The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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822 / THE 3STEW YORK OLIPPEE. September 14. CALL! TO ALL PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS. ON 1 WE Wll.l, MOVE OUR NEW YOHK office: to Suite 410, 1416 B'way Broadway ami :i(Hli St. Bldg. UNDE M _—„. THE TROPICAL MOON will make your act SOME OF THIS SEASON'S OFFEBIWGS." LOOK THEM OVER C ABEFUL1Y. — - - - — _ ,. ^ .1 » Uritnmv Bonil-CI»»«l<-- Walt* Ballad. The only worthy MOONBEAMS AI3D DREAMS OF YOU hgssv-tov«.,■*■■■■»..w.,n.i ■.m....,- I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR A QIBL LIKE Y00 A novel combination "make" f(O0<] souk- -Null* mild. COLOR 'I'lio poof of till cowboy numbers. Tills |H no ]I))G riiUln. The Starry Flog Forever! A Kooning March Hour suitable for Any Purpose. Ye Hop? I'm Running Wild! MORNIBBC, CY A Coon Shont, U10 Like i . Which You've Never Hem A (ienulno "Bul)o" Novelty Thai (lets the Laughs. CINDERELLA. A Creation In Songdora by (he Composer of "Tho Gondolier." Orchestration, to Ui« above IMK frs* In any key, upon receipt of program. Wo Card.. Song lllu.tratorai .end for •»" ■* *J£i?2£?** ""*'* A corpi of competent Hustler._»Jw>jfi^nj»nj»t^o - »ervejrou. 85.1, )i»r not. IVo fr*-e itgtg Provisional, alwajnj wlcomg at elthwr of onr offlcei. •» CHICAGO OFPICBi IBS K. Uk« St. (Marine Bldg., NEW YOHK OFFICBl 1*31 Bronilway, iOXaZlO. BEST SGENERY E. LEAST MONEY Scenery Built, Painted anil Flrcproored. Inferior to none, superior to eomc, Kunal to the bent. F. RALPH LANG8FELD, Columbia Theatre. Washington and Tlllory Mm.. Brooklyn, N. Y. HAVE YOUR SONGS PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY. Our composer, Percy Wcnrluli, the writer of Under tho Tropical Moon, Mlxlo Blossoms, Mcxlcana, Golden Kod, Jennie Lee and other hlti, will co-operate with song writer*. Mend iih a good m>nK poem at once. Legitimate otTcr. COLONIAL music CO., 900-GT Dearlrarn St., Chlcagj. HENDERSON'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. ihloago. iult* 89, 92 1-a Sails BIO Acta Wanted at All Time.. ■B-IL.IVI8 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. MANHATTAN FILM RENTAL CO. HART & DAVIS, Managers. New'Yo°rr C Tei."XGrame"c;. ^ 0 ^ ,b •~^ >nd BmIwi '■ Evarythlng Pertaining to the Business. IE. LOW RATES r lEPTUNE LINL Str. CONNECTICUT. | Sir. RHODE ISLAND. Safety-Convenience-Comfort-Music Superior Cuisine a la Carte. Via Boat and Rail FALL RIVER NEWPORT Via Boat and Trolley 11.001 PROVIDENCE $1.20 $1.26 NEW BEDFORD $1.20 OORKKSPONDINtl REDUCTION TO AND KROM PK1NCIPAL NKW KNGI.ANK POINTS. Leave N. Y. dnllv and Sunday, Plor 8*. N. It. ft. w. 44th St, P. M. Tel. 4liM Bryant. Weal 4SU1 Hi. Orosstowu Care go rtlroct to I'lcr. Ticket I 'jwi Broadway, I :ii \V. aoili Hi. Offlces | Tel. :nm Worth. | 'I'd. MM Mad. Si|. H.nd for Folder, and Tim. Table.. WK IIAVH FOH I.KAHIC AND NAI.K Advance. Privilege, Ilugnitae, Stock, Au- tomobile and Morry-Oo-Itoanil Cur.. &oft. long. Desirable fur Show and Carnival Coin- panic.. Reasonable terms. Write for piutlculnrs. THE AKM8 PALACE HOUSE UAH COMPANY, No. mo Monadnook Building, Chicago, III. I FULTON-FOSTEB i } Sept. -A •&, Oct. 1,8,8, 81, ltd. J I ALBION-PBATT il sept. 2e, -i\ Oat