The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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JUNE 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 467 Brothers' Circus at (Ml City. May 'It, was thrown under the irnlii at Dubois, ">, anil killed..The burial wok In Oil City..... .All the parks ,n ,n,H section ]l " ve "* ,n doing noorly me;-account of cold weather '/'here will he'-a.- carnival In Dunkirk, I". The itoblnson Shows supply tlie attraction*. Albany-—At Harmanus Bleecker Hall ill It. Jacobs, rithnager) Majestic Stock. Co.. which I* furnishing Summer light comedy, ■lellchtert good RUM audiences week of June • "The l'rlucc of l.lors." il-.">. nnrt "What 'linnnened to Jones," tl-8. were the bills ,,'r.Mvil. "A Kunnwny Wife" IMS, "Why Mniitii r.cft Home" w-ta, I'BOCTOit'H (Howard Graham, resident manager).—The Summer season of light niiorii was successfully launched :t. with "The ■ Mlkndo" Standing room only ruled. The ,oni|>>ny will sing "The Itoheminn Girl" \t-Tito PARK, notwithstanding; the wet wen i her. Is drawing encouraging crowds. Prof, Wormwood's dogs, the llnnl'/cttI Troupe „r ui'i'olinls. and the lluniln lloma continue leading features. Ki.Kt'TMi; I'ahk Is gradually getting In Shape for a prospermia season as soon iis •mrm weather nut* In. Itl'KKAUl Itll.l.'s WII.H Wt'.sr June II. I Filmirii.—At tlie Lyceum ( Nortnn I, sldent manager) l/>w Fields* "About Town" Co, drew u large niidlence June 4. lioittCK's . TtiKATni: (Henry Taylor, ni'ilinger'.--"The (iondollers" drew packed houses al this popular amusement, resort last week. 1> being the Miiuhatlnn Opera Com- pany's opening bill for the Summer season. ••Virginia" week of 10. KiAi.Tfl (!•'. W. McOonnell, manager).— I'eople for wrjok of. 10: 'Myron and Klanch, Hick Vaughn, Messle Shafller, Trlxlc llennetr, .Minnie Floyd, Vera Hopkins and HIJou Mlgnon, Itlnlmseope and llluslraled songs. Business Is good. Aoau Fi)W'Aiioii-Si:i,i.s linos.' Knows gave iwn performances II, lo capaelly business. I Ulii(chnmtoii.—At Hie Armory Thentre (J. V. I'Tynn. resident uiannger) "When We Were Twenty-one" pleased good sized houses June *!-$. - 4l » ii.i.i\nis. Sjirlimlleld.—At Ibe Majestic (lien. Me- Maniis, manager) Livingston Stork t.'o., In The Man from Kokomo," drew good bouses week of June ,*t. Oi.v.ucii: (Win. Jackson, manager).—Bill week of ,'!: Burlesque, "Queen of the Orient;" Amy 1>C Maria, Francis and Cross, llrace Smirks, Fontaine, Bcimcliiiinp and Fontaine, Ityiin and De Van, moving pictures, Thernu Wiurjic, mid comedy, "Hotel l)e Hum." FMl'ilit: (Johnnie Connors, manager).—Mill work ot :;: Comedy, "O. K. ;*' illustrated songs, Frances and lingers, Schepp's dogs and muukeys, Nellie Uaymond, Olllc Wcstcrmun, mid twentieth century optlscopc. Wum: t.'irv I'aiik (.lolni U. Gill, mana- ger).—week of it, free attractions. The Great .Nelson, band convert ft and T. Xdtks. — Itarnum & Uulley's Clrctia ap- peared here June 1, and owing to a drench- lag rain, which lasted all day, the clrvus people were unable in raise the main tent in lime for Hie afternoon performance. How- ever, iin' night performance was given, under illttlculllcs. and. was witnessed by fully 4,000 pi'uple. Those who braved the elements and a Mended lite night performance state that It was the best show of the kind Hint ever ap- peared In Springfield The members of "The Man from Kokomo," which appeared here all. week of *l, held a public reception Wednesday afternoon. Immediately ufter Hie performance, which was attended by a large number of our prominent citizens Chat- Icrlnn'l Opera House closed June 1, and Man- ager runnel-inn loft for New York, where he will spend some lime hooking next season's attract km m. iv..ein— At Main Street (Davis-Churchill circuit, managers) I'uycen Stock Co.. lu ".Men and Women." opened the season June '.', to n crowded house, with the following people in the company: Ida Olenn, Lea He include. Jaisc Tyrrell, 1'nullnc deary, Marie He Truce. Will L. White, Francis I'lerloit, .laincii F. Fulton, I id ward Cody, ltobcrt 'Hy- num. Frederick Telltscb, (.'has. C. Burnhnin, L. S. McKce. Fruuklln Whitman, B. W. Snow and II. C. F.dwnrds. Staii (II. Waller Van Dyke, manageri.— "For Hie Ixivr of flold" was glveu by the slock company last week. SroxK iiit.i. iiAani:.\ (Frank Orave, man- ager).—Tlie stock '.'imipnny, In "A Mysterious Woman," was the bill Inst wook. Aiiiiiiimi: (Jim Buugh Amuse. Co., man- ngers).—Stock company, In "A Colorado Waif," was last week's bill. Wkast'h (Charles !■'. flartson, manager). —Woek of June II: Burlesques, "The Ameri- can Minstrel In Turkey" and "Satan's Urlde ;" Wilson Bros., Jennie Delmnr and moving pictures. VinuiNtA llKAcu i Frank A. Ilcliieke. man- ager).—Week ot June :i: Corrlgau and Hayes, moving pictures and dancing. Al. l-' I'aiik i Vernon C. Seaver. man- ager).