The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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SEPTEMBER 21. THE NiEW YORK CLIPPER. 833 THE ABOVE 18 A SAMPLE OF OUR 75c. LETTER HEAD HALF TONE we can nuke a half tone from photograph jou furnish; set op your name, address and act in type, and print too Letter Heade, Sftxll, for |a,60, oath. KNOXVIXLB ENGRAVING CO., Bill H»y gt., KawTllh. Tesrn. E AND LOWEST PRICES. Our 1906 STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE It now ready for distribu- tion. Write for It to- I day. You cannot afford 'to in without a copy. Mailed Ira*. 30c. per 100. LEVIN BROS., K 10-82 S. 8IXTH 8TREBT. TERRE HAUTE, IND. gTALLMAJV'S DRK88BR TRUNK. Easy to get at everything with- out disturbing anything. No fatigue In packing and unpack- log. Light, strong, roomy drawers. Holds aa muoh and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand riveted ; strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chiffonier; 0. O. 1). with privilege of ex- amination. 2o. stamp for cata- log. F. A. 8TALLMAN, . as w. Spring St.. Oolombns, O. World of Player?. Co^Pa.f.*™? . the '' Cncle Joshua Spruceby" r.^'v (La8tern ) : w e opened at Kennvfll }'' cl }.. Aug. 29, with the 8. It O. sign out for the Brst performance, and played to two big houses 30 at Battle Creel, filch. We are carrying fifteen people, with a twelve- piece band, and all new scenery. Roster Is as follows: Elmer McClure, manager "Harry lMd?;. 8 rP e ^S anager: . John Jonneon. h »na lender: Al. Thurburn, leader of orchestra; &&u. 0 ik!2& P f SP»-: W. C. Turner, Win. SmUh Forrest rfcOllllard, W. W. fjcoolle '•„0. Scott. C H. Wilson. Ed. Lucas, Mia giUtray, Maxle Alton, Hazel Lucas, with (tmSSsW! ln eevance. We watch ■£w«£! SK Re ."»»«-" regularly, and all IOOK rorwnrd to a long and prosperous season. a. ,? T ,? 8 „ rB0 K..? I,B "Daniel Boons on the E? \'/\\ Co ,-, — Th'a attraction, which Is owned ,1 R » bt -_ lr - J'lrrls opened the season Aug. E3.J* Crawfordsvlllc. Ind., and has been doing a remarkable business, considering the not weather, and also playing In the heart of the circus war In Southern Indiana. We played sixteen nights In Indiana, and are now touring Kentucky to continued big busi- ness. The cast Is an exceptionally strong one. which Includes: S. A. Mitchell, who mnkes a clever Daniel Boone; Lee Plttam, •{?"■. r^eeblrd. M. J. Landrum, Edna May Mitchell, Leona Leslie, In strong leading role; YVnrren Burrows, Rolling Thunder, a Won Indian, and John George, Sioux Indian. The musical numbers, directed by Mrs. Jos. Loeblrd. never fall to please, and Include monologue nnd songs by M. J. Landrum, In an act by Edna May Mitchell; the Indians, In war dances, and Warren Burrows, In funny Irish stories and songs. The show has given splendid satisfaction, and we carry ten new hanging, drops, several set pieces, and the play Is exceptionally well mounted. Our den of Siberian wolves, together with the In- dians, proves a great street feature, and are a big attraction. The business end back with the show la being looked after by Harry fceltus. who was Mr. Harris' advance repre- tinnunfliTn #a_ il, ... m.^. _i _» _* ,i HOPKINS & MIEN WILD WEST REVOLVER 32 or 88 Calibre. Only $4.50 Catalogue ol Shot Guns, Rifles and Rsvolvsrs. Free 111. Barrel. lined Steel. HOPKINS & ALLEN REVOLVERS are widely used by stage people because of their high quality and low price. The above modpi— WILD WEST REVOLVEK—Is especially desirable for melodrama and Western Shows, because of Its showy size and plstot-llke appearance. DESCRIPTION—A long barreled revolver—large and very showy, large stock and blued octagonal barrel, a half foot long. Makes a great hhow from the front, and especially with 88 calibres, a very Inurt report when blank cartridges are used. Is double action, self cocking; hummer re- bounds after firing, obviating the possibility of accidental discharge. Barrel Is twist rifled, and etcrttent for target practice. The revolver Is safe, ac- curate, reliable, and made of best material throughout. 