The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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June 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 459 M Y BOARD -WALK GIRL You You lonsy ? Want Roady IVI< AA/ant Applause ? ? \A/e»i-»*:H*o Deliver tha nw Copies with a Fine Orchestration, by THEO. RKNDIX, to All B ir nml ll fl ITotesslonals. "TltlJE EYES," tin Exquisite Law Sung. "THE 6AHV AND TIIW HOOIt-MAT.' All theseSongs were Written iiml Composed by the Cclebraicd Author-Composer, KliWAlHi A. IMl'l.TOM. Oooda??7 SING ABOUT HER. Tin- Quulntcsl, Oddest Novelty Sonic Ever Written.* foi «lies<- Songs will be held dally from 10 A. N. to -, p. M., at guile 410. NO PINKS If late. BENDIX, fflosic Publisher, 1431 Broadway, H. Y. kit l.—Entertainment of a diversified nature ■nny ho found'here, and theband concur is at- Irai't many. In the Mills Theatre (U. It. Mills, lnuiijiscr.i. the attractions Include: Billy onlnby. Cubnuola Sisters, Melrose iind Mack, Miss Uladya, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hayes, I.cflnn, Higgles unci Phelps, and Pearl Bve- lyn. Hklmont I'ark (K. C. Cowdroy, manager). —-The company bus been playing to good busi- ness whenever tlic weather would permit, which has not been often since the park opened, und the performances have been pleas- I UK. His.maiu'K (lABI)EN.—The Ilanda Hossn Is drawing big crowds, bavin." opened 1. ami, on I he fine evenings, 1 lie park is crowded. There are no other attractions offered, except the beauty of flu* puck and the opportunity to sip beer 111 approved Herman fashion, but the band Ik worthy of patronage. Ari::i:M.vni. —One of trie most enjoyable non-professional performances ' was given, evening of U, In the Auditorium, to an audi- ence which packed the big house. Pupils of the School of Opera of the Chicago College of Mimic, assisted by John II. Miller, of tliu faculty, gave the opera of "Martha, under the direction of William Castle. Helen Allyn, in the title role, won the most honors of the pupils, and her rendition of "The Last Rose of Summer" was excellent. Feme Uramllng whs very pleasing as Nancy, and Hugh C. Anderson got much humor out of the role or Tristan. .1. I .ester Hnberkorn has u splen- did, baritone voice,. which showed up well In I he part of I'lunketl, and John It. Miller made a marked Impression us Lionel, winning much applause for his tine singing. (Jus Schuli and N. T. Stiff were guud In minor roll's. The chorus sang well In most In- stances, but principally was It strong In the nllacks on the tin sirs, which Karl ileekzeh. the conduclor, handled very well. The jai- ler Is u member of thu teachers' staff at the college. The chorus miinliered one hundred and ilfty, and the orchestra was largely com- posed of iuciuIh'I's of the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, Ureal credit Is due the soloists, members of the chorus and the college for din really excellent iierforuiance ItTchnrd C. Maililex. the Herman eomeillnn. Is at present playing In stock in Wnbash. Ind., but has been engaged fur the principal eoni- cdv role In Kllruy & Hrltton's "The Candy Kid" Co. for next season Ucorgu Ade Is at Huzledon Farm, Itrouk. Ind., working on the new |)luy for diaries I'rnhniiiii In willed William II. Crane will star. The play will have its prrmhrr. next October in tills cily The Vallate Standard Opera Co., has Issued a prospectus, detailing the plans for next season. In the company will be numbered lln; Elmore Slslers. l.elln Jlurtun, soprano: tlcorge Niithnnsou, baritone ; .loliann Hcrthrlson. basso, and Frank Wmdey, come- dian. Cnrlelnti Colby will Is- the musical <ll- reclor. t;. Frederick Wheeler is the mnnn- ger. and lhe production will be under the direction of I!n> Ilulbrook-Bnrker Co The rnlrunrc. loby unci laidy of Hie I lay- market Theatre have been completely torn out, -preparatory- to redecorating and refur- nishing for next season, and when reopened. some lime In August, it is promised that It will rival Hie Majestic Theatre, which Is acknowledge! to be one of the handsomest theatres In the world. Through rearrange- ment, the sealing rapacity will be slightly increased without confllcllng with the lire Jaws, and Manager Ncwklrk looks forward to a most prosperous season Messrs. Meyers * Free, managers of "Toyland." were callers 7, and announced that the prepara- tions for their product loll for next season are in full swing, and thai It would equal in grardettr mid genuine