—Thore Is no change In I he bill. James' Brooklyn Military Hand continues lo please. It opens Its mint week, June ID. .Wins.—.Itarnum U Bailey's Circus showed to full lent* -J Now Hie weather Is warmer |hv outdoor ultrucHons <nre doing a heller business I). Owen Boon, of Hie tirnnd, Grand Itnplds, Mich., is assist- ant irensnrer of Main, Street, during the Summer season I'ugenc ]•;. Banner Is the new lending man ut Stone Hill Warden. I'. I*. Churchill and 10. C. Burroughs are here unending the opening of their stock company, NorKS.-tMto Klrhtcr continues |« pleas* large audiences hi ilie Crystal, and bus Rained many admirers during his short slay ere... ....Sidney Uvy Is now at his horn's here, after a siicressfiif season with the Vogel Minstrels. Mr. Levy rejoins the show the latter part of July. This week In Klks' week it the park, and they have arranged a Hal or outdoor attractions thai should make the week-a record breaker In attendance. • Memphis.—At the New Lyceum (Frank (Irny, manager) "Fast Lynne'' was the of- fering week beginning June M. Matinees were given Monday. Wednesday and Saturday, and to crowded houses. Hum: (IlenJ. M. Stalnbnrk, manager).— "My Wife's Family" was presented week of 'J, lo satisfactory business and pleased Im- mensely. For week beginning 10. the Snow Stock Co., which has closed n most success- ful season at the New Lyceum, opens for an Indellnite engagement, presenting "The Only Way." This company lias gained many admirer* here. . Kast Bxd 1'ark (A. 11. Morrison, roaua 6*1.—The wentber being more propitious, week of •! proved more satisfactory to the management. The programme Included' Snyder and Buckley, the Marco Twins, Jack Wilson and company. Hie Juggling Mowatta, l'lerce and lloslyn and the kluodrome. Well's Aiorld's Fair Band Is a leading feature. Faiiivi.anii I'aiik (K. O. Iteacli, manager). —Week commencing i', the stock company presented "A Colonial tilrl" to excellent sat- isfaction. The outdoor attractions, were well patronized. "Trilby" is Hie bill for 1) and week. at city baseball park. June IT mid week II. Sanger, representing the Cosmopolitan snows, was In town recently, and closed contracts for the appearance of his company In this city. Kalpb Newman, advance agent, was also In cltv. The location being good, a big business Is looked far, as Hie town lias cer- tainly been well hilled. Cellar Hnnldn.—At Greene's Opera House (Will S. Collier, manager* the Henderson June for two Knoxville.— At the Chllhowee Park (Harry Bernstein, mnnager) ibe Jewell-Kelly Slock Co. closed a very succi-BsfuI four weeks' engagement here June 8. The plavs for the Inst week were. "The Kii-KIiix Klan" mid "The Shadow." Wills Musical Comedy Co. opens a rour weeks' engagement 10.' Ai'piiiiuiiiiM Kink iCIius. Me.Nnbh. man- ager) Is closed for Hie Summer. Noth. —Jones Bros.' Shows bad big busi- ness .'!. ClinlliiiKinail. \t the Wells BIJol) (Rob- ert L. Wayne; imiuugcri "A Stranger In Town" opened wlib nu s. It. O. house, June It. for the week. "A SI ranger In Town" jo-ir.. Oi.ympia (J. A. Ii.ihln. manager) Is not doing much business Hits season. Nul'K.—The live ceni vaudeville and I lie automatic vaudeville are doing good business. ■»«■» MINKKNOTA. >lliiiicnp..lis.—At l-he Metropolllnu Opera noiise (!..■ N. Seolt, malinger) Hie Ferris Slock Co., In "The Jad^e and the Jury." June 0 nnd week. Tlie same company, In "I'lenpn-trn." report very line business 2 and week, "Old Heidelberg," by the sunie com- pany, 10 nnd week. Bijou Ockka Hoi'hi: (Then. L. llnys, man- ager).—"Our New Minister" 0 and week. "The Four Corners of the F.arth" report fair business •.' nnd wck. "The Convict's (laugh- ter" If. nnd week, I.vcki'M (I. C. Speers. mnnager).—"Oliver Twist" 0 and week. "All the Comforts of Home," i* and week, had very good houses. "Thelma" Klnnd week. IIniqi'j: (.loh-n Killott, manager).—Mill for 10 and week : .lolinsion and Leslie, Donovan and Arnold, Cumnilngs Trio, Karl (iardeller, llnrlnml anil lIoillHon, and Irene Utile, itnsl iiess was very good :t and week. WosnKiii.A.Nii.—I'suul outdoor attractions. Bio Isi.Axn I'ahk.— Splendid outdoor amuse- ments. C111111111.--A1 the UIJou (Hook & Powel- noii. manager) Hie hill ibe past week was ex- rcpllonnlly good and lias been drawing good crowds. Week of June 10 will see Lou Nel- son. Meniii sisters, Jennings and Jewel, ItitnUin nnd Leslie, new Illustrated songs and blcliires, (ioo, and Leltlo IJupree, Chns. Cope- land anil (Jeorge Rrny. N'o'iks. —The live cent (lieatre rnnllnties to play 10 good business The three day cir- cus in be given under the auspices of K. ot r. Lodge, on June lit. 11 and 15, promises lo be a winner. Besides some one hundred local talent there have been about ten pro- resxhmnix engaged. The tent, which seats ■■..•Oil, Is nil ready. ■ Alton.