The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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•fl>.V*KI«*.ie*W.f.AJH*w '816 TtLHJ NEW YOEK OILIPPEK. September IX PTARWIY, NAVY AND COLONIAL EXPOSITION, BERLIN, GERMANY Nay to September, 1907, Under the Protection of His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Wllnelm, of Germany end Prnseia. C. OUR BO BLUE 91 THE ACT THAT STARTLED THE MILITARY CIRCLES EUROPE. flsWlft PI.AVPTI Th«i Pnllnwlno Tin* l*««o» Hippodrome, four month.; Mom Stoll Toor, two months) RonuHen, Vienna, MM month; MM X'llt'l' ^ »^-?h?*B?fJl.™«iLSS Mnli rS?i Ti , ..? , I oU TUWRS rllAIKD, ADO tOllOWlOg line Theatre. Bremen, one MM) Mellenl TJ.mlro, Hanover, one month; Circus Carre, Amsterdami andRotterdam,.MfoMMMl "•'1?JF_% e . <, «.™i"^? 1 LJ?" r . «*• Moath*| Belehshallen, Koln, one month; Circa* Basch, Frankfort, on« month; Folie* Bergere, one month; Dreher Park, Vienna, three months; Tlehevt Tneai Breelau, one month; Leipzig, one month; Re-*ngag«d Moss Stoll Toor, two months. Theatre, Prague, one month; Munchen, one month- ESS NOTIOEJ Verbatim Translation from the Boreen Coarler, Berlin, Germany, Berlin, May IS. 1907.—The A rmy, Navy and Colonial Exposition was opened to-day by the W^^^^^J^SLX^^JSSS^^rJ^^USSSi * 9**' ! hf.' brother, Prince ElUi rEderlc.,and toe MM^MM «!»2^«?S3$2^?&^JSRSUS&SSgSSL .ttiur.iiu a k » iibic* .ui. ..v.i. »■■■, vuHvavv, .ir...n, ..n» y , ■ ■„«. . ■■, ,r«>*y .... a nf, .— iJiunr performance for his Kojal Highness, the Crown Prince Wllhelm, of Germany and Prussia; Her Highness, Crown I'rlacejs: nis uro.uer, rr.utc diw r.o»,.v., •■» «•» r v«. r -~.. -—-...— —.-- h .™n«n*. n »Mh.H™.. :;;-.T"" i Crown Prince called Mr. Kronen to him, and, shaking bends, aald It bed given him great pleasure to wllnesa Bucb marvelous work, It being almost Impossible to realize that the exercises, the gun mennal and the Catling gnn wore coma oe done at eucli lively The Boye m Bine" act by speulm who Inet night gave "Lads In Bloc, alD£fid And vaC ho rvprfVi't Translation from the Deutsche Warte, Berlin, Germany, August I, lOOT.-Durlng June and July tho nnder officers of the Berlin Guard Regiment, the[Artillery Corps and Railroad Brigade witnessed order of the Crown Prince, and t.oflO men from the Berlin Infantry School. Berlin, Germany, vltited tho show and were not only pleased, bntestonUheil, at the manner In which the drill exercises were performed. Firit Work In Erntland, Telegraph, March SI, lOOtt. London Hippodrome.-By way of adding to the attractions of the Hippodrome bill, America hasjent over a company or MTj; convincing proof of their amazing iiuallty. within the space of twenty minutes these interesting visitors offer a really wondc the world, ' represents *, youths who compose It go through their appointed evolutions with machine-like accuracy. The picture Is as engaging us It Is Impressive, and appeals no le»s strongly to the layman than to the expert In military atraira. r l t< e'entiy ine eveningJingle Bound*, „ sailing vessel Is soen Id the distance, and signals are exchanged between It and the occupants of the fort. Later a ralrulc warship heaven In sip tit, and a furious bombardment begins, answered with bcflltlug spirit by tne (lereuoing party .who , wim lite activity of cstS.scalo tho walla of Hie fortifications and settle down to the business of destroying ilic enemy. —— — _ K_ - «2 . ...