The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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453 ' THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June is. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER OIK LONDON LETTER. ♦ »»■ nOW OUR OWN COIBISPONDIHI. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (LlmHid) dipper B»re» vears ,Mr. 3£uowIes has devoted to a tour of the world. In South Africa, In Australia. ood again In America, his monetary and arils- tic successes bate become almost tnoooxonous. raoraurroai. ALBERT J. BORIE, EDiroguL asd Bcsraisa Manaqbb. SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1907. luiteml June 24, 187H, at tba Port OBca at New York, N. Y . an second claaa nutter, wait Um act of March 3, 1879. Ailferllienieiili>-$a.HO I** Mat a'"" 18 eolamn. Adr«-rllwiB*n(Hict with lionler, 10 per ct. extra. HlIUSCniI'TIOrT. ^ = line mr, In advance, 14; six month", »»: three mouths, II. Korebja posing" extra. Slnglo copl* *lll Ue ecu I, postpaid, uii receipt of 10 cents. Oar i'wrma are Cash. TlItfOI.H'I'I'.K in Issued every WodnesiUytnorn- Iiik Tli*- lust four (advertising) p««ea 00 TO PUUH on Kiitnnlnjr nl II i. *.. anil OM otlitf 1 bk.-» .hi MONDAY nnd TIJKSDAY. 'J'U* Forms I losln-j Promptly, Tnes- 'iJny nl »o ovlook A. M. please mult by cspress, oioney dtder, chert, p. <i order or reipster«l letler. AH canto enclosed with teller ia at ilie risk of gender. Add reus All < onimnnU-ntlona to TI1B NKW YORK CiaPKKR, . . aj West 2SIU Street, «»w Tort. ■Xrohtcrei Cabin Ailirtn, " Acrn oartT." THE WESTERN BUBEATJ of Tu« Ciaeeso l» locstad nt Ilooid S04, Aiblanfl Yilock, CblenKil, John T. I'rliice Jr., mans*** sad correspondent, where advertisement, and eobacrlD- tloua are received at our rcsular rate*. THE LONDON BUBEATJ, Ucnle>l at 4N nraiitmiirnn St.,.Loud«o, W. p., John II. Conwy, manager and correspondent, where, ad- vertlrnueols und subscriptions urc received at oof " t'ii'k HMrm can ns obtains", wkoi.sbai.s anj> miail, at our nxents, Bmiiaim's news i fPQt. « Ateuiic is ropers, Purls. France;*!. Ullenthal, Frederick SirasH! lul (Tcriulutia Botel). Berlin, N. \V., Ucrmany; ninraond News Co., H!<J Pra™, H»vura; Msnlla Bonk and HtaUouery Co;, !8 Kscoltn. Manila, ft I.: Alliert * Son, laMifll Kluf HI., Sydney, Australia. TUB MOW YIIIUC CMPPF.ll pnliHalieB onlv Mill'! eilillon, Hint tliat la (lilted from New V«rk. ' 48 Cnabnraa SI., ' Leicester Square. London, W, C. Jink 1. With the very large number of visitors In town lb<- theatre* are not being patronized r,M much ox the .music hall*. Aside from n few otfrurllons nr the first named houses ilie business Is extremely light. Julia Mar- lowe anil K. II. Sothern rlnseil their six weeks' seiiHipii nt the Waldorf lost night. Ah staled In-fore I he business bus not been up lo the mnrk. The general opinion seems to lie that n wrong selection of plny» was the raoaa of the light lMilrnnage. It whb stated ii few weeks ago Ihnt "'ITie Hand to Yester- day" would lie the succeeding; piece, but nothing more bus been snid about It. "The Ijist of Ills Haee," which wfls plnved in New York under the title of "The Itedskln." closed ii brief camr nt Drury Ume Inst nlgbt. The ilrnmn proved lo be benvy for this senson of the yeiir, mid Hummer sensons at. the Lnne lmve never been very profitable. Among olherg who will appear In support of t'vrll Mnudr In his forth com lug pnMluc- tlon of "I'be Knrl of Pnwtiu-kel" are Alex- unilra f'urllsle and (Jeorge Hhelton. The Anierlciin piece will lie done In nboiit a month's time nl the Mnyhnuse. It will be proceeded by a new one act play, by W. W. Jiii-ohs and Herbert Knrgent, enlltfed "The I'liimgellng drnmnllzcd from a tale by the former. In I his I'ollle Kmery and (ieorge Sbnlton will appear. Mr. FroHmnn an- nounrcM that, owing to Miss Carlisle being nt r "Tb"; r Ta n rtooTd U Man;'' L.V. entertaln- tS* large parties since tbeopening. , VUlljfm tette. Ma; Istance li gJj gjS^m hmmUf&m. JJ»rJfiJE ^fc^oZSSrkoinfc H. Hunt, man- «M»aB'««sa ITCHING ERUPTIONS We are. glad to think his Itinerary Is at^an , ^.«. ~-j, :r-j !„»-. end. OopdneM knows wehwre atiaacA that ^ lst, , n< ^i n . h ^ E '" ° n ," e -bhl A H rr nresence from London. To. be j»r- sign of ■»n» change in ineuiii p&M^ ™^* fectly truthful we do credit:hlm with 'Infinite 2S^?anffin* ttreVM* 1 "hi"a been'much variety/ He Is an artist In whom we would |»r>.