The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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June. 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER: 1 ^ 463 i,iliir««r-4)«ltwi. In Illustrated songs, and tho vlMUWIWMMli Pl«.ver lor the current week. Al'adkhv or Music (JT. A. UNHi mnna- trr) —Thin house opened for a Summer Bea- ;,M with motion pictures and Illustrated „«, 8. and business In very ■arUfnetory. Krcd Xoonan, pinnlst-dlrcctor; Estelle llal- Isrd, KOlolHt. and James Spllalne, operator. M Tiikatr* Antique (Frank N. Attmiui, man- ....or).—This house la meeting with phc- omonnl success all the time. ?Thc Howard urn-Inn pictures. Harry Wilson and Evan- tone Cardinal, soloists, and the Theatre Aullnuc Orchestra. Henry Patnnnude. direc- tor, arc continuing successes. Niwkh.— The pnrks nre not dolujt their usual big business. owing to Inclement weather... . ..Lakevlew Theatre will open laito "4 with Die Adiim Ooode Stock Co., under Che inunugcment of J. J. Flynn. ..... The advertising car .No. 3. of lllngllng Hros. Circus, was In town 7. with Manager George Gondhcnrt and twenty-four assistants, giving the dual announcements of the show s visit , prc ]4 Klchard V. Murphy, owner of he Academy of Music. Is to visit New York Cltv this week. Several aro negotiating for the' purchase of the Academy here.. intnes Snllnlnc has closed a successful season n'llli this D. B. Walker theatrical forces, and U now at the Academy of Music for the Sum- .,,,.. The lodge of B. P. 0. Elks, low'nil H7. Is In receipt of (n copy of) the Idler sent by President Itoosevelt to the Grand Exalted Itulcr, In regard to dlscon- llnuo the nee of elk teeth as emblems of the order. ■ Xew ll«dford.—At the New Bedford Theatre (W.' H. Cross, manager) Sbcpard's moving pictures, Hellniare and Pratt, comedy acrobats; Payton and Stanley, fashion Viatel <,f colored aristocracy; Jas. Meehnn. illus- trated sungs, and .lounlc Glrrado, a popular vociillsl. furnish the vaudeville part of the entertainment. They played o .Picked houses. Be Wolf Hopper June 0, In "Hapw- land" which llnlshes the seusoii. Aaudcvllle continues until the. Fall HCHson opens. Hathawat'k (T. B. Hayllcs, manager).— Ham-Burke Hlock Co. opened Us llftii week with'"Knobs of Tennessee." This company Is very popular with the public, and this week lias I wo old favorites. Frank Thomas mid Mr GrlfHn. Packed houses rule. Swov iW. II. Shine, manager).—Contin- uous moving pictures, with Madeline lluck- lev, In Illustrated songs, and Lewis and Tiiompsou. In Irish comedy. .VriTK.—Lincoln Park, n popular Summer resort, opened May oU, with dancing nftcr- iiooii and evening. Vaudeville makes this place u ureal attraction for both New Hert- ford and Full Itlvcr people. Smith. Lillian rail lllverv—At the Savoy (W P. Mason, iilcturcs resldcill niuiuigcr) Shepnrd's moving pictures greatly pleased last week. Dp Wo|T Hopper, In "liappyUnd," Juno 7, delighted a huge audience. .Moving plclnres week of 10. SiibWiv's (John W. Harry, manager).-— The .1. Fiank Burke Stock Co. presented "Man's Enemy," last -week, to excellent busi- ness. Week of 10. "Two Llltle Sailor Hoys. Nickkloukon (J«s. V. Mason, manager). --Week of 10 : .luek and .llldu Cannon, May Piirlow. Htilh Clark. Mns<ai and Doran, and oplisrupc. Business Is good. Xiitkn.— At the Scenic tLewis II, Hour, iiiunnger) moving plciures and Illustrated songs. Business is good I MUM (b. ». Hill, milliliter), moving pictures and Illus- trated songs. Satusfuctory business is re- niu-led The lllngllng Brothers present- ed their big show here .nine U. to capacity. lames Itoblnson, formerly of the Pall Hirer Bill Posting Co., was in town June T. lie Is now with the No. 1 car of the Buffalo KIM Show Sheorty's Preehody Park. New- port, opens for the Summer here, June 24, with high class vaudeville. » i minion.—At the Tuunton Theatre (Calm & Cross, malingers) Shepnrd's moving pic- tures closed the Suminer season Junu I. HuUMH! Tiikatiik (C. II. Pronty. mnniiger). - Big business week of it. Per week of ID. all. new pictures, and specialties by Jinnns Waters. Wltllnins and Hose, Anna Delnnly, Priink Hurt. Irn Kessuer. mid Adu Cnrbort. Sahiutia Paiik will have moving pictures until Ihc opening of the regular season, June Si. I.invrriice.—The Opera llimse closed Inst week. Shepnrd'H moving picture's Wednesday sod Snliirduy. Colonial (J. Prod Lees, lniinngon.