The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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£ 310 'WBBMsanm- ^okk saispabp ia Notcs niow tub H. V. Young Co.—^a *in1 ! uur seventh nnnual Christmas tree at 'the Ulttlel Mctropole. Port Huron, • Mich. The "rniVtn wiia-furnlshcd through' the.courtesy of •Proprietor lltirdy, who Ih a roynl good-fellow, lilnl who did fill possible to make, the, Ocen- vlnn one remcmlierod. The mom wus linudsoiimly decorated and the treo a sight ■to 1 iiciiold. '• Numerous presents were 'cliungrtl,. of which tin: following lx 11 pur tin! •*!«»■: It. V'llrnot You tip received n typewriter hud riisn, .Ktlver necktie clasp, gold cuff-links, .makeup box with: electrle ulliirhments, iiud *liiin.v clothes. Iii-iikIi : Mnr.llo AihtaiH Young, void, nili.v .-mil diamond hrurclet, Jewel case, Wtiiielng turnips, cluster diamond liroocli, sll- •ver muiifcuro set, . wlilte. fenthor fun. white Dilcliesn satin evening gowu, pearl trimmed mid blucli velvet studded girdle; Hnby Mur- j.ucrllc. dlntiiiind ring, lire size dull, pink slippers mid s'.ncklugs, kinionii unit blue i'hii ', Dandy Viiung, MilC, leggings, workings, •((luir.ond ring, lurnnolsc ring nml knife net ; ■Vvrliim. sold earrings-mid liroovh, atomizer, luce Cim. perfumery, mill lllc, curling Iron und :Tnylor trunk :,< Vera .Sccord. toilet set, girdle. iniilT, pink bends, nnikc-iip glnss, Per- sian combs fun nml gray lent her purse: Mysilr Wnopcy. yellow , chiffon specialty dross ntill dancing shoes, fancy clock, spangled tun, silver lootlihriiHh holder iiud.chuny tooth- brush : Arthur Miirfcoy, gold fob, match box. gold mounted |ilpi".. tieii, Dnreuius, Hllvcr ll'uvelbig set. collar box. Itlblc. Kllk suspenders mid gold ring! I''red lllgolow, Hllver flunk, wIiIsUIiimoiii nml luiiirtkereblefs: l>d. Stnuffer, it raveling net, .slinvhig set, muffler mnl stis- -pendent; K. Clms. Shitm, sbnvlug set; Wni. <■onion, smoking set: Scull Mnulloll, gold ilock, amethyst, tie pin, postcard n Ilium box .of.. lh'» and stag horn manicure set: Hurry l.lmllev. Biilt wise, silk imifllcr and smoking M>t.; Sine elk tooth, traveling .set, ■broom,. mutch wife upil toothbrush; . , Noti:s piiom "Telegraph Station-No. 21" Co.. Uiipler & Matthews, mnuugers.—We nro •Mill ou the-road mid still going, although itlio, llnniielnl panic Iuih hurt us Home, but Juialucss |s pI'Tting n|i.- We uow hope- for the best. We huvu booked a. grenl ninny return dates nml when the money Iuohciih up we will •luive clear nulling. New Year's Day With UH Avas ushered In in n way we don't want to vicar uguli't. The hotel at Uussellvlllu, Ark.. IwlrsH'Oiuplo.tely dosl roycd'by lire .Inn. I, lit ■i ,.\. M., and we bitrely escaped from same iwlth our.lives, .is the entire building col- lapsed Just us we left II. Mr. !,<• Molnrt lost ■purl id his clothing, while Mrs. Ln Molnd lost all uf her Jewelry. . Mr. Itnplcr lost a •Piilr of diamond cuff buttons and part of his clothing. Mm. Mnlthews lost her watch, • pucki'tbnuk. uttd all. of her Jewelry, Mr. MiiIUiuwm lost his Hlioes, purl of his clothing, ■ watch mid illniiionil tie pin. Mr. Johnson lost nil of his i-lolhlng. Tint rest of the com- pniiv saved uritrly ill of Ihulr effects, except soili'c trilling things. We. tire thankful, • though, to escape with our lives, mill I hut Airs. Itiiplor was III' the huspltol lit Mttle .lloek. Ark., She was taken seriously til on the irnlii und we had to send her to tlm hospital, whore she wart operuled on Dec. HT, Sin: Is Improving nicely and hopes to join us noon. Had she been with us In Ittissellvlllo \ve probably enitld npl hnvi; unveil her. The company remiiitis the eiiiue us the opening. Hosier: Itnplcr ,v Mn 11 hews, owners: Gus : l<ap|er, Inmliiess imititiger: W. 1,. Matlliuws, ■Ktnge tuiiiiiiger: .l.essiille lliiiilcr, ICIIlccn AlattlieWH, Kalcllv l.e Molml. imislcnl dlrcc- .tor: Prank I>o Molnd, William Johnson, properties: Murr.v Wilson, carpenter; Tom Miillhews, cleclrlcluu: nl, Itnfsey. Slack mill. Mndgc .Vilnius; , We get Tun