The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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OCTOBER 6. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 891 PIANISTS 10 HEW IHSTBUOEHTAL HITS. RED DOMINO. - S. R. HENRY'S Latest D0NNYBR00K FAIR. ■ ■ ■ Mirch LADY BALTIMORE. • . - Waltzes MANHATTAN RAO. - Characteristic Mirch TOPO'TNEMORNIN'. " March PRISCILLA. ■ ■ - Colonial Intermezzo DEARIE. Waltz. MILO. Two Step CYMBAL OANCE. • - CharacUrlitlqua The 10 Nob. above will be nont to Recoirnlzetl PIANISTS REMITTING 10c. FOR.POSTAOB. UP IN THE AIR ABOUT MARY EVERY BODY Ig "DP m TIIR AIR" OVKIl THIS HIT. THE ONLY WALTZ SONG SUCCESS OS TI1K MARKET. KISS ALL THE GIRLS FOR ME HOUSING MARCH BONO. SO DIFFERENT RllOlI THE IUCKDEVKD SOLDIER THEME. AFTER THEY GATHER THE HAY THE BALLAD HIT THAT OPT THERE OM ITS MERITS. IT DIDN'T SEED THE BLAST Of TIM HORNS. ILLUSTRATORS! SOME OF OUR FAVORITE PICTURE SONBS Altar They Author the Hay. Let Bo Writs What I Dare let Tell. We 'artel in toe Sun Weal Dewi. Erealni Breeie Sighing, '"Ti£Z Mt SnDBot Tama Oeein'a Bine te Boll Selden Antnnn Tine, Sweet Elilse. Dem Where Sllv'ry lohawk Flowa. lean IsBbtnlng oa the Blrer. My Heart'a To-alght la Teaeatwa. Any of Ihe »bo-v. ■«!■ (in .ltd.,, title ■ nrt rlinru.) split on r.rMpt of •9.00 ...oh. Conjr and Or«h. FREE. WHY CANT A GIRL BE A SOLDIER? 8ENSAT10HAL MARCH SONG HOVELTY. EVERY WORD AND KVKRV NOTE ORIGINAL. IT'S GOT TO GO. SEND FOR IT. MY MISSISSIPPI MISSUS MISSES ME MAX B. WIT T AND EARL C. JONES- BEAUTIFUL CO NCEPTION. THIS SONG STANDS IN A CLASH BY ITSELF. WHEN the SNOWBIRDS GROSS the VALLEY ANOTHER SURE FIRE BALLAD HIT BY THE INFALLIBLE MONROE II. ROSENFELD AND ALFRED SOI,MAN. JOSW.STERN &C0., 34 E. 21 ST., NEW YORK CITY. "THE HOUSE OF HITS" I LIKE YOUR WAY SIMPLY SWEEPING EVERYTHING BEFORE IT. A WHIRLWIND SUCCESS. MY- -G AL- -SA L PAUL DRESSER'S IMMORTAL BALLAD I HIS LAST AND GREATEST. BROHCHO BUSTER JIM A NOVELTY COWBOY LOVE SONG, BY ARTHUR GILLESPIE. PROF. COPY Of any song in this ad. %FREE% To those we know. Others send late program. OHCHESWIOIS PEACH mm\ RECORD JUMPERS. AT LIBERTY NOVEMBER 10. ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE GREAT ACT. EXCLUSIVE AGENT, The Great Hustler, RICHARD PITROT, 47 WEST 28th ST., NEW YORK. Tin; A110VK IS A SAMPLE OF OUR Y5c. LETTER HEAD HALF TQHE Wo mil nuke ft half tone from photograph you Cuminh; let op jour name, address nud act In tjpe, and print MO Letter Heads, SKxll f ,r ja.&o, caW. KNOXV1LLB BNGHAVlrYU CO., 015 fifty St.,>, T.nn I SONG BOOKS uuliv NOT "" H1L TRUNK? H jonnnye not»lre»dTpnronMedyonrtrnnke,wbrnotn£ll joor order to oe. It will MM prompt .Mention. Mouej returned, ir not HUstActorr. Sena (or ceulogue 0. WILLIAM HAL (Inc.), 110 w. inn St, H. T. OUT,» Doora E«t of Aotort' Socletr. , ABSOLUTELY THEDEST■■'- /AY5 CONTAINS TIIfSLATEST lilT5 ImmmSmmmW BTALLMAN'H DU.EM8RU TRUNK. Kanj to let at OTerythln g with- oat dUitarblof anything. Ho r*Ugac In pacltinft and unpack- in k- LI got. Strong, roomy drawers. Holds a* timet, and costs no more tiian a good box trunk. Hand riveted; strongest trnnk made. In small roomserresaa oblflbnler. 