—"ihe Bohemian Girl" drew good business week of June ft, every membur of the Colonial Opera Cn. doing their slime to iiinke It u- success. •The Mascot" 10-15. 41 > ■■ i MICHIGAN. Detroit.—At Hie Detroit Opera ItoDM ill. C. Whitney, uiauiigeri Mary Maiiucrlng played a brief eiigHgcmeiit lust week, to packed houses. The Tboimiskefsky Yiddish Co. Junu 10, 11. i.Vixum (E. 1». Blair, iniiiiuger).—Ths Vnuglwn (iluser Co., In "Dorothy Vernon, isf lluddou Hall," eulcrliiliicd packed houses 2H. Thn mi m<! company. In "The Cowboy and Ihe lady," week of 0. Ti:si]'l".)5 lJ. II. Moore, iiuuinger).—Wm. tiouid mid Vnlcsku Siirutl were the lending Jills of last week's well bnlniiecd bill. At- tractions, week of 10: The Pndcttn woman's (u'chestra ; C. drum Uarduer mid Mulls sioddtird, Fred liny mid company, lira Hound- ing Gordons, Albcrllnc Munich's (ruined birds, Lnuhi unci Vluta Swan and Bumbnrd, mown and Xevurro, and tlie kluelugruph. n««ilo Creek.— Ihe Post (B. B mnniiger) was durk Juue ;i mid week. UiihhoM is due P.'. Bum: (W. S. Hiitterflcld. manager).—Bill for week of in: Lnmont's trained cocka- toos, Prank Minor, Don Cootes, AmerlcaA Newsboys' Qunrtcttc and the cllnctoscope pictures. Note. —Barnum k Bailey's Circus Is billed here 2o. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Grnnd Hnplds.—At tlnmona Park I Lew iMiimmer. manager) bill week of June 10 Includes: Cameron and Flanagan, Mile. Ches- ter and her dog. C. W. IJttlelleld, the Eight Vnssnr (ilrls, Cbas. Ward, and Wills and Hnssan. . Gopfiioy's Pavilion (Chns. Godfrey, man- sgerl.—The hill week of » Includes: Hay Cumrln. Prank Walsh, and the Znggas. . . ■ .Ini-kmiii.—At the Atlirmciiin ill J. Porter, resident manager) Mary Munnerliig. In "Glorious Betsy," played to capnclty May 21). delighting a large audience. "Uncle Josh Spruceby." SO, plensed. "The Lion and the Mouse." 8, had S. K. O. Lllllnii Ilussell Juue 111. Babxdii * lUiLVjy's circus 15. +»» CONNECTICUT. New lluvvii.—At Poll's (S. Z. Poll, man- ager) for .the third week's offering by Ihe Poll ()|>cra Co.. "Tim Chimes of Xormundy" will bo presented June 10-1.1. mid nil the operas nre proving to be especially welcome to the public. Wimth Cirv. BaTln Kock. litis opened with big success. The bill week nf Juno 1(1; Mile. Angle and her lions. Fllllplno midgets, and Hindoo dancing girls. Note. —Plans tiro going forward for Ihe New England Eagles' Held day here, In July. All the Connecticut Aeries Iirvc voted to at- tend, also those of New England, New York State and New Jersey. ■ H. i.ltc.-i.ori —At Smith's 'Edward C. Smith, inn linger i Shepnrd's nioviug pin nres and Al. liotltner. vociillsl. Poi.i'k (P.. II. Mitchell, mnungei).—Poll's Summer Stock Co.. In "Mrs. Dune's Defense:" Alice Fleming mill Edwin Caldwell. In lends. Notes. —.rack Burke, of this city, husngiilii Joined forces with his old pnriner. Kdward .McKvoy. The team will resume vaudeville work ns Burke ami McEvoy. being Ixsiked for twenty weeks over the Western circuit Clmrles Jcwclt. of this city, bus doubled up with Johnny Xeff, In a song and daiice net. and the team Is now pluvlng Huston ClmrlcK Ivors, of this city, formerly of the lenui of Ivors mid NcfT, Is prcpnrlng n novelty for the coming vuudevlllo season In the way of n roller skate dunce. Ills "Scarecrow dunce made a hit on the Pacific const and the middle West of lute years, hut It Is said to be outdone In the new novelty Jack Shou. n prominent Elk of tills city, mid one nf the best known men In tho country among the theatrical fraternity, intcndi-d the funeral of Juntos niehiiiomi Ofcuroy (J, p. Foeney), his old' liovliund frlonil. Ill Brooklyn, June .'I. The two Won frl"'iils thirty years ago, when Mr. Glenroy was "fried out" In the old Volkes Garden on Ihe Bowery, then under the miimigciiiciit of Tony Pastor. Mr. Olenroy made a big hit nmnteiir night mid Inler went, out with "Old Hoss" lloey. For ii long I lute Mr. Clou toy wrote the songs for the original Put Itooney. Including "Biddy, the Pride of Ihc Hnllel" and "We'll Paint the While House Green." Mr. Glunroy wus a grout favorite In this city, unit n popular member of the Elks. Another of Glenroy's close friends In this city was Judge Mc- Lnughllii, mi Elk und former circus ntlachcc. Word comes to this city to the effect thai the Hurry Slock Co. Is making a big hit nt IIiiiIiiiwii.v'h Theatre. Now Hedford. Muss. Mr. Hurry, or the linn. Is n Brltlgeiiorler, us Is Florence Hamilton, who Is playing leads. Henry II. Jennings Sr.. owner and mniwKor of the Hurl ford Theatre, was In attendance al the gathering of pust exulted rulers of the Elks of the Stnle, held at Steeplechase lslnnd, June 1. ■ Hartford.