The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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©OTCffl&R'fe. cfsgscs ■ -.MEft : Kflai^ ^GlftK MSfp^lS^; 9d5 -'SSL """"t'*". iPWlns lo mil tilled Iomijjr H»»ni80x, aecrettoy «r PnMI- Innea .Trjeatrltnl nod L'lrmn Sbowa, wrltci from Mlnfrrlllf, Tenn.. as fbllOwa: "[ am .■vrcll aijaln, ;UtM mv IIIik,,, »,,,] urn rradr for lnt*tficaa for die only 'Baratfm orctiha ■ The All ton to V. I'lililllonca Clrcua Co., Nr> If <-lua«i Ha Hammer ncaaon on Aflir Ki ' in l'llOBinn and Colun, ai-rlvln? back to llnrana on Sept. 8. Mr. Viiblllonea left on Sent in for lue Lulled State*, and haa been a vlllter. and groat of the urcat Wallace and W*»tiiii|GT01S. I 'ifeSJ'^i ,h ? SlB** Theatre (D«» nic Jerac James' Co., Oct " linusc. "In Wc-Na-Ila," IOWA. ■*]!&&& & &&''. ft ' % nurtlH, ■■I'eiojy from l»rto minoaml to n Rootf limine rietit. 211. .lumea^O'Neill, lii, "Monro Crlato," »: "A Wior Iteration" 28. Walker Wliltealdtt. ai, "I>a<l a Hltlo Partner" HO. "Mayor of Ttikto" Oct. 1. "Tito Slor»-t»kc".:i. "The Marrlaie of Kitty «. "The fist Mali" T, Edwin Arden 10. morluir ijlcllirea 12, "Hans and Mx 1 11, noekatadcr'a Jlloatrela in. William Collier M1NSKS0TA. -At tile Metropolitan Open —Bi.irc formaurea 1, to overcrowded tent*. TV- jiar- formance wax HatlaHcto'ry. • ' Ti> TBXAS. ItnnMttMl crowned ' ogST '~|Tw<JSa Va." * Al and Cairo, 111., having a -nmst pl*annt vifc uouop at both .perform! fact? ^ Sfttt^^Su'iiS^li^ fiTES nod the.greateat'ftrvorH shown to him. Mr . Columbia fdeo, M. Dreher "-*• - -' i.^Lv."? 131 ^ 0 . a , n<l B 5*S_'*5S tor . Prl I Vljlllynca nnd injflplf itnimimt.—,\t the noanton rtmin IU. Michaels, mum kit > Tim Murphy, In "Old un-enee." Sept. -ja. n, lintl; thriHililff. jinit lnnm-eftee." Went, -.., ucniimstrntlve MiidWiei'w. who called Mr. Murphy and Dwolliy [ _ Up] be- fore the curtain.. They are enliibllnhi!il fa- :$m% ^>'n^ r 5SS?TJte JBS^IS.* nbWt Oct. 18, where Mr. 1'ubll linea will re j«-Much., acorod"aSir hit Good bualnSa ,B J,T T ° r vl °?ri'- 'V™ , rnatn Jintll Oct. 2, when, he will take pi., «»-liWthe entire wwk. ' " 00d ''"'""" hnd^thTta n eJ'™nh., n .'.',,, U L K ,M(e for llaTOno. Cnba. On Oct, 24 and AliDIToniuii (Harry Harward mnnawrl fW.»"» »&>Mr» HtllpMcat, ia.Wl '■- *---«-«--i—>■■— « gsFsl 'S ®fe^W «l», 10 Ji'c°, s " i 'ii;»eici; a n , ,Ln.'"« location ilolnr a good Kaclty la jtreatcr, nlgl.l. The. fol- ".~u*a».r;~"" --,"T »"* .r.^'^ wl j; Vbe Aalitotia, Paul I."..™ 5 . ?, blrle3r , "" 2? d •J't" K Ine, ftanrla Wlilte Company, ffiS New Itm-W.^mrmTSSWt "t ST-J»i. ' '""" dur " »«•»«'«»»'"W ma picture... ore Nov. 1, with the heat of talent, both w "AsttiiioTpx (G. 2", the performers, Ttfho will form part of the .No.-I-Oo-, and-who will open the Winter rea- son at. Havana, in the Orind National The- n tttrc, with n flhe ring In conuectlon, will gall Marzurrlti 31. Dreber. manauer). Kcolcuk^-At Ibe La Kalle (Iteevcs & ll n .h «t..Ci— .. .•«,':.'' ." ro l uere A LUarle. aucceanful woek'K ■ii.M.iia.a.i n,.t « \v*.t Allnan. alnrlng "A'pimic for Two," I 'olograph. , Bl B erowda ruled. TnrUTtn: (G. Blakely. inani- nia'o?,Sri '''&'*?£' JF" K "* E . ""rob Ooeli. manager),^-Fralik I'ltirtcv hhd comiiunv In NirrtA— In-WctXn-IIa ■' from the twu of Americana and 'Europeans. I will continue ^ a . rr y IUcWrtlit and company efark ; ■.•ttfraglng vatidcvillc aod elrcua acts for ™" '* m wiiiie.'! ,---*■. •Not«s;Aom the Beowk Mugfti Snow.— We. bare,bad a Hg lermon. and -will closeithe siiow In tho coal fields or Indiana, Oct. 30, f e r)-—Vauderllle, four performmiccs dnilif tlidn will-pull orerland to our Winter quar^ lo flood bUalriean. ",•"■■ U1U *' iPW iwiir-Anderttun, Ind. Tbe-Brtmn Family .siK>w la the only wagon show that ever dared turlravol tlirousli the "bud lahdu" of old lu ; nrupliy, nnd the butslmss wan Terr big. aMl are Ivell. Wc will start out next Bcason bjttet MJte than-evcr. ,«Ae nresottted tli*T flrttlinleTnT'iinv "ta^"nt ;.W. rl. ; Karl .writes M -1m Angeles, I*? apokario Tlieatre last week and eSrid CBl 3i J"WB bad a« offer from the lor? "icely., Tl.eatory deals JlflVtire oo Sir i ES p«ngh-S«llK ClrcuH, but could tot consider head reaonrBtlon In Muittn&u. It win *, vi«i it, ns I hate ventured into the realty brok- The' vpnipauy contHlus thirty full blood Vta - --rtgc line, which baa been boodlug «v« '«•* IadXnie....