The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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OCTOBER 13. THE NEW YORK OlilPPEIfc T07 Uawletille and miiutNl. s^teag.'fta'ja,^ .Sf e owned lait week at Keith's, in Boston, artcr an absence of five yeira from America ceytlona in our act. (Sarins our Bve jeara' stay In Europe we received The Clipper 2SiV lT, .! n ? ?"«,«'■» '0 net all Ihe nam Z.2f<\ '''s hardly necessary to aay that we will stick (o our old standby at home." o.,™ ES T,f" <> . !1 Ta T- °" B " El "eso Bio hHow—We hHYe been showing under our large waterproof tent, and bave Just cloaed a very successful trip of twenty weeks through Colorado and Utah. Have closed our tent- ng season, and are playing opera houses nn in Idaho, doing a 8. It. 0. business. Our roster for the Winter season Is: The Great Ls Reno, light and heavy balancing expert V / Notes rsoit tjm Hi Henri Obeatkbt Minbtbbls, now making a contt tour—We <»ppne<l our season at the Calumet Theatre, South Chicago, early la August, and are breaking all records for door receipt* and milking the blgsm bit of any minstrel or- gnnlf-atlon that has played the Went In years. UUt beautltal first part, "Palace of Aladdin," rtwtves an. OTntlon nightly upon the rise of rin' mi-tain, The router of the company la nn "followa; III Henry, proprietor and man- ucer: G. U. Mix. aeaiatant manager and frenmirer; John C. Knapp, advance; c. E. U'eslrott, lithographer; Frank Jewel, pro- SrammeR: Charley Gano, principal come- lun ntnl •joonologlBt. Comedians: Bob Baker, TomDelraore, Chap. Mack, Harry Baxter and jack Hitter. Balladlate: Harry Shambaugh, james r*:.gnn, John Blllsbucy, 81 He Korest, B. H. Hanaaford, Billy Lyons, Lea Mantell and J. Rimer Jackson. Geo. M. Decker, vo- ' i-nl director and master of ceremoalea. The dllo comprises the followlnar acta: Mr. Henry, comet soloist, nod his military band; Mark and Baxter, flinging and dancing comedians; Mnntell Troupe-, rnvHterlotm automaton*; Charley <>.ino, in monologue, cloning with a most elaborate Southern scenle production, "Dlileland." The band comprises: <)eo. M. Decker, band master; (ieo. Hnnnaford, John Aatley, Clifford Hcilg, Will Barley, E. L. (i^atidrenu, J. itnymond Thompaoa, K. II. Manftflford, Harry Boyd, Jack Ma baron, Pete IweDdorr, Cliaa. 10. DavK Halph Locbbead, John Shi-rr ami Frank Davis. Orchestra: Prof, flreaudreau, lender; Jack Mahnron, Charley.Davis. John Shorr, J. U, Thompson, Will Efllley. Ralph Lochhead, tieo. Hnnnaford and John Aatley. AawsThoNo and Davis are doing their Hpeclalty, and* report meting with great buc- cehfl with At II. Wood's "Secret-Service Sam" Co. Faqick axd tMAH&A send us a unique porta) en I'll of the (lrst theatre In California, located at Montery, in which Jenny J.lnd nana. FftnBRiiT ANn Vancb, musical act write fhnt thpy have Just received twenty weeks of good time on the Pacini" coast. VWk of Oct. 1 they were nt (he Novelty, San Fran- ClSCO. NOTES FIOM BlI.T.V KBOSANDfl FAMOUS Minstrels, under Hie mnnngemeDt of Geo. I...Barton: We are lireuklng all records In th« rionriiw.'Hi. with two other colored at- .' unctions ahead of on through thlx territory. The this Attraction 1h doing Is sim- ply wonderful, our lust thirty-one stand*, wit), the exception of one, the & It. <>. sign line hung ont. from the box office lightly. The show this reason Is the very liest Mr. K«r« sands hflK ever carried, and the press are pi-aislng It. We predict a most profitable BfaSon, A new nicvci.R team Is composed, of Ar- thur 'and Harry Brunette. They come from TxjwpII. Mass., and claim to have Invented many new tricks on ih«lr wliceln, Including comedy Innovations. W, II. has just cloned a season of twenty-she wefks wiiii A. <l. Allen's New United Minstrels. The show, Mr. Tlhblls writes, has more than made good through , the- country, making ft very favorable Im- pression and getting a goodly portion oi" the ■■long- green." RnW-vHD Hi ssr.i.i, lias closed with the "Dora, Tuorne" Co.. and Is wltb Jed Carl- . ton's "Ths