The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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814 THE HEW YOR¥ OilTP^SBr- NOW YORK CITY. Kelt* A Proctor's I nlon ftqaare Theatre (B. It". Albee. general manugcrl.-— "Standing roooi only" -was ill that could lie had by ihi' late coiners here Monday after- noon. Sept. I), Gertrude Hoffman, wltb Her. Imitations .of F.ddlo Fay. Anna Held. ' George M. Cohan and Vtsla Victoria, scored un Immenvi' bit, being compelled to repent before satisfying the lilg audience, lioiiiiy Ntyrtb, Hebrew comedian, was also n big fnv 1 scored innnr laugns. while Hirii.... their second and t/iHt week'lien' mill orlie, and scored inn in ufld . M, . tt|elr second went bit In iheir..acrobatic feats. jDrherx coming in for tlielr full stare of applause wore: The Kliubiiiizul Troupe of Know Wuterbury Hioihorx and Tenney. In n comedy musical act; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, In their clever offering,. "The Coal Strike r.-tbe Cnrbrey Brothers, expert dancers; Donald apd Carson,Ml) a sluglng crfnicd.v, "Alex. Mc- - DoroAh,y K Spcrry a Lean's Dream f with the Banjo it: Trials of Hllfy Butl ithjy K'ntori, "The Oirl and Itav. In "The t.'oulln and Steele, ringing, duuclug .nud musical cDterlnlnev*: Violet Vllllcrs /and Hon* Lee, "The Lively Girlies." and the Znrroll Brothers, physics)! culture marvels. The molloh pictures cloned the. performance. Ilnckoit Theatre (Jax. K. Iluckett. man- alter).—lienry II. Harris appears to hare an- other winner. Ills production of Martha Mortou-Conholm's new four act play. "The Movers," ■• . wax ■ given Ita -Ural New \urk presentation pb Tuesday evening. Sept. •:, proved Nuinetlilng solid and worth think- lug about, and aerved the double purpoac of n. sermon and un entertainment—which la more than llic general run of play* are credited wllh. This play, which wan orig- inally given in the Lyceum Theatre, Scran- ion. Pa.,.on Aug,, .10, la .quite a big under- taking for a woman, because it nlnjx at the rutteniieaa.'uf toesocial, set who strive with feverish Itnpntlence to climb and cling to the top round* of the ladder when they nave no business to lie there. The madness of Ibe Wall Street game aud the desires of.the women to escape rootherlmod arc adjuncts of tbc story, and to the autbor'a credit It IMiat bo said Dial she litis succeeded ' In putting Ibe gripping tendencies In her linen and situations, even, If she haa al- lowed a few flmvK to crop In here and there. One cannot expect perfection, and there are portion* of thla play that .fall below .the mirk, but Ha general scope la big' and wide nnd convincing, and the lemon that It leaches Ik well worth learning, both by. those Who hit In the so-called "nodal M-t," and thoHii who uinj be In It Home day. either by accident or design. There la a nat- uralness about Ita situations and lta char- acters, and there ,1k cleverness In 11k dialogue. It; .aermed to lunch the right, sort of chord on the opening night, and beneath the friend- liness of the "lli'Mt performance" spplaunc there was h alnceiity of approbation that could nut be mistaken. At the opening of ita'alary It appears thut the Manncnt, Child- lelgTi and .Marlon, are keening their heada nbovo -water only by almost superhuman ex- ertion : Marlon, through the teachings of her family, being a high flier of the llrni calibre. Shi! puts, no restraint upon her desires for "appearances," and, as a result, the Child- lelgli Manners have moved Into h palace that they find Impossible to keep up. Result; the crash, the tiuclluiilng off of all their beau- tiful possessions, ami the suicide of Cjiud- lelgh. Marlon, overcome by the calamity, la cent to a Hiinttiirliiui by John Stirling, a former admirer, hut now her fiiinlly physician. Later nil Mnrlnn's sister, I'hllllplna, marries, and Ik leading her husband, Harold Hay. the same ilimce that Marlon led Chudlelgh, In the same house Marlon returns to her people, thin thne uk a nurse, anil preaches against the extravagances Unit now threaten to wreck riiilllplun. At first her pleadings fall on deaf curs, mid chuuilierlnln, un auctioneer, who has risen hi the world until now.he calls himself, an "art collector," lolls Marlon that ha, own* the whole family, and demands, that she marry him In order that the Kays may avert the threatened disaster, nut .Marlon, now completely changed from a butterfly to a tender, considerate woman, refuses Cham- berlain, prevails upon her people to return to lha nullities nf life, anil the simplicities of eilsteticc, and accepts the. love of the family doctor. John Stirling, who tins point- ed out to her tin' right way of things. Dorothy Donnelly, as Marlon, the frivolous and hysterical "mover." who later becomes the KciiHlhle and lovable woman, did work that was nothing abort of