l, a, a, it, is, u. ACTOR BKST PAYINd PROFESSION IN THE WORLU. We teach you at your owu home In a abort time to go upon tho atago or speaker's platform. Thou- aaiida of hiii lulled student*. Write for free booklet en Dramatic Art by Correspondence. (IIICAIJO SCHOOL, OF ELOCUTION, Mm Chicago Opera Uouae Block, CU10AO0, ILL. FOB THE STAGE, 10 PB0FESBI0I SO PAS01HATIH6 0B pnoriTABLE. I teaob yon by mall, to you can go at once on the stage. Send for my beautifully Illus- trated book explaining method, also pictures, ■oene.1 of plays, actors, actresses who have become efficient through tuy training—mailed Funic. Address HENRY DICKSON SCHOOL OF ACTINO. BOB Auditorium, Chicago. Cems of Art A book containing 24 of the moat entrancing Pluityno Picture" ever Himwn in one publlcatlun. All from famous paintings. Worth ten tlmea what we ask for It. size of book 1* axe Inubea. The Artlat'a Dream Realized. Sent postpaid, together With 60 lifelike miniatures of oilier beautiful art pictures, for only liftc., coin, stamps or money order. Send at onoe today to WILL J. WELSH, Dcpt. 1, Mt. Yemen, o. At moderate prices. Large stock, Imnionao variety. Illustrated catalogue free. Now mammoth cata- logue and lixn supplement, 200. List No. 42 of hundreds of bargains In tine apparatus for 2o. stamp. A. ROTER BERG, 170 Ontario Street, Chicago. FOR SALE, Alio CHKAP STEEL FRAMB CHAIRS, ■ullable for MOVINU PICTCRH and VA11IRTY THEATRES. We can make n vc v low price. Address Bept. c HTKEI, FURNITURE CO., Grand Itaplds, Mich. s THEATRICAL CENERY Vaudeville and Production, Largest scenic Con- cern lu the World. Water Color, Sllko and Dye. DANIELS SCENIC STUDIOS, Cllll.'AGO. VAN FLEET, RINTE 47 WEST Both S lUKhl T. Nit W YORK. GOWNS SLIGHTLY lisi:i). ALSO BTRKKT GOWNB. We have on liiiud a large assurtinunt of slightly worn Evening down*, Dinner, Reception and Ton Gowns. '1'hcsc robes aft pel feet In every respect, and are especially suitable, for wear In 1J141II CLASS DRA- MATIC I'ltolKJUTIONS. Wo have a full line of Seal Skin Coats and rurs of all kinds. MltH. II. STAIII t, :ii)7 So uth Suite St., Clilcago. STAGE DAHCWe TAVGI1T BY MAIL JOHN P. HOUAN'S Chart and Diagram By.tem Enables anyone, without former experience, to be- oome an accomplished dancer. Bend j-oent stamp for Olroular, Pros- pectus, etc.. to JOHN P. IIOGAN, Teaeher of Stage Dancing, ICIk.' Hall, Majestic Theatre Building, until St. and Hth Ave., New York CUT Stock Dramatic Paper TTI-ic* Finost Lino In the Country. Wrlto for prices. Till; IIOMLIISON UillOIJl!\rill\li CO. MKWl'ORT, KBNTCCICY. GETTING HOT. One Black Waterproof 21 xoa Tcni, white out, black Inside: one siren for Hailyboo, hear It a mile; Mandolin Piano, Koldltig Organ, Turclies, Five- scat Folding .Helices, joxmi or a 4oxsu Tent; either t»5. SHNU FUlt I'ltKK 1IA11GAIN IsmiKI.KT. It 11. AltMHUUSTKH, Springfield, Illinois. "Tell It To Me" EZRA KENDALL'S 3d BOOK. ALL NSW - JTJBT OUT. lor tale on all train, and new. itanda, or by nail, ISO. Address K7.RA KWIUAU, II tladwnll Ave., Mayfleld Heights. Cleveland. O. /Flu Magical Apparatus, < ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Eto. Grand End of Century, full] Illustrated. BOOK CATA- l.ooi K, sso., free by mail Catalogue of Parlor trloil fret MAKTINKA tt