The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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September 14. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 823 TWO BLUE EYES THE NAME: TU F C HO R U S " Two oyo9 ar0 shining, filled with pain; Two lips are calling fond good-byes, n c vr n.w r% v» » . Two nearts aro p| n | ngf a || | n vain. Two teara are falling from two blue cyoa. THE WRITERS: Br>WAJRI> MAODJSlV and TMlSOI>ORl£ MOHSB. WHEN READY: iwro^ws nroirV! wrow: ixro^w: jvoivi the publisher: F. B. HAVILAND PUB. CO., 12 5 W. 37th St., New York. THE ANSWER: BIGGER, BRIGHTER, BETTER, BREEZIER THAN "BLUE BELL" SEND LATE PROGRAMS, UNLESS WE KNOW YOU. CARDS WON'T DO. \\Aj THE LATEST AND BEST SUBJECTS. WE HAN DLE ALL MACHINES MP SU PPLIES. WHITE EOB INFORMATION TO OUR Hit ANCIIKH I PITTSBURG, PA., DALLAS, TEXAS, House Bldg. Juanita Bldg. BIRMINGHAM, ALA., KANSAS CITY, MO., Steiner Bank Bldg. Shnlert Bldg. 20th Century Optiscope Co. HEADQUARTERS, STATE AND LAKE ST., CHICAGO- BUYING OFFICE, 302 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. FOREIGN OFFICF, 34 BOULEVARD VOLTAIRE, PARIS, FRANCE. TO IKE BIG MONEY BY CHUG PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS We Have Only the Latest and lost Complete Line of Bloving Plctnre Machines, Stereopticons, Edison's Kinetoscopes, Power's Cameragrapbs, and Gas Making Outfits, Always in Stock. By writing us before buying elsewhere, you can save money. The beet is always the cheapest. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. T. H. MCALLISTER CO., 49 Nassau Street, New York. (THE OLDEST HOUSE IN TUB BUSINESS. ESTABLISHED 1T83.) THE WAY TO MAKE MONEY WITH A MOVING PICTURE SHOW Is get Films that are so interesting that the patrons must come back. That Is what our service does for you. WE ARE READY TO PROVE IT. Powers and Edison Machines, also all kinds off supplies. THE IMPROVED FILM SUPPLY CO., 104 ATTORNEY ST„ KEW YORK. T«l. 3g01 Orchard m \m\xm agent FOR POWER'S Cameragraphs WITH FIKKPROOF MAGAZINES FILMS TO RENT NEW ENGLAND MOT FOR EDISON FILMS ALSO Kinetoscopes WITH FIREPROOF MAGAZINES 1 M ;>e«t of Mr* lea and prices consistent with the times always gMMMMfr J*&J!li$*y&£F8?35 l'»ml. Operators, machines and films furnished for Sundays and all other occasions. Sena lor iibi 'mil prices. F\ J. HOWARD, 004 Wu.hlugto.i St., Opp. Adsmi House. Boston, Win, HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES. Start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot ■ lactones fascinate and attract the crowd and bring them to your place ' ften. Get in line now and make a fortune. Write to-day for par- ticulars. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 Lakeside Avenue, 0ran * e ' N " '* HARBACH'S -ILL UTEST, HEW 11 EDISON UNIVERSAL. AND EXHIBI- TION—American PROJECTOOUAPH, THE JFLICKBRLESB MACHINE — Olncograph - Opttgraph Mo. 4—Powor'B CAMBRAORAFH— No. v Kto., With or without Fire Magaxlnes- KLKCTRIC or CALCIUM. NEW S0N6 SLIDES, PER SET, $5.00. Sverytblng In NEW and S. H. Motion Picture Machines Film.. Stereopticons, Bong Slide* and Sun- plies. Same wanted. Catalogue* free. r HARBACI & CO., 800 Pllbart St., Phlln., Pa. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES and FILMS WANTED. 809 Filbert St. ,, PHILA., PA. WE MAKE I1E1IE SiBI OK Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetoscopes SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. It'(pairing Moving Picture Machines Onr Specialty. SKNII POlt OATALOGUK P. C. B. HLEINE. M2-0(W Sixth Avonue, New York. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING SAMPLES $1.00 Package contain* assortment of Half Sheets, Window Card*, Three Sheets, etc., for dressing theatre lobby and limited advertis- ing. Catalogue for the asking. ALLEN SHOW PRINT BEVEHLY, MASS. FILMS TO RENT With or without tnschlno and oprrator. (loud service at tho right price. W. E. GREENE, !IU8 TREMONT ST., BOSTON, MAMS. slides, runs, musical INSTRUMENTS. Everything bought, told and exchanged. Kxccp- tlonul hargalns Just now. Write for Hat, JKNKIN8 IINIVKKHAI, KXCHANOK. Chicago, III. Do YouWANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS. ARMY or NAVY SUITS, TENTS, GUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Krom Government Auction. No matter what yon want In that line I can 'apply It. New or second hand. Bend for iataloguo. B. B. ABRADAMS, 3SB South St., Philadelphia, Pa. SANTA/" CAPS V -AS : MIDY OATARRH of tho BIAOOOU Relieves all I Discharges In Lach cipaul. bear, tiit bum CO"/"""S Smart of (MIDY) CWnltrftUt- \_y Bolt Vj >!1 tnictfU, Why RENT from DKALKRS who OWN nickelodeons and get film AFTER they have used them. We OWN no nickelodeons, and therefore can give you first use of new film. We sell Supplies, Ac- cessories, etc., at lowest prices. THE ACTOGRAPH COMPANY. 50 Union Square, N. Y. 'PHONE. 3H38 STUYVKBANT. If You Want a Film Service That you can afford to koop up, for many reasons, send us your address and allow us to mako you an offer. Wo also huvo a full line of POWER'S CAMERACJRAPH and EDISON'S EXHIBI- TION MOVING PICTURE MACHINES at regular list price. A Large List of Second Hand Films at a Very Low Figure. HETZ, 302 E. 23d Si., N. Y. Managers and Electricians, Attention! Wo will send our liiicBt. Catalogue, containing full ilescrlpllon anil showing iiii'HiimIs of operation of everything portulnlng lo Klcelrlenl stage Craft, KIlKK, lo anyotio sending ns llvn cents to cover postage on same. We MAKE A SPECIALTY IIP KI.KUTKKML BOBNItT KKlliCTM POlt TIIKATUKN, also MIIMMKR I'AltK AMUSEMENT ATTRACTIONS. Olio large JOHNSTOWN KI.OOI1 at »7,U0O, with prosconliun opening from fio lo 100 fool. One small JOHNSTOWN FLOOD, prlcu $;i,Mu, Willi pioscoiil'ini opening :» to SO feet. Now In slock ready for delivery. JOSEPH MENCKEN ELECTRICAL CO. Telephone 3695 Col. 354 West 50th Street, New York City. CABLE, MENCHEN, N. Y. ABC Code, 5th Edition. Largest Manufacturers of Electrical Appliances and Scenic Effects In Itie World, CHEER UP Film Users, and watch for our ad. in a coming issue of THE CLIPPER. We've got a genuine surprise for you. "Film Rental Fads," our booklet, is free for the asking. Send for it to Department W. THE GREATER N. Y. FILM RENTAL CO.. •41 UNION HUI Altr . NEW VOIIK. SEND FOR CATALOGUE!, 106 FRANK LI N STvCHICAGfj; |L:L HOHNER. Harmonicas, Acoordions, Blow Accordions Por Hi,,.,, critical professional player, whoa* art latin reputation, ara partly dependent upon lh« lint. lout, ^utility »r tlin purtlt-ular ln.trum«nl limy may play. Tlie.e In.trument. liiivn no tuiiial, anil till tl.n kill for Vaudeville Per- former* who MUST IIAVK THK IIKHT. HOHNER GOODS ARE FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE. 175 Broadway, NEW Y^DFIK. CANADIAN OFPIC.K, 7ft VOIIK NT., TORONTO. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 20ln., $7.BO ; 28ln„ $8.B0: SOIn., IO.r.0; Rflln., flO.r.O; 40ln.. $12.00. Circus Trunk*, 24x18x18, $7.60. Hill Trunk*, 30x23x15, Inside, $12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42ftx28%xl2, Inalde, $15.00. Phinpcd on receipt of $11.00, bsl. C, (). I>., except over not) mile*, then remit whole amount B1MON8 & CO.. CBNTKAi, Tit UN K KACTOUY, K*t. 1804, B. W, cor. 7th and Arch Hts. , I'hlla. LEATH EROID TRUNKS. MUIITKII THAN HTKItX. 1)1) TIMKH 8TII.0NOEII THAN WOOD. Bend for Now Theatrical Catalogue. I.KATIIKItoiU MPO. CO.. f>32 li'wuy, N. V., near Spring Bt. THE ELECTRIC PRINTING COMPANY of l.owvllle, N, V., will save you uiiui.v ilullars on your prlnlliig MITx. Heiul lo lliem for prlees on any- llilng In the lype printing Hue. Dates, s:i emits a set. Prompt nervlee. PROFESSIONALS, ATTENTION! HIM, L. MCIIKI'KH has Instoeka hnndsonic line of .lightly u.eil Kvenlncj, Street, llln- inr anil Iteeeptlon Oowit., anil Fine Pur*. 0«ntl<*in«n'a Pull llrro, Tuxedo and Hue k HultH, I'rlnre AHicrt Coals mid Vesls, and an liiimeiiHc lino «t Fall mid Winter weight Overcoats. P1UCF.N HIMIIT MIIH. I,. KCIIKUKK, ici h Mouth Htrcet, Plilladelphla, pa. NOTICi;.—All C. 0.1». Orders MM kg accompauleil with a deposit of not less than $5,