The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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<)CT0tel3. TJJE N1BW OLJEPPER. B98 I'M KEEPING MY LOVE LAMP BURNING FOR YOU By BIL.I-Y JOHNSON I'F.WSVLVAMA, Pbiiwdelphla.— At the Chestnut-fttrcel Open House (Nixon & ZI■ merman, mann- ers) Anna Held mad* her reappearance Oct s; In "The IMrlalan Model," which received (Is • premiere on that date, "The Pacinian Model" In a musical corned v, la three net* nnd four scenes, with book and lyric* hy Harry B. Smith, and music by Max Hoff- man. The production was staged by Julian Mitchell. The comedy was received with many in-inlfestntloDfl of approval, and Miss Held has several new songs which will un- questionably he as popular as auy of Iter former offerings were. Charles A. BIgelow, In the leading comedy part, has numerous importunities, and keeps the fun on the lump from start to ilnlsh. The minor role*, In Jh« hands of Henry Leoni, Emma Mateliu Baker, Tnlly ShattUck, Louis B. Foley and Ldpuard Ihirand. add very much ro the ef- miMaii' of the production. -The story tells that Arm.i. a beautiful model In a dress- making eatiihllthment In Paris, la la love w(tfi 1 'julIeD,'an Impecunious artlat. She has nlw -miny other ndmlrera. Dim most persist- ant df-whom Is Silas Ooldnncfa, a wealthy cold, ralner. who la visiting rarls with hi* wife.' Anna has been bequeathed a million francs. Mr an old patron of the establishment, on'rtwvlltion ihat she keeps the source of her wealth'a secret until she marries. In the meantime she begins io wear magnificent gpWM and spends money freely. This excites toe'Jealousy of Julian who imagines that Goldfinch is providing all these luxuries. l'hi- mateiy Ann* tells her lover the real truth. nad etetyinlDg ends satisfactorily. The pro- dv.cuoh its been staged most magnificently, and/the bcwuderlrig array of gowns worn In* the ttrlndpaN and choru-i Is simply dazzling. One of the big hits In the iirodncllon Is a roller skating rink. In ihe third act. In which the entire chorus appears on skates. Ca- pacity'houses wee In attendance at everv performance last week, and the outlook N that; the same business will continue until the close-of the engagement, Oct. 13. Tao entire east is as follows: Anna. Miss Held; Wins Goldfinch. CharleH A. Bigelow; Calloi, Kdouftfd Dnrand: Violet! o, Truly Shattuefc : Sanflowe. Louis It. Foley ; Flrlne. Ethel till- more; Thine, Madeline Summers; iiasun UKUK Ashley Miller; Jullen l>e Marsav. Henri Leant: Celeste, Adele Carson; Mrs. ftlMi Goldfinch. Emma Mabella Kaker; Co- iojnpfj. tierifiidf Hoffman. Joe Weber, In ■■Twiqdle-Twaddle." follows LI, for one week. XTitir tMesars. Shubcrt. managers i.— -Clara I.ltunin and I-onls Mann. In "Julie Bon Bon," oproM 4, ■tilling In the time caused hy tlie ■.■noreljlnit of Arnold Daly's engagemenr. Both the stars received cordial welcomes, the act- ing oflsvuls Mann causing much -favorable camrhen.!. The engagement ends is. Marlowe and rtmncn; begin a three weeks' stay IS, .ipnenring In ".leanne B'Arc," "The Sunken Hell" nnd "John the Baptist." .mjf.ststi (Nixon & Zimmerman, inona- gnfsi.—Local audiences will see for Ihe first tlbwA. Marie Cahill, In "Marrying Mary." 'J'hw engagement Is for two weeks: Hichard carle. In "The Spring Chicken," had a fnrt- nighKot unusually profitable business, ending »». ."The.College Widow" "fit. . . HfiOAii (Nixon Sc Zimmerman, managern). —Francis Wilson, Jn "The Mountain Climb- er," .begins his second and Una) week 8. Both ihe. press and public have rotou the show a Ujt luccesB, the efforts of the star and an tftteilent supporting company, Including May ilobaon, Ella Mortimer. Joseph Brennan, Edna Hunts and fieorge. Irving, meeting with jiopillarapproval with (be big crowds In at- tendance last week. Henrietta Crosman, lu "All ora-Mudden l'eggy." ». ■ GVkHick (Frank llowe Jr., manager).— ■The Measure of Man," seen locally for the ilrtt lime last week, met with decided soe- costt, und has attrncrcd crowded houses. The KccOnd and last week ends lit. One feature •>f the play Is the fine acting done by Hoberr Broiler,--K. 31. Hollnud, Cerry Han well and Mary Hall. Kyrlc Bcllcw, in "Brigadier Gerard," 15. - , WaI'Spt (Frank Howe Jr.. manager).