88 calibre, D shots; 82 calibre, 0 shots. —- Sent by MAIL, POSTPAID, anywhere In the D. 8., for SAKE! DE- LIVERY AND SATISFACTION OUARANTEIBD— If not found at nearest gun store. 8am* Sin, with triple nickeled barrel frame and cylinder, 50 cents lesa In either 32 or 88. entlon calibre wanted when you write, TUB HOPKINS.* ALLEN ARMS CO., Theatrical DepL, Norwich, Conn.. V. a. A. Laroett Manufacturer! of High Orade Popular Priced rirearnt In thm World. Jewell Kklley, manager of the Jewell Kelley Stock Co., writes: "Business with this attraction since our regular season opened, at Lexington, Ky„ Aug. 5, has been phe- nomenal. The South seems to be In a better flnanclal condition than I have found It In several seasons. Our openings at Lexington, Knoxvllle and Chattanooga were the largest I have ever bad, and the houses have been sold out nightly. The company plays a two weeks' stand at Chattanooga. The first week has been a record breaker. The house Satur- day night was sold out at 8 o'clock. We go South over the K. &. E. circuit of cities, play- ing one and two week stands. I have by SO per cent the strongest company I have ever brought South, which Includes: Wilson R. Todd, Cbas. Kendall, Edwin B. Rodgers, John C. Weston. Harry Kershaw, D. A. Uellmnn, Francis H. Statu, Frank Cox, Jay H. Rey- nolds. Eleanor Kendall, Anna Marvin, Creasle Marie Monday, Canada. Bertha Kershaw, sensatlve for three seasons, ahead of the ■ Bal)T Kelley and myself. The vaudeville con- Harrls-ParkIn8on Co. Kirk Smith Is also s,(rt8 ot Rodgers and Marvin, Creasle Canada, GREAT WESTERN PRINTINGCO. SHOW PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS 613-16-17 ELM ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. STOCK LITHOGRAPHS AND POSTERS FOR DRAMATIC, MINSTREL, VAUDEVILLE. MAGIC, HYPNOTISM, MOVING PICTURES. REPERTOIRE, STOCK, CIRCUS, WILD WEST, FAIRS, CARNIVALS), AUTO RACES, ROLLER skating, baseball, picnics, races, etc. Special Printing and lithographing op all kinds, send for catalooue. Stock Dramatic Paper Th« Finoat Lino In tho Country. Write for prices. THE MALM IUHDI,!,AI'IIIMi CO. ' NEWPORT, KENTUCKY. , $1.25 Per Pound. GOLD OR SILVER. Cotton Tights, pair 11.00 Worsted Tlglita, pair 2.00 Plaited Silk Tlglita, pair 2.(10 Dest Silk Tights. I « m 8 lnoh cotton tops, J "• uu Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trimmings. Send deposit and route with order. THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., 387 Washington St., BoBton, Mass. To Managers of Vaudeville and Family Theatres Are you getting satisfactory Vaudeville Bookings? IF NOT. why not TRY THE Hoyer it Balsdon Vaudeville Circuit 1 We have one of the best little circuits In Pennsyl- vania. Also we can supply you with everything pertaining to the theatrical business, such as Scenery, opera Chairs, Films, etc. Address all communications to ROYER A BALSDON, Majeatlo T „ a i re ' Frankstown Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. r.8—Va udeville artists Bend In vouropen time. GETTING HOT. One Black Waterproof 2lx6a Tent, white out, black inside; one Siren for Ballyhoo, hear It a mile; Mandolin Piano, Folding Organ, Torches, Flve- K. F 9,'2 ,D K 8ettees, 40x00 or a <ox80 Tent: either W5. SEND FOR FREE BARGAIN UOOKLET. R H. AKMBRUBTEB, Springfield, Illinois. doing good work, and Is a hustler. The Boone show will have some of the finest paper of any of them. It all being special four color work. Time Is nearly all booked up solid to the second week In January, and we have some good time In Ohio, West Vir- ginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ten- nessee. North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Minnie