Black Spider" t:o. This Is Mr. ItasseH's third season with Mr. Carlton. Last season he was with Mnhel Paige, Dick Thomas, late of the Wills Comedy Co.. has been ill for the past ten dayR with pleurisy, compelling hltn to cancel oil en- gneenieDl s, Lv.k WiLiAtm Is touring the Went with his own i-ompnny, including: Chas. Cnulkins, Ar- thur RItoii. Iva HheparU and Marian Dunn, playing "Monte Crista." ""nie Bells," "A Western Gfntleman," "Rkiiellen" and other plays. The company comprlaes fifteen people, and the repertory consists oi fourteen stand- ard plays. ■ Stutsman Ann OitAWPonn have closed a .successful senson In the Frank Melville Sum- ■ tO'-'r parks, and are now playing the Western , Voudevllle AssiK-lation time. Tfiey ure looked up Rolld until next Kail, with their laughable rklt, "The tirocerv Boy." < ., Coktihu and Laorentb write: "Our great, norelty act la the talk of every town we play, and we are proud and glad that we originated np-slde-down dancing." . . oinuio, "King of the Wire, 1 ' sends news from England of the triumphant succeas of his tour of that country, mil newspaper re- . ports stnta that nothing to eqnnl Calcedo's .reata on. the high wire nave ever been wit- nessed, and the enlhualaHm at the thrilling BnlAh of his act la very great. tjiuNon-.C. Ali'Moszo Zblavo (aon of (.en. Jose Santo Zelayo, president, of the Republic of iVlcaragua) and his wife. Mar- guerite Lee, niece of the late Root. K. I^ee. are shortly to enter vaudeville in a musical Itnnromlme, They will be under the manage- ment df. James L. McKay. Barry Gray will . writ a (he book, and Tom N. ICershaw will arrange the mn^tc. Noma prom thr KiUM and May Com- i:nv Co.—Wo opened our season last week nr. Delta, Pa.j, with crowded houses every I .night. The show consists of the following Pfoplei Miller and May, Fred Barlow, Kd. 'i'humner, Tiny Miller, Blanche Williams, nod Arthur Mann, known as the "upside down nlauo plaver." Rd. Thumser. known as "Uandy Andy," 1b making a hit with hlB new . .; Victoria Bawtbltj: aho Clahys 8hah8 report.doing nicely with the Baltimore Beau- tleH-Co. , JOK IV Mack, who was a recent Cj.irrEit cnlter, reports a successful seaaon In advance of l>e Lang's Mlnatrels. ■Haiiuy R. Moobh, of Breslauer and Mnore, proprietors of ttus Majestic Theatre, Mon- kniu, Minn., writes that the bouse is meet- . ing with splendid success. ; Ta vvNKin i,i, anp Radci.ipfh write: "Our new net. 4 A Tenderfoot Ou the Trail.' Is mak- ing-it decided hit. Managers say that It ls . lira ben, act of Its kind over In their house. , Wo are. having special scenery made, and we KM Imoklag iTsst." liKOROR SIvlftto writes that he first prn- dneod his mualcal comedy act, "The Man With lite Musical Habit," as a feature of l-'red Woods Jr.'s Vaudeville Show, at Meri- deit, Ooiih.. lice, 25, 10O3, and since then hn« been playing In vaudeville. John t. Chick, actor, manager nnu pro- ducer, has sold a half Interest iu bis "My Wife's Mother" Co, to Dave Oaston. an Aus- ' .Italian Ringing aad dancing comedian, and they will Htar jointly In the above attraction fids season, playing the Pacific Coaaf, » Lnw Got,drr, formerly of Gardner and Colder, and Frank Lamont, formerly of Ber- ber and Lamont, have joined handa. They will play vaudeville this season la n black face act, and have booked aome good time, With only a few weeks open. ' Bernicb, and ber mascot, who are now on the Orphenm circuit, are aeoruig a strong suc- cess, and are booked solid to next Bummer s park Beaaon. „ M Fokhk Cohan writes tbat be closed with the "Hello. Bill" Co., Sept. 22, and on Sept, 34 was appointed assistant manager of the now Theatre Comiqne, In Boston. -Geo. ANn Libbik Deprbb iuwe closed wltb W- B, Wntaon's Orientals, Mr. Dupree taking the management of the Opera House, at OonnbUavtlle, Pa., which he hopes to make a suecens. ■ PctTOjr akd Labkii? report meeting with big puccesa with their new Irish act, "For the foyA.of Me." ■ Tim Zakcioh sailed,- Oct 0, for London, where chey will open shortly at the Albam- ow. and staging and dancing comedian: Babv Leona, Roman ring, trapeie and acrobatic feats: Bert Wilson, Spanish webbs, traps and revolving ladder act; Mae La Reno. ttnrltone vocalist and buck and wing danc- ing; Birdie fillings, soubrette and pianlsto, nnd Jack Olsen, blackface comedian. Mb. and Mrs. Bu:rhi.