The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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474 THE NEW YOEK OLIPPEB. JUNi; ]5 a SLIDES MOW REMIT AL. SIMPSON THE PEEBLESS SLIDE HAKEB, HEABD THIS WOHDEBFUL SONG, aid, BECoemzme the possi- bilities or its sensational SGEIES, HAS BADE THE SLIDES. BRONCHO BUSTER " SLIMS ORDER KOW > OREATE8T WESTERN COWBOY SOIMO EVER ILLUSTRATED. AL SIMPSONS SUPERB] SLIDES, &£ OA PER SET. $Di£U Worth 8IO.0O. ROUNDS OF APPLAUSE GREET EVERY SLIDE SOON AS SHOWN. Anything You Get For Nothing ) '< WftVB 4% Is Worth Nothing. ORDER DIRECT. ( Bnlf AL SIMPSON, 257 West 11 llh Si,, New York City, p-r so* - $6.20 - per so* Sea-; :. ■ ..: ;■ -■, iggja . ■ . NONE FREE!! A SET Or THESE SLIDES 18 LIKE MONEY IN THE BANK FOR ART ILLDSTBATED 8IR0EB. I GET THEM. » Professional Copies and Orch«tira1lo.i to be had from "SHAPIRO," B'WAY and 30th ST.,!». V Films For Rent or For Sale GOOD 8ERVICE WITH MODERATE PRIGE. A Few Special Bargains in Films l mi m E. 23 ST. U Feet Price 811 Escaped from the Cage... $10.00 070 The Masquerade™ 18.00 877 Mra. Browne's Dad Luck.. 12.00 480 All Aboard 1C.00 410 A Tlpater Taken for • Fool 12.00 720 Love Title 22.00 220 A Glutton Taken for a Thief 7.00 UOO Oh, That Umnurger 20.00 844 A Tenant's ltcvcnge 10.00 088 No Wedding Hells for Him 17.00 844 Two Bravo Children 11.00 000 The Acrobatic Burglar*... 20.00 230 Humorous l'liaacs of Funny Faces 7.00 640 The One Hundred to One Shot 20.00 828 The Troublesome Flea.... 11.00 041 81 Jone. Looking for John Smith 18,00 877 A Free Pass 12.00 B07 The Magic Flute 18.00 844 A Miniature Theatre 11.00 074 The Paris Student 10.00 844 A Broken Idol 12.00 1000 Kathleen Mavourneen G0.00 407 A Daring Holdup In South California 14.00 803 Two Mischievous Boy..... 12.00 000 Fun After the Wedding.. 20.00 262 Qllelott'a Hotel 0.00 700 Nurse Wanted 20.00 181 Bobb; and Hia Family (Partly Colored) 7.00 lie Little •■ 202 The tie New Brother. 0.00 Peet Price 1000 The Bank Defaulters 40.00 1020 The Life and Passion of Christ 05.00 1000 Hubert Mucnlrc and llnr- tram .30.00 400 The Flat Dwellers 14.00 800 ltecdam Arpalragcs O.OO 100 Push Ball Content 3.00 1OU0 The Chimney Bweep 30.00 OHI Mr. Butt In 20.00 200 An Improvised Suit 8.00 041 The Starveling. 16.00 300 Unexpected Wedding 10.00 00O The Invisible Man 20.00 300 Inauguration 6.00 000 Itescued by Carlow 15.00 410 The Clown's Adventure... 12.00 000 Nobody Works Like Father 20.00 00 Going to Work 2.00 70 Target Practice 2.00 BO The Foundry 1.00 524 Childish Match 16.00 377 Bull Flgbt 11.00 475 Kxhcmcral Wealth 16.00 400 The Detective 14.00 007 The Holiday 17.00 344 Three Ha Parts of Leks.. 11.00 041 The Election 17.00 377 A Follower of Women 12.00 403 The Night of the Party.. 16.00 480 Sktdoo Bros 16.00 008 The Paymaster 20.00 220 Robbers Robbed 7.60 006 The Subpoena Server 18.00 Faoifio Coast ^.^^w,^^. W w., OWNING AND OPERATING FIRST GLASS VAUDEVILLE THEATRES FROM COAST TO COAST. ALWAYS IN DEMAND, F,,l8T ^Z^l&lo'Wl WH0 CAN BOLB BOOKING AGENTS: FREEMAN BERNSTEIN, 18M Broadway, N. Y.: PAUL GOUDRON, 208 American Bank Building, Seattle, Waal).; UIIIUS. 0. BROWN, 87 S. Clark St., Chicago; ARCHIE LEVY, 1907 Golden Gate Aye., Ban Franolsoo, Oal. WAITED, FOR THE HENDERSON STOCK CO. SOUBRETTE, AND WOMAN FOR GEN. BUS. Both mu.t do Specialties. Other useful Hepcrtolro reoplc write. Long Season, Summer and next Winter. We never clone. Salaries must be low tor Summer as they are absolutely certain. Com- pany ten years old, never has closed or missed it salary day. Write or wire RIUMAKD HENDERSON, Care of Henderson Stock Co., Vinton, Iowa. Wi An Constantly Originating New Designs and Making New Plates ot Our Soubrette Dresses and Ankle Length Gowns MADE TO ORDER FROM 820.00 UPWARDS. Band colored plate*, with complete description and Hit measurement card, sent on requeat Kindly state style and color preferred. WOLFF, FORDING fc CO., Thaitrlcal Outfitter*, 61-65 Eliot St., Boston, Mm. PLAYS For Stock Companies, (or Repertoire Companies, for Amateur LARGEST AB80RTMENT IN TBB WORLD. Book* tor home amusement, Negro