The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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THE ISTEW YOEK 0E&P&BBL •October 13. PROFESSIONAL COPIES AND ORCHESTRATIONS HEADY; XMTCTSXC VUB. 3BQ'Q',SE a -V WSB- Broadway, Kew= ^ork City. ! MICHIGAN. Detroit.—At the Detroit Opera House '<B. C. Whitney, manager) Elsie Janls, in "The Vanderbllt Cup," entertained* large and appreciative audiences week of Oct- 1. Etienne .Olrardot In "Charley's Aunt," 8-10. ■ Lyceum <K. D. Btglr. manager).—"BuBt- «r Drown" drew ao well week of b*pt. 30, cbat the management gave an extra matinee Friday, to ft packed house. Bone Melville, Sa "8U Hopkins." week of Oct; 7;. ** - WniTSEr (K. D. Stair, manager).—"TAhlle *Trl»co Burns? plnyed to capacity week of flept. 3». "A lUn'a Broken Promise" Oct. 5-13. Tbutlb i*J.' H. Moore, manager).—Last week's' bill was of a high order, and crowd- ed bouses ruled. Attraction! for week 8 In- clude: Herr Nlklas Bchlltony's Hungarian Band, tbe Three Olaerei, Manhattan Com- edy Four,'Clifford and Bnrke, Bruno and Butsell." I.tdd,' Vara and Young, the Lab*- kana. McCrca j ana Poole, and the kloeto- graph. . . "Avrnce (Drew ft Campbell, mapagers). The Thzer Miles offered an entertainment that pleased large houses last week,.. "The JJIghtlngalea 7fl3. - - - ■ UAYsxr (II- H. Hedges, manager)—The Golden Crook Burlestjuers gave a drat ■ctasa show,-, abd drew large houses. Fred Irwin's Big Hhow week of 7. "'<'■ , .. CBV8TAL (J. J.. Nash, manager). —Last week'* offering was good; as usual, and crowded houses ruled. Attractions for week of 8 -lorindo: -The Great Blclnrih. Klemen and Sillier, Kellwy Moore, the. Beverleye, Anaon Schlrhart, and the klnodrome. ' Note. — I). JCampbell, of tbe Lafayette, opened that theatre 7. with Daniel, Ryan, and company, In "A Glided-Fool." This com- pany has.been playing In New York State, and la snJd to be a strong organization. They expect to remain seve ral weeks h ere. ' Bay city—A: the Washington (W. J. Daunt, manager) "In the Bishop's Carriage' Blessed a fair sized bouse Sept. 2B. "Olc Ison" did good busiaess 2ft, ItO. "Dorothy Vernon of fladdon Hull" drew a most en- thusiastic house Oct 1. "On the Bridge at Midnight" did well 2, .1. Rose Melville, lu "Bis Hopkins," drew a large bouse 4. John Grimtli. la, "A Man's Broken Promise" 14, 15, "Big Hearted Jim" lfl. Alvarado (8am Murks, manager).—Tlie bill week of Sept. 80 Included: Norraiin and Norton, Cecilia Weston. Shorty and Lillian De Witt, Ed. Grav, John Hatty. Miles and Raymond and: the Alvaradoscope. Good business ruled.. __ . , ' , Bijou (J. V. Pilmore, manager).—The fol- lowing . attractions drew good bualness at this house week of 1: Brule and Houneger, Robert Taub, Ma Dell and Corbley, Charles Howson, the Cowles Trio and tbe bioscope. ■ tm i —i ■ f ■■ '■ —— LaiiHlnK.—At Balrd's Opera House (K. J. Williams; manager) "What Happened to Jones" tame Opt. l, to u fair boutM. ltoso Molvfllc, In "Sis Hopkins," tilled tbe house 5. Virginia Uirnfl, In "Tbe Love Letter," played to big businesa.4. "On the Bridge It Midnight" cumeo, to paying house. "Texas Sweethearts" U. Hlmmeleln's Imperial Stock Co. 8 and week. Bijou (D. J. Robson, manager). 