The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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824 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 14. JJaZflF'. T. IVANS ORIGIN BUZZING SONG HIT The biggest Hil of all. By the writer, of "Von'ro An Initlan," and "Everyone Wu Meant For Someone." Band Leader* aend 25 ««nts for Band Arrangement or thla great March gong. SLIDES-Tha Most Beautiful, Original and Pleasing Set of Slides Ever Posed for a Song--$5.00 PER SET. NOTK.-Benrt Up-ta-Date Program. Call al onr office when In Chicago. Jen*. T. Branen, Evan. L'oyd, Henry Sawyer, Tlllle Hermann, Evelyn Vain and Arthur Blynn In Attendance. J. T.BRANEN CO., Music Pub., - - 67 Clark St., Chicago, 111. ALFRED J. GAMMEYER, 6th Ave. and 20th Street, New York, LEADING HOUSE IN AMERICA FOR THEATRICAL AND STREET SHOES, SATIN AND LEATHER STAGE SANDALS "CAMMEYER stamped on a Shoe means STANDARD OF MERIT." ALL COLORS III THEATRICAL HOSIERY. Theatrical Catalogue Mailed Free upon Request. CAN FIT 00T COMPANIES WITHOUT ANY DELAY. ESTIMATE8 FURNISHED Soubrette Dresses. Ankle Length Gowns AMY COLOR ANY STYLE ANY QUANTITY. All Oarmenla marin to (inter from Special and Original Designs. FIT, MATERIAL AND WORK- MANSHIP GUARANTEED, or money refunded without argument. Hand colored plates fur- WOLPF, FORDING A CO., fll-eli Eliot Bt., Boston, Ilass. nlshcd frco, on request. Low Cut Vamp Shoes JSJ2 AND SATIN STRAP SLIPPERS IN ALL COLORS. LOW RENTS, THAT'S Tl MYRON SHOE CO. LOW RENTS, THAT'S THE IIKASON. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. ;.iii Floor, Si. James nid«., H'wny ami Ma Street, N. Y. lillh Floor, Am. Tract Itlilrx., l.'.'i Nassau Street, N. V. till Floor, Nassau Trust llliljr., Uiitl Fulton, nciir Bmllli, H'klyu. a, <o // Atmiu.1 DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Wlij handle rooky goods Tflion yon oan handle goods that will eell themselves. Klootrlo Belts from 11 nor don. up. Largo variety to select from. Inhalers, tto. per doi.; Vollalo Insoles, Mo. dot. pairs. I'ure Coconniit Soap, $2.90 per gross. Fine Medical Batteries. Bend 76o. for Sample No. 14 K. Belt, oxp. pre. Trial order will convince. One-third cash required. Largest Manufacturers of Electric Bolts and AppManosalQ n. 6. A. Established IBIS. Lecture and price list frco. THE ELBOTRIO APPLIAHOB GO., Inc., Burlington, Ian.. Jrf SHORT TAMP SHOES, SIZES 1 TO 8 ALSO FULL LINE SATIN BLIPPBRS. INDIVIDUALS AMD ENTIRE COMPANIES FITTED OUT J. ULASSBKIIG, 68 TlilrjJIrVo., near loth Bt., Now York. Bond for Catalogue GOING TO EUROPE To apply for lowest rales at PAUL TAUBIO'S EXCHANGE OFFICE, lot East Htti St., Now York, German Savings Bank Telephone, now Grarnoroy. cable ad- HoN.llllR. dress Blanoalg. All printed matter and Inf. free WIGS WILLIAM lIKPNKIt WIG CO., LEADING WIG HAKBRB. Largest stock In America. Wlga made to order.* Full line of palnta powders and oold cream. Send for Catalogue "0," to either place. " ST., N. Y.; Chicago Opera Monso Block. Ohloaco. 134 west Beth ; PLAYS For Stock Companies, tor Repertoire Companies', for Anatiii LAHGBST ASSORTMENT IN TUB WORLD. Book* tot aotnv amusement, Negro l'lajs, Paper, Bcencry, lira. Jarley's Wei Works. Catalogue Free! Free I Free I •AWJBL FRBNOn. IT W. 11114 St.. Now Yark- B *Z^s SHORT VAMP SHOE SHOP Is Now Located al 54 WEST 31st ST., N. Y. f Between B'wayand g Arc. S F» A IM © LES IN METAL, IRIDESCENT, BLACK AND ALL OTHER COLORS. BOO DIFFERENT ■HAPBS. MILLOT BROTIIBRB, Manufacturers, 47 W. 3d St., New York. DRESSES for STAGE and STREE SKAI. SKIN COATS anil FURS. IIAKNKTT, Till Mate St.. « hfi ago. The kind that cat th. money. Call or write. F. H. ZIMMERMAN. 0 E. 14th St., N. Y. Haw York Agent for Tho Callla Bras. Co., of Detroit. $f)mQ STATES AND FOREICfl L C0PYRKHTI PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS n And make yon a fortune. If von have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, HONG or BOOK that la worth anything, yea should copyright it. Don't take chances when you can secure onraerv- Icr* airmail rout. Sendfor our SPU'UL <mtM 10 INVENTORS beforeapplying; for a patent, it mil far you. KXWBOOK on pattnti lent IREf. we advise If patent*- ole or not, FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Csnmltae. W0RMO1E A VAN MATER, Meaaflera, ""A " eetanftoi Iwutgat C fetes) Ce, Eat, M. R. KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES United State. Tent and Awnlnar Co., Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, III. ear* CIRCUS CANVASES. BLACK TENTS Onr Specialty. 