™. ..h n™n ™«« rh. ri.n.ln to the sound of I novelty la bound to be popular, Inasmuch as It In full of picturesque mid HCiisational effects. ng proof of their amazing quality. AVIttiUi the space of twenty mihutcs these interesting visitors offer a really wonderful display of the alertness and precision which. If the programme may be trotted, have_made uieb™ea staWAmy the terror i,r 1" Tho exhibition is, at any rate, quite a. remarkable one of Its kind, and if here and there It appears to partake rather more obviously or an acrobatic than a military character, the fact Is hardly likely to be resented by the ora nary ■Pec"™'' The scene la a fort eltuuted on tho banks of ■ river In Indiana, and the action Is designed to Illustrate the daily life, work and imbim of the American soldier. The drilling of the little company has been brought to a big h stale or pemel ™' an «'• i l ' c '?' T well-bum ■ Mire Is M cnsaslnir as It lis ImDresslvc. and appeals no le«a strongly to the layman than to the expert In military affaire. Pi escntly the evening bugle sound-.,» fort. lit °ff rSl^mti^SmiS^SmW^ffm water by Yankee torpedoce, and down cornea the cumin to the sound of (be victors' vociferous cliecrlDg. The successful nm of Europe for three years SPECIAL TO MANAGERS rang© and fulfill American Time. THIS ACT 18 INCORPORATED AND FULLY PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO GUSSIE FRANKEL 240 E. 21st St, N. Y. City. LEO Manager. W. S. GASttPBELL & AL. REIVES PIIKNKNT The Mardi Gras Girls ONE BIO BLAZE OT BEAUTY. CAN USE 10 MORE GOOD CHORUS GIRLS. Call at 1358 Broadway. Columbia Amusement Co., New York. HOBSON <a MACNICHOL. OOMBINATION NOVELTY. At'.robatlo Holler .Skate Iianulng, Tight AVIre, character Changes and Double Comedy Mulsh on dkatea. Open time Kept. yo. Address \LL AOKNT8 or 70 Till 111) AVE., N. Y. C. To hear from Managers who waut this real live act, an act they talk about, DeBLAKER'S LILIPUTiAN DS8 GIRGUS Owing to dlaappoliitiiioiif. Is at liberty. Wuut to hear from Ileperlolre Managers that have an opening for above feature. Mr. (leo. II.Huiiiiuers, Mr. ~ Sly reputation und nidllly lo deliver the goods, for above feature. Mr. lleo. Il.huiniiiers, Mr. Geo. w. Bailey, do you waut this act nowr Keforence Address 100 BlitCII ST., P*t«rson, X. .1. TUB ORIGINAL GYPSY QUEEN TALKING FORTUNE TELLER ' Speaks English, German, Spanish and French. Leads them oil and gets the money, Arrungcd to operate with coin of any denomination. Direct, alternating or battery cur- rent and spring motor. Mechanism the very best und built for hard knocks. Nothing but praise from operators. The only successful talking fortune teller ever produced, Write for printed matter. F. S. ZIMMERMAN, 5 East 14th St., NEW YORK CITY. WANTED, CLUB JUGGLERS Give Colt description of what yon do, Age, halcht, salnry and experience In CMJllS, care of U, V. CLIPPER. lint letter. AT LIBERTY, GENE LA MONTE Suiibrello and Juvonllo Leads.