1 —Week of Oct. 1 : Fatirle Hatfield and company. Rockway aud Conway,-Lew Knotager, and Blimey and Chapman. Good houses pre- .Tailed. . Nora—D. J. Robson lias arrnnged with A. C. Bird for the construction of a new IHJou Theatre, directly oirposlte the Capitol Build- ing. It Is to In.! constructed of p)«ased' brick ! and is' modern, lu every respect, being a ground floor thontre. This .will be'a valuable Hcqultlsltlon to Tmnslng. k ■ ■ Grand Itaplds.— At the New Powers (Ilarry G. Sominers ft Co., managers) 'The Embassy Ball." Oct. 3, played to good busi- ness, as did Docketader's Minstrels, .4. Com- ing: Mflxlne Elliott IS, "The ■ Gingerbread ■Man." . - ■ Majesth- (Orln Stair, manager).—"The Boy Behind tbe Uun," 80-Oct. 3. played to crowded houses, as did "The Cowboy Girl." 4-6. Coming; H. Mller Kent. In ' Raffles,'* 7- 10; "Blfe Heai led Jim" 11-13, "The Beauty Doctor" l-f-17. , - UitANJ) Oi'i:iiA House (Churchill ft Davis, managers).—Attractions-for week uf 7 aro: And- and l>o Onirn, Delight Bamcli. Davis and Macaiiley, . Musical noblmnns, -Herbert and willing. nnd.Guy..Julius<»u. 8wKlnn.iv.—At the AcHdepiy IC. W, l\ir- ter, manager) Alberts Gallatin,, in "Dorothy Veruon, of Hsddon Hall." came tu'eood busf- , ness Sept. :'fl. "On the Bridge at Midnight" had fair business- 30-Oct. 1. "81s. Hopkins." 3,-drew good tHbm "When Women Love" 6. "What Jlnpi.ei.ed to Jones" 7. "The Gov- ernor's Mraanr i'JM3, "Big Hearted Jim" 14. . 15, ."'Man's Broken Promise" 16, 17, "Knobs o' Tennessee" lu, 20. Jbfpeuh (C. 8. Sargent, manager).—Bill week of 8: Helena Gerard and nor horae, Frank Mayne and company. Miles and Ray- mood, Ed. Gray, Esmeralda, and Chas, Do Camo and dog. Buttle Creek—At the Port <K. It. Smith, manager) "Whnt Happened to Jones" OHM Sept. m "Lena Rivers" Oct. 1, "The Cowboy Uiii" 'J, Florence Gale, In "Love's Victory." ;i; "Texas Sweethearts'* 4, "The Show GUI" IA "The Gingerbread Man" ltl. "The Governor's Pardon," 17, "The Beauty Doctor" 18. "A Man's Broken Promise" at). Hi,'or t\X. S. Butterflcld, manager).—A. pleasing bill week of'l was: Mario Heclow, Krcsko and Groves, M. L. Barrett, Charles Heclow, Otora Japs and cllnetoscope pictures. ■ s Knlaniaaou.—At the Academy of Mualc (B. A. Bush, manager) Hlmmeleln's Stock Co. drew good houses and pleased week of Oct. 1. "The Cowboy Girl" l>, "Big Hearted Jim" 10, "The Sbow Girl" 11, "UatHes" 12. Bijou (U. W. Crull, manager).—Business BUI ichove, Illustrated Kongs; ClIffoitT and Hall. McKlu- non and Heed, west and Barton, and klneto- scope. Jackson.—At the Athenanun (H. J. For. 1er, resident manager) Harry Reresforfl, In "The WoniUR Hator." Sept. 27. tileosed. The Americana iRepertory Co.), week of Oct. 1, drew good business. "Big Hearted Jim" 8, "The Governor's Pardon" P, "Wliar Hap- pened to June*" )U, "The Beaut v Doctor" J3. "The Gingerbread Man" IC. Bijou i\\. 8. ButterQeld. manager).—Bill week of 1: Clifford and Hall, Cllnetoscope, ujjou in. »., msnsgeri.—nuem Is'L'ood. despite counter attractions. I week of 8: Knetrger. Juggler: Van BhH illustrated songs: Clifford and Hall. McK Manek Shah. Hindu necromancer; MacDmi- •tlds. Florence Hall, and the I^Ishern, <yn- tortlonlsta. * ■' ' •" • • - «.» • ■ — ■ NEW JHUSEY. . Newark.