—^ CtjpWn *»raa» JftoTmaace.-iBil no. wllllnilY note any change. But we_win Improvfd afnee th^ timber o.m r custom nqw nma along veryjmootb^y ^. n «f?. h S!fJr^ ^r deal *to"hl S W 5id b I he clven 1". of visitors on Tuesday afternoon, to Inspect fiftieth .P <,rfo . rm j a 1 D ^, * nie-ois innnne inurui nun |nr,i-u.,i.... . ™.. r ... -r,.-. irreer Alfred Butt and the dlrcctora of the I'alace also MWH a &<** on Informol reception to o largeparly faa WMNfcW* ■^ •J^** 1 The (jus QUERI ES AN8W KKED. No Kepllra l iy Mall «» r Telesrapk. AMinnssEK on wiihiik«bouts hot Qirait. AiA m uutsr <>v much mioui.n wiiitk to »bo»b w;uom "iiky hbric, is <:»h« or TIIK UhUfRK I'oht Ofrnir.. Ai.l. i.I!TTKIib wii.i. an int»RTin«n onb WKKK ONLY. W TIIK IIOIITB OK *«» THBATBIOit MlinMI IS ailUOlIT, IISKKIl TO OUR I.IHT or UOOTBI ON ANOTI1ISR M'UO. WB UANNOT mil) BVOTM *I 11AII. Ok TBLkOUAI'H. 1)H ASIATIC. I. I.. Oskilloosil.—We lmve no knowleilge of lin- iiresenl vfllen-lllwillls uf the Jin VI. V. Ad- dress n b-lli-r In i-iiri- oi Ibis utile.- mid «e >lll nilverllsi- ll III Till: I'l.trl-KH letler list. .1. T. It., t.'llleiigo, .Mils. H. M„ Smt York, Miss It. It., I'ohoi-s. K. s. Mi-ii„ I'rhiina. W. .1. Mil'.. Sj-nicuse, and A. W. II.. New Vork.—Sec nnswer lo (». I„ uIhiyi-. .1. M. »'.. IIiibIoii.— -Klnw & Krlnnger innn- iigoil Hie roitd compiinles of the show for sev- eral years. ■ ■ . J. I". S., Snlem.—1. We never Indulge In i-iiinpnrlsisis. i. We lmve no recnnl of the bii-ldenl. .... , , 11. It. S. II., Pittsburg.—We have lind tiu In- fornintlon roncernlng the compnny for some ,1." M. .In.. Pensncolii."The K. t". Hold, »t rata I bin- Willi "The ViiniU'rlillt Cup" Co., Is the well known bicycle rider. i'oxstast Ukaiikii, Plains.—Address ,tno I'resi Tiildlllg Co., m West Tlilrty-KevcnlU ■Stri-el, New York l.'lty. .... ,„. K. S. II., Liiiu-Hster.—Address Dick & 1-llz- gi-riild, .18 Ann Hlreel. and T. II. Wlnnetl, I-IU2 Itvondwny. New Vork I'll)'. ('. M. S., Wet-hiinkeii.— Address the parly In mil- nr Hie Kmplre Olrcnlt, 114 West Tlilriy-iilntb 81 reel. New York City required liv Mr. Maude for his "Karl of Paw iiu.-ket" prodiiclloii, the present run of "•/ Hovnl Knmlly." at the Duke of York's, wll end next I'riilnv. nnd tbiil on June 10 he Will present, nt that, theatre, firnee (leorge mill hoi inpnnv, which will Include Kinnk Worthing nnd Itlehnnl llenneli. lof I he "SI ronghenrl" rompany. 1rt n new version of Snrilou's piny, 'Dlvoreons." It Is very probable Hint II. Beeves Smith, who plnved the principal jwvrt In "The or Ills lince," nl the. Lime, may Is- seen lnler in the Waldorf, In "The Marring.- or William Ax-be." tlioiigh. so rar, nulliliii: deflhile as to Hie priNluellon of the |iluy ut that house has been settled. Adeline Hence, the celebrated dnilrer. who, nl the end or the present year will hnve com- pleted- an uninterrupted engagement of ten vcinx it the Kmplre, signed :in iigreemeni lust Snlnnlny to appear in New York next Jilliu-iry. Her slay In America will bo nl least n period or some months, and on her return to London It Is more than probable llinl .Mile. Uenee, Instead of appearing In hnl- |el„ will conllne h-rr work lo one or the the- atres. Mrs. I.nngtry, having henrd from David Itelnsco Unit he will not be oblc to Binge her new American piny In New York until Chrlst- niiis. has decided to iinderlnke a short season In London, commencing In .September, pro- vidliiK she rnu Jlnd a play lo her liking. To thnl end she Is now anendlng the moat of her I line rending manuscripts. The American rights of I-outo \. Parker's comedy. "Mr. Oeorgc," which Is doing n fine business «l the Viiiidevllle. have been acquired hv James K. Ilm-krlt, who will shortly pm- d'tiei- the piece In New York, nnd nlso ninke ii long tour In the States. l-'rnnk Parker will produce his fortieth consecutive spectacle at the Hippodrome, on or about June 17. It will be an ice carnival, unil the scenes arc laid In Holland. By new machinery new being Installed, Mr. Parker will be able to change Summer into Winter, and a crowd of one hundred and fifty people will Iw seen attired In the picturesque jrnrh of the Netherlands, skimming the surface of tuc arena lake. In a graceful way noted