The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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466 RMW VOUIi. CITY. H<tlli ,v Proctor's Union Nnjunre Tliciilro if,. F. AIIh'i'. general manager).— lliimllnl. tint "Handcuff King," again heads I In- bill hero fur tin: current week. At the THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. I'I fih Avenu nnltgcr).- em-orou ninny limes, whlli- Howard nnd North. In tlicd- sketch from life, entitled "Those Were the Iluppy Hays." were warm fnvorltcs, and gained nmcb praise. Vlnle Duly, that pleasing dancer, silso scored lieuvlly. Ollieni who ituroii In for their full Mime of applause were: Happy Jack Hard- IHT, Hie well known munologlst; Mr. and Mrs. Allison, In their comedy skit, "Minnie from Minnesota :" the Nichols Bisters, "The : fiellli * Proctor'* llienlre IK F, Albee. general manfigcr).— l-.dnu .\liiy Spooner. lit the head of lier cum paiiy, appears this week in The Cndevtow." and on June 10 u good sized matinee audi- f«» W«&r liked Hie play and the maimer In which It was given. Augustus Phillip hail plenty to ilo us Uleltnrd Wells, the re IMirler. who makes tilings hum as n reformer, anil .Mr. I'hlllipH whs eiiual to Mil demands made upon his uttlng powers. Miss Spooner did some capital acting us Mary Calvert. '.'. . ..'. ,ar<l1 ' 1 K«nnedy, Arthur Kvers. Jc«<Ie MoA lister, lien V. Wilson and Kdwin If. ( iirtls all played Important roles with creditable results. Klcanor Wisdom, singing June 15, Kentucky Belles;" Klslc Fnye and lllssett and comedienne. np|N>ari>il hetween the acts and Miller. In n clever singing anil dancing nov- her vocal efforts were pleasing. The 'cas» ■ eliy: Vera dc nasslnl " xylophonlHts: Sopli In a sketch, "A lluiise Nellie King, singer Itelles, hoop manlj 1 lurry .lolson, anil performance. Keith & Proctor'* I'llt> - eighth Street 'I'll en Ira- (!■;,• j.'. Albee, general man- ager).—standing room wan nt a premium at tnls house Monday, .tune 10. when, a hill, good In every particular, was I'lmwlti. Oal- lando, In his clever clay modeling, opened the r" g u"„l£ nii'lT " l10 *' M »g followed fn rapid succession by Hue Smith, a pleasing singing comedienne; Vlolu Ui: Costa, In till) musical playlet, "In the l,atln Quarter." aided by Jack Phillips, Augustine Bad. Illllle ffobarl, Edward J. Cornell and lleble Hazard, made a hit, the dancing of Viola Dc Costa and the quartette singing by the male members of the company being especially good: Leo Carlllo. In his Chinese dialect and Imitations, was a good number; Carroll Johnson, with his fourteen Thompson's reputation us a scenic wizard. Wit* C, SjniTit, of Itlniuoml and-sun Thirty-one Individual ultructlons, widely dlf- lias received a legacy of »:«o,ooo fnL? '•'• ferent in flielr nature, muke up "The Court tamer* esiiilr. " ul " "li of Limn." . „-. ''• 8. Sum lias secured several nlamw. , HiiBAJtLAxn.—The new spectacles this year support May ftobson next seuson h, •"n' are "The Knd of the World." one of the moat BoJuvenutlon of Aunt Mary." her 'ili'si J "' stariling of Illusions, and "The Feast of Bel- Among these supporting players will i.. K • •''• Hhaznar"' Large crowds attend these con- O'Brien, who has won recent aiirin.n ..,'," cessions. Kohvim:k'k Akexa.