The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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\ ■ h A June '15. CUSS a FILMS, 15 CENTS PER FOOT. MODEL KINETOSCOPE 8115.00 TECE OOTEW' YORK CLIPPER. 460 AND PR STA CUSS B FILMS, 12 CENTS PER FOOT. UNIVERSAL MODEL KINETOSCOPE S7SAO CTINO KIIMETOSCOPES. ARDS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Great Historical Production Pioneer Days In America. mmm itsklf. ADJECTIVES 11MSSARY. N0.-63I2. CODE VELLOBBIG. 1,00011. (US*. 5150.00 ' Send Tor illustrated Oascrlptlve Circular No. 311. Mm Exhibition Model Kluetoseope, improved Take-Up and rilii Magaiiaes, ' tt I 3 B.O O ' I Improved,Take-Up ail FIIei Mapxiues, :j m 3 g.o o Improved Take-Up, ■ a £ s.o o LOST IN THE ALPS i i K THRILLING STORY OF ADVENTURE KNO RESGUt EXTREMELY NOVEL IHTENSELV INTERESTING '. ' I i ,• ' >•.*•**' ' •' * ' • ' ■' ' 8YN9PSIS OF - SGMCtNKS: the shepherd's home—Children leaving cabin with father's dinner—The shepherd and his (lock—The midday meal—Chililren leaving for home—The storm—Lost in the mountains—Struggling through snow drifts-Buried in tlie snow— The frantic nwtlieir'at home—The shepherd's return—Off to the monasteBy—Dogs and searching; party to the rescue—Desperate search through the moun- tains—St. Beroaid dogs on the trail—St'Bernard dogs'' wonderful sagacity—DUcovery aiid rescue by the rtnjjrji Hnw\i at last — Tableau—The Dog Hero, "Uncle Sam," Blue Ribbon Winner, Madison Square (lardcn, New York City, 1907. No. 6324. Code VEEMEE8TER.'830ft. Class A. 8124.60. • wk.XIJ Roll ll.l.l 4 1HATKII UV.HI Itll'TlVK CATAI.OOUP..NO. •■''»• ' rilui Magailnes, Each, ■« * IO.O.O JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION INTERNATIONAL NAVAL REVIEW. Hampton Roads, Va. No. 6H3.V. Code. VF.KNAAKDB. IHIOn. Class A. t7.-i.0il SOL-D OOMPLKTK OR IN IOO F" O OT L. HE IM G» X M B '"* SCENES AND INCIDENTS, PANAMA CANAL cuss.) PANORAMA COLUMBUS POINT and ATLANTIC KNTHANCR TO CANAL. -IMft. KIM P. HUn" COI.OM riltr. IIKI-1. CM>K II nil OAVI I THKP.S, II. ft. PANORAMA RUINS OP OLU PRF.NCI1 MACIIINKHV. Ililii. "MAKINU TIIK OIHT Kl.V." 3Min. PANORAMA OP CULEBHA CUT. 13nYI. I), s. SANITARY sitCAO PIIMIGATING A IIOI'MK. lO.lfl. MACIIKTK MRN CLEARING A JUNGLE. iiOOft.. OLD MARKKT PLACK, PANAMA. 140ft, JAMAICA NKGRORM "OOINU" A TWO STEP. 100ft. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 321. •'■ lea* Cor Lateat Catalog* aaoMllaatrated Olroolara. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., . i MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. Chicago Office, U04 Wabaali Avfajne, New York Office, 31 Unlou Square. Cabl* Address, Zymotic, New York. tt Another Dp - To -Tiro- Minute Edison Conieily Hit A Laughable Satire on the Popular Craze. A SURE MONEY GETTER. A ONE BEST BET Beautifully Bono • Tinted. Photo- graphically Perfect. 935(1. CLASS k, $140.25 No. 6313. CODE, VEEIM0NDI6. y Send for HlMSlram Pts crlptltC Cir cular No. 317. Edison Ciniullloi] Model Klntloaeopo, . , improved Take-Up and PI Ib Magailnes, . 41 1.3 ».Q O Improved Take-Up and •, Film Magailaei, B> 3 B.O O ' Improved Take-Up, a i g.o o. I'llio logoilnea, Each, a ■ o.o o • Oh PICK iroarJNITUD KINODOM SELLING AGENTS: illOOltOB HKI 25 07,1311 KKN WELL ROAD, LONDON, B C, KNOI-ANII TIIK KINK'IOOJtAI'II CO., - ' ,1 B. Slat St., New York. ItACIfial.Ul'l, 1107 Fillmore Ht„ Man Fnnrtico, Oil, JOCK, 6B0H54 drove at., Hsu Frauolaco, CbI. DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL WANTED. GOOD ATTRACTIONS FOR THE NEW TEMPLE THEATRE ALPDIA, HOB. W. B. ROBERSON, MGR. . I The hest Summer reperlolre imvn.ln llie Stale. The Temple Theatre Knew-, on DMgroundfloor; -tagc, n.x.'iiri.; capacity, l.toti;. '2,000 Muecaliees laiostlng for your show all the time. Alpena,hits apoplailnu of lo.ono, sl'iuntell on the II. mill N. It. II., which connects for Hie North ut Chebnyguu. Address all communication* tor lime mill terms to ' . . .