The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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890 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October a GROWING GR! HOLDING HANDS, IYIIMTSOT NOTHING AT ALL Words by JACK NORWORTN. Music by A. VON TILZER, WINNING MORE APPLAUSE FOR PERFORMERS THAN ANY SONG WE EVER PUBLISHED. 'GOODBYE, SWEETHEART, GOOD-BYE Lyric by ARTHUR J. LAMB. Melody by A. VON TILZER. This high cUu ballad Is so easy to sing and so popular with your nuif Innco, that It mak«s It the nest song In the country. HIGH, LOW AND MEDIUM KEYS. THE MOON HAS HIS EYES 0NY00 Words by BILLY JOHMI. Music by A. VON TILZER. A positive hit. Can be asad as a ballad, conversational ■oag and danco or sextette number, Alwarsmakos good. Professional Copies) and OrchcMrntions In All Beys to Recognized Performers—NO CAKDH If in Chicago be sure and call on ALBERT VON TILZER at the Sherman House. Addr.» all Mall to ALBERT VON TILZER. Mgr., 40 tVEBT 1 28th ST., WE"^F 'TC'OX&XS:. W THE NASH CIRCUIT Bstablished 1Q03. A WORD TO VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS Oat out thin map If you contemplate playing the Nash Circuit. Owing to the uncertainty of aeouring theatrical ratea at this time of publication, the full first olaan fare in pointed on the map. § WINNIPEG w g/ ^ClRCQj rg* ' S\ Sdi AS DULUTH ..lift io« upepion ; N 0L.A CROSSE a)tt?wr.j wnio a/id c?/iTe?ntD by tiAtn.DuKKiwi.Ano Vam Duitc. n.~~~ • MILWAUKEE CHICACoO The Xfaah Circuit la now In lte third year of unexampled prosperity and auooeas. NO ACT IS TOO BIG OR TOO GOOD TO BOOK. For time and dates write TUB INTERNATIONAL THEATRICAL CO., 07 Soulli Clark 81., Olilcaun, III. bijimi Thoat e, Winnipeg Miin. AT ANY — J. JII. NASH. . Thcat e, Wlnntp NOT JtlOKK THAN I Mill II SHOWS DAILY AT ANY HOU8B. RUNKS "PATTERSON" TUB WOUl.II'H I.UAUKIIB "ATLAS" SIW OATALOOUB JtfST OCT. TUB BBLBBR TRUNK AND BAO CO., l«» Oelmmbla At.., Philadelphia. Pa. GOWNS FOR THE STAGE AND STREET, we hate on hand a large assortment or allgliuv Died BVBNINQ QOWNg, DINNER, ll kcep- TKIN sad TBA GOWNS. Triojo Oowm aro perfoot In every renpoot, ofllhe latent atjlej, and are 2 , JK?Wj." n "* ,lle ' or "•»' ln HI B h claM Uraniallo Procluotlona. Wo aliohavoa toll lino ol 8KA1,, SIMJIRRBL, BUNK, PERSIAN LAMB COAT8 andFlIRS ot aU kinda, Wblotl we be| jou to kindly call and Inspect. Wo aleo bur your tllacardod apitarel (both BOxea), rurs and Jowolry. «-„„»re. MME. DOKTOR, 481 6th AVE., CITY . F*oifio Coast Amusement Co., OIHIIMD OPERATING 30 FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE THEATRES EAST, l«ST AND WIST. ■%J*T A TVrnr A ¥-J v ¥^ ** *" ^B**, FIRST OLABH ACTS OP ALL KINDS »» -^*> •*■ *VJLft ttatWHid«u-er the goods. BOLE BOOKING AQBNTS: AL. ONKKN. Family Theatre. 185th BL, New York Olty; OHAS. WRAT, •OS American Bank Build., Seattle, Waal..; OBBI8.0. BROWN, 61 S, Clark bl, Chicago; aiwjiiik lkv T ill Kddj St., San Francisco, 0*1. nun it: niDMHiiKiisii-ropuiiirico your Catalog through the medium of tiio HUS10 PIIBLISIIBIRS' KXCHAN OK. 40 of the prominent publishers of New York sod the couDirj st largo, with tho co-oporailon of the entire talking machine frsterollv and the leading singers of the minstrel, vaudeville snd theatrical FrofertHiona, ,ro obtaining popniarlrlng results of he kind that bring quick flusnclnl returns. Are jou Interested! 1 Call at once, or writ*. MCAf. HrKNCKH, Manager, Nl-OALLI • RINGING AltTlNTHlI Avail joursolves at once of tho advantages offered JOU I'T tho HUBIC IHIII.IHIIKHS' HXCIIAflfGH. 