Barrik writes: "I was granted an absolute divorce from George B. Kirk, In Chi- cago. II!., on May 8." Wat. HAMMOND.of'Beyond the RloGronde" Co., reports meeting with great success In the character of Jack Dudley. Alida Bertbnn, who has been with the Cutter Stock Co. since March 27, playing leads, will remain with the same company for this season. i'hah. H. Stevens closed an engagement of eight weeks at the London Pavilion, Aug. 31. and sailed for New York Sept. 7. . Garfield (Garry) Hopper and his wife have left the vaudeville ranks, and are now with the No. 1 "Josh Spruceby" company, playing the roles of Josh and Sally, also IntroduclDg their specialties. The tour this season will extend os far as the Pacific coast and return. VA'i: are Informed that "The Time, the Place and the Girl" Co. (Eastern) la playing to capacity houes on the New England cir- cuit. C. S. Clarkb, the past three seasons con- tracting agent for Sun Bros.' Shows, closed with the show Aug. 24, and has signed to do the advsnee work with "The Day ot Judg- ment" Co. Roster, of the "Sis In New York" Co. No. 1 ;0. S. ward, manager; James London, Ed- na Ward, Charles Hamlin, Roy La Marr, Dean Selah, Ray C. Baker and Olive Hugglcs, with Chaa. O'Connor, agent. Thomas m. Wilson and wife (Gypsy Dnyc), have signed for this season with one ot the Spedden-l'alge attractions. Mr. Wil- son writes: "We are playing a strong tine of leads, and the season promises to be one of the most prosperous the company has ever known." Notes from tho "A Royal Slave" Co. (Western): This attraction opened to a packed house on Aug. 21 ot Kmmetsburg, la., and made good from the start. The cast Is one of the best that has ever presented the popular drama Id the West, and the Clar- ence Bennett Productions Co. has spared no expense to make this one of the best equipped companies to take the road. The piece was rehearsed by Mrs. Clarence Ben- nett for two weeks, prior to the opening. The cast includes: Mary Ayres, Flo Young, May Fitzgerald, Florence Ellsley, Rex <Te Posselll, Raymond J. Binder, Elton Oeu Free, Fred Byers, Harry M. Hopkins and Bay Jerome. Harry A. Dubois Is manager, and J. D. McWIIllams, agent. The tour will In- clude the Dakotas, Minnesota, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Oregon. "Under the North Star," another play from the pen of Clar ence Bennett, Is foil route. the Kellograpb, illustrated songs, the Great Nickel, and the Kershaws. This company will not close next Summer, as I have an option on two Summer parks for stock engagements. By square dealings and giving managers and the public the beet to be bad, this company lays claim to 'the bell cow ot the South, " Tub Marriaoe Is announced ot Romalne Fielding, heavy man In the Holland 4 Cllf- Crowlet, female Impersonator, writes that he Is creating a sensation at Atlantic City, N. J. His engagement, which called for two weeks, has been extended to five -weeks. Af- ter his engagement there he has the Mosnrt circuit to follow. Clarence W. Brrexdb, German comcdlnn, closed his engagement with the Quakers company, Sept. ], and Joins Clark's Rig City Medicine show nt La Crosse, Wis., until IVc. 12, then plays twelve weeks in vaude- ville. Grace Ltden. Bessie Raymond and a party of friends (professional) are touring Yellow- stone Park. They have signed to play In burlesque this season. The Barnells report a fine season ln the parks nnd vaudeville. At present they are playing fair dates In Ohio, ns free attrac- tions, after which they will return to vnude- ▼Hie, and are booked up solid to the ond of December. ano HiATT, noveltv character change act. write that while rehearsing nt Christie's Lake with the May A. Bell Marks Co., they bought an Island of twenty acres. They are booked solid till next