-. .H. L. Lcarltt Snf rltcu the fcarthQUako all over Oaufornin. 'he new iruheum Theatre nl Wait,i wJn,. - —.—.;-;.-—-- The coming Winter, however, will lind m™ In Wwh., I,^ founded » new theatial oHlV ] «% " h ° W tonees8l< ' 11 ' * ntl "» dl * ■ **■ »»* linrarss again, along the (tymnaiitlc trail.*' <*«lied '.Tim Owls," with n Mcmberahln of Wii. -REioiinH* writes: -After twentyoim n 10 "* Hian 9M in Kasiern Washlmrton Tho siietessfol weeks I cloBed with ibe Ureat grand lod^e will meet Oct. 10 to elect offl- " Efe '^^ WJ^m^i m^mi Carnival n'%rii h \>orthwesl." ha H Oecliled'to tour w»« ft 10 ? > Vv thw J !Mt w " h n, » Hl,,,WH . Wfl,, -' h ?. e " »r?°_".*^. th t. b . l S "(tractloiM at the Bpo mccesjiful weSk'l Oct. «. Week of 8: Carl MeCullaush, Ames and Keulhcru, Maud Delniir and Qiierdon t'olvln. K. 0. ftarti has been enjraged as musical director at this house for the season. Notk, —The big Full celebration, beJd hem 2-6, proved an UnineuHO succunm, attracttng ihouauada of-visitors to the cltv." ilunigcr Klrchnrr provldtyl an excellent bill of out- door -featuren, among the number bring Jure. K Hardy, sensntlonal high wlrn net; tho i'lytng Moores, aerlallrfts; Arlsato rrottpe. novelty ring aud perch net: I he. 'rbr*c i'olrlets, acrobats; Abdullah Ucu Hamad I Troupe of Arablim balancers; Aldo and Amour, -bar act; W- 1'. Cre*well.> bicycle «- pcrta. tleo. Hefny's Carnival 4"o. had tho Mli.nrnpolla. liouiic (I,, N. B«m, nirinager) "The rnaiilrc' Oct. 3-«. "Ttiv Lion and the Mouw," IWpt. •HovOct. :t. apnuarcd to crowded houae*. "Kortj-nvc Mluut.-H from Broadwny" T*W. Following this, .Tames tj'Nclu, in "Moati f-rlsto," for three nlglitN. Wilton Lacknyo, In his new play. "The l*aw and the Mtiu,' 1 t4-lT; Harrv Derrafurd, In "The Woman Utter," 18-20. Ui.iotr Oi-fiBA Hoeac fllieodore 1». Hays, manager).—Plata O'Hara. lb "Mr. DUrnev front Ireland," 7 and week. "Old laancs froai tli« Bowery" come lo good hou«M Inst week. "On Dangerous Oronnd" H oud week. ouFitKUM (Monln Feck, geueral raann- Kerh—or week of 1 ; Mary Norman, la ono of her original monologueK; Frank Oordner and LotUe Vlmvut, In "Wlunlng a Queen;" Lillian Apel. Sit Proveaula, Billy Van. Rout- tlno and Stevens,. In . "Scenes In tho Wia- tafia Bower," and Kckhoff and Oordoo. Dual* iiefrt last week wot) very fair. Lvckum <1. c HpcerH, manageri.~fFrawley Slock Co. for 7 and week, In "lirother Ollf- n,1 « 'ho niiijemtigratjh. cerH." Tills aanie company laal week, In . .NntRS.—Rwrfi ft i.owc'h HIjows. Sept, 'i~, Mfiths," a atorv »f Ru»s|«n aoclal life, to 1ll,( J '>»> iinln.ernlptcd lot i.f Imrd hick. The vorltra here, t.'ole umf .Intninoii, Oct. ,1;,-. Iinrt three top heilvy houses, llnverlys 3*1 h- vin'h I, Nell Hurgeas fi, (I. Majestic (Frank tsturgln. nutiiHger).— Kver sluee the otitfnlng. Kept, 24, 11m huijio has lieen testml ly its cu|wrlty. With two lie r forma pees dolly people uro Htill being inrnetl iiway. Week of an, i, the progruuinie waa of atrrllng eicellence. with Mr. and Mrs, IMiyiiri. In "The Cuuuh'I for the !>• fensei'Vthe 'J'hi-ee MuhIchi Westoua, Hhepp'n l»og. Pony mid Itolikoy Show, tM Yetsin, Fot mid Diiutl. Uuffv, Htwtrlle and pttffy, lu "'"'■t'li'M Swcetlieart;'* Clmrles^B. Ward, good buf.nesa. Weak of 14 an; In "Ranuoii'a Folly." • Dbwev (W. A. Singer, malinger..—Dream- Und Uurlvhquers for 7 and week. Clierrv Blossoms draw Umo Iioukch last week. Th > Merry Maidens next. tralii hearluK tlicm tb the elly wUricunKii- m ncvount, ur had hndtilj,.*. tilllly delayed me city, a color imtH,. aha Imil lieen III for mtaf> tlrhe. died. brought t«l hlg the el by roeeht hard mliia. On jfflfa roltired ucffoinilii'. Joe Pleas- «pd lil'. body had lo lie prepared for stitn- IfMUtir. t.Iohh Klllott. manager).—Bill for J'lviit back lo hh old home In Mut'iin, On. m Their heavy nntons, while chMUldg froll bridles on the way to the grdiindB; ernahed lliniUKji. nnd It tiMik ln.itrs to raise them. Arriving id the irroiiwls, li innkul llkis a mlnlatttra Ink}', rtdii, ll took morn prurlqiiK tlinu to gel things into ab«i»i'. * S nnd week: Sum and Ida Joiivs and Raymond. Tom Towell. Joe WhUsnund and tho Orierson Sisters, Kurila and llnasu, and Irene Little. BiisIuchs was very good last Week. Tile, jlorl P St. Hi.