—At the Newark Theatre (Irfe Ottolengul, tnnnager) May Irwin appears Oct, 8-13. In "Mrs. Wilson, That's All. ^A budget of new songs, sung la ber Inimitable' way, forms a strong feature. "The College Widow" was well given week of 1, and diew oven better business than on its first" ap* peorancc. "Mr.;Hopkltison" 15-20. '• • Shuuret (H M. Hyams, manager),—Thl» Is the old Empire Theatre, remodeled andfrte-'; constructed on an extensive scale, and It Opens this week, practically a new and up* to-date house. All the old , objectionable features have been removed, and the aauge fctnnds; to-day one of the best theatres -■fh' tbe Htate. The mezzanine floor- has been taken out. and a'handsome balcony'Installed. The old balcony, was ralaed, and the pitch altered to obtain a better view. The pillars hare been eliminated, and the whole Interior refurnished and decorated. It Is understood that the theatre will book first class uttrac-r tlons entirely, which means a step forward for' Newark theatrically.. Louise Gunning Appears In ""Veronlque" as the opening at- traction, 8-13. ' . I'BocTOB's IV. P. Proctor, manager).—A good bill Is offered here this week, headed by So Colonial Septette. Tbe 81eedeB make their. first appearance here, In "Tbe'Mysterious' Hotel, Toby Claude adds to her.popularity, and Wlllard Blowns and company, Kocbley Bros., Nat Haines, Fitzgerald and Gllday, and George lloldcn complete tbe Hat. Large audiences attended last week, and showed much Interest In too singing of Charlotte IUivenscroft. '• - CoLiruhjA (M. J. Jacobs, manager).— JeBSle Mae Ball appears, in "A Southern Vendetta," tbls weea. which -gives good op- ncrt unity for the display of her talents. 8he latroduces several uew songs. "The Way of' the Transgressor" brought good attendance. Joe Bantley, Id "Blllie, the Kid," week of 15. BlaS'by'h (J. 11. Bucken, manager)>— "Buster Brown" promises to crowd the house the current week, bs It Is new here. and.Is full of fun. "Eight Bells" kept well to Its record, and commanded good and profitable business. Seiina Herman, in "Queen of 'the Convicts," 15-20. Waldiunn's (W. 8. Clark, manager)n— Clark's Runaway Girls aro patting forth-as ten's Dilemma 1 ' and an array of vaudeville talent, Including: The Bowery Boys' Quar- tette. Ram<ey Sisters, Bert Wggln, Paull and Wells, Alice Anderson, Clara Burg, Abe Reynolds and Williams Sisters. .The Trans- Atlantlca gave theft-usual good show last week, and In addition Millie De Leon, ;;TJ*b. Girl In Blue," packed the house nightly. RcntE-Santley Co. 13-20. ' Jer*«*y city.—Andrew Mack, in"Arra'b- nn-Pogue," with a tine' selection of nuitable ballads, packed tbe Academy to overflowing week ending Oct. «. 'The cast was weirfte-" lected. Wine, Women and Song Co., credited with being" the best attraction visitlngjiftas. Bon Ton this season, had a Dne attendance Acadbmv (Frank B. Henderson, mana- ger).—Tbft ever popular "Eight Bells." week of 8. "The Power of Money" 15*20. Bon Ton (T. W. Dlnklus, manager).—. New Century Girls 8-13, Colonial Belles IB- Notes. —Ttip dwelling houses now on!the.' property purchased by the Majestic 'equal' cate have oeeu sold, and as soon as removed, work for the foundation will i.'-kIii. .. -...-. B. V, Keith, who Is making a veritable palace .out of the renovated Bijou, has mentioned Oct 15 as tho possible opening day. ^ t , - Hnbokeia.—At tho Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) "Hoity -Tolty" was presented -In,,* capital maaner, Sept. 80-Oct, :i. to Hoe _aL- tendHDco. "The Master Workman," a strong sonsnttonai pluy, dealing with the labor pro- blem, met with good success 4-0. "Qsiefhi-tjf tbe Highbinders 7, 7-10. "Tlte Way iWthe Trnnsgressor" 11-13, "Tho Gypaey Glil">14- 1T. "Ifer First False Step" 18-20. Eminhk (A. M. Bruggemaun, proprietor). —Business the puBt week was to the capjulty at every lierformanre. For 8-14, Herrndjmi,' the Great; James F. Sullivan and company, I'jRtelle Wordette and company, Faust rag** fly. Werden and Gladdlsh, Jack Oardtu At lit Wood, C. II. Smith and the Two Jnh acme- ;.