of Holland's most famous cnnnl skaters. The cast Is not at. present complete, but Bert Gilbert and iXlpner I.iiplno Lone arc secured for the principal male parts. The famous sknters. Hess and Lisbon, nnd the four Figaros will be Introduced. A large number of the Tiller girls ore now learning to gknte for this car- nival. The show ought to be an ideal one for ■the Hummer senson. The Tossing Austins, who hove Just re- turned to Knglnnd from the States, where l hey met with such great success, open at the Allinmhra, Paris, to-night, 'tne act, which now consists of Mr. Austin and bis wife, Is the handsome hall In Its new scheme of decoration, and with lis many effective Im- provements otid handsome appointments. All Hie alterations required by tbeLondon County council hnve ls?en carefully carried out with- out in any way preventing the usual perform- ances or Inconveniencing patrons. At the per- formance In question there was music and light refreshment. May Walsh arrived at Liverpool a few days ago. from New York. She will open at the Kmplre. Liverpool, on Monday next,, and that will he her first nppenTance In this country. Three other halls on the Moss & Stoll tour follow, after Which she wl go to South Africa, to'play Hie Hj-mon halls in that country. He Were finishes, to-night, a long engage- ment nt the Alhnmbrn. where his clever work has been so appreciated by the Albambrn management that tils engagement was pro- longed on two different occasions. He will rest a short time licforc entering upon his next engagement. , , "Suburbia" In the title of a new fnrrlea plpce, in two scenes, which will he produced by Kred Knrno.-at the- Canterbury, on June li. The central idea Is the quest of a young man for "quiet, lodgings" In a typlcnl London suburb, nnd the concomitant Inconvience ex- perienced bv one who.would seek- a restful haven "far.from the maddening Crowd." Dare Oovll Schreyer Is now In Berlin, ar- ranging forhlsappearnnce In thnf city, where even now the peonle arc talking about his wonderful dive. To-night he leaves Berlin for Dresden, to complete arrangements In I hot city. The latter engagement will be played first. ' . . The Mlllinnn Trio close their eight, weeks engagement nl Ihe Alhuinbra. It has been one of the most suci-essrul engagements that ihe clever wire walkers have ever played. Afler four weeks on the Moss &'Stall tour they will proceed to Ihe continent, where they hnve long iKiokings. Charles K. Colby, of Colby and May. who returned from South Africa last Saturday. went hack in his trade one day this week. On Ihe way from Soulh Africa.-Mr. Colby met a. Boston mnn who has been In South Africa for n great many years, und who was very enthusiastic about going up In n balloon. Mr. Cnlbv told him that whentliey got to London If he would hire n balloon; he would pilot him around Ixindon In the. big airship. The latter was secured, und on Thursday Inst, Mr. Colbv and his friend nnd the latter's daugh- ter sinned skywards. They went iibout a dis- tance of forty miles and at times were over two miles from Hie lond. Both say it Is the only way to get. a bird's eve view of ihe big city of London. 'Jhey landed safely In nn open Held n few miles onlsliie of Ixindmi. ♦ «» OUR CHIOAQU LET'IT.H. FBOM OUB OWN COBMSSPONDINT. Covered His Body—8offered 14 Yean Completely Cured by THREE BO M OF CUTICURA "Small sores appeared on each of my lower limbs, and shortly afterwards thev became so sore thut I could scarcely walk' ,The sores began to heal, but small, S cai v Sohlke has added several "«■* <™ n<- £ s - ( . eruptions appeared. The itching was so or "A. Knlgbr for a Pay" will occur, 11. nnd the blood began to How. ACter I suffered the production Is ns great a favorite as ever, t]m% a j x>u t ten y ears l made a lenewed ..laying practicallyJo »P&L***™£ effort to effect a cure. The eruptions fa, S3f% , 5R&S* £ "®" tbi9 time h^ -Plieared on nearly ,„,l continually- adding new Inurels. The offering part of my body, the best doclor in m . looks good for all Summer. - —'. native county and many remedies gave uo Bush Templb TiiKAmr (Harry Franklin, . . ... ,, -. .', . » "' manager).