The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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468 THE NEW YORK CUPPER- The FOUNDATION of 8U0CESS in the RINK BUSINESS 1' .-" -.— alia M0I HMAWn IS AN EQUIPMENT OF THE CELEBRATED I CJ CU8HION FRAME BALL Used exclusively in all of the largest and most successful rinks in America, and by all of the mostP wnfa f^j t S&^«2i^^ l RIFICE QUAL1TV FOR CHEAPNESS. We carry a complete line of rink accessories, including median.™ h ^.^^^S^^^QW^Pm^6^v^ wardrobe tickets, lithographs, electrotypes, uniform?, floor brushes, gongs, etc. Write forjhe most complete joHerjkate^ajalogue ev« ^ ROLLER RINKS. « . ~ *. * « «~ - ^ =■■ ^ « ■ • BEARING SKATES. _ Dt skaters in the world. We hold every world's record. WE DO NOT SAC- brass bands, floor surfacing machines, maple flooring, admission, ' ctrotypes, uniform?, floor brushes, gongs, etc. Write for the most complete rairai^™""^™- - = a U ,a. ffg\ RICHARDSON BALL BEARING SKATE CO., 501 Weils St., CHIC ACQ. CHAS.LELLA;Fj| ms Rented. HAM VILLI CIIAIIGK OF 1'IIK THEATRICAL DEPARTMENT AT Tllli Parlor Shoe Store 471 6th Ave.. 2Slh St., N. Y. Stage Slippers MAIM'. TO OUUBH ISi l*£ uncus OUR SPECIALTY. tmmm NIIOKT VAMrS, Moving Picture Machines. 1'iiiiin ami song slides, P.oughl, Sold. Kcilted aud Exchanged, HUPPLIHM OP ALL K1XU8. W. E. GREENE, •4-M TUEIHQWT ST.. BOHTQ5. MASS . VITeLnt ^cl 9 OR ACCOUNT OF DISAPP0IKTHE8T, SOUBRETTE, I'd Juln on wire. Olhei'.s llml wrote huftw, wrlle igulli. HACKING STOCK UP..C'llHHCOtllB. Mo. IN ALL COLORS, ALWAYS ON HAND. MALFORMATION. WANTED AT ONCE, For Summer Stock and Regular Season, Woman lor Characters and Some He;vies, , Red Hot SPECIALTY TEAM 'hi piny purl-.] Oilier Useful Hep. People, wrlle. Muirltid people preferred. .Mii'T lirtvt- ability, ex ~d wardrobe. " „ lloii'l nilmvpn-i ill. Jnln mid open al onpe. AtlillL'la ll.OUlS DEAN, . prllc In i- lilt' Ntll«l ._ M»r.,l»KAN STUCK eo.,JuutiHhoro, Ark. LIBERTY, TRAP DRUMMER DHOTIS.'TRAPS AND BELLS. Past Iwn HOiihDUH at Trent Theatre, Trciituii, N. J< Address HAHItV CRAVES, 1 ttntu il Union,Hotel, Troy, S. Y. wanted" pott ■ ••" J. W. SHIPMAll's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co, M »" fin Tn|i«j , \» llli Mioiiu N|ii-i lul- Ivi Trombus t>, B. Mint (>.; dim, II. una O. .1. W. SIIIPMAX, Hnoftlck Fulls, N. V~14: Williams loivu, Musv, I,'.; ItendHlioio, Vt.. IT; Wilmington, vt„ In; Hnnthboru, Vt., ID . ■ , t ... ■; PM OR JOUSE NAiMS Send open nine, ullUcr Circuit ur-Stoek, Summer MiiHlRttl Ooinody, ID Hoopla (New-York, ivun., Muss.-or Conn.). Managers icnd open time Sepl., Out, .Nov. Mid lli'C. lor "Blue llouvilJr." High Oho)* MiisIciiI Comedy inn binlosiihe) hi People. Addrosa I). 