— Inclro. the while ele- phant. Is still the chief attraction. Hknokiisox's Cijxhi- Island. —Bill week of Morrlspy, He Viola Allen;""*he m'Sa/^SSnS.. *»')! "Sunday." Mr. Sire has also engaa.,1 ' "' Misses Make. SavlHc and Ilemrlc * * ,l,u JPlPj&^JS^JXmUV, fat "The cry en -..che 'nl'er"aD5"sti"ila","i)ovoyand Mil- cities'.' " "'"" '" ViK lai 8« FiSLPi. ft?«« with SI. Nicholas Uurdeii.— Franz Knlten horn, the popular orchestra leader, who hns enilriired himself to the music loving public in this clly by previous years of success, both at this garden and the Circle Theatre, opened a Summer season at this house on Thursday. June il. with an orchestra of llfty selected musicians. It,was a Wagner night, nnd fullv 1!,IKH> people were on hand to show Mr. KnitenlKirn that they, remembered his blah class music of other years. A big re- eepliim was given the leader, and the playing of the dllllcull programme proved that he still retains his remarkable ability lo handle a large number of string musicians In i borough milliner. Mr. Kultenborn and Har- riet l'"oslcr. a uu-sixo sop rail o. were the so- lolsls on the opening evening. After two iirdieslral numbers, Tschalkowsky's "Slavic March" mid Liszt's "Second Hungarian Ilbap- sodv," Mrs. rosier sung the Spring song, by Vtni iler Slueken. Strauss' famous "Blue Danube" wall/, rinsed the first part. After Die liilernilssloll nil Hie rest or the programme was Wagnerian, olieiiing Willi the "Tuiinhaui- er" overture, and dosing with the Prelude and Llcbcslod, from "Tristan and Isolde.' I he Wallers prize song rroni "Hie MclKterslngcr was Mr. Kallenborn's violin solo, while Mrs. Foster sang "Trauina" nnd "Schmcr/.cn. 'I he otlii'r oribeatrul niimliers were: "noliin "Farewell," and the "Fire Scene" from "Die Walkure," nnd "The Arrival of Lohengrin. Frlilnv was operatic night, und Ldnu HolT was the soloist. Nclorlloiis were given from "I,u Heine de Saba," "William Tell.' "I np- pelhi," "Hansel mill Grctcl." "The Oruml Slngul.' "1'iigllscei." "Lohengrin," nnd "Hie Walliure." 'file composers represented were: Wagner, Slrutiss. liuiitlod, Hellhes, IIoshIiiI. Hiimpeiillnek. I.uilers. Massenet mid Leon- cavallo. I'llilay will he operatic night Ibriiiiglinilt the Summer. Siiniriliiy litis al- wnvi: been popular night with Mr. Knltcii- liiirii. anil tills seuson will be no exception. Last Saliiriliiy the soloist wiih Mrs. Florence Uriike Le Itov. soprano, nnd the selecllotis were - from "The Bed Mill. I'lic Merry Wives of Wluilsor," II Bnrbleil," "Minliime Hiillerllv," and "Aldu." Sumlays, of course, the concerts are termed sacred. The soloists Siiuihiv, .nine l>, were: John Cheshire, harp, nnd Mr Kallenborii. violin : John A. Flnne- gun, tenor: Max llurge. cello. The SI. Nldio- las has been beniillfully ileeorated wlili pink "I'lnkv" Anderson Boy, II. K. Spouin thotnns Hbeel.v: (IHIce Kdward Maynard. Wil- liam Short: judge Wilson. Kngerie Ordwnv "noddy." B. Kvers: t.'lcrk ollaru. M. 10. Mnnn: Telegrii]ih Kdltor, James Ayer*; llouseki.'eprr. Olive tjrove; Kate Kmerson. Jessie McAIMsirr: Alice Whltelaw. Josephine Fox: ICdna May Spooiiev as Mary Culvert. Next week, "Mrs. Pane's Defense." lielili A l>ro(!«»r'H <Twen(y-tlilnl str«-ct 11., iiire (K. F. Albee, general mun- ageri.