CO., Mfra., 408 sixth Ave.. N. t. PRIVATE rfilt Ctatt tatfflNUi BALK OK RKN'T: eight full Pullman sections, two, prlralt'"mollis, kitchen ooinplctc six wheel linckp. slccl wheels; Runritutccd to pasa Santa Fo Inapcu tloli. David Jely.lngcr, 411 Ashlaml lllk„Ulileago.lll MILLER, GOSTUMER, 130 N. Hvventh St., Philadelphia. COSTUMES AND WIGS TO UIBft. Write fur Catalog and Estimate. THEATRICAL MOVEMENTS Have the Yen Special Attention of OFFICIALS. Get In touch with W. 0. HOPE, G. P. A., 143 Liberty Street, New York; or P. W. BEBOY, E. P. A., 130© Broadway, N. Y.; O. K. ARMSTRONG, U. P. A., Newark. N. J.; IRA E. WUYTE. D. P. A., Asbury Park. N. J.; C. J. GUMMKRSIIACH, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa.; II. E. KUHE, D. P. A., Allen- town, Pa. LINDALL'S HAND-BOOK OF VALUABLE INFORIBATION FOB MOVING PIGTDBE OPEBATOBS. And for beginners. A collection of the best In- formation, disseminated by tho Klnematograph and Optical Magazines Of the United States and Europe, augmented by the technical knowledge of the author and several associate operators. We guarantee to show you how to get the BKST Light yov kvkh had and to keep YOUR CONDENSERS from CRACKINU. PRICE - - - ONE DOLLAR. C. E- LINDALL, BAR HARBOR. MAINE. Song Books! I0THI10 BUT BITS. Cover page In two and three colors. Full Sheet Music size. Contains all our latest popular numbers. "Under the Tropical Moon," '•Won't You Let Me Put My Arms Around You P" "Morning Oy," "Cinderella," "Can You Keep A Beoret P" "Wot Because Your Hair Is Curly," eta, eto. Two Blzes. Large size, $2. BO per 100; small size, 91 per 100. Bend cash with order. VICTOR KREHEB COMPANY, Chi cago, 1S2 Lafca St. Haw York, Ul 6 B'way PIPE PLANT 111 l/|A u WH^rtm.PiiisiOMT. ' Hi r 83Z-834 BROADWAY. NEWVOML EVERYTHING IN NATURAL PREPARED PALMi trees; GRASSES, HANGING msketsamficul FLDWERS,FERNS,fOLIAGE,ETC ALWAYS SOME- THING NEW. GRASS MATS A SPECIALTY. WRITE FOR CATALOG N? 37 UNIFORMS BAND, MILITARY. MINSTREL OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USHERS And All Othera Scad lor CATAIOG. Mcnllon Kltd Wnltd Speclil Attention Given the Profession Western Uniform Go. 214 8. CLARK 9T. CHICAGO ledtclne Hen SOAP "Pakera," Canvassers QET our prices on soap. THEY will intereBtyou. Special Dent, for making prlvute brands wltb at- tractive labels. Honey-getters of big value for onnvsssers and fakers. We sntlsfr and hold our otutomert. E. m. davib soxr oo., 40 Union Park Court, Chicago. HOST EVERYONE USES & "GROSS" LETTER HEAD Free Samples, Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, etc. CROSS 36s DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO IN STA0E MONEY, 16c. Hook of lleruld Outs, 26c. SLEEPING CAR, ACCOMMODATING 36 PEOPLE. Fully equipped with kltcbou, etc., ready for use. Has been ovurtmulcd and repulated. Atlanta In- spection. 80UTIIBUN IRON A EtiUll'MENTCO., Atlanta, (la. ANDREWS. Ladles* Qowns. Slightly Wore. FURS OP At.I. KINDS. Also Carry aentloiitop's se-.ond- Hand Clothing. 340 Stat. Street CHICAGO MANUSCRIPT PLAYS M£& 144 LA SALLE ST..