amusement, any nt- 1 ruction on the road. Two companies will be sent out. one o|>enlug Aug. Ill and the olher two weeks luler Mfie. Cnrihi was a Ci.ii'i'Kii Huremi caller li, having jast re- lamed from a very successful tour of the houses In Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. Some days ago she hurl her fool very'severely while doing her loe dance, for which she Is Jusily noted, hut plucklly stuck lo her engagements until last week, wheal she was obliged to rest, and have a surgeon oper- ate on the big inc. Her time on the Sulllvun- Cunskllue eircnlt has been set back, therefor, and. If-well enough, she will appear In Ibis vicinity for four weeks, after which she will go lo her home lu Providence. It. I., for a four weeks' rest (Jus Hehleslngcr. treasurer of the Colonial Theatre, heupllts at that (Ile- al re night of 1">, ins-lead of matinee -'.'!. Many liekots hull been sold for the original date. •Jit, hut these will be good for the newly arranged performance The new College Theatre, built by SI. Vincent's College, a Catholic In- stitution, and connected with the church of Hint name, was formally dedicated It. by the priests and many prominent citizens. The Initial performance of "Otho Viaconti," by (he lain Frederick Grant Gletison, occurred on Hie following night, on which occasion the pretty playhouse was crowded, and a very en- joyable lierforiDunce was given. Prominent In the cast were: John II. Sboebun, Itena Vlv- ienne and Forrester Oubney Carr. Tile opera, which was repeated evenings of II, 8. with matinee 8, tells the following story: The liiielfs Hiid lihlliellines are at war In Florence, Italy, al the close of Hie fifteenth century, and otho, of the iluelfs. returning from ban- ishment, meets Bltse Uoiinll. the beauti- ful daughter or the chief of the (ihlbelllues. A innnluge Is Dually arranged between the two, but Ilianca. ids former sweetheart, ap- pears, and Ills love for her returns. She however, stalls him, kills herself, and Elsie dies from grief The cast: Otho Vlscontl. Joseph F. Sheehan: Illanca. llena Vlvlenue: Aslor, Forresl Iinlmey Carr: Kline, Clara Marie Knlzonbergcr: Lady Honutl. Ellen Jones: A Monk. John J. Wynne. The then- Ire, which was creeled at an expense of $:iilil.nnn. Is a very liennliful piece of nrclil- leelure, and Is notable for the novel, uud yet extremely sensible iirraugeinenl. In the first. pin re Hie singe Is larger tbiiu any other In Hip vlly. wlih the exception of the Audi- torium singe. The auditorium Is covered with a great dome, handsomely decorated, and there Is no pllltir to obstruct the view, I hose supporting thu mezzanine floor being placed lu such a manner that they do not In- lerfpi-e. There is no balcony or L'nllery. but the floor area Is great, and the aisles are n-ry wide. The seals are huuilsome and com- fortable, and are arranged In a crescent v-'-ioe. wl'li wide spaces between the rows. The tone Ig of white and Ivory, and the gen- eral effect Is that of restfulneaa. nothing guiidv being illscernahle. ' The electroliers are golden la effecl and the slalued glass In Hie iloine. wllb the soft green upholstery and the ini"ds"inc -Iron ciirtiipi of I he Hiliae color, assist in the iiuletness. There ure 24 aisles, which would make the emptying of the house. In cane of a panic, very easy. Ar- rangements are made. In ease of fire, to turn the flames through, is-rmnnenr singe vents, of a novel and e.xcellonf type. Eight handsome mural piiltillm.'s assist In Hie d--»ora1 inn of Hie dome.. The acoustic properties are ex- cellent. The exterior design Is Mint of lac mil Sp.mlsli mission. The auditorium Is St feet deep, tOV feet wide and .111 feel high, nnd the iiiaiu Hour, including tlic tea boxes, yields u. seating capacity of 1.1I25. The vestibule Is domed also, and I* 111 by !