Ol.l> It 11- i.tAllLi; regularly mid devour it fi'oiti rover to 'over. C'hrlHluius was-spent in Hot Springs. where we tiia- ■■ nice business inalluvn nml tilglil. Many vnliiuble presents were ex- eliutiged. but we did uot. get. to keeii Ilium long iim I hey went up In stuoko In the IliiKsell- vllle lire. ... "I^ibi In ^«' Yi>i:k" Co. Ndtk.s. —\\o nro louring iitidvl nuiuiigeiiii'nt of I. Newt. Ilron- j"Ui. mnl meeting with rcuuirlmhlo success. «Af. Iiiiveiipiirl, on Dm, ITi, there worn eleven <nni|i:iiili;s hii'lug imt, mid Malinger llrouson eiitertiiliied .fot'l.v-seven profus.dii.ini friends. imt compuiiy illd n large buslu.*ss there. rUrli-lniiis WHS observed wllh . u ' big biiinpiet .p( ijuliie.v,. III., after tlie show, and nil eu- Joyed u good time. ' . • ■ ,lM?H 1Ii:iiman. agent nf.lhc Jewell hel- lev Stock t'o., writes: '.'We pluycd Jones- lnu'o, Ark,, ai.'iiln tlilH.l.'hrlslnius. whlcli luukes Mr, Kelle.v'M sevctilli scilsou Id play that town f.'lirlsttniis week. Last ytnr. uur bilsl- Item was cii|>uclly nt every performance, und ihii ni'iisoii. the Mime .ciiudltlou |irevillled. .Ml tlie nenls Un Monday night and t'lirlsi- iilivs mnl luce were sold ".nil. on |''i:ldny liel'me the engagement. Messrs. Applet-iiie \ I'ulrlck suv llini Jewell Kclley alwaj'S Ipis .mi excel- lent coiupiiuy, und Ihut.aiiy .week ill' I lie yen c euii lie playeil by Ibis coiiipilnv iis long as lliey huvu tlie management of Hie Mnlotie 'I'lieiilie. A pleasant week Is always spent IriKi). Aliiu.v limiilsiiine presctits were ex- i'iiiliii;eil on t'lirlstmas Day, and ufler the night iierforiiiunee ii swell snp|K'r was given tn Sir. Kclley by Ilio members'of Hie cum- JUIiy, Willi the ojieulug uf the new jene we e(:iii on our lour of the Knsl, whlcli will hist lllllll till' close of I he SeilKOII.'* "MvriNKii (Jim." «'o. Xoriis.—Ou Uec. "2t, nl Miini'iie, f,a., we had a good nld fualtlulleil .ibrlslnms lire on the singe lifter the even- ing perlill'lllllllee, mill III '-lly ll Wll.'l II IlllgO .hUccesM Is pulling It .mildly, river two him- iiri'seiils were exchnnged iielweeu |hu dllfercnt .uiemliers of. the cnuipniiy, clilef of whlcli were four itlamoiiil brooches to Mrs. mnl ihe Misses Jneksou und llhitich n'Nell, the pi'iiim denna. and two gold wnlelies In r^aii IftiKsell and Hilly lirnss, llie'eomcillinis. •fills companr Is going along and lireaklng all hoiisc records, ami is inpldly iieipilrliiK Inn repiitalloti of being one of the best musical innicily companies .ever seen through this .(•eel Inn. Nivn.s rmiu "OnjyriCT t'llh" Co.—Manager Louis- Kntz wits presented with :i gohl -head- ed rimi' by tin: members of his company Ojulslinns night, at I lie Alhuinbru. Tlieiilre. Clileiig", III. The novel way In which his roiii|i:in.v gave him the enne wits to nMKI In front of the house, asking lilm to .euino tutck sin' llie iltttn und niljusl somn little Itft'nirs uf wli'.eli thv. 1 stage iminuger, Cnpr. Kelly, had un oiulrtd. .\s the curialii droppeil on the last act. Mr, Kalis stood In hitek of the ciir- tiiIn ami was-uhuul to give his view of the ntVnlr, when the curtain went up and he Mum! there bewildered. Mr. Kelly, who pre- sented the enne, made n few remarks. The Miidleui'i' utipliliided nml cried "Speech," "Speech." when Mr. Kalx rescinded with ft few iciiiarkHjMelllng the uudlctiee of ihc lovo end regnrii lor hN cnnipauy. and that he al- ways looked upon Iheiu as Indies und geulle- uieii. und as brothels mid sisters. - Mav Uowi:. nf I'linnclly and Howe, hi rnatd Hllli Tom Minks' Slock Co., iindcrwiait ft stirLdciil olierullon Hee. .1,1, lit the Mercy Hos- pital. Illg Knnlds. Mich. Cnftl.AMi linos.' S'l'oiMC Co. NtfTBR.—While playing a week's engagement ut Slieriunu. Tex., tlie members of I lie Copelnud Itros." Stock l>. were enieriiiliied I'hrlKtmus night b\ Ike Human nml Tils slnlV of stuge cin- tdovees, ut n I Hitch lunch. A most cheerful evening was pnssed. Huslncss Is s|dendld wllh us. the s. II. ii sign nppeiitltig often. t't.Mii: .