• .., W. J. DAUNT, Booking Agout, Manager Washington Theatre, Buy City, Mleh: WANTED AT ONCE, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE ■"'.■■."•* i : hr\ IN ALL LINES Heavy Man, Character Woman and Comedian. A1 .specialty People who run play pacts: al*i> Piano Pluyer, Miin>wllltJ<lctiire Machine and Films. Week 'standa-vOne show ul nltfhl. salary siiro.jnuke It reasonable.' Must Join on wire, . Address THOS, JEAVONS, Lai robe, Pa. 7 _ „_^ Qujjcic; for: WIEDEMANN'S BIG KIT CARSON CO. Experienced Uancl L<-mt«r with un to.dale repertoire of music. Al Chairaet'er Come- dian that floe* siieelaltle* and doubles band. Want Rough Rider, BroMcn Buvter anil Rope frplnner for l<r.«. Attraction. AUo waat UoOd Ajaent capable or hxn.llliip, '^hl people, w. VftEDB lu.rru, »Iiimv. LiiiiK. riiKuKruiriil to the rlu .'«■ nevar rlo.e. 1BMANN. AI»mo»a. Colorado. ■ AT ; LI BERTY AFTER JU NE 15; 'ra-iik' B r o a d b &> ri t PIANIST, ARRANGE '. AddrcMO, CARB OP OSMAN, STOCK CO., MORRI8TO!*N, TBNN. . (UNDER CANVAS) '•.'.. ' Nuidelatfa tor Pali Hand and Orchestra. Band Leader to'fornlsli good Ulirary of Mn,sl,c. Please Mine whailnfiriimenw you play und very Idwesl salary. Pay yoiir own. Board. Uthg e^iended iteasoii. MustJAld'atonce, AddFes» ,; ' , CHASB jfc HBTBR, Newlon.lowa. WANTED, FOR HIGHTOWERS BIG VAUDEVILLE SHOW The Onest'tented'tliektre in 'Texas o'he' Plnno Player, read and fuke; one <;oort Illustrated Hong Singer, two Ooort Sketch Teams. Novell? People. Season's work. Four 10 eight week Mand*.' All I'll! towns. Wrlteorwlre. Dit. WM. lll|iHTO\VKR, Hurs hal, Texas, for eight weeks., Wanted, ELECTRICIAN, Cloud In. Tv - .Kllewl Srloptlroa or Spot Lamp*,' Rising Moon and. Moving Cloi fleet a ^.Power's Moving, Plctarr JIaehlne. 8. W. M. ( care of CLIPPER Also- Tv Er " OMK ATttST MOVING PICTURES ON EARTH," (1AHUKM*, FAfi»S, CONCERT RAbLgv KaltroM Colllson; sown engines smashed to pieces, Brighton Beach, July 4; Show coat fll.ouo to produce: KfiOO races lu pietures. • Plenty comedy, !000 feet or less. Photos, press notices, vest on earth aisbeet poalers free. A mint (or mau traveling. A show In Itself. , ••.'.•. Apply A. MIMMKUVUJ.K, M West ljith St., X. V. "IF YOU WOULD ONLY MARRY ME' A C'yclonie lilt /or Pemale!i.. Just a stamp. .Prof, eoplen and orch. now rea,dy. KKNNBDV'MUHIC PUB. CO., v.i OrMrborn Sirret, Chicago. talk BENNETT-MOULTON COS. ■ "omicT" P^■:■ ■' 4 ■' y&t A NT TT STORY OF TNE VIOLET R9pe|1o j r9 p 60p|f ,„ y , ]m TWO GREAT SONGS, (SENTIMENTAL). Catchy,melodious ami full or Herri Highly IB* ■ iiiiiueudrd. Copy of each I'KKt: on icceipi of late program. WM. A. PONll .v CO., ^, . un Plfth Ave., Now York. WANTED, At El Ptso, Tbxm. CRAWFORD & RICH. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNEOAN & CO.. fjfttctnnat|t ■ARkTvOU TOO THINt" A8PA WEIODT PROD0CEB Capsules), Tlie a teat Kiiropeaii DhMvcry, Increases your weight-ulioilt A to lo pounds monthly. The only flesh proiiucer endorsed hy the highest medical authorities. Unrjvalled for nervousness, atisemla and .wasting ■disease*. • «reKiHsl tonic known; Hounds out the figure and gives strength to the whole system, Price,' $'i. Interesting booklet free. ASPA CIIHM. Ct)„ r - 12W> Broadway, Dcpl. 0, New York. •'Tell It To Me ,f kehdaxxv sd new - jdst our. ■ M tat* on all train* and n*wa ttatida, or by BMlLiie. Addrea* KX1XA K.EN1IALL, laadwtu Are.. MayOeld HelghM. oiareland, O. Adil.rkH M0DLT0N,THOMPSON & MOULTON (Inc.) 30 Court St., Boston, Xlaee. NEW SONGS! NEW SONGS! FREE Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs. NOW iieaiiv -"i-ii t.e iviiiimg in tin. BtiB.iow of tiio pines," ••Where's My Paiia, afiimu, Hear!-'' ■•I Will i.ove You iii the Winter as I l|n In the rtiiiiimeriliiio," ".lesns, I Want Thee In My Heart:" "A Prisoner In Ills Lonely Cell." "Hose Hud," "Pleaan save My Mama,"' "Hear Jim," "Nancy (luPs letter rrom Mollter," '•llltie Kyed Hoi*y,",„"Tne Warmest Part In My Henri." "I Am Walling, Sweetheart;" ■•The Hummock lu the simile," "A llrnken Promise," ••What the Maiden Suld,' 1 "Llille Wild Flower In Itluc," "The Answer," "Pins," "(live Me fhe While Hose Y.ili'rn Wearing," "Sweel- heart, I Think of Thee," "The StnokliiK Matt,'' "No KturimlSlee i," "My Old New Kngland suei-lhearl," '•I'll Uu Ynnr Warrior Ikild." >., , MKLVILLE HR I'liL (»., 55 West 28th St.. New York'. Educated Pigs, Sheep $ Goats 'die hendiinci or Its kind on the road. Have offer* of all kinds online lu vaudeville.' This la a >liap tor some live idle. IteftKonjfor sclltng.have no one to lake ihn ait on the' road ami must xpewl my lime w nti my troupes of acting monk and dogs. Address t;mv. M|JSI,INK)t, Jaekwni, .Michigan. i —in 1 ■■ , i i S Baepssasa ' i i ,n,.,i. ,','n. i .m. i i.'i Do YouWAOT MILITARY GOODS? ■AND UN1PORMS, AKUY or NAVY BDIT8. TKNT8, OUN8 and EtlDIFUBNT OP KVKKT UKaCRIPTION. Prom Oorornmcnt AncUon. No matter what yon want in that lino l can •apply it. New or ucond band. Bend for ostalogne, B. £ ABRADAMS, xB BOOIU BL, Philadelphia, Pa. BAD SEASON IS OVER. lilac k 'ivnts, ii;.x:uiii>to-Jlx''Ji. used. White Tents, about all sixes; 1'oliling Chairs, folding {tenches, Poldlng Organs, Folding Torches, Spring Motor I'lalio, Klccinc Piano mill llatijo. Nickelodeon l.'hHlrs, Kldit Light-, Mammoth Torches. SPNI) I lilt PHKK IIAIKMIN HOUKI.KT. II. II. AKMHRUSTKIE, Sprlngllcld, Illinois. FUTURES ea.oo THOUSAND. I tivl-liilePnrtiiiiesei.H.l iter IOO. Printed Port tine* 7 Tic. per lOOO. Calilnec Photos of yourself for sell- ing purposes, M.r.o per IOO or $lo per 1000. Seud negative or plinlo lo copy. ScntLfor Sample*. Pre,. WENUT, Photo., HooDlou, N. J. New Era Floating Palace .v- GOOD VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS; ALSO MUSICIANS FOR B. AND O. Lung seti»on-lu weeks. ,v : ddres» W. P. MrNAIR, Mgr., Gpii. 0«l., Cincinnati, Ohio. HENDERSON'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE i H It. IIKNDRRSON, Prop, anil Mgr. < HAH. II. DOUTHKK, A..I. Mgr. MOVED TO 02 LA SALLE ST., SUITE 29, CHICAGO. Representing 1'lr-t ClifwrMnnngersof Kavernaud Western VaudevilleTlienlres, t'omliliiiitl'itis, Item- and Aiiisih nf Recognl'/.ed Alilllly. Illgli Class Vanrlevtlli; Performers, lleadllncr-, Nocelilc, |l|g ,i,-h, und everything lu OPEN AIR ATTRACTIONS, furnished rot Thetilms, Parks, Pleasure Iteii.fis mid Street Pairs. f WANTED B1 B reatura Acts AT ALL TIMES. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATIONS A SPECIALTY Ising nistauce 'I'lioiie, -ISM-MalH. .1., 1, ^ .- Chris Bruno and Mable Russell lu THE INHlfRANOB AOBNT. Booked wild, commencing Sept. % nl United Hooking Ofllce*. Address, for summer, - mlnlo para, n. J.