>0 feet. The archi- tect Is J. F. 0. Prldmore. Only the highest class of entertainments, amateur ami profes- sional, will he given Avery and I'earl. together with Warren A. Locke, have formed a new partnership, and will henceforth be known aa Avery. Locke und I'earl. They are playing "At the Hares," for which they carry n special drop, and opened on the Western Association time last week The sale of tickets for MuekUv's Hlg Tented Circus, which Is announced positively to open here. 16, be- gan -1, and. as already announced, forty per cent, of the gross receipts of the admission tickets will go to the support of Chicago's l'crmaiier.t Dependent Children's Fund. Five dollar books of tickets have la-en placed with Business Womcns' Exchange and others, and It Is said I hat the demand is great. There- fore, Chicago's |Mior children may look for- ward to many hours of fun, from which they have lieen in the past. To Hugh Coylc. business manager of Hie circus, must a great deal of the credit go. for lie has been inde- fatigably working in the interest of this charily for the past three months. Two exhibitions will be given dally, for a period of len weeks or more, In vari- ous sections of the city, and forty-six institutions will feel the helping hand Birdyne Znber. who has been a member of the "Captain Cureless" Co.. at the Chicago Opera House. Is leaving the cast to appear In the leading roles of a musical stock com- pany in Sail Francisco ticorge Sinedley. who halls from Toronto, and Is a remarkably clever musician, was a Clii-1'KB Bureau culler fi, having played file Keith lime through Canada, and now expects lo play through the West and Central West Arthur Mnly- neux was a caller .1, having Just returned from Springfield, III., where lie was asso- ciated with an III fated stock company, and left town li. for Ml. Ciiriiiel, III., lo rehearse wilh Jack Williams' slock Co., and will open 10. In Ml. Vernon...'.. .11 ruce Rlnnldo. who hud the same experience In Springfield, was a culler several days lust week W. A. Junker, manager of .1. C. l^cwls, In "SI I'lunkuril," was a caller 8. and reported ex- cellent business for his company, which has Just closed a long season Cumin and Milton were cullers li, and reported a most successful season in vaudeville. They will go to their ranch In Texas, for a rest E, Ktiuipinrcr, press representative of ltd- uioiil Park, was a caller .'t. and said that the park had been doing very well when the weath- er would permit. Mne Turney, an actress, was married to Dr. H. Furl Coger, of St. Ixiiiis. In Hie Auditorium Hotel Annex. 1. She Is a daughter of Mrs. ltnliort Turney, of Sheridan I'ark The Slate of Illinois will nereafler protect pluywrlghts and mu- sical coiiipoiiors, whose work cannot Is- placed under the prolecllon of the copyright laws previous lo public production, »s Hie governor signed senate hill Hill. June 1. making II a law. This prohibits Ihe performance or sale of unpublished plays or compositions without the written miiscnt of the author or. com- poser. .Senator A'oert C. Clark, of Chicago, is responsible for the measure Thurlow Bergeu lias la-en engaged by Kllziils-th Si-ho- lier, manager of the Winter session of the Hush Temple Stock Co., for her Summer stock company at St. Caul. Marlon Longfel- low Is also a member of this organization. Waller laiwrence Is looking for a desirable bouse lu tills cily, In which to pre- sent his plays. Independently of Ihe booking done for the present theatres, and which he could conduct on Hie same principal as he does the Madison Sipiare Theatre. In New York David Henderson, he of the re- nowned Chicago Opera House Extravaganza Co.. which lloiirtslied from the year 1HS7 lo 18IM, was given a testimonial and benefit at Ihe <'ol.inhiI Theatre iiflernisiii of 7, the only llilng marring the event being the weather, which was atrocious. .Neverthe- less. .Mr. Henderson was made to feel, In a substantial manner, Hint Chicago was Iruc to her sons, by Ihe fact that about K2.."K>0 was turned over to him. The bill, which was a long and varied one. began al I..'to ami lasted mill! II.1I0. the programme Including Act 1 of "The Three of 1's" Co.. Hose Sts'd np-i company, In Act 2 of "The Chorus Lady;" "The Mini of the Hour" Co.. Art, a: i my Clenieut. In Hie sketch, "The Hoard Im- perial;" May Yokes, single. "Nobody Loves Me," from "The Tatlooct. Man;" Amelia Simiinervllte Oplu Head, William Llghlfoot. Vlschner, Chiirles Eugene Banks and 1'aul Hull Ilnvlnln I'ark, that delightful spot to Hie extreme North, near Eviinston. will throw open Its gates for the Summer season Hi. witn n concert by the New York Sym- phony Orchestra, led by Waller llamrosch. concerts thereafter Is.-lng given afternoon and evening. This park is under the manage- ment of .1. J. Miirdiatk, of the Western Vaude- ville Malingers' Association, and only thu very ls-st bands In the country will appear there "The Time, the Place and Hie tilrl" opened "., In Milwaukee, to over 2,r>IHI people, who i-cmoiiled the local verdict, and the business through the week was on a par with Ihe opening. The season of (he com- pany will close S....ltosii Stalil contributed a large doll, made up to look like her 111 "The Chorus laiilv," lo the church bazaar, given bv Corpus Chrlsll Church, of this cily. ... .The Angel Huardlan Orphan Home, which held a hazanr In the Coliseum last week, closed I be affair, 7, with a total or SPj.