brilliant. Her lin- ing when the llliusy structure of falan hopes comes ennobling down : about her, and Chud- lelgh, the weak fool, haa blown out Ida lirulna, won » fine piece of telling emo- tional work, given without rant and with remarkable naturalness. MIkh Donnelly lias advanced ultiee the day* of her stock suc- cesses, at the Murray II111, uud from a good actress of tln'me dttvs she lms become an ex- i-ecdlnslv Hue aqtresw nf to-day. Vincent Serinno didn't have much of n chnrnctcr. and II waa hard to arouse Interest In flic part, hut ho did credltnblo work, never- thtleaa. and'earnedtho np|iliniso he received, In company lyllh Miss Donnelly, In the sec- ond »CI. \V. J. Ferpisoii. us a light brained father, who never leta adversity Jar him, gor a number of laugh*, doing Just the kind of eomedy work that he haa won fame In dur- ing, past year*. Joseph Kllguur was very nood aa cliiiiiilterluln, who thlnkx that love aup all Ihluga hnvo a money vulue, and Itob- ert, Comic** al«n won wall deserved favor for the manner In which he played the family doctor, .Nellie Thome, us the frivolous sis- ter, IMitllllilna, played the part as It should have been played, and Malcolm' Duncan. I£d- wnnl See and Ida Wiucriunn also scored sue- cchsi'h. The cast: Chudlelgh Manners. Vln- eeut Tsiiniino ; lluruhl Hay, Malcolm. Duncan : Mnjclon Manucra, Dorothy Donnelly; Marie, Dealree Lunard ; The ltev. LMer Splcer. Kd- ward See:. Mr*. Archibald Leigh, Ida Water- map: Thimphu Leigh, Nellie Thorpe; Archi- bald Leigh, W. .1. I'cigiison ; Johu .Stilting, Itopert Coiiness: J. Itnndnlph Chamberlain, JoJi'ph Kllgoiir: Mr. Uordou, Stanhope Whcatcroft; Miss lllgglna, Mary l.ealle Cu- hill', Mr. i-iniy. Abner.ll. Symmons: Mrs. Fllneh. Mvra jtrookx,: James, Lawrence Kd- dlnger. - New Tisrk Thvatrc iKIuw «t MrliuiKor, iniiiiajjerH).—'1'wo American dehuts oceurreu ul Jhlt) liuiisc on Sept. U. apd In both hi- sllinces'solid aiit'resnes W-ere the result. Clnlrc Itomulnc iiuide her first Atnerlcan. nppeiir- auee, and hk an Interpreter of "tMiy'a" xoiikx. proved of xurh niiiisiial cleve.nie».s that the audience, which Included runny hardened vaudeville "flrnt nlghters." ucclatmcit her ux n wortder. She Is Rifled with personal charms, and sings her songs with a dis- tinctive effect Iveneas. tins film, her co- iiert'conier, also dashed under the wire n win- ner "by a block." He seemed to capture his audience right at the start, und he certainly won his honors fairly, for he Is an artist hi ihe Interpretation ut coster songs. He uors his numbers graphically, mid brines every line home with U'lllng force. The other nov- elty of the'bill wns the act of moving pictures depleting the winning of the Kngllah Derhv by prby. Thin was u lilg rent lire of the bill. Others iippeurlng were: Oruce llu/.nrd. a real entertainer: Ollle Young and his three broth- arx, the Itltchlc-llearn Uilidou I'll tit mill me Co., In 'The Loudon 1'lre llrlgtide :" .lames .1. Morton. M. l>es Heches mid Mile, lllanea and tlielr dogs', Lu fisnicrnldn. and the Alex- ondroff Troupe. Third Avenue Theatre t Wnierson, Law and Morrla, managers). — Vaudeville and moving picture exhibitions at popular prices continue to dud. favor here. Yorkvllle Th^atr* (llnrllg * Seninini, InniiiiBor I.— Tin' nitructloii Ihlx week Ix Win. It. Turuor, In "Ills Terrible Secret : »r. Hie Man Moakoy ' fimplrr Theatrv. iChns. Trohiiian. man- tger).—John Dr«v tH'gan, Sept. It, hi* second !efK, In "My Wife." .Keith * Proctor'n Fifth V venue Theatre (E. V. Albec, geDernl manager),— i:dward t'eulcV. "The Lovo Itoute" la revived thla week by Kdnn Mir Spooner and the Fifth Avenue Player*, and on Monday, Sept. '», a remarakMy smooth and pleating per- formance of this play was given. Mlas Spooner made a charming heroine, and also won honors for her stage management. Au- gustus Phillips played the young engineer cleverly, and there woa .some excellent work dune by Harold Kennedy, Arthur Kvers, IM win II. Curtis, fienj. I*. Wilson. Jeaaie Mc- Allister aud the. other* of Oie company. Illennor Wisdom was wnrmly welcomed for her Hinging. Others In the company were ; W. L. west. Walter D. N'ealana. Lawrence Wakefield, Harold Clalremont, Arthur lira- ham and Itrlna t!arll«ie. Hattlaosi Square Theatre (Walter X. Lawrence,. manager).