\. I'uii.i.irs writes: "I was obliged III ehise with I he Xilll'ilinl Slock Co. on ill- i"inn of il-.e sodden ilcn'i of lll.v tuuther. Mrs. lli'orge A. I'lilllln.. at Mttle Vails. S. Y." - IV J. Kani: Is playing the Irish comedy i.-tt-t Willi "The I'liuulom Ik'teellve" t'o. i.Tdlii l\iine, who was culled to Iter homo on nceoiiui of the Illness of I. Idle Vlolu Kane, repm-ts thai slie has lully recovered her hen I tn. ll.M.eit Wiitiiii.i;r closed a successful sea- son of thirty weelis Willi the Sloildiirl Co., lit Sheilirooke. Can., lice. '.'S. and rpenl n leu- da-s al his home In Toronto, far llie l.'lllll'lJS. ' fljwiiihiiTiniii BiiTui. Hi Notes:— Tbls week,. at'llolton, Kan.,. Is ■ our. eighty-first week without'-closing, Quite n record, for repertory. In: thnt tlmo> we have pluycd Michigan, * Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Tlll- niils, Missouri, .Nebraska and Kiiiisiih. Uur liiisiin-ss /this season lias been far ahead of Hint, of Inst season, comparing trie same wcckB. The past ten weeks wo have ployed return dates la Missouri and lown. The company remains practically the same as It did nt the opening, wllh. Die except ion of our musical director. We arc currying four- teen people'lii the compuuy, und Ave com- idete sets of scenery. At Lexington, Mo., Inst week, Nam Hpcdden, Tending man, and I'lulrc Pnlgc, leading lady; were recipients of innnv Imndsome Christmas gifts, both frfun member* of the company and friends in the city.' l.a Hose and-IIaffleld and 'their two trained poodles arc strong .vaudeville feh- tures. and are the talk of every city iho. company visits. Frod l.ftnglev, VThe * itnny Fellow'^ and Joke dispenser, Is. also a great favorite. The roster: Snm Spuddon. llotA ■Manners, W. D, Collins, Kl«l JUingley. »4- fat Hose, Itiiice Itlualdo. Herbert S. Swaney, f'lttlro l'nlge, laielhi 'MoAtnsne. Kitnnlc Hut- fleld. Helen Walton, Ihtby Cecil Mnnuerg, Oscbp Hammond and Herthu llnrrlngton. •; ' Ct.vm: AitMBTKu.Nd closed-with the wnlter II. Stall Slock «'o. Dec. 'M. nt Cnrbonditlc, I'ii., and hhs Joined the Goodwin Stock Co., which opened at Annnpolla, Md„-Monday, pic. .DO. lie will appear In -hcuvlcs and ■Juveniles. '"' TiibtiK Is probably no dny In llie year that nn nclor or performer feels more keenly the absence of home and friends than on Christ- mas liny. Uut those who wore fortunMO'- euonnh to he playing In or near Bellnlre, 0., f hrlslmns week, nod stopping ut flic Clone Hotel, were made to almost forget that they were awny from their own - fireside, for the genial proprietor, Charles Klotz, made a special cITort to cutertuln his guests", on t'hrlhtmu's. und the effort wan it most euccens- ful one. Art elaborate dinner was provided, mid nil 'who participated were unatilmoim Hi the verdict-thiil It was one of. tlm inorf plensant Clirlstmnses-tlicy hud ever spent The following I heal rlcnl folk wore .present :f Ulr. ami Mrs. Hurry Ashton. ■Princess t.hlti-. ntilllii. Kdwnrd Xcv.cll. Arthur Herbert. I.ous llerlicrt, Leo Herberl. Murthii Claim. Francis • 'Harris; Dixie Hurrls and Kugenc »weet M.\n.\0!:u On.t«. T. VHX* was n CUPPBs 'caller while In New York, mill renorled line IntKlncss. lie Is preparing for a *&*-£t£i iiany of "When the llell Tolls," which takes le rond to Jncksonvllle. .|.'hi.. jimylng oaly Houthern time. Mr. Kales left New Jork fot Jacksonville Jan. 1. with some of the mem- ber* nf the ciini|i;iny. Korea ritoM MAXIM A StotiTs* cqiiKtiiANM. ' w'p are touring North Duknlu und report 'weiitlter und business both good ut the pres- ent time In I hilt section. We have been out sixteen weeks, have hud several bad weeks, Imt' I lie' good business lies more thuii counter- ■iiclcd the bail. We have followed couipanlbli that continued to report turn nwuy business III towns wheru we did not get exneuses. No nro mill moving along that trail while they 'have ceased to exist, and we sre not lenvlng nny iinpnld bills cither. We are booked up > to llie end of the season, und will close April II. to open under tent Mhy -J, nt l.a ilaipe, ill. II"! itolM of Mr. Sights. It will In: Hie llrst time he has played his home town In feu venrs. Hosier of company: J. W. Sights, iiinnuger: I'uullne Sights, tri-usurer; Mil, Tlllniuti, stage mnniiger; Arthur Ondulil, prouertlea : Karl K. Uslrnuder. udvuiice repre- sentutlve: Uiirothy llelleinnii. iniiHlcnl ql- reelon Clnreniie Wnnwrlght, Mua Mnseotlo, •Millie. Ostroudcr. i •iim W. MVIITIN'S "i;.NCt.H TOM'S t'AUIN'' t'o. enjoyed n line C'lirlstmilH dinner at the .Ner. Coinmerelal, Jitmestowii. N. X. The <-onip:iny pluycd lo S. It. O. buslncaa Christ- mas, Tnullnee nod night. ' Niitkk from Dayton. 