\g write: "After playing u very successful Summer season In and 'round New York, we are now finishing our dates In the East, prior to playing the drculti In Uig middle West, with our Tatest offering, a comical travesty, entitled 'A Surprise Dinner.' It Is a laugh from start to finish, and Is making a hit everywhere we appear. We certainly wish The Clippeb nil good luck, as we think It the moat advanced theatrical paper published to-day." Joitn P. HMUfj the veteran Instructor In the art of state dancing, writes: "I have received over 500 letters in renly to my 'ads.' in Tub Cumwft, 'Stage Dancing Taught by Mall,' and my mall Is increasing dally. My new method of teaching dancing by a chart and diagram system, enables the aspirant to become his or her own teacher." Tun Za.scios Ball for Kurope Oct fl. for London Rag., where they open Oct. 21), at the Alhambra, for an loaV.lnlte engagement, nt the close of which they go to the conti- nent. During their recent engagements In America, the Xnnclgs have met with' the same continued surcesH and nnreetatlon for their efforts to entertain in the mysterious art of mind reading. In which they are so truly adepts, and it Is perfectly safe to pre- dict, a cordial greeting and sure success for them In foreign lands. 0,v Hatiihda* NtoiiT, SrcpT, eft. Just as R. I*. Murphy, of Murphy and Andrews, was nhout to (to on the Htoge of the Garden The- atre, Buffalo, N. Y., he received the aad In- telligence of his father's death, which oc- curred la New York City. The deceased was seventy-six years of age, nnd although born In Ireland, he had lived the greater part of his life In New York. He wast a respected citizen, and leaves imiiy friends who mourn his loss. Jim Henneshry, the Irish "Biddy aving the New Knglund ly.' Inkrn 111 wlille playing the New IOi parks, nnd Is In the Marlboro Hospital, Marl- boro, Mass. UirjHAfto Bkaatz's Dons, now playing In the Williams houses, display marveloim In- tellljteni''! during the entire time they occupy the stnge, and the time nod practice neces- sary In their training to bring the act up to ItH present high standard must have been almost unlimited. There are twelve of the tiinlncH engaged In the act, wnltii consists «!' both acroluitlc feats nnd pantomimic work. During the Inlter pnrL of th« net the dogs do a pantomimic bit of work without any di- rections from their trainer, which is as sur- prising as It ls genuinely amusing. Tub Cmppeii Is in receipt of the announce- ment of tha opening of the new Family The- atre, Chester, i'.i.. which occurred Oct. H. The theatre has been built by Nolan Broth- ers, The decorating and painting are being done by McCray. Nothangle & Brasser, while all of the electrical work Is being contracted for by K. Stanton It.irk. The scenery Is by the Lee Lash Co. and J. D. Brnddon Co., of New York. The seating and furniture is furnished hv Heywood Brothers & Wakefield Company. The theatre has an orchestra circle, balcony, gallery and four proacenlum boxes, seating 1,400. There le a ladles' re- tiring room nnd a gentlemen's smoking room. On the cellar ttoor will he a hand- some palm garden wultlng room, but It will take some time before this can lie completed, Cure has been taken In tbe proper ventila- tion nnd perfect heating of the playhouse. The proprietors are Harry D'Esta nnd Mau- rice Bloom, who control, operate and book for many vaudeville houses, including: FlttR- ton, Pottsvllle. Hnnelton, Cerbondale, Woon- socket, Mllford, Atbol, Ashland, South Han- son nnd other cities, The Bison City QBunrra were on the bill at Keith & Proctor's Fifth Avenue The- atre last week, opening Tuesday, and con- tinuing for the rest of the week. They will shortly appear over the entire Keith & Proc- tor circuit. Jno. P. Uooers, formerly of Talbot and Rogers, and Ben N. Deely, of Morrell and Deoly, have Joined hnnds, and the team will he known as Rogers nnd Deely. Ai.. Derby writes: "I closed a successful senBon of twenty-one weeks -with Walter L. Main & Cummins' Wild West Shows, Kept. V1R, find Joined Paul Bros." Shows Oct. 1. Notes ihom Urach & Kuwekk' minhtrki.s. J. II. Smith, manager.