The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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3mm 15/ ^?HE; NEW* YORK CLIPPER. 465 FOR OUR NEWEST FILM! Tkis Subject Excels Our Famous Production, "Dog Smugglers,** in Many Points, and Therefore Needs No Other Recommendation. ffEW'YORK, 13 K. «:w si. CHICAGO, .1ft Randolph World of Players, Damon Lyon, who was n member or Rich- ard Manatleld'n company, linvinic recovered from a recent Ulnons, has been giving song rceltaln and readings from plays, lie.lias l*ou. engaged to sing and read nl Newport, i it. I., In .lune. ■ • - A. ft Oicutt writes: "I have cloRCd with the. Francis MhcU Shows, us manager, and have.bought an interest In a hoarding and livery, stable at, Sew Koehelle. My Hrwln Comedy L'or.-wHI- open early In September. and will be under' the management of Will 11. Morgan. This company Is booked solid In toe very best of time In Pennsylvania and Mew York until next April." ,iijii:;j MacCi inn and wife (Kate Womln l-'lRkt'i have gone to their home In Brentwood, Long Island, to spend their- va- cation until August, when Jlr. MacCurdy comtnencen.. his fourth, season In "The Old Clothes Man." ... John ami Ai.i 'k McDowi.i.i. are on the Jake Wells circuit. Iu the South, with Harry It Linton's "My Wife's Knmlly" Co. .Iami'i 19, XlclOuiov, comedian ol' the Herald Square Slock'Co,, will spend the Summer at the country residence of Col. Carrol Graves, near Crescent Park, R. 1. ,-.-■ i t'uANK W. IliiTiiAWAr, of the team of Hathaway and Hathaway, has Just finished a forty weeks' engagement with the Henry ramiiv Stock Co., playing leads and heavies, also doing specialties. Ills wife, Letile A. Hnlhnwny, was forced to close eight weeks earlier In the season, on account of Illness. At present they tire laying oft* at. their home In Bristol, Vt. Bkrt Bom: writes: "We have closed our rccond season with W. F. Monn's 'As Told . In the Hills' Co., and have signed with his hlggest HiiecesB, 'The Cow Puncher.' My wife,. Hesse l.yle. will do Slattery Ann, and my- self, Spokane Ike. At present we are taking a rest at Beaver Place, near Lincoln, ill." Mr, and Mrs.- Hhxiard Wight (Amber Montague), closed a thirty-two weeks' en- gagement wllb. the Warren Noble Theatre Co.,' on May ,22. Mr. Noble re-engaged them for the Summer season, under canvas, open- ing June 10, at Watertown, 8. Dak. ll.wiitY M. Rovai.ic writes: "1 am in my nineteenth week with It. 1>. Rucker, playing principal leads. We are In Dallas, Tex., for an Indefinite run. My wife, Carol J>andon, died here on May i::. nnd wns hurled st Kalamazoo, Mich." Tub' Hot.dnooK- Rim Co., Kdwln 1.. Barker, general manager, which controls a number of .theatrical enterprises and lecture celebrities, announces the Valbar Standard Opera Co. for nexl season. Itevlsed produc- tions of "iolanthe" and "The Chimes of Nor- mandy" Will be presented. The season will open Sept. 10. The company carries Its own orchestra. The roster: 0. Kroderlc Wheeler, business manager ; Clifford Wodetskl, advance representative; Martha Seaborn .1. Vullmr, prima donna; Mantle and Jennie ICI More, -ioprano and contralto soubroltes. nnd In- genues; D. JCmlle Lamnuretix, tenor; George N'utmisciii, baritone; Frnnk VVooley. come- dian and stngb director; .Minim Bcrthclsen, iiassn: Ca'rlaion Colby, musical director; Al- fred Lewis, stage carpenter. ■ ■•' Uittbb a.. I'ansiiawi: Nothh. —We closed our season of -ninety-two weeks at Townndu, i'n..'June l. Mr. Fansbawe Is nl. White Haven, I'n.,where he- will rest for the Sum- mer. Marly In August he will reorganize the 'Herald Square'Stock Co., and open the opera house nl White ' tlnven with new scenery, new paper nnd plays.