0. — Mnniiger CHI llurrows, of the Natlotul Theatre, this city, eiilirlaliusl the members of the theatre force wllh ii liiindsetne spread Sunday .ufteriiooii. Dee. HP, on the stage of llie theatre,'and lie uffulr was n veritable holtdny treat. The feature or the spread was n roast pig. with many other good things. Chef Char es bar- inoulli served'llie feud, und the (able wns arranged- In- ii garden seeno In full glarei or. Iho footllghls und ciilcluiii effects. Mr. .llui- niwn preiTded, and there were niiinj; speeches following the Im linnet. Among llioso j>n«ent were: if! W. Shufler, trensurer; It. B. Del- snuiip. usslstnnt treiisorer; .1. II. O I rleu, .1. K. Addison, T. 15 Irltcii, Df.L.C. AduniS, Charles Mellcr. .1. Heritor. A\. It. llfcord, I'. HiilT. C W. MeOinn. O. «'. Sehcnek. Iv Trust. V. ■Summers. A. Mdtiiff, W. Ototgb VT. Norrls. II. Yosl. D. Brewer. A\. McDnlT, I. (iiuipbell. U. Streck, Wnller ll'ntsy) llrilMh, Vklgur Heiily, business iiinnuger of the Kidlar und Thurslon Co.; I. Hunt, Ollu Nerlker, J. IV Meller. V. V. McUowen, Uert Unrver and V. Ileeord. ■ •I'm; TTimiK «ln.m:x Siktwik. and their niollier mid fallier. report mis'tlug with Mg success with' Snvlllc's "lliimply Dumpty" Co. ltus'iuii uf Hie SlndduiT Stock Co.: John fl, McDowell. Adelaide Secord, John V. Tucker. W. Ii. Stewurl. Ada.Durettc. Alice McDowell. J. f. Sheeluin. ltulpli Word ey, U'nU Stoddnrt, II. J.I. Howe, W. I.. I'll lllps, Henry Miller, mid Kd. II. Unrnstead Jr., business iiiannger. "(SAMllt.KIt or Tilt! Wusr" • XOTBS." Au elntiomto tiuiiqiicl. at. Dawson .« l.itrch s cafe,, Nashville, Tenn., wu* enjoyed by tliu memburs of llils cunipiiny on Chrlsuims I'.ve. «It. unit humor Unwed as freely as the lliiuld refresh- iiK'iils, und a thoroughly enjoyable time was spell I. The umiiugemeiit of tlm HIJou and representatives of Ihc lornl press were exv leitdcd Invltnlloiis. At rather nu early hour of llie woe sum" variety the bumpiut canielo au end wllh tlie rendition by all present oi. "AttCB SrT'-BY-TMB:FlllB , 'Cto. Noras.—* most eDjoynble Chxlstmns. was pasecd brUtne members of tbls company,. of wMqb. I<lirti» Monro Ie' the, star, nt X,afayettc, Ind. i Thf ■company laid off. a week prior to Cbrlstma* and spent the time in Lafayette. Miss Moore j epnrtments were handsomely and attractively decorated with American flags .and there wer« holly wreaths. Christmas bells nnd mistletoe; In one .corner was n goyly decorated: nnd prettllv Illuminated tree loaded down wltn proscnts. 'K. Xt.lMrta, manager .of the, con* pany, eiinctcd the role of Snntif Clatts. MIsB Alooro octcd as hostess, rind'by her clevcO ness made the members forgot momentarily -•■that they-were not at their home fireside), There were stibstantlnl gifts for everybodyt end' olbeis that created much' merriment when opened. Miss Moore was presented with a iM'uatlfol catnoo brooch by tier com- IMinv. Miss Mooro remembered each member of her coiiipnny individually, nnd she fared well In • return. Following the distribution there were games and refreshments, nud an Impromptu entertainment wns given. The fes- tivities caino to a close nt midnight, thepnrtv singing "In the Days of Auld Long Syne. •!l wns nu occasion Ion? to be remembered ■liv e.ll present. Those participating were: ■MiuinKcr Lewis, SIlss Moore. Mmtd Hossmore, Viola Knott, B. Hllnd. Isoliol McGregor. 'Willie Crev, Ceorgo Fraser. -Manager George Mnnderliaek, of the. Grand; Mark Vance, Argyl Campbell, Maud Turner, Alfred Bo- land and G"orge Klenly. M ' , Amieiit 'iUvLou.Co. Notes.