—The Summer stock opened to relief, rinaiiy my nair negar, to IjII ril „ exceltent business last week, offering a fine and 1 was rapidly becoming laid. A.frw performance of "Nancy * OtCj^W k com- months after! ihuught I. would try t'uli.urj pared fnvorably with any P'" 10 ""'* KlTf." Ointment and CuticuraSoap. Afler iMritw b»n J d U KrFar^ns ,, s l p.e 1 n n dl , r,n ,, hls three .boxes I ^COt^y cured. Z nan The others were excellent, and the my hair was restored, alter lomteen vejrs company Is Very evenly balanced. "Cumber- 0 [ suffering. B. llitam Mattingly, Veimil. ^2 n JU*±£S3L V erv W °m k emb?r n was lion, S. Dak.. Aug. «8. loco." opening night practically every member was presenlexl with hundsome flowers. IBIBJJBIIWII TllnATBR I Kills F. OH* mnn, manager).—Mr. Thomnshefsky nnd his excellent company of Yiddish actors have liecome great favorites here, and the business has lield up well. ' Aroi.i.o (Max Bcrman. manager). —The Yiddish company Is doing very well here, with changes of bill surcd that Ihey will receive full value their money, ns In the past. Malinger K.n nessy has speclnlly engaged Iji coocli.em. dancer, to help swell the due list of special- ties which will be given this week. 'j'iiol'adkbo CI. M- Wclngarten. iimnngeri.— This'weck tnu Trocndcro Mock Co. is present Ing "Snraxona," with new mid original rnu- I'kkin (Robert T. Motts, mnnoger).—the sl ,.„i numbers nnd comedy by .Nat and s..| plnv wlthont a name still remains without |r|,.|ds, who haw hei-onte very popular her.- one, but. Iiest of all. It Is doing the business, . rni . v h„, V o ottered several veiy gmsl |.i )f . which Is a for more important thing. Ilarri- i PS<n! eH since lUey oiieneil, uiiu have i„-...i son Stewart has made a grnat hit as the nn- j 1Ilr( | n nd workers In the house, sophisticated promoter from (Jary. Ind., who „„-,( aBJ ^y supporled by a iiiunner or iii-v.-r has a njreat get-rlch-qulck scheme, the plans a , mM ||niis, singers and uani-ers, with u guwi Western Boreal of the New York Clipper. Room 804. Ashland Block, Chicago. The continued bad weather has been very undesirable ns (nr as entertainments are con- cerned, and especially for parks, which have harrtlv had a decent day since they opened. There Is only one opening to the record this week nt the down town nouses, and there Is no other change of grent Importance nnv- where. Ail ihe theatres which wl!l remain open tills Summer lire In full swing with the- Summer attractions, except the Stude- baker, which will open June Id, with 'Miss Pocahontas." F.lgle Bowm will be seen' In the title role. All the parks are open now except llnvlnla. which will open its gates In a short while, and cater to the music loving public with splendid bands. Illinois Tiibatiig (Will J. Davis, mann- §er).—"The Man of the Hour" continues to o excellent business, despite the weather. of which nre stoienfrom him. Ills endeavors to regnln possession of Ihem ore the medium through which most of Ihe comedy comes. The other favorites or Ihe company are strongly lo the from, and the song successes Include: "Say Yon' l.nve-Me," "You Are All Right," •'Strehnosftv," "Moonbeams,■' Day Dreams and Dongb.'' nnd "Don't Forget lo Hay Hood Bye." There-was'a special mall- nee given 7. Majustic (Lyman B. mover, manager).— The entire front of this handsome building has liecn cleaned, and looks splendidly. The bill for week of 10 Includes: James .1. Cor- belt, Wlllinm Brnmwell and F.leanor (.ordoii, In "One Touch of Nature;" Cliff Cordon, Louise Agbust and company. Sophie Brandt, the Three Westons. l.allu Selblnl.:Burton and Brooks, Rofoyetic's dogs. Morgan and Mc- •finrry. Edward Moon, tVIIson and l>c Mon- vllle. Jeonette Adler and company, Cartellc Bros., and the klnodrome. Oi.oii'ic I Abe Jacobs, manager).—Among notable Improvements noted In the theatres ibis Summer, this popular house, which is next door to.the Western Bureau of TllK Nt:w Yoiik Ci.iri-i:K, must not be forgotten- The lobby, which extends from Randolph Street, around through Hie Ashland Block, lo Chirk Street. Is being touched up. In many places, although It was recently palmed, and ihe sidewalk porch on the-Clark Street side is being entirely rebuilt. In place of the old tlat one, which wos not a credit to the house, a handsome new wrought Iron affair Is being constriicted, which will add greatly to the ap- pearance of the entrance. The bill week of 10 Includes: Foy nnd Clark. Merrl Osborne nnd company, the Klusons, Kmil lloch and com- pany.' OIlvBttl Troubadours. Bellong Bros.. Brorkmnn and the Phillips Sisters and com- pany. De Onzo and McDonald. Cluxton Rich- mond nnd company. Willie Wesion. Dudley, D'Armond and Dudley, I.lndstrnm and Ander- son. Marie Laurens, nnd the klnodrome. Sciiixoleii's (Ludwlg Sehlndler, mana- ?en.