- H. and 1). Specialties. Host of Koforonee. OnePleue or ltcpcr- tulre. llfllable. Manager's'only Address, OENK I, A MONTE, Box 1437 Pateteon, K.J. r. /* >vm iteunire Tiokeu . . ■ ■ GENERAL BUSINESS MAN With nr without, specially. JIuK Join un wire. MAY UILLMAN CO., Sherlirouke, quehce. Carnellan Qrtail Palnh, Powdirs, Cold Craarm, Rougti, Etc. Wigs AMI IlKAltlis. Send le. In htamns for Catulugiie '"f," illustrutcd, atHt- lsm OI H In "Aft of Making Up.' mm X. HICHl & CO., 915 Arch St., Pbila., Pa. UJANTCn OiBlBa^nf HEAVY MAN. 80UB11ETTE with good Specially, W*ll I OnV ty u '^ #lv f liBADlMG WOMAN to feature. I^jw, Biire salary. Long Season lo right people. Dlsorganliiera save stamp. MAX. 0. KLLloiT, Mgr. Stock Co., Red Llou .fit. CJ.-Downing Bros.-HJ. 'WORID'S BREnisr SIHGUS AND DANCERS. Third aeawpii Willi Waalibiirii. ' Open tluie enni- nienolug Bepl. in. <<ohl lioittt inuiiagersoulv, If vuuplease. Now Brunswick, N. .1,, Hept. 11. i'tir. urtdross, 1U0-J West dill SI., Wilmington, Del. "WANTED, "MESSENGER BOY" CO. Hnritntic, Tnliii. Trombone. I'Juti", Vlollu. Cur- ni'i man for props. All people inmsi double. Address OIK), li. SWKCTj Sept. -1, Kecse, N. 1).: l'orlugii l.ii rrntrle, Man., Can., in, t'lU'liury 17, Hrntidon IX, Verdcn II). 1.1 AT LIBERTY SEPT. 21, ,1 Union Carpenter parts, tsoubreites sud ingouuea' Address WAL'l'EU SI'KtLt, 00„ Coatesvllle, 8opl. 0-14; Phils., (0-71. WANTED QUICK, Elite Players; WITH RAMI, AMI Olll llkMlt A. Al REI'KUTOIllK ITOrtiK lit all lines. IXm't nils, tepresent, Add. STKTSON and ST. OLAIR, Mgrs.- iKiudonvllle, U, (ALVIENE) SCHOOL OF ACTING. 263-9 8th Are., Cor, 23d St., N. Y. CITY. (Entrance at iet) A toehnlual and practical iralulug sulmol for t lie- Dremi, Opera, Comedy, and Vaudeville Acts. COUBINKI) WITH TUB LARGEST STAGE DANCING SCHOOL In tho world, and Sketches written to order, staged complete. Send for free illustrated booklet. It tolls how 1,000 students, now on the etage, suc- ceeded. Success guaranteed, failures Impossible. WANTED, FOH JOSHUA SIMPKINS" CO. Good Piano I'luycr to double Uass Drum or any thing In band. Address as pur route. •laiAii/KMir umnmrno Straight Old Man tu double llrass. Address V. II. RENO, 11110 Broadway, New York. Partner Wanted With SI JO far Hep. Co. I have two mouths' paper. Handle your own liiunoy. ft. J. MORRISON, WW Detroit St., Cleveland, O. Th« Ajaoke Co. WANT Pramsl'n and Hafee Ooificdj People for Slock; also Musicians. No tickets. Join on wire. MGR. H, 11W N.. George 31,. York, I'a. 60 OR III TOUB SCENE WITH A PURE BBEATH n;i;suENKii by the convenient DENTOZA TABLETS The Theatrical Profession will find Deuloza Tablets practically Indispensable. They make the breath pure and sweet, autl- Bcptlcally cleanse tho teeth and purify the mouth und cunsc a healthful flow of saliva. not ween the acta or on those "early-morning Jumps," when there Is little time for month ablution, Deutoza