—Mr. Lawrence's llrxi new production of the season was made at thla house evening of Wednesday, Sent. 1, when a three act farce, by (lihcc Livingston Kumiss, entitled "The Man on the Case." was given- lis tirjt presentation on any stage. Tho play Is decidedly frothy entertainment, with no marked Ingenuity shown In Its con- ception or treatment, but the complications resulting from the old theme of mistaken Identity hold the Interest well, and after a rather dull flixt art Is over, the piece moves briskly and Hiicccssfiilly forward. The sec- ond act. tbc best of the Ihrce, la unite funny, and although the last act Ix full of digres- sions, It has a great deal that Is worth while In It, and ends with a rainstorm I hat Is I he real article, both literally and dgurntlve- ly. Miss Kumiss hue not drawn her char- acters well, but she has given them some good lines, and the situations are generally amus- ing. Summed up, the little play, billed as a "rollicking comedy," Is quite entertaining. It tells of how Cnrroll Dempsey, Introduced Into the home of the Longacrea. falls In love with Nell, the daughter, on first sight, and determines to win her on his merits, If, he can. for It teems that he Is suf- fering wllh the burden of |:jo,0«O,(HHi, and fears that all women will look first at his. bank role, and then at him. Just nt the time of his arrival the Longacrea are expecting a. detective named Betterton, who Is going to attempt the ferreting out of a Jewel robbery that Mrs. Longucrc has hist reporled. Carroll consequently determines In pose as Uetterton, and gets the detective to pretend that he Ik the young millionaire. Carroll wins Nell's love on his own merits as n man, for she iells him that all of the money that the makc-bcllove Carroll Deinp- xey possesses, could not mukc her love him. Jameson Ise Kinney pluycd the young mil- lionaire wllh decided cleverness. Mr. Finney is an actor of versatility, as his years of work on I he New York stage has proven, but he scums most at- home in comedy roles. He was thoroughly nt his eaaa In the part of Carroll Dempsey, aud made that . worthy scion of a house overburdened with' wealth a likeable, manly chap. Charles Lamb, as the slangy detective, gat plcntv of laughs by bis excellent delivery of the funny lures allotted him, and Elsie Leslie, as Nell Dongttcre, looked charming and did as well as her poorly drawn charac- ter would permit. Wm. Herbert, as Carroll's uncle, u bluff, big hearted fellow, made a great deal of the rharucter. which was a small utie. Mr. Herbert scored one. of the biggest bits of the evening. Murv Hump- ton, as Mrs. Longnrrr, had no chance to show the sterling acting qualities for which she has won fume. Fred Vy. Peters did some commendable work as a chauffeur, and (."hea- ler \V\ Iteoornft. ax Hunter, a hutjnr. was more natural in the part than uny actor who has played a similar role here In n long time. The cast: Carroll Dempsey. Jameson Lee Finney: James Betterton. Cbas. Lamb: Courtney Longacre, Nell Moron : Victor Ixmg- aere, Itobt. Tesscinan; Watklns, Fred W. Peters: Hunter. Chester W. Beecroft ;•, An- drew Dempsey, Wm. Herbert: Mrs. Longacre. Mary Hampton: Nell Longacre, Elsie Leslie; Mrs, Blcknell, Jeannette Kcrrall: Kitty Ulck- nell. Josephine Brown ; Mrs. Betterton, Jean- nette Fcrrall.. Fourteenth Street Theatre (J. W. Ito- seniiuest, manugcr).—'"Tho . IJttle Organ llrlnder. wllh Marlon Uiillou In the lead- ing role, wax presented for the llrst time In New York on Monday afternoon. Sept. °. Its Initial presentation having occurred ui. Hurling tun, VT-. en Aug. 1.'. nod It wax re- ceived by. a comfortably Oiled house nt. both matinee und evening pcrtorniuncex. Monthly, it is n musical drama, In four acts, -by Hal Seed, and holds within It the plot of Ferris Ityiidon to deprive Clarice, the adopted daughter of Oscar Lyndon..of u large fortune loft her by the death uf her parents. Many schemes are worked up by Lyndon with his associates. I .tin Madderu, Dan and Pascal, to secure the "apcrs for the, fortune, and each give Jack Melbourne, Clarice's lover, a like number of opportunities to foil same, lie naturally wins out. und makes Clarice his wife, while Dan and Pascal betray Lyndon, and he Is sent to Jail for the murder of Clarice's father. Included In Hie cast arc: Ifcleu Dclmicy. Mabel tireer, 1. Milan Walker. Dorothy Wcbsler and Harriet Trainer, who make up a charming chorus, and possess most, pleasing voices. Numbers led by Miss Ballon,. Anna Lchr and James ltyrne. were repeatedly encored, while one. "Hlondy." In which those girls do un Hast sldo "spiel," went very big. Oood work was also done by (leorge Pauncefort. Kdwlu McKIm and Alinn Chester. The cast: Jack Melbourne. Oco. Pauncefort; Ferrbj Lyndon, 10dwin Mc- KIm: Dickie llruwuc. James .1. Byrne: Osear Lyndon, Oco. Mwlck: Pascal Mazettl. Joe Milton: Dan Donnelly. Coo. 11. Mckclis; Sato-nun ttlar.lnsky, iJco. Byron ; Lola Miul- dern. Alma Chester: Mrs. Alice Lyndon. May Maurice: Mary Ellen Maloney. Mabel Sain- ton; Dorothy Denning. Anu.i Lchr: Clarice Lyndon, Marion Ballou. Uxecutlvo star: .Millard H. Krueger, manager; Joe I .sue, busi- ness manager: tieorge II. Itlckctts, singe manager: It. Bedell, musical director. Next weok. "The Cowboy and the Kquaw." Vlctorln Theatre tOscar Hammersteln. iniiiiHger). —The usual good bill Is current here, uud the attendance Kept, tl was big. The hill Includes: The Wdiuurx. comedy ac- robats ; tho Mora ngox. singers and dancers: Oracle I'hnniett and company In her sketch. "Mrs. Murpliv's Second. Husband;" ICthel Levey, comedienne; rtoberl llllllnrd mid company In his sketch. "The Man Who Won the Fool;" Mathews and Ashley, comedians; the Pour Fords, dinners; James Thornton, uionologlst, mid the "Seventeen Iliiumu Flags." The vltagraph continues. tirand Oners llunse (John II. Springer, maungcr).