—The business holds up here wonder- iill.v well, and the bills are among the best chorus. "The Deluge" is n picture wuu-u should be seen by nil those who aitmlr.- tins style of work, as It is one of Ihe largi-si and most benutlful living pictures ever prodim-d In addition to Ihe burlesque, six splendid vaudeville nets have Is-eu engaged, nail Hie bill Is one of Die strongest ever pri-M-n.,,1 here?. K.Mi-iitr. (William Slngerl maiiageri.— Though not yet roiopletea, In so m, ns Hie dceonitlng oi the exiensive loliliy i> cihj ci-riied, loc business done hen- lias is-en new sulisfaclory, and Hiis uew.-sl mid hnndMiuiesi 01 burlesque bouses In ule ell} is u inns, wel- come intuition. The house is well run, ami there is no objectionable leaiure allowed. I..ion's' matinee, rrldays, bus proved in Ik popular. Alls* .New YiirK Jr. wa* well ren-tml lasi. week, and the burlesque, ciunimo.v ami olio found great favor, 'i ills week anoiher spoke In the local wheel comes into ilew. rnie oi tne coiitpanles coming down from toe ci.m to the Norlu ot us, wit i) a catalogue of aurar- tions and special features which should prove 0, le-nison to even tne sstlaieil burlesque tut- lowcr.s or tills city. The ligniing eBeci In m>> lirodd vatrance Is most pleasing anil nriisur. WoNOKUUMi iKd. laimson, manager;.— Business gnllops along nt a great rale here, iiud there is no busier man.on the West Side than Manager Lamson, who bustles 1mm ihe time oi the opening until long after closing time. The bill includes: Marino, Thomas and Cook. May O'Hell, Thomas ami Harris, Mabel iaimsoo, \annervecker nail company, .McHee and Owens nnd Miss II.- Mulien. Iai.vtsi.v Dime Ml'ski'M tWilllam J. Swee- ney, manager).—Business continues Hi hold up" well here. In the curio hall: Huy Hell, strong man, meets all comers in welgni lin- ing; aiilene, sntike charmer; tieroid liewH'n. contortionist; Ihe Norseland guini «nd James Wilson, the Chicago fat boy. In the theatre: Llllle La Pearl, Ada, 1-rof. L. Neate and the Oriental dancers. CLARK. STBKKT MUSKfM ll.. M. Iledies in the city. That for week of 10 Includes: manager).—Kvery week Manager Hedges "li- J. C. S., Indliimipolls.— Lew Fields mode his llrsl nppearaiice on the stage lit 18711. CARDS. .1. It., Cleveland.—Any straight "» R 1' l " vvluit is sometlines called u royal tltish. The Inner hi in Minis no phice In any stiuidnrd iiiilhorlt v on the game of poker. II. II.. Derby.-—Vim full lo stale the num- ber of points you were playing. Ten polnls is Dm recognized gome, nud your rotniuuulca- llon smti-B B was 10 berore piny. The points conn t In the fol lowing order of precedence, li-respei-iIn- of who bids: l-'lrsl, high ; second, low; Ihli'il, luck, mid fourth, giune. Thus, If ein-li pliivi-i- nspnreil two points lo go out. high-Jnek. or low-.lnck would win, the plujci- h.ilillug game could ii.u roiiiil ll until .the i.llter three polnls hud Ih-i-ii con tiled In their ordi-r. I A. I-'., Moiitlcello.—-A nlnyer can piirebnse its tnni'y chips as he desires til any singe or l lie inline in draw iKiker. unless il Is Hie game ■it "irei-x.- otil." when none eiui be purchased sirii-i* ilie original chips urc exhausted. IIASKIIAI.I.. W. T. It,, llliighiiinlou.-—No. There was a Icnin locnleil nl Plillnileliililtt 111 Ihe Spring of IMS. i-iilli'il the Athletics, which plnyeil In the Knstern League iinlll June IP, when It Was dlsliaudeil. MIS(l-:i,LA\i:tHS. i*. A.. Los Angeles. — Illnck Friday, in New York. [Bi'iirred wpi. L'4, lxiill, /..We have no means of knowing. Mure I ii Vim lleesser - - to \|i|ienr III llpern. Miii't-ln Van Dresser bus lliiully achieved her unihil Ion lo In- u singer In grand opera. AINs Vim Dresser i-irfusoil u large snlnry us tin nelress in In-come o sluilenl ul Mr. Cnn- rleil's opera school when Hint lust It ul Ion was opened, roar yeiir* ugo. Lnler she wns seleeleil ns one or the pupils <>r Hie scliisil lo be sent abroad fol- study. She has been working In Munich, und her ■voice bus In the ineiinilnie