The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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June 8. TIEE l^mW YORK jE^PJBjjEv* 437 gawkotlk Romt Citt. aiSSfS «T« lai poifelble iommke • Hat of v*tul«vliie booklrtaja. To Itasysjre la- ■ertlon •• tht* «ep«rtaat«t the «»i.c otUrtlirtlreiiriptrli.M well nn the city or tirnn. BfUST otruonipany rack booklets eent na. Abratn & Julius, BIJou. Unltiih. Mluu.. 3-8. Adalc A Lions, While City Park,-Syracuse, S. I., Adelin. La, BlJon, Lincoln. Neb,. 3-8.. Ailelyn. Matlon. Marlon. 0., 3D; Orphlum, Sid- ney. 10-13. Adams A Wtilte, Wlndiuont Park, Kewnncc, 111.. ■3-8; BIJou, Canton. O., 10-16. Adams, IK Klrkc, A Co., Auditorium, Norfolk, :Va., 3-15. Adams, Musical, Avon l'ark, Youugstown, 0., -- 8; Four Mile Creek, Erie, Pa.. 10-15. Addison A Livingston, Idle Hour Park, Plttsbueg, ■Kan., 28; Lyric. Parsons. 9-12. Aaoust, Louise, Ac Co.. Olympic, Chicago, 3-8. ' Alien ft i Baxter. White City. Springfield. Mo., ' .,2-8: People's Park, Excelsior Springs, 0-15. Abcarn, Cbns., Family, Lebanon, Pa., 3-8; Family, i WllllaniaporV'10-15. . ■ Allison. Mr. ft Mm.. Keith's, Boston, 8-8. Alvln Bros-.,'Alnlomc, Term Haute, lud., S-8. Allcrloii. Grace, Paator's, N. T. C, 8-8. Alexander, Great, North Atc., Chicago, 3-S. A nionl ft Dutoont, 23d Street. N.:Y. C, 8-8. Alvlltos (41, lII(ij)odruine, Loudon, Ens., 3.-30. Allen, Joilc. Acinv.. Norfolk, Va., 8-8. Alston ft Algnlst, BIJou. Norfolk, Va., 3-8. Ali'nn. Lu Petite, Hip., Glen Kcho,.Md\. 3-8. Alhnrtu* * Millar, Kmplre, Holbom. Eug., 3-8; ■■■Illnpodroine, Eutlng, 10-15; Hippodrome, Urlv ' ton. 17-22. Allen. Bearl-t Violet, Keith's, Phlla.. S-8. Atdo & Vanncrsoo, Clreo Bell, Mexico City. Mc\., Alexander & Scott, Henderson's, Coney '.aland, N. Y 8-8 Alexander ft Bertie, Union Square, N. -x. '. U-S. ADalre ft'Llnd. Bijou, Jackson., Mich., 8-8. Alblons, The, Crystal, Marlon. lud.. 8-8. Ames "ft Feathers, Howard, Chicago. 8-8. American Newsboys' quartette, BIJou. Kalamazoo, :Mlch., 8-8. • • "• , • American Girls, Howard, Chicago, 8-8. Antrim .*: Peters,. Bijou. Boy City, Mich., 3-8; Luke Michigan Pari, Muskegon, 8-18. Anderson ft Beynolds, Philips, Richmond, Ind., 3- • ft; Stur, Muncle, 10-1S. Atwerwn ft Guinea, Howard, Boston, 8-8. Aliel. Wonderland, Kalamacoo, Mich;, 8-8; Idlo- itllU Park, Newark, 0.. 10-18. , Arsialc'B Animals, Ontario Beach, Ilocliestor, N. '* *.. 3-9; Park, Buffalo, 10-15. Arni .troug-Haker Troupe, Natloual. San Fran., W^f., 3-8: (Hobo. Han Fran.. 10-10. Armstrong ft Clark, Celeron Park, Jamestown, N. ■yJ.SH; Hock Springs Park, Kant Liverpool, O, ".10-10. Arlmjud.' Grace, White City,-Chicago, 8-8. Attfvn-Ahel ft Co., Keith's, Cleveland, 8-8; 0. '6. Km I'lltsbunr, 10-15. • • • ,., Auvlh*,'Totslnu.,' Palace; Dundee, Scotland, d-8; piilsct, Aberdeen, 10-18: , Hippodrome, Glas- ' aw, .17-22;. Empire. Birmingham, Hug., 21- h; I'uvllioii, Souihuort, July 1-0. Avery, Locke ft Pearl, Lnkc Michigan Park, 'Muskegon. Mich., 2-s. Avon Comedy Four, Keith's. Cleveland, O., 3-8. ■'ttfclnias. The. HI Jon. Dulntli. Minn., 8-8. allay ft Flckett, Shady Side Park, Baltimore, ';»»; • • . -i Barry ft Penmon. Acme, Norfolk, Va., 3-8. Hattlctt, Al. Leon, Lake View Park, Tcrrc Haute, 'lad.. .1-8. Humes ft Edwins, Crystal, Denver. 3-8. Ilirr.v; Mr. Mrs. Jimmy, Keith's Phlla., 8-8. ltiirnulU'fl Anlipuls, Victoria, N. V. C. 8-8. JBtrlon ft Osman, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va.. 3-8. gurrJnKtons. The, Virginia, Wellstnn. O.. 3-8. arker & Hctmlmw,, A. ft' a., Boston, 8-8. rtanksBrcuMiilo Duo, Ulovcravlllc, N. Y., 3-8; Wagston. 10-10. > ■ ill* I taller Sisters, Luna Park, Scran ton. Pa., 8-8. Hnula Uriti. (I). Star, Munch-, Ind.. 10-16. Baadcr-La Vulle Trio, Alamo Park, Cedar Rapids. la.. 8-8; Dreamland Park, Decator, 111., 0-10. bartt'll 4. Uarfleld, Dreamland. Irouton, O., 3-8; r ()riiiid. Newport, Ky., 10-10. UnrluW. Wicks A llccd. National, Stubeuvllle, 0., w-io. ;. Ilartlott.-Ov'iuuu ft Buitlcll..Avon Park, Youngs- town, .0.. 2-8; Park. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., 10-15. Wrj ,1 llHlvers. Orphcuin, Boston, 3-8. Barlows, Breakaway, Altrv Park, Albany, N. Y., ' Svf5 '. UuoVm; Slusrl. Caaluo. Toledo. O., 3 8. BiVlIsi The, Wubboo's Park. Jophln. Mo., 0-10. Bnllus H. Luua Purk, Buffalo. N. Y., 3-8. IH'IJ; CryslBl, Theatorluiu, Keutou, 0., .3-8; "VJr^liilu. Wvllatoii, 10-10. IkOBj. Claire, ft Can. Oljniplc. Chicago. 3-8. Httiloii,. Klwood ft Mugglc, Star, Beaver Falls, lira,: 3-8; Star, Latrouc, 10-15. I B«l) ft Ulebarila; 0.. II., SlroudsbUrK. Pa., U-8. Hriiuelt, l.uuru, Alliambra, N. Y. 0.. 