8KAM0I : R, OUurolilll Hotel, X, V.aty. ROLL TICKETS. ■''.WW, your own special tickets, numbered eonsecu. lively iiml jmrfurotcd on i in' roll for tl.25- " rt Ihomiliiples. NATIONAL CARD CO;. Shiiuiokill. Mil. <. For Satin, Uncle Tom Scenery it'or icul sliuiv. Two inning Tests mid Band llnl- roruirt. MA^AiiEll 0., care of (H.IPPEH Olllcc. REPERTOIRE MAJNAGERS! Now nud iiiOcuV.ifnl BLAY8 \\ ltli prlullug. cheap royally. Dunl direct Willi million Hnvi' uiuiiuy. WALTER Ml ii 11 is. l-llll H'way,Boom ..II New York. l.. V1KWH TO A SIT. LANTURN HLIDES and SOUVENIR POST OABIIS. CLIMAX VIEW CO.. :i l .'iiluii Siinnr c , »w Y ork. WITHOUT DELAY S-nclln Your Open Time. 1 WANT HKPUTAIILK OWTUOOH AT- TnACTIONS IN ALL LINBH. . StiwHtloiiul, AerlallsU, Anlnmls. AaroLutg mid Noveltlex, HOOD JUVKIIS, SWIMMERS AM) A'.JUATIO KOVEl/l'IL'S. pnrlluulKrly HiiltHblo for wntor punloiiilmp. III!" SnniiiH.r soiisop, Adilri'i? Al.l.KN .t MARRVAT, Vaudeville A«cnlH. CI W. 28th SI., N. V. Wanted Quick, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Address MANAGER, Airdcma. Wtntield, Kas. Wanted, Carnival Co. Mgrs to Frame Up Com- ph-ii- ciinikni rm Jili or July wci'k 111 Norlou. Vh . 1'lit: utyt iowm In H, w. iu„ mid coatorn lor .0,1 i.o people, nil working, unci nollilng over dept. A sure winner. VVrllu tienl Ictiiis Imiueilliitt'ly. AI Rood nets writo. IIIiisIiiiiIkIh, Sword SwuIIomom, Suiikr cimriiii'i h, I'uin'h Man. iMitirhlntf Oiillorv. ete. SAM MlCHBNtlltK KN. Xorlnil, V fc it in or Who .1111 ii'ullv Hl.Vli HI. Souk-, eli'.. jilii.v kuiuII HHi'ls 111 Hioi-it. Also STACK DIRKCTOIt (ini'lodrumm, And piny email pain. Addrciw J. W. HKISMAN. Park Hotel. Macon, Gu. |]\^EMK U'ANTKIf • '(IK Hair .-.Hid and liuir marc. Suiind. iienM* 1111U O. K. In every way. Weight, W«i »"••; W. * .vc(™- «'rlle for Information. WW consider reasonable oitvr. Addren* J. W. OLCOTT, BOX 209, Quabic, Cinada. CDMIC OPEBA PEOPLE ALL LINES WANTED EDWIN PATTERSON, 11.1 Waul 5th Sirwt, JWIaeiw City, Mo> WANTED, Leading Han, Heavy Man, a Real Comedian and Soobrette Willi mi Al Hue III Snienic and llHllidllg Mieeial- l.les.- MiiHl'bo good, and there's NONK tw good. State age. bnlglil, weight and salary. Pay your own hotel.,Three nlghl and week up to Nov. 1, then one uiglil In elly lliuc. Itilieai'sala .lulv 1. Address i TI1K Sil'iK.I.SMITHS, Uellittii>, Mo. A FEW PLAYS stii.i. r DNHULO for some lurrllory. ..pei -hillv S..11II1 and Weil: nl-o 1 'aiuida. f ic.uu eneii. (Heat repertoire bargains. Solid for lid. UUICKBV * HCIIVLKIt, 770 South Broad St., I'hlladelplllu, Pa. WANTED, German Dialect Comedian With gotul lliirlliHii! voll-C. Aildrcis VAlJJI' IW) W n.hliiKUMi SI., Itllirnlo. X. Y. Wanted, Marionettes, Punch and Judy, Magic. I or sole or Irade, nils, blldeii, lllnek Art, Coneerl I'huiuigiapll mid Uncord:.. Camera, Automobile, Cilbtllel. J. C. A HMONH. I.ll I loion, N. II. Along the Kennebec Co. jPr-fcr one who slngd. Aildresa ('HAS. SMITH, ! Crawford. Neb., Juno 17; Hot Springs, S. n., Is; : liuptdc ty in, siurglsuo. Long season. WANTED QUICK! Pall A< IIiih I ..iioi.ini r.,l ••'iiiiiiimi SIihU. V 11 ml n v III i< Puopll> WllO |llli y |iii 1 <■.. C.101I (iooil SoiiIii rite Willi Npi-i lulllr«, I Artlal. i.AwitiiNci; nt.ssKi.i,, Llbeil.v Theatre, Ncrldou, Conn. The Very Best monologue*. lWi'uitlvH, skoteliea. ntterplcce.", ele., In MAIilSMN's HUIIOKT NO. 10. 100 pagen of gili-eiigc material. «l Pur Copy. .1AMKS NADIAON. 1 tut TiiiKii a v 1 ;\i 1... m:yv voiiii . WANTED, 1 viiisvnn; mmm WORK Must tin able to eliungo for one or lm. wick stands. 