Is-en worked Into jiicnt of the Kmplre, (llasgow, n few wci ago, left llnnlty for London lost Saturday night. Before leaving be was the recipient of n purse or gold, together with several other presents, subscrllied tor by the patrons and staff of the Kmplre. I urn told that the biggest music hall salary on record has been offered to George llacken- schuildt, the famous Russian wrestler. A Vaudeville manager In Kansas City Is said to wont to engage him for one week at £1.000 nnd nil expenses paid. "This Is the biggest sum (lint litis ever been offered for a music hail Inru," said P. II. Cochran, llacken- schnildt's manager. II Is not known whether It will be accepted. II. H. Illhtiert, editor of The London MuMi: Hall, has Ihe following regarding It. (1. Kiiowles, in nn iirllch- headed "H. C," In current week's Issue; "Welcome home (o I!. IL Knowles, who makes his reappearance ill Loudon, ul the Pnluce Tbeulre on Monday next. It Is safe to say that among Ihe vast audience Hint assembles lo greet ihe popular comedian will he many of Ills professional eal- leugiies, for It Is Dick Knowles' proud dis- tinction to be ns highly esteemed In social life ns lie is by Ihe public knowing lilm only ns lis eutui-talner. With do disposition to trend on dangerous ground, we are tempted lo wonder If the course of events In music hull land during ihe past twelve months would have Is-eu quite (he same hod Mr. Knowles' counsel been available. There Is none so proud of bis culling as he; none so Jealous of Its dignity and lis Is-si interests, and .vel It is possible Hull bis clear and cool head might hnvt» seen llilngsdirferenlly ; might have cooled indiscreet ardor; might have proved, In fart. Hip calm, tin- export, us well ns Hie courageous lender. From time lo lime can- lours n good deal of nonsense about the 'American Invasion.' We always turn from such dlntrlbes with a curious Interest to the personality or It. li. Knowles. We hnve so vivid a recollection of his arrival In this coiui- iry some fifteen years ngo. An octor of a (Vi-lti'n reputation on the oilier side, lie ar- rived In bullion nt the Invitation of Sam opened Inst week, Monday, to house, nnd it proved oue of the most enter mining combinations which has been sub- mitted to the local public this senson. From start to finish, there wos almost n continual roar of laughter, nnd Miss Stahl made a tremendous personal hit In the title role. The originality of the character, and the manner In which she handles all the vexa- tions situations which confront her, pleased ihe vast audience Immensely, and nothing but the greatest of praise was accorded play, star and company by the local press. Business during the week wns phenomenal, and there Is every possibility Unit Ihe at- traction will run out Hie Summer, unless the hciil becomes excessive. The theatre presents u very handsome appearance since It has been fixed up for Hie Summer und next senson. liAKiticK ThkatiiI! (llerliprt ('.. Diici.-. man- ager).—With no indentation "The Three of Ps" cnnic to lown, nnd won a prominent place In Ihe hearts of nil those who have been fortunate enough to see It. The rule of crowded houses was renewed, and press nnd public acclaimed the pluy one of the prettiest which has been seen here. Laura Nelson Hall was very pleasing ns 1th)-, but It was John Westley who won the honors of Ihe pluy from evefy one, nnd made himself. n favorite who will not soon lie forgotten. The acting of Henry Kohlker, Frederick Triiesdnle, Stanley Dark, and Hie others wns very pleasing, nnd nearly everything seems lo have Ix-en done to make the pluv u genuine local success. Manager Waller X. laiwrcnce was In town nt the opening. Colonial Tiikatm: (Utorgc W. Lodorer, mnnnger).—"Fifty Miles from Boston," In spile of Hie favor with which It has been re- celveil. will lie forced to depart this week mid make -room for Kdwnrtf S. Abeles, in "Brewster's" which Is counted upon lo- run out the Summer. The opening dnie Is 17. and the Intervening night. HI, will be occupied with the benefit to genlul (ins Schles- Inger, who, through the. kindness of the the- atre mniiagemr-nt. was euabled to have this tilant Quartette, the Three De Lucas Sisters. McOnlre, Mctiiilre nnd Hlpkev. Vede and Hawley. Mete Suiters, Samuels. Connors Brothers, Illustrated songs and moving pic- tures. Stab (James L. I^derer, manager).