—"The tiraad Mogul," wllh Prank Moiiliin In the Important role, opened the week to a well llllea house on Monday even- ing, Sent. '.). Mr. Moulnu scored well uud received" numerous eocores for his clever work, wlillc the musical numbers, led by Maud Lillian Berrl, fidlth St. Clair. Clam Jerome, with an excellent slnglug chorus, nil scored pleasingly. Next week, Allele ltltchle. lu "Kascluatlug Flora." (inrrl.'k Theatre ichus Krohman. nutn- nger).—Francis Wilson. In "When Kulghts Were Bold," began, Sept. II, his fourth week, I.yrlc Theatre (Sum S. & l*e Shubert. Inc., managers).—"The I,ady from f.auc's" begun, -Sept. II. Its fourth and last week. On Sept. 1(1 James O'Neill will nppear at this holme la "Vlrglnlus." Antor Theatre (Wagenbals & Kemper, managers). — Raymond Hitchcock. In "A Yankee Tourist,'' began. Sept. 0. his fifth week. A professional unit luce will lie given on Wednesday 11. Mnvaiy Theatre •Prank Mi-Kee, iii'iu.i ■rrl,—"The Man of Ibe Hour" begun, Sept. II. Its ioiiy llrst week. Wnllnek's. iChnrlei- llurulinin. maiiageri. -liusiln Parhnni. Id "The Hunger," began. Bept, 9, his necond week. ' " ' Keith * Proctor's Fiftr-elfbth Street Theatre (K. K. Albec, general man-' acgr).—An excellent bill Is offered thla week at this bouse, and nn Monday, Sept. », good business ruled afternoon and evening. Nes- sen, Hunter and N'essen, In their comedy Juggling act, started the ball rolling and put everybody In a good humor. Eatelle Wor- dettc, In her playlet. "A Honeymoon In the Catsklils," caught the bouse In good shape, being ably assisted hy Jules KuselT. Itny Cox. the Dixie singer aud story teller, was clever. I.uigl IIohsI. with Ills music playing horse, was one or the hits, of ibe hill, the eipilne being rcmiirkulilv Intelligent, and showing the effects of iiirefill training. Frank I'"- gnrly kepi the bouse In a roar wltb his side- splitting Celtic witticisms. Louise Montrose and her Itnlii-Dcnrs was a big girl attraction that pleased mightily, The Casting Dunbars gave nn amazing exhibition of acrobatic feats to hearty applause. Anderson and (ioloes, colored comedians, pleased, and the motion pictures wound up the show. Now Circle Theatre (Sullivan k Kraus. managers).—This house opened for the sea- son on Saturday night. Sept, 7. wllh the first American production of "From Across the Pond." a musical melange, In Ibree acts, with words, music und lyrics by Adolf Phil- lip, adapted for the American stage by Mor- timer 11. Thclsc and Mr. Phillip, from the (li-rman of Mr. Phillip. It Is understood that the ploy made a great success on the other side, bat for the local stage it lacks many qualities which arc conducive to the longevi- ty of a production. It drags very much, Its construction seems to be of anotucr and re- mote period, and there Is very little fun In It. Some of the musical numbers arc good, however, and the audience liked these, and applauded the singing of Mr. Phillip and tbc work of- the other players. Barney Bernard made a very good Jew, and Anna Boyd, as an Irish girl, was most pleasing, especial- ly In her singing. Wm. Cale, In make-up and acting, was the good humored Irish- man to the life. The cast: Louis Strumkohl. Adolf Phillip; Moses Itosltsky, Barney Ber- nard ; Maggie O'lTclll*. Anna Boyd; Pat- rick O'Brien. William-.Cale;. Robert Melan- collquc. . Stanley Jessup; Marie, Vlolo De Coita; Nnnnn, Mizzle Folletle; Siisette, Ktbel Jewett: Function, Nettle Lyons: Florettte, Catherine Slack : Nnnnon, 1'ranklc Bailey; Jenn, Hhki (loodmnn; Paul. Wm. Newklrk; Francois, Al. Sanders: Charles, Wm. Mor- rlssey : Sir Charles and Farrlngton Cherry- tree, It. H. Nclll: Maladctto, I/ester Bernard: Tony, Michael Currnn: Captain of Trans- Sirt, George Hendricks: U. H. Commissioner, lehael Lewis; A Policeman. J. Ransouc: Sarah llos'fsky. l/olln Homer: Messenger Boy. M. Lichtonsteln ; Ikle, David Bernstein : Mlfclc. lkey Fox: Wlttirnbumba, Indian Chief, Mr. Lewis: Mickey, Nathan Fox. Ksilekerhoeker Theatre (Al. Dayman & I'd., managers).—Frltzl Schelf, as clever und charming as ever! reappeared nt this house Monday evening. Sept. 0, In "Mile. Modlstt." Her reappearance was the signal for. a cordial greeting hy an audience that parked this theatre to the doors, which equaled that on ber first night In the same work. Miss Schoff was compelled to respond to many encores. Her supporting company was capable. She will remain here In- definitely. The cast: Henri De Bouvray, William l'ruette: Cnpt. Kllennc De Bouvray, Hubert Mlchaells; Illrum Menl, Claude <ill'.