- -Hock Springs I'nrlt had 0 pre- liminary opening on l)e 'nllon Day, but will not ojien roll blast until June ic. J. Ltlgnr Collins Is managing this large cnlor- Km* 0n '' p ldny night, May ill, Ihe Western .Military Academy gave il beiielllt petform- ance for the new V. M. C. A. Home. It proved highly successful, Ibe Temple Tboa- t re Is'liig packed to the doors. *-»^ TBWIISSEE, Xiuhvllle—At the BIJou (Geo, H. Hlek- nian,. manager) "A Ilunnway Match" had gomi business and pleased June il and week. "a Stranger In Town" 10-lfi. Casino (V, & Alley, manager).—"I'lnk Oomlnoes" enjoyed good business 8-8. Feld- ■nan and Ball, singers and dancers, were the vaudeville feature. For 10 and week, "Don't 'ell My Wife," with the following vaude- ville ocls: Anuelte Shaw. Fanny Llpman and Sidney Levy. Hii't'oiuiuMi: (\v. II. Bordleser, manager). "-•'lie bill week of 3 Included: Rogers and »liffonl. innglclans; Ben, Scott, with llltis- tratrd songs and moving piclurea. (Wni. Wassuinn, maiiuger). —This House continues with thriving business. This week's bill Includes the Musical Shlpps nnd [Be moving pictures nnd illustrated songs. S«. 1'iinl.—At ll:e Metropolitan Opera House il.. N. Scott, manager) the farewell week of the Mack-Leone Stock Co., June il- 8, drew very good houses for Ibis populur company II: "llenrlsease." There Is.11 uni- versal regret thin the engagement, was not longer. Week of 10, the I'lnyers Stock Co.. from the Bush Temple Theatre, Chicago, will o|ien In "The Christian." Tlie bill for the second week, 17, will he "tlraustark." tiiiAMi iTIieo. L. llnys. wanageri.—"Our New Minister" drew very good houses week of ;l. nnd pleased. For week of 10, "The Convict's Daughter," which will conclude the season at this bouse. Wi.Nfmnit 1 Smith II. Hall, manager).— Business was very good week of II. with tlie following people on Ihe stage: Mclvee and Van, Jessica, Clarence Snlglo and Kd. Powers. Some of the people for the week of III will be Shaw and t'lyfion and Dave Itrodrlek. Others will be added. IOmi'HIK (Sam Fink, mnnager).—Business was very good week of il. New people for week of 10 are: The Clements and James Duugliei'ty. Those closing: The Orent Torjey and Shaw nnd Clyfton. All others hold over, Including: Itiitli l.t- Van, Murtln Sisters, (lertrudv Leslie, Marvelous Jackson, little Deimorc. Carroll and tiardner, Theresa Kemp, Muble Ward, Brady and Hamilton. Birdie Van Hawk. Lurlle lllnlie, (irnee Mat- thews, nnd Delia Isard. Diilutli.—Al the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall. inn linger I Itosello Knoll, In "Alice HI I by Hie Fire,' May iil-Junc 1, mnllnee and nlgbl, scored n hll. Lillian llusseli 7, N, itlclmrds .v 1'rlngle's ticnrglii Minstrels, for the Klks Annual l-inlertalunient. Ill-lfi. In "King O'Keefe In the Isle of Yap," under Ihe direc- tion of Tommy fietx. .\Ii:tuii1'(ii.i-ia\ closed on June 1, perhaps never to be opened ngnln, us all the buildings will be removed for two blocks for the II. It. depot. Hunt: fjoe. Maltland, manager). — Busi- ness is Hie same week tiller week. The shows urn lining Ibe place nightly. Hill for week ot 10: John Walsh. Itoblnsnn and Oram. 1 Ann-, nnd I Anns. Van Klein nnd Gibson, Buyer and Johnson, Isadora Silver, .las, Mc- Clcllan, llltistraied songs and moving pic- turas. Cammri.1. Bttos.' ntnrtlia gave two shows n, to packed tenls. Wiiitk Crrr.-.-Tlte dancing pavilion Is the only attraction nt present, as Ihe weather bus lM>en too colli for lent pcrforninnces. 4»» IOWA. IIiiImiiio... —At the Grand Opera House (Win, L. Bradley, manager) Hie regular sen- son has closed. Tlie bouse will lie I noroiiglily redecorated during Hie Summer, and when opened again Its bookings will be controlled by Klaw & F.rlnngcr. Mr. Bradley, mana- ger, returned last week front a I'iiiroiienn trip. BIJOU I Juke Rosenthal, manager) nils cloned Its regular season, which has been a most suc- cessful one. A supplementiiry kcusoii opens June in. with blogrnpli pictures and Illus- trated songs. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal (Cora Beckwllh) are at their Summer home at Fienlivss Lake. Mr. Rosenthal's road show starts out June If,, under canvas, under the management of Barney Rosenthal. The book- ing agency established here by Mr. Rosen- thal has been very busy supplying perform- ers for the county fairs. UNION I'aiik.— The Royal llungarlnn Or- chestra began a two weeks' engagement June 11. Stock Co. return .Sutiduy performances. A1.A.M11 I'aiik Hi. K. Burton, manager).