-i.nod. but that, wnen the returns.were all In from extra sales, etc., the uuioiinl will probably reach fvlUJHHl. los. Harris, brother of <'has. K. Harris. and Evu Berkley, a resident of Chicago, were sisrellv married In Milwaukee. They were married (here at the home of Harry Harris, another lumber of the groom John U. Ilognn. tiiaiisger of Ihe Crlterbin Theatre, received it letter rrnm Arthur 11. Lynils. stage malinger or "The Stain of Unlit' Co., which played St. Louis recently. Iu Ihe letter Mr. Lvnds announced his. Intention lo commit suicide, owing lo the loss of his sight It looks ns lluiugh a hall had been called In the warlike proceedings which have Ihrealeiieil the vaudeville Meld here of bile, and before long nu limb-able arrange- ment may be arrived al whereby Ihe Klaw & Erlanger forces will not Interfere with the local situation. The Western Vaudeville .Managers' Assoc bit bin Is very strongly In- trenched here, having the high class field entirely l<> liseir. and Inking also Into con- Hlileration Ihe rncl Hull war between I lie two forces would raise Ihe salaries of Ihe liead- lluers lo an abnormal figure. I here Is a flag of irnee flylug. Lyman II. lilover. manager of tlie Majesllc Theatre, in which are Ihe oltlces of the asaocliillon. Is ipinlcd us fol- lows: "It Is hardly true tlint a vaudeville war has been avoided, although I hat may be the ease nt some near future time. II Is no secret Hint negotiations hnve been under •war. A vaudeville war would be eonlly lo i-vertlsHlv concerned, and Is n thing lliui would be heller nvnldiil. We. nre ready lo fight If Hint I ■essary, lint would rather have the business conducted along a fair coui|H-lltlve basis. Anv scltleiiuint of iltniniltles will be ami-able."... ■■■■■■"V"' Wizard wf i> 4 " Co, Kill play, ulgat ol 1Q for the bem-llt of Thomas .', Iteyuolds, assist- ant advertising manager of the Ureal North- ern Theatre, who was very badly Injured re- cently III n street car accident Ili-nrv E. Dixey and tirnce Van Stuihllford are bookings at the Majestic, ami will be seen very shortly. lane Peyton, now apenrlng In "The Three of l's." al tin- Uarrlck. Is a resident of Chicago, and Is the daughter of ti. II. Van Not man, a real estate man of this city Henry Woodruff, who closed hbj season, S, in "llrown of Harvard." at the Stiidelmker. will sail fur England 11. He has played Un- title role tlim tlliHMi Una Sollike, general stage manager of B. C. Whitney's nil ructions, will take a two months' vacation, as he has not been In good Health The Coliseum Hardens will open 10. having, as an attrac- tion. William Henry Krell's Hand Her- nice Shepciril was a culler it, She Is s|iciitlliig h"r -vacation at iter home In this cily with her brother Other llureaii callers during Ihe week were : E. A. ltillseb. Ed. Weversoti, John S. Young. Joan Heron, Cordon Walton. Mr. Jones, Zola. Mr. McDonnell, Mr. Itrcniinn, Dorothy Taylor. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Our tlictilrifal ebrrcHpondrnt* are Urrcbj) nnliftrd Hull Ihe ci't'dcntbiM noil) held by Hum rxiilral June I. Thru urn ici/iiikIc-I !r» ref-uit than lit lliii office ul once, for rawml for lO/n-J'Mi. onto CliicliiiilltL—The preset 11 n I Ion of Allied Tennyson's epic. "The I'rbiccss." by the Dra- matic Club of College I'reparnlory Sclusil for Ulrls, was Ihe most notable munlcur dra- matic event of I lie year. It was the most ambitious unileclukliig ever presented isi u Cincinnati stage by school girls. Sarah Unwell Is president, and Mary Neff director of the club. Tile cast was a large one, and Included this rosier of purllolpimts; Prin- cess Ida, Until Klnsey : King Uuiiiii. Ueririule Avres: King of Ihe Northern Empire, Bar- bara Thrasher; The 1'rlnce, Ktnlllc Sclimld- lapp; l'Torlan, Hiilh Klnsey; Cyril, Uracil Morgan; Arnc. Uwciidolyn Ituwson; First llrolher. Louise Cnlilwabidei': Snood Brother. Luclle Kroger; l.ndy Blanche. Virginia Hell; Lndy I'syche. Cliuiioltc Shipley ; Mi-llssa, Murinn On Hiding: Princess Ida. Dorolby Kel- logg: Itiiily llhiiichc's Sludenth—Ethel Mc- Ciilloiigh, Evelyn Omwuke, Helen Ulen. Itff- Iruile Ernshnw. IInzi-l Senoiir; I.udy t'syclie's Siiideuls— Marianne Clarke. Alma Davidson, Margaret Chirk. Itiiilt Crolhers. Murjorle Ernshaw..'