Tablets are most handy, for they can bo carried In pocket or wrist bag and used with or without a tooth brush any time or place. They eliminate all uudeslrable features found in tooth powders, pastes and washes. " NB5 .yrtil Hiaiw MNMflNNpNNNNNssssnWssVsl Miss Lillian NfMU says: "In the convenient and efllcieul DENTOZA mouth TAULE'fS we Blngere and players have nl last found wliat we have nlways needed." Prlcoir.c. at nil llrst class druggist,)—Uepuer'B Einporiunis, or the manufacturers. SAMVLES 4NEfrT FREE ON REQUEST. DENTOZA CHEMICAL CO. - 38-34 Frankfort St., N. V. No. 19,806 under Pure Food and Drug AcL The Only Co. of Its Kind in the World. Your Old Trunk or Baggage Made Good as New : l : Trunks & Bags Bought, Sold, Exchanged. Emergency Baggage Repair Co., iiPsoTj. 14th SL, N. Y., Bet. ith Ave. A Union Sq. Mfrs' Samples, Odds and Ends. HIGH GRAU-K TRAVELERS' SUPPLIES Bought for cash from Basted Mfrs. and ' People who Heeded the Money. ;„ Off Retail Prices guaranteed. PROF. J. W. HAMPTONS NEW ACT Great Leaping Greyhounds, Scotch Collies, Poodles, etc., Trained Goose, Cate, and Monkey looping. Ilie-loop on roller skates. Makes ft break away jump to autoand steers it. A "scream." High Ladder Somenwulfa, clowns. Dp to date. Open Week of U ihh! After for Fairs and Coiiitiiuaiions 1 PROF. J. W. HAMPTON, 19 Second Ave., New York City. NTED, ACTORS and MUSICIANS. Mao for HKAV1ES doubling H AMD und two men for light parts doubling.BAND to \. In Oct. i. Con place TVBA, B. and O. immediately. AGENT who understands handling Car Show sod known the South. Stimiuerrtnd AVlutcr engagement to all. Third Season and never missed usulmy day. Address J. 8. KIUTC11VIEL.D, Nelsonvllle, Ohio. IMD SEASON SECOND MORRIS THURSTON CO. WINTED, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR REPERTORY. Slate nil. Scud programs. 'Want Specialty Team lo play parts. Tickets If needed. WM, B. MORRIS, Hamilton, Camilla. GALL LET ME BOOK YOUR SHOW PLENTY OF OPEN TIME. I HAVE IT. WkC BOOKED TI1K GREAT LAFAYETTE SHOW PIVE SEASONS. (THE GREAT RAYMOND SHOW, NOW BOOKING ! EDWARD BLONDELL'S I'OUIt ATTRACTIONS,' (THE ORIGINAL SEVLNGALA. WE CAN BOOK YOU. VAt IJKVII.LE ACTS WANTED. J. C. MATTHEWS ot CO.. 1*31 Broadway, N. Y. C. TeL-assn Bryaut. TRUNKS $0 90 Majestic...$3.00 ;3.oo steamers... a.48 lii.oo Ideal Dress. 1.*o 10.00 Theatrical.. 0.00 OASES 11.60 Solid a.08 Leather 9.40 n.oiKng. Lcuther.3.tN> 10.00 Hd. Sewed...SiOS OOc., 85c., SHORT TRIP BAGS, »..,.^, Sole Leather High Grades, $3.00, $$.00. Theatrical, Commercial, Skirt, Bureau ami Ward- robe Trunks; English and Pitted Cases, Imported Bags, Ete. Thousands of BargulnB. Money back It not satisfied. Baggago Repairs Called for and Delivered All over Greater New York, • I BALLY HOO ACTS SODBBETTES, CBOEUS LADIES, WOIAM COOK AID BOSS CAHVASHAB. W.H.SMITH • • , Pa. Scenery for Sale. Threp Beautiful Transparent Drops, One Handsome, Rtd Silk Velvet Drop; Bargain. PACKABD TBGATBICAL EXCHABOE, Inc., - Suite JW, ion, 407,1410 Broadway, New York. WANTED, AT ONCE FOR KERKHOFF ATTRACTIONS WESTKKN AND EA8TEKS COMPANIK8. Al