—Business Is great for a great show—the greatest we ever had. The best show, the Itest people, the best hand, th<> best orchestra, tbe best paper and tbe great- est ever la the West. John J. Cobbbtt writes: "While visiting Niagara Falls, Mrs. John J. Corhett. of the tctim of Corbet r. and Forrester, was takeu suddenly III with stomach trouble, and had io be removed from the hotel to the hospital. but at present writing she has Improved a little," Frank Lamont joined tbe Clements & Kilgnllon's Minstrels on Saturday. Oct. 0, at ConBhohocken, Pa., nnd met with big success, I have been algncd for the season. This troupe has only been out three weeks, and plnv one nfgbters only. Out of the eighteen performances played tbey have received twelve return dates. Fhed 0. Gbkoo Is manager of L'lnconau, the new-Tnld-nlr double somersault and leap- ing a gap In no automobile. Sthhnkrt and Thomas. German comedlaus, report great success wltb their comedy act, which la a laughing hit. Tbey are booked up the next ten weeks. CitAs, H. Mackir and Jack Davir have joined hands and bave signed with James Hyde's Blue Ribbon Girls Co., to produce one of* Mr. Mackle's descriptive acts and play principal parts in the burlesque. H.utnv S. Hoppino, promoter for tbe New Parker Amusement Co., closed his second season wltb that company at Omaha, Neb., Sept. iio, and is taking a rest at bis home in Indianapolis. Mblrosh and Elsikr recently closed eight weeks In parks through Pennsylrunla. They are plavlng the vaudeville theatres of New Kngiand, with the Penn family circuit to follow, and are booked up for tbe entire Win- ter Beaaon. Their act, tbey inform us, Is a success. RnMBBY AND BnoEMiAM write: "Our new act, entitled 'The Athlete and the Rube." ta going big through tbe Western country. We are playing our third return engagement over the Pantages circuit, and going oetter than we did tbe first time. We are now cltltens of Washington, having settled Mrs. Remsey, the mother of 'Billy,' la a nice little home near Seattle.'' It was the Loire Trio that played the Ba- tru-ifi. N. Y.. fair, recently. And not the Laur- ence Trio, as our types stated. They write: "This week wo are at the York Pair, York, Pa., making the Hevpnth fair we have played under Pelix Belch's management this season, with good auccess." ■ Haert akd Katk Jaokbok write that tbey were on the bill at Hopkins', Memphis, Tenn., week of Sent. 2*. and state thnt their new sketch, "Hfi Day Off." wm splendidly re- ceived. Ai.if* Hoi.t arrived from Kngiand Oct, 6. He will go hack next Spring. Frank Mii.ton and Dr Loxn Sismaa are closing tbe olio with the Colonial Belles for the senson. Their oamea were accidentally omitted from last week's repert of the Goth- am Music Hall, New York. Jackson and Hoon, after a successful sea- son In the Gorman parks, have signed with tbe Anna Eva Fay Co., for forty weeks, play- ing a number of the Shubert houses. Thev report big success, closing a very strong oil" to numerous curtain calls. The show goe* nest season to Australia. Williams and Pullman are booked solid for the next six months. Jl'LIA IlRACUAgD AND OltniN ilflVC signed contracts for tbe next twenty-six weeks for their clever juggling act. - HumiKKT HoLcoJdiK, Sam J. Ctjjitih and Buvtiih Pai.mrr offer "Midnight Prowlers" and "A Winter's Season." two new sketches for the comlntr season. They will be at Hyde & Behmnn'M, Brooklyn, next week. JtANin-rn Dui-Kti has positively retired from burlesque, nnd will play vaudeville dates during tbe rest of the season. Next season she will go out with a musical comedy. JRNNI^OR AND