- His new version of "Dr. .lekyll and Mr. Hyde," In Which be made a pronounced success Inst year, will be used, also-the following: "Tho Minister's Secrot," "The I'r.lrice of Russia." "Hie Woman With- out.a Heart,"- "Her Lost Love" and "Queen .of Crimc.r . . i - . : ■ XnTFJB IT.Olt THR PHnCY ATMACTIOX8.— ■f. L., I'erny'H.hlg pavilion theatre, at Sahlna, •Oil was completely destroyed by fire Thurs- day; May BO.. 1 The lire started from Bparks ' front n railroad train. Some of the company siivcd -their trunks, many of which were ■ briflly bunted i othere lost everything. W. 3, Schullz, who was In the theatre at the time, - noticed the Ore and gave the alarm, but It wns under full headway and could not be ■ eonlrolled, although the Ore department and citizens did everything In. their power to i.'beck It. Mr. Schitltz was seriously burned itiiont the head, neck, shoulders and arms, his clothing -was completely burned off him, Ini t he managed to get out and saved the h|g fosollne task whllo surrounded by flames. . t was n very heavy loss lo Mr. Percy, having unlit everything new this season, and It was the most complete theatre, under canvas, on the road, carrying a carload of scenery, His. loss Is said to be about $*>,00O. The company plated the opera house the last three nights, nnd Mr. Percy at once wired for a new top. . Mvery one Js looking on the bright side of things, add working day and night build- . Ing and painting scenery, nnd we expect to open with the new outfit June 1. The mem- bers of. the company are: .Mr. and Mrs. J. I..' Percy, Mr. nnd Mrs.- W. J. Jefferson. Kath- leen Maneree, Lewis Lord, W. J. Sebultz, ' ''ddle Walktm. Walter Smith. Prank Baker. Marco and Harry Shear, I'd. Porter, Iial Hltehens, John MncCarty and P. <•. Pufflng- ton. , * ■Victor Lr, Rot and Vivias Denhmorr. of Prank Do Atle.v's company, were married on May .18, at the Lvrlc Theatre. Rnltl, Okla.. during- the second act of "The Matinee Girl." Among those attending were: Dan Russell. Blanche O'Nell, J. P.. Jackson nnd wife. Prank tie At I y. Will Grows, Darling nnd ICoynoirK Karl Simpson, Mnble Lnngdon, Floyd Wilson. " Mrg. HiimphrcyH and daughter, Anna liny, 'Hadyn Jackson, Mr. Whitney and wife, Kate • Smlthen and. Gale. Gel ten. ,. . , .... .Ioiinnii) Uav wns In-New York Inst week. The.Ilnys will spend the Summer ul. their home In Cleveland, O. "King Casey" will be the title of their next season's offering, under the management of P.. D. Stnlr. John W. Ri:kai:sf,r writes from Chester, Vt.; "Am here, playing Barber's Park this week, Business, like the weather, Is bad. The park Is one of the finest I've ever seen, and but three miles ma of town. I nm going hack with Hnp Ward again next season." IIicksian-Bmnv. Notes. —This at- traction closed a very successful season of forty-live weeks nl Haclno, Wis. They will open the Alrdome. nt Davenport. la., remain- ing all Summer, producing two plays a week. They start on thctr regular season slxjiit Aug. so. • > ; Norns prom thk ■ Salter Attraction's). — Harry Weber, after a retirement, of tbree years, returns lo the stage next season, la "Nip and