— Mr. luylor 'tnr.dered the menilicrs of his company u ban- quet on Christinas, ut Stamford, Tex. The biiinpiet whs given after n Christmas matinee 'of ■■'I'enrofiil' Valley," which wan-produced to 'an S. It. 0. house, nud was « general sur- prise, to all the compuay. It was held at ••The Stamford Inn," where un 1 excellent ser- vice and nn unsurpassed cuisine Is always to be had. After the banquet Frankle Kane, lending ludv with Mr. Taylor, gave a second and most fascinating surprise to the com- 'puny, in the wny of a Christmas tree, which wan coverfcd with presents for bach member of the company. The tree was beautifully decorated. bearing scores of small colored In- Vniitleaceiit lights. At the uppermost point of the tree hung n bountiful portrait of Mr. •Taylor's two year old Eon, Paul. The Il- luminating features of both tree and banquet were very striking, as everything wus orlg- Inul.nhd of extraordinary merit. Those pres- ent were: Mr. Taylor, f'rnnklc Kune. Marie St. Cliilr, March Hawthorn, L-. A. Pierce, I.. A Sears, C. It. McAilnms .lr., .Jnek Voss. Kd- wlr. llo.vt, Seth Spuuglcr, I,con-(iunn, W. W. tlreer, Mr. Ilsrlln and several newspaper men. The menu was printed upon a silk ■setIn, bearing Mr. Taylor's picture. Mr. Tuvlor and his company'have bceu enjoying it iirosisoiitis season In their productions or ••Inicefnl Valley" and "A Poor Helatlon." NtTTJHI kuiim the Dot KBYrtll Co.—Dot 'Karrull. sltMiortcd bv one of.the most excel- lent stock 'companies ever taken over Iho '■Northeast'circuit, opened'her season of thlr- tv-elght weeks Dec. Iin, In Exeter, K. It., piuvlng thivo nlglit nnd week slnnds In Hie largest Kail tern cities. Her managerial af- fairs nro controlled by Al. A. Noyes, tnon- nger or the Newburyport Dpern House, and together with Wm. It. Lewis ns advance rep- lesniitullve, tlie outlook seems favorable. To* t'ollnwliig Is ii complete roster of "A Night In' Clilimtowu," ut Kxeter, ,V. II.: June Swlfl. Sluy Uoyce, Almu Lewis. Misses Lament and Allen, Messrs. Wuyue Lindsay, Vull Burtou, WHIuril Holiertsoti, Fred Hanev, W. Shcrl- duti,. Vernon llennctt, Itiibe Hell. Jack Scrlh- lier. IM. I. ;itlimn nml Dol Kiirn.ll ; Geo. A. Fox. iniislenl director; Al. Noyes, nmnuger; Win. II. Ia>wIs, . udvauco: Wayne Lindsay, Gliige nmnuger :■ Chas. llell. electrician. DErr.w-BuiiDim'ii Stock' Cu. Noti:s. —This coinp.iuy Is doing very gratifying business In liHirgin. South curolluit und Alnbamu. 'rims. K Dsniew liundlcs the uiuniigcrlul wheel, with Fred I\. Luiiliiiui In advsn'ce. Of course, ibis compiiny has had Its bud weeks, us every show bun hud,' hut we nro coming out winner, owing to our pheuomenul business up to four weeks ago. Alter a couple of slhnds In South Carolina, we go direct north into our old lerrltorv In the Virginias, und coming through Went Virginia, playing Charleston, where the Depew-.llurdette Slock Co. holds the record for, the largest receipts of any repertory company. Arcliln Mnddox, who has been with ike'company since the opening of tlm season, closest.Orangeburg, 8. C. Lewis Sutherland uiid Stella Wlnimer. the Inttor iloliii; leaiN and the former .heavies, are making godd. During our eiigiigeinent ut -'-N*0TE8'»B0M'WH1T»'8-8WCK-C0.,--JV». 1.— .JVVaicnow- In ««^twe«tt-8evcath-week-at ,\Vhltc's Theatre, at Escanata.. Mich.,_wlth ihe exception of two wee>s nt Menominee ■when we- exchanged places with ,-the >o. - ]■ n anv Wc celebrated CJr^rjM* JtUU- day night,.nt Miss Winston's, eozj;flat, on J.iullngton Street. The "Wk show opened wllh the. distribution of'presents from an enormous tree, Immense crop of Christmas Joys. M'nTter II. Loi]g, was Snnla. Clans, and,, with, Jhe assistance of iWlllls Van. distributed the presents. ■ Lach member was nicely remembered. C. J. .Lionel, our director, was the recipient of a dinmoud ring, the gift of Miss Wnston, .our ■lending lady. Mr. Lionel and Miss Winston .wer'i also nl.