—At Parsons' (II. C. Parsons, manager), week of June II. Iliiiiter-Itrndforil Players. In "You Never Cuti Tell." bad large audiences. "Old lieldolhorg" 10-1IV. Poi.i's (Louis 14. Kllby, mnniiger).—Week of A, Poll's Stock Co.. In "The Eternal C!!y," had gootl audiences. "Why Smith Deft Home" lo-ir.. Foot flfAM Armoiit (M. EllBworth. man- ager).— "(ilrls of America," by local lalent, h, (1. »■ » INDIANA. I milium noils.—A! English's Opera House (Ail. F. Miller, umiiager) "The 'I'llroe of Us," May .'it. June 1. pleased good sized houses. This closed the season for tills house. Paiik Tiikaiiii: (Dickson & Tiilhott. mana- gers).—The I'nrk Thealri! Slock Co. up- js-arcil In "The Cowboy mid the l.udy." week of '.{, to very big business. "Carmen" week of 10. XOTIH.—Gentry Bros.' Shows ore billed for week of 10 Xnmortl Family. Ueieu/o and t.ailue ami Arndt's Military Band ap- peared lit Wonderland week of •!. ami busi- ness wus fair, considering the weullier Brook's Chicago Marine ifitnd gave dully con- certs nt Piilrbiink week of 10 Wbeelock's Indian llniid played u relurn engagement at the While. City week of 10. Our incufi'icn! correspondents ore hettbv notified ihnt the credential* now hel* 6y ihrm centred June l. They are requrtted to return Inem to this office at once, for renewal for lWl-ms. m:w .ii:um:i Newark. — At. Praetor's (It C. Stnnrl. resident manager) on the current hill the old favorites, ltyiin and lllehllold. In "Mag Hug forty's Iteeeptloo." nre the principal oilier- aluers. Herbert Lloyd and company are 'also prominent on Ihc hill, which Is satis- factorily completed by Donald anil Carson, Scheiick-Marvelll Co.. Dora Hoiim, George Hiisscy. Miijesllr Trln mill Milton's dogs. Big houses nightly enjoyed Ihe bill of June II. and notably "Christmss Oil Btackwell's Island." Cui.cmiiia (M. J. Jacobs, nmnnger).—The lllxnn Barlow Stock Co. Is having a Spring season of good business and appreciation, and the return to this city of Victory Bate- man, who Joined the company lust week as leading lady, was welcomed. As Maslovn. In "Hesiirrprtlon.'' Miss llRtemnn has an excel- lent chance to again display her ttblllty week of 10. "Man's Enemy Is booked for week of 17. , uiiaiii: island. Providence. —At Ihe Providence Opera House (Felix It. Wcndclschucfiir, manager) Jacob P. Adler and company were seen, June 7.' In one performance of ''llie Stranger." Kkith'h i Charles l.ovenln-rg, manager).— died from lien The Albee Slock Co. played "A Lady of Hotel Hreslln. yiinlltv." to good business, :i-S, Gloria 10-15. to be followed by Ol A His IK TIIK PHOKICSSION, Glittering "Hntllrs Estritti: (Splti A Nnthnnsoii, managers).— "Out of the Fold" attracted good houses :i-R. A special production of "The Christian" 10- 15. ' Clarence chase will make his Qrst ap- pearance with the company In this play. "The Wife" 17-22. Imi'Kiiial ID. II. Ciirlhi. nisnsgcr).—Fol- lowing "The Private Secretnfv." 11-8, "Eileen A'ltoone" Is produced 10-15. Fred J. Ireland, the author, has one of the lending roles. Notk. —Al Vanity l''nlr, week of 10, the free circus Includes the Lh Krcy Sisters, Mnr- 7.oln and Wolfe. Young mother*, and Kenyon and Dc Gnnnn. i 'WnoHMOPkrt. — At I long Luke Theatre (It. II. Itandnll. mnniigeri the hill for June In and week Includes: Gray's manikins. Mer- rill and Wnkrllclil. Homers and Storke, Emma I'.n.i.-li W. WIixkIiis. a brief null, t whose death nppc.ireti In cliese columns last feck, was well Known In the profession, lie heart disease mi May 2S, In the .. Xew York City, aged sixty- tlve years. At his bedside when lie passed away were his wife, his son. John 14. Wig- gins, and his son Inlaw, J. II. Moore, mnn- iiger of the Temple Theatre, Detroit, Mich. Mr. Wiggins was born In New York Stale. He went, to Detroit ns n isiy and begun hl« business career as a "butcher" on the Grand Trunk. Ills tlrsl e.