-. At the Metropolitan tipern l»«!lngliae. the people got tired out waiting House (T* N. Hcott, manngerl ''The Umpire" , ,!! ll 'i , ,\ l . t K Si l aV l * d . B j ,wu, i *? . tU l W,,, ty£ v cooper Show at Kaston, 1'n,, Sept. 24, and arn^ot'my bomeat Santiy Lake, Pa., for two weeks, after-which 1'go on the road agalnJ" CpjihtNos'. Wild West Show, owned by Walter L. Main, was practically destroyed k *^e Interatate Fair, Sept. 24-Oct tl I as fire In Winter quarters at Genera, Ohio, also secured a contra, t to return-to Spokane oa" Oct.-2. One man, a wagon driver, was oext year for two veeka liobert II Cos- bnrued to death, and scores of menagerie fT fov e, se:."Jtnry and manage,/ of the Sno- animals and'horses were Icwt. All the anl- sntie Interstate Fair, announces that nearlv ,,ia]q In «!.«—• M.w^rtb.L a^aU^- aw^, _ ■,— -— II .1111 aaMaSafl d£bji »a. _ .■". nad foil: were nurned. _ arc $40,000 to the good. nearly ftnTiii.Kton.--.At the Orund K'hmnber- lln, Ilurrlngton Jcxv, managers) "Yon Yon- son,""Oct. ll. pleaHed. "The Mayor of ToMo T * 4. "As Told In the Hllln" *, "A l»oor llela- tlon" C, 'Told in the Hills" 8, "The Fast Mall" lo. "Ony New York" 12, "The Shop- lifter" 1C. Dockstader's Minstrels IT. "The Arrlvdl of Kitty" 18, "A Oambrel's Daugh- ter" 20. MnrsiiiiiUon-n.—At the Odecm Tfayeatra _...' Umpire" had fair biiRlnvss Oct. l-;i, hut riot what It dracrved. *Tbb Lion and the Mouse" hart fair to good bnslneHH, 4-fl. .lamea O'Neill,-In "Monie. rrlsto," c'oiuen 7-10, and as he la n favorite here, will draw ble. "Forty-Uvo MlnuteK from Hniadway" ll-l:t. Harry Bores- ford, In "The Woman iloter." If ft Wilton Lackaye. 1n. "Law and the Mun" IH-'JO. weni Home, and tbi slidw pinyut) to fiedtiy '"'H'y lelitii at the two vcrforiimttfwrt. Mleliland I'nrk Imtuguinleil a nuiMlritl f v At J • \al, iiecoiupiiiiled hy itrewtiritH iUni)lirv, add drew fair croWUa week of Oct. 1 Cnrl IIiikeutHjck'H Hhows uro outlined for Oct. Hi. Uiilrratian,—At the Oraml Opera Hoiimo GUANb (Thtwdore L, Hays, mtnager),— (P R . V F A - ft " (,lfl ' nmnagflr) "MeFaddetrs &#w iniey from Ireland." g Hats' pleased Hept. 20. Tim. Murphy. i the Bhow except three horsea. a bear 15 J'i? 0 ^ ucrsona viaitcd the liome tndastry (Busby Bros., lutmagera) "An Arlatocratic >ur pcrformlnfr hippodrome elephants cxiiiQltious and races In Spokane during the Trdmp" came Sent 27. to fair business, urned. The loss. IncludUg cages and two wee*s ended Oct. «, nnd that the receipts Myrtle Vinton, 28, pleased fair houses. "Sly oilier appurtenances of the show, will be *J00,000, .partially covered b». Insurauce. Tlic main •building was worth S20.OOO, and was inaured for t«,000. Mr. Main.'believes that detective electric wlresi caused the blaze to. start in a haymow. Tiortu yuoH Thos. I* Klyiin's Big One Jllng Circus.—This show elosed a very pros- perous reason of twenty weckB'8ept. 17, und Is now Id Winter i N. , Y. The show si art, not bavins one season. The Sprlnj a root road show, wl._ lit-and twice its .'former size. ■^3f*g £££3£m *i S h \* t S?W &** h *o ayery woil sHtlahed audience'.' It SS™.; - ". P.l'aoltMl clown with Ihe AJ. K wtia orlgiirilly produced nt New Uaven ; "J Wa n GEORGIA. „ ^wif«»-ni.—At the Opera ilouse (Wdi. K. Kebwelgert, Hianager) "The Miiltan of Sain" conn?. Oct. l to a top heavy Mn "On Pu- eniP ** "( n-lil a linn l.^t.u. ,!,..._,... ■-• — - . pleased fair houses. "My Wife's Family." 30. pleuned, H. ft 0., Clay Clement, in ."Sam Houaton," Oct. 2; "U'nder Southern Skies" 3. '•,•' - *»4i iiitoDi: rsLAND. pic- Pi-ovid*; i<e.-^At. the I'rovldencc Oucrn furca. The other ufiractloiia will be illu- :;°i ,BC _.^V rx .J I; r.™ dnde, " cn « e '? r * '■M'jSJ * |1 ", 1 iTiintn*. tteniiy arcade, luughlpg gallery Flske O'lTarn, in "Mr. Blarney „. had good biialnesa last week, the piece being well received, "On IMiiirerous around" week of 7, "Young Buffalo" 14. Stab (j. . C Van Roo, manager).—Tho Merry Maidens drew well last week. Tho Kentucky Belles 7, the Yankee Doodle Clrla 14. WiKDHon Novelty iSmllh B. Hall, mtno- fer>.—The opening week at this plaeo won cry encouraging, the attendance being hlg. Tlie vaudeville included: Douthltt nud Jones, . . , . ——— 1 Anise Bwerlck, Harry Shomakor, Edlaon'H llii«*nln.