- Ingwatec; Gaston. Leo Murs; General La Marquis De Vlllefniiiche, George Schrucder: I,I'Ut. Bene Lu Motte, Howard Chambers; Francois, It. W. Hunt; Mmc. Cecllc, Jose- phine Bartlelt; Fuuchctte, Altnarvttu Webs- ter; Nanette, Blanche Morrison; Marie lyiulse is- Bouvray, Carlyn Strelllx: Hebe. Etlu-I lluril; Mrs. Illrum Bent. Bertha Holly: Flfl. Frltxl Scheff. Colonial Theatre (Percy G. Williams, manager).—This wwk's bill Is in keeping with the excellent standard Manager Will- lams has established at this house, and the opening. Sept. U. was to the ueual good busi- ness. The bill: The Arizona Troupe, nov- elty performers ; Beatrice Llndley. la songs j Mi Motion's Minstrel Maids und Watermelon Girls. "The Planopblends," chos. F. Seamon. Will M. Cressy and Blanche Dayne. In "Town Hall To-Night ;" Sle Hassen lien All's troupe of ucrobuts, and Cburloy Urnpewln's company. In "A Night In. a Rathskeller." . Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, inann- ger).—Tho usual big Monday crowd was on imud at Hie niiillnee. Sept. II, and enjoyed the fine bill arranged. James Devlin und Mse Kllwoad scored well In a clever sketch, entllied "The tJIrl from Youkers." Fred and ICvu Mozart, Just returned from s short stay in Knrope. were the extra attraction, and went big with their dancing.' In a sketch, "Heinle, the tierman Gobbler." Luuu I'anl- zor and compauy. In "Twenty Minutes In a Toy Skpp," was also a prime favorite. Others were: Marxollo and Woulfe, comedy bar uc- rolmts: the Vynos, hi a: musical offering; Marseilles, nomologist : Gartlner and Holder, singers 'mid dancers: Kennedy and James, In a, skit, "Doctor Daffy:" Cole and Clemens, In "My Uncle's Vlxll :" Collins and Collins, singing comedians: Fred IV. Dnnwo.rth, card and mill manipulator; Harry Burns, .clever hag piinrher, and Gilbert and Gear, Hebrew comedians. The vltagraph pictures conclud- ed the performance. Thalia Theatre (Sullivan & Woods, malin- gers).— "Broadway After Dark" Is this week's attraction, with Hurry Fields as Abe Moxle, and Mildred Stollur In the leading rolo as Myra 1 lager, a female crook. The various scenes in New York, are well rep- resented and the supporting compauy was well cast, it Includes: Willis L. Kobards. James A. Smith. Robert Bertram. Oilman l-oiv, Daniel McCunn, George Smlthfleld, Jack Jeunlngs, Frank Brooder, Horry Ford, oeorgc \'euberg. Kittle Loxlsy, Julie Harris, Kthel Stanton. Cisste Osborne, Florence War- ner, Marie At wood. Llzette IT via. Sadie Fields und Margaret Bower. Warren B. Irons Ix manager; Frank R. Freeman, business manager of the tour. Next week, '•Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl." IJewcy Theatre (Sullivan ft Kraus. manngorsi.—Kdwln Miner's American Bur- lesquers begun a week's engagement hero Monday afternoon. Sept, II. Tlicy were fxeeteo by u fair sized uudleucc. oyed their exeelleut performance from start to finish. "Mixed Pickles," a clever bur. let I u by Dave Marlon, begins the perform- un«:e. Kxcellent work was done by Clarence Wilbur, ns .Heinle Dill; Will H. Ward, as Frits Dill; Wilbur Dobtw. its Prof. Wbuekem ; Mozelle, as Madame Mydas. uud Male IA Tour as Susie Smart. The work of the whole chorus was iippluudcd time aud time again. The full cast : Heinle Dill. Clarence Wil- bur.; Prof. VYhuckoin. Wilbur Dobbs: P. T. Getem Craft. James Hayes: Perkins. lCngllsh. Frank Coulou: Saiuiiilc Smart, Frank Con- lon : Kube Smith. Murtle Ward: Luke Warm, Martle Ward: Madame Mydas. Mozelle; Gladys Whackem, Frances La Tour; Fluffy Fly. Male La Tour: Susie .Smart. Mole La Tour: Fritz Dill. Will H. Ward. The chorus : Vivian Hoffman. Bessie Stelger, Connie Jameson. Klixabeth Hardle. Marie Nasau, Dulsy Stanton. Bessie I.eio.v. Stella Han- forth Ami Vernou. Belle Stauley, Carrie Hughes, Marie Wells.. Alice Ford, Gertrude Muhcr. An olio of merit followed, lu which appeared the following: Sisters La Tour, coniedlenucs: Mozelle, lire dancer: Worlds Cornell)' Four, and Prof. Whackem School for Boys and Girls. Next week, the Dreamland Burlexquers. t Mutter's Museam (John H. Anderson, manager!.—Achilles, champion Greek strong iiinii, Is the feature In the curio hall this week. The feuls of strength were marvelous mid were u big success. The theatre, which Ix doing excellent business. Is given a finely urmiuccd programme.... Sew York Hippodrome i Shubert & An- derson, iuiuiugets4. — 'Pioneer Days" and "Nfptune's Daughter." with many arena fea- tures, began, Sept, P, their second week. s8s£^JBg¥EiS. licpt his audlen:.