.!iEllziiljelh Wealherhend, Until Thrasher. Virginia Egaii, Helen Warner, Emily Burton ; Dancers—Evelyn Omwnkc. Ellznbelh Weiilherlieud, Helen Ulen, Hiilh Thrasher: Huniils -Dorolby Dawson, Fanny Muv tjrosslus. Margaret McAlpln. Charlollc lleuly; I'sbers—Isabella Pendleton, chair- man : Helen Morgan, Elizabeth Morton, Julia Anderson, Charlotte Clay, Mnbcl Lawrence, llcbecea Sirluiltz. Anna Smith. Helen Doml- nlck, Lenora llofcr, Eleanor Ullolson, Evelyn llolllsler. Ciikmtkk Paiik (I. M. Min-I III, manager).— The chill June days have given nil directum of outdoor amusements the blues. Every re- sort has suffered. In the- Vaudeville Thea- tre !». (he Country Choir, Kalcratiis, Coyne and Tluliui, and Tom and Edllh Almond will lie seen. The Chester I'ark 0|a;ru Co. Is here and I lie season of Siuuiner opera will begin at the Chester Opera House HI, when •"I lie Kbrlune Teller" will be put on. ' W. II. l-'llzgeritld Is lo ls> slage director, nnd Ihe music will again he coiulucliil liy Frank Muiidevlllc. Theliim Fair, Eleanor llurlon, J. liarllell, Charles Fulloii. W. II. Clark. Hum Mvlie, Tom I nee and Bud lloss are 'already rehearsing. During the season Marlon Stan- ley. Hose Le Ilnrte. Thomas ij. Seiibrooke. T. J. Murray and Clara Lime and Eugene Cowles will be seen In sja'clal niigagemeuls. Liun.ow Lauoox (W. K. Clark, miiniiger). —In the llitsllc Tliealre II: The Hosur Trio. Hie Van Der Knos. /ellu. Feldmuuii and Hall, and Hanson and Drew. Of course the blighting results of Hie cold snap were Mt at (bis Kealnck.v rcsurt. The dog. nil and monkey net of I'rof. Liimoiil was one of cspecliil ineijl. Zisi I Waller A. Dnr|s-r. maniigcri. -Iitnes' Hand begins lis second uud lasl week's en- gagement !>. The innshiiles have drawn sur- prisingly well, itllhoiigli this weather bus lieen ziiologlcnllv welcome to nobody save the members of Hie polar bear family, virglnhi Llstemuim was a soloist warmly greeted. Coxkv foUl.M* (U. Welllngloii Englebretli, niiiiiagpr).—II. E. Ori-gory's "Moscow" will coiuiiieiice lis sei-uuil and last week's burning li. Hail weather put ail awful hole in Hie prospects for lirltllnnt business, for "cool Coney" has been "frozi-n Coney." In Ihe HIJoii Tliealre II: Douezeltn's Dog nnd I'ony Circus, the Alliens. Ciisnd and He Verne, Luclcr nnd Lncler. Hilly Wlndum and SSpimi, Oiiko.v. —Sara Cotustock lent vocal nssisl- mice nt lite, last reclliil of Albino Homo's pupils. 4. Iliixcl Itelle Mi'lleiiry. Alia Wright. Helen Sets-I, Louise W. Cliureb and Ethel E. 1,cw1h took part. ScMMbit Chat. — Cbrlslliie Norman, ttits f'bicinuutl girl who recently gradunled from Ihe Empire Driiinallc School, New York, is visiting her home here. She Is In play Hie leading role In "The Darling of the Hods," In a Heliihco i-onipiniy Manager John J. Weaver, or Ludlow Lagoon, Is ill Ihe Jamestown Exposition. ot "Tin! Vanderhllt Cup" t?o„ was married liere, t. Elsie Jnnls was one of her altend- aiits Iiiillnnoln l'nrk conlliiiiea lo draw well In spile of the Inclement went her. Phil D. tireene. on ihe spiral, was Ihe attraction during the past week. Signer Unrglulo and his Iwuid will he the all ruction week of II. llreu- ory's sjieciacular "Huriiliig of Moscow" will show tor two weeks, commencing hi William Hnllleld, a brother or Al. 11. Field, lies ul the point of death nt Ids home here. Inbti W. Voxel, the popular minstrel man. Is lying III at bis home here, fruin nu over indulgence or cucumbers. I Cleveland. — At the Colonial (Drew & Campbell, malingers) "The Llara" Is Ihe at- tract loll, bv the Colonial Slock Co., week ot June In. Well patronized houses, week of ;i. were pleased with "Secret Service." Same company week or 17. Krci.ui Avhxi'e U.uipk.nm (Mux Fiielkcn- lieuser. imiiiageri.—"Damon mid I'ylhlas." by the Wlllluin Fnrnum coiiiiiany, week or III. "Motile I'rlsto" drew well at every per- formance, week of .'I. The Farnum company week of July I. ' Lvi'KtiM (Ueo. M. Todd, manager).