\)H<rlenee In the show Inisl- lies was as property hoy la a Detroit the- atre. Later he Joined John llohlnson's I li- ens, nail loured wllh It for several yours. Ill time h» established museums In St. Paul. Minneapolis. Omaha mid other Western cities, which lie gave up When lie started the old WnuiTorliird on Woodward Avenue, Detroit. This venture found Its fruition In the establishment of Hie Temple Theatre n few yours ago. In nihil- Hon to his Detroit theatrical Interests. Mr. U logins owned the Cnolt Opern House nod linker Theatre, In Rochester. X. Y., and thn Ihirrls Then I re. In Phoenix, Arls. Mr. Wig- rllt nnd wnkellelil. Homers and snrso, hmnu „|, H i lil( | |„,,,„ (1 ||,„ K f „r several years, on Klaus. All and Peyser and Dlbrtes moving Tils return from Arhtonn rewntly. he seemed plciures. 'Ihe bill last week wis held over ,,„|„, improred, however, and decided to Cuiiiden.—At Woodlynlie Park (II. D. I.e Cu10, malinger) more satisfactory weather brought the crowds Inst week, nnd Ihe ex- cellence of the vaudeville presented by Man- sgor I.e Calo demonstrated that he Intends following his usual course In providing the host obtainable. This week's hill: Howell anil Emerson, Peril mill Wilson. I.en St. 141 mo, Prances Wood, Itellly and Morgan, Nellie Nichols, ami moving pictures. C.vmiikn Tijkatiik, —"Cinderella" was pre- sented here by Mr. Carpenter, a Philadelphia dancing school master. Business was satis- factory. Xotks. —Mnniiger M. W. Taylor starts for his hnngiiloo In Maryland this week. He will pay weekly visits, liuwever, to Ills Xew York und Camden olllces... .Malinger Long's new Camden Timslre Is now having the floor laid nnd girders placed The city authorities have decided to tax the moving picture shows In the town. There nre about a dozen located here nnd more to come. Jersey City.—Al Keith & Proctor's IP. Burns, mnniiger) for week of June 10: Four Huntings. Big City (iiinrlettc, Pbll mid Nettle Peters. Pom- Sunbeams, Banks nnd Newton, the Ci-fllgs. Mnreeiin, Nevaro mid Mnreeuii, nnd the Trlllers. Xoikh.- Buffalo Hill's Wild West II...., IIiigenbeck-Wiillnee 17. ♦ ■ » KKNTICKY. Louisville.—Al Hie While City (\V. II. Lnlili, mnniiger) (Inrgitilo and his bund. Hire's Hog. Pony and Monkey Show, nnd Prof. Hail- in, I lei's trained animals well! Hie principal outdoor features week of June 2. nl which big crowds wore prcsoal. For week of Hi Cora Youngblood Corsnn mid bund of thirty- live females urn engaged to discourse music. Fontaink Fkiiiiv I'aiik (Win. Itclehtmin. manageri -Inclement weather hud no effect on the pill lounge at this resort during week 1'. The outdoor nil ructions wore enjoyed by thousands of patrons. Tho best vaudeville bill of tho season at the thenlro attracted crowded nouses, at every performance. .Mana- ger Helchninn nininiintes that every Saturday night In Hie future there will lie given a free display of fireworks to his patrons. Joseph Delgrnnde. ion Eastern cipcrl, bus been en- gaged to arrange lira progriiuuiie. Xew people booked fur week of 11: Mabel Mcitiley. Iled- foril and Winchester, Qtllgg. Muekey and Xlckerson. Johnny Johns. Kales Bros., Pierco and lloslyn. and Ihe kluodroine. ' Hay City.—At the Wushlngton IW. J. Damn, iiiunnger) "The Lion and the Mouse" drew a largo nnd pleased audience Juno 1. 'Ibis iierforuiuncu closed the regular season of this house. Ai.iAitAtin i\V. J. Daunt, mannger).—Tlie i.oruiliic-Hucliniuiii Slock Co.. hi repertory, did excellent business It-!). Tlie sumo company neck of 10. Bl.lot; |,l. D. Plluiore, manager).—Bill leek of :; Included : The Five Melverns. Fran- cis lloyi und company. Antrim und Peters. Ben Dnvis, Triliuuil Seymour, mid the IIJJou- »eo|ie. Huslness Is big. llu.Mit Paiik Cahinii (L. W. Rich- ards, uuuingcr).—This resort opened for the season 2, and drew a large crowd with the tollowlng excellent vaudeville hill : Hurry Vokes, Margaret Daly mid cumpmiy. in "The Half Buck. Tavern;' Iho Eslertirooks,' the I'hroe Hounding Gordons, Edward II. and Kulliryn Dengon. Cora Landls, and the Ca- slnoscois?. Xnrj;.—The Stnte convention of the D. P. O. E. was held In this city, -1-U, und was lurgely attended. » Ivnliiiim/oo.—At the Academy of .Music 'II. A. Hush, maiiugerl Lillian Ilussell. In "The lliiitcrlly," June 11. closing the season "f the house, which bus proved very suc- cessful, despite competition of three other places of niniiscinctils. Hie IfIJuli. Wonder- land und Vtiiidelte. nil of which have done gissl business. Attractions for next year «re now Mug lajokcd. Hi. (W. S. Iliillerth'lil. am linger I, -- to'isl houses here, of leu to cii|iiiclty. Ill 11 week of 10: Clarke and U'eiiiple, Frank <»erg, Harry and Mac Howard, Joseph Leh- man und company, Elmer Matthews, and llhis- aiid conspuny, Elmer Jlutthews. nnd Illus- trated songs. Notkh. —Wonderland IW. II. Johusoii, manager), and Ymidette IF. A. ItulT, niuiia- ger) nre liolh enjoying good patronage; mov- ing plciures unit Illustrated snugs being their offerings Buriiiim k Bailey's Show June 2!. ■••— LiifnyeMo.