11. r. Uomeillaii. Muni lie good daneor and be ul>le to jnit 011 acts and make llieui go. In willing slutn all you <:an and wlil.lo. P. g.— Can ulso use good Colored (hutrleL nr, single per fortners plnylug their own InslriimeutHi Address lilt. 1.E0.V S MITH, iir: Teuiple lildg., St.Xonls, Mo. WANTED QUICK, Al TROIBORE; Alio: ■ DUTCH or IRISH 8. and D. COMEDIAN. Slate lowest lli'Mi leller. V011 pay \uiir own. I pay transportation. . One show 1, tint. Moiilh standH. AildlcssTIIKflKKAT VlltPII.I.AT, lianbiiry. Conn. W. I. SWAIN CO. Best Equipped aid Wealthiest Dramatic Show in America. WANTED, DRAMATIC PEOPLE Thai eati and must do 8|>eel»ltles, Miisldans. Including Piano Player, for orchestra only, iim,^ „ . can play small .parts, pr'eference. flood, sober, reliable JfjHw njl W»%™njffl i b 8 _»rv«! ^ loug as they wish sndatiiBuod salary, otliors closed wjlliout nollee. uny pari of the " S. Say. exactly what ,"»■ Will furnish transtK.rlnllo,,,, you cou do. This la 11 two car show; one of the ftBMt prlia Pullman cars In Ihe world. If you wish to pay your own, wo allow one dollar per day. KnnZ iiecommoillitloiiH, best of modern dmwlng rooms for married people- Kcfelencu: DooaUban ItSL grupliliig Co., Newport, Ky.; Nullonul Printing Co., Tribune Bnhllng, Chicago; Ackermnn ami qnMn Kansas City; American Amusement Association, Times UuUdlog, New^ Vork. The show i»do|M cap acity business. W. 1. SWAIN, Hnmllii. T * MOFlUSlcFAlirAND STA6E PEOPLE W A Xi T E> X> I'ur "Along the Kenuubec" and "Jushua Slmpklns" Co. coming season. Heavies. JavwUto, CUWaii Old Meu.Stralglil Old Men, Ingenues, Sonbrcttos. Churacler Women, Band nnd Orcheslni Leaders mm Unslcuuia of All Kinds. Prefer odors, that double lirasg. Slate If you do specialties mid what \m double. I*ug, sure hcusou. Open CHriy. Can place s^ne people al once. Addrcas- . C. It. HhM), 1370 lli.iiiiluii) . \. y. WANTED, Repertoire People MUSICIANS ALL LINES Pav vourowu. People doubling naruf, spcelnlllcs or band preferred. Summer mid Uliitci 1:113™-. luc'ut. Address KVOF.NB M. PlIKKISS. core Lyric Tlieulro, Ft. Worth. Tex. W A N T e F- O C. W. Park's Big Stock Co. BEPEBTOIBE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES One veitr's eogugeuieui. Must, lie good .iiwits, soUer and lellable. All week sluuds. siatc .^.-, height, etc.. and unreal aalary In llrsl teller. People Hint cau sland prosperll.v eau secure un"iiulluillta ciigugeineni.' This show never closer. Those who h^ve wrltteu before, write again. Address C. w. PAllK. Park's Slunk Co., Hnuilngdoii, Pa., week.luue 10; Mount. I'nloti, Pa., week Jdtte 17. MUSICIANS for B. and 0. Leader, Performers, Sister Teams, Dancers, Single Women, Novelty Acts, Chorus Girls, Agonrs. Tiro years' solid work, open J line £!. Will buv SEATS or all kinds. Slate all tlrsl loiter, CHllttk. CLIFP W. CiltANT, i'-i-.l s> ioiiiiw Htreui, t'liielniinti, 0. The G.N.Y.FILM RENTAL CO. Is the Headquarters for the Rental of Up-to-Date Films. Prompt Service. Honest Treatment. 