JftWKLL, Who >K in their eighth week with lloble's Knickerbockers, re- port meeting; with success wherever t-ftey have nppeRred, , . • * Dan Sherman informs ua that'he opens at the Gnrrick Theatre, Wilmington, Del., Oct. IB, with "A Jay Circuit." The cast in- cludes: Dan Sherman. *Inbe| De Forest, itllllc Andrus. Tommy Sullivan, Albert /atiralil and Maud, the mule. They revive tbe old Sherman nnd Morrlsey Irapeie, which will be introduced during the act. and WHALMiy, Imperial Musical Duo, are at Fltchuurg, Mass., Oct. 8-1.1, after completing a fifteen weeks' engagement of Summer resorts. They will go to the How- ard, Boston, 15, and are booked solid until Into January next. iirMi-.H .vsd I.kwih, comedy acrobats, who recently finished a successfurengagement on the Kohl ft Castle circuit, will open on tbe Boom circuit, of Penn theatres, Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 22, with (he Garden Theatre, Buffalo, and Western vaudeville Jaouses to follow. They are booked solid till Msy lit next, by the Western Vanrtevltle Managers' Association. ■ .,.' • Thr Plastic Tnio (Quinin, Rthel May nnd Baby Dorothy) opened on tbe Central circuit at Marlon, Intl.. for nine weeks, as one of tbe feature acts. Baby Dorothy Is meeting with success in her singing act. Joiinnik H.mihitv was made a member of the T. M. A.. Lodge Nn, 1, of New York. Jack i\ Rich, of Jack and fcVrlha Rich, while Playing Keith's, Cleveland, was. made a member of the T. if. A.'s. The team, which has been working for tbe last fifteen weeks for H. F. Keith agency, is booked solid ahead, and report the ace a big success. 1£stku,e Womdbtte & Co. have just com- pleted their senson of fifty-two weeks In vaudeville. They played ihe entire Summer on the Keith circuit, and this season is booked up to April 1. Miss Wordetie Is writing a sketch for the character actor, John Webber, who for many years was In vaudeville with ihe Harrows-Lancaster Co. Mr. Webber is now Mane director of the new ploy by Grot- tan Donnelly, entitled "Carolina,'* and will , take another plunge into vaudeville when the sketch ls roady, which will be In about three weeks. MitnniY ani> Anpbhwm write: "Our act was a feature nt the Valentine Theatre, To- ledo, 0.. week of Sept. 30. We have been some time on the Keith circuit, and are booked up to May." Hanzbtta AN*n I. yuan write I "We are doing finely with our act,- and Mtti Lyman is receiving credit for her neat dressing in the uct. After Oct, 29 we are booked solid until March. We also have a singing dog." Kdwaud GAvin, athlete, lias Just closed with the Mala ft Cummins Knows,' after a successful season, and will play dates, In- troducing his new act. In which Tie shows n dislocation of the shoulder blades. Camhy and CnANY Joined the Alhambra Stock Co. Oct. 1, to do their singing and talk- ing net, They report menus, and are en- gngen for the remainder of the season. R. Lb Roy Hooprb writes: "Myself nnd wife, known as the Hoopers, have Just tln- ishi'd rehearsing u new and original sketch, "llie Poisoned Drink.' and expect to open over ihe leading vaudeville circuits at an early date. Wo think the sketch will be a surprise to the vaudeville world." The QinaoN-NAHH Tnio closed a six weeks' engngement at Kmnlre Theatre, St. Paul, Minn., nnd opened Oct. 8 for a two months' engagement at the Dixie Theatre, Memphis. Tenn. . , J. BegNABD Dyllyn has received a con- signment of Kng.'Iah songs. Among them is a comic song, entitled "Cheese," which be will add to hl» repertory, Hammond, "With bin Twenty'-llva Hoops," continues io please .with tbe Murray-Mackey Co, 0:Conner, comedy hoop .Juggler, Joined nt Warren, 0. Mr. Hommonfl writes: "Mr. Krestel, my onslatnnt, was called home on ac- count of illness. My musical hoops are some- thing new. and I am the Arm to use them, which makes a novelty In hoops." Ji» Diamond, of Diamond and Mack, while p aylng Beno. Nr-v., week of Oct. l-«, pur- chased a cattle ranch. Jasibh and Davis, "The Dixie. Cowe- dlnnn,' Joined the Yankee Doodle Girls