3-8. BWj/ CV»'s(al. Thealorluui, Kenton, O.. 8-8. lliuuvuhi, Ailliur, ft Co.. Empire, Colo. Springs, ' [Culil.. ff-S; O'faud. Ileiiu, Nev.,'10-16. ilerrlaa; ft Mackln, Urand, Altoona. Pa., 3-8. Uallrcnrl'ft Irving, Dreomlund, Du Bols, Pa., 3-8. HtivIiH- ft Mayc, Thealorlum. Klttannlug, Pa., 8- - 8-, Alliambra, THusvllle, 10-16.' m<'nl,,.. BIJou, Battle Creek, Mich..'8-8. BfHl.l. BHIy. BIJou. Battle Creek, Mich., 8-8. HauliWt, Wxle, Klillo. lilmlro, N. Y., 8-8. BtHimg i BroH.. Dlsjestlc, Chicago, 8-8; Olympic, '.Clijcago, 10-J5, i:«ll-l>rcTin.t Trouiie. Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J., 'Jl'8,i •','■'• - ,,' Um", ft Joliiisoii. tiraud, Superior, Wis.,. 3-8; 'BIJou. Hulutli, Mluu.. 10-15. ' Usailtei. Wie, Star,, Muncle, lud..'8-8. Hfililuln-Arabs'(St. l'outaiuc Ferry Park, Louls- >llTe, Ky.. 2-8. ... . ' BeQillnglou Bros., Luna Park,* CUIeugo, 3-8, Beliedlpt, Lew-,. A. ft S.. Boston, a-H. BtWIey/Jonnle.Sclilndler'M, Chtcugo, 8-8. Brrgerc, Vulerle, ft Co., Orpheuxu, Sao Fran., tS|.. 3:8. . •• •-.;:. Utuiiey •&■:chupuiuu,- AlUambra, Savannah, (in., • .in. ....... , ,- . Ulriahaui ft Thornton,,Thalia, Chicago, 3-8. Klnllu,' Jloiinu.. U-v-r-r, Mier's'LakeCasLuv, Cmi>- TItdP, '.Q.V .'3-S; PKIrvlew' Park. Da/tou, 0-10. 'WiWr.yiulrleae, 1251b Street,;N. Y.'C, 3-8. BIiWiivkk'. Mr. ft'Mrs.. Urand;'Peru, lud., 3-3; Cv/iIhI. Huiilliiglon. 0-8. . Bli'ihri/lilit ft Uehr, Star, Atlanta, tin., 3-8. • < "UVgck IIubbbtb" (14). Kmiilre, Belfast, Ire.. II- . ,'8; 'Hnlplre. Cardiff, Eng., 10-10; Kmplre, Man- vjiittler..' 17-22: Eni|ilre.. Leeds, 24-20.' ' Uou )K'P. & Qulnp, Scdilc Everett, Mass., 8-8; TJwife,.Providence, It: I.,. 10-16. lktfdi .Archie, ft Co.. Bell;. Oakland, Cai.. 3-8; ' ;10-t6, all'eni ft Crbokcr, ' Temple, Detroit, uovlnii, l.hlc, L'nloii Siiudre, N,.Y. C, 8-8. Wopib. .'Krcat..8ta'r, ScutUc,. Waau.. 10-16. Ilfaullvcll ft Gordon. Olympic, Chicago, 3-S. »tWd'& Nevarp, Keith's. Columbus, ().. 8-8. Brfuleir & DuvIh, L'htnue. Minneapolis. 3-8; ' Qrtnd, • Fargo, W. D., 10-J 3. Ilrtfnt ft ' SutIIIc, Steeplechase Pier, AtlaoUc ntiUf ft. Mdhohcy. Keith's, Phlla., 3-8. llrlth'ik>ii,. Belle. Olympic Purk. McKeesport. Pa., ■'liySr-- • • . •' ■• Sfy^n; Hurry, A.Co., Savvy,'Atlantic City, N. J., , .' ft AVIImot,' Lyric, Moakogcc, 1. *., 3-8; rlc, linleiiendeiice. Kuu., 10-10. litrtiiiiih. Tlie. t'urk, Jamestown, N. Y., 3-8. BW4V &• Young, BIJou. Norfolk, Va., 3-8. BKirfn, Oil,. Bell. Oakland, Cai.. 10-15. BMOkinuii, ft Phillips Sisters, Ingersoll Park, Dee Jtt( 1 C-8. Rttlfdt. Sophie, Keith's, Columbus, O.,. 8-8. DaseV, Family, Lyric Park. Jophln, Mo., 2-8. ■/Lyric Purk. SprliurHold. 9-10. - Uilfjdii., Hughes ft Burton, BlJon, Canton, O., 10- 9Vrl(f)ft.-MclWoy. Lyceum, PUIIa., 8-15. Burke. John.P., Flood's Purk. Baltimore, 8-15. B(rjHB. .Hofrr, Blaln, 111.. 3-8. Burton'A Brooks, Temple. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 8-8. Barb*,-Morris, ft Co., Family, Butte, Mont, 3-8. Bart,. Frank. Pustor's,. N. Y. C.,'8-8. Sin, Lillian. Atlantic Uurdeii. S. Y.C., 3-8. H|)iBoer. Luna I'.irk, Ncheneetadj, N. Y., 10-15, Bcrkhfft, Lillian, ft Co., Ortihoum, Lbs Augcleu, katHr*&.Gordon. Parlor. Oawba. Neb.. 3-8, HiWllou (2i. Ljrle. Torre Haute. Ind.. 8-8. BvnKerr. Great, llleclrlv Park, Kvkouiu, lud., Bufiai, Clius. 0,, Crystal: Meiioaha, Wla., 3-22. B MaIW*i Musical, Novelty. Oakland. Cut.. 3 » RHMh- Myrtle I!., ft Co., Athletic Park, BnrTaln. • ,JJUY,,.jim "lieryft'orant. t'tlca, N.-Y.. -.1-8; -Albany in- f.idail!:,.'j.»o A ,«, Half. Maria,.Tlulrm. lo«l... 3 8. .litiirUlt.ii. turn. Bo*br%,: .Wall'ere Carlln ft Otto, Cook O. H., Bocfaeater,' N. Y., U-8. t'a'saldy, Mabel, Unique. Ulnneapolla, 3-8. Casey A Le Claire. BIJou, Duloth. Minn.. 8-8. Casad A Dc Verne, Alcacar. New Uaatle,. Ind., - 3-8; Coney Island, Cincinnati, 0-16. Carmonlella, Dixieland Park, JackaonvlUe, L'la., U-8: Lagoon, Cincinnati, 10-2*. Carroll, Jnmea, A. A 8.. Boston, 3-8. Carroll. Jue, Lyric, Kensington, III.. 3-8; Grand, Jollet. 1015. Carpenter, J. Fred.. 0. II.. Tlfton, Ind.. 8-8. Carrol Hlsten, Unique. Minneapolis, 8-8. Carroll ft Clarke, Shellpot Park, Wllmlugton, Del., 8-8. » • Carlton, Arthur A Lucille. Pastor's, N. Y. 0., .8=8. Caldera. A. K., Ulversldc Park, Kaeluaw, Illch., ■2-8. Gate Family (».i, Henderson's,.'Coney Island, N. • Y., 3-8. Caineron ft Flanagan, Calumet, So. Chicago, 3-S; . . Uomn.-io Park. Grand Baplds, Mich., 10-10. Uaasells, The, Pastime, Lock Haven. Pa., 8-8. Cannon. Jack'ft Gilds, Family, Little Falls. N. Y., .3-8; Sbeedy'B. Fall Blver, Mass., 10-16. Camnbell ft Gopcloml, BIJou, Battle Creek, Mich., . <8-8; Jackson. 10-10. Campbell ft Cully, Auditorium, Portland, Ind., 3-8; Crystal. Marlon, 10-16. Gates (41, Musical, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. y.. 3-B. CastanoS. The, Grand. Victoria, B. C„ 8-8. Camllle Trio, Victoria, N. Y. C. 3-8. Carlisle's Ponies. Alhanibra. K. Y. C, S-8. Cascttas (2), Bell. Oakland. Cai.. 8-8. ' , Carters. The. Verback, Oil City, Pa., 8-8; Morey, . 