—t.'iiinllle D'Arvllle reniipenrs In vaude- ville this week, mid on June 10 her presence on Hie bill wits hulled with delight. Iler voice was In line condition, nnd she sang the • Drinking Song" from •The Belle of Lon- don Town." attd oilier numbers l» warm md well deserved expressions of favor. The capi- tal "girl act." the Six Kagilsh dockers, with Nellie Florcile, made a tremendous success. and fully merited It, Welch. Mealy und Montrose, who have an exceptionally funny specialty, were another of the real winners of Hie bill. Their act Is nicely arranged orn. nt the Casino, has or . ♦'•1 members of that clioiul and Issues a challenge l« Immera for distances from lift' " m i ,e -,/. nim '«•■ thocld, h,', nt without doubt before ths season Is much-older, there will be ,,„,,' now comers. Miss Llngurd Is herself ii. nroud possessor of muny medals, and under her caroful direction the "club" should LiTh great success. " " no and May Hnmum hare just been en. PMdtar cubic for "The Itogers Bros 'h ma. which opens Sept 2. at the Drum . Theatre. New York. Thev will arrirc time to'quiet the audience. The small bpy here oarly in July, from their phenomenally managed to get away Manager Kills, successful tour of Kngland nnd the eoini. wood's lienra, doga and tnoDkoys. On Mon- day, Tuesday and Friday evenings free dis- plays or fireworks are given. "Love's Jour- ney." a new ride. Is this week's novelty. Notks. —At the matinee at the Gotham, 8, a small boy who was detected In trying to steal his wav Into the theatre, yelled lire work being heartily applauded ; Kva Tanguay was the hit of the show, her eccentric sing- ing and dancing taking the house by storm; tnc Flood Brothers were clever comedy acro- bats, and tile motion pictures closed the hill. Aerial Unrdenn iKluw & Krlangcr, man- agers)—George Colimi, in "The lloncymoon- ers" began Monday night, Juue 10, his sic- creatlnlf'mucii excitement." "Yttook' tiie house ftiuama.' ortd week. Htttlt nll ,| members of the company some way (iurrtck Tlicntrt- iCharles Frohman, tuan- ngeri.—William Collier began, Juue 10. his; twenty-fourth week In "Caught in the Italn." I.jrrlr Thcntrc 'Sum i, & Lee Slmbcrt managers).—"The Itond to Yesterday" be- gan Its ninth week It this house on Mon- day evening, June 10. Lyceum lliinir.- (Daniel Frohman. manager).—"The Boj'K of Company B". be- gan. Juno 10, Its tenth week. „„„„.,,,„. business'of" tiie liyde ft Bebinan Amusement burlesque attractions will begin' eariv""b, Wiilliiek's (Mrs Tleo. Moss P>'°J»^K ,;». woll |,| rerpilre his personal attention.... July. The rehearsals for their two misl, be'gV jX Vtte second week «Hi ??5 ►"■ **&* tt»«OTlS% ftftf 35» <&«**>• &«*• «S "iS present engagement.' lost. ii. Tlieatre iSuin S. & Lee Shuberi greatly all wTio wore In attend- Ihentrc, Juue :>», and resume her rim ihor,. once. Mr. Kills announced that he would late In August. spend most of the Summer In town, as the ItKitatitsAi.s of If. W. 4 Sim Wl hams' tends to spend 'n' month of his vacation In Day." begin Aug. 10. apple blossoms, and iiiimy Mower baskets are |,|,.