-le. lisl.. 182:1. Fort Wnyne •20:w. Ibill. Don C. INsicnril. N. II., IS.'b). Ilaywiiril. Ilrnci', 8tiick Cldni Krws. luKr.)— Jii[i> llll. Ml).. 18.24. .lefterKiMl Clly ■2.1 :ill. Ihiwurd'Iiiitsi'l (tieorvr II. Iliiwnnl. mar.I—F.irt Wn.viie, Ind., 18-23. Ileinlersisi. .Msisl iJiistqih Parent, (our. I—l.ewla< Ion. Ml.-li., t8-2il, Chid'oyiinM 2.". :Hi. Ihirviv A (Inse rumiily- llhii'kliMi. Msm^., 18 2:1, riiiintoii '2.1 ",». IliirCs l'iiiiii>dr III, ij. Allen, hiitr, 1-1.Kile Rivk, \rk. I8'.':i. l-'iiri Smlib '.M 21), Harris I'urklnsoii iBolu'rl II. Ilnrrh. iiiKr. I - t'liarlesliiii. W. Vn.. 18'2:i. llU'kiiinii llusaey (Frank W. .leiiks. mar. I- Alt.crt ■ .•'H. Mliiii., ISUI, lown clly. In.. '2.1:111. "lIouB' Folks" (Klnw.'e ('.rlnnHei-. iiik»<.i ~i|ra(i I Ualilds. .Mli'h.. 18-211. Mllwnukn*. Wis., 24 :IU. "Ilnn(|iiy Diuiiiitv" IKIaw A Frlniwr. mars. 1 -' lluir,ilii. N. v.. 18-23, lliM'hesti'c 2.1:1(1. "Ilrlr hi Ihe Hisirah" (Klrke La Sliclle Co., oiirrs. i-lliMiijii. .Mnss., I8-:|«. "Ilcnrl of I'hirniiii," Lincoln .1. Curler's (.lidin M'hlO'ley. (iiar.i -Dnhilh. Mbin., I8'J(|. West Siqs'rhir, Wis., 21, Ashland 2'2. ithliiclnndet '2:,. Wniissu '24. A(itl(<i 2.'>. ilbidstoiie. .Mbh., :H. Fscaiialin 2N. Isliin'iuliia '20. I'niuini'l :iii. "Mow lienlfa An- llmken" (.1. «'. I'llironl, Ingr.) rnicniM. III.. 1723. "Her WwldliiK lluy" l.lnmi'u Willi, mar.)-- |jiul«> villi'. Ky.. 17>'2:(, SI. l.onts. .Mo., 21 :ni. "Ilisi"e iif Mystery" (Mldcnibnl llros. AiniH>>t Co.. mxrs.i (Uliiiidiiis. 11.. 17 20, Smilh liinil, Iml.. 21. Clili'iiuo. III., 24 (ht. 7. "Her l''nl«l Slii" (A. .1. McAv-iy, mgr.)—.Norili Fusl. Pn.. 21. Ilnliui <3ly 22. .Mercer 2:1. (ill •lly ;!r.. ilmievllle 20. Alliance, u., 27. Bar- la'rloii 28. ('anal Ihiver .'(O. "Hrnrls of ilohl" (Phil lluiil, mgr.l- llriioklyii. N. v.. 18-2:i. N. v. Cllv 2ri:io. "linns llno'SKi" llanic-i T. McAlplii, mitr. I—Wllb mar. .Minn.. 20 23, Lllchlleld '2ri. Ileiivllie 20, Montevideo 27''2li. 81. Illoinl .'10, Oct. I. "lliHillHao 111 New York." Fraxce A llrnwiie's ^ Clehiinii'. Ti'1., 20, Wnci. 21. Ti'mide 22, New llrniinfi'ls 24, Son Aniiililn 2(1. "Ifiily City," Kssi rinrdon A Beiiiu'K'H (Fdw, 'rnyliir. mar.) —l.lslsiu, ()., 20, Nnlcni 21, Can- (o(i 22. Alllunev '23, Biisslliiii 2ri, Tllfan 20, Akron '27. Wndsworlh 28, Klyrla 211, l.iiiuln :|0. "Holy CKy," Wi'S(, (loriliui A Beniiell'n llleiicy M. Blucknih-r. mar.l—Kl Pn«ii. III.. 2(1. I.a 8alli< 21, I'liiillni- ii2. Pisirin 2:1, I'ekln 24, ilnli-sbura 2'>, Mudnuinlh 2U, For( Mndlsun, In,, 27, Kisikuk 28, Cnul Mo., 20, (/nliiiy. 111., :u>. "Iluiiesi lli'srls," Kllinl A (laando's (Wiu. Mur- llll' Jr., nitfr. l--()iikesibite. Wash., 20. Kpruaiin :!l. Ililivllli' 2'2, .Norlli Vnkbiin 2:1, 8eullh- 24- 30. "Iliimun Slaves," Kilgiiie SpoRunl's (Dim MniT- (ulllini, mgr. I—(lleinvisal Springs. Ciilu.. zii. Sail Lake Clly, II.. 2l-'23, Park City 2>''>, l.i'hl 20, I'rovii Clly 27, Kurekn 28, lllvi'iside, I'al.. 30. "Ibiuiler lllrl," Knie Watson (Oils C^ihnn, inxr.) -Clinlsworlb, ill.. 20, Hbeldoii 21. Kuiikuken 2'2. l.owell, Iml., 23. Ibiiniiiond 21, ili'iissi'biir 2.'