***. I - Notk. —Qunrtett Hall Is uow In the hands of tliL' uontrnciors, nnd - work will be pidCbed to have tho bull In rendlness before tl.» J\'In- ter Is over. ' ' i' ii *' —i ■ ' »K * ' .Bllaaibeth.—At the Lyceum Theatre 4EI- roy k Drake, managers) the Dainty Duchess came Oct. 1-B, to splendid opening, "llolty Tolty" followed 4-0, to capacity on opening night. The company gave satisfaction and Sroved strong. "The Arrival of Kitty" 8-lpy le Uussell Bros. 11-13, "Elgtit Bells'' 15UT, •'Kerry Gow" 18-20. Jacobs'. — "Wheu Knighthood 'Was In Flower" 0, "Queen Lear" 8, Pryor's Band 0, "Swell Elegant Jones" 11. Catudeu.—At the Camden Theatre (M. V. Taylor, mmagor) i*«P(|uh;1uh De Voe, who i»c to star In au emotional drama next year, "The Flower of Italy," gave a fine interpre- tation of her role here last week, lu "Whan the World Sleeps." * S. It O. prevailed during the early part of tho week. Jessie Mac Hall, : In "A Southern Vendetta," also Bcored durlttK tho latter part of the week. "The Ninety and Nine"- 8*10, "Custer's Last Fljrht" IMS,. Russell Brothers 15-17, "The Midnight Es- cape" 18-20. 4 ■ > DELAWARE. Have Your Clothes Made to Rfleasure. We guarantee perfect results, otherwise they reniaia'here. We offer forty styles of the finest imparted worsts Suitings, the best money-cwibuy.: also ten styles of Telotiis in grays, browns and.blacks for heavy Oveicoats, silk lined Suit or Overcoat to mi aaurj $30. ' '-'." ' .. '" ■ Our Full Dress Suit made of } Tig ish Drape, including Tuiedo coat; (ilk lineajto edge-with guaranteed silk, co nbination $62. ., Sartpl.s with illustrated booklel'The Veil of Fashion" mailed to any address, ARNHEIM Broadway and Ninth Street, New York* H5 AT MBERTY. for Voud. and Med. Cos. THE TWO VERSELL8, Lady and Oentlemsn Acrobatj, straight and comedy, A Nc. 1 Contor- tionist, Back Bender, Special Rigging.' Jioxlng Act, Romsn RlngB, SUeuceand Fan. Change for one week. D. comedy In acts. Write or wire UK waahlogtoo St., Toledo. Ohio, LADY PIANIST Olt VaKFVL MAN wnocan fa We. Organ or Piano. LongBeason. Sure sal an If you Are "It." Say it all in your first. V7AT0NREE I.MJIAN UBOICiNE CO., KiNworth, Uatne, Gen. Del'y. - ■ ' ' - ■ WILL INVEST Dollar tor Dollar with man capable of managing stage Id a Ant class Hep. Show. LANE, care of CLIPPER. tended -JO. "Custer's. Last Fight" .8-10, "The Ninety and Ulne 11-13. "A-Midnight Escape' 15-17, "flight Belle" 18-20. , .,',', U"* 1 —«»» .-."*. IOWA. - Dea Molncs^The 8hubert Theatre (J. B. Reere, manager),'formerly the Mirror, after having undergone many changes and Im- provement, opened with Leo DletrlcbBteln's -'Before and After,'* Oct 3. Tae author, who played' tbe .leading vole, „ met with a ltcarly reception, and tbe company and play were thoroughly enjoyed by «n audience that fllletl the entire house.' Eddie Koy, in "The Earl and the Girl," 10. SU: Harry Woodruff, In ''Brown of Harvard," 22, -:i. . Posteb'k Opera Hodsb (Wm. Foster, man ager).—Edwin Anion, In "Xdld in tbe Hills," greased a large audience Sept 28. Clay Clement, In "8am' Houstoa," Oct. 5 ; "Under Southern Sties" 0, "The Marriage of Kitty*' i ,(it:.\N«. Or.ii* -Uot-ti; iWm. Foster, mana- ger).