'Barncsboro, 10-10. (Arrays, Lew, Grand. Rcynoldsvllle, Pa., 8-8". Carlton. Arthur ft Lucille, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 3-8. Oarberry ft atanton, Cryatal, Milwaukee, 8-8. Campbell ft Bain], Sprlngbank Park, London, Can., S-8. Carroll ft Baker, Orphean], Los Angeles, Cai., ■3-B. Carlton, Al., Keith's. Columbus. O., 8-8 Gbatneroys, The. Lnna Park, Coney Island, N. Y., •813. Chambers, • Paris, Young's, Atlantic City, N. J., :i'S. ChrlBtophcr, Morley's, Barncsboro, Pa.. 8-8; Ver- back's, Oil City. 10-13. Chllders, Grace, ft Dog. Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 3-S. Cb'fck, Great, Keith's, Boston, 3-8. Chadwlck Trio, Proctor's, Newark, K. J„ 3-S. Chatham Slaters, Morlcy 0. H., Barneshoro, Pa.. 3-8 ;Moriantown. O. II., W. Va., 10-16. Christy, Wayne G., Crystal. St. Joe, Mo.,' 2-8; Parlor, Omaha, Neb., 0-10. Chester, Mile., ft Dog, Majestic, Chicago, 3-8. Clennonto, Frank ft Etta, Empire, Cardiff, Kim.. ■8:15; Empire, Manchester, 17-28; Empire, ' L*jci1h aM*Z9 Clifford.' Billy, 'Young's, Atlantic City, N. J., 8 8. Clh'im ft nmlcllffe, Family, Solux City, la., 2-8; - Majestic. Slonx Falls. S. I>. 10-16. Clark. Marie, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati, 0., 2-S. Clarence Slaters, Casino. Toledo, O., 8-8. Cleui'onro Bros.. Lyceum, Rochester, N. V., 8-8. Clark. Harry Corson, Casino, Toledo, O., 3-8, ■ dine, Msautle, Shea's. Buffalo, N. Y.. 8-8. Clarke, Georgtana, Star, Seattle, Wash., 8-8; Grand, Tacomn, 10-10, Clarke ft Bradley, Keith's, Phlla.. 3-8. Clarke ft Temple, BIJou, Flint, Mich., 3-8; BIJou, Knl.imotoo. 1015. Clark, Bcrtnnnn ft Mubouey. Keith's. Boston, 3 8. Clnfke. Wilfred, ft Co.. Chestnut Street, Phlla., •3-S. OllVe, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 3-8. Clffford, Dave, Star, Brnddvck. Pa., 3-S; Grand, Vhloiitown. 10-15. Cook. Frank. A. ft S.. Boston, 8-8. Collins ft Brown, Savoy, Atlantic City. N. J„ 3-8. Corliett, Jas. J.. Nixon. Pittsburg, 8-8. Cniutlln, John, BIJou, Duluth, Minn., 3-8. Coles, Mtlslcal, Crystal, Marlon, Ind., 3-S; Crys- tal, Elkhart, 10-15. Colton ft Darrow. Atluutlc Gitrdcu, N. Y. <:., 3-8. Oolrgawells. 'Cycllnn, llt|i. Glen Echo. Md,. 8-8, Cowpcr, Jlmmle, Sans Soucl Park, Wllkes-Barre, Pa.', 3-; Hate! Park, Haaelton. 10-15. ' - • Collins. Eddie. BIJou, Oshkosb, Wis., 3-6. ' Coo);, Oates) A Co., Luna Park, Buffalo, N. V., 3 : 8. Connors ft Adelbert, Chester Park, Cincinnati, 2-8. OiurllelKli. Win., ft Co., Colonial, N. Y. 0„ 3 8. Onlbta, The, Olympic, Chicago, S-8. Collins ft Hart, Victoria. N. Y. C. 3-July 18. -. Cook Bras., Park. Johnslowu, Pa., 10-10. Oogau ft Bancroft, Keith's, Plilla.. 8-8. Corro ft Currv, Morley's, Puniautawacy, Pa.. 3-3. Cohnor ft itayuivud, K. ft P., Jersey City, K. J., ■8-8. . Culb'urii ft (ireno. New Philadelphia. 0., 3-8. . Colonial Hcptolli'. Yc, Oriihboin, Uusiou, 3:3; siwt. n. y. u, 1016. Creasy ft Duyne. Keith's, lloutuu, 3-8. Crawford ft Dcluuuey, Uvsevlllo I'urk, Sharon, - Pu„ ■■■»: Uric, 10-10. Oreo ft Co., Irwin, Goshen, lud., 3-8; Anderson, 1015. Cruluc, Nun: & Crnluc, ldlcwood Purk, AshUbula, iv. 10-22. Cravetb, North Ave, Chicago, 8-8. "Oremutlon," Victoria. N. Y. C. 8-8. Cralm, Musical, Colonlul, N. Y. C. 8-8. . • Curzou Slaters, Ontarlu Beach Park, Bucheslcr, N. Y., .3-8; Dominion Park, Montreal, (Jan.. 10-22. CuihmluKK, Mabel, Schlndler'H, Chicago, 3-8. Cuuurnghum, Bob ft alay, Imperial, Flmllay. 0„ .2:8. Cunulngham ft Smith, Tmcadero. Phils., 3-13, ' Cyril.', IlerU'rt.IJiilou Siiuure, N.' V. C, 3-8. Daly ft O'BrJrii. Wheeling, W. Va., 3-8. Daisies, Dancing, ltamooa Park, Grand Itaplda, Mich., 3-8.,- Ddveunort.iEdnn, BIJou. Phlla.. 2-July 81. D'AMrn, Khrr, O. O. IL. Pittsburg. 3-S; Union Sipiare, N. Y. O, 10-15... Daly,.Win. Josh, Evausvllle. Ind., 3-8; Clucluuali, '0-.1IJ. > Davey ft Phillips, Alrilomc. Tcrrc - Haute, lud., :;-N; Crystal, Mcuosha, Wis.. 10-10. Dutlcourt. Leah B., Gaiety. Alliance. ,0., 8-8. DaVIs 7 , Jack. Muuhntlan, Norfolk. Vu., 8-8. D'Arvlllc. Camllle. Cook 0. U., Itvcjiesler, N. V., tf-3.' Daly. Vlnle, Cook 0. II.. ttucheuter, K. Y.. 3-8. Daly's Country Choir, St. Louts, Mo., 3 8; Uvaqs- vllle, Ind., 10-t0. Uagivell. Auric. Keith's. Glcrelaml. 0., 10-15. Dehgous,' The, Wiuoua Beach, Bay Clly, Mich., ■ all. De, 'Wilt, Bums ft Tvmuce, Cohmlal, N. Y. 0., • 8-8. ! Duveau, Hubert, Lincoln, Nob., 3-8. Di-'l.niiaux. Marie, Casino. Toledo. 