—At tfcfl Oliver (V. ('. Zehruug. vltnaeope, and Rarvett'a orchestra. Week of iniinger) ihe Royal lliiwallun Hand, from 8; Jennie lb' Wcchc, William Hart, the Hoy- Honolulu, played to very good lamliless Oct. pionds, IIItiBtmtcd Hongs and moving , . .IJ. ph!Hl._... lnhocohco,' to a well ulaMSff audience. 27. ■Tlie UnJith of Bluing" lib, Murray aiulUark Od. SB, T 'l^.at lu New York" 28, ,T Tue Sultan of Hulu" 311, Al. O. 1 Field's Mlnitrela 31. Nodris a mm Hirow had well tilled leuts .Sepl. 28. m *• KICD1IASKA. new play "Pluying the .Game," an original c^racflj-, Iry ciiLvi'lund M-iffett ahd -'Bartlev managers)—-'Sct.ifts . _f tlie Police*' wero rntlxfuctunly unrolled, before good liotistH, 1-C- Lottie Williams, In "M- Tom-Boy Girl," and other novelties. Uhi']ii:uu t< *lin rlt::. Frcrck. innuagcr).— Ilnsliirss tout'tilled good week of 1. NOW people for week of b : Marcejln, the human frog;' John Oram Nelson, Ohmb Mnttticwa, Jennie Bcntley, Wlllfani J. Mills. ThoHO holdlntr over; The Great Kldlldge. Nettie 1 eggy frnni I'urlH" dnuv a good houao •'Tlirt MooiiHliln«i-'s Damihtor dltTfalr htislness ft, - Twins, lb IjMIICO" in. Qiihl." in. I a up- (if. II. Miller, manager).—Week of 1 : ICiiieno West und Ciithcrlne Henry, John J. WI.<W. Illustrated songn; H. N. Itauay, Klsle |*reahiint «0d James Rosen, (ill Brown, Yon Yoiiwin" 10. I,ymitti The Hustlers." 12 : "Tho Frc* Wiliinm Collier, hi "On the S2£&£ 3&&2i »** w « §SLr« ijftffe »*%&& -P.**! «to.«A?iX WIlCrRer'a New Model Shows. Tills Show,' (X»hii.""Tlie"storv I 'dea"i8^ Vlth'tbc^'courtshlp'oi! s '^ :! - Thomas" 15. Shea, la'i-epertory, week Yofker. and of bis-flirtation nt ™- ., .,-i *_•*•—-, KBiTp's (Charles- Iioveuber,*, iininuger).— Cressy and Duyric are tin.' heudllherb week of 8. . Others arc; Lisle Leigh nnd company, tlic Finn 1 Fords, tho Willis Fondly, the Mnullere Slaters, Georgo W. Day, Avery uml Hai!, I,ucy and Luctcr. May Walsii, tin* Strand, Mae Curtis. Mildred Barrett. I.llllc Fciniiiide-May Trio ami Hie Lyrlcoawpe success, "and will remain out until Dec. ., •>r later. Uajok CAruflNKTTE Is In his twenty-third w.-ek with Al. K Wheeler's New Model Show, meeting with success with his unl- cyclc wire una baton acts. ■Kp. 15. Dakkv, press agent of (leotry'a Miow, was -married-at 'Fitzgerald,' OaV on wpt. 21, to Lena ls.e Qulun, a non-profes- (ilonal, resident of that place, Raunuh * RAfLEY'a emeus has had a ha id 'tlnie-through the South lately on ac- count of heavy rains. At Clarksdile, Green- ville and Vlckabnrg they were unable to allow on accouut of wet grounds and deep mud. ; Notes fbom At- P. WmHoar*i New Benin, bitowH.—Twenty-four weeks on the iuad and stilt -cnluvriig good btnlhess.' Fenn- Kvlvsnia "panned out 1 ' good, and While the niahts have been" a little cool, bur Mama Klsibe ^euturlbic Murytehd lies been fully an ■<» rhe^New. Model staodkrd. (Je'o. I'aH'iito, lilgh ladder "aciaii'dai'HflHst, Jolaed Oet.'H, to strengthen the hlg Hhow; ulso aeveHil mu- tdelaus, 1o replace iHMJphj who Jinee HlfTstri:! ngilgfuieiitH for Ihe Winter. The ZeclH. aeriallatH; and Muj. Calltoiielte. tihlcyclc wire net. will play dates at the close of our TMtt- big season. Giiiiit AIlinOR Isldafclug good U I'l-inefpnl clown, and is ably unslHti-d by Al. r. Wheelof Jr., flic twelve-year-bld Hon-of our manager. This show will ri'midii out until Bee. lor later, w-lnlorlng in the South, nnd will ij(>on ukuiu early In Mum wore I ban double In size. ' - ' »« » ■^SCO'NSJN. with a. widow. Mrs. Wnrde U the gay widow, nnd Sirrryvesant Uowe Is the v(mng man who V, CB fas«l to Eleanor Curds. Ho iuects Mrs. Wurde and makes an -appointment for mippcr. under the name of another party, whom he thinks l* mile* away, but who ar- ■„ rlvesln time to be file recipient of the bote p *"yors, Grace <.'blldcrH, Hughes aud Brown, sent by the widow. He decides to go, and nnrt tUL ' GHjrnoiiic creates eonstornutlbn when dnno-bneed as Mr „ imi'eiiial (L. II. Curtlu. mauiiger).^-'i!be bcrerly Clny, iii'eets - Mrs. Wyrde and ber new "' aIt o Bouudcra 3-L'l. ft will be followed, ir», ac(i'uaJntP.nee. who hna been maaouera'dlne un- by the Oriental larce Coihedy t!o. e'er ihht name. The.nefr uequalntaace Is a • Wkht^ikbtbu (Geo, )L Batchellcr, louuu- gpnluji at lying add mtk-k Wit gets him out of l^er).