— Hnetlft in "The Virginian." H, for a two weeks' star. "The Prince of I'llseu" liOH lo*| -nunc of Its popularity, nnd crowd- *i\ .bouses were the rule last week. Jess Ihinay, in the comedy roM. acorcd a big hfl. Park (F. («. Nlxon-Nlrdllugcr, manager;. —Magma lllndiey. in her new play, "Tlie (<ip\ and the ("JHmliler," is sclicdnte*! Tor n fortnight's staT, iieginnlng H. Billy Van. In "■(falsy- in, Politic*/ 1 . plnyiMl '" capacity-:ir iiil, fwrrnniiniieus litst-irrek. "The ItullkkUtt filrl 1 ' Oct. 22., ft||'\>n OvHU Untn (i:. A. Wegefarth, iitanigcri.—I'rl hi roue's Mlntdri'lx wwk (,i s - Audlen'coi bf fair <*\r.v aitfwatn "I'lilutlug tb«,Town"'taut nek. Nat M. Wills, hi "A LtMUfOMT 1*. Wman Xvvsrt (Miller & Kuuruinu, man- agOftiL—All^n Boone, in "Kerry Oow." X iiiid W-cek. Sc'.inti Herman. In "^ucen at Ibo <'i»nvlcU,*' did a succwnfid week's btisincss. LB7- >lvl*n Prescott, In "A Cblld of the Hcutinwnt," follows. riJQVilB'H (K. ,(l. Xlxoii-Nlrdllngcr, maun- gar).—"itome Folks'* U the current week's nttrnctlon, following nlue performances, In good, relurna. done by *10,00t> Hewnnl." "Qupeil of the Cirnis" 15. - J|iir*T J ir' (J. 1'. Eckliardt mnnager).— "j'h* Cow Puncher" has Its first local view 8 «ud wwk. Barney l ill more, lu "A Rocky Hoa'd-to Thibllu." dn-w big houses last week. "Coiifensloiw of a Wife" next. Nation At. (Joseph M. Kelly, manager!.— •Inamh Hantlev.. In "Kllly, the Rid," n-13. "A SUdnlnlil 1-JK'apc" puN the jwtrons raaCfM. "While '1'TIhco Burns" Iff. H4H3-'ri (.lolin W, liar I, manager).—"When thf World Bleeps** week of S. flic Great Ln- fiypUe Show iurniith«l plenty of entertnln- niO|il, to good slxisl liouses, 1-tl. Icalwlli l<dvo. In, "Nettle, ihe Xewsglrl," 1.". , - Faiipi'Ai.viij's (Miller & Kaufman, mann- gerpj).—The stock will Is- seen the current S«l iu-"More to Be Pitied Than Bconied." Ktliiard Mlddleton will enact the role uf fla'rrh'k flaunt, while Bertha Crvlgbton and Arthur Maltlaud will be seen in other im- _ parts, "Orusa Wayne" offered the sfwk'goert opportuullloa. and attracted big noiisea fast week. "The Lank of Lyons" next. SSitt ■J*t-»np*m> (Dairy k Sperk, managers).— "When Lendon 8^5?.*' by the Block, week afS .'Qn^n of the Highway" wa« presented •"■rsijly Mst week, to h\g bouses. "Her Mad wShr 1&-20. 'Kt: 1 tits ill. T. Jordan, manager).—Yred Wilton; In ''Cltty'* Pream." beads a strong btlr we« of fl. Other fentarea are: Julia KMOMnd and compnov. In "Too Much Mar- ried r' the Adeimnnns. Elmer Tenlcy. itennih and Miller, the flemx. Clayton White and Uirle-BtUBTt. the. Balers. ]>sre Nowllfi, Ar- llnfton, Coneoy Four, Maybelle. Meeker, Hor- ace Wright. Unertlu nnd r,amb, Berzac's ponies and the kluetog'rnuh. Crowds were in In attendance last wotk. # lluor (fJeorge w. |(|fp, niiinaavri.—The Merry Hurle«njuers week of S. Tlu-v will lw seen lu "The Mummy Olrl." In which the fol- lowing will display their talents: Phil Ott. (eddy Hlmondn. Ford West, George All. W. S. Hnrvey, At Steadman. Nettie Nelson,. Blcuicho Ijondon, Jowphlne f»tarr, Fanny Pteadnmn, Kdllh Ottell. Williams' Ideals nrewnted an aUrnt-tlve shon- to big houses last week. Wine, Women nnd Song next. m Lvcmsi (John, «i. Jernion, manager).—- The J'arlslnu Widonx «. The olio uaben: Snltr. Moore, Le Cinlr and limit. Heckmmi and t'oleman, Mcfilnln 11ml Smith, nod Hrooks and Jeanette. The lllue Ribbon (ilrls bad nice pnirouage last week, flreat New York Mtara next. Casinii iFJllaa & Koenlg. managers).— Tlie Ilowery Burlcsfpien will disport Iheru- wlvra week of «. The vaittlcvllic features nre: Lhrafo Frellgh, Bcu Janseu. Farreil Taylor Trio. Hills nnd W1Im>ii, and Cannel- itn d'KIcedere. The Iteata-Santle)- Co. drew big crowds last week, lrwla's Majesties 13. TnocvpKHi) 1 Fred WUI«on, lunnagcrt.—The .Tolly Hrm Widows are tcanuts week of H. The show opens with the skit. "The Frolic- some Widows,'' and ends with "Are Yon a Lobster?" The olio Includes: Gardner nnd Homers, the Gruels, Malda fluprec, Harrow Trio. Watson's Burleanuers furnished an animating show, io crowded bouses, the previous week. Ktxvkxth Opera Horrsi: (Frank Dumont, mnnager).