|,, nn ,| j, some very good uctlng as the lady who was scheduled fur the "lit." <iuy Maynard also gave good aid. Hurry nnd Kate .lucksen gave the former's skit. "Ills Hay Off," which (ells Die story of a wife's suspicions aroused through rending a letter Intended for her husband. Both players worked hard to make tin' act a go. others on the bill were: The. Dillon Brothers, whose parodies were heartily encored: Leila Taylor, a clever singer of songs, mid the ItellT Brothers, whose remark- able dancing always gels tile audience. The molIon pictures continue. Vtelorln Theatre (Oscur Humiuurstehi, malinger).- -The bill for Ibis week, beginning III the lllllllllee Monday, June 10. Included Hie ilrsl exhibition here of the eumernphone, a meehmilcul device, which combines ani- mated pictures with phonographic repro- ductions of sound, producing thereby not only every movement, bill alsu whatever dia- logue may be required. They therefore really become "talking pictures." and are a cum pendant from the girders. A large fountain plnvs constantly In lite centre of the floor Admission, Including a sent, Is llfty cents lie-it ved seals cost one dollar. Smoking and Iking pic ccliicdl.v Interesting novelty. The opening of the roof garden, lust week, while lug weather was anything but propiHoiiK, was marked by great success, mid large attend Ilppodrome. Irving . Square. Majestic. New Amsterdam, New York. Star. Thalia. Weber's. Yorkvllle. Colonial, Dewey, Klghlli Avenue, Murray Hill. London and .Miner's Ilowery arc closed for the season. smov Tlieutvc (Frank McKce, mana- ger).—"The Man of the Hour" began, June lo. Its twenty-eight It week. Iliirlem -AI Kellli & Procter's Harlem (t|ient House (K. F. Albee. general manager I Henry Ouy Carlcton's comedy. "Jack's Honey- moon." Is the offering of Ihe stock company for this week, and a large crowd turned out to witness the llrst performance of the Hummer season, on .lime 10. Barry o'Ncll had Hie company In great shape, und mi uiiiiHiiallv good performance was Ihe result. The cast contains all the favorites. Includ- ing: Alphouz Kthler. Kobert Hill, tleorge Howell. Win. Norton. Agnes Scott. Louise Itatidolph. Henrietta Brown und Dudley Haw- ley. Motion pictures continue. W»:st K.mi (J. K. Cooksoit. niiiiiagcri.— The Vim I Jen Berg Opera Co. continues to do Hue business, and It looks now ns though London. Kng. Business nnd pleasure will be combined on this trio Treasurer John .1. McDonnell will manage a strong semi- professional bnscball club, called the Wang Doddle (Hants The manager of the Prospect Hotel, Coney Island, will run bur- lesque, lu the theatre connected with his lioiire this Summer. The chorus from Ihe Boston Belles Co. has been eugaged for the season. Misses H. C. Itaymond, nnd Joslc and Winnie Crowe will have tbe principal role. The Hageiibeck-Wallai-o Combined Cir- cus opened Monday. 10, to big crowds. It Is the first time this show hns appeared In this city, and the reception accorded was hearty. It Is particularly strong In the animal de- partment, and In Its entirety it tukes high ft frX dZiT' nrc plHyIng thc KcMh Bartuk and ASIH.BV, who recently relumed from iMlropo, opiii at the Alhambra Tliealre ■New lurk Clly, June 17. ' 1 "*"' —^^gg NEW YORK STATU. &«in&7tt i', l,e }' yr . h l (J ' '^Ufhllii, in.u, ager) Mildred Holland, with a good stock com- pany. Is -presenting, week of June 10, "I'm. Llllle \ngruiits." "Tliu Klly and the I'rlNce" 17. nnd then "Kast L.vnne." Business Is even better than anticipated. U i„n TA, i. (l 'i '/• Co .?1 c "' nii"'agcr).