400 of the featare hl» from the leading publish- ers from which to eeleot Just what will suit jour ncoili. Uniform eouricsj extended to all callers. Out-of-town performers write us Just what jou want, enclosing nismps and program. 43 Wost MMi. St., Now York. Rubber Ballnona, Rubber Balln, Rubber Good*, For Carnival Sales. Caiie Rack Cavne*, Knife Raolc Kniv ea. No. 3717-C.unatook—70c. per dosen. We have the largest assortment of Knlfs Board Knives west of tho MiBnlsalppl river. Our prices are absolute rock bottom, we also carrj a full line ot Btreetmon's Goods, Carnival Novelties and goods for Fairs. We are ono of the oldeit Btreetmcn's supplv houses ln the United Btatei. We have tbonnsnds of satisfied customers. We can satiBfy jou and want jour business. NO ■UBSTITUTINCl unless jon saj so. Orders shipped the same daj as reoelved. Large Cata- logue Free. COE.YONGE «3c CO.. T«h and It. Oharlm St., ST. LODIS, HO. TRICKS Aad Trlclc ApparaIn. YOST A OOMi'AMY, Ml Filbert8L, (KMtHlillHhi'd 18101. l'lilladolplila, m- Large Oalalogoe tor Sump. WfflWWPa'R HARMONICAS MMXPMlMXtMkf | ACCORDIO] ACCORDIONS For those critical professional players whose artistio reputations are partly dependent upon the fine tone quality of the particular in- strument they may play. These instruments have no equals, and fill the hill for Vaudeville Per- formers wh o SD8T H ATE TEE BE8T. Used exclusively by WM. H. BURK, wto was the first to introduce the harmonica into vaudeville, and is acknowledged the world's greatest player. IIOIINBR GOODS ARB FOR HAI.K BY ALL DBALBRS BVBRYWHBRB. EHOHNER, 475 BROADWAY, HEW YOBK. Canadian Office. 76 York St., TORONTO. MD LOWEST PIES. SOe. por 100. Our 1800 STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE la now raady (or distribu- tion. Write tor II to- day. You cannot afford to be without a copy. Mailed lm. South Bend The Hurry- Up PRINTERS LEVIN BROS., Ki 80-63 K. B1XTTJ STREET, TERRK HAUTE, J.ND. J. c. UtMUON.OLARKST., OBIOAQO, ILL. MUSICAL HELLS MUSICAL SPECIALTIES Used bj All Leading Artists. Bend (or New illus- trated Catalogue. THE ONLY THOROUOtlLY EQUIPFEII BELL FACTORY IN THE WORLD. wo only manufacture our own inventions, for which we hold letters patent. Oar goods can be seen at 0, U. Dltson, Now York; Oliver Dltsnn, Boston; Voikwcin Bros., Pittsburg; Ignai Fischer. Toledo- Knitter Muslo Co., Cleveland; Grlnneli Bros., Detroit. Alwajs a fow bargains In second hand Imttrumonts on hand. §PPS» ■*•» _ MAKE MONEY S m DM, Hlu.Uat.-J iiatalr>iu«. ulU *h*l J&»<» BJtrKttd catal.-Rut. UlU Vhkt A s» tft 'Q t p»ylof aMpafi BtiixiaTsa, af ( . OfUsam to Itwwa ffaraMt, •» JE» a.; H| M IfA Largo List o( Now Profes* Ul fl ONk filonnl and Amateur I'lnys I LH | <£S Vuuil.ivllln HI, ■ aBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI alOBCH, B1DBI ■ I • . II orb, lH-toariif*. Malr^uptWilArk.falalinTmKrt*, T.8. DENIBON, Pub., Oept. 17. Chioago. >Vnuclovlll<i a Moimlonm*. Mln»tTol ,*! 1*1 to linn, Kiituii ,»tn^ MnlorlBl, J0k><». I'lf^™, Krrl aMP> SHOW PR I "Nolo;;"" ,' . .Vli Ut, I,'. mmm\ ci, <sc°x GRAVERS T(<0"N'E ; ,'^'M : S"n~a'ir"eT" UNION' LABEL I SOUTH BEND. IND. CHARLES ORRIN COWLES DOROTHY^ALDEN. PnaentlBf the unitary Sketoh by HOWARD P. TAYLOR, "JONATHA N'8 COURTSHIP" JLnTO "A ONE-HOF9SK TOWN," A SATIRICAL COUBDY HKUTCII. Pullr Protected. Addreaa W. P. BHOWALTBB, ISO N«...n Ntr.el, New Yolk City. Both Acta Coprrlghtod and Fullr Protoctod. Addroaa FRED ZOBEDIE THE INCOMPARABLE HIND BALANCER, Now booking for Vaudeville. AT 1.IDK1HY lice. 10. For oartlcutora nildrena MB. fioBERT P. 01BA11U ;710 Brownlng-Klng lild,., twgdlva,, SowTort City, K. T. AIVTED, FIRST OIVASS SI1VGV1^B> ACTS* ^attTafhJSfWri^^