—A. new burlesque, "The Mounted Cops,' will be put on week of 8, wllh Hughey Dougherty and Vic Menard* as the leading fun maker*. The other bur- lesque still continued In the hill is "The Bool tatale Hiiftl Co." The part continues tu he a femure, the songs being rendered bv Joseph V. Ilartlz. J. M. Kane. James McCon'i unci Kdward Oaldrick. Business continues mS ■Rkapf.miiikou's Pi ah: MtKr.iM (T. V. Hopkins, nutiiiceri.—Cnrlo features week of s consist <'f llnrrlden Bros.. iMIle. .Vara, Martha Wagen, Mae. Marvplle, l*rof. Grove Harry Demsr and Husior Kvnr. In the the- atre are: Lillian Waltnnn and company. Torn Mnek, Shnrpler nnd Klynn. /ainne. Halten noil T^e. :md Lnbln's clnengmph. Nrrrea.-—I*. «\ Meitlor is a new comer with luimcinrv Mhisirols, oftenlnp Oct. 8. Wm. J. Vail I. ndrerilHiug manager for the flrand ftpera Hnnse, iris his annual heneflt Dec. ::-7, with "'I'sie Girl from Broadway" in the at- traction The lltlladelpnln Orchestra begins lis Fall concerts at the Academy of Music Oct. li' The tiermnn Theatre Stock Co. will produce "Die Schoenr l'n- tjarln" week of &. PUtnhnrir.—At the Nixon iThoe, F. Kirk Jr.. munnger) Joe Weber's <'o„ including Marie Dressier. Get. R-i:s, In "Twlddie- Twnddle." and the laughing skll, "The Juys." racked houses should be la order during the ' engagement. Jjtttt week, Klbet Bnrry- more, 'In "Alice Slt-by-the-nre," proved to be a good box office winner and a good show. Khde Jnnls, in "The Vanderhilt Cup," 1.VJ0.\ «Jt. M. Oullck & Co., raanngera).— " 'Way Down Bast" began a two weeks* en- gagement 8. The cast includes many'of the original company. Last week, "Texas' 1 played to satisfactory business. Gkano (Hurry DaTla, mnnager). — This week's bill Includes Mondial, who'has been retained for another -week. He packed the theatre at every performance Inst weak, and popular demand held r.ini over another week. Gibers are: Lebrun Grand Gpera Three, Nichols Slaters. Carter and Water Co., Cun- ningham tnd Smith. Chefalo, Julian Rose. Three. Donnls. Juliet Winston, Lee Tung Fno, Lew Hnwkiu*. fester and oulun, nnd the vlncnuloprnpb. Ctipiii-lty IionIdcsh pre- vails. Bklasco fJ. A. Ueed, mannger),—Henry II. Waey. In "The Man m the Box." R-IM. Ijist week, I)e Wolf IIopi»er presented "Huppyland" and "Wnng," nnd packed (be houfic. Ia'o Ultrlelistcln, In "Before nnd After." in-20. ' Bi>ror (It. M. Gullck & Co., tuunageni).— •The Millionaire Ihstectlve'" 8-i::. Last week •'Across the raclllc" played to larcu lutsluess. Krtiest'HoRan. In"Jltifm ItastiiH,' 1 next. BJUUntv'a Kmimrk l-\. C. Wagner, mana- uer).—"A Rnie fur LbV' SV.\. Tills theatre has Isjen fiackcil nlghily tdncv Mr. Blanev has taken charxo. liist wcuk "CoufesKbiuM of a Wife" did well, mill packed the house. •The Hall Room Boys'* K.-lil>. GAttiv tJas. K. Oir, uuiiager).—Vanity FnJr 8-1.", In two giiod burlettus and 11 K'kmI olio. Tro <:xtra attractItnia aiipear—the blrf siM'ctacle, "Blrlh of Ihe l*ulted States: or. Ilit* iJeclnrntion of Independence," and lla*- wu Ben All'n rrouiN* of ten ncrohatlc Arabs. Last wrek ihe lion Toiik played to giiad hbd* ncss. -The Belimsn .Sliow 1K-*.N». ■ Acajibmy io* Miaic (II. W. Wlllliinis Jr.. manager).—Williams* Imperials, one «f (he lHirlcsqiic coinpiiulcs In the Buuilre clreiill, after I m wct*kn* absciiee, returns K-UI. Thev present (wo funny hurlcsiiucs and a *tru oIloMiiuludlng Murphy and Mag<:c. Ben Cook. (Irav and firahaiu. Julia llcltzman. I'aulluc Moran. Zlnjmer. nisi other*. La*t week Hie Tweiirli'lh reutiiry Maldtt playeil to gimd tiusi-. Bess. .Miner's Americans next. Ilftrrlaltnrar.—The dedication of 1'eun- *ylvnnla*s new rapltol wiw a big feature, and h-iahlUH* the pOKt wi>ek was large. Lwti'M tJI. K'.Ih. luuuagcr).