Co., at the Folly Theatre, Chicago, week of Sept. moviitfl Picture. Thh lOdlsnn flUn. "Kathleen Mavourneen," showing a production of nn Irish melodrama. In seventeen scenes, arranged as follows: The Insult, the Hold Up. the llobhera' Cave, Serving the Papers, the Chase, Kathleen's Home, the Fire {beautifully band paintedi, the Abduction. Kathleen In the Robbers 1 Cave, the Drugged Whiskey, tbe Jtescue, Ibo Angelus, the village Dance. Ihe Wedding, Is In grent demand. An excellent cast was em- ployed In the presentation, and tbe Irish characters and scenes are entirely novel In the picture line. "How the otrice Boy Saw the Ball Game," "Life of a Cowboy," "Scenes In Hawaii," "The Terrible Kids',' and "Three American Beauties" are other lvdlson produc tlons. Tna BiounAPii Company will next week put out a new comedy moving picture pro- duction tbat promUen to he one of tbe best of the season, It in tn be called "Tbe Pox Hunt," anJ it showM how a swell hunting club wltb their hounds got on ihe trail of old Mrs, Hooligan carrying her pet fox In s basket. The bunting people do not know what they .ire chasing until the bounds dually run down Mrs. Hooligan, and force her to take refuge on top of s haystack. During tbe cliasa she resorts to all of the tricks com- monly attributed to tbe fox to throw the bounds off the scent, such as walking tbe top of a rail fence, doubling Id her tracks and taking to water. Tbe Interest Id tbe picture Is Increased by tbe fad that tbe horses which are ridden In the hunt are all prize winning Jumpers, and give some thrilling ex- hibitions over the fences, nod, •d(Mie*. "WMtra—A Nurse." the blogrepb succeasor to their original "Persons)," and "The Coun- try schoolmaster," two of the latest comedy productfolM are proving Immensely popular, nnd the olograph factory In being run nights to keep np r/ltH tar demand. THOSE MARV*LXOTJS FsXLOWf, HOT CO., Fall Hirer, Mass. "A Hicr von a WirK" Is the new vita- graph Dim. The various pictures show thnt a pretty American clrl promises to marry her sweetheart if he wins the cup race. The elTorts of the lover to win, and tbe mnchln:i- tlons of the villain ta defeat his purposes, make a series of ibrllllng scenes.< Th« ma- chine.!* set nn (Ire and glass Is strewn on .the.course. The lover finally wins the race and .the girl. Scenes Incidental to the rave and' the racs Itself are reproduced In inls illm. A complete series of Vanderbllt cup race, pictures has also been taken for the vltagrapb. "Xhk Mfrhv Fsolicr of Satan'* Is .tha title of a new film Imported by Geo. Mellea, who has originated many of the mysterious films. It was Hhown. over five hundred times In Paris, In response to.the popular demand. mimllaneoiu. Giovanni Ht:cri, the areat faster, who six- teen years ago surprised inliobJtBntH of this country by a forty-five days fast, arrived In New York Sept. liT, to undertake n shorter fast. Ho was born In Cesenallco, Italy, but his home Is la i'lorcnre. His famous fast In this countrv wan at Koster & Bial's Twcnty- tblid Street house, and extended from the night, of Nov. 2, 1SD0, to the evening of Dec. 1!0. during which lime he lott 4'2*±lti. A new watch fop and trunk check, which Is snld to he nartlrulnrly useful to the the- atrical travelers, has been perfected hy c. B. Chrysler. Tun Byron; Smiis Cabnivai. Co. closed Sept. i-2, at Mnaayunkr-Pa., after, a, season of twenty-one weeks. The show opens early In April. InO;, In Philadelphia. Henry Daejan, of the well known ilrm of theatrical ^nippers, will shortly soil for Ku- rope for the purpose of Importing a number of noveitlci In costumes. Thr Hiondi 1'aNokamic and Amassment Co. of Nnw Voiik was recently Incorporated at Alliony wltb a capital of K.'HKumn. Tbe directors are : M, Santangelo. A. K. Hlondl nnd 0. Hlondl, of New York City, Angelo V, Hlondl has dnvlsed an Mmusement novHiy In the nature of a train which stands still while miles of panoramic landscape rush hv nt high speed. J, VT, West, the veteran circus Bgent. who has been connected