—"Chlnato'ivn Charley" attracted and pleuscd large sized audiences Sept. 27-20. "At the World's Mercy".drew sood houses SI, Oct. 1. "The Four Corners of the Earth" rnjoyed - big business 1', a-, giving'excellent Kiitlefactlon. "Tbo Volunteer Organist" "4-«, ■Dad's Side Partner" 7, 8," "The Little Home- stead" 1*. 10. ' Empire (M. J.- Karger, manager).—Tto excellent hill week of 1 pleased large crowds at all performances. It Included: Vardaman, LecdK. and Le . Mars, Morris Manley and Dolly Sterling. MrCloud and Melville, the Tourist. Trio, tho KUsleys, and motion pic- tures. Week of -8, "The Red Girl," and others. .HINT FOR 8ALE-My Concert Hall, known as Palace Theatre and SfQsenm. 17 years estab- lished. No counterfeit or elephant. Receipts of State Fair week, will pay a year's rent an d give good surplus. Second to none In State. Bubsun- ual reason tor selling, will tbe parties U Wells- vine and v Stcubenviiie, OUId, write again, please. Lost add. by accident. Addresi JACK BOONE. Palace Theatre, Syracuse, s. T. BELA8C0 THEATBE, "StSJf ,' * - Eveninse at 3:16. KMlnee&ctQfday,3. ' SECOND VKAft IN SEWTORK. DAVID BELASCO presents' ■'- ; .'. '.'.-. ■ -> BLANCHE RATEa, Jn'TheOIrl of theGoiden West," by David Belaico, a play in 4 Acts-of.the uerioic'.'U.Tfltfi icene laid In CabTopita. Seats Ave weeks m sdvsnce. HACKEW. THEATRE, "^feSffiKaf^ MR. BA0KETT Sole Leasee and Manager. Eves. 8:20. Mats. Wed. Sat. *1*. One week only. Cnr/.on A Hackett'a production of the successful Eng)l"h farce, 3IR, HOPKIrTSOM. By R. O. CARTON. Moo., Oct. 16, Rose Stahl in The Chorns Lad? by James Forben, SeatsrcsdvnextTharsday atfl A.W itCW lUCTCnnAU wed>e»daY mat. NCTT AMdlLnUfll BEST SEATS $1.50. NIXON & ZIMUERUAN announce Flrat American appearances of Mr. II. B, Irving, IHIbs Dorethe» Halrd and London Company, in the original 8t, Jamea's Tbeaire Production of Stephen Phillips's ■ PAOLO and FK.ANCE8CA (Arrangement with Mr. Geo. Alexander). vlm- WilmliiKton.—At tbe Grand Opein House (Joseph I. Oaloor, manager) Paula-Kdwards, 'D "J*rlm'esH Beggar," drew I large audience Oat 3. May Irvvln, In "Mrs. Wilson, That's All, 1 ' hud two large uudlences 0. They were pleased with tbe sttir. Booked: Msry Emer- son, lu "Ills Majesty aud the Maid." 0; Viola Allen, In "Cymbellne,'' 18; Francis Wilson. In "The Mountain Climber," 22. Garrick (W. L, DockstadeT, manager).— Excellent business continues ut this nouse, due to the good ainnagemcDt and high cIrsr of ntir.nctlona. For week of 8: Right Little Beauties snd the Benst. Three Sisten M»: carte, Stanton and Modena. Three Lamaja Bros.. Voting nnd Derole, Tcubrookti, Lam- bert and company,. Hoary Cllre and the ktiietograph. LrcBtTM (Daniel Humphiles, manager).— "A Southern Vendetta" did good Business •1-3. "When the World Bleeps^wwirell'at- < edur Haptds.—At Greene's Opera House (Will S. Collier, manager) Jaa. O'Neill. In "Monte Ci'lsto," Sept; 28. "Told In tbe Hills" 20, "The Little Homestead" 30. "Un- der Southern Skies" Oct. 2. Walker White- side. In "Tbe Magic Melody," 8,-4: W. B. l'atton Ii, "At Cosy Corners*' 0, "The Two Johns" 0. "The Arrival of Kitty'* 10, "The Minister's Son" 14, "My Friend from Ar- kansaw'* 15, "Nobody's Claim" 16, "The (iarobler's Daughter" 17. Lew Bocketader'a Minstrels 18, William Collier 20. ' PBorLK's (Vic Hugo, manager).—Bill week of Oct. 1: Delaphona, Three Gardlners, Sut- ton and Sutton, Rector and Major,' Ray W, For and tbe klnetoscope. NicKELObioM (K. A. Clark, manager).