—Tba Selmn Herman Co, presents "A Young Wife," week of 10. "Thelnui." by Ibis company. drew splendidly week of :i. Same company week of 17. Kkiiii's III. A. Daniels. inniiagerL- -Bill week of lo Includes: llrlgolelll's Flying Itnllelt. "(Tirlstliuis on the Island." Waler- 1'iiiv Bros, and Teniiy, Valpskn Siirnlt. anil William lioukl, Mastei- Uubrlel nnd company, "Lllile Hip," Claude Ullllngwnter. Ueo. It. Item, uud company, mid La Itelle llbniche. The excellent bill week of II, sold out the house nl every performance, stundlug room only being Ihe rule. Ill-KIIA llol'SK I Harry D. Kline, malinger). ---■Hill week of III Includes: Victor Moore, Emii'a Cams, Irene Lee. Hurry uud Tracy. "The llelle of Mnyfalr." Ueorge Fuller Uohb-ii. W. C. Fields, mill Sluley's Trans- formallou Co. The iiltciiilnnep week of :i, tne first week of vaudeville at (Ills house, was vi".r large. Lisa Paiik iKIwood Salsbtiry, inn linger). - In spite of Die iiiisensiinable wealber Ihe palroiinge here bus been good. Llls-rnU's Ilauil begins, |o, lis second week of a two months' engagement. ■ YoiiiiKNtowu.—Al liloni I'ark lltnbl. W. Ciiiinliigliaiu, auiiniger) Ihe hill week ol' June 10: Hiimtlmo mid Stevens. Wolf Pros.. Miller ami llitssell, I. 111. in Miiynnrd, uud the Ureal IIiivwimsI, Avon Paiik i.loe \V. Wess, inaniiger).— Alleitiliince Inst week was blmlereil on ac- count of cool mill wcl weather. The bill for week of June II: Iflclmril l.eggell. Ihe Itnllolls, Wlniri'i-d Slewnrl. Cook. Iloyd and (lakes, Mrs. Jules Levey und Family Ire-engnge- mettli. and IJiiglics null llrown. UltA.xp Oi-kha llottsn (Joe Scbagilii, mini- ngi'ii.-Tlie Somiuer season opened 8. with ihe Clirouo Phone conlinuous pei-rorinnnce. I'aisk Tiikatuh (A. C. Irons, manageri.-- Li-w field'', played two performnueos May iio. to good attendance. N'iitkh.- The Eagles' June fi-Kllvnl. for one week. I'oinineni es June 10. with the I!rout Parker Amusement Co.'s attractions, Includ- ing ntiliniil show, Siinllower Belles, Siiperba, Kagtltiie Village. Katzenjiimmer Castle, lliile's lours of Ihe world, Sim Francisco In Flames, Switzerland and Electric Tliealre Win. Dcsluin, Ihe capable manager of the I'ark Thrill re last season, will again lltivn rhnrgu next season Harvey Arllnglon. one of ItigersiiH's Ainnseiiieiit Co.'s reliable men, again bus charge of Ihelr enterprises ill Idnra Park, for Ihe Slimmer season. During toe past Winter Mr. Arllnglon. with his wife, professionally known as Clarlre Templetnn, loured Ihe Central Slates with their comedy, culled "Looking for a Wife." Foster nnd Kramer, clever local song nnd dunce team, nave signed lo travel over Die Hun Sun circuit during the next two uusiilis. Thu team will be known as Foster Hri«. ( oliillihliM.—Al Keith's IW. W. I'rosser, iiiaiingeri Eva Proiil. a popular young nma- leur singer, was milled lo the bill June 7. 8, mid was cnlhuslusllciilly received. Hill for week of 111: Homer's Manikins. Hen Welch, Kelly and Hose. Oeiinro and Hit I Icy, Emnietl He Voy and company. Ulrard and liardner, HosnIre anil Dm elii. and Auric Dngwell. Oi.cntamiv I'aiik (J. W. Dusenbiiry. man- ageri.--The Inclement weather last, week seriously nffecled Ihe business of fills popu- lar park. The Imperial Minstrels, composed of ihe cream or me minstrel men who Hum- mer hole, opened u I wo weeks' engagement L'. Ed. Hutchison headed the executive staff mid furnished Hie wardrols-s. and a selling of Al. li. Field's was used. The couipnny lit el11lies : I'niil l.n l.oude. uiiislciil director, and Joliii Dickens. Intel luciilor, and prominent aiming Ihe comedians and vocnllsls are Hilly llroiid. Nick IIufTord. Sam Harris. Charles llenck. Ditlliis Shiidrlck. I'm I C. Itviiii, Ueo. Mnrlbi, Edtnond llalz. Lvle J. Uariliier. Jack Woods. Tom Abiuius. Jim Templetnn. Mercer Dllla and Jack Urossinnti. The olio Included Charlie Iteneli. and his eduented giraffe, ".largo:" Hilly llnind, Dllln and Templetoii, Jack UriMsniilli. Itrlll and Powers, and I'rof. Fink's educated mules. Illggs' Hough Hlders close this week wllb their Wild West show. "Shooting the Sliools" Is Isiokeil for week of III Noji:s. — (ienlrv's Dog mid I'ony Show bail . guud business o, 4 Amy Luke, a member llnjlnii.- At the Victoria (II. P. Miller, mniiiigerl "The Three of lis" closed the sea- son at Ibis house May 211, and II certainly wits u III Mulsh. Those who ntleiided were highly entertained. "TIip Three of Ds" Is a good show, with n good couipnny. Faiiivikw I'auk Tiik.vihk (I'lluier Hedelle, inniiiiger). -Week of 2 was one of the most prosperous In Ihe hlslory of Ihe park and tlienlre: Despite Hip miserable wentlier, Ihoiisunds vlslled the park, and the Ihenlrn enjoyed big ill leiidaiice at every perform- ance. Hill week of 1) Includes: Blmm, llouini, ll-r-t-r. Mr. mid Mrs. I'erklns Fisher, James Hull. Nat. Jerome, Howard and Howard, and moving pictures. Lakksiiik Tiikatiik. —BUI for week of » In- clinics: Ernl, one legged