—Henrietta TroamiiQ atarh:d Oct. J, with ''AliHtf.u-Kutlden I'fL'gv.' 1 and drew a crowded house aud scored an cmphntle success. Brlmrose's Mln- xtrelx had g<HMl ImihIui'ss *t, nud made a hit. illltired Holland, lu licr new play. "A Para- dise of Lies,"' -I, won the highest praise pos- sible, from :i large audience. Tit* pla,y Is la threo actH, iiy Matthew Harry. Jt was glrtu Its lulllul production nt the Htone Opera House. Rlna-tiBiuptoii. X. T., Sept. 18. The scene Is laid in Holy In the latter part of the eighteenth century. A nobleman's tiepliew attempts to dniwn a baby girl hi a lily iKind that be may inherit the Inrgo fortune, hut his effort la blocked bv the ar- rival *t( an old oniric muster, wboic cblld has been drowut-d lu the pond many years before. The girl's career from then until she Is acknowledged as the daughter of the English liar!, and finally become.* the brldr? of the strolling plaver, to whom she gives her firm real love, nre then portrayed In a bril- liant, masterful way. The first scene, which. la the prologue. Is at tba «dge of tne Illy Knd at Marco, and ahow« the finding of tho by girl. The flrst act shows Loltla as *.i ilowcr girl In the market place at Verona, and dpvelopa ih** real story of the. r.lav. ■ The oephew, passing as an artist of lelaurely bablia, attemptn to make lore to Die girt, mid a strolling player tnkes her , under Ins pmtccttnu. The second gel brlnu** the girl to the Iiallnu villa of her fnthcr. and causes her recogntltou hy the Karl. The act etuis with u stmnr nknut; which Is truly strong. In rlic third act,, two years Inter, ;fic girl appears as ibe ilHDcce vt ihe man who attempted lo murder bcr as u child. The strolling idnyer, with whom she ts, hsvph her-from him. The piny Is elaborately staged and In the hands of x company of enpotde player*, ibe cast being ax follows: Auioulo, Ilowsnl Hydiiey : Mother Smla, Viola Crane; Barbara, Itowlle ram* Inetou: Itichard, W'ta. Blair: retlro, IM l,n Itarrc; (Carina, Viola Crnne; Josef, Frank Fnrrell: Fahlo. BmnM IV01111: Itrunetta. Qrare ' Young; Toco, Howard Sydney: Uiinhnel. Frnnclyn I'siitdsirn : Lollta Ml hind Holland; ' Isahollii, Aliuu Chester; I'rlni-o r.iiiHtiiutliin, Frederic By run; Marchess Cus- tellauo, JaiucH rreston; Ixinl Htunton, Heone Wnrrlnstou: Itoctor Vlncimso,. John imp. May irwiu dlo well >'. lu "Sirs. WI1s.iu t That's All." Uuymoml Hitchcock did g*su1 iMtslueas 1;. in "The GuIIaimt." John K. ilea- shaw, lu "Captain Cureless," S: Burn Kcu- dall. In "Swell Klcgani Jouea," !) ; l'urter 1. White, Id "The Proud rrlnce," 12: "TUt* Isle of apice" IK. Onu Housk (X, Kels. manngin-).—"A Cniwn of Thorns" drew good houses l-*l. "In New .York Towu" was one of the biggest. hits and best paying attractions of the sea- con. The Irene Myers Co. K-1,1. Xotb. —Colonel M. 11. and John W'olah, the well known circug men, were, .here T», startlnc plans for their automobile .circa* lor next season. •««■ Gel. 1. Stlftmaj's '■rncli- Tom's Cabin" drow crowded house*, mslliie and evening. 1. *'JUat Out of (Ndlege" wan well received :t. 1'rlmrosc's Mln*tr>.'l* did well I. M rVf-k*s Bud Hoy" hud a «.iml h<niHc ,"». **The I'ruint I'rlurf." plenited 0 large nndleuee it. "The Prince of 1'llsen'* H, Itosaliclle Leslie and ■ omtiany. in repertory, IM'l. I'amua- <Kd. Momrt. manngeri.—^'urrent attractions Include: Harlow. Plunked and '•ompany. Bryant, nnd Savllle. (Invn llroiii- crs, Brobst Itlo, Harry (Jreen, Gorman, West nnd Kennel tc, and moving pictures. «~»^ "— MCW V4HIK VI'AIH. Knston.—At the Able Opera House i \\~. K. Detwlller, managers "Miss Holly Ditlliin.,*' Sept. 27, drew a large and extremely ile> llehted audience. "Caroline" proved a very pleasant production, nnd hud good business 1*8. "I'cck's Bad Itoy," Sit, played to largo houses. "Beggar l'rlncosa," with 1'aula Hcl- warden, had u large aiidlenco Oct, ], aa did "it Happened lu >ordhtnd." 3. "Adrift lu New York," •£, pleased. Jefferson l)e An- gellu 2d, "The Harvard Girl" 22, "'Way Down lOasl" 2i», "The lalf of Spice" 24, "The 4'horiiH sjim-T" *j.'i and Francis Wilson 2d. ■ Knii'ii's i.vrtit: Thkatri: (C W. Brown, manager) opstnwl Oat. 1, with u very at- tractive bill of vaudeville. Business wasull that, could he desired, nnd with it contlnuHncc of the talent selected success Is sure to fol- low. The current bill Includes: La Belle, comedy Juggler; "The Clrl Behind the Drum, Athawny nnd Hlegel, Helen Bertram nnd company. Tim Hlpley. Viola and Kngler, and moving pictures. m ■ ■ 1 ■ — a ■ Xcrnnloii.