-qly remembered, by tho. com- pany, bclug presented with several beautiful ntal expensive pletnret!. -.Mrs. TV J. White, of Menominee, and Mrs. Earl White, of Mari- etta, sent presents for each .member of the couipntiv. Then came the banquet,'the gift of While's Amusement Co. After supper ■dancing >»ns Indulged Hi until the "wee sma ■hours,' 7 when we departed for our homes with •■•good will toward nil and malice toward none." The following were present: C. J. Lionel. W. II. Long, Hurry Itoynle, ltobt. Slllence. Willis Van, Fred Mctilllls, Otto Hazclbrnwer; Henry' Deitman, ».". K. Nobel, Andv Tarson, Lntirn Wlnstiin, Pearl Sitcarnti, Violet Van, Sophia Ignntyk and Taurny Kohlee. ' ■ ..'*'.! Notch i'uosr.THB Kmpimi DnAJtA-nc Co.— Santa C'lans did not forget us ut Christmas time. Thuuks to Mrs. Kittle Felbain and her 'daughter, Una. both valuuhlc members of our company, wo had'a CbristmaB.tree.n .beauty lu Itself, laden with the pfcttlest things as well ns itBCfuI' presents. Thco.; M- Blxler represented Santa .'.'lims, nud be did it In a very creditable'manner. Fred- Locke, a pro- fessional of equestrian fame, stopped nt our hotel ami was cordially Invited to' celebrate Christmas with us. lie waB presented with n pair of gold cuff buttons by the entire com- pany. Space forbids.the enumeration of nil the gifts, but suffice to suy.that every one had.his or her urra .full'when we finally de- parted for our separate rooms. Wc have done good business so. far. Tlie-"man In whlte' p has uppenred regularly, ond The Oi,d HixiAin.K Is ulwnys welcomed' With delight. Decent additions to our company are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Onkley and Hnby Thomns, other- wise our east has remained the same since the beginning of our seuson. NOTBH I'ttOM "Tllll (iAMIILKIt'OF THE WEST" Co.—Mnrle I'avey. Scmllng.laily of thfc com- pany, arranged a beautifully trimmed Cbriat- mas tree on Christinas Eve for Madeline Chirk. All the' members of the company were Invited to the rooms In the hotel where tlie tree was lit up, nnd where many beauti- ful presents were given out, after which'the eompanv udjnunied'to Hie dlnlug'room where Hie mniaiger, Al. Kiel), had prepared a ban- quet for the compuiiy. Ileprcsentatlvcs of the locul press were'present. Manager Hlcjl wus presented wllh a gold handled umbrella by the edmpany, It. A. La Mai" making the presentation speech. The company spent un evening lung lo be remembered, und the ban- quet came to nn end In the "wee sma' hours." 'On Christmas evening a select dinner was given by Mrs. Chirk to the ladles only. Those tiresent. were: Marie I'avey, Madeliue Clark, Mrs. Clark, Ivey Bowman, Hattle Curinoa- tell" nud Albertn Buy. NOTKH VIlOM TUB GLOOK AMUSEMKXT Co.— After making careful Inquiries, wc find that business In llie middle Western States Is up to the standard. Most of llie shows In this inn nf the country nve doing good business. [\ausus City Is supporting Its tneutres In the regiilutlon holiday 'fnshion, tin: bust over. We aie kept busy sending out vaudeville ants to in,uses wanting extra attractions, and tile dramatic end. nf It Is workih;t us overtime. Tin: i ii.n Hkuaiii.u Is ulwnys kept on file for iiinnuger.-, and performer*, and at the end o.' the week Is usually pretty threadbare. Notes moil tub Kiu:i>. 'Avkaut Co.—Busi- ness Is up to the. standard, everybody lumpy. We are playing Mississippi time, and will work, toward the l'nillle coast toward Spring. .Mr. Akhrt will Open In California, uinler easviis, In March, for one night stands. In his own bill.'"The' (ilrl'Ftom tlie South," with Lillian Kstcll Aciiurt In Iho title role. Noi'ks ftiOM tlm Ulllc Playcrsl^In spite -Notes from ■•■ tub -Cn.\ppBt,L-WiMTi:ii«pi. the slocking of, the hustling niaiiugsf. j 0 i„ Pllnn. by. goodold Santa Vi year a to. iS this company, particularly, Mrs. Suiita i'lmiJ felt a, keen nnd particular Interest. MVii the curtain bad Iwcn. rung dowu on the i as net of the Christmas lCvo.pcrtorniuuee, \\ ,, Mfer.