—At the Mujestlc (Gregg Fre- llnger. uiiiiiugei) the bill tor week of June It: Herbert and Vance, Ethel Young, Clmrles and Josephine Summers. Mcxlciis and Mexlciis, and the Mnjcstosconc. Business is excellent. Norm*.—Willi the Grand dark und the Family Theatre closed for repairs, Ihe Happy Half Hour and La Purduttc have a cupaclly huslness eon The Elks Invaded the city Juno amusements were liberally uutronlzcd The Ben Greet Pluyers will give two lier- 'forulaiicoK In the campus of Purdue Uni- versity. June 10. Should the weather prove unfavorable, limy will appear In Fowler Hall. The plays selected for Hie open air perform- nnens nre "As You I.Ike It" nnd "Midsummer Night's Dream." The U. S. Military Ladles' Band gave some very pleasing con- certs nt Teeiiinseh Trull Park. May JlO-Jniie 2. The stormy weullier liilerferrod somewhat with iilleiidunce. (>«» si AltYLAM). Iloliiinorc. —At the Auditorium (James L. KeniHli. inunugcri The Chimes of Nor- aiatidy" will be heard June .10-15, closing a most successful engagement or the Aborn Opera Co. "The Pontine Teller" drew the usual full houses week ending 8. GavktV (W. L. Hiillunf, inuiinger).—"Paris by Night" opens 10, for a week's stuy, mid closes this house for the Summer. I.L'ui.n's (Edward C. Enrle, manager).-- Itellly and Morgan. Amy Florence Pierce. Ward mid l.ufferty. and Sadie Ship iiitin lire Included In the bill for 10 nnd week. Giibatkii I4i.i:i:tiiii' Paiik (P. C. Scbaii- berger, manager).—The novelties for week of 10 Include: Thn liesslu labia re Troupe of .'cyclists, Xotln Vests, Chalk Saunders, Clmrles and Fimnle Vun, und Mnrsliull mid King. • »» WISCONSIN. si,,1,,,, u ,io.—The Opera House i W. II, Stoddard, munugori, und the Unhiuc (Arthur Lane, manager) are closed for the seuson. Lakh Vikw Si;m.mi:ii Tiica'iiiu (Arthur Lane, manager) opened Mny 30. with "Huld Pnshii." to ctipuclty huslni'ss. "Frn Dlavolo" 0 and week. "Olivette" 1(1 and week. Norn.—Drenmliiiiil t.M. Drneger, tnaniigi-ri U drtiwlng well, with moving pictures and Illustrated songs. I'nilocoli. —At the Wnllnoe Park Csslnn (Win. Malone, manager) Krotore, "The Mu- sical Wizard :" the Helm Children, Axlell mid Heine. Miss Clcnwuod, and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powers were the features Inst week. In vaudeville. The house will lie durk for ten days, beginning 10, due to Cliuiirnti<|iia ut the park. » »» LOUISIANA. Now Orleans.—At the West End (Tom IVInslon. miiniiger) the usual packed house wus on hand June 2. to greet the change of „,''!*-?"..' ' *$& bill and listen to Emlle 'INhsI's Premier Con- I*"" ■""> -" cert Hand. This popular yinnig dlreelor bus scored heavily with bis line band, and lie Is compelled to work overtime each evening answering recalls. On tho stage, the Mu silent Ouoltnniis, llulley mid Rohan, ltlnl(o Comedy Four, and the Keiiiku Brothel's won rounds of applause. The klnodrome, under Al. Warren, with n Int. of new slides, plensed as usual. The lour around the world oh- Nomillon cur, Ferris wheel, carousel, Ja- panese hull game, electric theatre and other side shows coiitluue to big business. The bill fur week of II Includes : Fred and Annie Pelol. Iriua (Hiiirny. nnd Musical Gooltnuns, und Krenikn Brothoru ns hold overs. Width City (C. C. Matthewson. miina- feri.—The Olympla Operu Co.. with Jolly ,oiile Kendall as the star, presented "Said I'liHha," 118, to large crowds. Ed. Seumons, the well known actor-uiiinuger, made his llrst appearance this season, II. In the title role, anil was given a big welcome. John Collins, a coiueilliin of merit, made his llrst appear mice ns a member of tills popular coiiriiiiny, ,'l. nnd scored u hit. The work of Hid) Pllkln. Herbert Curler. Kullierlue Mitchell and Ro- salie Sheldon deserved iipeclttl inenllou. "The French Maid" tl and week. ♦*♦ entire from the opening week. Rail weather kept the attendance down. The Connecticut Fireworks Co., iienihiiiiirlcrs Now Haven, Conn., gave an entirely satisfactory exhibi- tion of. fireworks on the grounds after the evening performance, Thursday of Inst week, which drew* very well. ■ ■ ■»»» Wl'.s I VIIIGINIA. Wheel I ■■»(.