—The lion, rank among the. tented organizations In this i 10 " 0 , *!'.. * tu ' Hfi , wcok *"?* School (or countrv. . Scandal. An entirely new Ainerlcaii plm, by an American author, Is promised for iieji ' k. Hie play's- name not being uniiuiiiii"d yet. -All ol' -a-Siiildcii Peggy" was a h't Amusement Hews. ll.Miitr W. ft Sim Wim.i.wix are now lo- cated In their new olllees, .VJO .'din Kulekcr- bocker Then l re Iliilldiug. Next season, be- sides their burlesque ultriiclious Ihey will send out it new musical comedy, entitled •The Cut end the Mouse." They will have a hu-.'c company of principals und u chorus of nretty girls. Khxknt Smi'MA.N hus closed cotitriicts wlili Ilobbs, Merrill ft Co.. for the dramatization of "TliD Port of Missing Men," and will give Il nn early present at Ion next seuson, with il specially selected east. week. as last week. Siika'k.-- Hill for 10 and week: Stella Maylicw. Zlska and King. Zuzcllc-Yci'iiou Cm . (innnnroa liondoller Band, White and Slu- art. Ciirlmell and Harris. Olto Bras, ami Julius Tniinen. S. It. O. business twice dully last week. Lakavkttb (('lias. M. Bngg. niiinnger).— rile Mlovk. entitled the High Fivers Bar- lesipie Co.. this week, ill a uiuslcul satire. "'I he Cll-I from Chelsi-a." In the company are: Kaymond and Clurlt. Duke ami BiWiui. Meeeiirct II. King. Joe Bowers and Celrsle Carter. t.i.vA I'.mik (il. II. .MucBruom, manageri. ninies Olllesple Is stage manager this year sble, is Ihe manager. The second week began 10. Academy of MiinIc (Cllinore ft Tompkins, miiiiagersl.—14. II, Sutheru mill Julia Mar- lowe, who have Just ruluriied from their very successful Loudon engagement, begun mi engagement of livu weeks here .Monday night, June in. wlili u pt'oiliicllon of "Borneo and Juliet." There Is much -Interest s|inched to this engagement of Mr. Soilieru mid Miss closing of the second net the applause was Ingliig the inline I vosi, I'limlllc Trio, and Ihe vlluimiph. Hale ceplloii was of such 'warmth that his popu and Cofhlii, bunjolsts, are new here this week, luiily In this purl of the town seems lo need llliiney'H Lincoln Miiunre Theatre no boosting by press ugent or other pub (('has. K, llhini'v Amiis. Co.. lessees)'.—Cecil Itchy hiioiuer, and his lull, rich voice wn* Spoonet began tlie third week of her engage inelll. here on Monday evunlug. June 10. "The tJIrl Kallles" was the attraction, and the bouse was imekeil wllh the niiiiiy iiduilrers of tills talented Utile woman. After Ihe William Uii.i.kti'i:, who reached London, Kng., on June 4, has nrriinged lo write n new uies arc now entertaining lurgc pntruiiiig". Xotkk.— Cole's Circus 10......Henri Mc- henr'il to splendid ailviilitiige. lie is In III rime as a usually line tenor, a fact that "Ix months lo writing the play. BE ,. drama for Churles Frohman, for production HIlis Shows (a wagon clrcusi Is lemporarllv s In America and Kngland. Mr. Ulllelte will delayed hero. Mr. Hanlols, formerly of s return to ihe Culled Slates soon, and devolo Mcl'ale nnd Daniels, vaudeville ls'iforaiers, . slv ,■ <,.111 11 . In .....Il 1,... ii... ..e... ,11...I I — ........ * ■ - .