roller skater and liorlzoiiinl Inn* performer: lln- Miiubiillun Ncwslioys (Jiinrletle, Lizzie Webber, trick piano player, and moving pictures. Wiiitk llt'i'V. —Thin amusement park opened to Ihe public May 21!. The Illckclt Family, hand concert, mid charity ball In the large dancing pavilion, conslltule the free attrac- tions. Other iiltriicllona nre Hie scenic rail- road, lour of lln- world, Johnstown Flood, anil moving picture show. This nark, located nu mi Island at the junction of Inn Stillwater ami Miami Klvers, makes one of the finest iiiiiurnl amusement grounds in Southern Ohio, with line limiting, luiililng and llslilug, to- gether wl Hi Ihe ninny a I trad Ions bisikud. —i i lluiiillloo. At I be Jefferson (Tom A. Hmltli. malinger i Vo CoUnilul Slock Co. played 10 i-xcclleiil btisliii-ss Inst week, and gave I lie best of satisfaction. Sunn) company week of June HI. I'aiik TllKAtltn (Frank Stilll- van, manager). - Marie Holfsou and eotnpnny are playing lo fair business and pleasliig. (iliA.Ni> (McCarthy & Ward, inauagersi.— Hill week of 10: Csslelliil and Hull, Mabel Heller. Marin Dnckinmi, Kampsel and Arms- ■nun. Joseph Thompson, Illustrated songs and bloscois-. Notk. —Kara Trcdwell and Haymonil Ketch- mil, of Ye CoIoiiIiiI Slock Co., playing at the Jefferson, were married on Juno 4, by Itev. A. II. Ausj In. al Urn M. E. Church, this city. ■ Toledo.—At the Casino (Kllves & Ilnsen- (lull, nimiagersi lln- imrlloiilar feature of a splendid bill WHS Smlii Werlltulm, Ihe lieml- llner. Ilitslrn-ss wits very siiHsfuclory, despllo Hie exceedingly cold nod riiluy weather. June 11 and week. .Murray and Muck. In ".Shooting lln- Clinics," excepting one nlglil only, . 10, wln-ii .I'm- Weber and company, In "Dream t'lty."'apiM!iirH. I 'a ii At Tiikatiih (Jos. I'earlsteln. mana- ger).—For week of 2, the Farm provided a vaudeville hill of seven numbers, which packed Hie theatre ill every performance. .1 til In Hod- iiioud mid company bended Ihe 1,111 in an ex- ceptionally funny farce. "Too Much Married." HIM week of li: Nntu WalKon'u Hartiviird Clr- ids. Avon Comedy Four, Iwizeola. bred Mor- ion. Del Ton-Ill and llllffnnilN, Tom Itlpb-y, Ilini American viliigrilpb. & UAILLVU L'lIiUUB IX Miiusllehl.- At Luke I'ark Casino (K, It. Eiidlv. nianngcri I lie Oriilintne Mtork In. played repertory on a return engagement, week of June It. to small palroiinge, owing to cold weather. The Chicago Slock Co.. tor 10 and week, playing "A Soldier ot tho Em- pire" nnd "The I'nrlsh Priest." Otti'iiii'M (Fred llllion, manager).—The extreme cool werillier causes biislnesx to re mnln good here. The bill for 10 and week- will Include: Woods nnd Italton, Daly nnd Ohrlen, the Cunninghams, F. N. Urlfllth, and others. » Znucsvllle. — Moxilhlllii l'nrk Thealrn (Hilly F, Trnvlse, manager) Is entirely new from the piano up. It opened for the season on Jinn- II. with the following bill: Dorolby linden, W. F. Mellnin, Fnrnum and Huntley, Illllv o'Diiv uud iloblle Huff. Wui.i.uu Tiikatiik (.1. ti. ICngliuid, tnanii gerl. -K. or P. inlislcnl. wllh Olto Meyer, violinist. June II ; Ziincsvllle High School comencemeiit I J. l.nkeside Casino (Hurry A. imiagerl owing to hud wen I her busi- ness for week ot June ,1 was only fair. The \l, con.— At Ilnwn. manager) owing lo bud wen I her in no »»*a rt'i.ii, ara *■««••*. ir ••■n- •••■•.» •»-.... - ,-,.. lull for week of ill:, Kline, OH llrothcis and Nlch'.ilson, Jos. Kelller and cotupnn.v, Sher- man nnd Fuller, Seymour's dogs, Murray K. IHII. mid Ihe Ciishiograph. Pavilion (Achllle rhlllon, miinageri. ■--A good bill openeil to big business !I-N. W'pek of l|): The Doyle mid Emrrson Trio, Dally and O'Brien, Holmes nnd Wnldron. Vice and Viola, Anna 11. Onldn nnd picture*. a>» ■ OOI.OHADO. Denver. -Al the llronilwiiy (refer Mc- Court, matnigerl lust week, Walker While- side, In "The Magic Mphsly," did excellent business. Week of June 10, Ethel llnrryniure, in "Ciiplnlti Jinks." Nkw CriiTIH ll'ellon ,V Smiil/.er,, iniinu gersi— Tlicodore Loicli mid ciiinpiiny. In -Dr. Jekyll uud Mr. Hyde," did well. Week of 1). Theodore Lurch and company, In n' new Ei.rivn's U.miiikxs (Mary Elllcb 1 B. proprlelor). -Lusl week, Ida Ciuiipiesl, lu "Leah Klcschiia," did splendid Iiuslliess. Week of II, Ida Cimipicst and Mellows Stork Co.. In "Her Ureat Match." Manhattan IIkai'h (A. Duff, niiiiiugiu-). -•The Aiigiislln Hnly Slock Co. did line liual. lusl week. In "The Clngnlee." Week id In "The Lletileliaiit liess III III. Hie alio) iimpnny, mill Ihe Cowboy." Tlll.KlilKs liAllliKNM did big business last week. I lie iiliiloiiie presi'iited a bill of high class vaudeville. Including Ihe Alpine Fiimlly, May Evans. Mnrllii and King, llussell. .Ian Hummock d pictures. Cm htm. (Ueo. I in Adams, malinger). A line bill IiikI week did good business. Tim bill lucliid -d : O'Connor, Saunders conipany, Jnrvls mill Tudor, Urey and I'eters. I.'reen- wnlil. Lazar, Liiziii mid lllmplii and plciures. NiiVKt.rv (Sullivan. & Coiisldlne,' nuiiiii- gi-ri.