—Al the Bl.loii iSi'hurti & Hrnrley, projirlelors) huslness was good for week ending June H. People for week of 10: The Beatties. the Great Solum, Joe Binkley. Oiler and Wuidion. and ihe moving plciures WiiKul.ixu Paiik (Frank J. Baker, general inn linger).- -On aoeouiit. of the cold nnd ruin business was light for week ending S. People for week of n I Fetching Bros., Grucelyn Wlihehoiise. Hay and llro., Rleglor lllllo, tisi,,,in, acrobnllc comedy. On Sunday. II, ns a special attraction, the Great North (ionium Marine Hand. Kim,—Coney Island will lie opened about July 1. It will be entirely rebuilt, ns Hie flood of Issl March look imailv nil of the buildings from the Island. Corn-go Sohuetvr will be manuger and Claude Nelson, formerly of the Wheeling Park stuff, will have charge of the press work. ♦.» OEOItGIA. Atlnutn At the Grand (II. L. k J. L. lie (ilve, malingers) thn George Fawoolt Co. presented "Friends," June ;i-M, to excellent returns. "Tho Charily Hull" Is hilled 10-15. Camixo i. Ink. Wells, niiiiiagei-i. —Cliurlln tirapowln. In "it's I'p to You. John Henry," was Ihe offering, to good business, ll-H. "Down Mobile' 10-J 5. Star (J. II. Thompson, malinger). -Thn patrons of this resort were favored wllh mi excellent bib .'IN. which Included : Blninphln sml Hehr. the FlnrcllnA, John II. Morris, May Dolmny, MeCall Trio, lleuiieli Sisters. Mny Myers, Tyler Trio, Harry .Sodley. Mania Pnrker. Lillian May. Edith Pcrchel, and mov- ing pictures. Pahtimk.— Capacity luisliiess cisitlniies nt this house. The bill :i-K included : Lewis and Losslnger, Tnmniv Wllks, Baby Esmond, Ulsle Woods and b'lors Esmond. 1 ■»»♦ KANSAS. ui.-tiitii. .it the Crawford (14. L. Mart- ling, mnniiger) "As You Like It" (loenli wus presented by Ihe senior class of Fulrinuiltit College, In a erowded house, .lime I. Wi,.mu:ui,am> Paiik Tiikatiih (J. T. Nuttie, mnniiger).—Wolfe Stuck l.'o. has opened for Hie Summer season, nnd Is playing to big htiklness. Aiiiimimk (Geo. M. Gatts, manager).—liny- wind stoeii Co. Is playing to a largo audi- ences, mid changing the bill nightly. ■ Wlnaeld.—At. the Alrdotno Tbeiitre. Finn- els J. Glliuore's Plurers, In "A Clever Rogue," pleased crowded houses Mny 27, 28. The sumo company played "A Miilrlmoulnl Mud- dle." In a large crowd. III). 31, The Wolford Slock Co. play ill the Alrdniue for two weeks, beginning June 10, iianii OftiiiA llot.'SK.—"The Mnlluco Girl" Xew York. II lifter Ills nrrlral I'ell and telogrujdied fur, Hosldos John.- Mr. -♦»» NOItTII CA HOI,IN A. I linrlotte. — Al the Lallii Park Audi- lorluiu JW. A. Peters, luuiingor) tint W. A, Peters Stis'k Co. oponotl the senson nt this popular resort Monday. June it. Long before the rise of the curtain the house was com- pletely sold out. Tho memiiers of the eoiii- ■Niny lire: W. A. Peters, Earl McUdluo, Elsie Wrciiu, Mnrle Melhiiru, Lynn Oslsiru. Allsirt lirlglitoii. Minnie Ferguson, Ester Gnrber, and the Groat llesinoiul Trio. This exceptionally Well Intlaneeil ConipilllV IVI1S given II big ro- eepilnn nt the op,-n lug poi'fonnnnce. and should draw big business during the senson. ♦«» AI1KANSAH. Little lloek.—At Forest Park (Chns. T. Taylor, malinger) the Arlington Comedians still hold Iho boards ul Hils jiopulnr Slimmer I heal re. which Is becoming more iiopulnr every season, under the management of Mr. Taylor. Attendance every night Is largo. For week of June 10, Hie Bigger I'liner Opern Co. is underlined. Notk.-— The Mujestlc Theatre has closed for the season, us lias Ihe Lyric. Hike n business tl'jp III almost iiiimoiiiiiioiv i ho fniully wus the widow und soil' John.'' Mr. Wiggins IrnvM miother son, William ,1. Wiggins. Funeral was hold on Mnv ill. It has liooti arranged Hint the body slmll remain In the receiving vault nt EIiiiwimhI until Ihe com lih'tlon of Hie finally mausoleum, which Is In course of construction, Clmrles II, StiMYiirl. of Stewart nnd Bayer, died ar his home In Xew York City on Juno li, from |nioumoiila. after n week's Illness, iigcd thirty-live veins. Ile was borti In Oregon, mid niiulo his debut on Hie singe at Hull Lake City, hi ISNII. Laier Ile came East ns stnge director nnd manager for Gils lllll. Four yours ago he took charge of the piny department or Bellow \ Gregory, null Inter wus iissoolatod wllh Dnrey A Woirnrd. Itccently ho fiiniioil a pnrtnorshlp wllh Mrs. Willis lloyer. Hie llrin lining known us Slewuil & lloyer. Ills wife was Anlolliello Walker. of "The Music Muster." lie leaves an Infant son. Pin- funeral took plui'o In the Masonic Temple mi June 111. und