— The store room, ,100 Ffrat Arenne, Grand .Hotel block, was opened Oct. s, with a mov- ing picture i;how. Athmti'IC I'AitK (C. K. Barton, manigcr). —Cedar Knplds' tenth aonual carnival, Oct. 1-0, was brilliantly opened by Liberatl'n Band'unci ('onco't Co., In two fine pro- grammes. Upon two stages, facing the great stand, were seen twice' dally: Epli Thomp- son's elephants, the Six Proveanles, bicy- clists; Vlnellu's boxing stallions. Three Diet- rich Brothers, acrobatic feats of strength; Lasclle, slack wire. Juggling; Rube Shields, comedy bicyclist. and platform announcer. nnd tlie Two Okuras, Japanese Jugglers. At night, tlregory's ■ fireworks and "Burning of .Moscow" drew thousands. The concessions Include: wild's airship, "Eagle;" Allen's Ferris wheel, Arnold's'penny arcade. Bach- man's glass- blowers, Carpenter's bump the bumps, Clark's Koberta show, Case and Smith's, merry-go-round. Davie'. moving pic- tures, Dlckeraon's female colored minstrels, Eberbardt's Australian wild woman, "Little 1'vh :" Ella K. Rwlng, giantess; Kroner's Florida ostrich, alligator and crocodile ex- hibit. Prof. Frank's tliuiloo mysteries. Major Cant/, midget: (fill's merry-go-'round. Fol- der's Igurrotc .village, Kelly and Sprague's Trocaderos sod German village, Letepha and company of dancers, Lltt's spoopendyke wheel, Mlney's Oriental Theatre, Montgomery Edison Palace of Electricity. Pnlmlsts: Prof. Lewis, Lady Olga, Queen Tbalma and Verona. Cant. SOrcbo's deep sea divers, W. E. Stout, fat man: Verno, living cigarette skeleton; Wil- liams' Electric Theatre, Smith A Terry's whecl-O. Notes.— Wm. H. Havill. Chicago, as usual, had successful charge at all calcium and electric lighting.... .Kouba's National Band, Jacob Schmidt, director, save daily concerts, snd played for the vaudeville stage The "Moscow" show closed Its season here Major ttauts. midget, antl w. L, Stout, fat man, becante Eagles at Madison, So. Dak., Sept. 23 At the borse show, on the carnival grouncuv Oet. 3-D, There were mnny eutrles. The Judge of the show. J. D. Fisher. of West Liberty, la., dropped dead from apoplexy, on the track, Oct. s, while Inspect- ing- horses, In vies* of thousands of carnival visitors. * i ■--•-. . »4| -. -. T'. i' J J.b. < ■ • "" Scimoub AND DOre hnxe scored a big suc- cess In Australia. Tee? are notv. oeing starred at the head of Harry Richard's Show for a tour through New Zealand, to open at AucklanJ. Oct. 8. with WelllagtDn, Christ Church and Duneiln-to follow. • • ■ • MUSICAL ACTS for Bale cbe»p,.-)8 Alnmlnum Ohlmes with trunk, one 2^-oeiave Xyjophone, one 2-octave Xylophone, both, have floor racks and resonators; SO Mnalcal O.ssses, all in perfect condition. Address EDWIN WINOHBSTBB, s Karge's Place, Rochester, >\ T. TO S- E. W, BAS4GER OF ACTORS. - FROM F. V. D. WAR A H AXAGKR . OF ACTORS. ' Tours received at Ogden. Utah. I mislaid your address. Thanks for information. Nothing to ll. Not my wife. The only wire Lever had died six years ago. Yes, I am the.Dunn that lived In the waidorr-Astorta.sndhsd an onlce at 10 Wall St. Yes, I was interested In .boston, New York and Philadelphia. Yes, I was to boy the Boston Base- ball Club. Yes, for the past five years I have been looking over mining, res, I have just hit it rich: copper (10 c'alma, nntiu Coldflela but in Ulah, 28 miles east of-Nevada, and considered by west- ern newspaper experts the richest fled