May, ond have been Idle only four weeks In two yenra. Tors and Torsr write that they have In preparation a pantomime novelty act, which will be known as Tops, Topsy and Thaler, ford "Mysterious Burglar" Co., and Florence Falkln (Mabel Van Va" the some company. Introducing Tops and bis dog Topsy. *. they claim, Is the most wonderful trick and which, Falkln (Mabel Van Valkenburg), heavy ln Arthur Kelly has been engaged for "The Girl In the Barracks" Co., management of Allen Reed. Arnold C. Baldwin, R. W. Marks' lead- ing man, who has been Summering at Chris- tie s Lake, was presented with a beautiful pipe, recently, by friends. Uaudwille and IHinsrrcl Thb Tossino Austins write from Lyon, France, aa follows: "We are In the South of France (Lyon), and the city, as well as the weather, Is lovely. We are here for fif- teen days, at the Casino. We have been 'banded' several good laughs, of which I will tell you. There are fourteen acts on the bill; one act, two acrobats, was very good. One of tbe team could speak a little English. They were not billed to suit them, and In trying to explain (In English) to me that they were headllners, said: 'We always up- stairs on ze bill,' An agent called on me, and I gave him my vacant dates. He also could speak a little English. He said: 'I have your liberty, I will do all my possible.' 1 don't suppose it is necessary to explain this, but what he meant was that he had my open dates, and be would do all be pos- the States until the Summer of 11)08 somersault dog; In the world, also Hemic Taylor and her posing dog, Trlile. The net will be one that will please all classes of theatregoers, and will be full of comedy. Duncan Clark Is on a visit to his Now York Comedy Company, now touring Penn- sylvania, to crowded houses. Roy Din writes: "I am mourning (he death of my brother, N. It. Dee, which oc- curred at his home, Dallas, Tex., Aug. 10. He had been burled three days before I re- ceived the news, owing to tbe telegraph operators' strike He was a non-profeBsTonal, but had a wide circle of friends In the pro- fession." Itiunr and Wilbon, after playing the Ma- jestic Thentre. Chicago, are booked up for forty weeks over the Western Vaudeville As- sociation time. Armstrono and Verne write: "We have been touring Australia, and are now in our eighth month. We aro booked up till Oc- tober, nnd wo expect to sail for the States as soon as we get through. Things are boom- ing out here, all tbe theatres are packed every night, out there Is no place like the Stales, utter nil. Wo are the headllnors, aud close tbe bill everywhere we appear." Nuwbll and Niiii.o have finished a suc- cessful engagement over the Barrasford tour, and have been rebooked for May and June of noxt year. They open a three months' continental tour at the Albambra, Paris, France, Sept. 1, and will proceed from there iiiowlng us over tbe uame acts. One bas a dog, and he has a- cover for the dog made out of an American flag. Tbe man does not speak English. Another act, doing an Indian and cowboy girl dance, also pulls out the American nag for a finish. They say 'good evening' and 'thank you' In English. We are booked at Grenoble. St. lOtlenue, Minus, Montpelller, Itoanne, Nice, Toulon, Marseilles, etc., and go back to Eng- land In December. We stay In England until May, then back to America. We get Thb Clipper." Dan Faysis has given up the management of tbe Bijou Theatre, Davenport, la., and has been engaged for this season as one ot the vaudeville features of North Bros.' Come- dians, now touring Indiana, Ohio and Il- linois. Harry Salmon and Ida Chester write us from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, un- der date of Aug. 4, as follows: "We opened here at tbe Theatre Royal, July 27, with our act, "The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter." It was a big success, and we received a very line reception. Last Saturday we put on our Coster act and they would hardly let us retire, and we took six encores. YYe play here for six weeks, changing our acta every week. After playing the circuit, we intend Harry M. Price sends the following: "Theo- to take our own show out, playing some of re l>fl r>a la car Irrnalo III In a hAemtffll nt *V,« A .