^k CTADT IN sl,ow BUSINESS. <S 1 J\ fV 1 Strwflo Instruction. AVImt Acts In [.em n and How. I'uliilstin Saljiry. Mow to obialn ciicuki'Iik'HIs. AUdrosses of Ainerlviin and Kiiro|M'iili Agents and Malingers ul Tliciitri's, wllh ALU fssciillnl points for ue- Klniiers. '1 ho only practkriil TEACHER of Its Kind. Price aft Cents. Address Otto Simply, Ueut. II, i!T0 West aatii Street, New York City. United BookineOffices Of America, 8T. IAIB8 BUM., I. T. CITY. Western Vaudeville Managers'Association, IAIBSTI0 THEATRE BLDB., 0BI0A00 ZOO VAUDEVILLE THEATRES PORTLAND, ME., PORTLAND, ORE. Including every city in the United States, North, South East and West. LONG BWGAGEMKNTB CAN UK ARRANGED BY WRITING K1TI1ER OK TUB ABOVB OKKICKN. ADGIE AND LIONS IlK-KdUAUKD FOR TORONTO BXIIIUITION. ALSO FOR BALT i.Mli: (llv BTATB FAIR. WESTERN MANAGERS, WRITE. OPEN TIME OCT. 7. ADDRESS ..... S10 BAST 4Ttli STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ObEANBST AND MOST ARTISTIC OF AM. COMEDY GYMNASTIC ACTS. PM1ETTS 44RKATBST LIVING GYMNAST. ACME OF GYMNASTIC COMEDY Touring Franc, and Italy. Address, Care of UMPPRK, 48 Cranbourne, St., London, W. c. HOWARD & DOYLE THEATRICAL EXCHANGE and PLAY BUREAU. "AL.\*VAYS F»ROIVIF3-r AND RKLIABLE." LOBIB I. BOWABB, Hgr., 95 WashingtoB 8t„ Chicago, III. WANTED, ^ DRAMATIC PEOPLE Heavy Man, Black Face Comedian, Lead, Juvenile and character Man, Union Property Man, to play part. Character Woman, for wench, Leading Woman, Heavy and Ingenue. People doing Spechuilis preferred. AIbo Working Agent. One night stands. Opens about October ft. Lowest salary (pay owni. Programs and photos (which will be returned), In first letter. A. C. WEST, Wavorly, N. Y. Wanted, Flora De Voss Co. COMEDIAN WITH FIRST (LAHS SPECIALTY. Salary the beat, to the right man. ALSO OEN. BUS. PEOPLE Address J. C. LIVINGSTONE, Bus. Mgr. Flora lie Voss Co., No. 1,2, Sandwich, III., Sept. 9 and week. HARRY L BECK STOGK CO. WANTS IMMEDIATELY, A KIU3T CLASS KEPERTOIRK ACTOR who 1ms appearance, ability and wardrobe; preference given o one doing specialties; If yon booze, don't write. Also want a PIANIST. Parties who wrote before, rUiSi Proper yp'aced, write again. Also wunt for my No. i STOCK CO., opening about Oct. 10, KUI.L COMPANY, all Hues; Woman BtUtl— i feature, etc. Address HA J, opening K ItV 1„ UK OK, Osborne, Kali. DRAMATIC and. VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE MUSICIANS, GHOBUS GIRLS AND PEBFOBMERS .rofpdone 1 ^^ waatl,,g ,alent aena Ior our " ,,lle " n ' Wa '""'' W. 8. DONALDSON, Theatrical Exchange, 513 Elm St., St. Loull, Mo. REPERTOIRE PEOPL.E--MU8ICIAJV8. ggy. < Jg*- B «B*r"ft» People in all Hues who are up in and familiar with the old time and book plays, please keep In touch with me. Soino I can place Immediately. Cau always place an .u iif? tSSL £TmZ&& ," lg SS ,f "l 1 ,^ 11 " tl ". s 2 I uttQ wlt " 0,h «»- Al"o Musicians for Band. -ifi. JSP W K0 ' V i0 * e ''S'"? "PetlalHcs preferred. Your salary Is poBltlve, no per or promlsi's with me. If yoti are sober, reliable, attentive and energetic In your work this Is the show for yon. Steffi? RIHSHh. 1 .," ave hB S ^ Rr " °' etpenenue as u inhnngi™, id wlt ou "gotlsm, cm say. that no manager u the world will treat you better than I will if you have good SwtmHil fn£?!&J£2gSHSh 5: "■ SSS*" 58 - 8t - 0eor »« Ho,e '. "»»»«. ftS V.™- "fatlCrt/wlreua-, If uot write me for the future, giving your permanent address, I will answer. I never clone!