Leading Man, Heavy Man. Leadieg Woman, Male Pianist, and Singing and Dancing Specially Team. Tell all and send photos. We pav all and do not close. City Slock during .Summer. c»ti Klaco good people at all times. Send permanent address. Write at once to omkii J. kesvo\. lgr„ Nelson, Meb„ Sept. 16, week; Fairbury, Neb., SepL 23 and weclt. Permanent address, una Farmsn Street, Omaha, Nebraska. WANTED F00 30 WEEKS FUST GLASS SHOE Will ACT Hoops, Clubs or Al Comedy Juggling Act. Must be First Class, Good, Clean Comedy ror uood, lie- fined .Audlonco. Can i'Uce orchestra Leader. Double Cornet and Clarinet In Hand. All Ulve Two Weeks' Route. DE HUE BROS. MINSTRELS, Lock Box No. l, Frankfort, N. Y. WANTEI PRIMROSE MINSTRELS K L IS C T BIC I A S Who-can double Brass. Address WM. WARM- INC.TON, Manager, Mill Uruadway, Now York. WanM, Rep. Ptopli, All Lints, Heavy Map, Uon. Bus. Man that cau luko piano for specialties, Mau with.III. soug outfit to play parts. Can place a fow good amateurs. Chris Young aud J.W. Brown). write. LVRIO PLAYEBB.BoaflQ.BastWetre.N. H' Lady Pianist, Experienced, Desires engagement with KELIAllLK CO. nlaklfig week etandB. Address'•MIISICIAH," CUl'PBH care of Western Burea«,«4 Ashland Klock,Chlcat.o. I , ■. . f '**)* 7 s*!i'»vs' , < .-(•'■ •• I ' ^Wk?" A KT T lEa X3 ' UNION CARPENTER for HOLY CITY CO. Address as per Route: Hancock, Mil., Sep. lu: Brunswick, Mil., Sept. 13; Annapolis, Md., SepL 11; Alexandria,- Va., Sept. 1«; Fredericksburg, Va.. SopL 17; Charlottesville, Vn., Sept. 1«; Bedford City, Va., Sept. II). IIKMIY II, BLACKALLBB, Plunager. LEADING MAN-HEAVY MAN WANTED MORRISON GOMEOY GO. Wire at.oiicc. No time for corrcapondeiice. All city time East. l/nigSeasou. Other Useful reunin write. PKATUHB VAtDEViM.E ACT, Man and Wife thai can plar some parts. HIGH MORRISON, Mgr. Weston, W. Va. i Week. SepL nth; Cumberland, Md., Week Sept. 10th. REPERTOIRE^foPLElNALL LINES, (lood Leading Woman. Advnuce Man. I'lauo I'luycr and Bus. .Mgr. Specialty I'eople play narbJ, write. I'holoa will be returned'. APPLY |!Y LK'lTBIi ON'IA'. II. It, WAKD. 471 \V. aist. N. Y. City. Mgfs. In X. Y. and Pa., send oiK'ti lime. Will buy Scenery, Props, Plnys, Hie. thai TOUR OF LATIN AMERICA WITH THE GREAT RAYMOND SHOW Mirror Danver with up-to-date effects, unil a Novelty Act not depending upon Bnsllslt language. No Ciyniuasts or Acrobat*. Address J. C. MATTHBWS A CO,, SuMe 007, Theutrlcnl Uxeliuiige Bldg., 1431 Broadway, N, Y. ' LA TOSCA, Juggler, please write. WANTED AT BIJOU TIEATRE, El, PASO, TEXAS, The BEST HIGH TENOR IN THE BUSINESS, for Illustrated Songs. VAUDEVILLE PEOPLEin all Lin. Tell nil tlrst letter, no time for correspondence. BIJOU ITlKATItlJ, KI Pnao, Texan A OIAUSTBB l&l, IUVEHILD OOIEOIAR and SODBREfTE and IDVEH1.E LADY. Stale lowest. I pay all Rehearsals now on. Stale, lowest. Also I'biulst. Address . M. B. W1H.IABI8. SW-I Main Street, Yonlcers, N. Y., Care Mrs. Wrlchl- REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Wanted I'KUH-UKM k TO TIIOSI: tVT't'll SI'KCIALTIKK, JOHN r. MUltKAY COMEDY O0.,Oen, Del., Baltimore, Marylsnd.