— Hood business, considering the cool weather, and this hill week of '.': Dixon, Bowers nnd Dixon, Ilagnn and Westc-nit. Foster and Hit- ter. Senor tiorza, Ray W. Fay. nnd the klnetn- scrtpe. Notes. —Tlie Bnrntim & Bailey advertis- ing car No. ii 1 opposition 1 was here il. 1. and billed for Aug. Hi Cedar Itnplds second annual Chaiilainiua 1 Fuller Swift, mnnager) June IM-.'IO. on Cue College Cam- pus, will have a line programme. i Don Moines. — At Hie Ingersoll I'nik 1 Fred Buchanan, manager 1 (he programme week of June .'I intended big crowds. Booked for week of June III: Clivelle, Fllznbeih Murray, Snyder and Buckley, Five .lug-jlliig Mowaiis. nnd Mueller mid .dueller. tiKNTiiv Buns.' Slinw pleased well tilled tents May ill. June I. John Kohinson Snow June IS. •»•-» TKXAS. Ft. Worth.—At the Lyric Hi. W. Iliirn- htirt, manager) Ihe bill week opening June ii Includes: McCune nnd (tract, McClottd and Melville. Golto, Fred Blount and Hie klnodrome. Parked houses continue, Wiiitk Otv iJake Schwartz, mannger).— In Ihe While Rose Theatre Ihe Winner Vaude- ville Co. offer an entire change of bill week opening .'!. The outside tiilruellons con- tinue 10 please and the crowds continue large. Laki: F.we (Lee Fleming, manager).-- Work is progressing rapidly on tills new pa- vilion ami theatre mid the contrarian an- nounce Hint il will he ready -.'.. The at- tendance art his park Is heavy. Stanuakii 1 Frank Do Deque, malinger).— "The Moonshiner's Daughter" Is presenled by the stock company ibis week under I In- direction of F.ugcnc 1'ilrklss. In the olio are: .loo P., Green, Pearl Gllnmrc, Rose Killott. Maggie Brooks, J. P.. N. and Georgia Powers, Harrison Hull. Joe Irving, Christine l.e Miiyne and Hie blogrnpli. Business Ii excellent. Nutk.— The new Vendome Thentre o|iens 10, ns u combination house, with Whitman's Comedians ns the attraction The Swnr Brothers, big fuvorltcs here, will present minstrelsy under (heir own round lop tl-R Houston.- Al the Lyric Theatre (John Dlckcv. manager) huslness, with fair weather June il-S, was excellent. Tlie programme satisfied. On the bill were: Klnxncss, the Great Lawrence, Carl Brothers, Marie Monl- rose, and moving pictures. ami IbiMi: 1 Alvldn & Lnsserre. managers). —Business is good. "Uncle Josh," a rural comedy. Interspersed with songs and dances, was the feature ,'I-S. The people were the same us last week. 1111:111. ami I'ahk Tiikatiii: (John II. Keeunn. mnnager).—Kthel Morton, soloist, was the an raeilon ii-M, and drew good crowds. Hui'HTON- TllEATlit: (M. C. Michaels, tuiin- liger).—Moving pictures are drawing line crowds. . Nutkk.— The local pnper proclaimed, with authenticity, that the Interstate Amusement Co. lias piirrbnsed a site situated on Texas Avenue and Milam Streets, and will soon begin the erection of a magnificent structure, lo be ready ns a theatre for the Fall open- ing Moving pictures continue 10 do an Immense business here, and all the places lire lllled dally. Clipper Po st Of fice. In order to nrold inintnkrs nnd lo lamrr this nromitt delivery or tbo lOKer* ajTrrttirl) 111 Oils lilt, ml envelope plainly nddressril must be cent for each letter, and • written order for the letter, sinned relfa the foil name nnd addreaa and the line of tannine** followed br the sender, moat also be enclosed. Pleaae mention the date (or num- ber) of the clipper In Wnlea lh*> letter* aent for vrere advertised. LADITS' LIST. Aim. Alice lOhutt. May Alexander l-'ollce iici , i , ,< I'llbiril. Mloill" 'I'jnlllici Multelli. .Vn-lier. Hetene Mareaerlte F. Palmer. Allen. Florems- (ilbh«. Mr». 1V111 Kalberlne AII1I011. I'.titc linilrii Mrs.Alex. Powell. Item Alfretia. I.u>nn lllliulstanr. bbi I'mrbs- Arnold. Hlailys |llnrner. -Mb" I'ca-lei. u-nli 11,-11- Malile ili.vln Ivn-oiliy ['null. .Mmlge 1111.111. Miirkei Koirer. Marie llolllver, llelle IRoU'rlS, K.lll.l ilrny Sylvia A. tltevcrle llliuielie Oortloa. Amy iltuwan, Lnnxlnu Hrlltilli Miss 1.. nVyimlils, llllu llnyell. Helta iKimmills, I'vn llnwllHiriie Aniy.Kuiiiscy, l.lllle Hill. .Mrs. can- IraImir, .Mis. rt, 4 llllls',ii.l .MrsJiic'i ilcrirnn. Itnvlc ,lHelinrtl'«ia MI--S Unities Itcalrleeiltimkel. I'tirbui" lloii-lno IleallleiUimkel, .Mrs. M. jlnrliuiit Adebiilc l Kit.vmluil. Ilriio.n. Nellie 11..1 iicn, Anna Bryant. Vloler II.S'SOO. Lulu Hnilis, Ibillle Hell. ACOISbl Ituvie .Murle Hurry. Iteim lb->-nil. Vlnlel (loe.) linync. ttimel liiirbi.ur. Nina Itlekle. Mrs.u.l. Blanche Lunelle Iln-nuan, Syliyl I'.n.iiii. Lulu It.-.ti.l. Miss Al. Ibirbin Mrs.U-iy IlllllU'llillll. lllnncli Peimelt. Mnl» Itersieln. Itcrihn • Hark. Mny Plinse. Mlsii l~ Ciirleloit. Alley Casnll. Vlruloln C.illlns. F11III1 r.iorllno.l l.rn.'f Clark, llelle t'liaeiimii ileririide B. Clnocy ilerlrii'le 1'iirr. Mrs. J. It, r.iuiilniMl lime., irniie Mrs. S. north, lilnnche Cool. Ilernbs. Ii'lvr.v Alurtkbte !>• .\n:i I Sisters IS'sMomla .Millie IS- l.nis'y. Mnfle Ih-l-'ori'sl CnrbH' lioosbis, Mioel Iliiilil. Mnrle Davis. LalllO llrnke. Mtss I-'.. Ilnylell. Slndi'i De lleiiu, .Mnrle HiitTy. .Mrs. Kiiiinelt, Km ht l-ivelyo, Annie Ijlwinils Ml-s J Killott, Helen l-'.viins. Mrs. K. Iliirl, I .obi l-'ournlcr Minute l-'i.inklln. KI'Mtloll I'rillihllli. Inrrle l-'ox, Harnet IViy. Kllle I'loveiiee Mnrloi I'l-liei-. Mne l-'raalilln I'ilennr I ..v. 11,1111.' Franks SotiIHi* l-'jivnr. Mnrciirlii 1 0II1111I. May .Iniit.