—Following the Gay Morning Glories, 1- flie tflngle. The situations and 'climates are £> <' a . mi 5 the-Trocndero BurieHojuers 8.. The tine, and arc skillfully bundk-rt. The settlniw «o.vfoa BelleK in-fltt. iind costunics «W« good. The cast: Mnnson Keith's J^wWaaPf Tii»;atah iCbarlea Walter Fratt Lewis: Muggle Hller, Margaret ^vetiberg, mppnger).—The Phwtucket Albee Mnlcblm; Howard Tbolriijson. John WcbbDIl- ktock Co. prodiued, 8-1::,. "Jim, (be Pen- Murr, Margaret Leall D<ira Hay. KHi'isfK (Ham Fink, manager).—BaaJMat continued to increase week of 1. The only new face week of h will be Myrtle Bclnno. ' Mbntion.— l*be new tjrpheiim Ih billed to open 2ii. Work Is being pushed rapidly, but a lot remains to hi; llutulitsl. Work ts so brisk here tblt labor 1s vcrv Bf.-aree Tlie German company will present "The Piik- li.-ion of MeUcbirheri;." by sixteen good slng- - nt Mozart Mall. Ilonulu f.i'svin nnd Umoij IL. M. (iormiin, uiaiinjceiO.— Week of 1: Fuller, Hone nnd immpnny, Mnreell und Lenett, Klpn and Klppy. Billy Mart. Will II. Hmythc, blograph and llbiHtraieil HufigK. Business Is exil-lleiit. *Vh, Fremont, l*nwery hoitrte i _ "An Arfsfoc house Oel, -Al (lie Npw Lnrwin (Win. f, iitanngeri "Arlitnuu" drew ii uuchcil Hept. 27. Movltig; plctum show 20 irlsioeratlc Tnnu|r pliiyOd to a fair "The Voltmteer Orgunlst" 0, «-*«, lloli ; Mli-MlH-lle MoWe, Dfanel:'? Bender: iVrcy Cbailton, William W. Jefferson; -"Kteuoiir Cur- tis, Alice Neal: Ktuyvesiint Ilbwe, Ilobcrt MacKay: Mis. 15illtb Wurde, KUby Bridges; PiiBi', John Keller; Jleverfy Clfty Joseph Jef- tersoti j:. Muid, Aliuii Urn J lev Executive stuff: Victor HnrriLohvuianuVr; Al. Burrlw, IjiiHlne&s manager; Walter Ttott Lewi-, stage niaha- ger: Peter MeDonbugh, Htuge mnSm ; John and *- " Keller, properly inoater. Al. Field's Jifln- sripls ft, "Flnnegun's Ball" inafinee and ' 10, "A Royal man," to Ik; followed, 15, by "Tlielms. Capbo.n'k KBV Pawtih*kbt Tiititnu (George .\V. Capron, maanger).—The pro. gramme. 8-1 u. includes n miiiHtrel Oral part, with Harry Hunson Und Arthur Dime, ond ;n)en; Allen «lid Keeley, Hurry Hanson, I'm- ni»jti. and McNeill, Howard end Tluibcrlaki'. Arthur It'Inij, Pbll Morton, Lu Belle Leonora Webster. Guiutii.-. At the Lyceum (C. A. Marxhuli, inonugeri Boliert Lorulne, In "Man and Su- perman,'. Oct, 1, come to good buslnesn. '■The College Widow." 2. :t, hnd good hdsl- ni'sx, "In the Blsliop'a Carrloge" 0, 0, "At Cosy Comers,*' with Oerfrude Bondhlll, pleased Sept. 27, Clnv Clement, 2H. 2". ALABAMA. pieaseu pant. Si, ciny . i;iement. m. 2». kinds " had awslbnt iitii-ndufiee .arnw..good business, '"i'he Umpire" Oet.H, iJ£yJ' r ^M " t iVld frifr l/.irsii,"sl V •.Tbc Lion and tho Mouse" 0. 10. -H'oung KjfiJ* nSrto 'lB INjiirhh" fi "Ft war Murnlnili has oil bis book* fur thU season the best attractions, be bus ever booked ■■j MBTUuruwTAJf. <W. IL Longstrect, mans- ceri. The Dreamland Burlesuucrs preaenterl a inn-i.ul play,, in two acta, entitled "Bonn- land." It, was a capital show, and did welt Montgomery.—At the Montgomery Was. aire (UlrHrher itru-,. inunnuvrs) .fnne Ken- nark. In "The Tdnst pr the Town," Held. 2H. I.ud uood biiNinesH, Murray and Maelt, Oi;i. 1. came to u capacity house. Mfln't win- ' - e. '"nui Coming : 'orty-llvo ..iHiiiigcr).—"A Wlfu'ii Hetrcl." 2. il, drew giitid lioihip*, Coming: "IkiikcVH und llrokcra 1 ' 5. 0. Notbm.— -The HUH* lair will la* open In lh»s etty 22-27.. .'. Uarnuu a) Bailey's Clrtm Will exhibit here 20. night 0, "Tlie Little Duchess Prisoner*' fcJ. A i in n tn — A t the *.lraiid (If. L. ft J. f fc De Gfve, managers 1 ! Juaepb and Wllllum W. Jefferson, In "Playing thetlume." i-anie Kerit. ft. 0... Corlnne, In "Pu'rty-tlve Minutes from Brr>ridway," tliliKj the bouse -j, :i. "The Heir Wbousouket.'.-At the WoonsockeL opera for t|te Meek. They bud to itop sailing tlek flotu.e..(F.' W. Barry, resident munagpri •>" Kept. :■<>, us Ihe house was purke'd to "Girls Will lie Girls" plays-.Oct. C, '"Way lur tlanra, - -. ' . , liown East" 0, "Weary Willie Walker" J I, .i-.Bij^;. (Joe Maltluad, ..nioimger),—Busl- "Why GlrJrj Oo Wrong" 12. "Nelghbirlv »""sh Is the bum uh usiiul. foil houses nightly. >>lKhborst" pjeasid Sept. 2b. "The College People, ft?, ft und week : Fltishugh and Besslo Widow" proved lt«elf a good drawing rard Lee, 'lultn, Ken If row -jnd Juiiieii. Jotn Drew, " "Tbo Ninety und Nine"-enjoyed natlsfoe- Hclihelder's orchestra, Jun. McClellan and tho ory returns Oct. J, ■ '.'The Kerry (Jow" was moving pictures. veil. received .'L.sjid.the Bluek Dike Mills . 