Tuck." Kdwnrd R. Salter has purchased of Mrs. A. P.. Davidson, all rights and lltles to "The Train Robbers." "Tier Mad Marriage" 1m now tbe property of Mr. Salter, nnd Is hooked for a tour of tbe East next season. Ida Lawrence, who Is now play- ing In her own sketch In vaudeville, will slur uext. senson In n Western sonbretic play, wrltlen by Ardn La Croix, entitled "Thnl Young One of Clancy's." The Mortimer Snow Stock Co., iu the Lyceum Thentre. Memphis, last week did a big business with the fidward It. Snllor version of "Salome." J.mi Hnscnll has purchased of Mr. Salter u one act playlet, called "Her Trial Marrlnge," written bv Lem I'arker. A new melodrama, called "The Yiddish DelectlveB,". written by Lena Parker, has been disposed of to Vance & Sullivan, through the Kdwnrd II. Stiller Amusement Co. Rrxwrow's .Ioi.i.v Patiipindrrr Notes. We are In our forty-first week of this sen- son. Tltirt comproy has not closed or live venrs, plnylng cnnilnitonsly through the Win- ter and Summer. Out' business Is fine, nnd the present company embraces the ollowlng: tilmer Buffliam, leading man; Fred.DnrlleUt, H. D. King, Fred Dnunn, Umory Tnrbltt, Percv Lee, J. J. Collier, band and .orchestra leader, with the following musicians: L. J. Flitelt. W. O. Dodge, Fred Barllett, I'red Dnnon. Wm. ICveret, I. C. Wort, Geo. Bolleatt unit Percy l,ct. Tbe acting com- pany nlso Includes : Grace Hentfrow, Adelaide Irwin. Miss Bartletl, Jean Volleau, Harry King, child actor. J. N. Rentfrow Is mana- ger ; Mm., J. N. Rentfrow, treasurer, and new additions to tbe company are: Jessica Parker, K. O. Dodge, Jack and Clara Lyou, Clara Mnthas, Will Marsh and Carl Iteming leaving. Mtts. Ida KtKPr.n "writes: "1 huve been granted a divorce from W. K. Klofer, come- ■•tan. I will remain In Frnnkfort, Ind.. for the rest of tho Summer." i;i-cmi;t: Ann Is now at Hazelden' Farm, Hrook. Ind., whore ho Is working on a new play, to l>e produced next season by Charles Frohmnn, with William H. Crane In the stellar role. The play will have Its premier In Chicago, In October.. Flo a.vii May Hnsoi-nn have been engaged bv tbe Rogers Brothers for their new pro- duction, "The Rogers Brothers In Panama." ' T. II.' Winnktt has arranged with the atttbors of "Tbe Mlssoiirlaos," lo act as the sole agent for their play, also with the well known authoress, Kthel May, of Lynn, Mass., to handle oil of herorlglnnicreationH: "Light House 143. Phornton Sons,; Brokers;" "Nathnite",—"Snnfminn of Montana." etc. Kaiihv Conso.N Ci.akki: anb Maroabbt Dai.p Owen closed their very successful stock star- ring season at the Casino, Toledo,'0., June ft. They will pinv a special engagement at t'levt'hiuil, as features of tho bill voder Ibe nosplrea of the Mystic Sbrlners, during week of June 111, when they produce their sketch. ■A House Divided," Got.nwix Patto.n has been specially en- gaged to ntay the role of Rev. Howard Stur- gls, In. the Cblcngo production of W. B. Gray's pastoral drama, "Tbe Volunteer Organist/' at Ibe Great Northern Theatre. Prkd Rnt.t.A, of the llelln Stock Co., Is lying critically HI. In. Coffeyvllle. Kan. He wns stricken with paralysis several weeks ngo, and since that time has not been able to talk. His friends have not been able to procure the address of any relatives. It Is thought he has n brother somewhere In the Rast. and possibly other relatives. . I'lLRANOR HtCKH AND FttANIt lYlWKI.I., of . the