in copper known. The vein"ire located snd staked for over four miles. My partner la fleo. B.Sanford, 41 years a miner. Flood and Mackey's expert for years. Marcus Daly's old partner and urotber-in- Jaw and General Bill teuford's brother. No, I sold ont. : My Interest in the theatres' Tes, I danced In •'circus In la's, but never received a salary since and have bean in the show business ever since (ap to Ave years ago). John L, Sullivan once said: "If there is money on earth, Dunn will get it, and If its In H—, be win tike a cbance ana go there after it.' Weil, tlie hardships mm went through on tbe deserts or Utah and Nevada was B Bo Jnhn was right., If tbls (boy wonder), John L. Is not a wise, Intelligent book of know- ledge iwhcn he Is John L.). then I loose my guess. I .send him and all my old and new friend* my best wishes, "and Up all ", to bay »'8anford-DQna. Dtsh Copppr Stocks.'' Ihsaks, I have been on the water caravan about two years and never was as well In my life. I beai out that nervous stroke prospecting thro' California, Nevada and Utah. " Happy Frank " I am called in the West, and that beats H—out of being a crank. My address is, Healy Rouse, Ogden, Utah. Tours again for the long green, COPPER KING DUNN. 10« ■JETTKRHKADBorBnv.,X5c.;po6t*ge' so. 32ds, 20c.; 16!as. $oc.:'dates one week, 86c, etc; Bamples.4c. COfRIEROO., Mortice,Mioh. LITHOS ONE CESiT BACH. AUT style- Send 20c. for samples. JORN'CORDON. . N. W. corner 8th and Walput, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED AT ONCE,' Piano Players, Sing- ers. Band and Orchestra Leaders. We employ none but oar stockholders, state lowest salary war ted. Enclose 61 for ooe share of stock. No attention paid curloBlty seek«rs. Bank .reference.- Inter- national Music Pabllsning Co., Inc.. Capitalization s&, Richmond, Indiana. FOK SALE^siatue Taming to LI'e, complete sliow and banner, tine, $60; bargain, get Husica] (ioblcis, $5. Both new, Dep. on exam. Kobt. Walaron, Caruthersvllle, Mo. SPECIALTIKS ■WANTKD- I want Strung comedv Turn; single male pre- ferrea who can change act. Salary muscbe rea- sonable, as It Is sure. Company Is high class, es- tablished thirty years. Plavs week stands ino one nights) in best theatres, booked Jane. I -pay transportation but, not hotels. State full parucuiars, references uod lowest salary In lir>t letter. No time for correspondence. Address LOXO ENGAGEMENT, care Of CUPPER Otrico, New York City.-Can use MOVING PIC- TURE OPERATOR 'with, good machine. WM, furnish own Alms.. FOR SALE—Trunk Mystery, Handcuff Act, second Sight Aot, Spirit Cabinet, Black Art Out- fit, Leg irons, Galatea, Aga, Cauda Floss Machine and loo other bargain?, circulars lorstaap. GEO. A. RICE. -1 Underwood he., Auburn, N. Y. WANTED ttUicit, southern Stock Co. 3 night stands; Heavy and Juvenile Kan, Juvenile Woman. Piano Player, Double Brans; violin to lead;Mnslcians, Advance Agent not afraid to paste. we pay all. Name salary or save stamp. Address Osceola, Mo. AT LIBERTY—K. AL. RAYMOND, lrlBh and black Face hinging and Talking Comedian. Con- edy or titraight in Acts. Sober, reliable, a gee tlemsni nlwarsr Piano, 0rg«n for pale, und Specialties* yec. E.AL. Pa. 