-*. -fiiliit K, ■leiikln-.. ILirry Klllcfit I'lios.M Kltia ii' K'ikiiinti Co.. Mar. Kei«|i, IniI. helniMv, 4. KeiHlall FraiikM Kohler. i>. tvellv. Waller Klni-k. II. Kelly. K. A. Kent. < leis. Kelley * lilbsoii Klnc * Staaae Kelly. I'luii. J. Keliens. The II Mrkpairlck .loo. Kn lull 1. Alfre.1 Kramer. I'red Kins. Ib'.v K-lbnnn. It Knlins, a Klmiiliini, l.eslk Keiuiedy, A. Kcitinsl.v, II. J- loll.. Alfrisl Kelt-no. I. J. Kane, Morris Kaiser. J. Kiilb. I'red C. Lnwliniee. l-i. A, Leo. Frnuk IcwIh. j.:c. Lyilini, M. W. Lewis, (isisir 1.11 Mar, Wiiyne l.e lelwre, 11. J. 1,1-sIIim. Tin bM-ke«. Tin Hauler, Leslie llisllli'll. I.UClIu r iteuevi've Ibiwtinl. II. lly Mnrifiii-'t I'tenl. I'iiisv ltil>'lir... I'.illicr 'tnssell, Mn) Ibiwiinl. illcmiyi||iiss.>ll liisiritln Mule, jlessle iKrrere. Murle Illinium, Miss HIRIiik, lllnnrlic l.ittui-il. Kllle Hiirliry, Lnurti Homer. Miss (i. Hun tie inn- Amy ll.irloi'k. Violet n|. i.'laliv Claire Sub IL.nun hlelu, lira Snilili. May HinlHi. She biwtii'ii. Moon isniiili'iir.l N'urlell Irvlie.'. Vli.-.- Isuirli. Tlllle JeWell, Battel Hlncltilr. Ilnf.el Jnnsiii. Mnrle sterns, May DiiIIiim. —Swor Bros.' Minstrels, June 3- ,1, under the mnnugemeul of W. II. Itlce, were honored In Iheir own city on Ibe open- ing night, filling their large tent, and turn- ing many nwii.v. They gave n uiosi credllalde licrforinancc. Laki: Ci.iit Casino iC. A. Mangold, mini ager).—The Hnldwln-Mclvllle Slock Co., In "Under Two Flags,'' pleased good patronage CV0I.K Paiik TllllATtlH (W. II. McAdnnis. mil linger 1. My rkle Harder Slock Co., Ill "The Flshermon's Daughter." pleased. Nuw Lvnii' Tiikathk ilidwln Fdwards, innnnger).—The current hill Includes : The WrrnlK Dun, F.dwln Fdwnrds, Lou Kneizgcr. and Hie Three Wlllnrds Noti:. —Lynder ItCckwIth, the portrait singer, Is iptlte III here ill Si. I'liul's Sunlta- rluin. Oaknlonaa. — The Masonic Opera - House (J. Frank Jersey, manager) Is dark, and toe season Is practically closed. Mystic Shrlners have the house June l'J. The house will then he turned over lo Improvement contractors, under supervision of Mnnager Jersey. Pons (Hewitt A Duncnn, managers).—This house did good business week ending June I, which closed the season. The company de- fmrieil June si. lo show under canvas, open- ng nt Kddyvllle, June 0, for a three days' si nnd. Xiitkh.— Cosmopolitan Shows vol) exhibit I.'inline-. Miss A Ketiihill, K11I1.1M Klmliall ilriiisdt Kerr, Iharl Kirk. Aiiiiii .leiiiiueK l.inn.101. Jennie I m-ell Sisters Leslie, tlllle Wells I'lirry Lit Veil.-., Mabel Lit Tour, l.ollle l.nssne.l. .Minnie Diflns (irnee W l.uelfer. Mrs. L. I.yinno, Hriiee l.ollsilnle, Mnble l>s*. Ilestrlee Morilui. I.llll.'tii .MeMlllllll. I.ldll Morris, Miss Moore I'torelieel". Maurice, Mrs. .Mnury, .Nellie Harris Mrs.Usni Murray. KIlMihrlli M. Marinw ISirmhy Madden, Thelma Mnylleld, Slell.i MeAibon Winnie Mnliir, I'lonnee Miller, Miss Marks, Mnlilc Smller. J.wle SiiIIIviiii Mistier. Siiiilers, Pearl Slnley, Vlnlel Siwili, Olive Stevens, Kiltie Mir I «, inn,. Mneliilr. Mi.iitle Sberlitteik. Ililll-i.-e Stewart 1 <iiiis'n Slew nil, l.lMle Tniy. Jessie 'i'liiiiniis, Hilda Tllllln;isell, Mnladle«l.ui flrnee Till He Mrs, A. I'. I'cniu el Iiurntli.v Villi. Olllllis Van Camp Itose Wallers, dtnee Westerfeli Viola Wlllsli. I''., II Ward. Mny W'eslnn il*l'lyile VViilson. Lillian Vfimilivnril. II..III.' I'. '.'. in. Mrs, Tb 11 Wrluhi. I,nun0 Wllllatiis. Helen Ware. Vlralul.i Moore, Isinellti 'uvii'li, I'lierrv Myers. It.t'n nil.I.-. I.uellle Mlllturii lii-iieel.'woo.lwnril. Moor*, Helen Di.llle 1'. Jwsle! Warden, Ksiclle llnllicn-s. /.,>. iivilhird. U11N1 Mnrlen. Hassle Wlllim, 1Mb' HisnlrldKC Kiln .Murray, Klbel 'vvillloins. Hell tiraiil, -Nidnoii, Mrs.l'.J. Vntew. ilrni-i* Charlotte I.. Olt'iitt. Vern '/nllinini I'niillne <;ICNTI,KVI|-N'S LIST. liiilnedvllle. At Hie Aiiililorliim (Kd- moiisoii ,\ Gallia, mnnagers) Lew Vliden Stoi-k Co., June 10 nnd week. *»» OHICOON. Portliinil.—Al the Itelllg (W. T. Pangle, ninnager) llenrlellii Crosmnn had fair busi- ness May L'7-^0. In "Allof-u-Siidden Peggy." Annie ttussell also bad fair business :;o-Juiic 1, In "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The (heutru will Is; dark 1111III 11, when Leslie Curler will appear, In "Dtt Barry." Oils SKlnner comes it), II, In "The Duel," nnd Dnckslitder's Minstrels for 12, lit. M.muji am Git a Nu (S. Morton I'olin, mana- ger).—The San Francisco Opera t.'o. enjoyed good business week of Mny 'J7, In "The Strollers." "tllroflc-tllrofln" will ls> put on June il, and "Dally Varden" 10, Main 1 Geo. L. Baker, manager 1.