Lvcettm Stock Co.. were married on June ;>, at Amherst, N, w. Both have been playing lends with the above company, at the Opera House. In Amherst. On June 14 the couple will sail-for London, ting. Mr. Powell has been engaged as Hinge manager for I'llen Terrv In n new ly>ndon production, and will begin bis engagement June 30. Davk Skvhoi.r, after a successful senson with the Rowland & Clifford Attractions, hits gone to one of the Northern" New Ybrk Sum- mer resorts, where he will operate au amuse- ment enterprise during the heated term. Mr. Sovmoiir will be with the Rowland A Clif- ford Enterprises the coming season, which will innke Ills-fifth year with the firm. He Informs us that. "The Mysterious Burglnr," one of the firm's new shows. Is expected to he the season's sensation. Ci.tnt: AaiisritoNi; writes that he has been engaged for Hummer stock to do Juveniles and neaviea, at Lake View Park, Augusta, flo., under the management of Helsman & Cohen. Char ., who closed a successful season May IS, with thp Murray & Mnckey Co., at Akron, 0.. and Joined the Carl W. Cook's Stock Co.. playing Northern .Michi- gan, reports Hint the company Is doing fine, W. STiM.trr jAirr.s who recently finished a successful senson of forty weeks with the Katliryn Purnell Co., Is-now playing a abort mpni'cmenf with the Columbia Stock Co., at WMblOgtOB. . , I. NVwtov BnoNSON writes : " 'Losl in Now Yorls' t:o. closed n senson of thirty-nine weeks at Cleveland, O., May 83, after traveling tlirougb elgtneeti Sliues In ibe South nnd Northwest, and covering nboul 'J7.fluo miles. We met with Temarkable success, The trip next senson will the Wist. Tin- play, however, will niulcnm several decided chiingi-N In the way of added and entirely new feat- ures on the sensational order." Notes prom thk Frank R, Lono <:o. — We closed a successful season of forty-two weeks at Oiiluth. Minn., June 3, The com- pany will open lis next senson Aug. fi, at Clinton, la., bigger nnd better than ever. All new plays will lie used, find a complete seonl,- production of each given. We are Isioked nearlv solid over the same old territory—, fourteen consecutive seasons—and no sign of wearing out our welcome: on the contrary, our reputation becomes more firmly estab- lished with each succeeding year. t'iii-H-n:i[ A. Kt:vi:s. comedian, Is Iu his fifth, week with S. II. Keyes' Stock Co,, plu.v Ing week staods through Pennsylvania. NOTi'.H and ROS'run of the ,Hclln Rosa Green Co.— This Is 0 musical comedy show, plnvinc the alrdomes through Missouri and Kansas. .Inmes w. Green.- proprietor nnd manager; F P. Tbels. treasurer nnd musical, dlrectdr: I 'tildes Pnge, characters and singe mnnitg-A-: James L. Ring. , hurneieis mid specialties: Clyde Collins, Juveniles: Prims .McAllister, general business -. I'n til Deioy, property own; Clara Williams, chnrni-terH tad specialty; ICdna Vnllnrd. Ingenues; Helen Allen, specially ; Jnmes F. Oreen. lend- ing comedy roles: Bella Rosa Green Is featured with the show, nnd Ring.and Wil- liams are a special vaudeville nttrnkilon. ' Noti;:; AND RoSTHtl of I'hiinn's f. Grenicr "ITncIe Tom's Cabin" Co.