'liinaukec—At the Davidson (Sber- irnni Brown, manager) Maude Fealy. In "The llliiKl.ob. of Beatrice,': Slept. IlO-Oct. J, was ■well received. Bobt. Ixitalue Slled In latter half -of . the week; piescntlug ".Man ami Superman." Mr, -liOititne.scored.«. distinct bit. mid excellent attendance ruled. Win. b'averaliiiin wilt nreaent "Tho Stjuaw Man'* week-oX-T. Stiini-itiT.—Vnusiml interest centres In thn product km of "The Now York Idea," which MTS.-]iHake will present at tlils..hodse 0-1.1. Manuger liklwln . TlianhatiKer offered -Anna Hrn Fuy last week., flood -wined audiences marveled -ut ber mystifying performance. Ar.uAuniii ,tJ:i8. A. IlJglcr, manager).— "lork Stale Folks." presented by an excel- lent I'uiiiimny beaded by Kay L. Boyce and •Ins, l.tu'kayc. drew big Inst week. "The Mayor of Teklo*' promises well for Week of. BUtji; Ol'KllA HotiKii (John It. l'lnnc. resident manager) .—"Young Buffalo, Klbg 'V the Wild West," scored a tremendouH hit with putrons'of 1 Ills huiiKu. "Old Isaaca from' tin* Bowery" mines 7-13. ; . ,-»TMt (Frank ft. 'I'rotiman, malinger).— Hie ICentiieky Belies dirw the usuiit attend- ance last week. Held iiud.trllbert si»red in the viiu. The Yankee Dinidle Girls 7-Lt. (.RrjstAi,.—The. Zamorn Family head the WII week of 8. The Bell Boy Trio, the, l*or- <-*ts. Ihe GotllobH and .rack King complete lite hill.. Manager F. B. Winter ripvrtl packed bouses. ( 'Kami (Walter W. Gregg, manager).— Bill ."week or H Includes ; The Btsfeffcj Ida llowcil, Conlon imil llaatlnas. Kimball Bros., MiirveloiiH ftict:iure, Nornia tJrogg und mov- ing pictures. Business Is good. . ■ Notes.'--. Harrison (irev Flske accom- pHiibd Mr-. Flske to Milwaukee, and with l-nngiloa Mitchell, the author, superintended the (inul rehearsals of "The New York Idea." ♦Well Mr* Flske will present for tho llrst nuie at the Hbubei't, IWnday, Nov. 0...... A large. andT6nec witnessed ihe production ef'"lilii t:,il***chrlebcm-a Bliitl," at llie.Fal-st, H rdni-Mdoy, 3. l,ceii Witlmaor's season looks like u winner from lbs .-tun i'uul )'. benjamin wus given u farewell at the .Mil- waukee |*rnsH ('tub rdorsN, Thursday, 4, prior lo his leaving for New; York City. to the Ifoorlih' was presetted^, by a first Band.made a great triumph, uftemotm and clasri company, to a largo utid yepresentaUTi; ove&ing, 1. Bbepard's nletun-s i:i. DunHnlly audience. Booked: "The Mnltftn of Mnlu" 10, "Tlie Lion andthc Mouse" 1«. **» •)• -_ . y- :-: ... ■ .... aCfc. a - »« a YMHTKlGt OP' COLIMIIIA. setiiin. —At ttirs Academy of Mush: (Long k it(.«. luanngers), on ut'coiiul of tlte-storftit-, "The ToliHt. of tin'. Town" nnd "Itcian Btib- bles" fullipi to. iijipciir. Al. 0. Field's Mln- strels plJiyerl to H, It. (\ OH. I. Murray: unl to good biir.!rii'i«* ;i, "Ukiiker'i ' I, "Violelto" 8. "How Uiixler In" 10, "Forty-live Mluulei Irnia uy*' II, "On WrWo" 1.'t. -—$%£ 1LMNOIH. Muck, cu und! Brolier But ted ' llroudw ffi.iou fJukc Wells, manager).—lliip Ward, in "Not Yet, But Boon." plav/ed to capacity bTistneu.'j l-o. Yorke und Adams, in "Bank- ers abd Bi-okem/' 8-1 :fc' -Stab (,L ii. Thompson, mibager).-—Btiai- ncss eontlinips Nutlsfsetory at this llunse. The same people hold over from previous week. h -- '"'!' si i a " GAKADA. - Vi'jiKhifiKtoii. - At the New National (Vt. fl. Hoplev, muiuiger). this week, Jeffer- son De Angeilx. In blx new production, "The Girl nnd the Governor." . Last week. Viola, .Allen, us Imogen. In "Cyrnuollii>•,'', gave a miignlllrenl purformauii*,.to excellent houses' 'irrnnch Wilson, in " 1'hu Mountutu Climber," Qi't. Ar»:20. nkw .f i:rm-:v. Mo al real. At Hla..MtiJesty's ffj. Q. Brocks, manager) K. B. Wit lard, In repertory, played to pucked. huiisea week of Oi-t. 1. Wil- liam Glrietfo.'In ."Clarice." S-13; "The Duch- ess, of Devonshire" 13-20.. .. AcAukmv oK.Mustt; (Walter (.reaves, mau- r.ger).-^"'fbi! Giri from Broadway" bod good Kb-renee Ifolwrts, : 1u "The Htreugth of Ihe rhigtoii, I'olly und lilhel llnzei. Wavu Con tho tasc' 8- wVak." drew bwn| slxeil audiences. "Madame niings, nnd I lie yjilgluul Bljuudrui i, . . . a .. .. i - . i, . V , .i^r. .a*.. ..