0., 3-8. Deumcos, The, O. 11.. Elwwd, lud., 3-8; Dowl- lug's, LoKansport, 10-16. Dee, Rvy. Marmelluff, Brlslun, Teuu., 8-15. Detnie, Sydney, A Co., Proctpr's, Newark, K. J., U-8. Dclni ; >re ft Morev,' Acme, Norfolk, Va., 8-8. Dc Monde ft Duisatore, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincin- nati, 3-8. • • ■ ■ . Do (Vott A Kennedy Trio. Dream City,. Pittsburg, De lie 1 in ft. La Due, Wonderlaud'Park, Indlanapo-' lis; 3-10. Delmur. Jennie, Star, Atlanta,' Go.. 3-80. Deluiorc A Lee, Lyceum, Bocboater, N:' Tr,- 8-8. Deuiutha.. Mile. Luclu, Sohmer Park, Montreal, Can.. 3-8. De' maker's: Dogs. Blulrsvlllc, Pa., 3-8; Ford City, W-IB. DeJaviye.ft'Frllr, Buck Island, la.. 0-8. De Oesch, Mamie B„ A(hi11o, Chicago, S-8. Dv Onto'& McDonald, Majestic. Chicago, US. ' Dc Laceys.. Dancing. Orphlum, ■ Chllllcothe, 0., 8-8; Portsmouth, 10-10. De Lano Dun. Schlndler's. Chicago, 8-8. Dc'Obantu! Twins, Brookalde Park, Athol, Mass., .8-8. Dc Veliie A Zclda. Niiimue Purk,' MUford, Mass., iff-13. DeiVolc Trio, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y.. 5-8. lieaaift Deas, Glen Haven Park, Rochester, N. ■ 1" •' 3-8 De j'ayu. Musical, Sioux Falls,.8. D.,.0-8; Skiux City, Ia„ 10-16. De.Coc. Great. Park, Wheeling, W. Vs., 8-8. De. Holds ft Valoca, White City, Chicago. 2 8; Calumet. Chicago. 9-16. Dixon' A Fields, Ratnona Park, Grand Ranlds, , Mleli., U-8; Sprlagbrook Casino. 80. Bend, Ind., Dillon Bros., 1201b Street. N. Y. C„ 3-8. Dhou Bros.. Sprlnghrook Casino, So. Bend, Ind., 3-8; Ulversldc Park, Saginaw, 10-15. Dlvey, Henry K., ft Co.. Keith's. Phlla.. 3 8. Dlinn, Hewers A Dixon, -Aliuiu Pork, Uedar Hapidf. la., 2-S. Donald ft. Carson, K. ft P., Jersey Clly, N. J., Duwn'oy A Wlllanl. Olyujilc. Chicago, 3-8. Donnette, lva. Family. WlUlamsport, Pa.; ::■>*. Doyle A Granger. Academy. Tyrone, Pa., 8-8. Dotiley, ]: Francis,' ft Girls,' Henderson's. Coney Island. N. Y., 3-S. Dow, Lillian, Pafk.-Wbeelbajf, W-T*., a». ,? Doa Leuo'a School Boys and Girls, Schlndler's. • Chicago, 8-8. Drew, Dorothy, F.roptre, Blrmlugham. Eng., 10- 15; Empire, Newcaetle-ou-Tjue, 17-23; Umpire, South Sfalelda, 24-29. Drew. Mr. A Mrs, Sidney, 23d Street, N. V. C, • U-8. Drum Majors (It), Uendtraou's, Couey Islawl, N. Y., 8-8. Dupree, Geo. A Llbhlc. Garden, Milwaukee. 8-8! Dnatiars. Casting (41. O. O. H . Pltlabnrg, 8<8; .Shea's, Buffalo, S. Y., 10-16. DiivBots. Great, A Co., Swisher's, Monraatows, ' W. Va., 8-8; Casino, Washington. Pa., HM.5. Domonds, Les, Cook O. H., Bochester, N. t., 3-S. rhino ft Glailer, Orpbrum, San Fran.. Cai.. 9-22. • Dvmedln Troupe. Keith's, Boston, 8-8; Colonial, N. Y. C, 10-15. "Ihiprei, Fred, Ulrard, ATetitie. Phlla., 8-8; Rlec- trlo Park, Baltimore. 10-13. . , Dunbar's Caprine Parldox, BIJou, Battle Creek, Mich., 3-8. , D.vllyn, i. Bernard, Unique, Sau Jose, Cai., 3-S; Novelty. Stockton, 10-10. liurlc Sisters. A. A P.. Benton. 3-8. Early A Late.'Olympic, Chicago, 8-8. Rarlc. Dorothy, Casino, North Beach, L. I., 10- 15 Kirle ft Bartlett, Lnna Park, BufTalo. N. Y., 8-8; -Irrluilale Park, Warren, Pa.. 10-t5. • liaganyk Hallmaa, Majestic, Pltlabnrg, S-S. Edwards,- 'flora. A. A 8., Boston, 8-8. Hdwanbi A Hcslln, Henderson's, Couey Island, N. t.7tVeV Ellsworth A Bart Grand, Fargo, N. D., 3-3; Bi- jou, La Croaac,' WU:. 17-22. hllflott ft West. Lima. O.. 8-8. BllOvre Slaters. 23d Street, N. T. O, 3-8. Ellls-NoTvlrn Trio, 126th Street, N. Y. C 8-S. Emerson A Baldwin, ■ Orphoum, San Fran., Cai, 8-16. Emmy. Mnic.. A Pets.. Savoy, Atlantic City. N. J., 3*. Euwrald Comedy Trio, Montmorency FaUs Park, Quebec. Can., 8.15. . Empire City Quartette, NI1011, Plttuburg, 3-8. ''Kiwltaii Itockera" <0), Keith's, Phlla., 3-B. Kngfcton, Nan, A Co., Globe, San Iran.. Cai.. J- 8: Bell, Oakland, 10-15. Epn« A I.nrctta Troupe, Happyrand, So Beach, N. , Y„ 8-15. I'.rnesto Bisters, Nixon. Pittsburg, 3-8. EBterbrookB, The, Wcuoua Beach, Bay City, Mich., • 8:8.. Esmeralda Sisters, l'olles Marlguay, Paris, h'ruuee, 8-18. ■Kvaus A Evans, BIJou. Winnipeg. Can., 3-8; BIJou, Duluth, Minn., 10-16. Everett, Sophy. Harlem O. II.. N. Y. 0.. 3-8. literals.(2), Colonial, Bristol, Pa.. 8-8. Evers. Geo. W., Urand. Victoria, 0. 0.. 8-8; Uraud, Vancouver. 10-16. Erelyn Sisters, Woodland Park, Ashland, Pa,, 8-8. Exposition Four. Alliambra. K. Y. O, 3-8. Fantus (2), Orpbeuin, Webb City. Mo., 2-8; Park, Pittsburg, Kans., 0-16. Fadctto'Orchestra, Majestic, Chicago, 8-8. Farley. James A Bonnie. Urand, Belllugbam, Wash.', 3-8: Orphcum. Vancouver, B. C, 10-10. Fayc, Elsie, Keith's, Boston. S-8. Ferguson A Mack, Olympic, Chlcugo, 3-8. Ferry. Aetualldoiles, Havana, Cuba. 8-8; orpbeum. Sau Frau.', 10-29. Fields and Hanson. Highland Park, Belleville, 0„ 3-24. Flnneys, The, Orphcum. San Fran., Cai.. 3-13. Fisher, Sir, ft Mrs. Perkins, Myers Lake, Csuton, O., 2-8; Falrvlew. Dnytnn. 9-1C. Flcldhut A Clalllu, Glen Haven Park. Itochostvr. K V., 3-8. l'lt««|libouMcCoy Trio, K. A P.. Jersey City, at. J.. 3-8. . . . Fisher ft Berg, Brooks' Cusluo. North Beach, I,. 1., 3-8; Pleasure Bay, Long Branch, N. J., to- Fields. Will Hi. West Fltiley, Pa., 3-15. Fielding, .Mr. A Mrs. Harry, Glen Haven Park, Rochester, N. V.. 8-8. Florenx Family, N. Y. Hoof Gaideu, N. Y. C. 8- July 0. . < Flbi+nec Sisters (3). Casino, Buenos Ayrca, 80. America, 3-30. Fleinen ft Miller, Lyceum, Beaver Falls. Pa., 3-8, FljFiui, Earl, Park, Kansas City, Mo., 2-8. Ffynn, Barney A Dolly. Pastors, N. Y. 0..