Play*, Paper, Scenery, Mr*. Jarley a Wai Work*. Catalogue Pre* I Pre* I Free I ■AMVBL FRBKOH. IT W. Wi It., Haw York. GRAM) OFHHW, fcfirVSU ****** ATLANTIC GARDEN, JUNE 17, Missouri Ave. and Boardwalk, ATLANTIC CITY, M. J., ip/n SID PHRN, I I WANTED all kinds of Vaudevlne Acts Sole Mgr. | | at all times.. Address all to SIB KERN. A D V A :N;< " "1 ■& will find it v leave their orders; either Theatrical .Half-to or electrotypes of every kind, Proofs :'incl prices innlK The Standard i Stvttth Hi'tnut itl jt)th tng Co. THE MORE YOU EAT, THE MORE YOU WANT A popular 6c. package Sold by concession- lata everywhere. A Winner and Repeater. The Biggest Popcorn Seller in the World In Sealed "Triple Proof" Packages. Keeps the contents In perfect condition. We carry a full line of Package Confections suit- able for amnsement trade. Prloes and samples furnished ooncesstonlsts who will name the con- cession they control. RUCOKHEIM BROS. A I0K8TEIN, CRACKER JACK AND CANDY MAKERS, H*T 8. Peoria Street, Chicag o, V. S. A. Gems of Art A book containing 24 of the most entrancing Photyue Pictures ever shown In one publication. All from famous paintings. Worth ten times what wo ask for It. Size of book Is ex 9 Inches. The Artist's Dream Realized. Sent postpaid, together with 60 lifelike miniatures of other beautiful art pictures, for only 26c, coin, stamps or money order. Bend at once today to WILL J. WELSH, * Ucpt. I, Mt. Vernon, 0. UNIFORMS OF ALL ns. SAVE MONET BY WRITIHQ TO W. STOKES KIRK, 1817 I. lOtt IL, PWUdelphU, Pa. BALLOONS, Gas "and Hot Air, Parachutes. Open lime for a limited number of (las Balloon Ascensions, hydrogen or coal gas. 60 Foot Air Ship, Bag and Net for sale, cheap. - - GODAM) BALLOON CO., 910 SheOleld Ave., Chicago, HI. 6th Ave. and 20th St., New York. THEATRICAL SHOES. SATIN and LEATHER STAGE SANDALS Theatrical Catalogue Mailed Free Upon United State. Tent and Awning Co Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, ill! CIRCUS CANVASES.. BLACK TENTS Oar Specially. SIDE) SHOW PAINTIN1IS. KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CAJWASSQ 5DNGB00K5 size m/j/m pep/ooopMooper/ooo 5IZE8:WdW0/dddRti;OOPfl}IOOO ■■SAMPLES' WMBWK5 : 5Em'COD A, LONDONrPUB.,CO. - <y/$'W/L'LOW.SlP/il£A;PA. . Can Fit Out Com- panies without Any Delay. K.tlmatr. Kurnl.licd. The Beat Public Music Send for our New Big Catalog of Mechanic al Pianos Circus. jr^K Organs f Military Band Organs Orchestrions Nickel-in-the-Slot | Majestic Piano j.Pianettes.&c •^J or JL en ^ S 5 OW8 ' sldo Shows. Arcadea. Nickel Theatres, Cafes, Roller Skating; Rinks and all Amassment Places. Send for catalog;. It'* lull of Information, and our prlcea are the lowest In America on Musical Instrumenta of hlffa trad* and nnquetlioned durability. LYON & HEALY, Chicago i larawl Mule Eo... is ti. Wwll IM Large Stock 80ft. and Under • New and Second Hand. Write TUB CHARLES 1'. 8IEUEH TENT AND AWNING CO., Successors to the T. W. Noble Co,, Test DepL, Detroit Bag and Mfg. Co.. Iletrolt. Hlih I.A MILLER. MANUFACTURER ^^a* of Theatrical A .^SMBfJk HooIh A Shoei ^H»P.,'^/ ; ~"'--'-' y BALLET I^^^B nSgSc JmW BHOES a W m mWm ^*TBW cistty. ah »oii W Uv gBA ut ^*mCk?^F **^ notice. HM W. ana St., New York. Tel, loo OM**. FOR BALI? LargcBt and Oldest In New England State* Write CURTIS AND WELD, 34 Hayward PI.. Boston, M»ai, Flu Magical Appaniii. ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, BO. Grand Knd of Century, foUj ttlnatwted. BOOK CATA- LOGUH, Mo., tree bjr *gj Catalogue of Parlor trlcKs tree MARTINKA A 00., Mfrt., 493 Bilth AT.., N- «• BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS Wo hare made the cure of Blood Poisnn » specialty. Blood Poison PennanenUy curea. Yon can be treated at home under s.irae guaranty. Capital 3600,000. We solicit lio most obstinate oases. If yon have ex- hausted tho old methods of treatment sua Ball havoaohes and pains, Muous Patch' *m Month, BoreThroat, Pimples. Copper-Cokoa Spot*, Ctoors on any part of the body, >i"r or Eyebrow* falling ont, write for pro:'" onres. loo-pago Book free. COOK REMEDY CO D «lu Mutate lmill»Jto)eu& B -> (j '" *"