—The Bilker Theatre Co. hud two fair Ionises, -J, which began Hie last: week of Its engagement. The company did fair business week of May I'll, with "The Dairy Farm." The entire season has been highly successiiil. The Prince nnd Ihe Pauper" comes June 0, /.Inn's Travesty Co. HI. Lyme (Kealliig & Murphy, managers).— The Allen Stock Co. week of ii, presenting "Sins of the Father." Staii (James II. Frrlcksmi. mnnager).— The Star Sloes Co. week of June il, present- ing "Darkest Itnsslit." i in a nu (James II. F.rrlrksnn, manager).— The bill II nnd week Included: James 1n.1l Sadie Lconuril and Klchnrd Anderson, hi "Mile. Manhattan :" Harry Booker company, Miller and McCnnley, John and Mae Burke, Clever I'onkey. Mile. Caiitareiill, Frederick lloherlR, nnd the Grnndlscope. I'antaokk' 1 John Johnson, manager).—Hill week of ii Included: F.lvcrla, the Itussell Finally. Ihe Froinnns, Gordon nnd Chacon, Nancy Itlce. Leo, and the blogrnpli. Fiiit/.'h (Joe J. west, mmiiivrrl.—Bill for week of il: Claire Stanley, Fny Leslie, Vir- ginia Vernon. Marlon Atwood. Mrtltlc Mntbe- son. Josle Myers. Bonnie Bonnie, Mickey Feeley, Adelaide Stewart, Wilson nnd Lei. center. Jones mid Itaivollc, l-iibel Smith, Josephine Gordon. Mliintin. Lillian Starr, Lnurlne, the Great Dill. Dick llitlclilns. Bret Carter. Kdna Minor, the Stocktons, Frank Lambert, Ibe Wheeler Sisters. Jeauelle Du- prey. May Jolly, llelle Donald. Agnes Conway, anil the slock company production. II.w.k'n Stknic Toi'n di' Tin: W01tf.11 (Fred , I'rllr., mannger 1 con Unites to do good busi- ness. Oaks Si'.mmm I'.uik ill. ('. Frcemiin. mnn- ager) enjoyed Ihe most successful nnenlug of Its career, Mny .TO, This Is Hie third year Ihe park has been open, mid the business, both In respect to admissions nnd conces- sions, lias exceeded that of Ihe previous years. SclillvoiiHil's Hungarian Hussars, who nre engaged for leu weeks, have given entire satisfaction. The Great Davenport begins 11 Ibree weeks' engagements J J, Adams. Mart Adnlr. Julio lliiuiii linn Allcs. Felix Ai.IiIiii, II. Aibims, Kuaene A1I11111-. Win. .1. Ailliik'ion, in-.1. Atlnnr. Will. M. Alls'lly. Until Alieiirns. Ilie Albllll. ilco. Arinstmiiif. Waller Ailnins, Andy Alsirn, Messrs. A sla Irs, he All, Side A bin. l-'r.'d Pol tlliere. Ned inn ns. Mo my llauer, Then. Itnllllie. t\'. A. Itowle, I.. I-:. I'.ryiint, Sam Beeiner, W. H. Ilonesettl, Alt. Itrowii, Wni. Itiumcsscn, t'nrl Itnidsliiuv. J. K lliirrelt. Tool liu-li, II. & De Vear Trio ltennlngloli. Hilly k imlsy lii-.niin, Joe lliir.i, Itlliy Brady. Itny Ihsison, T. J. Barlows Lumen. J. M. Itllx, Henry U. Bilker, John II..v.l. J. II. Burma Frank C lliirthohll Amly ltiisliy. J. M. Ilnekley. l-'loyd lii.i.H. Owen Hanks, J. fk Heliannl. Sidney ll.illei , J.lllll llnyer. I.. M. luirlnw Lnwrnee lliirrelt Kdinoml ll.ii Inn. Jus. II. Ilryson, J. Its rues. I'.. M. Ilnl'liely. C. F. llemi, I). II. 11,11 let I A1 lliirbiwe llrnekell lloblA. Ililglilid. .Wni. Iliiiniell, (Ico. Ilulsiiek 'lliisi. iii-iiu..s, Tfce llnrlow- AiWIIson lu-rry fc Berry lleiiuir. I'rof. Buck. II. It. lllilcy, Kilpir llyrne, J. V. I)rccti. Harry llroMiilee Itlterd Italley. J.1I111 Hell, itolicrt lllark. KII011 Ibiinniily, Joe llass, J. Collar. B. K. Clieeny, rims, rarl Pros. Case, ciini-lle Only. Mori J. Corliell 11.11' I' Oiwsrove J0I111T. I'liK'ker. <". Clark, «ill.v I'l.tiiiii l-'riiuk A I. on, W. A. Curtis. Kit. Calu, A. F. Conway, Nick Cllll-.i.l. Hill Cnailn. U. F. ( ..hen Hum Cleveland Claud flitttkn * Knofliliiil t'nrney, lloe. f^nuik, I'retl Craver, Win. Coles, The Carleion hTerre ("lurk. Harry Clark, Hen. s. luiViirncy, I'lill I iiiiv.iu A II.m:h, DICk Dn-lilngliiit. Al. rsiberly. Joe I', IVadae, Iliivi'-i|..rl , 11.J,nil IUII..U. W. A. Ik. bl, lie. IV. K. Ilitiii.viiu. HiiWHini. II u-i-y Hiirllmt. S. I'. Heaves, W. K, I Inoclilie. .1. I- ik.vic. I.. K, Hfilngblie .1. \V. Diivln lien. ''. IS' KHtraii!!. L. He W..111, ,1. II. Italley. Ilco. K, liiiiiwui. Hon S. He 11.lien. Mr. (t Mrs. t.'nri.'i' ImvH. F. K, 11111 me. Illsi, ilium Jus. A, nattier. A. C- Doyle, l-lil. jie.iuiii. Frank liiiiin & Harry liinlelk'b. Hull lUU/iili. IS'W Ben fbdy, A. II. Ililliuul. C. II. loi llnls. Hurry Hull- Sum II M J...Us, I'lllK. II. Ili'l'erly. Jii". KHIMKI-. Jllllllll Keener. F. '.illls ,\ Moor KateMHi, Ja^. K Kllweml, Hilly Kvnas T1I1. Knins. II. J. 'Irllols, I". W. Knaare, Riauaa Koglbli. Hurry Cller, W. A. I'lckels HWiiriier Koi'llsb, lllllli- K11 ns. Allen l-'rill.-eelll it U'lvls i'arle. T. I. Flniaonl, Jas Fool, John I'lirlo. Caselta IKm, Bert L. C'olwni, <Sin». i.'iiinenin. film. Copcliind, Curl (Mrititiiii Kmmel Cirrira. II. Colorudo (Jrant Slvnv (.'(•ii'ielly. Iluah Cnrll.iifi Misb.Vi. Clark. Mr. Chlnka, Mr. Cnrinislr. Jas. F t'ross, John i-oiiiii-, II. I). Cougar, Hen. f.'ady, Fnsl Cole. ins. Hirst, Hairy Fowler. I". A. Cui.Mr. * Mrs Flynn. John Pnrrell * ls-llny FiuiHilelle. Mysterious Froslo, Clin». Kr«llel»co«. \i Frees, Jacob Ko«, Harry Ftlince A Pa mice Fields. John I'lrniuii Lester iitiiklln, P. C. laffy. Tlnls, Haul. I. K. biltaoiiv, The :...nun, Arthur itirmi.vl, Oeo, Irani, Cllf. Htibs, V, II. Irimdl, llolairt luii-lsiio, Jules bii'iiiiui .' M'esl I1.110. C|.as. Iiwn, A. W. lleinau, J. I.. Iiilluulier, <>'-'■ llordon, I'll IT ireii... Jack llorlon's MIU' siielk, MM". 