—Wc opened our tenting season April II, at Cftrrollton. Mo., and the show has done a nice business. We have had quite a lot of bad weather lo eon- tend with through Indiana, We ore headed for Northern Michigan. Everything is pnlnf- «d lip In fine shape ibis Reason. Wc only had three .weeks' lay off from the Winter to the' Summer season, having plaved through the South with "Old Parmer Hopkins," The former show done nice buslnesH nnd gave the best-, of satisfaction. Wc will play l ; ncle Tom until.early In September, when we open with "Old Parmer Hopkins" for o long season In Ibe Smith. - Lou Brooks, of the Stetson show, paid us a visit. > 'Mr. Chiron Is con- remplriUng a trip to the Pacific Coast early. in.Aiigufli. The following people are with the evmpany:'J. D. Chtinn, sole'owner and man- ager ; V. ('. Wentland, business ngent ; Prof. Robert Nnrberg, lender of the bund, with forty-two soloists; J, W. Lawrence, leader of orchestra, with eight men.. Our colored people arc the. best thai enu be had. They are very amusing with their rake walk and buck nnd wing dnnclog. Tlllle Shel- ton bad lo leave tbe company on account of sickness, and return to Baltimore, Md.,' where she Is In the hospital, When she rally recovers, she expects lo return to the com- pany. 0, Cnhn baa charge of the advance, with three wide awake hill posters. The show- Is hilled tike n cirrus. The following people nre In the east: Kd. Albletz, I.veil Aihlei/,, A. II, Basford, Jack Defrance, Dnvn Jakl-s, Clnnde Marshall. William Bud, Gen. Robin- son, W. J. Stone. Joe Bulingcr, Will Wllsmu II, D. McCorkle, Mrs, Dorothy Ross Hnumn. Mrs. V. C. \Vosl|and. Kmm.-i Russell. Allen Pdwards nnd Lltlle Gerald. We make a few morn stands In Indiana, then go Into Illinois nnd-Michigan. . ■ ■ "S'oteh from "The Matinee Girl - ' Co.—We opened our Summer season at Pelmar Gar- dens, Oklahoma City, Okla., for two weeks, and found business S. It, O. ut every per- formnnce. We are bow no our way lo Col- orado, to play the parks for the Summer. We are/ carrying twenlv-lwo people, fourteen cjioriiH. seven principals and our musical director. The rosier of the show Is as fol- lows: Prank Dfl Alley, proprietor: J. K. Jackson, manager; Guy Gtiymao, musical dl- rector; Dan Russell, Blanche O'Nell, Km I. Simpson,Will Oross, Victor Ln Roy, -fllady* Jncks6n, Anettc Humphreys, Dot Jackson, Vivian Hensmoie, Mnble Langdon, Floyd Wil- son, Anna Ray. Gale nett"r«, Lou Smlthers. Blanche Humphrey),, Delia WHb. and Mm Siewart. Notrr p«om the II, Leslie Smith (In.— We Just closed n very successful season, nnd are now taking our company under rgnvax for Ibe Summer. We disposed of our: old top, and purchased n new waterproof teul. We linvo moved no on.- lot ttt Hebron, nnd have everything ln tint class shape, ready to sinil rehearsals. We are playing a new line of bills, writ ten espeelallv for us, and carry n fine line of special paper for each hill. We receive The ('i.ipi'uh everv week, and certainly enjoy rending same. Stmt t'RO>f Arnold's Comedians, — We opened season under canvas ul Glenitlleu,' V link., May 20, lo big business, using sixty foot top, thirty foot middle piece. (Everything Is new from the ground up. We curry'our own stock. The following people are with Rogers and Letephn, the Wlnelles, fmd Jenkins and Barrett. Jack Arnold Is \rV A Q U I OK For Reed-Stuart Stock LI I IM A I IM Pur balance of Summer and tegular season, slide. Wardrobe, ability mid ri-linhllll.v very Delhi. N. Y.. Ju liiieiu ■ e Inn. priigrniiiiui's mid phoms If una* essentliil. Address A. P. Ill-'t:l>. lie lit, :i days, Diieontn, N. V., June IT, week. ■BBSB9BW-! THEATRICAL HOTELS MM BOARDIKQ NOUSES. WM. TKIil, IIUVNU, Howard