—At the Lyceum (A. J. DulTy, mnnager) "The Black Crook" (let. 8, Heta- rlettu 4Y.isman '■<, "ill- Honor, the .Mnynr." 10j Andrew Mack 11, "The Itolllrklnjt Girl" 12, i:;. May Irwin. Oct. 4, came to H. It. o. 1"uul Gllmon?, >", drew n good house. "Thu yiceplng Beautv nnd the Beast" 0. ' Acamoiv (A. J. Duffy, manager).—"A Child of ihe Heglment" 8-10, "Around the. Cbs'lt" 11-i:i. "Nettie, the NcwsRtrt." i*l. came to good houses, , star (Alf. 41. Herrfnglon, mnnager).—■ Washington Society (Ilrls week of 8. Carr's Tboroujthhreds week of 1 were received by' good houses. Family <W. \V. Kly, mannger).—Week flf.S: Tims, Q. Henhrooke, Pnuline Hull, lll'U ■Norton, Kate Gardner, Harry Rtilirt,' Chaf. Wlnsran and Slg, Glbvnhnl rergitlnl. ! iltoiMtn.--At the fishier (I. C. Mlshler, manager) llenrlettn Crosman, in "All-of-s- Snddeij IV«gy." hnd n Inrge audience Oct. :t. "The Isle of Sidit" drew a big house 4. "The. Harvard <;irr 3, mibbu Speawer, m "nelly Vnrdeii," n; "A f'rowa of Thorns" R. "How l(t:i) im Ai> Broken" 0, Johu K. Ilensliuw, lu -Cnptaln Careless,'! It; Lleul. H. 41. Aroers nud ills Bed Hussar Band 11, "iVnfesHloiiK of n Wife" 12, "Her Only Bin" 1*1. Kr.i:vj:sTn Avkmji; (I. C. Mlshler, innua- Kcr).— Tlie Kirk Brown Mtnrk Go. did big liuslness 1 nud week. The High Flyers llnr- iesuuera 8, 0, "I'eck's Bud Boy" 12, IB. Acadbmv of Mtsic, Tyrouc.—Mildred llcil- Innd, In ."A Panidlsc of Lies," ,"». Nutk. —L. B. CrMi. inatingcr of Die new Lyi-Ic Viimlevllle Theatre, Is here from Cnn- ion. 1"'. and iK'liusy Imiklng nfter the cinti- fdetloii of the house. The opening I* not yet de'lnlicly mniounced. v,.rk.--.\r the York Opera Hou^e (II. C. Pi'ulz. manager 1 the Myrkle-llui'iler HUick Co. pleased to R It. 4>, ihe cuiire week. Oct.. 1-tl. "It Happened In Nordlsnd" k. "The. Proud I'rince'* u. I'AKi.on Tut:Arm:.—The bill tit this home drew lo the capacity tit every performance Inst week. SMHMU—Fersrl's Wild Alilmul Hlmw ex- hlblteil I" ItiiDicnse IiiihIuchk. 011 the York CotiDly Mir Grounds Tin- York County Agricultural Hoeleiy held Its forty-nlnth un- 111111! fulr ln*«i week. Incessant rains and cloudy weather nmrreil the exhibition and- prevented all the races from being- run, ex- cept those scheduled for Wednesday. Wllkrs-lliirrc. - At tlie Nesbltt TlHUlm til. A. Brown, inatiaKcr). Inst week. Kleanor Bolison. in "Nurse Marjoric." gave a vi^ry pleasing perform mice, Crcsioii Clark drew n fair house. May Irwin gave na excellent entertainment, to S. II. 0., tind "Cuiitnin C'nri'less" hud fulr huslness. "Tho murk Crook" Oct. 9, Paul 41llmore *l, "The Beauty nud tho Boast" **, "ills Honor, the Mayor. B, Henrietta Crosman lit, "The Kolllrklnr tilrl" II, Andrew Mack 12. OiUMi Oi'kua IBh'hu III. A. Brown, inuii- ogert. — ".Nettle, (lie Ncwsglrl." and Jos. Huntley, In * Billy, the Kid," drew fair hoHsea. "Around the Clock" n-1«. "A t'iilld of (be Iteglincnf 1143, * ■ - a -■■ ■ ■ '■■■■ lteadlns. -At the Academy of Mtialc 'Juhn D. Mlshler, manager) Cruatou Clarke Oct. 1, Primrose Minstrels 2, "Just Our of College" 4. "It Happened lu Nordlund" *T». ■ wnm iWIImer A Vlucent. munuacrs). —Ijurge houses last week, wllh Louise Mont- rose aud her Auto Girls, Lu Veen and Cross, KtiioiDus, Knieruon and Kmmotis, Ituynioiiil i'Uii Kltifnv, and Itolaad West. flruNn OrERA Ilount: (Nathan Appell, man- ager).—Raima BnntiDg and company, In rep- ertory, played a successful engagement 1-41, Buoc (PndngrafT & Browne!!. manasvaL —Clark's Runaway Girls and the Parlaian Widows divided the past week, with good business. * Lnatranlrr,—At Iho Cuban Opera House fflna. A.