1:111 lb os, Mbi alivls, .Met. ilrci'ii. II. T. 'lliilolel:.', MIk. lirnhaiu. Win. illlinon-i, Tlie iii-llllili. John 11 at- e hi« 11 mi. .1. II. s.p.1 HarrteM Hull, no.. Iliminiouil, J. II I ■ III 11.!-. I. Hl.l ibilluii-iiv. II. Hare. F, L. it.iMkbiH, i-:. i". llllllllc.V, .1. II. Bill. Iliiuilii.ui Ibiwiinl Al.liulei- IjllllsAII, ll.llll Harvey, Clile Hem, Frank lliil.lsivijl'lll 'III f I lull. Is. I'eril. Ilclrlv A I'reseolt }b:i 1 -a. Tom lellileisoli, II. tlnsllns. Hurry jlnriter. I lurry llyile ,V llenlb lllllli, M. A. Hull. A. I'. Iliilliiii.l, /.nt Boll, A'l"-rl jlassev H.A wife nmllti Itlebtiril llbl.ll".l, A. .1. nw.nil * Tiiff iias, n-eiir nit. mny OOkllll, I'll I/, llllner, Uhi llanilllnti < Imrle •IlL'lll..Her, III'. I in.-rl.i, Hilly iliitiiliviii-lb. Ilur.'y llearn. Barry Harris. II4-U llutiroril linvl. I Harris, fiiii Hiiliniin Bros, IIiiiik & <"■". Iltiillb'.i. Hell Howard, II. J. I'nilei. M. I'.. Illir.r.uil, lleit.H IIIIVIICK, .1. H, Co lines. Will. II I'm 11 it llofiui, Mr, lilelde, It. 1. Ilullla, ll'Hltl lliirle.i.u. 11.1 lie una. A. Hn lues fc lit -OKI e lldrih. Link. IjlillVey, L. A. Iinhof. ifniter .ulies 1 II. J. . i'1-sey I'.ullill It. nliiisnu, ('. J. Ollllk.lli, .1. II. Jaeirer. Air. Uanls I Tii'liir Matthew" Jus.I' MeNalr. Jar, It Men 1,1111 lm. Air, Miirrr.'Pummel Alack. Joe 1'. Alalia. 1'iinl Mtiseii. Jiibn Merrill, S. I». Alansfrbt. HnM .Mllcliell. Barry Maraar, .t.Tiieo Mnrvioi-., Tlie Miller, ii. tt'. Mucks. .Musical Meiice. M. «". Urn|i.\ ll's'il. (' Mantley. «'. •'. liorrell. Isuils Xertli, Simri N al tun Humid I Melmls I". A. Nuitelnir Ilea. \ewin in. Vleiol- Name, It. N. Nan, F-.i. 1*. .Vciuuiiii Vlelor Xnvel, I". II. Vnoel .V A.biiiis .nlell. Tommy .illrlea. W. linen. Wallace 1I1MI A Klrley iirvllle, C. T. illcntl. II. firth. Frank ,illrlcn .V Hnekley il"Urine Michael 1 lltnls- I'tiiiilly Dvwe, Cbas. 1'. .liar, Walie. I.iililiiiau. W. I". I'nrlsh 1'rlcst Irvlm: Co.. Mcr. |,e lien; Purler t'hh'k l.lodley. Hurry Toners. .1. T.' I. inn. 11 llnrrv II. I'rlis-. J. II. I,e«ls. B. J. I'tirker. II. I..lid. I'nyloii, Wm. I.i iilanche. I'iiiiird. A. Mnreu« ('.ill. J. «". l.tisH.-ird. Louis t',siris». Alf. A*. It, I'obile. W. loner. II. II. I.11 Pearl Wesly;i'n)ite. II. C. I.ionl. Hurry l'..rl«. J. I.. Divett, live Jlvarsiui, W. L. U'lln. Chns. ,1'aliucr, II I.. Ill Hell THn l|'bllll|is Alio. J. Lu Itose. IV-rt I'hlliii.s. M. J, Is'wls, Harry PWIlIns II. 0. Lvnniii Bros. Powers * l'ree.1 l..iuibiii-il Pros, 'r.iteu M'lelclier l.ewlni. Waller 'I'leeltbiniil I oey & l.n.-li-i- { I..too.'. II. F. I'aulo. Alfred t.i.ivi-etlee. Iterl I'.nvlev 11111 lel.'lieinlel.ll. A. I'llllng, Wm. Merrick. T.un ,1'rbs- J * MnM Alack. .1. II. ,1'crlcrsoii Mui'liliy. J. F. i Family M.okii.i Andrew Qulubiii. Hon Meeliuit. W. A. I.'isleaule. D. Melr. Adam ItiH-kwrll, .1. u. ycorrlsou I'atiur Knblilns. Win. M'isbe.', Jas. Itoilisilell. I^nds Mnri.liy, W. J. Itnlin'y, Jack Melii.iiiilil. Mm Iti'uuii, Chns. F Muriiliy. w. II. Itolllus, Itnbili Morris, Percy ' Itnsskiiir. Frlla Mahnrs. W. A. ■ !lanit<il|ibs Urol Marrlll. P. A. Held. M. A. Mnrvl, Jack l.'vnsr, Hurry II MlHlml. Hit Itolu-rsim. Monies. II, T. T..n. k I.on Maiiet, Jack 'Itussell. I'reil Mutdler, fid. A. Ileisler, Ii. A. Mil.lib. \, I'l'llllU .lu«-ell. I'M. Miitlili.v. Mr. k ltti.ll-.ltl. Il.ih Mrs. Mark IhnVHs. J. T. MiaMrls. The ilicyisilds lllelul. Ml,in-., Il.s. ;lleii,iil.l. I'. II. Miivnllo jllntb. Cliits. Mioi'.-iuiii .lack Iteter, II. MrKrc. HarrvK. I..11111. F. W. McAiilllle, .lere Itiissliiini I'liusll MiioiiiiiMo ,lieeil. sum T. I'tun. Trio 1 Itussell * Harts Mario, lieruee Ajllbodrr. Vn. Mario! Kosm. lien. \Y. .Mason, I'ratikF.llteyiiaril. MS M.N.illl. lieu lltiiyiumiil, L. It. Morrill, (lias. ' Kli-liiM.tsii'i Willi May. Allen Itnss, it. II. Moulder. T. <.ibariMi. Kd. Miller, l-i. Leon Spuna. Ilyiim .Moss. Henry siniiiird. Htiriv .Mlllllee. W. II. Moss, C. S. I'll.hell II. I 4yiTealer, t'. v 'ol'jiliil. Mils .Sharp, llllly MiiClelland, C.A'Sliea, Tims. F. Mel.inialilbi, 'Shrnrer. Tnhiuiy Morris 1, Swor. Wm. Miettan, Hurry ,Slnnloli, Will Mm inn. I'lill Seville ,\". Mollis, Hilly Slil-clttilll. Jtiel. Mills, JOr II. Moo.iiiiiii. i.'ha-i Mix, ('. I.. sin,ok. Harry Mussey. Al, Seldmi. ili"i. .Mitchell, F, Al. >lgim. Ureal S|a-i i, Jas. imhaatt. Wai.H Setton. Ilnrri Sinllb, I'Uns. II- Hawtelle. J. AL Stilllvan. S. Snoner. aim K. mMtaran R'.P. Kilter, <i. I. >t C'alr. .lis. Stevea>. II. I. Sanlnn, I'lanK .1 slock Wall. I'. Slrrnajn Sllter. .Iti". fkln's. The Seniniers, Harry I'. »l. Onm-, Fii-d Scbitllk. I'red .1 Smith's I'll.'lc Haatkera, lu-n Swnt y . Ilarrrl.. stllllii- I-'. «■ Slniyne * tirin I.