with the Lloyd & Center attraction, known as the Kellpae Slock Co., writes us that ho severed bis connection with the above company Sept. in, at ChtinnloR, Tax., and Joined Inn A, G. Allen's New Qr- lenns Mlnnii-eis, Sept.'11. nt Amnrllla, Tex., as general ugent. Ho slates that the com- Enny Is doing nn ennrhinun business In Gkla- otnn and tbe Indian Terrltor, ngnlnst grent opposition. Kostar of the A, <.., Allen's New Orlennn Mlmtrels: J W. West, general agent; 11. K, llofston, Illhos nnd banners: Jim i.'npe, bill pouter; C, It. Allen Jr.. second heralds, two days ahead of tbe show. Tbe ndvonce carries fifteen trunks and one trunk full of n«wK|inpeL' cuts. A "bystander" at ihe union depot, nt Muskogee, recently nsked: "What show troupe was that coming InV" OLD PROGRAMMICS. From i r,i|,.,tton of Al. I:. Foslellr. tljst Theatre in Brooklya.) BHOOKLYN t 'ONCKIIT HALL Junction Kulton ft Jerolemon Streets. THIIID NIGHT-OK THR SRASGN. OltHAT ATTRACTION. 'The following eminent Artists will appear, Mr. P. W. CliA-HKK,- Mrs. Dyoll. Mrs. TlttOD, Miss Piynn: Friday KvoaJng, Jan. 12. 1S4D. Performance tn commence with Donianflc Drama entitled LIT KB Till? LARO It LIIKIC '....'.....MR. <*. W. GLARKR ITilll Ip Mr. Connor Squire Chase.... ,..<*....' Mr. Nelson Charles Mavdew Mr. Jones Farmer Wakefield Mr.-Oakley Hobby Trot ...Mr. Addis Gypxey Mike....,..., Mr. Macdunuld Thomas Mr. Morton Dlk Mr. Fitzgerald Farmer Mr. 11 armor Dame Wakefield Mr. Dyott Clarn -. Mrs. TuSon Jenny '...,_ ,,. ,M!ss Klynn To- conclude with the laugliable Farce on- ,, .. tltletl the . ^ f ILLAGB LA W Y K'ft Scout.*. Mr, Macdousld einarl .Mr. Oakley Justice Mlttiniis.. Mr. Connor Sh^epface .:..,. ...Mr. Addis frhsrics '..... Mr. Nelson Clerk «.;. ■. Mr. Morton Mm Meant, ..-.. **.,Mn. Dyott Kate «. Miss irfynn .. MtlslllI Mr fTi.TT Clsrkc's Benefit • In Rehcnrsal, tha moral domestic Drama of TH. 15'. BOTTLE, , 'Pickets admitting a Genlleman nnd Lady to Parniietle IVOclM. Single Admission StnchL ("hlldren not admitted iinless attended by ndults, IhMirs open nt 7 o'clock, performnnce to commence at The First Night of HUHRCRIITION. Al Hie NEW THRATRR, In Mr. Parker's Yard, the Turk's Heads In the Itlgg-Market, This present Kvsning, being the lflth Instant, will be performed A CONCRIIT OF MUSICK. TICKFTH. At as., fid. 2M. BDd U. To lie hart nt Mr. Parker's, tbe Turk's Head, In tbe Illgg-M&rket: Mr. Steel's, at Hid Hlack Hull and post Boy; Mr. INxod's, nt' the Hlack Hull and Crown, In the Flesh-Market: at Katy's nnd ibtf Kicbange Coffee-housus j Mr. Ituiiil'". at thri King's Head, on the Key- f:lde; Mr. -ICwhnnk's, In Prllgrlm-tttreel, New- cflstte: and nr Mr. Plnkney's. nt the Blue Bell, In Gateshead. Hetweeii the two Parts of the CON'CRUT will be presented (gratlsi, A TKAORDY, CnllH .'/, A It A. The Part of OSMAN, by Mr. FHODSHAM, ORA8MIN, Mr. gi'lN. mi:lidoil Mr. MAorni... The 1'nrt of NBIIUHTAK, by, Mr. LRNG, . CIIATILLION, Mr.. ORAM. The Part of LHWONAN, by 5lr. t.'IIIIKCH, HRL1MA, Mrs. IUCK1N, And Ihe Part of ZARA, by Miss HRLMK, (Being tbe first Time of ner appearing nn this stage)' Knd of the Play. A new Song, csll'd The Pairing, .hy Miss k. Clirncil. To .which win b* added, A Ballid FAnci;, ■*'•" call'tl The. D K.V:l h t 0 PAY; Oil. the VII'HH MRTAMORI'HOS* OR, (he WIVRS MRTAMORPIIOS'II, , The Part of Kir JOHN U)VRIli;LR, hy Mr. NttPaSCKBIL WARNING! All ptrtona are cautioned again' I in- otomng money with loiters to us, VaXESS THE LETTERS ARE REGISTERED. Wo nre In reooint cf camplniaw from mnnj who linvc lost money hy soudiog It thron^h the mail, whioh denionhtrAtes that that rnnthod of nukiuff rsmittanc:s>, IS NOT SAFE If Poplal llotin, Order, Obeck or Dp II 1,1 iwnl and l« stolm from lb« ni»ll, a dupllraii, CD to nil aineii uud them will be no Tcmh nt raoaay, but there will l>« a lo«» of Iter, which inu-y ho in the aim -at imporUinu. We will Rinranleo all p.raout nguiml Inaa In aenainn hh ieml.t*ne«n IF THR r.KTTr'RS IN WHICH THET ABB HKNT 4KK PR0PKBI.V REUISTKRED. NEW YORK CLIPPER, ., A LBERT J. BORIS, Ifa—w WAWTRD.D.r IIAJBHT1C VAOIlKVII.I.r: 111 all Kood Anialaurs. mule anil fnnale; BIokit.' Dsnenri., ComeUImm and Piano Flajer. Cuirmiv HJJfft" ™ ■OWaVBl AVK., iMUemtm, rlro,!,'. . •KBTCIHll»,1'rave,llea,Biir7f«quei",el,..,wm. urn loorcer. lle»iorl«lnal woriturnl.liiMl nrulft. alcnais. joi, Kersiiaw , m imiii)nifo<M uft, WAMTKO-. 