-■_ * ...... . .. Miirlnwc. us these iippcuritiirt'H are aniioiiuced to be Ihe lnsl lu wlileli they will he seen |o- gether lit this coiiulry. When next seuson opens each will be ill the head of n separate orgaiil/.illloi.. Tills fuel uo ibititil gave an milled wiiiinlli lo the reeeplluN ac- corded tliein. There was a very large audi once present. Bulb Mr. Sol been mid Miss Marlowe looked extremely well after their sen voyage. Criticism of the performance is uiiiiecci-hsaiy ill tills lime, as It Is con- sidered one of the best In the Solhern- Marlowe rcperlory. Of the. support, Mr. Lewis, us Mei'i'titlo: Mr, Croniptoa. as Friar l.aiiiciicu: Mr. Iliickxlolie, as I'eler, nnd Mrs. Siulili. us the iiurse, were verv ellleleut. Next week will be timidly divided helween iirodiicllous of 'Uliimlel" and "Twcirih Mght," The eiigugeihonl of Mr. Sot hem mid MUs Mil flow, besides marking the closing or their season, also closes the season of tills house. The house re- opens for next seuson Aug )'.'. with .Mclutyre nnd llenlh, In "The Ham Tree." Cast of "Borneo and .lullel :" ICseulus, Mr. Vlbiirt ; Purls. Mr. Ilowsnn : .Monnigue. Mr. Itieher; Cnpiiti'i. Mr. Muwsoit: Uomeo, Mr. Sol hern : Merrill In. Mr. Leivls: Benvoliu, Mr. Ander- son: Tybalt, Mr. Krle : Frlur ce, Mr. CrullllHuni Baltliiisur, Sir. Tiiylcr; Sitmpson, Mr. iMiiifiiuin : (Jregury, .Mr. Asplund ; i'eler. Alirahmn, Mr. " so continuous thai Miss Spoollcr nils cull pclled to make n short speech, which was followed by her being Ihe rccljilcul of n large and handsome hunch of roses. The play nils losi none or lis diiirinlni; features mid dis- plays the slur lo 1ier most pleasing abllllv. I lie supporting company Is compelcul. Much applause was eiirn.-tl liy W. II. Turner. Ceo. iptulMy of his voice fully proves. Mar- garita was capitally sung by Helcne Nobll. who a roused her hearer* to great eniliii- mI.-isiii lu Hie I bird net. Aclillie AllH't'tl was qnlle good as Valentine, but Fran- cis Molley did not do well vocally :is Mcplilslaphides, nllhoiigh his acting redeemed his performance to some extent, llerllin Slllllek, IIS Slebee. sung with good efl'ecl. The cast : Faust, Josepli 1', hlieelian and John M. McCloskey: Vnlenlllie, Aehlllo Al bertl mid ThouutH Hurdle: Mephlslo|ilieles U'lt.l.l.VM died here 7. aged forly-slx. The eold A. BtiAiiy has eugaged Helen weuilier has iqi to now caused a bluish up- Holmes its leading woman for Wright l.ori- peiinince at Ihe bike und Summer imrlis. icr. who Is to .appear uguin next season In I Hoohosler.—At the Lyceum <M. Iv. Wolir, manageri tdvauced -vuudevllle cer- tainly has come to stay, as Is evidenced liv Hie crowded bouses here dully. "The (lovernur's Sou" ami tleorgc Fuller Cordon were lop- lineis last week. Bill week of 10: Wlllliims and I'lieker. the Se Herns. Hurry Tule ami euuijiiiny. (.•race lluxiird. Jul Ian dose, Kidney (irnnt, olyiuplii four, VlnolH's society clrciif "ihe Hhephenl King" and "The Wild Duck. "hit-: Maid AND tiik Mii.i.iunaiiii;," a new iniislciil comedy to be produced by Thelso and I Ulcus, will be the opening attraction at the .Madison Square Hoof Carden on June l"J. .Maihiaii;.'