-3 S. Flood Bros., Celemn Park, Jamestown, N. V., 8,8. Ford Sisters ft Brothers, Orpheum, Sao Ifrao., Cxi.. 8-8 • • .' Fov ft Do Ball, Fontaine Ferry Purk, Louisville. K«., M| East End Park, Memphis, Tenn., 10- l-'onls. Famous. Family, Erie, l'a., 3-8; Dvsevllle .Purk, Sharon,. 10-15. I'nsler A Lucille. Aiidltorlinii, Norfolk. Va., 3-S. nil Ilex, Lyceum. Rochester, N. Y„ 3-8. Krcy, Hmry, Slur. Elgin, III.. U-8; Lake View Tirh. Term Haute, lnd„ 10-10. FrbVoll.. Krmlcrlc'O. n.. Sbelhrvllle, Ind.. 0-8; ■Cryatal. Noblcsvlllc. 10-12; niwoud. 13-15. Fi'oslo. Clias.. BIJwi. Fargo. N. t)., 3-8; BIJou. Grand Forks, 10-10. Frey, IJenry, Star, Elgin. 111., 3 8. Poriuau, Badle. Nixon, Pittsburg. U-8. "Klilurlty WJnnor." The, KcIIIi'm, Phlla:, 3-8, Gardner ft Stoddard, G. O. H.. Pittsburg, 8-8; .Temple,' Detroit, 10-15. liusum ft Greene, Colonial, N. Y. 0., 3b. Gallagher ft Butrctt. 125th Slrvet, N. Y. U, 1-8. Gardner ft Chiicon, Pantnges. Portland, Ore., .3- H; Bllllnghsm, Wash., 10-10. Uayjor ft Graff. Havel Park, Hareltuu, Pa., 8-8. George, ■ Kdwiu, Oak Summit Park, Evansvllle, Hid.. - 2-8: Olympic Park, Chattanooga, Term.. 1016. George ft Harrington. Golden City, Canurslc, L. I., . 8'8. ■ Geuiroft Bailey, Keith's, Cleveland, 0., 8-8, Olllcn, Tom. Orphcum, Seattle, Wash., 3-8; Grand, Tacoma. 10-16... < Gillette ft McFarluuc. Youug's, Atlantic City, N. J,. 3-S. Glrileller's Dogs. Unique, i'.uu Claire, Wis.. 3-8; Mluncapolls, 10-16. Gimogwater, Claude, A Co., Cook 0. U.. Bociies- ter, N. Y.. 3-B. Gllroy. llaynes A Montgomery, Forivst Park, St. Lbuls, 10-15. "Gibson Girls," The, Chestnut Street, Phlla., 3-S. "Girl and tbu Wire Tuner, The," CStb Street, N. V. O. 3-8. Ullnserellls <tl), 68th Street. N. Y. C, S-8. Golden, Geo. Fuller, Lyceum, llochcsler, N. 1'., 3-8. tiuss. John. Mnjesile, Ashland. Ky., 3 8. (iotorth ft.Doyle Akron. U„ 8-8. Golibnnlth ft Uoppe, Mauulou's Purk, St. IaioIh, 8,-B. '' Gordon. Lawrence, Lakeside Park Theatre, Dayton, ■<J./ 3JJ. Guide, Anna II., Amuse, I.onilue. O. 8-8. Goodwin. Susie. Electric Park, Kansas City, Mo., 2 : 8; Auditorium, Jojillu, 9-10. Gulden A Hughes, Grand, Jollet. III., 88. Golden. Lewis, Flood's Park, Curtis Bay, Haiti- . more. 3-10. Gordons, Three Bounding, Wcuoua Beach, Day City, Mich.. «•«< Gwilmuiis, Musical, West Hud Park. New Orleans, '7Wveriit»r,'« 'Sou." Lyceum, Houliester, X. Y., 3-S. ' (Jrunl,..Sydney. Lyceum. Rochester. X..Y., lOJO.. Green ft Weathers, Palace. Boston, 8-B. "Grout,"Bert ft BeHhu," Hendersoo's, "Coney Is- land, R. Y.. 8-8. Green Bros.. Henderson's. Coney Island, N. V., .3-8 • Grenadiers, ■ Stiinnliu:. (i. 0. II., PHtshurg, 3-8. Grlgvlcltls, Flying, Cook O. H.. Rochester, X. T., 8'H. Gnty't Marlouettes. Ilanuver Park. Merldeu, . Conn.. 3D; Hong Lake, Woonavcket, It. I., 1018. Grlllen A Du Bols, 23d Street, N. Y. O. 8-8. Gray ft Graham. Ocean View Park, Norfolk, Va., ' 9«; Park. Richmond. 10-15. Ouyer ft, Albambra. N. Y. C, 8-8. Hampton. A Uaomanu, 'DeUtfcBes, MtUcnen, tier., lla'taroi, Grace, O. O. II., Pittsburg, U-8, Haines, l/oln. Wonderland, Revere Beach, Mass., 8<80. Mart,;Maurice, Hazel Pack, Hazelton. Pa., U-8.- Haatinxs A Wilson, Majestic, Ft. Wottb, T«., llatimwoy A Slegel, Lakeside Park, Akrou, 61, Hays,' Ed. C. Urand, Uulootowu, Pa'.. 3-8; .Nixon, Pittsburg. 10-10. Ilartmcli ft. Harris, Family. Coshocton, O. 3-8; Verbaek'si Oil Clly, Pa., 10-15. Hayes, Tommy, Houdenun'it, Ooney Island, N. Y„ a-8i liarta. Alcuc-ft EdHard, Crystal, Irunkford, lud,, a-1.0. ' .-■ ■ lls'rrltfiin. -his. Majestic. Clihago. fl-B. Hay,'-Uillcyelu. Lakeside Park Casino, Akrou, 11.. 2 8: Meyer's Lake, Csuton. U-16. Hatch S Hatch, HIJe/n, ShelvyMu. wis., s-ii. Uaiiiey, Lenura, Crystal, Frankfort, Ind., 3». Harriaons, The, BIJou, Norfolk, Vs.. .'IB. Harriniton ft Lester, Park, Johnstown. Pa., 8-8. ltarrlaon. Lisi F„ O. H . Blind River.'out., Can.. 0-8. IJ*vto-rIj«t:ler K'.iir. Ncntals/ga 1'atW. Owlun, a I). riarrls-Beaureganle A Co., Olympic, 80. Bend, . lnvj,. as. lilutoe. Al, Farm. Tolt^ki, O., U-8; UoCk Springs, t-' tjiaslgt Llierouol. 10 15. Hurmau A brauklln, Pavilion, laindon. liuglaud. 3-».. llauitoii'ft Drew, l^agvon Park, cinclunnU, n 15. Iluwley, E. Frederic, A Co., Orphcum, Sau Fran., ■Cai.. 8-22. Hathaway, l.ulu. Parlor, Omaha, Neb.. 3-B, Heeler A Mcely. Casino de Paris, Paris, France, 8l6. Hw-wooil, Great. Elder* Park, Charlcrol. Pa., ITelai'Children. .Wallace Park. I'adacab. Ivy., .8- 8: Cook's Park. Kvaosvllle. lad, 1013. Henry, Captain. Star, Seattle. Wash.. 8-8. Henry ft Young, Shellpot Park, Wilmington, Del., Hearn. Torn. Nixon,. 1'lttabnrg, 0-8; Cleveland, lo- in. Hennessey, Jas. A., Bell. Oakland. Cul., it-S; Novelty. Fresno, 10-15. Hewlett*, The, Coeur d'Alcuc. Spokane, Wash,, 3-Aug, 11. Herbert, . Mona. Maoela Grove, Tomiqaa, Pa., 3-8: TnrobUug Run. Poltsvllle. 