-* In an oproar *££££ Interesting during every mlnutsiTh^ on i lug Is an exceptionally effective one on i » ;m=hVnca,^.fbf^;«S r,e, h 'h„^ng- £S »Tr Juill- repented the hit they made at this heaisc recently. Others were: Anderson and Golncs. • oioVedf entertainers, and ."'erlta. In Span- ish dances. T*e motion plcUreseoii'lnue, Lrceotn Theatre (Daniel ager) —Kyrle Bdlew and Margaret 11 Big- ton gave the first Production here of The Thief," on Sept. P. A review of the perform ance will appear In our next Isaue. -• Murray Hill Theatre (J. >**£*'* manager).—Tho patrons of this house en Joyed a treat Monday even og, ' n . 5 wlt "P. s r V,; the performance of the Mght Ow's. «.ha:l s lloblnson can derive much satlsfoctlon in having provided for his Initial venture ,„ entcrtnlnroent. most even, and ^"f"'' successful from start to Unish. As spiuii, the Cermau hotel keeper. In ''Who "oie My Wife." he kept the Mdtenj* ««"ft»J» i ^S? supporting company Included. Ilclen Ml Moore of pleasing personality nnd In «cel- lenT voice, 5 Mrs 8 ffcOlnnls : Mildred Flora ss Rosle. a soubrette: May -New Ward. a» Spitz's daughter; Jennie FaHco. as Bridget the cook; Kmma Peyser, as Flossie; Gjo'ge Edwards, ns Senator McOlnnls: James Folep, us Spaghetti: Kd. llanny. as the sherltf: Lai Lawrence, as a fighter. .iud Henry Pey- ser, as a boB boy. Bach of them took ex- cellent care of their roles. A group of pre ty girls appeared in several numbers, wh ch fiieludedT "Dear Old Thin*'. "Gratitude ("•Budivelscr," In German costumes). Charm- ing Widows." led by Miss Moon, and The National Knscmblc," sung by Henry Peyser, which Introduced the costumes of various nntlons. The olio presented Mildred Flora. In her extremely funny singing act In a gawkv make-up, which she discards to do ber slack wire specialty In the regulation costume. The interna.- tloiinl Musical Trio (James and Jennie Falco and Kd. Maunv), Introduced a number of selections on the cornets, trombones, bugles. The bugle calls by Mr. Manny, and a bugle medley particularly were encored. Lawrence, Kd wards and company presenled "Casev's Finish." In which act George F/d- wards' was a funny Irlshmnn. being strung by a voting college chap. Charles lloblnson x sayings and narodles. In tramp make-up. which he changes to a Hebrew Impersona- tion, caused much laughter. His monologue shows much new material. Peyser and Mc- Donald appeared in their comedy acrobatic act, Introducing some clever trlcka and comedy, among Uiem McDonald's forward somersault over a table and five chairs. Edith Melrose sang several baritone solos In ex- cellent voice and style. "Solomon, the Sol- dier,'" Is the title of tbc burlesque, wherein Chas. Robinson, as Solomon, the chicken vender, changes Identity with Solomon, u newly married merchant. Many funny com- plications result. Mildred Flora was NIDy .»ell: Helen J. Moore. Mrs. Solomon. A bur- lexipic army, including Mildred Flora, In funny make-up. was a laughing hit. Miss Flora nlso led the big number. "Independence Day." In a natty officer's uniform, and later contributed a funny scene m a crinoline dress. "In Monkeylund" was suug by Miss Ward, assisted by the monkey, chorus and an accomplice located In an upper box. -."Lucy P.lla" was put on In pretty style: led by Mr. Peyser, Miss Peyser and Miss Ward. W. S. Pearson Is business manager: Charles Fay. musical director, and Frank Mack, carpenter. Next -week, the Behman Show. Miner's Eighth Avenue Theatre (Ed- win D. Miner, manager).—Frank B. Carr's Thoroughbreds received a warm greeting by a largo audience at their onenlng performance Monday matinee, Sept. 1). "Maloney, the Mayor," srartrd the ball rolling, aud with the fun nipklug abilities of Harry McAvoy and Joe Howard, and the pleasing personal- ities of Marie Richmond, Giisxle Cinder and Joslr Flynn, together-with a gathering uf a pretty and well wardrobed chorus, every number served to bring out many recalls. In the olio Howard and Under, the Germun comedy duo. scored big In a skit. "As My- Father l?swl to Say;' r Little Josle Flynn, with, the big voice, came In for much of tbc "big noise," and all of her songs went well: the Dancing Mitchells. Harry Lc Clair and Mile. Lu Toska rounded out a good variety of favorites. "A Taste of Forbidden Fruit." writ- ten. by-Hurry 1^ Clair, concluded the evening's performance, and proved a laugh producer all the wuy through. Mr. Carr .can be com- plimented on having a. chorus of such pretty girls, who dnnce and sing well togeiuer. The Cost: Mike Maloney. Harry McAvoy ; Adulph Kulder, Joe Howard ; Bad Mosc, Dan Riley; Fuller Boiv-e, Geo. Betts: Frisky John, Ulley; Lawyer llobbs, Geo. Betts; Berry.Wall, Dan Riley; Mrs. Snider. Marie Richmond: Mrs. Maloney. (jussle LInder; Satlv Whistle. Jo- sle Flynn: Daisy, Mile. La Toska; Violet Nonle Iteynolks. tn the chorus are: Irene Greyson. Kosamond Wells. Llllle De N'ctte. Rose Clayton. Primrose De jjatic. Margie Webater, Nellie Waller, Mudallne Sullivan, F.inclliie Wilson. Auoie Foster, Lena Woods, Lillian Friek. Sylvia Kdwurds. Helen Cray. Marion Clean und Kittle Wink. Abe Flm- berg Is business manager of the show; Ben- nett Mitchell, treasurer, and Sam Schiller, musical director. Next week, the Avenue Girls. London Theatre (James II. Curtlu, manager).