„'.. nH - I If ,11,,.... „ «r,t'.MBrA (Litekelt & Dwyer, managers). - 'llil-i week, "The Clnnstuuit." Irfist week, . Weentiir, -At the powers Gruud (J. F. Given,,inufiager; "The Oreiiler Imw,'* Oct, 1; "The Light lu'iw Bohbery," «t; "Told In thn lltlls," 4, did fair buslm-Hs. The Four Hunt logs, ti, pleasod u good hotiHir. ■ Housii und bin Band 0, West a Mfnatrels V. "Why Mbu Was Huerlllcill" IU, Buoi; (A. Hlkfrlcd, munaioir).--Blll for Issi. week i The 'riiieu Lulgbtoiiri, Himdersou and Bownmi), I5ildle Moon, tile. Great Bar- iVcelpts ,1-R. "The Woman in I Aliunde Clt>v—At the havo'v (Fied K. Moore, maDOifer) Prlnirose's Minstrels. Oct. 1 ; "Just Out oT.iloHpge." 2: "When Knight- bood Wlis In Flower,' '!. and L'zrn Kendall, In "Swell I'begiint .fones." all did excellently. I J «ula Kdwcrties. In "I'rfticesa Beggar." 8. b; "Mra. Wiggs of the Cubbuge ralcli 7, 10, lleii- i-letta Crosman, In "AH-of-a-Suddcn iVsgy," Vouko's Pin TtiBarai: <vY. K. Hbackcl- ford, manager).—fJood IhisIucms favors vaude- ville aem Guy BiatidHig, In "The Hixdety I'olhi'miiu." t*. :>. For the rrst of the week : Carroll JolmHon, Nora Kelly, Kd. lUswr. KiiLUM.' and Bcadi, Murftiy. Cluyton und Drew," MeNumce, and Melrose Troupe, 1'iiteraon.—Al the Kiuplre (A. M. Bnig- garnno. iiiaBiifrer) btislnesK contlnoes to be I'F-mnrkahly good. Hllf^werk of <X*t..$: I'a- plniu, Francesco Jti-drflng ana eomininy. Bow. ard.'sud Ilownrd. 15111s Auwlan und aimiiaQy, lujetle Fowler, Dolt nnd Susie I«vbio. Ad- ams, und Drew, Im fuy Hlstcra and Ibe klnelo- graph, . . . .... , .' . Jacouk' (Maurice Jacobs, manager).—The New Century Girls was the offering at tbli house mat week. . Good houses prevailed. Colonlhl llelles n'eefc of 8, Carr's Thoreugh- hmttj week of 1~>. LYckiT'k (F. J- Gilbert, manager).—"A Child of the Beglment," with Vlvlun I*res- cjii In thn lltle roic, envr. *aMnfaclfon to crowded 1-H. "Bugler Drown" was well retama 44. "The Wsy of the Trans- grexsor" 8-10, "tiueeii of Ihe lllghhlndcrs" ll-l.'l. 13. "Ifopy Tolly" 15. TiiKViiii; Huy.,i. (ILCliagertOU, loanugerj. —Good hourit's greeted Sum Deverc's Own Cb, 1-0. Miss New York Jr. S-l'f, Innocent Maids 15. . Tjikatki; ViiAXcAtti (F. w. f>r ClB'lr, maua- B«r),T-"Buled Off tlie TurF drew good at- tendance i-«. "Secrets of the lViibii" 8-13, "KIni- of ihe Opium Klnc" IMib. TiiHATiiu National Fiiancaik ti'uul Cm*. rienve, manager).—The licrrarfnent French stock eo.. in "be Cadet <le Gast^iHTUe," bad good bii'dness |.B. "C'lcopulrs" 8-1o. TriKATiU9 Dks. N6i:vkai mi (It. Baveox, in Imager) —The perniiuieni Freui*h slock «-o., lit, "Bay Bias," had big hiislncss 1-0. "rural- tre" 8 13. .. Mo.MJMkmt National, — Albert Chevalier end Yvelte Oulloert b. Hnmlftua.—At the Grand Opera Honse (A. It. London, manager) the Bnuirt Set Eh-uscd large audiences Bent. 2(». , "The"Em- May Ball, Oct. I, '-, did good busfoeas. "Her Fh"Kt, l^ulse Hlep," ,'i. had u good bona**. "When Women More,' 4. played to good hu«l- ucss. Jacob BoM-'hslurit recital (local), ft, was attended'by a large uudlenee. Jolin GrllHth, In "Richard IIL" 0 ; Besses o' the Hare Bund b. "The Choir SlngeF' lb. J 'Ar- rahnn-l'oguR" lb, "The Girl from Broad- way" 1JL 16, ISugenle Blair 18, "On the Bridge at Mfilnlglit'' 1b. 2H. S'otk— Work Is befog i-firrb'd on ftlght and day on the new Hnvny Theatre, nod (he inanafffinciil boK'H to huvc the opcnlnk- on Oct. i?. Hiitti-rti.v iS . UW.A6CO i l.i. Htoddard Tavior, msotigcri. •Vflihi . RW,, "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." Last week, M'.rrls' AH Htnr Miimmoth Vuut'le- vllle Co. had good bt;s1ncHH. "Julie l.<m- Bon" ta#l. , Acaluiv or Mt.sic (John \V. LyoDN,-miin- ager>.—Thli wwk, "A lluckv Itoud to Duli- llti.'* Lost wpek. Howard Hall, In "The Millionaire Detective," .drew packed audi- CtaCfa. "Custer's Luat right " 16-20. Majkhtk; ((rn J. fji Motte, [tiirnngrr;, - ■ This -week. "Whew Knighthood Was In I'lower." Last week. "Lovers uitd Luna- tics" dn-w well. "A Hituare DwU" 10-20- Nkw Lvixou (Kugeno N'ermm, manager). — Tula week, the Fuv Foster Cn. Last week, Hie Liujtire Biirle»(|ilers iilnyi-d to deserved- ly excellent business. Twentieth Century Maid* ig 2b. r Chahis'h Tiik-atbk (Miss II, Wbuilfred De Mott, manngerl.—This week: The Orpheum HJtow, wllh "Menetekid," Neva, Aviuur and "The :Ttnln f)«arN,'* Walter V, Kellv, (ho I-'our NJghfons. ■Jpsirle," Cluado »ml Founlii Usher, Work and Ower, nnd Ihe vltngroph, TKV\KS*KI5. ■(JUIf. tiirre.