- Yccker, manager) Mildred Hol- land, in "A Paradise of Lies," had good busl- Maatalv,—At the Lyric Theatre.the Great Lufayette aud bis irompany appear wcekiot Od* Jk Vaudeville, nt popular'prices,-was "filled In" Iah| week, nud succeeded nicely. Ill toe'ronlcr were Delia Fox, Billy Clifford, Itnoney aud llnu, nud Maud l.ntnhcrt. "Tbc Girl from Carls" IS and week. CONVHXTIO.V I [A LI, ill. L. Meeeli, cus- lodlauk—Olgit Hnnnroff ronra K. Holler skatlug and pollilcnl meetings arc features these di'VH nt (lie hlg hall. .HtabiI*. C. t'orncii. umnngerL—Fay Davis, lu "The Ilouwc of Mirth," this week. "Rogers Hmlhers In Ireland" wns a tremendous win- ner last week, packing ihe bouts* to the doorc., "Tlie Gbigeriircad Man" did fairly well, litis Skinner Is lKMiked fur week of IS. .Vi'AURUV (I*. C. CoriK-ll. nut auger 1.--Car- ter's, "While 'Krlscu Burns" week of H. "A Woman of Fire" proved U* Is: thrilling nnd capably given. ■ c*iika's.- Hosier wi ek of H : ('cargo Kullor Golden, 3lncy and Hull, Meredith Hlaters, Willy y.tnuneriuau, Nndjc, nnd Allclnl's an' maL<. Business Is excellent, ns usual. Garuen (IvXlw. enrr, mnnager).—Llxxic Wllsou anil line and Bnscbe uiv this week't hriLillln-TH. Closing 7 were Hlicrmnn and !>■■ Forwi, .Msnslli-Jd mid Wilbur, Will Docki-iiy, Waller LlvlDXMion, Noble Hlslers, ami Wfl- llants ami Pullman. Ijifnyetle K'iihs \|, Bngg, uiaiiUKol).— llroiidwny tJnlety Olrls this week. Hani He vcre next week. Cumpheti's Nlgbilngn'es gave a meritorloiirt shew; nnd were very mag- netic last week. Tk<-k (I*. C. Cornell, manager).—"The Tenderfoot" this week. 10 he. succeeded ir» hy -itsiwn the ClU." Keilnr did ulcnh. 1, inn's Mt'KKI'M ami Tntn'i'iu;.—A1 ijk.-ji ring nt this house nr? Let Tryonc and the usunl curiosities In the tnitHeuni. Notks. —L'dward J. Colin, of Kluw it Kr- Innj-cr's innnagerlul force, was with friends In town inst week 4Titirile llowe, of Hit* Academy, showed 'tis versatility ns un executive in hnudllux the crowds after the Hitlers bad gone on strike umtlnee of 2. Haohrater.—Al flic Lyceum (U. R WoIIT, mauagerl "The Glitgerltreud Mmi" hn.l u**oii returns Ort. 2, t, KtUUe Kedn-ny, i;n» \Veluberg nnd Boss Htion' sllll greatly niuuse In the lending comedy rnlcx. ltsyiitond Illicit- cock, in "The 4lii)l«per." I, played to the ca- pacity. Lillian Jtitsst'll, ]>rdl- nand Gottnchaik uinl nu exei'llcnt cmnpnuy. did fair hiislncHs In "llarbnru's Millions," .*-, It, llaude AdautH, In "I'eter Van," H-V) 1 "Bed Feather" 12, 1:1. riJ.vriosAt, (Mnx Ilurtlg, manayer).-— "llonie Folks'* wsh well putroiilxed Oct. l-'l, "The Queen of the Cln-un" bad good nlteml- atiie 4-u. lleatrlce Vnncc, In the lend, nmde n tine inipreKslon. "The Hall Boom Boyn" S-10. "tpiecii of the Convlela" 11-IB, Bakki: t J. II. Moon*, ouniftger). -TM Moore. Hiock Cs., week of I, bad it succession of targe audiences, wlien "Kathleen Mnvour* neca" had a most, prnlaeworthy )ii'es<>[tintlon. "Tlie Fatal Wedding" MO. . Coojt orKiiA Hoisk (.1. II. Moure, inann- aer).—The Kfx Mimical Cuuyx unnh> a big lilt last week. Hill s and week: Chns. K Mvqiis nnd coiupiiny, .1. K. Murray uinl Clum banc, .faniCN J. Mortou, ICd. !•'. lleynnnl, Mur- itella and Mllliiy, the Iloldsworths, nnd klucto- brnnb.. ConiKTiitAN (Henry C. Jueubs, mnuugcr). —Harry llrrnnt'K Co. sunned Isrge hous«s last week, frlvlug n Hist cIuds sliow. AI. beeves' Big Co. H-lil, Albany—At Harnmiius Biecckei' II. HI (II. It. Jiieobs, maiuiKttr) "The Master Work< mmi'' Oct. . IA ndd "At the Old C'rosv lloudfl,' 1-C>, both hnd good business, nnd pleased All. "Ijuei'ii of the CirciM." in, l|, i-'yril Moult, in "The prime Clisp." 12. l:t: tt.ii.i u. Miuilell to, HI. l'uocroii'H illowaiil Grahaui. resident mnn- ngcri.---Coi i H and ■ami Tho ^Itmlciil Cully's, Mr. ami Mrs. Allium, Alf. Gmut und Klhi-I lloag, .rields und Wiwlcy, ltli-e nud Kiiner, Hayes nnd .IoIiiihoii, Morton, Temple nnd .Morton; and Ihe UntaewM llownnlM. ' tiMi'ti;': rriiu-H. 11, Henry, resbiout iiiunn- f;«'i-i. — Till* In u poptihir place now with hur- e«*|UC lovers, andburduess Is Jlue, Tlie liny MUHrpicradei'*. Get. I-.'I, liuil the Coopers and Blossom nnd'ibire protiiluetil in tbc nllo, unit Hie cuineillcs, 'lloiuensnl Bound" nitil "Tho KlKcr,":allowed the full coiupiiny tu sdvnn- rHfjc. New York Hint-*, M, Inxed the <u- paclly of the iioiiHe, |iur|lculurly iiiimicnc nlitht,'Fild:iv. wheu issjple were turned uwny. Marty. Bryant's Kxtruviignttitii Co. s-to, flio LM lirters 11-1:1. iIaihtv Tiikatiik (If. B. McIioIn. maiia- gcri.