•■,*—. II__ »_.. al ' T. \ It . . .. MILLER, COSTUMER, 130 N. Nrvenlh. St.. I»hJla<l«li>lita. wh,„ . co ,8TrjMES AND WIGS TO HIM, write for Catalog and Estimate. CONTRACTS £5255? HBAD8, ENVELOPES, TICKETS, w8?15' CARDS, Etc. Write for Samples. wHih Ptg. Co., HRH Dearborn 8L. Chicago. III. BARGAINS R.„H M ? VINa PICTURE MACHINES and FILMS. ii°?T,! ta , m £ ror Il8t ' 'DEAL FILM EXCHANGE, jjgjU E. Randolph St. Chicago. I Write Music and Words. Guaranteed arrangements for all instruments. nJSIJS« to80n (r».se H i and operas. Write mo. HENRY 8. SAWYER, jj 8. Clark St., Chicago Passbsjqkr Aeronautical Supplies. BALLOONS. AERONAUT LEO STEVENS, _ Box 181, Madison Square. N. Y. CABS STORED and REPAIRED "• J. CAK WORK*, PASSAIC, Bf. J. dore Price Is seriously HI In a hospital at Tacoma, Wash. He can be addressed, care of John J, Price, 13S7 Commerce Street, Ta- coma, Wash. Thb Harnett Bros., mensgers of tbe Har- nett Opera House, at Troy, 0., open their season with the Cutter Stock Co., week of Sept. 16, which Is fair week at that place. Lavbnia. Laraynb, with tbe "Are You a Mason' 1 Co., writes: "We opened ln Pough- keepsle, N. Y., on Aug, 20, and tbe show was nn instantaneous success. Have been doing splendid business, and the press has been generous ln praise of tbe play and cast. I nave been favored with a number of personal notices." Thb J. C. Lewis "New 81 Plunkard" Co. opened at Benton Harbor, Mich., Aug. 8. Roster of company: J. C. Lewis, Marlon Lewis, Arietta Lewis, E. G. Minnes Julia York, Jas. P. Stenson, Raacoe D. Munaon, Nat Huntington, Mrs. G. Farewell, F. M. Orth, Harry Evans. Wm. Beck, Wm. Daven- port and Doc. Dunbaugb. Roster and Notes of the Wolford Stock Co.: E. L. Paul, manager; ft L. Paul, Arthur McAdam, Carlton Chase, W. B. Leonard, Carl Simpson. Mamie Sheridan Wolford, Mse Chester, vera Hummer, Morgan James, Ethel I^onard, with Daisy Hughes, musical direc- tor. We have three weeks of fair dates In Nebraska, and from there we go to tbe coast. Business Is big. Cbas. Sanders Is In advance. _ _ Notes from the Tom Marks Co. I Tom Marks opened bis regular season of 1007-08 at Gait. Ont, Can., Sept. 2, end played to capacity afternoon and evening. JPVrl was no Labor Day celebration there, and hundreds of people were out of town. But Tom Marks 1b a great favorite there, and consequently the house was crowded at botb performances. Tbe company Is one of the best that Mr. Marks had ever brought to Gait, the dramatic work and specialties being way above the average. Tom Marks bad not been ln Gait for four years, and he was welcomed with the "glad hand" on his every appearance. He plays Canada for several weeks, then goes to Michigan for the rest of the season. Jisannettb Lb Blanc, who opened Aug. 12, New Brunswick, N. J., with the Aubrey tbe Australian towns, then to India, to the old country, and then back to New York with our new act. We carry our own epeclal scenery, and I am sure the act will be a success in America, I received by last week's mall from the United States, five Clipfsbb from different friends ln America, and we have been sending them to some of tbe people who are over here from tbe 'other Bide,' as we know they would be Just as Bars Rio writes: "I am not with Jlmmle Newell, the comedian and dancer, but am now working alone. Have Just returned from the South, where 1 made a bit nt tbe parks, doing my specialty. I am now billed as Babo Riu, the r Ktd Soubrette,' Instead of