10-10. Hill, Cherry ft Hill. Casino, AsbQry Park, N. J., 8-8; Park, Johnstown. Pa.. 10-13. Hliiiuim. Capt. Sidney. Steeplechase Park. Ouuey Islimd. X. Y.. 8-30. lllllniau. Geo.. HIJou, Kankakee, ill.. 8-8. Illckeyft Nelson. Cheater Psrk, Cincinnati. B-f, mil, Hamilton, Tlvoll. Sydney. Aua.. il-July Hi. Holmes ft AValdon. Bosovlllo Pork, Sharon, Pa.. 8- S. -Pavilion, Akrou. O... 10-10. Hocb. Kutll. A Co.. Celeron Park. Jamestown, N. ' ■•T:. 3-8; Mslestle, Chicago, 10-13. Uolomn, Al.K ft Mamie, Omsk, Siberia. Russia, utluly 81. Hopkins, Vera. UUlto. Klmlra, N. Y.. 3-8. Hoey * Lee. Keith's, Columbus. O.. 8.-8. Uorton A La Trlska, Forrest Park, St. Louis. 3- 15.- ■ Holt: James, Spring Grove Park, SprlugUeld, O, ■ iifrO. Houdlnl, Hairy. Unkiu Square, N. V. C, it-S. Homed Bios.. Novelty, Bin Jose, Cai., 8-8. . Howard ft North, Keith's, Boston, 3-S. IloMswortbB. The. Family, Lehauon. Pa.. 3-8. Hottocn Bros., aohroer Park, Montreal, Can., .l-«; Vetty Park, Toronto. 10-10. ilostart, Ernest, Alliambra, N. Y. 0., 3-B. Uowsjnl A Bland. Ingersoll Park. Di-s Molucs. la.,' s-3, . UOitan, Arthur, ft Co., -Hoaglake Park. Wuoii- " abckcl. It. 1., 5-8. Huglias Musical Trio. Lyric, Tcire Haute, Ind, '■-»•: Lyric, Danville. 111.. 10-19. Ilrratlngs (4>. Union Square, N. Y. C, 8-8. lluehu, Musical, Fairyland Park. Passaic, N. I., Hull, t'srollue, ft Co., 2,'uJ Street, N, Y. C. 3-B. Hyde. Mr.' ft Mrs. Rvbt., Manila Groi-e Park, .Taminus, Pa.. U-8; lslaud l'ark, Hniiburj. 10- «:•■ llallan Trio.:Chesiuut Street. Phllu.. 3-8: Ivy, A Ivy. Posfor s, N. Y. C. U-8. • Jueuby. Jiaiepliliie, HIJou. Kolunuioo, Mich., 8-8. Jucktvn Family. Temnle. Detroit, 3-8. Jerome, Nat 8.. Spring Grove Park, SprlugSelU, .0,V-I1-8: Fall-view Park, Dayton, HMD. Jerome, Elmer, Unique. MlunesiHills, 8-8. Jerinlngs ft Renfrew, Sprlnghrook Park, 80. Bend, Ind., U-8. Johnson ft Dean, Yard's, Moscow, Russia. .".30. .lolmstoiis, Mttslcul. Empire, lllrmlnghnm. Eng., lp-15; Empire. N'cwcustlc on Tine, 1T-22; 'em- pire, South Shields, 24-20. Juyees, The. Rlalto. Elmlra. N. Y.. 3-8. Jordan. Ureal, Riullo, Klmlru, N. Y.. 3-15. Jones ft ltuymond, Alrdomu, Belford, Ind., 3-3; HIJou, Anderson, 10-13. Kulliass A Co., Thalia. Chicago. 8-8. Kaufman Sisters, Elite. Hvckrord, 111.. On Kaufman Bros., union Square, N. Y. C>. 3-B. Karnu's Psntoinliue Co., Nlxvu, Pittsburg, 8-8. Karl ft Kella Trio. FujeUevlllc, N. C. U-8. Kcciiv. Juggling, Broadway, Mlddletown, 0., 3-S. Keuli ft.Co., Noi-uniUitu Park, Boston. 3-8. Kel«» ft Udghtou. Proctor's. Troy. N. Y., 3-8; Celeron Park. Jameatowu, 10-16. Keller A Usui's Arabs, Cook's O. U„ Rochester. N; Y.: 8-8. Kcimettc, Tom. A. ft 8., Boston. 8-8. Kenton: Dorothy. Fontaine Forry Park, Louisville., K/., 3-8; East End Park, Memphis. Teuu., in Ketley. Wis, J.. A Co.. 126tU Street, N. Y. 0.. 3- 8.' . ' Kelly. Waller C. Keith's, Cleveland, 0., il«. Keitnem, The, National, Kansas City, Mo., 8-b. Kelly ft.Rose, Olympic, chlcugo. 3-8. KeuiKily ft Wllile, HI|>|Hjdronw, Oceuli City. X J., ICcrtbr. Jos. It., -ft Oik, Park, Wheeling, W. Vs., ■I>b .t King, Sam and Nellie, Irrlmlule Park, Warren. Pit.. 3'8;. Athletic Psrk. HiHTalo. N. Y„ 1015. Ivlnajsley ft Lewis. Majestic. Chlcugo, 3-B. Kin* ft Haslovii. Rlalto, Klmlru. N. Y.. 88. King. Sam ft Nellie, Warren. Pu.. 3-B; Athletic Llnplncutls. The, A. ft 8„ Bwton, U-8. Lucy ft Luder, Spring Grove Park, SprlugBeld. O , U-B. Luce ft Luce. Noruuibeira Park, Boeton. 3-8. Lueler, Mr. ft Mrs. Freil. Spring Grove Park. NprliigiieM. O., 3-8; Couey Island, OluclunsU, 1010. Lucas. Jlimulc, ltamoua Park, Graud Baplds. .Mich., it-8. • 1 Lyrle Comeily Four. Park, Wbeelluu. W. Va.. 0 8. Martlnettle ft Sylvcuter. I'roctor'a, Newark, N. J,. :i-8; Cook O, IL, Rochester. N. Y„ lu-lo, MaiK-lo ft Woulf. Casino. Carnuralc, L. 1., U-l>; Vanity Fair Park. Providence^ n. L. 10-10. .Maildcrii ft Harvey. Manhattan, Norfolk, Vn,. 8-B."- Mann. Ilnnuy, £ Co.. Lakeside Ciialuo, Akrou, O, 3-8: Myers Luke Park. Cnuron. 10-15. MHsoli-Kwler Co.. 38lh Street. N. Y. C. 3-S. Matlory. Clifton, Ft. Plain.'. N. Y., 0-8. Murtln, Dover ft I'crclr, chutes. San Frau.. Cai.. U-fl Majes'tle Musical Four. Shea's. Buffalo. N. Y..8-U. Majestic Quartette. Crmalile'H, Mluneaiwlla. 3-24. Muck. Wilbur, ft Co., Family, Wllllaoisportf Pa., 8*8 Macks (21. Foatorla, O.. 3-S. Mack ft Dugal. BIJou. battle Creek. Mich.. 3-8; BIJou. Jackson, 10-15. Mains A Mar.ette ltsmoiia Park. Grand Baplds. Mich., 8-8. Mathews ft Ashley. Orphcnui. l»s Asseles, Oil.. 2-8. MuJicw. Stella. G. 0. H., Pittsburg. 8-B. Marshall, llert, HlanaUia Park, Mt. Vernon. . 0.. 3-B. Maltluml. Mil,Ice. Xoruuiuein Park, Boston. S-6. Muilon ft Pearl. Park. Johnslowu, Pa., U-8; Celerju. Jniursiown. ,X. Y„ 10-1J. Maivo Twins. Emit Euil Park, Memphis. Teuu.. 2-8: liigrmvll Park, Des Moines, la.. 10-10. Marline*. The. Marlon, Marlon. O.. 3-8; Orphtmn. Springfield. 10-15. Mack, Dlek. Orphcum, l.oavcnworlb. Kan., 10-16. Marvin Bros., Schlndler'a. Chicago. 