-• Hill last week Included: James Frauds Hitlllvaii and compnliy. O'Neill's Ma- jestic Minstrels, ihe Ounces, Helen llritiuloll. Jliiy Evans and pleiures. Niri'KS.—May Evans lllled In on two bills lusl week, at Ihe Tiillelles evenings and Nnvelly imillliees. She scureil lilg. May Ititekley, who for the nasi rew Siuumiir seasons bus headed Hie Elltdi Slock Co.. Iibiyed last week ill I lie llronilwiiy, Hhe. Is n very prominent, member of Walker While- side's Company It la reported lliul llui McCmirls cleared nearly Mo.lMio fmm (he Ilioailwav anil Tnlmr Urntiil this past season. Hie Tabor Oniiul iH-lug Ihe •grenlPr uioliey milker, which ilemoiislrnles Ilia gnlierill suc- cess or popular prices. ♦-»-«« ' VIRUINIA. Norfolk.—Al tho Acnilnmy of Music (Olto Wells, local manager) Hie New York Opera Co. opened lis second week's eiigngeini-iil, June II, Willi "Olivette" UK Hie offering. The riuiipiiiiy bus been parlleiilariy pleasing, and liiislni-ss, as a rule, wns very siitlsfaclory. "Il's l"ii In Yon, John Henry," 10-15. Ciil.oMAl. (II. E. Weaver, local manager). - -This bouse, which Is operated under lint nuiiiiigciuciil of Ihe Colonbil llitlblllig Cor pornllun. upeneil Its doors to llm intlille fur ihe llrst lime Thursday. Juiu- II, Nul only Is If lln- largest thcnlre In thu cllv, bill one or Ilin liiiiiilsoinesl houses of Ihe kind (lie Slate or Virginia has ever known. In llm orccllnn of t)il m new Uioitlre the inaiiiigemoiit lias spared neither I rouble nor money In making It. one or Hip tlnesl llientres In the South. Aside from the lieiiuly or tile Inlei'lor or lln- theatre. Ihe building In Itself Is a handsome slriidure, nnd a credit In Hie cily, It Is located on Tnzwell HI rent, Jusl buck of Ihe Lorain Hotel, and dlrecllv opposite tile Vlr- glnluii-I'llot Itulldlng.. Tim opening iilll'i"'- Hon, "I'oi-alioiilas," hud lis Initial perforin mice on Ilie same nb'lit. "Poculioiilas" Is an historical drama, from Hip pen of ileurgn F. Vlell. ot Norfolk, and produced under Ihe management of Hie ('. W. Ilex Co. Ausllii Webb, late nt "The Claiismnn" Co.. Is cast for John Smith. The limine staff for llie (u Initial lliilldlng Corpora I Ion Includes: II. I',. Weaver, ticling malinger ; Frank Hmltli. treas- urer: Jlnniiiiii Norwllzk.v. slagn iniinager; Jmiips Kerlnek. chief elect rlclitn, mid I liurlus Hew, muster of properlles. Hiianiix (iilio Wells, local inaringori.-' "Tim I'nildler". played to good IiiisIiiphh week of !l. "The Nancy llaoks" 10-lfi. Ill.ioi' (Abb. Hmllh, inntinger).—I'eople for week or ,11): Eva Do Hols, llm Lascelles, Brown mid Young, Elsie Fay, Ihe llnrrlsoiiH, Helen LovpH. (irnee Lewis, Alslim and Al qulsl, nml Will Iloyd. Ai'.mi; IWIIkersoii k Mnnzlc, innnngcrsi. Hill for week of HI! MIiiiiIp Ifownrd, Mlkn SlrniiPl.l. Jnsle Allen, Flo Esmond, Penmati Slslers, Delmnrp mill Morey. Heiilz mid Ed- wards, and Harry and I'ctunim, AirhfT'iiui'M (-1. M. llurlon, muniigeri. - Thnre will he no change hi Hip bill for «' , ' ,, l- or 10. Manhattan (Crlnnlnn nr»«„ maiou'ersi.— PpoiiIi- for'week of 10: Minnie ratlersoii, LiidtlP Mnyllnld, Hnllle Wilson, Soplin- Hlaiichard, Sheldon and Davis, mid Nellie Leslie. Cahi.vo. Ocean View (Olio Wells, local man- ager).— TI)p regular Hummer season opened week of fl. wllli an itnt Ily strong vande- vlllp hill, bnl owing lo the very cool and ralnv weather, buslnpss hns been very un sstltifiieforj. Vnudpvlilp HI-in. ——■ ti Dilitvllle. T'lie Academy of .Music, which was di-Ml roved by fire u year ago. Is being re- built bv S! A. Scbloss, who will conduct II. In con'iieciloti with bis theatres hi North Carolina. The new building will be nu up- lortiitp and iiilracilve Ikiiimo. Ki.K-riiP' Casino, under (he management ot Jake Wells, ban been doing good business. The Kennedy Players, wllh change ot bill twice II week. »-.#■ i Tom Hatkman has lusl closed fol'tv 'veel-< wlili ill" Fred Onge Stock Co., and will rest until July, ul Ills huuiu In 1'nll Klvor, Muss.