'WANTED—Medicine people or all kinds to open in Opera Houses At once, gvod Versatile Singing and Dancing or Musical Ssetcti Team Man and Wife, also good Novelty man and an all around Black face Song and Hance man, also Lady Piano player. AU workrmnst be free from vulgarity and smut, you inuBt be at<ie to entertain an audlsncc oayour ability as a performer, the best Is what 1 am looking for. I'll pay for It every hud day morn, uevcr missed a salary day, boozers don't like this show some way or other, neither does tbeX mas- agers, ask them why. Will'advance tickets any flace to reliable people. Billy Rozeil, Jim and lo Gibson, Low Williams, write Address Dr. TUos, 0. Warner, Hgr. Forest Herb, Med. Co., -i^, Suutb Madison St, Den MoIdcr, Iowa. . medicine KBOP;LV-Man and wife Swell Danjolsts and Singers with other. Novelties nnd atooic of remedies to start. WooldJike to double with good Comedy Team or Lecturer. Address Nature's Own Remedy Oo.,s3 If. Van Buren St., Battle Creek, Mich. LIBERTI TBMTIE 4 %?t£\* T $^' . '■ \ ELEANOR ROBSON , (tTEBLKR 4 Co.. Managerm. in tbe new fnuract Oom'dv, »>y .ISRAEL ZANOWILL, "■' NVH01S MARJOR1K," with these players: II. B.Warner, Hszzard Short, LcauVKehyon, w. a. Hackett, Es- sex Dane, Reuben - Fax, a; o; Andrews, Ernest M atnwarlng, Ada Dwycr. Kate Denin Wilson. BBOADWAITHEATBE EftSTE Eves., S: Mats. Wed- and Sat. LlTT k DING- WALL. Managers. Wed. Mat., best Beau, $1 so. Seats four week* In advance. KLAW k ERLAS- GER'8 Great production of GRN. LEW WAL- LACE'S THE PRINCE OP INDIA. 6 ACTS, 11 Scenes, 600 People. "As big a play as ■Ben-Hur.'"—PRESS. aTVU' VAftlf THEATRE, B'way. 44th 4 *6th Sti. ilLll lUIm Evs. 8-16. Mats. Wed. and Sat., 315. Kiaw k Erlanger, Mgrs. Prices 26c., 60c., 7&c^ Si. For two weeko only Charles nliifngham presents BLANCHE RING, Supported by a company of 76 Comedians. Singers and Dancers and the Original Pony Ballot lu Smith and Herberts •■> ' MI8H DOLLY DOLLARS. PASTOR'S 14t!i SU, 3d Are. COMTINUOD8. 30 aid ao CIS. HOLCOMBE, CURTIS & CO., 8ELBIKIA- OHOHSI. LAVISE t LEONARD. THK SIIABPLIKS, THK UF. MITH8. WILLtAMB A MELBORN. HERBERT BL - RT LESSON, KR. A MRS. O. W. BU88EY, CARROLL 4 DOYLE, ANKETTE DUVAL, CREIUBTOK BOOSTERS, BURK'S DIORAJ1A, THE V1TA(;RAPH. EXTRA ATTRACTION, Eddie Girard and Jessie Gardoer. DEWEY E*W 14tu 3t..LadleB> M&U TcHUr. Ideal Extravaganza Co. "THE OTHER PKLLOW." "FRiNK O'BRIBS" GOTHAM E. 125th St. Ladle*'Hat To-diy. Thorougbbred Barl'quers. "RON FOR YODR 110NEV." "ONION mxt." ■ Huber's "i n Museum WANTED, STBOIS CtJBIO HILL ATTBAOTHIS. Addresa J. H. AXDER60N. Mgr., M aftof c. V frWn f&texiSL Of fllffh Claan Vaudeville Theatres, M. MEYERFKLD Jit., PttBS.; MARTIN BECK, GENERAL MANAGER. All Applications for Time Must Be Addressed to C. E. BRAY. Booking Manager. Majestic Theatre Building. Chicago, 111. BERTRAM MILLAR. HI ff. Sill 8T» NEW TORK .'- » OERRABD ST., LONDON, tr. TAFF VOLTA A ROBERT O'MEERS Artlibs wanting European time write, irating one ti tine and terniH. Cable, mgosic," LONDON. THE WONDERFUL SIX .' VAUDEVILLE FEATURE GUY STOCK CO. Experienced AGENT LIBERTY. 0. A. TfATSON. Bnx 124, Centrcporl, L. I. WHAT 18 A SHAKE? "BOAST BEEP OR ROAST PORK." FEME WILLIAMS AND ADELLA PULLMAN BOOKED SOLID T ILL MIT » , 1007. RAXZETTASLYMAX A GOOD RELIABLE CONEDY LAUI.IHNC ACT. A very neat till "o Rlrland a funny cure, watca forlmmps. Addtcaa N.Y.CLIPPER. POlt!,. Hlrk-h., an. «lr»l v saw. Half Prlcr. DAVENPORT, Til Waal llll. HMM,Haw Yark. - SANFORD § BESLY, Expert Baojolsta and Gonedlast. ORVIL.LE &> FRAXK Worked last BUDdaj for HIRTIU A' REAKAX and arc to worfe next Suadftr ror tnetil. They are .topping at I.M East 171b, City.