—rtiitlHfactorc hualnvax all Ihe jishi week was reporlisl. mIsh New York Jr., l-il, held forth to the delight of theatregoer! 1 , glvlnu nu excellent xhow. Tim MiiJchHc Musical Four iiimI Bert mid Nunc Vediiutr reeelvi:*! much appluusi*. Wiifdilogton rk'rlely (Hrls fiirnlHhcd the bill 4-41, aud there wus a hlg public response. Curincni'llii was n prom!-- uent ft'iilure, and Hie cloatuir ImrKwiuo, 1 ••Tlifrd Degree," nus very Inughubli'. Iiiiii»- i.etit Mnlds H-1U. ' ACtiiTomi.'u (Titos. Burry, inaiifiKert.—-ln- creased pHtroniige whh tiutfced. 11ml roller' skating I* receiving qtiltu tin liuiH-tus. A double maple Hour, one acre In extent, in-- ifunuioiltihM the grout crowd of merry tdiatern, A eHi'tilvul on riaturday, U. 14lea.-Al the Majestic 1K, L. Koueke,' 1-1'sldeut liinntlgeri the ltolllcklug (Ilrls met 11 good b'JUH" Oct. 1. Ibiyillirml Tlllrln-urT was. Wull received 2. "Bosnlle" pleased 11 Ibrge uiidb-uco 'I. Tiioums Jcffer><oii drew hlg 4, "My Wife's Fumlly" closcil the week lo good builiiesN ',, 4). Florence Huberts. In ■■The Wrawtn of Dm Weak." H; Otis Bkin- ner, In "The Duel,** U \ "The Irish. Cairn broker" 10, "The finnan- Man" II, (Mill OH aiore, la "At Yule, 1 ' 12: Hubert Manfell 1:: Odpui;l,m ij). L. Koncke, resident mana- ger).—Last week's bill drew big. This week; Itoland West nnd compauy, Til 11 v Clifford, I'nntrer Trio, Monde l^nibert, Annum ami Ilariley, Thomas and Pnyne, ciios. and Joe Hirer).- -TIiIh week: The Hntu-liig ,lohb.«>u*i,' I'In Wallace, Hvn McKennn, Mndge Ihiyirlle. I Hwron.-o ;ind Woods, .nud .Mnrlo .Monro.. Nitvi:.— -The new Grtrrlek Ttteatro Is note cinpletlug the tourth story, nnd ttcginnliiii t<> pieHcnt n hamlsome appearance. - 'I'niy.-At I'roclor - -* iWiiitam II, tlrnhuiii. reidileni iimnniiert the hill for* Oct. 8 'nrnrt* week Includes: Iklwnnis, ha via nud rompniiy. Acker nnd Lexter, l.eiv , sully, .Charlotic lUtvi'tiscrofr, Lowell and Lowell. Iledtlx and t'reecon. 'Brooks ;ind Vcilrter, ntld Bight Knit* llMii-Crlmrosew. . . . , ; 1 • 1 . iltiMi*s Oriin.v Hoist;, t II.. T. TfeafMtan*, n-Klileni mansgeri. -"UU lienor, rite Mnyiir," rtrevr fnlrly well ,*.. "My Wife's Family" 'uul ii'Kood hounc it. ■ "Are You 11 Mason V H, '"Montana" U, "Her First False Hltm" 1». Hubert Mantel], lii "Blcbard 111." 11: "Snug Jlarhor" Is, "A Trip b* Kgypt" 1:1. Lvrcrsi (II. II. Keller, mauatteri.—The Washington Hoeleiy lllrls drew nig house* l-;i. Miss Jfaw York .It, hud good 1iusliii'i<s I-ll. The Avenue GirN lluileNi|iinrs M-tu. Innocent MaliU I t-ln. Hlaiwlinanton. — At (be Hunt*' .Oneni, House i.|. I*. H, Clurki malinger 1 (be Kurt Burgees Hmrk Co. drew big houses oei, i-it. except 2, when Henry II. I User, In -T|ie Mmi on tlie Hujc," iiptieiircd to n lura;" nuilleiicc' Can) illlmore 11. "Jlimfllle" in. "Calming 1 hi* Town" II, "The Hquaw Mun" 12. "The IF- ileiiiptltill of llnvhl Corson" IB. Aiivmiv Tiikatiik ill. A. Bailey, reshlrnr mnnnKc-rt,—BIB week ot'Ji: Harry Vokesiind coutpany, A. O. Duiivuii, Boners, Walter". aud Crocker, Almoin hiiiI Duuioiii, Amcrb-it-t Comedy, Mile. Houns, and Hlnck und Jones. ■ SyrnouMe.- At till 1 'Welllliir Opera llotis** iJobn L, Kerr, uiupsgcri "The HolllcklitK (Brl" del », 0, "Thi Hnunir Mini" H, H«r- cuce BohcrtH, in "Tna.Blreuglb of the WVnk." tiVoilH Hklnnch lit 'The Jiuel." io: Maude Adiuiix. lu "IVter Pan," IM.'I. Ba!1taiu.»; (Harry A. Ilurtlg. luanngen. — IgblH' enuiifre-. ijueen raf tin* '.'lluiiie. i-ollitt" htyaa a ihreo nlgblH' ensn incut, to a Inrgi' and* ~~ Convlei*." Art. Kl». Ahnrn and the klnelnfrnph. c BAU (Hatld Bnrry, man- DKWtV .VIlJHIC Okano fii*i:itA Hoi hk (Chns. 11. riurnmei-. iimtinitcri. — Kelili's vaudeville, wllh "A NIrIh hi Knultxli Vitudi-rllle," luclndliiu iwcuiy-two p.»ip|e; ami ntber net*. ■ ■ , .,.,.» ,. . .... 1 m .lniin>st«mii. -At Samuels' Oiicru lluua.' 1 M. itels, luilllllger) "The Hlccplug Ite.miv it ml the Beast," Oct. I.gnve an exeellenl K'rformniK'Ps, to fair IuisIuchs, Messes o* ih» nm Jtiinil 7, Cbnuiicey-KcttTcr Cu. M-i:t, -er.