and Snmeraot 8ta., Hoiton. Vicinity of all vaudeville ttieatroi* A bout M wee k. HM II.Y BANNWAKT, Prop, '" II02>]H>4 H'abaak Ar*,, • t-Mlt At:i>. ■ ' ~ ILUOperDay. EUfOpMB. in.fiO per Week THAFALOAIt.llMIT B. 14. N) V.,lir, Kmiii's Acad, of Must,-, llewey. Kovnis hue, 7f,o., fl, |1.60day; ta.tOro» g weak. W .D.II ANWIU AN.Prop. nniiTHiriiTil Wihmtti Maiiisuu, i.'ini'AGi). N NrN H '- u - ''"iron. I'llip. SIHutlJ DUIlllliLlilnL American Hun. r«-« single. t; IU limii)l<.. VMlldeville pntromge invited. ••a i.ACtc iioi'Ki., 101 N.Olark ML,Uhlcafo. Ktirunran, I3.M per Week; With nrltate halb.ll. Tui-klili Btth. U>». H. U. UlUl'IIKHV, Prop. lays tlin same territory every year, as this 0 strictly N'orlb Dakotn show. Perform- B5 er.s manager and sole proprietor. Mr. Arnold territory rib Dakr are not required to do canvas with this show. Rii-iunn Cari.k's operatic success. "The Tenderfoot," under the management of Wnl.' P. <'tilien and ll P. Hill, closed a forty weeks' season at Milwaukee, Wis., June 2. l-r in said tbm George Marlon will become an Independent producer of plays next sea- son. He will first put on "The Merry Whine" for Henry W. Savage, and then begin with MIIHM lOMfOSHII ANll A1IBANOBD for any Instrument or number of Instrument*. Sougs.wotds and milKln, ■ketones, elu. Hetul slain p. CBAkL. I.KW1H,-l-fli Hiilimpn0 8l,,<lnc,luiiHH,(), SLOT SIAI llimiCM, NIW PIN HUM. money maker, l.oou othhrh, chkap. SIAIAN NOVKI. TY CO., S tation H, Plilladelpbla , Pa. ki it UK Hush. „r Wife I'bnlos for Palmlxs Parks, etc., t'-'.on per 1,000; n.;i.". pcrhoo, nnMnaM CAIIIKKT PIIOTOM, copied, KM, »'.'; l,noti,$10. EIUCNA STIIDIQ, MVS N.Jtroud KL| PlllaV, H». BANJOH-The World's fioeit." The celebrated Whrte Laydle. OaUlog* and llalf-Toaea of M IrttiiU Pree. THK A. 0. FAIRBANKS CO., « sndhorv Ht.. Boston, Mas*. WANTBIJ AT OIVCH, FIHNT CI.AHM, Thoroughly L'xpnrlciiued VniulnvilU' t'lunlsl, solier and reliable: also (kind sl«ler Teuui, or Tun tiood ivinulu Singers nnd linncers, for my singe. Must 'he guild lookers mid dressers mm make guiul on mid on", No object loll In color. *ulury, lift and board and trniisiuiriaUon for utl from N. Y. in Havana. i limns WILLIAMS, KnnJsldlo.j.N, Havana, culm. U u * t m»t llmiu __1" Nate Her, Cllllilcs mil] nlMTrilHJt. , (!l"«i|i ni ,l li # . A -,. (liners j:., Ljre #s. ROUT. WM I'IK'M. iniullicr-' IIP-. Mo. IIIUV lullKlo,n*^.uvloiii„....... . mini and Bank Heading, each irlok HluatrAied. SBi _¥ n I'l! l *'!t!*£! ,0 . 0 i'.¥ l IJ!'.' ^tfiaJ^&JIft ""WAliTBD, AaKMM~lalRUlMH> MMHliit forsiol iiiai'bliini, putiuited, Scllnonslgbl fur tl. Particulars. GISIIA !'(>., Anderson, Indiana. HOW* TO STAItllN MIIUW HI Nllh ... (fopyrlghted), adltfernnl nooks, loo. All kluds ml kOKPURT'S SCHOOL, CI7 N. I'illi St.. Phil*.. f». i'lck Not unu Ibid. 'lute oik; Mat- H'.y TIIKATHK A I, IMtlVIIM. Hod^eis. t-lM, Heralds; Letter Heads. I.uwrst Prices. Cheapest bill llesl. A •.lump will gel samples prices. THK HflliMPTX Pill. Mlfc, IViMwIer.« NVANTKIMMMMIMA'rfclLV.Al Violin. I anil'tlelbi, Porninnoiit Hotel Join t Hours'W i. II I'laiein I, Music, N'on 1'iilon. Wrllil or u Ire, lug Inrtiis and all pniileulnis. So Imnrit M pnlct. Also other first elius Itislriiinents write. J. WILKINSON, ,MmH, UiirelSI.. Illcliiimuil vs. II. II. IIICAT'III., L.AWVHI1, UoDfldcotlul Cases aspnclally. J udgineiiis and decrees obtained promptly: no <l u liiv. Counsel free. 4011 Itidlnli ,\ve_, third floo£, Chicago. ' imhoiiiks. Tnree i wo verse, i wo chorus ones, and l."