—The. Brigadiers opened to excel- lent busluexs Sept. It. "Married ' by .Tele- phone." the first part, engaged attention throughout, und was embellished with some showy uumbers. Tim Henley, as Clancy, was genuinely funny: Kd Rogers, as Harold Johnson: l<estcr 1'lke. as a ward healer: Minute Warren, as an actress : Kmina Krtuse, Laughing Blanco. Alice Fowler. May Pike, Bertha Wright. Blhel Bennett. Phil John- son. Bill l.esler and F'rank White did full justice to their respective roles. Tim llculev's specially also struck the spot, and the showy march nnd other gat her lugs were well put or.. Mlunie Harrison, sluglng come- I'lenne. opened the olio In u clever specialty: Kd. Rogers and Alice Warren presented "The Little Joker." an entertaining sketch, written by Mr. lingers: Alice Fowler sang several popular melodies: lister and Moure showed "A Day at the Beach." "Cotton Blossoms," a plantation productlou. bv Ed. Rogers, In- troduced the compauy la 'lively and pretty work lu black face, led by Emma Krause and Lester Pike. The coon songs and dances. In which Minnie Harrison and her pickaninny. Little Possum, also abone to advantage, were encored again and again. The moving pic- tures showed a race between an auto and a horse. The second uct had "Good-bye. Tonv " nn Italian farewell song, by Emma Krause, as a bootblack, to her Italian slrnorlna, as- sisted by the girls, hs bootblacks. It was a &retty number and well sung. "The Sleigh- ell Girls." "Indian-Baby Mine" and "Barney Carney" were also applauded, down to the rousing llnale. Chas. F. Cromwell Is mana- ger for the WhallCn & Martell Co.. who own the production ; Lester Pike, stage manager • M. ltelenko, innsicil director: Clay Anderson. Mnge carpenter. Next week, the Klalln llonoilei's. Atlhutle Garden (W. Kruiuer's Suns, luiiimgorxl.—La Knee and Frederic, llohee nnd Myers Onxaro. Perry and Pierce. Luna Cooper. St. Belmore. William Bobbins, with Illustrated songs and new moving pictures are here this weei, . American Theatre (J. M. Ward, mi ger).—"Tbc War of the Trunsgr,"^' 1 ^'- fts lirat local appearance of laafaWsn ^' tag MondM matinee, Kept, u, iwrSr""-°i*J: siied audience, awclaltlea by ll«r?y l , a l fl^ beit and Blily Wflllams took well. » nu \™' La Tour and Zaxa, her wonderful dog cS lots of applause. The cast: Romp n^'J son, rrancesea Parker: Bob Adam* m.T, C. r-hlllbCTt: Lledt. Ralph Osmond u''' Westford; John -.Harris, Howard sVa?.. Zeke Underdoo, Bl lie Williams; Tom S& : Frank Baldwin ; Magnus Ellison. Tnnmi ' Ward: Hen Grantley, W. P. George Te, '' tor. Ball S. Twlng: Jerry. John K itSR Silas Wheatlcy, Al. II. Woodson: '^"~— Case, lienry Itlddell: Malnes. John A Br?«?' Purccll. Fred D. Glbbs; Stella, (irace x? u $l Beckey. Kate Carter. Next week. ••& Suspicion." .. Lnu,r Miner's Bowery Theatre iKdwln t. Miner, manager).—"The 8trollhi g w™"; arc presenting "The Belle of Avenue A " im Toma Hsnlon .In the title role. As '«..., Bum», the East Side belle, being Introduce to.society. Miss llanlon was seen to .oS advantage, and her singing was cniorSo Monday, Scot. 0. Tho supporting aSS Included: John Bohlman. Nat Wlxou n„; Eaton, Tom Harry, Albert Davis. Amlv to" Fjronk Campbell, Horace Green, Frank n' Bright. Marlon Marshall, Verm i),„ ()r ', Madge Hughes. Al. Thorson and Wm. \W der. "The. Hurdy Gurdy Man," "Brldgft M Cue." "The Belle of-Avenue A" were ass cessful numbers. Louis M. Granat was |Z In his whistling specialty batweeu :i,,. „.,' and ,wn«. heartily received. Speiluliles Km contributed during the action of the ih* v l,t Andy Rice,.Tom Barry and tbc Church Ch't Four. M. M. Thelse is director of ihc tour with I.oul* II. Granat. manager: Hugo Con,,' musical director: Horace (freen, curnenbr' Next week, the Star Show Girls. ' Daly's (Sam S. & Leo Shubert, Inc.. mau again).—Henry Miller and.Margaret Anelln began, Sept. 0, their second week, lu "TL Great Divide." .Manhattan Theatre is contlnwllj crowded, and Shepard's moving pictures ire btlll popular. . ... Hudson Theatre (Henry II. Ilarrl*. manager).—Robert IMeson, in "Classmate!'' begon hla tTilrd week on Monday, Sept. fi Academy •! Music (Gllmore & Touib. kins, managerx).—.Eleanor Robxon. in "Si- limiv Jane, began the second week nf ber engagement here Monday. Sept. .0. Belaaco Theatre (David llelasro, man ager).—Frances Starr, in "The Itoxe of il* Hancho," entered ber second week ou Mon- day evenlug, Sept. n. Blaney's I.lneolu Suuare Theatre fCharles E. lllaney, manager).