Georgia Lee Wood." Chas. Boss and Frbd J. Mackbt write : "After a Ions; silence, caused by our bolng In tbe wilds of old and West Virginia, we can report good business with the Merry Mack's Comedy sad Vaudeville Co., Fred Mucker, proprietor; Musical Cbsrles Boss, manager. We opened the Grand Theatre, at Itonceverte. W. Va., commencing a two weeks' engagement, and since tbtn the bousei hare been crowded, Tbe auccess of this protty opera house Is assurid. Financially and other- wise, wo are very bsppy, and are booked up until Easter." " Jambs K. Hknut, of Henry and Young, is Just completing bis first season as manager of Shellpot Park, near Wilmington, Del., and he has tbe satisfaction of knowing that It has been one of the most successful seasons In the history of tbe park. There was a general Improvement ln the attendance at tbe park, a number of excursions were se- cured, and the place, our Informant statcH, kept ln a better condition than ever before. A number of excursions were secured nud tlireo big celebrations held. TbCBc wore the big Jubilee of the members of the G. A. It., for tbe benefit of tbe Smyth Memorial Fund : the Immense celebration of tho Improved Order of Red Men, for the benefit of their aged and Indigent home fund, nnd the joint celebration of the cities of Wilmington and pleased to read them aa we are ourselves, fester for the furtherance of the "city beau- Will always be glad to get a Clifi'kk when- tlful 1(lea ' The success ot the park bun been ever you care to send us one, as we find so much Interesting reading In It." L. B. Walker writes that bis Three Dancing Girls Shows are touring the Maine and New Hampshire fairs, to excellent busi- ness. At Bangor, Me., the tent was packed at each performance, and the show gave gen- eral satisfaction. Eddie Leslie writes that on Aug. 31 he walked up Pike's Peak, Colorado, consuming nine hours In making the trip, and thinks he Is the first performer to accomplish tbe feat so marked that it Is expected that a ber of new attractions will be added next season and that numerous excursions will make It their objective point. Abdul Kasbu will spend the next five weeks at his home In South Atlantic City, prior to opening on the Klaw i Krlanger circuit, Oct. 3. KBLLT A MAbSKV'S Ltric Couedt Co., having played a successful twelve weeks engagement over tbe Walter J. Pllmmer cir- cuit of paries, In "The Doings of Doolcy," closed their season nt Danbury, Conn., Sept. Ed. O Connbll and Bbatricb Golden have s—=r, completed their Pacific coast, Montana and *■ ">■■ company has been re-engaged for tin North Dakota engagements, and are now Summer season of 1008, James T. Kelly and Lillian M. Maasey will continue In vaudeville, and appear In "The Doings of Doolcy," as- sisted by a capable company of five people, their time having been booked before leaving Los Angeles, Cal., last March. John T. Kelly/, supported by bis excel- lent little company, began bis vaudeville sea- son at Poll's, Waterbury, Conn., Sept. 2. Ollie Young and Tiirkb Hiiotiibum opened their season of thirty weeks over tbe Klaw & Krlanger advanced vaudeville circuit, at the New York Theatre, week of Sept. 0. Tub team of Bender and Earle have dis- solved partnership, and Lillian K. Bender Is Stockr"co"T8~play!ng" soubrette roles nnd do- tbe capacity of actor-manager. Ing her singing nnd dancing specialty with m Morrjb ^Smith and Ciiaklxt the company. . .. _ Maxinb Miles, leading woman at the Bur Theatre, Tacoma. Wash., baa signed with Keating A Murphy for leads In Portland, Ore. Miss Miles bas made an enviable repu- tation on tbe coast. iga _ tbe principal vaudeville houses In dlnnesota. They nave made arrangements with William Morris for future bookings. Thb Ricb Bros, and Etta Victoiiia played two weeks at the Toronto, Can., Exhibi- tion. Tbey are booked until tbe middle of October at fairs. Lizzie Evans and Jefferson Li.otd com- menced their regular vaudeville season at Pittsburg, Sept. 0. They are booked solid. Phil La Toska. opened on the Orpheum circuit. Sept. 25, at the New Orpheum, El Paso, Tex., and is booked up to Dec. IS, Cabsib Clifford Is convalescing at her home in Roxbury, Mass,, after undergoing "gain working alone under her former title, an operation for appendicitis. 