— -MnmigprJ. F. divert lias (ruded fin- fJruiid, »t I'aim. III., for l.riUO acres nf laud In .VsuKnijii, nutting lu (he vufue or Hie opern boiiHi'. which be hits owned a litlle Ins. Hum a year, ut S|o,oou. ' ' ■ #»» Hi:vr VIItoilMA. *• ■WIi*-eiiiiM:.--.At die Court 'I'healn- (15. B. FiiiUfihtdlu, luaimveri "UnbeK In Toylubd." Oct, .", hud good relurns. i'va Tanguuy, In "A Mood Fellow," 0,- had big radons. 15 tin- 1 Uliriyuiore K. Mine. Mcliunuoiti-IIelnk JL Guam. 0,'Kiia I1hi;sk tClius. A. Feliilet. inn linger, .■■-'", ii In*.-m I'm n I'll, lo repertory. l-.'t, uud gooil. returns, "flow ilenrt;; Are Broken." 1-0, hud bl« returns, ••Across tat l'u.-lll' 1 " 8-10. "A Crown of Thorus" lljll.; (Cbitnf'' Xelsun, i|iatiUKrrl.--BtisL mx* fur week <if 1 kepi up tt, ibe sfuudiird. I'eople fur week of 8! laatguH uud Fulton, Miiluiliey .in. J Laki'. IIhitv Itln-ii. ibe Gre»L Beywoiid, illtmtiahd filings und inovlug !'(•' Hires. f.'AKTUJ (fJ, IV'.Jbigers, luuuogei').—Busi- ness wus good for week of J. » ' >» " Mia^lKMiPi'i, MempLd.—At the New Lyceum ThealM (Frank Gray, losae*; "P'oxy Gruuillsi," HH lierfonimtici', d*-t. 1, chiiiu to fair bu«lnefM. Ilouse dork 2, '!. Al. II. Wilson, 4. pbiyil 19 a fair hiiuse._ "Tin: Toast of the Town" nmaae Davis lo, Thn Marphy 10. " 17. "itiimoii Kiln clalre^-At the Grand (C. I). Moon, manager) "*rne U<m MM the Mouse," Sepl. SsX drew a hirjff and Well plen«il audience. "Our New Minister" Get. .'!, Kmllh Mimilnlty f'«. 7,. "The Gambler's Daughter" 11. **«»v- gnard Concert Co. 12.. Harry Ihrenfrntl 13. I'MyfK (Wm. Ain^ond. taptt manager). —Bill for watt of 1: Delia Wnlsori. Ham anil Ida Kelly. Wi». Armoftl, the Mnrvi-bius Mr* Clure, Torn 1'vWell, Kurds i.ui BUSSC, hnd Joined, bands three luontba ago with is Donnette. Mr. Elart wrltea: "Wc have been playing engogementa Huccesifully Billv If .ut. formerly of Hilly qnd L'diili Hart, Joined, hands three niontbi r>*'nllne Donnette. "have been playlnj. . . ever nin'-e. without any lay-offi., and we nrn Maktffl tibend for H»* rest *«* Us* y»ar. Kpe- rhit songs liJre W*u written for .mr act by Will Mahi'iu-*y. "f Mnhouey nnd fJike. two of Whb-h are Take a Trip to Mcrrylaud' aud 'Kt.-lbi. Be My Gwfalag Maw.' We "tart ou Ibe Keith time lu November.'' 8,-0, . "The llefr io tin- Ilo->rflh" Hearts" .18. "The If am Trw" lit. 20. . Jloi'XLXK' (A*. It. Morrl-cjfi, uianugrri. - .flu; offering Week of, 1 was wry good, aii't bbIabibm IsjHlucris rewarded tb«- nmmigemeiii. The bill jodmled: Jftkel Bobbisod; Chan. A. Ha Van and Ullly McBrlen, Klein aud t'Mfion. J. 4-7, loi-ol 10, 11. the vita- Jane Courlhope and company, Hmlth and graph 12. .t'\ Trip Ut the Highlands" HV.Gompbeli, Cnrilalo's dogs nrtd nnoles. and tho - a (.1 IrMn [..I,,"' lit I!,.,: ll-,-.. ' ■ ir,..., II ,,. * ' Jnc'kMou.. .\t the Century Theafre (\\\ V. Marsball, ninnager) crowded housea greet- ed "Wniidj-rlaiiil" Get. 2. "Coming Thro' tho Ityo," ;t, mid "The t.sjhl oi the Tnwu," umd licit und tivenlug, 4, NVrTKH.—-Bgniuin & Hiilley Clreu* II Wnlluco clrr'UK 24. i.«n-i|ii». A' Itoyal i>ts:ra House (0. "-Mf " lligghis. inanuger> "lleti Feather" had _ packeij hoKse.Hept. 2$. John GrlOltb uluyed lo good business Oct. .1. The Vltaerapn Mov- ing Picture Co. 4-7, local 10, 11, ™ 'On th- Bflrlce Bt MidhfghL" 10. Mbisirelri Jg. rkigenla Blulr.20. Jny Bros.* KnulM. .Sunc ,r».'uj. si Hlnlnbaeb, miibager). - "In did Kentucky.'' w,eck of 1. mt&AAh* At the Aiuliinriiiiii (Conrad hpun *very perforiouuee. Thn prodnetiuii "Tom, Dick and IhBJiiM A Bailuv's CiiictK gars two u'cr- frsiden. oinimg'-r) ihe IMI^it 1'i-y pTeViiVes WSB&JAJ 1 *** respect sbowiwl |m large bouses. Choveller and .com- ■' n . r ^* v **''•?• puny Oct H", Crcslon Clarke 18-20. Merltflan.—The fiurnUm A. Bnlh-y ntfver- Using cur No. .( laiti'* In the clly tafsB ditvi l»ttv. as the result, of the storia on (he Gulf const. Oliver Letter, inatuij'ei of the ear. leimrtM tbut the sluir.* lost dotca at Green- ville. Clnrksdale and Vlcksburg, Mlas., no it result of this Hforui. Aside ibe delay, nil wan bi goad shuUH 1 on Ihe cur. _—# e » - . IiAvWosn Mcnnirr has just eaucltcU^'l /ire weeks on the J. ff, Yuiinv clremft. (rtmiiKii ci.tli and filuho, mid opens In Lm AngelcN, o.t: 13,'relornWo; Knit best (Spftnj.