-Harry Chuppell called tl(c homes,-, nctor folk around lilm, and ordered their' Im mediate attendance nt hiss rooms hi the KlaflYi Way Hotel,, where au old fashioned curtain lecture was.promised them. Munnger I'm flhd Publicity Agent Carr, nf the house, w, also ordered to come nlong, as was the lintl- ling necnt, C. H. Kastmun. When the bniu-b arrived a sien.) of spletidor greeted them. 1 the midst of the dworntions stood a loavnln cent.Christmas tree, with dainty and nreitv Mrs. Santa CIuus, ciuituilngly gowned -mil with hands outstretched to bid them welcom • Smiling.and happy, the Jolly little niainn'r enmo forth, und gnve one of the "old fail, loneil iMittircs" hut it was of the kind that ■ < n U i' h .? I "-\!i k< ' a 'n'i'P 81 *' 1 ' :i0( mcntl.v, Imlerd •'' d ,X Ir ; , c « a l>P l > 1! discourse on the beauties ci .Chrlstmustlmo. and tears were bronabt lo the cyusof.hlB Hearers more than by Ills tender references! to the luved ones «t ^omc. , rollowlng Manager C'linppell same C. B. rtnrrlngton, with mauy prettv and In. terestlug tale's of Christmas In his old Kngllsli .home, which he hAd.not seen for twenn seven years. Carl A. Wmtorhoff, Hie lead. fag man ot.the company, talked on Christians customs lu Germany, and .short talks were then made by other members of the couiii'mv not excepting tlie Indies. Mrs. Sunta ifinjlv promised tolienlcoto eaeh ond every one In .the event .thnt all packages were oponcd lui- neilfately. And Mrs. snuta kept her word .Th..- Indies, espeelnlly,. were hundsomclv tn- jiembcrcd with the smartest of the market's furs, jewes trinkets etc.. 'Xliein-He idetMai WU also delighted with Its share of the go", things of the. world. , Meanwhile Mrs. Santa delivered a moit charming little spceeh nritk each gift. When her work wus over, she wat warmly congratulated iipou tho success of up? miss)on v arjrf voted Hie "jolliest uud best am iirettlest little- Santu. In the world." AM .iheri.came-liinch~iaostof It sent from New JorU and Clilcago, und some from guv old .lnree.; WJint a feast that was—tlie storb" -that were-told, and the good fellowship Hint nrevnl ed ! The nuniam, ui ........... .i_*,"'"- Si Auld I/iug Syue." 'fhuso wore: Mor- rly Ilnrr, ft. A. Liiuinr. II. V. Clinton. Milt ■Sherman, Frederick Sent on, MndeHn.: t lurk. Arlcoiitt Trunk, Kagle Kentlier. > nrle 1 uycy, Iva lliiwmnn, llaltle" Cnrmontellc, fclhcrlii ltoy, llaltle t:inrk. Al. Itlch, Joe llcymer, Kil, Knox, Sam Wle*. Have lllrson. .. \\. Ashworth. Geo. II. lllckmuii. Charles Offutt, nnd representatives of tho local press. On CltglHTWAH N'lOKT, I'ec. i!5. W'. M. Suiivagc. munnger of the Temple and Lyr e Tlunlres. Alton. III., served. In liehiilt of Ills cmplovecs nml inunagerlal stall, it delightful bnlinnet of mini.v courses; nl which the mem- lulrs of Hie "Qnlnry Aihiiiis Sawyer Co. and the Lyric vaudeville bill gave a varied uhd entertaining programme. Mr. Mmviige, lu return, wus presented with n luindsome trav- eling bug. Tun Ci.iri'Kii correspondent Was; among llie Invited guests. ,.., Jui.ik Hi]ai:.mont l'owmt, formerly known ns ii fcinnle liuxeri Inl'orms us she hns gone 'to Toronto, Can., wheru she will rest und finish n force .comedy, entitled ' All ■ ' Wool nud n Yard Wide." which she Is writing. Koran i'iio'i Tin' TAvi.oit Stock to.— a r-lfiisinil Chrlslmas giillierl.ig link place oH. Christmas Night, when II. \\. "I'liyinr. pru-. urlctoi- and munnger of the Taylor Stuck tvt., teui'eii'il a Clirlstiuas biiinpiet. m the muln« hel'* of Ids ciiinpiiuy. The gathering look place nfler llie evciilug perforiiiunce, begin- ning nt 11JI0 o'clock and ending In lira curly morning hours. Twenty "ere present, ami an excellent turkey dliiuor, wllh every dell- corv iidilml, wns served. Hurry Moore of., the' cnuipniiy. ncled ns mestumsler, nnd In heluilf uf llie inemw'rs. presented Munnger Tavlor wllh un 18-karnt gold, illnmoiid si lid- ded" Klk's bnlton. Mr. Taylor whs completely i surprised, but In a nent llllle siweeh volctd his appreciation of the handsome gift. aw Tub llue.1T Lki-tvi:i:s. lil.'vcle. experts, Joined llnle's ,"ltlp Vnu Winkle" Co., ui Mn- con City, Mo., Dec. 