Interment was hi Green wm ii I Cemetery. Arthur II. Lyn'ds, who was Lincoln J. Carter's stage manager for llfleon yours, committed suicide In St. Luiils, Mo., on Jinn" ,'l. Ho loll a mile staling that he (cared up pronehlng Idliidiioss. ami i<mk his life because or this ihroiiiciicd trouble. "Don" Cniniiliell, of Hie Ciimpliell llrolli- ers, owners of Campbell Hrotliers' Slnov.'dloil on Sunday. May 20, ut Pulrhiiry. Noli, In torment ivns In Falrhnry on May 2H. on which lllllo moniol'lnl services were hold on the show grounds. "r Hnvla, formerly n well known tutor manager und showman, died on Juno 'I, ut I! bridge, Muss., iiuoil set ly-two vents. Vletiir M. Oe Hllhe. nn ucliir. died al the Solon llosplinl. New Vnrk City, on June 2. aged forl.y yours, lie was nil English mail by birth. He had pliiyod I I'lio (iron I Rnhy. 1 "Phe Price of Peace," and wus wllh Robert II. Maiilell In "The Secret War runt ;" Amelia Hliighiiiu, In "A Modern Mug dolln :" Mny Irwin. Ill "Kuto Kip. |luv„i p' Jaiiios T. Powers, In "lleullemiiii Juo, mill Hie Russell Hrotliers. Mr. Do Sllko's lust ii|i|i»i|riilioo was with John T. Kollv. In vaudeville. The Actors' Fund took cure of .Mr, Do Sill.,- during Ids lust Illness, mid In torment was la Hie Actors' Fund plot, In Evergreen Cemetery. Ciiiviini iiin.iciK. nidi known hi vniidc- vllle, 'njtd a iiioiiilior of the loam of Met'ale mid Daniels, knoekiihtiiit coinedlnns, died nl. II hotel In Buffalo. X. V., on June 7. Ilfli'l' u long llluesN. Ills lust otigiigemoul was with tne Guy Mnsipterudors Co. W. II. Fun, otic nl' llie original lluunlllii Rrnthers, groli'si|ito diuieers anil high kickers, died recently IM .Murcol. Cnl., from llrlghl's disease, aged forty-seven years. Ills wire, Mis. Nellie Fox, Survives him. urnrge W. ■ ngod eight venrs. who wus with Cole llrntliors' circus, wns thrown under the train and killed ul liuhnls, I'll.. June ,-|. Interment was III Oil City. Fred .1. Miller, n unislclmi, died on Juno 1, at the Emergency IIomiIIiiI, Huston, Muss., Hged llfly-lwo yenrs. lie wns a unlive of London, Eug. At various limes ho liml played In Iho hesl theatres or llostoii, and Ills Inst traveling engagement was wllh Savage's Opera Co., several yours ago. niMTHICT OF COLUMBIA. WiisliliiKtoii. —Al the New National t w. und Mujestlc 1|. Raplcy, ninmigerl. the Aborn Opern Co. tlnunlly this week presents "The Mikado." Last, week l). and nil Hie same coiiipiiny gave "The Serenade" lo packed houses. "I'fnnfore" and "(,'uvallcrla Bust leana" June 17-22. Columiiia I Jos. E. I.iickelt, iiiunnger).— This week ihe Columbia Stock Co. Is pre- senting "Aristocracy." with Waller Lnekayo. Lust week "Trilby wns given to capacity iitidlences. Bklani'u (L. Stoddard Taylor, manuger). —This week the Edwin Ardeu Co., In "Dl- vorcotis." Last week "Prince Karl" hud cupaclly business. "The Private Secretary" next. Lycklm (Eugene Keriisn, mnniiger).—This week lh«"Lyceiim Stock Co. Is'gins an all Suiiiiiior eiigugoinoiu. Lust week was the end of the regular seuson, and the High School Girls hud excellent success. l.i'NA Paiik (diaries J. liondfcllow, ins li- nger i.—This place, replete with nmuscineiilN, Is dally and' nightly crowded. The Haley Washington Orchestra gives nightly coitisirls. Lust week the Itoyul Berlin Military Bund wus the utti'iicllon In u musical wuy. ciiKir Cinsi: MRU ' Herbert Claude, manager).—The V. S. .Murine Hand (scclloni gives u free concert every night lo Immense lit rungs. (ii.t.N Eciin llii'i'ointnyit: (14. J. Slinonds, ma linger i.—'Iho nltruetlous Usually found at n llrst obis* suburban resort draw vxcnlh'rit business. Charles Vincent, In Illustrated songs, In the Audit, ilium, and an orchestra In Hie pavilion, nre prime furnishers of amuse- llli'lll. Under tot Cents, Notkh riin.M Al. F. Wiikklkii'h Ni.w Motirii. Siiiiivs, -DoHiilio the Diet that we have en- countered bad weather two-thirds of the lime since our opening, we have played to en-cl- ient business, with very low losing stands. Since our opening we hnve added throe liiuiiis of draught burses, a now dining tent, nnd ■nude many Improvements. Our performance Is the Is'sl over presented by llie New Model, and Is milking good. 