8-8. •Manhattan Trio, Kdgcmont Park. Dubois, Pa,. Miirsh'all * King. Youug's. Atlantic City, X. J.. 8-S. Matthews. Elmer, llljou. Kalamasuo. Mich.. B* Martyur, Luna Park. IlnKalv,- N. Y„ Ul«. Msdilen-Fltriialrick Co.. Colonial, N. Y. C, 3 S. Mnck. CliM.. ft Co., KittliN. Ooliinibim, O., 8«. Mack ft Dugal. Hlli.ii, Battle Greek, Mich.. 3-S. Maxwell, Joseph, A Co.. Alhanibra, N. Y. C, 3-8. Mtrtlu Bros.. Kellb'a. Boston. H-8. Marshall, Berl, Collins GardUis. Cvlumbui, 0., 10-15, Msec. Fred. Lyceum. Rochester, N. Y.. 3-8. Mason ft Doran, Hliocdy's Nlckelodcou, Fall Hlvar, Mass.. H-.'IO. Martini A Maximilian, I26u7 Street, N. Y. C„ 5-8. ^1llssey ft-Kraniav.' PeWile's, HlufftOh, lud., U-8; Star.' MuitliisHlle. 10-16. Mnihleu, Juggllug, Cook's I'arli, Kvaiisvlllc, Ind.. 2-8; LaserTciv, fci'fo Hauie, O-IO. MacDonongli. Elba), Orplieiitu. Los Augclos, Oal., 2-8. Melntyre ft Heath. Chesiuut Htreot. Phlla., US. MeHorley ft Eleiuore. C'oenr d'Alenc, Spokauu, Wash.. 1)-:10. McDowell, John ft Alice. BIJou, Memphis, Teuu., 3-8. ■■ ■ ft Sliuuupn. Keith's, Huston, ll-B. MeNiiincc. Lyric, Danville. III., Ii B: Torre Uaule, > Ind.. 10-16. McLuugltllu. ciulie. Purk, Wheeling. W. V'a„ :i'h. .NlcPhee ft Hill, Slicu/x, Rnflalo. N. V.. 3-U. McFarliiuil ft Murray. Majestic. Chicago. 8-8. McClellon. Jus., Bijou, Hulutli, Mluu.. 3-B. . MeXeil ft Hon'arif, Sprlngbank Park, l/iudon, Con.. U-8. .. . MeCuno A Grant, Lyrle, VU Worth, Tei„ US; Lyric, Houston, 10-15. Merrltt. Slsirrs, Cliealvr Park. Cincinnati, 2-S. Merrill. Frank It.. Orphlum. Gallon, u., 0 8. Melville. Jean, llubtr'a, N. Y. C. Jill. Mclvlu Bros.. Young's I'lor. Atlantic City. N. I., 8:8. Molrose Troupe. While City.-West Haveu, Conn , OB. .Mtllmau Trio, Palace.'Hlrmlilgbam. England, U-li; Olympic, Liverpool. 10 10; Uliipudrmno. Mini- che-ilrr. 17-28. Miller, Minnie. LliblsV Baltimore. 3-8; Philadel- phia. 10-30. .Miller, Carrie Hello, Laketldo Park. Akrou, O, 8-8. Mitchell A Hrewnlug. BIJou. I'lijua, 0.. U-8. Minor, Frank, HIJou. KalauatoO. Mich.. 5 8. Millard Bros.. Howard, Boston, 3-B. Military Octette, rnjnderaon's, Cohey Miami. X. Y.. 3-22. Mill Sisters, t'plisi Siiuure, X. V. C, ll-B. Mlchelena, Vsfi. Colonial, N. Y. 0„ 38. Moulin, l.ea Klnir's, Otphoua, Ban Frau., Cai., 2-1 ft, Moore. Iniak A Marlon. Proulor'f, Noasrk, N. J ll-B. kirVoi VV^Ider 0 '8avov''A l ihintle Gltv N J fl.M Morioii. imw* J^Urniiruni, Sim Frun., Cul.. 11- KlSufo, Vlueeut. B?Jon A IrSn dtU J Mlcb i ".W.*.""'i"' 1 "'..,' 1 .' »^» ««,«*. •> JaJjabiUlBros,,' Palace, Boston, 3-6; Lyceum, Boa- • "(1 ii- 1.'. Knowles, Harry, Bell, Oakland, Cai., 3<B. Bnxtbcushue, Ituy, Luna Park, Chicago, 3 8. lullghl Hisjb, A Sawtelle, flsth Street, X, Y. C. Kiilsbt ft Knlglit. Howard, Oikagu, 8-8. Kohl. Uua ft Marlon, 0. IL, Gonuoaut, 0„ 8-8. bohlvr A Marluu. Coney laland, Cincinnati, 0., 3-8;MaJestlc, Irouton, 10-15. Kramer A Bellctalrc, Orpbaum, Los Angeles, Cat.. ■' >8-4L- KremJut Bros.. Orphcum. New Orloaun. 3-0. KroWrtv Wallace' Park, I'aducab, Ky., 'US; Cook's I'srk. Evanavllle, Ind., 10-15. KfniMrU, The. Union Square, N. Y. C , 8-B. Knrlla-ft Basse, A Dogs, BIJou, Lincoln, Neb.. 8-8. L« Utpo, Art. Al Fresno Park, Peorlu, HI,, 112V. La Clair A West. Arcade, Tarsntum, l'a,, 3-B. La Mar, Wayne Lyric, Dallas, Tex,, S-B. La Bord ft llyersou. Lyrle, Ft. Worth, Tea., 8-13. La Mont, Ollle, Star. Chlsholm, Mlnu.. 11-20. UNple Hrw., Whalom Park, Fltebburg, Mass., ■ 3,1V'Society Circus, Lynn, 10-22. Larkl-'ft Adams, Auilllorlum, Norfolk, Vu,, 3 21). Luhcuster, Tom. Lyrle, Jvuhlu, Mo., 2-8; Lyric, Pittsburg, 0-15. Uuihert, Maude. Chestnut Street, I'lillu., 3-8. Lu Toy llivs.. Park, Butler, pa., 3-8. Lament's Cockutuos, BIJou, Kalsmaaoo, Mich,, 3- 8. . . , •■ Lalliui, Mile.. Young's. Atluutlc City, N. J., U-B. Lu'Blanche. Great, Shamokln, Pu., 8-8. Lu Toska, Phil., Orphcum, Lvs Angeles, Cat., 3- 18, - ■ .... Langdons, Tins Orphlum, Lima, O. U-S; Or- phlum, Newark, 10-16. Luvcllc A Grant, Albambra, N. Y. C. 8-B. Luwoaii A Naiuon, Ornheum. Bostmi. U-S. Ln Holies, Foiitiisllc, Uruwusvllle, Pa.. U-B; Star, Lutrobo, -10-13. Lau|hllu, Anna, 23ii Street, X, V C., 3B. . Lakola, Harry. Slur, Douora. Pa.. K-B; Star, Moneasrn, fo:i3. lafrere-Hlsiers. Hohmrr Purk, Mvbtreal, Can.. 8-B. La'W'A'La Zur. pueblo, Colo., 2-8; Colorado Springs. 0-13. (m Belles. The Ii. ft P., Jersey City, N. J., il-8. Luscallea, The, llljou, Norfolk, Va., il-8. i.uhl'ft Cecil. Nortli Aw.. Chicago, U-8. Lsuqii; Cora. Wliiunu Ik-ueli. Bay City, Mich., 8-8. LuUkJiis. The, Chester Park, Cinlclnnatl, 2-». La MOto Girl. Ingersoll Park, De» Moines, la.. 3- 1.11 ik'll, Marie, AtlMiitJu Garden, X. V. c, 3-B. Ln Launl, Bessie, llljou. Wheeling. W. Va.. 8-8. La fell-Broa. Central Purk, Allentown, Pa„ 8-8; Sauutoia, Pottstvwn, 10-10. Lclrfil' Fannie, Rollaway Rink, Quehcv, Can., '-■ sTItluk. St, John, N. 8.. ldll lA-Iuispu. Jus., ft Co.. llljou, llucinc, Wis., 3-U; - Ktnoahu, 10-15.. u iwu, iieuvauii, lu-iti, . l«o|lkrrt, Kddlo, ft Co.,,Shea's, Buffalo, X. V„ 5-8. Ujparil, ttoa. Acme, Sacramento, Oal.. U-22; c, Irene, Chestnut Street, Phlla.. U-8. U'tfrht. Ureal. Empire, Pateraon, N. J., 3-B; Empire, llobolicn, 10-1.,. " Majtf _ A Qulnn, Henderson's. Couey Island, K, Lu Hoy ft' WoudfoM, 6Btb Street, N. Y. C, 3-B. Leigh, Lklc. .A Co.. orphcum, Boston, 8-8. Uslle ft Williams, Orpheniu, Rock turd, III., 10-13. lye «\'ltt A Asbmorc, BIJou. Lincoln, Neb., U-8; Crystal, St Joseph. Mo., 1115. l/oe, Itcury, Savoy. Alluutlc City, N. J., 3<8. Lewis A llarr, Falrvlew Park, Uuyton, O., 2 8 : ■ HpHntt tirove" I'urk. Sprhigtteld. 