— on the etlons are could eanaeltv ~ •■""•'nn iu*»nu j. uo.vurn. manager).— <t enter Business continues good here. The bill for week of 10 Includes: De Ileitis & Valora. the Howards, Cnrleton and Terre, the Gnrrlty Sisters. Frank Marckley and the klnodrome.' Lyme tBen Snyder, m-inagen.—Business holds up well. The bill for week of HI In- cludes Felix Adler nnd Kxcollo. Caluiibt (John T. Connors, manager).— 'Ihis house has closed for Ihe season, after having experience! one of Ihe best seasons In lis career. It will reopen Sent. 1, playing the attractions hooked over the Sinlr & Hnviln circuit. Noirru Avesl-k (Paul Siltncr. manager).— Ibis house was closed last week, owing to the lire laws, with which ll bnd not compiled In every sense. No oiraoiinii nicnt is made re- garding the reopening. Thalia (Thomas Murrnv. manager).—This house is becoming very popular, ihe entertain- ing bill presented drawing good business HuitAT Xobtiikbn | Fred C. Peters, munn- 82L , -~^5? .""""'J. or ,hc performance of Ihe Wizard of Oz" | s grent, and ihe busi- ness done shows the value of this piece as a popular ■priced offering. It Is excellently staged and mannecd, nnd the compnny Is n thoroughly good one. Ueorge Stone Is u great hit as the Scarecrow, and Minerva Cover- dale Is n delightful Dorothy. Special credit Is due to Ida l-lmerson for her line singing. In the role of Sir Dasheuioff; Robert Burns PlnyH Hie Lion splendidly, and Jos. Sell rode kicks up high unties us Ibe Heifer. Irving ilirlsllan, as Ihe Tin ' Woodman, Is n line roll for Stone, and their work together Is very laughable. -The Volunieer Urgnnlsl" is announced to follow Hi lli.ioi; tulns some big curiosity, Which In iiself is suraeleut' to attract the crowds which dock here, but there are many features to be seen la addition td the feature, and the crnnriN uever tire of coming. HlVKiiviBW (Wm. M. Johnson, manogerl. —The attendance continues to be very large, notwithstanding the adverse weather condi- tions, for the olg park has been crowded i" Its capacity by tnrongs of people who anvt learned that it will require many visits tn see everything which Is offered tnls season. The seats under the trees near the uew bund shell lmve been filled afternoon und evening during the rendering of the concerts given by Kryl nnd his band. Of the ruling devices. the new chutes, with Its beouUful lagoou-s. I* very popular, so also nre the scenic rallwn), the ve'vet coaster and the figure eight, earn the longest of its kind In Chicago. '1 here is the giant swing, the circle swing ami the double whirl, besides novel nierry-go-niiiiius for the children. The new shows on tne Pike Line hud the Bowery nre being well pntronlzed, nud tne vast new roller sKatlnB ring has met Willi approval with all the ex- pan skaters or the city. In the m-cnl races which took plnce here ihe world's record was lowered. Future events for prizes of very considerable value, arc scheduled. The Wx show or the park, "The Great Train lb* lierv," bus been pluv ing to capacity business. Tills Is Hie most elaborate pnslurlioii ever atirmplod lu a local outdoor park. Al tie new bull park there are games every swiur day and Sunday afternoon, between tne Riverside team and those of the Luke Shore League. The Wisconsin teams that play ■} Ulverview bring with them car loads «i "fans" from llicir own towns, to Increase Hie crowds and the excitement. Hell Gate, one or Ibe s|iectai-uliir successes ol Coney Mima lasi yeiir. !s Just Inside Ihe park entrance, und Is tiling explored by almost every vision- lo the |HirK. WHIM em (Paul D. llMrae. nmnagen. - This splendid park, like ull me others. i»» uffercil ii grent handicap rroin Hie wretched .-eather condlllons of ihe past six Wi'W. MMIIInni Roche, manngerl.—"The which not only has kept the altcndunre ilown. II II w li'iia t li n nliun.iil.,,. t a ■ > • . : **- • •_ » • •■_. __.>• u a i. a iini- The (ieriiinii Aniei-lcnn Tlientre In Berlin, Cermnuy. Ihe properly of Paul iiud Adolph l-hillpe. devoted lo the present nt Inn of plays ]Hirl raying Ihe nd vent tires of l.'i-riunn en'il- jgruills lo Aiiieilcii. wns closed Inst week nNer 'our f-ilrlv su -ssful years. The lust yenr Is iiiiderslood lo have been less successful lam, any of tin- preceedlng ones, hence ihe closing. *-»-¥ ('IIIenwn Ticket Siiei-iihitorN. Twelve Clilcngn lluiiliv niniiiigers nnd ticket scalpers, who were arrested charged with violating lIn- law by selling liientre tickets at mi advance over the published rale, were ills- i-liavae I on June !l, when III. Ir case wns call, si In lla- .Muni-'lpal Collrl.