—"The Spoil era" begun, Sept. 1), Its second week. Broadway Theatre JLItt & Dingwall managers).—"The Rogers Bros, lu Panama" began, Sept. I), their second week. Majcstie Theatre (W. L. Rowland, mali- nger).—'.'The Qther House"' bo&un. Sept. li. Its second week. Criterion (Chas. Frobniau. manager).— "The Dairymaids" began, Sept. li, Its third week. Casino (Sam S. & Lee Shuberl. inc., niau- ogers).—l-kldle Foy, In "The Orrhld." Ix-qiu. SepL tl. the second and Inst week of Ills m- gageuiunt here. "Tlie Ijjdy from Ixine's" nut Wi-ek. Ulinii Theatre (A. C. CamtHs-ll. raaiu ger).—Mme. Alia Naziinovii cuiillune* in •'Comtcsse (!oijuelte," beginning her servad wi-ik on Monday evening. Sool. II. New Amsterdam Tliesttre (KIuw& Ei lunger, managers).—"Tbc Round Up" began. Sept. '.). its third week. Ilernld Square Theatre (Ceo. W. Satu mix. manager).— Virginia. Ilarned began. Sept. I), the second week of her engagement here. In "Anno JXarenlna." Liberty Theatre (Klaw A F.rlnngcr. man agersi.—"The Follies of 1007" began, Sept. 9. ita third and last week. lailn Ulaser opens here. 10 in "Lola from Berlin." Harlem At Keith & Proctor's Harlem Opera House (li. F. Albee, gcnerul manageri a version of "Anna Kareolnn." by George Moorhead. with Beatrice Morgan In the title role, was offered before a lurge audience. Sept. II. It evidently pleased the audlearr. as applause was frequent. The entire pro duetlon, while out the kind tnat Harlemiip? seem to like, was a change. Jului Craig. the ilaw leading man. Is already well llkril here. Others who seored were: Uoorgo How>ll, Wm.. Norton. Dudley liawlcy. Chas. M. Seuv. Louise Itnndolpb, Agnes Scott. Kay lleverldgc. Mndge Deerlng. William Carr and R. I. Hill. The vaudeville presented Fred Springer and motion pictures. Wbmt Kxn (J. K. Cookson, munager).— The third week of the opera season of the Van Den Berg. Opera Co.. sturted. P. uudr. favorable circumstances. evei7 • seal lie'us lilted when "The Mascot" wus presented b.' n fine cast. Maud Holllns, Hubert Wllke. (laude Anosden and Grace. Belmont, In the leading roles, were most successful, nnd th- en! Ire production was creditable. Mbtkopomn (Sum Hurtlg, nianugori.— Harney Gllmore. In "Dublin Dan. the Irish Detective," Is here this week. The oisnlnf wus a most xuccexsful one, anil Mr. Gllinoro scorrd a big personal hit. Next week, "The Ninety and Nine." Kami 4 Pkoctok's Omk Uunurbu *sij TwRNTY-yiKTii Stkkkt (B. F. Albee. gcaersl manager).—Manager Rodgers says lliat notli ing Is too good for Harlem, and the house bills prove that the management Is living hp to that statement. The hcadllucr for this week Is: "The F'uturlty Winner." Other acts that press hard for first honors Uf Marie Wulnwrlght and company. In 'Oar Baby ;" Turcot. Frencli comedian : Trio. Lola Cotton, Sutcllffe Troupe. Mary Ann Drown, Monroe, Mack and iJiwrence, and the new motion pictures. St*r (Win. T. Keogh. manager).—The sea satlonai comedy melodrama. "The Blackmail ers of- New York." with carloads of scenery and mechanical effects, opened to capacity. •'• The'situations held the audience well, anil the production won approval. Next week. "Broadway After Dark. . .. At.iiAMiiti.i (Percy Williams, monngcr).-- Several strong drawing cards are on tnii week's bill. Harry Bulger and Katie Barry share honors us hctidllncrs. Gibers arc- Congo and I,oo. Netta Vostn. Shekln. niari elan : Frank Byron and Ixiulse Langdon. Dale and O^Mtrllev. Snyder and Buckley. If* Mulhall and company, and the vltagraph HURTlU & Sumcin'm KNC HAtx (Ben Hurtlg. manugcr).—Wm. S. Clark's Jewry Lilies made their first. Horlctn appearanr'; 0, to a well filled house. They came lnt» r a warm welcome. The first part.was in* Grafters," with Leon Errol supplying 'B p comedy work, ably assisted bv Jos. warn. Horace Ward and SSara Brothers. I™"IJ Vcddcr and Maud Raynor worked bard ana scored well. They dlsplaved some fine MP" rube. The olio offered: Nell McKinley. the Four Zaras, Fannie Vedder and her boys. Franklyn and Williams, Errol Mann. Irani, und Errol, and Ward nnd Raynor. Next wees. Rose Hill's F.ngllsh Folly Co. „ _ 'ioriiAM (Dave Kraus. manager).— Ilnr ,,-, Martell'a company, The Toreadors, made "J. drst Harlem appearance 0. to H. R. 0.. an" made a great lilt from the rise to the t*>> of the curtain.. There Is not a dull lnomear In the show, which Is a musical irnvestv in two scenes. Favorable comment was ne«ira from all. The Bceaery and mechanical ce fects were of the latest, and the ladies were eajieelally good looking nnd possessed S^J viilrx's. The slum- should prove a box oni" ivlimer. Next week, Twentieth CeulurJ Molds. ., „ Family (D. J. McCov. mannger).—Ttirs house was packed 0, Bill this week: Jjf- nod Mrs, Nick Hughes. Sidney Stone I no. Dslley Br«th«i; ta Guita andMW " TS fiiUej* ._. _ . . _.. . -•-'