1M0. l/?e Tiiujr Foo. Howaril, lloston, 3-8. Let|nv ft Thompson, Savvy, New Bedford; Muse., l/e»y. Mrs. Jules, .V I'limlly, Aiou Park, MktsM. lottit. O., 2 8; While Clly, Blugbauiton, N, Y., 10-16. . Leyimnl ft Phillips. Thealorlum. Keutou, U„ U* : North Avenne, Clilcago. 10-15. ■* • Le flrey. Dollle, While Clly. Oshkoab, Wis., 3-'.», Little, Irene. Cnlqoe, Minneapolis. 3-B. Little Hip, O. 0. H., Pittsburg. 38. U»kbsrt Sisters. BM011 Aliptolnu. Wbl, IKi; •BIJou, Ureeu B*y, 'II Hi Morrlhs Sisters. Klein's Park. Baltimore, 8 8; Weber's Park, Baltimore. 10-13. Morton ft Dlumond. Kidlli's, Phllu.. SB. " an., C _ 3-July 31. Mutoglrl, Lu, Toiirhlg India ami China, ilJuly 31. Moil ft llisslrleli. HrOsdiVli), N. Y. ().. 3-30. .Morrlsey ft Illch. tlnlqw, MliiueuisiUs, U-8. ft Llllldleld. S'Wuu, PttUbprg, S-B. Morn. Silent, trtsUio, MaPlflaJdvO., M. Moiw, lllllle. Aubaaaer\ Akerlc-n. Wash.. S 80 Morse, Ron, Idora Park. Youngstowu, O,, Ml. Moore, Harry, UIJuu. Wlieollng, W. Va., 3-B. Mnlllcu Urns., Drvauiland, • Bradford, l'a., Ml Snlsniiincn, X. V., IO-i6. Miiakutecrs (U), Tnicadviro, i'-t. George, ,V. Y..-1U 15. Mulllgiin, May. O: IL, llWusvlltc, Pa.. U-B: Cuslnii. It'iishlngluu, 10-15. Multomo .laps m. HIJou, Duluth. Mluu., 5-8. Murphv ft Audreirs. I'urk, IVurron, Pa., 3>8: Ath- letic Park, ButTiihi, N,'Y'„ 10-16. Miiri-iiv, Clayton A Dfuw, Lyectilil, Phlla.. U-lll. Xswii, Tom, A Co,,'Miijasllc. Chlcugo, U«. Xiiiij', Viola. Lyrle, Tt. Smith, Ark., 2-B: Little tlock, 10-15. Xugel ft Adams, Pustor's. X.'Y. C., 3-B, Nuyiion, liosn ft IllfilH, Sobmer Park, Muutreal. Can., 2-B. Nail.ll. Sheu's Buffttlo. N..i'„ 3 11. Ncwinnii, Hurry. White City, Chicago, 2-8; Alamo Park, Cedar lluphls, |u„ U-IO. Mcuieyer ft Oileir. lllioii, Marabulllvu'n. In., lit). Nichols Sisters, Union Hdnuic, N, Y. C. 10-15, Norton ft Nhdiolsoli, |'t«jc(nr'a, X'mvark, N. J.. il-M. Norton ft NIcliolMib, Proiiliir's. Nmvurk, N. J . 8- 8: llolili's. Phllg., 10-15. Xoldelie A .Mini 11^11, 'L'lirillvnl I'urk, Ksusus City. Kim., 2-8; Alrilooui Park, Learenwurlh. U-IC. Xonvortli. Jdek. KellU's. I'lillii.. U-B. O'Cuniiell, Giildeu, Family, Anaconda, Mont., 2-B. Family. Hillings, 0-16, O'Dii.v. Ida, Farm,'Toledo, 0„- 2-8: Hock Unrlnf Park, Kust Llicrisiol. 10-.I3. Olluru ft Walaod, Onihlnui. Sjn'lngllcld. o.. U-M : ilriiiul. Ilriiiilllon, 10-16.' Olivrlra Trio, tloMeti City. Cuburslo. L. I..' J-B, Uluniotid, Troy. N, Y., 10-Hi, Oni'l, Allele Purvis. OuMno, Toledo. O, as: four Mile Creek Purk, l.i-le. Pa., U-16. 11 Nell's Minstrels, Xovnlly. Denver. U>0. O'Nell, Tom, lui|K>rlsl. I'retuouL o.. 3-B: Malesth'. Humliiskv, Mi-ir,. . ... O'lluitrke* Marie. Atlantic Garden. X. V, O. d-S. oslioriie,. Merri: ft Co.. Muleatlc, Chicago. 3-B. Osborne. Charles IL, llosuvillo Purk, Sharon, l'a , 2-S. , (isiniiu lamlli. Andltorlugj, Norfolk. Va.. 3<H. Otlullros., Alhsiulira, N, V.■ (I,, :t-8. Ovrrlng Trio, llluklisuitun, X. Y.. U-B: Troy. It) lo. , V I ■ , Owen, Margaret Dale. Cdaluo, J'ohslo, It., ,'I-B. Owen, Garry, Llllle ft Co.. Avon Park, Youngs- town. 0..-8-S.. - ' • Osava, The, Halt Lake CU) U.. 10-13. Po/loll ft Stanley, XCW BlsJfOfll, M1.1 , US ; Brockton, 10-'16.' ''.•'■ I'ainahaslkii's Pets. Hiiuliiir.v. Pu.. 3-B; Luua Park. M'usblngt D. L'„ lo-I.Y Pulitzer. Willy. Trio, Vlelorln. X, V. C. S-8. Parker A Harror,. MunJiHttuii, Norfolk. Vs.. 8-S. l'ascutel, X'urmiifiega Park, Boston. 3-B. PurlH-r Bros., Sbatly Grovit Park. I'nlvulowii, l'a . 3-0, , . Palmer Sisters, Biu'liuthiluk Park. Loudon, Can,. 8-8 ■ Perry, Padlltw, Proctor's, Newark, X. I... {Mt: Perry ft Penrce, Brooks Casino. No. Ucsch. N. Y.. il-8. Perry ft Aleelii. Slur, l.aiivbo, Pa., IIB: O. IS.. Bniwiisvlllc. 10-15. Peielilug RruH., Fair View Purk. Dnyloli, 0.. :<-S; Wiurlli.g, W. Vh., 111-15. hi-, A Wilson Wissllyn Park, Camden, X. J., :i-h. ■•- • 1 ■ Peters, Phil ft Nellie, laplh Mtrrel. X. V. U, Baa, PcM. Insl A •Aiiuk',' Weal End Park, New Orleami. I"22. Pemll-lmis, Tin*, Lyric, Sail Lake City, If., 2-8. tJtlhllll. Ogihlll. UK,. Pons 1 Twins. M'uraaa'.. I111J., 3-B; Logaubiit^t, 1013. ' , , ' "Platiohltleiids." Tbu." Colonial, X. Y. 0.. Ml Keith's. Phlla., H»16. Pollard, w. to. Orand. UMun. Ind.. ,'i-s. 1 , I'onKo-A Lki, •J}>stp',tJtr»eL,-N. Y, 0, SB, W^% XY- ■ » ■■ '•»• ,