>, Moiillci'llo 211, VcvdersliiirK 27, Dtfuril 28, lllterlielii 21), Lufnyelle :ili. "Her First Falsn HIeii," C. F. WliKnker's—Mlu- neaisills, .Mlun., IT-'J3, Omulia, .Nek, 2U, 27, SI. Jiisiqdi. Mo.. 28-30. "Iliiiiiiy lliHillgiin's Trill Armnol lis- World." Iln« Hills (.lia< I'edi'SKlll. lUKi. I- Plllsburg, Pa., 18-23. "Iluniau Ilearla." Kustern (.1. .M. Bluiicbaril, iiigr,)~HuruellsvIlle, N. V.. 20. Ilriidfnnl. I'a., 21, Snlnmanca, N. V., 22. NIaKura Fulls 2U. HaiuliloM, Dnl., M. I^nidon '20, HI. I'ulberliiei 27, 1,01'kiinrl. S. Y.. 28, (li-iievu 2U, Auburn :i<). "liuiiian lli-nria," Wealeni (Win. F. Mitey, umr.j -Kniiaaa «3lit. Mo., 17 211. "Hot Old Tiini-''—Palersoii, N. J., M, 27, "Holly Tolly"—MllwankH', Wis.. 24-:)(). "iloollKiin's Troubles" IArlb((r J. Aylesworlh, iiigr.l —Wuyue. Nebr., 21). Verdigris 21, Vaiik- tiiu. H. Dnk., 21). "Heart nt Tenia"- l.sareis'o. Mass,, 20. I Irwin. .May-'Los A((gpieB, L'al., 18'20, I'lirllninl, Ore., •JUi'jH. "Ill Old Kenlis'ky" (A. W, lllugwnll. mgr.j - Blllldgs, Muni., 20, lieh-nn 21, Aiinioinln 22, 'Bulle 23, 8|Nihniir, WiiHh., 2'>. 2d, Vnklnm 2i, FllenU'ra '2H. Taivioiu '211, .'lo. "Ill Hid V^lmliilu" IW. (!. Wiire. nigr.l-- Seilnlbi, .Mil.. 20, lllKKliiHVllle 21, Mnrnliull ;'2, liidf- lieiidi-ni'e 23. Lexington 25. Rh-liinoint 2(1. flriins- wli-li 27, Sallnhnrj 28, .Mnni'lhii- 211. Cbllllcolba ;i(i. "Ikey anil Ali*'y" iKdwnrd II. Siillcr. loier. 1 - Al- buny. .S. Y.. 2l-'23, (lluversvllli' 2''. .bduisluivii 2(1. WnliTdiWd 27. llrsirivilh> '211. Miico :iu. "Ill the Wrung IPmse" I Dnu Wllllnin-<. ingr I- ■ llrldgt'imri, I'iHiu.. '2li, :in. J James, i.iinia |.L J. Cnleuinn. iiiitr.)- lllcbmuudi Va., s;i. JefTeraoii, I'tiomns- Itoslmi, .Mnss., 2.'itlcl. 7. Jeflersuii, Jiisejdi, Jr., A Wllllaiii W.- .'Viirfolk, Vn., '20, ni'liiiioiul 22. .torduii Drninatl'* (.liinii's A. I'dlK. mar.) -Albla, la.. 18-23, Dsii'ohi 2r>:io. .lewell-Kellv Slisk 8 i-i'si-l, Ky., 18 23, Let- liiKKxi 20:10. "Jcdiy Atnerh'sii I'ruinii" (A. P. Frnnklln. mgr 1 MolliH', III.. 21. Clliiion. Ia., 2'2, .Mnrsbiill- louil 2:1, lies Mollies '21 2l!. "Jerry fnuii Kerr>." Pnlteii A P'rrv'K- Wiilinwtiti. .Minn., '20, lluslluKs '22. .Mankalii 23, .New llliu 21, S|irlliKneld 'J.'i. lii-ilwiMsl Falls 20, tinitlsiiii K Kiioil. Iloaelle I Kalle. Shiuiiian A Colvlii. niKrs.)- • Kill WIOK, Midu.. 20, Kail Claire, Wis., 21, Dii- bith, .Minn., 22. SU|H'rl»r, Wla., 23. Ki'iHlall, F.sru (Llsldcr A Co., niars. I- ilelidu, .Miinl., '20, AiudNuidn 21, lloaeiiiaii 22, Dnlnlli, Midd.. 211, :io. Ki'llnr. Hie llri'sl (Diidje/ Mi'Ailnw. nisr. I- Svra- inse. N. v., 1820, lliS'heHli-r 21 '23, llliffnlu 2.1:10. Keiinnly, Jana-n ((I. K. Wee. mar.)—1'niui(i>n, Mass.. 18.2.1, New llpilford 2.1 :!U. Karroll. Dnl (J. r. W^lsh, iiiKr. 1 —Wulervllle, Me.. 182:1. ItiK'klniiil 2.1 :iii. ICbiKsley-Kiinsi'll (K. II. Hdssill, mgr.)—I'lnkdi-y. Vllle. ill., 1823. Ki'llnr 8IIS-II (A. M. Kellar, niKr.)—Ontalcn ciry, Kan.. '2'l3(i. Krrkbiiir-lilllnmn Hlft'k, Ivan Kerkliolf. MiKr.)-- liiirllualon. Kne., 18 23, Superior, .S'elu-., g.'i, Nels'iii 2(1 :il). "Kerry «lo«" ((l«ir«e Kenney. no-r 1 New Olav aim, N. 8., .20, lUhfax 21 23. Haverhill. Mas*., K, Haleai 20, (Huuckster 27, Lewlitun, .U*.,