- eejtl Tliurs4lny. Hiuinh'h bund' II, 1 Kirk Brown Co. lft-20. Notw.— Tlie Hnmuets'Wfis damn-red 1 by ill-.- reffjitly." hut all performsnees were jflveu. Local Manager J. .1. Wntcrs went lo IJrid- 1 ford, I, to funk oV'sr'tlift'linusi* tliere. Una I Improvements are io he made at klie thenire ID the Hprlllg.' ' • 1 ,, > Mil I MUN V. * Kmv tlrleans," At Hie Tuloae Tbrnire <T..»:. catiipbell. inn ringer) the. company pre -' Meutlitif "The ClttiiHimtii," week of Mept, IHi. must Imve ml*. srHlllied lit the ovation j-lveii ilieiu ihrniiirhoiil Hie entll'it week tiy piickcd houseM ut aluiust every performance. The" i-miipaiiy- wan n line"one. - .Owing to the ie. ■-'■•ill Hforiiis mid wfifdiotita throiifthout Ihe South, tin '■■(iiii|iiiiiv did not arrive until very Inicsiindov uinl went frdtu the depot 1 1, the theiilre, 'Hie eurfnlll did no| rise nnll! nftur 11 o'clock, but egch nnd every member went ibroitgli their purls nerfeeUy. uolwlth- siuildlrg the long ami tireaome Journey. Pur wck of fiei. 7. "'riie Heir Ifl Hif Honrnh : "Korlyflvo .MInntj.tE from Brondwiiy" Is-Ui) * ClOlMt'KNT CI 1 .. C. Ciinphfll. iiinmigiTi .. "Tuiii. Hick uniLHurry," tvltir Jtlekel, Wnt sou find Wroihe, u trio of clever i-uinefllioiN. Mtpuortcd by s large compimy of excellent perf or liters, proved a big drawing curd lint week, opening, to lupMclty biislttess. For ivM-k of 7. Miitrny uuu Murk, lo W followed week or If), by "U«p"-Wnrd. t'io"« Illy, tlrcctis-old. iiuitiiiKerj,—•. Tht- Hose Sydell |,ul)doii Belles IlltHesuiie Co. opened Heal. .'Ill, niiilluec and night, to S. II. I'..mill enjoyed Mi. business throiiicliout Hie entire week. -Tlie-company gun* big mill*- fnctlou and won much a|tprccbttlou. Buehefoi' Club llurlcHiiuers 7*1*1. - . ■ - . l-vtiic (HiivIk k Leluiitift, iniinagers),—Tb» Briiwu-liiiker si'ick i'o. scored 11 hlg week'- hardness tusi weak, prosentlng "Out of the Fold." Hitch and every-mriulHT of the popii- liir cotiijinny won iipplHilse for clever work. "Tlie Man of Mystery'* wi*ek of K Kl.VKir-4 IM'. H. Baldwin nuinageri.—Th" ItSldwIli-.Melvllle Hluek Co,. itnm-uWux "A' Itonmnce of Coon Hol|ow." : 1mhi week. In Im UM'iiHif business, siul pleitMisI ti*> iih-oiI. Week of 7, "The Gamlder'H'imiiHliier." iui'mi.ih iMiiniit Bcck.gcurrul uiuiiiif(i>ri.' -■■Tlie bill ofl'ered Inst'week drew Mg ernwds' ut doily milliner nud iilnhln. Among those scoring; hciivlly were; .tunic llc<'r»*e unit com puny, I'unl Miiadonl, Ktiles Bios., t 'has. Lede iter. llufiiycllc'M ibiM,' Le*' Willie, mill K'nlor luiry Bros, uinl TvtaUF, The bill fur week nf n Includes. Mtu Allen nud eoiuimuy. Kiulih and <'niiiplH-H, Art bit r McWultcrs and ilrr>ce Tyson. t'nrllHiv'H dogs nnd ponies. Hern Ira nud Buy, Zlsku tfUnf' King. Iluywnrd, ffw- roy mid Iluywnrd, and new unlimited slhlcx. UTAH, Knit Lake Illy. -At Hie Knll Luke TI un-.' tihro. 11. I'yper, iiiuiiuucn .laue forco-' run, In "The Cieeduiu of Ku-auue." dlil iimul hnslliCKN Hept. 07. Illgby Bell, lu "Thu folti- cut I'm uf .Mr. ripii," iduyeil to amsl ImslacH-. Kepi, "M. aw,* wllii Haliirduy iiiallnce. Tb" Wevurl Hpern i'o., In "The Two Homos." "Horothy" mid "Ilobcttc," did kimhI biiHluesi wr*:k o/Ocl.-l. Hall Lake Opera Cn. Oct, *. "Tin? Girl and the IbindH" BL*(. Guam* TiiiiatiiI' (A. M. Cox, iiiHimuer).-- Hepi. SO-Oirl. it, "filrl of tin- ■Kirwis" djd tood lumlriess. Tlii'udore isircli week «f 7. Htti'iiKitM . 1W. L. .fcniilngs. numuiteri. •- Week of Oct, I : Ferry In Fiilrrluml. Lillian Ashley, nilvelni Trio. Margaret Wycherly. I'hurk'H Sharp, a oil Itoberl l>e Mout Trio. U>!k of 8: Ben Welch. Collins uinl Bar-, Two \lvlinn. Muz HlldchrmuB, Johnston and niroll'ir. nud Gonzales Bros, - ' Lviiii: c Jiisepii 1'etrich,'luamigeri.—n'oek >>r He|tt. fib. '*The powst of Truth." hv urn Lyric Htock Co., did good"ho-lue»s. "Tie '1 wo Orphans" weak of Oct. 7. Ilos Ton (J. D..Young, manager).—Week of Oct. 1: Hull) Hevernncc Co., Dick Park*-. '-Inra Gilbert. Margie -Barks, Karl Abbott, ilobt. linlrlo. and B.-Wnlali. 4»» nor.AKD Him. has slimed with Wild A Ar- nold'* production nf "Traeey, the Outlaw."