> tings, 2.V. Send Htmnp for Hal of other Gngs. Sgelehes, etc. IJIgbeat grade at low price. MARY P. P. TIIAYIOR, 1.100 Brood Ku Prov.,_R. I. POli NALR-Teni, ftf. It. T., IDfi. middle, ; lengths IiIiicm, oiler: is canvas benches, trick bouse, trapeze, Spanish rings, hand wagon, harness, now; -.' pad dogs, Knglish Lulls. Wanted, Hep. People Stay em and Mossman, Cor, Main uud Douglas, si. Louis, Mo. WANTRD ut uk s. «nil li. Team, Piano Player, People up lo Med. Ulz. Wire nidok. lira. iimilc People, Lending Mah, Woman, Heavy, Cbnr ttcler Man nnd Hllllnua of linn. Lowest is nrst' I'ltiil'.li.DKI.MiiST, llonslon VVashiiigton Co., Pit VpArVTKD-Performers All Lines of Med. HI/,. Sketch IvaiiH, Singles; change for week, llmid salary and good place for people not afraid of work. We are under canvua. \<w must assist, in bundling same. If yon are sick, cripple, I In »our Luck, lusty or afraid of getting •ninluiriir, I don't tviuityoii. I havo Just, got rid of a luiiichnf nils J,hid. Tickets ndviinced If von want ihem. Wire ill' -Ipilci,. in. Til os. C. Warner, Pnukwood, Joffarso i i t 'n., Iowa. WANTK»-I>rauinllr People, All l.lne<. Three nights, under canvuR. Hand mill S|S'eUlt.t People preferred, I pay expense-. Want only those willing lo work. Stale all tlrei letter. Join mi wire. No tickets. Add. II. I.K8I.IK SMITH, Hebron. Neb. Xotrs i'iioji Tin: Db PRW-BOMMITTM Stock Co. We o|,en"d our Hummer season at Atli- leilc Park, Kokomo, ind., Sunday, June 2, nnd nolwlthslaiidlng cold, dlsngreeiible weath- er, the big theatre was packed to the doors. The entire reserved sent section wan solid out the day previous. The roster at present 1st Thos. P.. De I'ow, C. A..Clarke, Thos. M, Hdlllviin, Morris M. Mcfleo, Gordon Hamil- ton, O. J. Mnwhury, the Greoi Hunker. Hoy .VI. Wenger, Walter S. Gresulr, Pntinle De Pew, Hollic Hcnnell, Virginia Diiiieaii Sitlll- nifi, Marie Clarke. PlOssle Wheeler, flndlc Wheeler, Nonlue Wheeler and Annie Corey. Notch rami tiiii Mai.i/iv Stock Co.--This attraction, under tho management of Malloy k Porlle, will open Its season on Aug. I'i, with a strong repertory of scenic productions, 'K i-ust of llie best people obtainable Is now being engaged. Itnlph McDonald Will he the hew. productions. "'•J! (l I'iunk C. Ili.ttTON has been re-engaged to play Turn Wstson, la Arthur Nelson's rw- lug play, "The Governor'! Pardon." stage director, mid We Intend putting oil nothing but royalty bills. Mcaftr*. Malloy A Portle ore ut present In New York, securing the Hcenery and effects to be used.' Prospects look, very bright /or our lour of V>0 Pastern Stnlew, having booked some of th> nest time mi the Cahn A Grant circuit. , Lii.i.ia.v N'iiiilk'a sailed on /line ri, for Havre, She expects lo sp/ind port of the Slimmer nl Hnvreutfi. studying Die details of the Wagner Theatre, which Tnler she will follow In the Noruirn Pextlval House she Is piounlng lo liulld not far from Owluing, Ci, mm; Li:si,ii:. who retired from Ibe singe a. few years ago, will reappear before the footlights next September Iu tbe lending role in a new American play lo be produced by Wnller N. Lawrence, In the Madison Huuare Theatre, New YoU City. WANTKII AT ONI'R,- PKUKOIIMIIHH, If villi liaveii week open near Albany. N. v., write me. I want nil kinds of acts for vaudeville. Make oiiiary low. Pour