!' li.i.iM.'ioN will appear hi the Lyceum. lheutt'c, this city, curly next season, ii tin l.ngllsli comedy dritinu, "Or. Wuke's I'lilli'iil. Mie will be supiiurlcd by .Messrs. d tU' ■" Ibis week PiiKlor's Tlieulie Clony Puslor. mana- ger |- Monday's inailnee. June 10, found Ihe usual big rruwd on baiiil. ami nil etiiovcd u llnely arranged bill. Charles J.nwl'or and bis daughters. In Mr. Lnivlor's new coinedv skit entllled "On the Sidewalks or New tork. were Mr. Ititeksloiie; Alirnliam, Mr. Itoberlsoii : An A|iiilhecary, Mr. Crawley: Au Otllcer. Mr. Iliihoti: Luilv Montague, Miss Clement; Lady I apiilel. Miss Kruger: .lullel, duugli- ler. Miss Marlowe:; Nurse to Juliet. Mis. , Smith: Page lo Purls, Miss Wilson. F.x- '" rk ' 'V 1 ' 1 ''.'..} v,m ." fnvorltcs. anil gained much eeuilve Hlulf; A. T. Worm and John Major. !!J. l "'" v . , i • J Ju'.iorke ('omedy Four (O'Bilen, iiinnngers; p'runds Powell iiutl Fruuk Col- """'"dike, \\ ells and He drool I sung them- lux. sliigii niiiiiagi'1'.s. selves Inio linmedliile favor lu their clever Jonliii tie Purls (|\ KlegfcM Jr., man- tX"\ ," A " '"K"'-" while Chnrlea llnnls, with ngeri.- tinoil nlleniluiiee eoiiilniies to rule nl I his Imiise. The new comers on tills week's bill, opening Mutably night, June 10. were: Jewells electric manikins. Mile. Diule tl.e liiinillni Buiigel nsslsled by s|g. Saiilellii. nntl inn.!, a iei miuiv si rung one. is not new to ami lie will i.J-.i i, i.. Vi . 'V,. . l ooipmnu. Hils clly. but this is M*r. McAllister'K tlrst \ 1 «l aw ?.« . , W 8, "L W H »«l>«llo.y. uppeurance in II. |fo did some excellent ,i the Wldn. \!.J» '1 l0 '.'S «»n'uier home work, antl was shown by the uildlencc Hist l ,,„ •• , n.,. M V " ,,ll,1H ' ''The Bonnie Brier lis iiellng was approdiited. Others on the SS^n^f^^^^S^S^r^.VnM bill were: Lu Veen und t.'ross, Lc Itov nnd Woodford, Ye Colonial Septette, Itoonev and lleiil. La Petite Mlgiion. Avery and Hart, -netograph. HiiKATKii Ontario Bmaoii Paiik (II. I,. JleNsinore. mnnager).—The con tinned f rigid wetitlier malerlallr decreases the attenduiiee here. Kosulll's Bund Is still Nn ills 'bniicu oi nonsense," drew many laughs. (Mhers who entiled Ihelr sliurc of approbation were: lllly Siintoy, mule Impersonnlor: the Iliirlem llrotbers. comedy acrohals: Will Itlch mid I'lp Hnwaril. bluek face singers and Dillon Brothers, and motion plciures. Ai.ilAMiiiiA (Percy (J. Williams, umiiiigerl. — Illls house was packed from lop lo out- torn on Monday, 10, when a most pleasing bill whs presented, headed by Margaret Wyeherly ami eompmiy. Others are; Huston and (Ireeiie. Patsy Otiyl.. onli ami Fern. Seymour and I 111 I. Kddln Leonard nutl Wind Bros.. Will lam Court leigh und company. Mull heefo and Tony Petirl. ami Uuuedln Tr resident maiin- skctcb, was *n lug pictures last .....r, manager).-— arc dreawlng good changed tirles jinny. In "Love's Voting Dream: tons. Arinsiroiig nnd Clark, In Partner:" Fred Morton and the Bill' "Finding J the Flood lug this season. bUU Ulc UU1 i mm nisi ween in mum. After it visit |« "Vleiilm, i \l... .i.V.V-' n ' ', I " '" ' '•""'lis. oppenred In Corry. ill Con.ieKse Coipietlc" en.l "The Wreck of |,e Corsnl " 'ill, " .a. ,r m."i V ».;. S »•'•«■»"*. manager Aemlemv ',' "?£$»*> tn " i wns eonipelled to uhuniloa ■ shipwreck., one will t ally . P| • l,,(e ',e'u t r k this eek ," .""T' W " K '" l,,w '' ■ fwffi XtoTS?™"^ ^F**.* """ SSSjf^ . iiiviii,,' iieuiiu iun> «eek ihltlng Ins partner, Sim Wllllurtis \.r\'\ K - "" '"'"ount of rain (ieorge ". I —in ,minims. |)l,.t ., ..,,,.,1 ,!,.,.,,„„ ,,.,,.. i_|».ul Hie CoU Dickie, used If years, who Joiiicd the Coli