The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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428 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June l . LAJBIIM $ LIFE NiOTlOH m pi^VRE7^ACHlHkS^ FILMS j U4±**mwtoL* j AND THE DOG CAME BACK Of a tickling character all through. Get It quick. nig Feature Film., Full of Drawing Power, Are Kurt I v What Is Required by the Dp- to-Date Showman. Get Connected With the LUBIN CIRCUIT and Yon Will Hare High Voltage and Continuous Current. LXJBIN HITS ARE REAL HITS LENGTH, 600 FEET. PRICE, $66. The Unwritten Law « THRILLIMQ DRAMS, BASED UPON THE Thaw-White TRAGEDY The Artlat't St«dlo| Preparing for the Stage] The Young Millionaire} Martin*. Cafei The Fight) The Room with the Velvet Hiring! Drugged; A Fiendish Deed; The Wedding; The Thaw.' Home; The Tragedy at the Root Garden; The Tomb. Prl.oni On Trial lor Life) Etc., Kir. LENGTH, 9BO FEET. PRICE. 8I04.0O. The Biggest Attraction In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, PltUburg, Etc., Etc., Playing Everywhere to Standing Ilooin Only. Jamestown! Naval Review THESE FILMS ARE EXCELLENT PHOTOGRAPHICALLY. AND OP THE GREATEST INTEREST. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LIST OF SUBJECTS. V. 8. 8. "Maine" and "Connecticut," English Battle Ship. "Argyll" and "Good Hope," President Roosevelt entertaining the Admirals of the Foreign \V«r_Nhlvi on hl^ysrhi, "Nsy(low«r£' Kng- Rm '■■« ■ ■!■ J«», «... l-.«»j Innllor "Clnimlrui." sunk the Confederate boa! "Marrlmnc." The Monitor "Canonlcus" Is anchored where the Battle llsh Battle Ships "Rnil.urg." • Hampshire" and This Monitor took place. I). 8. Monitor "Mlantonomah " V. 8. 8. "Texas," "Brooklyn," u. H. Dispatch Boat "Sylph," Austrian War Ship "St. George," German Battle Ship "Rovn," and many others. LENGTH, 6BO FEET. PRICE. 871.60 TOO MUCH MOTHER-IN-LAW This Him, from the flrst scene to the last, will keen the audience In a roar of laughter, and, while It tells a funny story at the expense of ,f Mother-ln-Law," It Is without sug- ? nation of malice. It Is a roaring absurdity at which no one will laugh more heartily hnn "Motlier-ln-Low" herself. = THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT ON THE MARKET = ■J UK GREATEST COMEDY HIT. GET IT. LENGTH, 700 FEET. PRICE, $77. if" ■• I907 " MAR V EL" OIN EOQRAPM w g 9TEREOPTIOON JSaBiS^^gLggg All Our Films.Class A. Price, 11 Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge FILMS THE QUALITY I^IIvMS. NEW COMEDY OF THE IlIGIIT SORT. "Forty Winks; Or, a Strenuous Dream. Copyright, 1007, by The vit»graph Company or America. .» Blinks Is awakened by the alarm clock—Lies dawn again for "Just forty winks more." Jumps up and Into his .lathes at lightning speed—II uahes downstairs, knocking over n chambermaid—Tucks table cloth L.tolils iterk In mistake for napkin—Devon<a His breakfast In four gulps—Dashes madly iiri-y lug everything on table with llili'. with baker. Butcher, nurse- away, carrying everything him—Collide, with baker, I maid and bicyclist In his mad rush for t lie train -.Inm;». Into wagon, it starts, and wheel mines oft*—Rngitge. auto—It tears ulong at frightful speed, then suddenly explodes, and Ullnk. AWAKES AGAIN and finds It Is just FIVE MI9VTES since the aimin went oft*. LENGTH, !s70 FEET, AND ALL GOOD. A NOVELTY! ONE MAN BASEBALL Copyright, 1007, by The Vltngrnph Company of America. An amusing comic panto- mime, in whioh a down "plays ball"—Argues with the umpire —"Strikes em out"—-Catches- Pi tohes—Fields—Knooks a home run, and, in fact, does the work of the entire nine, and the other side too. VERY FUNNY. LENGTH, - - 280 FEET. THE VITA6RAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, Selling Ag.ntsi KLElNR OPTICAL CO., Chicago, III. MILBi BROTHERS, San Francisco, Val. NEW YORK, 110 Nassau Street. CHICAGO, 100 Randolph Street. LONDON, 10 Cecil Court. PARIS, 18 Hue Saint* Cecils. ELEVEN YEARS IN THE FILM SCHOOL HAS EARNED US THE RIGHT TO THE TITLE OF MOVING PICTURE SPECIALISTS. THAT IS WHY THE NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY LEADS THE WAY AND OTHERS FOLLOW. YOU OBTAIN THE BENEFIT OF OUR EXPERIENCE WITHOUT ADDITION AL COST . National Film Renting' Company. 62 N. Clark St., * Chicago, 111. NEW FILMS THIS WEEK SIGN OF THE TIMES (Comedy) - 567ft. D06 AND THE TRAMP (Pathetic) - 287ft. BUYING A LADDER (Comedy) - 604ft. SALOME 534ft. ADDITIONAL PRINTS OF THE FOLLOWING OLDER SUBJECTS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED: PAYING OFF SGOBES (Comedy) .... 200ft. CUBFEW SHALL ROT UNO TO-NIGHT (Dramatic) • 750ft. THE FOLLOWING WERE THE NEW FILM SUBJECTS OF LAST WEEK: THE TILLAGE CELEBBATIOR .... 473ft. CHILD'S CONNING 666ft. COP AND BALL ' 370ft. HDNDBED DOLLAB BILL 800ft. NDBSE TAKING WALK 285ft. TWO CENTS WOBTH OF CHEESE .... 284ft. IANIT0BS TEA PABTY 400ft. $2 STATE ST. I 662 sixth AVE. CHICAGO. NEW YORK.