-on (he griuiiul thai lb,- section id Hie Stole law under which Ihey were arrested wns liueousHlillloiliil, country 'Josser'—the clinrnctorlsllc song and ihinee, and Ibe breathless utterance did not nl llrsl make a very reimrknble impression upon Hie audiences. But Mr. Knowles was determined lo and succeed he did. Willi Indomitable energy nnd dauntless cour- age he con I rived tit last lo Impress his per- sonality iiimiii the British public. He grew In popularity: bis sulury nssumed more nud more noble dimensions, until there came a lime when Hie music hall could hardly con- liiln him. Addressing himself to the business or a drawing room entertainer, he tried his luck without the assistance of n costly en- vironment, nnd found that atone he wns able lo fill the largest halt* throughout the coun- try, proof Incontestable Hint such an artist Is worth every penny-of the princely salary li.. Is sometimes ciiai-geit Willi ciiorung from music hull m.iuiigcrs. The Inst two will" make her premiere ns a stnr, 10, sup- ported hy Walter Jones, John Pearliey and others, It being also Hie professional premiere of the piny. Iielng offered by Robert A. Bur- net, who originally wrote the piece for the First Corps of Cadets of Boston. The en- gagement Is Indefinite. McVickkb's TiiRATitr. (George C. WarroB, mnuager)—Since "The Round Up" opened, the occasions on which the bouse has not two Orpluins" wns the nttraellnn Inst week and as given by the May Hosmer Stock Co. drew; good houses. "Woman Against Wo- ™. ,m xoJ ne . l '" rrc . nt ml) - v™ week of 17, "Ten Nlglits In a Bar Room." ..... A,,,, 7. MnllA . ! J, "nes H. Brown, mnnngcri.— I lie Moonshiner's Daughter" did a good huslnesa last week. "The Cow Puncher" this week, It having been decided to k(*-n ihe * open another week. This, however, season. ger).—Frank with the nd his nr- "nirlesqucs but also Interfered materially wllli Hie pre- parations of nil the parks for the opriimi. dates, doing South oh the "1." or on on) of the surface cors, the big tower, wnu-ii stands In the centre of the Conn or Honor, shines respiendunt against the background a. sky, liavlng several thousand elccirn lights oh It, arranged In n very nrllstic man- ner. The nttractlons Include: Onetll Sisters, aerial wire act; the Ward Trio, clever gyoij nnsts, producing "The Bridge of Life. »'"' Cailcndo's Bund. The chutes nre grenlly in- vored. and the biggest of nil the shows. "'"'' Burning of the Robert K. Lee." has lssii doing a splendid business. I'HUTKM Pakk (W. H. Slrlckler, mnnngcri. for Hi ~ ~-~ ' 'J.7ii ~n'„T v ".\:' 7W """cwi = —This park of rides bos lieen doing excep- B5SM!jS!w Vo 0 ,, ZVr^l «SM'5*h .considering weo.her oj. r in«» : been secured. Is ussi* and several otner clever comedfans. olio will be seen : Fred Ronen. Harry Harvey been sold out could Ije counted'on the"flogers JlTrnnv Ql,a^,<,,t, '• fln " Hnnnlvan and ofonebnnd. The business 1s phenomenal for Four (John a c. n _«_._ the warm weather, nnd the moo-allude of the LltHe Lypt's comninv tfl/' n mana 8«>-- lirodnclion Is the drowlna magnet, mnnled iV...i„... KP» 1.52 m R??^_''!° .»» enormous ■ and tiie children and grownups nrid ol!"' r! ' last week wdll nmbl t^i^ - ^"""ade a hit en ny the various rides In the pnrk. The" part and d«u^ «?£"*»" 't B prln f."\ aI Bn 8(,v, ' ri " of them—In foot, ine principal nrrah E od bv AnJj . ?Cm2£lT*S£ZL V} 1 ^ ■"'■ctlon Is Ihe varied manner In which on' TsleiI b, the f?m nSuw EfS) ?i nne . y ma - v '* wl 'lrled along, either throagb space -verni other . ?v?J ei^l Kd ' Mor V s or an a rnndhod. wnich Is well construed tans, in ,h» nml warranted ngnlnst all accident LfvA Pabk il. ». Ijootierstein, mnnogen. —Many thousands have .ivnlled themselves »i ihe opporluhitles afforded here of o sheher during the day from the sun (when It Ms shone), and of the mnnv ehtertnlnlng ood ne ad ... others. S|iceial effects have i been prepared, and the audiences arc a* Sa.ns Souci 1'ahk (Leonard Wolf, niaaa-