- Sylvester, I..IWTCO e Strleklln. Ham MM • Wcslhrool; Wley. Wm, I' Miai'i. time. .siiliiiuii, ilea, a Savoy, llei-l Slaiiiiiini, p. J. Slewiiri. W. I. Sprlaaer, K, Sadler Kiomli TO, Wm. trallna Frntdill Ta vernier. Allu. Ta seolt 'Irevellek. F. It. 'jorlot, K. Tewksbnry. ILK Teni|s's|. L. Ttieker. Frank Trlssell, L. 'Ilionois Franki'. T. Cabin Mar. Trimble, Hoo.M Tosslck, milsri Thompson A- i'uric- 'I'eaae R Daniels Tenner, k. Tesster, Wm. Tims. Waller I llnlii..ti-, Hist.II Tettliiy, llui.-i Tisiiuri.tou .V Isnvl ■• I'eimysmi, Win. t slier. .1. II. Viiruey, V. A. Vetoelo, l\ Al. Veitiiei, II. II, Vivian. Viilciillne, S. Vbloey, Will Verona, F. P. Vlis>. FishI M. • 11 rem Wont Is. A. J. iVIIIs. John II. iVnlllnu, Wtilnl. A'alsoti. I'litis, II iVauncr, K. I'. (Vesl X (t I'lirti IVIIHliiIlon ILK. Ward, II. Won,I. I'riiiiel" Wliliaiiiii, Kills Wisi.l Hoi- Wild. Hill) Willis. I Wiiisoa, Jna, K. Wilson. Tom I. Wall. J. D. Whig, Jack Williamson V. S. Waters. .It.s.w. Whltiioin. Ii'ino'. U'.-liloii. Ism. 1.1 Welsh. I. A. Wlllbuos. Kit. Wissl. SI.toe .1 lule Watson. Hen, tycisb, .1. c. Wol ford Slock i'ii, Wilson, ilai Wells. ||. Walker FranuT Wills, A, W. Whitney, C. .1. Wlllli Joe Wealims, 'Ilie :i M'ral, Hefoiesl Wilson, 0. II. W.ii.l, Will Wilson. I'reil Von UK hull'" I. • Sioynrns, The Jienhn. The y.itouiii. F. P. lord. Clint (i. .lours, J, A. Flarer. 0. Al. iJMtnne. J, D. i -'llsaerald VV.II. Jnlilisim Tr'n "i'l.l. Vernon iiillnu, Mtrtlo ('rule. Bleb W. , -'iirrell Billy .Jills- J. s. Chlphl, IlenJ. li'rK'innii, John Johlisnn, Fred Zeb, Jolly •tlOB NOI'ICB AT 1IHAU OF HIT. Al'lN^OI'lll. iviin.ns <n> Al the Sbuberl Theatre I Waller Sanfiiril. niniiiigerl Jue Weber anil his nil star company etiiiie Julie y-o, presetu- lug "Dream City*' lo very gond business. Tills will close Ibe son al tills house, Wii.i.ih W'otiii Tiica i in: id, D, Woodward, inannueri. -• KHiol Bnrryinore, In "Cniilalii Jlllks/' nunc it K. wllll inatlliee, In big lilts]. tire*. This will close lite season Of Hll* Un- it I re. Gll.l.ts Ol'llllA IIiii-ki: 111. S, Ilrlgliiiin. man ager). —Last week "Adrift In I fin World" was fio-uiiiaie hi having enrtt wcitiher. coif »ei|iienllv business Was good. This week ""The Dfuiiionil King" will close the Ni'iisoii, which has been Itjf filrly-snven weeks' iliirn- Hon: the record for any loclll I ben I re. The house will reopen In July. Acni'initn si ((l. D. Wrtoiliv.ini, iiiniliigei'). —bast week, Harry lleresford nnd Ktiiiiui Dunn, I Ibe Jtltlge and Hie Girl," for llm tlrst lime here, minified- a largo nndlence. The slurs were very good In their respective roles. This will probably close I lie season 'ii this house. lil.KI.TIHC I'AIIK I Slllll Bi'hJlHIllll. Illlllla l,ci').- -lillery's Blind cniillntii's lo be the prill- clptil onislile all ruction. Ill lllc Village. Hie nets last week were: Tlie lilellliinilei- Urns.. In it musical I it fit; Hie Messenger Hoys Trio, III lllil'hioliy: Kit'.. Major, voenllsl, and lib' ii'ltniii'k" Hiirneii Trio, in songs. This week : .Newell and Nlblo, Xciiliilud, I'aulliie Miirnii, mid Devlin- and Williams. FimiiMT I'aiik (Ii. K. IliiMsell, innniiger).— Lcnge's lloiol eiiiiiliini-ii. In the I ben I re Hie Boston Ideal llporii Co. sung "Stllil I'lisbn" III a very acceptable milliner. This week, "I'lliitfore." Faiiimiu'XT I'aiik. (W. F. Sltillh, niatitigei'i. — IIbier's Military Band continues and on Sunday* special balloon races and high diving ili'ls are given. caiimvai, I'aiik, Wesl Hide (Wm. Winch, iniinagcrl. Laiiihlnse's Itoyal Vcneiliiii llniiil conllliltcit, The viiiidevllle acl* Inst week were : Itussell mill Held, In songs awl dunces ; Mexican Hei'i'lliaii, In il sleight of IiuikI nil : Chnpiniin and Nelson, flcrobuls, and Nublett onil Mnrsliiill, sketch team. I'l.H't'KiHA'iiH.—Manager A, .tiidnh, of the Grand, iiceoiupmiled by Mrs. Jinlnli. left J. for New York Clly, from Whence they will go on a flailing Irlp to Belgrnile Lukes, Ale. Will II, Winch, who bail cluirge of Hie press work hi Ibe Orphrum for Ihe nasi: Ave seasons, and who lias been aeilug In n like eapiiclly for Forreal I'nrk Ihe Inst iwn seiiMins, lias been unpointed Ihe new manager of Carnival I'nrk, Wesl Hide., Fred Peel, wit* In the rli.v mannglng the Weber Show. st, Joaeitli.—At Tool lea IC. II. l'ltlllev, niniiiiger) F.lliel I lurry more, in "caplnln Jlrtk*/' find a large ami well pleased audi- etice June i"i. lltlvHTAi, iFreil Cosninii, innnngeri.--This popular house Is playing nuiUuiinlli id i-u imcltv business, Tim hill week of (l Includes : l.e Will nnd Ashmnre. Wither Spencer, Harry Fitzgerald, Wm. Moore, and Irene Allen nnd eoilipnny. Aiiiiintii: if. I'. Phllley. mnnngcr).—Ttm Lyceum Stuck Co. continue lo ill'tlw large audience altlioiigh cool weniher. prevails,