24 UNION SQUARE, NEW VORK. »• WANTED for REP, I nder ciuivas, uoek sloinls, l.KN. Bl.'S. MAX and I SOI HltCTTIv, learn or single. Those doing a|icclal- He-, prefeitcd. Tell nil ami salary In llrsl leller. I I pay ult. RAMi H. i;ahi)INIi:u, coideu ituie Comedy Co., Cauloii, Mo., 11-17; Limn, HI., IH-IH. 11 NOW ENUAU1NO I <>lt i:ih Vlvllt nnil-K THE HIGH ROLLERS WAIVTED, linrl< sqtir People, Ciuiii'dlaus, Chiirueter Man nnd Woman,hoprnuo and Contralto Sluglug Soubretles and ('bonis tilth. Season opens In the Kasl Atlg. in, 1VU7, ■ II. t». u (kiihiih.i,, Kluuatltr, ItouiniciO,Knlekerliockei'Tlieutro lliillding, New tuck. KB. DOOLEY CO., WANT Musicians for II. and O., Imp Drummer, Character . Man and Woman wlib sperhililes, \ audoi'llle Acts, Doubling Hrnss. Address HAKHY LA ItKAXK, Mgr., Slcllaiioii, N. S.. .I11110 II. 15;, P. K. I., 17, Is: Smnmei'slde, P. K I., P.i; Ple.lou. X. S.. •.•0, Ui Westvllle, N. S., sS; Piigwaeh, X. S., -a; Oxford. N. S„ •£,. E CLEVER LEADING AND OTHER CAPABLE REPERTOIRE WM C.WILD, Hallatod.l rvn u ■ o Arranged, coiii|iut,e(l. 'IVruislow. • A. KIlrXSMAIt, 4U 10. UUl SI. WANTED BOSS CANVAS MAN. JIII.8T DK SIHIKK IllfU. KiSW, lluniliiaiuu, lAxigJslanil, X. V. First Class Cornet Player. 'Jooil iiionev 1.1 liif rigid Mud. .I0I111 Dnil. ivrlle. Park Job. Address .1. il.Mfl'i'lll'.l.l ., Allooiia, Ph. WASTED, Performers u ^i •IVi Juln iiLoiicii. Medicine People. Wire at-' VOWINC KKI.. I'etin. L()X*II0X A I0TTI.K8UOW. WAvem-amoKT PBBrORBEBB WHO DOUBLE IN BARD, Ao Olilii (Ioiik to (iooil Aiilllli'Ul'". _ "• W. Alldover, All'gy Co.. X. V. WANTED, Comedian Who Is loud Singer, Musi eliango for week and be up In acts, ir you booze, NO ! That's I lie ruaaon'lnr Ihls ad. HAKK, T HK OILMAN, Three lUveri. >Ceh._ Wanted, Mus'clans, A. F, M„ from Ohio and nurroutidliiK* Slates to Join Concert Hand. All liislriiineiits and several Solon.", Stale all, and wrlle (|iilck 10 Mtlll-. I'.'d 1^Kith Sj^., N. V. CIO, lldK*M§» URWBITTEli LAW or THAW CASE A Pllin, «• iioiv, *1 ..(H>. • •A. ill. Al II rif « O., Will lllllrrl, Pa, 1 WANTKD-Copies of CI.IPI'MII before 153:1; alsoCLIPPKll Aliiiauncp. 1 JAMKS MAII1SOM. 1101 Thlril Avciinu. Xi Y. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE. Moving Picture Maelilues, Pllins, Song Slides; Mie-i. iiiMiHtriiineni.i, Cameras, ele. Lowest prices, del our llsL JKNKINS KXCIIANdi:, 111 nisi St., Chicago. WANTFOrAI SKETCHTEAM, SIIEMTaC l, CANVAS NAN. All good Medlcluc People able 10 change for I wo weeks, write. I HILKX'I', car cofOLIPPBIl, AT LIBERTY, PIANlbT C1111 double U rial Clnvliiel In Baud. Add. ,. P. MAXSILVKItMAX.J SI Whealiin St., Provi denc e, lj;_L_ xfr aTn t k cs t\\ Around Medicine People, Quid' Wire' or wrllo Immediately, to work my Ionise ami park here. Long season for good ones. Also Piano I'lu.vcr- Xo boo/.e huninrs Mniiicd. Also I'reuks, AWrWW JACK IIOUXK Syiaouse, X. V. FOR SALE, SLOT MACHINE Somellunir entlrelv new, ANI> MOVItVU AT- TKACTIONS Otf ALL KINI>9. JANOOKK WINDOW ATTIIACTIOX CO.. ■ 1 . ■ 7 tireiil Joliea SI., K . Y. t'lli. WANTED, COMEDIAN, To join at ouce. Platform and .-licet. Others, wrlfe. 