8IDB SHOW PAINTINGS. /jfrmftwf/fflwrs^ ■ /ffOO ';M E IM T Large Block 80ft. and Under Newand Second Hand. Welts THIS CHAIILBU P. SIIDDBR TENT AND AWNING CO., Successors to tho T. W. Noblo Co,, Tent Dcpt., Detroit Bag and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. I. MILLER, a.,. W W.IM Bt, Raw Tort. NU FACT II It EH of Theatrical Boota&Bnoeo CLOG aid I ballet: SHOES a apo- dal tr. All Work made at short notice. Tel. loo Obelise, BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS J Wo have made the euro of llloort Poison a j specially. Bleed Poison Permanently Cured. I You can ho treated at home under llio name guaranty. Capital, f.,100,000. Wo solicit Iho most rlHtilmilo coses. If you Imvo ex- Initialed the old methods of treatment and mill have actios and pains. Mucus Patches In Moulli, Sore Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots. Dicers on any part of the body, Hair I or Kyehmtvs falling mil, write for proofs of [ em in. loo initio Hook Free. COOK REMEDY CO., Hit Mmonlc Temple, Chicago, lll.,U.S.A. HAULER BROS. SIXTH AVE. and 31st ST., NEW YORK. Leading Theatrical Specialists. Headquarters tor Daoce Underwear. Preliminary Opeining fatll I9O7-I90B. Complete Stock of New Fall Costumes, Millinery, Waists, Etc., Now Ready, T. We are producing the Host Elegant and Shapely Thoat rlcal and Street Shoes and Slippers on our FAMOUS SHORT VAMP LAST. Company Orders Filled at Short Notice. MAKE-UP BOXES Spaoial for Thla Sale, Prices Below Cost of Manufacture. OUR OOLD CREAM Expressly prepared for the Theatrical Profession, Ktinranteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate. Put up In pound Screw Top Tin Cans at 45c. i half pound at Stoo. BilFLBS OF OBEAI 8BIT rBBI. ALL MAIL <iKniCUH MUST BE) ACCOMPANIED BY MONEY ORDER, NONE SENT C. O. D. SEND FOR OUR THEATRICAL CATALOGUE. MAILED FREE. EDDIE KELLEYS DIES San Antonio; Ida Ho; Irish Rosy; WhenYon Know You're Not Forgotten, etc.; Everyone Was Meant for Someone; Waiting at the Church; Cheyenne; Somi- body'a Waiting for Yon. TEN FOR A DOL.L.AR. One straight, eight minutes, new anil original , . 91.00 One Dutch, elaht minutes, new and original . . . 1.00 One Irish, eight minutes, new and original , . . 1,00 SKETCHES For two girls, one rural, one straight ... . 91.00 For two girls, on« atrulght, one rapid changes . . 1.00 For comedian and aoubrette • 1.00 All new and original. Let Keliey bill Id Up yOUT act. Special Work a Specialty. EDDIE KEL LEY, Lock Box 404, Chicago, III. ililiifilflffl. These gowns aro especially adapted for Irafc wear. If you want Imported (towns for small prices, it will pay you to call, write or telephone (2011 CficlHCii). Business done In prlvnto house anil positively cc-nllilcnllal. IB EIGHTH AVE. {Near 18th Bt), NEW YOHK. THE ORBAT ENGL1S1I VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE MUSIC **° THEATRE REVIEW, 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square. London. W. C. Ms. Mil. PER YEAH, an. till., HluKin Column In?b. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, Paoifio Coast Amusement Co., mm m operating first class vaudeville tbeatres froi coast to coast. ALWAYS IN DEMAND, "■« "tf^flgWIM WH0 0AN 60LK BOOKINfJ A0BNT8: FREEMAN BERN8TBIN, IM Broadway, N.Y.; PAUL OODDBON, M 1307 Golden date Ave., Ban Franolioo, OBI. -THE "ACTWRIGIIT,"- VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR OlHcei GUAM) OPERA HOUSE. "NOTHING BUT HITS." Realtleticrt SIIMIIMAN IIOISI' Actors' Society of America „ MEMERS-Yonr dnea are now doe and payable for year of 19OT-1908. RALPH DELMORE. Free. MARK ELLSWORTH. Sec') WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC And the Litest tnd Moit Popular Stylos In LadlM Hair Driulnu . A. HI. BUCH & CO., 119 W. Ninth Street ..... Philadelpb'.. JUGGLERS' SUPPLIES---^^^W^^^^^P ■■■■■■■» ""■ ■ ■■■■■»* r> k | t i 0fMaUlU ''*B aw# VaavTjc*.OtaelttB»ai< 1