shows it day. IIIHIAI. AI.VIN, Mgr., Umpire Theatre, fllens row, N. V. ' WANTHU, Mali who e.nii do three or limre N'ovrlly Aots. Wire. Traps or Conloriliiu, or uuy good Nllent Act. This Show NKVKIt CLOHKS, Ticket. II you are reliable. Wire at-my espensp. I.K.W VAN IHIRIvN, Mgr. Herbs of Lire Med. Show, Mn.J, (loieho, UMn. FOR MAiiK^-Kdlsoti M. P. Machine, uotnl order, non. dotiliio strand cable, with dink cabinet; cost $l'jn when new; In use tin days; |M taken n. Mgr. Wm, '.'Oril'besiiiiitBt,, llarrishuiir. I'n. HNRIHOn PAHTIVRR HAXTKU with i"i«i and Service, lo Uni as Malinger, town Waterproof Tom, ^oxstf, seats :i,unii. Seals and Klec- trie Llglil and Three Gasoline Tanks,Throe Pole Tent, Kverythltig complete in stun: already en- fragcil Hiiiiiuier resort nenr Knw York mid Hrook. yn for season, si ;•'• utid •-':• nereeui. HaveUolored cninpiiny ready, lim play tulrs in Knit. II. <). IM,, c;iroof c'LIPPL'll. Hdti'i answer iiiilesn you menu I aisln ess. ' "WANTBII, COLO It Kit m.yi, I.IIK OP NAPULKON, MAIIIK ANTOIXK'PI'i:. K. II. IL, f,<Kl broad St., N ewark. N. J . ILLCHIOAiN WAeVTKII-lioHiL pmclical, second band, small Illusions, Head In basket or Flower", Head on Table, Hii»i, Head and Iliist on Swing. Send particulars mid price to American Amusement lo,. s.M Colonial ll ldlf., I tost/ia. An'MVUMVlf~W«aoaMrvH] amy VlT.~ blgii- est price, for LADIKV HIHCAHIlKH STItliKI, Kvenllig and. IHnuei (towns and Ueiilleijieu'* Wiirdnibe. MAHAMK (, m<'i V.. •JilliSi.. Neu- York. WAVTKII. Hood Yei-siitllu (.Vi.neinmi to pur on nei. and do specialties, Sketch Team, Musics I Team, others, write, rianu I'luyer in doiihlo brass. All In.11 ml. Vn lime in dicker. No ticket. P. s. story, Tamwnrtli, N. IL P. S,—fliir Hill, where arc yoitf POH M«1,H—MfL It. T..4Si',tl. I'., Ml. Wuil, Poles, Slakes, blocks, all complete In good condi- tion, «oo. H Lengths of s-Tler Seats, like new, tm. ■t Length New scms,: tier high, flu. 'J.tssi feet i r Plluis, tih. Clonk uud Knlie for Pesos, til. ,<il kinds of show goods cIikap. .vavhi'ii:i.L's rHI<>WrtTi'leoi»N?, Pa. KOII MALIC— line renin noun iu>i»e., mi miner: Two Perrortnliig Hogs, one Hog luilf |>og and ball Hear. The only curiosity of tbls kind. (HI AS IHLI.MAN.Lumy, Va. Can iten several All 'Itoiuid Perrorniers. W A.Vi r,o - rooeR i-copi,;. Ifiuck sliidles, Hood wardrobe. Bnozersl No. Make salary low. as it's sure.. You pay own. Co. pays H, It. aficr Joining. Tickets, no. Tho i Ills per week. Send photos, programs, Hanson opens July I. Mgr. 'lorry, ".ti.'i Cbest tuiist., Hnrrlslmrg, Pa. FULL ACTING MUSICAL COMEOY COMPANY WANTED. S.aud I). Comedians, Scripts, Idreci Stage: Prima Konnn Souhrette m. and ll.i. cbaractnr Woman (Young), Tenor or High baritone (good looking;. Leader, must arrange tl'iimoj; lit/. Manager win can hook ro. Muariettc, I'J good lixikllig Klnulnv, Dancing Ohortis (llrln. summer salaries. Ibira'y McConnetl write. Hunt tlrsi class producer, Sun.' iitci- and Winter Seasons, Address, ivltb parti' riilars, lowest salary, _J>. SBYMOIK.^hurchlll[Hotel, NJf.^Hy. Ladiis' Band. Doubling Crcheslra, Desln first clas« eng. Ladles Plnylng Hand instruments wauled Immediately. IjicIIch' Orchestraund bund, cure Allien, ile ueriil Hellyery, Pltlla,. Pa, • Wanled -Tent. About 30x60,600. Condition and cheap: alao lecturer and Advance Man, for Medicine Co. Slu-it be extiericuced and steady. Address MIDKINT'., care ot OLIPPCK. ;