'I'm: Van DIHMBSSH, under the miiiiRgeiiient of Jack Sudan, are one of Hie. sensational features with the Hiigeiils-ok-Wallacn Show, In their exhibition of tieilul levlh gymnastics. A. V. STK.sMAitK, genera! agent, of Leu Bros.' Shows, writes: "This season Oscar itragelslruins Is band leader, with eight men. The show Is playing (0 good business In spile of tjle wel, cold weather.. Slxe of lop seven- ty, wllh twenty-four fool middle place." Al. ItiMii.lMi was Willi the Forepmigh- Solls Show Inst week, lie Is now onioylng a short vueuHoii al his new home In llurabuo. Mr. (tingling reports a record breaking busi- ness for ihc Rlugllng Show thus far llils senson. miscellaneous. MISSISSIPPI. Meridian. — At Ihe Coliseum Theatre IVIvliin WHsker, inuniigcrj Rentfrow's Jolly Putlitlndors continued to draw, and closed II successful engagement June H. Frank Dud- ley Stork I'n. HI-IT. • •*■ Al.. Li'lilN has severed bis connect Ion with ('hnrlos K. IIjiiI,-. und Is enjoying a brief vacation. Cl.AUK.vci: Jlo.iu-.MiH, German comedian, Jollied,Iho Claude (Junker Medicine Co., play- ing a six weeks' si and ul Chippewa Full's, Wis. Tiioxa.s Mourns, of Ihe Emerson Flouting Palace, gave a social session nnd a Chinese supper ut u Chinese restaurant. In i/uilsvllle, Ky.. on Sunday evening, June 2, to a few members of the company. The following were of tho isirty: It. Emerson nnd wife, Joe k. Kelly, Vlrglnln Kclscv, Frank und Vir- ginia Rogers, Clnreiiee unit Mu Bunion Tlllle Twinkle, (tat, Huckholttte and wife, Myrtlo Huntington, Mnrgurllc Maxwell mid Tln'muis Morris. A wind lime wns the result and nil Joined In with thai dour old melody, "Old Lung Syixe." Aolliig upon a million made mid curried nt thn lust mooting a general meeting of Hie i iIni hi will ho held Sntni'ihiy night, Juno 21), the tlrsl evening of the Pilgrimage. At this Hum a niolIon will be offered lo change Iho const It tillon lo the effect that otllcors bo elected yearly on this date. Ihe llscul your to begin at this lime, Tlie presldDtit. ap- pointed i In; following commit lee on noiiiliui Huns: W. G, Hiiiyth, Harry G. Hummers, IV. M. Hull. Llpmiiti Ki'iilte. 11II fry Slmin, Hurry Uiivldsou and ,1 nines This coinuilllou will uiiiioiiiicK Rs iioiiiltiullniis olift week before Hie general tnoelliig. Friar \\. G. Smllli moved thai i«-„ llekels be phici'il ill the Held. on u mot Ion imide by l-'rlnr S. (loudfriend, It wus decided lo revise mid liiiiko none compre- hensive the present coiiHlltiilliili. It was also reported Hint tile h'rllim will 1st lilcorporiileit after the general meeting. Tho presblenl luiii iippolnleil the following coiiimil.lcn lo Inks up the mutter of a new const I In Hon: Charles Emerson Cook, Frank C. Pnviio, W. M. Bull, H. Giiodfrleiid, Wnllncn Miiuro, I). S. Susseeii and George W. Hammls. A. L. Jacobs, the Friars' Attorney, will advise the couiinllloe. Proposals for mcmberslilp lueluilu; /inflin —Etlwurd Frlerbeigitr, Simon Nullum, F, W. Joi'diin,- Louis Nelliorsiilii, Georgn K, lloffei, Win. II. Ovllllt, JlllllOB llllltoll, JuSOpIl 1)11101. John II. I'll /jmi t lli-k. lilts ilolblici. .1. Ilulo- Murray. George Gnlltigber, L. J. Rodriguez., Hurry A. Leo, Fred Miller Jr., Win. Alex- iindi.'i', Leo Itllcy. Jssoclufi■-- Heorge Cnrlerel, Edward S. Abeics, Wlnlh-ld Ii. Hhoolimi, Ar- thur J. Hllrldon. Ileiliert W. (Illckul. Will (icnlry, W. S. 'i'liointisiin, Snmiiel Wnlluoli, J. C. Hitminouil, Loo lliuiey. W. W. Aullck. The l-'rlnrs have |iiii'chused fur $20 n gal- lery sent tor Iho Is'iiellt to he given t» DuvTii llondorsiiii, In Chlciign, under Die auspices of the Press Cluli of thill city. .Meetings ure held every Friday evening, at: Kern's Chop House, 71) West. Thirty-sixth Street. New Vork, Prlitr Clmi'los Emerson Cook reported Hint the eoninilltee on Ways and Means had doubled that It Is to the best lulnrcsl of III" organization In postpone dcMulle nclloti In- ward securing u club house until Hie club was on a slroiig llniiiiehil busts. A special r ii in l fur Iho club house project has boon started, nnd nil meuiliets und friends of Inn orgiiiil/.iiilou lire ollgllih' to cmiliNolle, Any iiiiiouul. large or siiinll. Is nceeplable, mid It has been (lolcrmluoil Hint no notion inward opening a chili house will ho taken until lit least mi. (iiiii Is on lined for Hint purpose. Tlie money now In Hm treasury, and thn Income from dues will mil bo utilized In Iho eluh house fund, hut will lie set nsble ns nil emergency fund for the did of members who mny bo to ueod of assistance been use of oe, -iili'iii or Illness. +«_» Fiiink Mtt.niN |M Tllll IM Loxu Hisriiits nre In t In pi thirty. third week of bookings for tint Western Vaudeville Association.