0. 0. D.wltb privilege of ex- iialnaUon. 2o. stamp for rata- log. P. A. HTALLMAIi, is w. Spring St, Oolamboi, O. No. 7591 Spar Bracelet and Necklace Set Ouly costs you 10 cents per set. The best 35 cent seller that ever happened. Bead 16 cents for sample set and our now catalogue No. ie. i$ 14.40 per Gross. B06BB.8, THDBMAH a CO., 38 Michigan Ave., Chicago, D. 8. A . INK: DUDLEY FOR THE BEST REPERTOIRE CO. IK THE MIDDLE STATES, Al LEADING' WOMAN Must be young, lienitaome, versatile, and clover, with loin of OOOD wardrobe and MVHT HK ABLE TO ACT. A handaome HEAVY MAN for polished line of parts and uno or tiro GENTEEL CHAHACTERH, must have fine wardrobe. YOUNG WOMAN will, swell specialties to pley Mine parts. HAN with strong specialties for props and small parts. Arthur Hrownlug, let nio near from you again. Hake your salary reasonable ai you WILL got It. Hunt Join quick, m tell all. If too want an answer, name your lowest salary In your flntt loiter. Hhotr playsall bunt time and goes In Williams- port, en , for Summer stock. Prepay your telegrams; I'll do the same. Incompetent people closed after dm rohearaal. Tickets, If known, Address quick PRANK DUDLEY, Mgr., Red Wing, Minn., Oct. 1-0; Chlppowa Falls, Minn., Oct. 8-13; Kftu Olatre, Wis., Oct 16-20. 65th WEEK Wtf. TRIPLETTI 66tfc STERLING STOCK CO., Nu pporting MIMN MYLVIA SUMMER*, Now In third HUOD. W A TV r rU To hMr fr " m desirable hkpkhtoihk PEOPLE In nil linen. Thoie doing ** •<'■. i« M ~ MpLM-initica given prefercina*. Hiattt all In first. Incompeteiita or thoio ralsrepre- eeiitlD« closed wltliout notice. Chris Koran, wire. AdtlrcHH Inrilanois, la.. Oct. 1; Skldmoro, mo., Oct. 2-6; Morton, Has., Oct. o. Per Western undress 610South, loth St., Council HIuiTh, low*. smjj WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS For tbe following cities: Springfield, Hamilton. Lima, Newark, Mansfield, ChUlfcotns, Porto- mouth, Dayton, Marlon, Fludlay, 19. Liverpool, Ohio; Itlchrnond, Muncle and Columbus, Ind.; Wheeling, W. Vn.; Donoro, Monessen and Ilrownsvllle, I'o. Eighteen weeks to first class acts, Btate full particulars and lowest ealnry In first letter. Borne Immediate time open. No acts too gooa for this circuit. Now building a now iSO.OOU theatre la Springfield and Newark, O. Can use Eiperlenced Vaudeville Pianists, Illustrated Hlngers and I-ocal Man- ogers. Address gum SUN, Orpblnm Thciatre, BprlNffOeld, Ohio, BOSTOCK ARENA Playing Theatres, Week Btands, Long Season, Opens Oct. 8, First Class LECTURER, Two First Class CIRCUS CLOWHS To work between animal acta. Call Thursday. uorrocK**, Coimy island, w. Y.