11AVK MAHLOW. lloacobel. Wis. WALTER DEVONDE STOCK CO. Al s«mil Artlit, also MiilUler, for about llireo »™iin. Would like 10 dear from Best Uriiinutli 0,1,1 Vnudovllle Pev|ile. Senaon ioiiT-k. BILLY COIIMIN. yuurlvt- (ortoo iu(e: lend uddrcas. i IIi:mi;k iiiaiimii;, (i«»i-„-», X. V. I—I I UK. W. S. 1IALISY. Allien, loy second Hand Opera Chairs, lnuat lie In good con- dition. Stale kind, color and welgtil. .1. W. STKWAHT, Wert Bloo|o n. Ala. _ ^^^ Arrmijfitfm ALSO SINliKltS COACHKl). ISTHODCCKO. TKIA1, TURNS, PUBLIC AI'I'llAltAXCKS. Apply FOB UESTBIl A (IQ., I'Jl W. '-'3d SI., N. V„ till ft P. M. TROMBONE. AT LIBERTY. KXPKRIKNCKD. Wire or wrlle quick. C. C. r'RANCIS. IHIa -d St.. Onveiipwt. Iowa. Comedian Wanted at Once, Wanted, to Join on Wire, A No. I -Ho.aliy Par- t oriiici- doing fou r or inure good acts.' Opera houaea all Summer. Salary all von are worth. Address B, I'. LA BOTT. Wlsliek, Mcintosh Co.. N. I»k. At Liberty, ALBERT J. LEE. Monologue and SlugiugUomeilluu. Clwngofor two iveoks. Piny pmis mid work' In acls. It. I'. I)„ Xo. 1, Slop Hi. west Albany. X. V„ Tu.xedo Park. SCHUMANN QUARTETTE. I Refined 20 IWIinute Sm K inK Act. : NOW HOOKINtl SU31.11EH AND PALL. A.lilioss TUB BMWPWJ- Medicine Performers al once. ■ _ Alt 'Hound Coluodlaiis. Irish, ] Dutch nudlllaek Face Song Imncer-. Hobcrlji ■ aud llalstmi, WTilo or wire. Addrcks JOS, 11, LI-.K I or It. ASTULOPK, Warren. Out., Canada. WANTED- Duleli iiudTtlack MAY HILLMAN CO. , Wuiiis \v<miiiiii Wilh 8trouae SpcciuH/ To play parts. Also Piano Phl.ier. Auswer. KRXKST aCIISAIIHL. IVhlteliull, X. '• ■ WANTED- Stnlo all you can do aud W. BU Change Airtwo ingiite. . lowest. Monuy'tmrii. W. lilmi,).';. Mantello . B erks County, l'a. miHTIHS FOI LABfll M, SEPT. I Apply OTTO H. /.IMMKIt, BdX IM, Berlin. Oaf. A Versllllc Skeleli Team. Man ■and Wife; one must plav ruin... > M and all. Also II. P.. Irfth.'S. uod D. comedian I thai cau play piano. Jugglet' aud Coulorllonlsl to double Initis aud ring*. '' ' (L BLACK, No. 1 Klngjgtree t, iliillttlo. N. Y. Wanted, Medloine Performers, no Teams. Stop' al hotels: work under canvas. Salury no object ! for Rood people. Address OR. II. W. CLIFTON, ■week of June 10, Kwlo g. Mo.; 17. NcNunvl lle, M o. LADY PARTNER! For Soeletv sketeli. Good Slocer rieterrod. Ad-I., dress "CO MKHY, ' 1 Ho te l Tremont Chi c ago. VOCAL-ISTS Coached. Introduced Trial Turns. Public Ap peafiincos ArriiugoU. Apply lOlilteaTUH * CO., ' \U West am S'rcoi. Ml v P.M. WANTED-TO Singing ami liHiielng Team. Sister Team tor COMMENCE JUNE 29, PARKS; AUTUMN TO FOLLOW, Tl-IAM TO VKATURK. "Dude'' and ''Soubndte," or luslruincntal and \on or Sh'W MULDOOX'8 PICNIC. K. LblWIS WEST, W(l Fulton St., Ihwkljli, .>• » WANT — Al PIANIST WANTED, First Class Vaudeville Acts at All Times. ALSO PIANO PLAYERS and CHORDS GIRLS JAMKS ARNOLD HOOK IIV u AUBNCV,, Society llldg., Kim'»'■■• "' •> IE IOUttHUW HOOK OP M , K*-' A . p,T 'iJj? riitiliihis mine vuliiable lulormullon lo J "» 1 -J r u ' Xovelly Healers, Klilfc Board Men. tUHl "K Yankee Notion Workera, eh:., than a»y W enlaloguo issued. MAILED fc'ltr.F- v • SINUEn BHOS.. S.'l Howmy. "» ' ^ MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR **tiS£0dB8£ i'»v*