'aJI 'roanil Ta-rornierK." Tr,r. fnrenre une pla, organ. FOB IA1.K-..0 la. W Wiate* Oreai.W6.t«rn 6li,.» Tom., w«a,li,; rtrformlna Horaea. Sow al Itiukwcoil, I'a. ' I^^O.HJANlllJSII.KoikaiHiil.l'ii. B"lra« Ola., Violin, Vlnla. OlKelrlnjr ha« BSS%F: %"■ '""If}': """I'leoyniualsorlla,, Umm,Snare Dnim, Alio,Tenor la liana or lenn oncortheae in.irnmems. Monthir nar. nk:■> va. Ballsiinenujean. Dnlfnnna, i>,i»m. inecll,».u,: hinilanre, losrrmnenra tree. Ago 51-H, a. lie Niinilo.ll.MaBlprO. R. H. ilonrula, Nuvr Yani, ooaron, ham. .• ■ ATMBKUTY~M»n, wlfa ami ol*V*rolUW. All, elianae for week sumis. Jiiuniinw, Voncrlju. nam* Tronjis of Performing Dogai rtke km. Organ or »ll sirsdy anil Jolier Trnr druses, will Join on wlr«. Anj nlaaa of sluiw snjwhem. Your lieal salar/. MusfJio. anrV. Ilon'l warn ilekei If noi too r«r. •. ALHKRTA FAMILY, rrnxlon. Kow Vorlf. piano I'Miui urauua utSSli-niS prorerred. lutjA work all winter If a,ni° w»gV» (U per week. Work from J to I! 80 !• M V" .riermion work" or Siuioare. AI.VIB IIKIHP.V *> unn reh a t, uttriSrwS s. t. " ' u /t "liBBTir, fcawtuw «4 fuwifr.niw Worker, siraishi In son n reomrod. i ,i„ !, , plarplmo. Goon Wardrolie on and olT. Tenyrnr^. exoerlence. Work for M |ier cent, and extii-u. as. ftS t ." r il* 0 KL 6 *"!"- BArnauo, wm,. nYvWtwu DotlorilOn, Krlo. Pa. AT liln. nr will Join good all anxtud iumu atttl womr.n in o|ien good, small med. .how; uni i, , own mid, le .ears' expurltimie. Al performer. Pot work, and dollar for dollar and split. If wu irahii nooii iionio. !••, titsie orerir- re-il. Will ». Wealoli . tl Huranra Bl„ Hamllloii ,",,,. I.ADY will willhsmlNOujd stioei, t\ ,-mng i7re,a ff. to UA, Opera Oial, Ankle llrese, Heal A rVtW n New Theatre. mamtai; i;ks One nltrltf stunds writ* for open llm*>. l-imuiu. tlon iip.uM >■• iiillearrom Pltt.liiirK, In ilio.i.w fane,, Keating, ' tawaasw W. r. wlmwow. i huiuina. pa. WANTED. F1ANO PiLlYltB For Mocllolno uornpatiy, reiidiiini fake, if mo walllHasaoDi work and g M your, omry iiros' fflntooTV. V. " ' , '"' Bn * "'• Vl " nk *"t WANTED piano p,a y flr kimm AND weiser At liberty for RellaM, Uanuera. Red hot Acrolnllo llan'l Bat anolng. Van Join on wire. Addrosa .l>CL AOKIHt MAN,Klng»t.,yi tolit,nrir, all*., WANTED TO BVY~~ UHM IIOUI OB 8WIIGII6 OLDBg. Also IUM oumr, For same, aodrnas MUftBtli Mllllierry hi, laiui'a,ler, I'a MAC and MAC, coMBov aciioiivi'n. * Oct. 16 open, BEI.I.BFON I'K, l>A„ this week; At LI baity, THE CURTI8I8. 0. Ilnavlew, Juvenile", Uomndy; strong Oormn - 8oiilir«iU), [iigotitiea. ono or ;i night, toer,vriol. A ddtoas ft A. (WHTIH, tliin. Dm., M. u.i ll., af„ WANTED IMMEDIATElTv, l.owpalr Holler mates for rink mo. Hlnlo nar. lloitMr,, loweit prloee. I,. J^OIIA«or;iil,AIX,J/)ok_ii»veo, ha.' WANrEiV-Far U, T. C. Co.", Pitplt "lii ail pars Those doirjllofr orais preferred. Iac, with <illlld for KV'. Pmm.n .nd WIHIanl Wshei, writ,; . UA^ONIIJIOS,,unnjiook,pa, * ffurriMi is. peopw?, singlu anil teanu. HUto all; Addresa _ 1'RW. HANIJER, Waylaiid.Biaiiht n Co, If, T. 8 Offlfll IC a it 'i' 1 b T Waal, | o lllon, AddrosivaronfOMPPKR. tin .vlilili rliorncter will In. Inlrodttc'd thil KAHLY HORN.) Jl.lllMlN the COIir.HIl, Mr. PUAIICH. llnlh-r. hjr .Mr. I*ng. Ocwk I,y Mr. Qillii. I.Ul-'V Mr». AOHimcH. Coai'liniiiii h, Mr. Mngtilfe. Uoctor (y Mr. Ilnrtler. I.KTTICK.' .Mm. AirKIN. I;ADY LOVBRI'LE Mrs. Q1JI.V. And Ibo Part of NKLLI hy Mrs. fllUwinn. (Hiiliie the first Time of her appenrlog on nils stage, i To begin eiaef], at Bereft- o'clock. X. 1! Kulisorlptlnn TICKR'I'H for Klglit.Tii IDMrKII'I'K. of It 2s. Oil a Dox TICKOT', and IHs. u I'll'. To Im> hod nt Mr. Farter's, aa uaual, till tills Kvenlng, knd no longer. £