'The Girl wltb tbe Fiddle." She reports John ■■■■■•• Reed, Is dates for and Is booked solid until offer January. lie is at present on the Butterdeld circuit, In Michigan. Mr. Reed will bo remembered ln characters and light comedy roles with Gus Hill, Gus Bolhner and other managers. He was last season with "Happy Hooligan," ln P. Reed, formerly known as Prett making a hit with ber new single act at June- In his fourteenth week of vaudeville tlon Park, New Brighton, Pa. 1 the Western Managers' Association, Walsh, Lynch and (.'(jiiimnt opened their . Van have Joined bands In a novelty dancing act. They nre closing the olio with John W. Vocel's Big City Minstrels. Jimmy Itnuo has closed with Pierce A Ben- ton's "Cowboy flirt" company, and will re- turn to vaudeville. reason with Fred Irwin's Big Show, at Buf falo, N. Y., Aug, 20. Words of praise were extended to them for their rural sketch, "Hucklns Run." They are booked with the above attraction for a season of forty weeks. Tom Hefbon writes: "I am Just closing the sixth week of my Summer season at At- lantic City, I played four weeks on the Boom circuit of parks, and tbe same for Heller A Gladden, of Philadelphia. Played the rest of tbe Summer at Steeplechase for Manager Giles W, Clements, a prince of managers, and have signed with blm for four weeks next season." THOUSANDS have discarded the Idea of making their own cocktails—all will after giving; the CLUB COCKTAILS a fair trial Scientifically blended from the choicest old liquors and mellowed with age make them the perfect cocktails that they are. Seven kinds, most popular of which are Martini (Gin base), Manhattan (Whiskey base). The follswing taset appears en every bottle t QMlmateed nnder the national Pare Faod and DrBSJS Ad. Ap- rovesl Jane BOSS, 1006. Serial Wm, Bro o. G. F. Hartford HEUBLEIN ft Bole Proprietors New York BRO. London X. Iliizln's, tho original Depilatory, roinnvos tfio hair from tho face, neok or arms without fall. No 111 eirect*. Used by women of roiliioniont for over seventy yearti. For sulo stall first class toilet counters, or sealed packages, for ofty contii, Including postage, II AM. M ltliKKI,, Now York City, Bakers of Hozodont. PATRwr israovas WASHBURNE FASTENERS THE? BULL-DOG GRIP UTILE, BUT NEVER LET 00. Men swoar by_ them, not at them. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Key Chains, . . 25c SuffHoldtn, . . 10c CuflHolden, . . 20c Bschclor Burtons . 10c Sold everywhere or sunt postpaid. Catalogue free. AMERICAS' Rise Dl»l 11 Wllsrsary. CO. Galolum Gas and Moving Picture Outfit Kalsrlalnlns inn PuMlf. We start yon.f ii rnlnlilnn complete outfits with simple sad oipilclt Inntructluns, The field Is La res, comprising the regular tleairl andiscturn circuit, also local fields In Crwrcbw, Public flchools, Lodges and Ueneral l'ulillr. umbering*. Nothing sffords hotter opportunities for rm"r«piui. Our Outfit Comprises the 0. p. oo.'B model. PURE OALOIUSI OA8 OUTFIT, the area tent onndlepower.ths infant and mos t aoono m Ion I aa a- m n k I n « outfit aver Invented, w.i.ntioii.. Sttreootfcas, HstIm flcturi Hicklm, Films lIMna u * everT sexossory rllW, SUMS needed for complete pnterUtomentn, Absolutely the Intest fllnuaadvlews on tbe innrket, Including all subjects for lbs public's enjoyment. ■RSB •ntertalnmant supply oataloaua nnd . SPECIAL Off** fully napmlns everything. wmm wojictuw ».. mtonsri it., t*n w. ckiup.