'JS. . , . ' ., aIav i.ttHTuH.writes: "I wns granted n IH-" vorcc from my liusbaod, Al. Goiilelte, nt 'to- leilo, O., ou l>ec. 80. • ti ' Augiistn, Gn.. after tho iierforniitiico of'the Hepew-Hiirdelto Stock Oo.'s pindo'ttlon Of "The Man from Swtfdcn." on Ohrlslmus nve, Hurry Herilstel!!', mnniiger of the Grund. gave tlie stage hands ll liitnuuct nl tho Alblail llolel. Mr, Pentw was toustmasler. ILm.k'.s "HlP Van Wiskix" Co, Xoths. — We played t'liinci'on. Mo.. Christmas to good Inisliiesn.' Htid had our Christmas truo ufter llie performance. All Iho members were re- niotiibered by Santa Clans, tho presents being numerous—u good sign Unit no oue wus suf- fering trnni the money stringency. The Great LeCcvrcB, bicycle and unley-ele experts. Joined Dec. 'JS. lirctu and Carroll Mason are plny- liigihu par's of Llitlo Mccnlu and Uclnrlcb, ami do their specialty. ' Notks VWIU the Lyc?iiiu Stock aud Coin- oilv Co.—We have opened In the family Tlieatre. Sioux City. In., wlrnr promises to bo u very miccessful nnd prolllnhlc enguge- nn ut. We urn booked ludellnlt'.-ly, chiinghig lilll twice a' week. The organization Includes: Fennels tiottschulk. munnger; Hurry Cllnc, musleii! director; Jack Spears, singe mnnii- ger; Joseph llrosnini, press agent: Geo. W. Penrose, Frank McAllsler, ■ Francis Percy, ' Krunrls Gottaehalk, Jack Spears, Many Steele, Harry, Cllnc, Joseph Itrosunn, Hugh ■ (ilbsoii. Clms. Saunders, Llliblc Hrlttntue, Hello Hlxon, May Telfair anil Uelle Curby. ' Notks mini "The Hntlle of Life" Co., Vnyne. Hawk «: Hybee, owners.—Wc nro Mill plnvlng In Oklahoma to fair business. A greiit. iniiiiy, shows Hint luive been lu this purl of the country have closed. Wo opened the house at Wnyuokn. (ikla., Dec. 'J8. to S. II. (>. The rosier follows: Al. l'oyue, ad- vance: T. L. Uvbee. Verne M. Hendry, Karl Fry. l-larl llnwk. Murlo Hlutiilon, Margaret Coulter, Freda Uybee. Chas. Nii'ki.k liiforms us that a fine Juve- nile comedian has been bom to his wife. Sir. uud Mrs. Nlckle were with the Beggar Prince Opera Co. fur the oust three years. 'J'hey lire now located lu Oklahoma Clly. IlAiniii: Stock Co. Notks. —Our business *o fur this season hns been ns large us Inst, which was u record breaker. Clms. Colvllle. singing and dunging comedian, rcplucod Kd- wnrd Cameron Inst. week. Wo are adding Home new territory to our regular circuit this season. We have.laid off only two weekH In four venrs, and us wu nro ulrendy booked li> some luiporlniit Summer engagements, tllu . post lug of the closing notice Is n tolig wny off. Tin-: I'eiilrul Opera House ut Mellenry, l\l, 'hns been purchased by Chas. Krett, who has iui'giiged ,1. W. Smith ns munnger. Mr. Frejt Is spnrli'g tsojixpense to put tlie house In first cluss shape, nnd when the alterations hate been ninile. such ns new lighting pliinl, en- larging stage, extrn dressing ruoins, etc., tBc house will lie greatly Improved. ' Lanem Blvia, Inie nf Al. ll. Woods "Broadway After Hark" Co., uud Hue HudlTi, Into of Hilly II. Van Co.. Inform us the.t tlicy. have retired fur this season, and nro vlslj- Ing friends lu .Maine. FlIANCIH KtHIAK UAllMlOfHIl, at pruseilt Iii'Mnullu, hns remembered Tiik Cureuii with jt se|. uf postcards showing ttilerestlng groups of-the native*. Kos-fi:it or "Wns She To IHaDieV" Co.' Jed Cnrllon, munnger; Kiiima Jemi Curltou, Vio- let True, Cnrolene Flournoy, Jnek !•". Ue '.'ns- "1-tllh. fl. Slier Flinders. Irene Albcrls, Harry L\ King, AV. H. Furlong, A. M. Uiudlleld, nil- Tiinee. of tliu money panic we ure niujliig to good lnis.lii.-hs through Iiiiil.-iii'i anil Mldiignn, und are looking forward ton very.proslMlrous seu- suii. The eonipuny iiuinbers twenty people. Including n uniformed kind and orelmstrn. Hosier • Hurry Stctsni'iiiid Harry St. Clnlr, ma lingers: Win. SI r.inss, liu ml leader: Chas. Unsaid, orchestra,leadsr; Walter Ilrckor, ad- viiiii-c ; Harry Lynton, Kdwnrd Vone, Leroy 111*, ('lias. Williams, Hoy Powell, K. t'. Iialn s, Cm lineiiunii, Steve Pnurman. Will Geyer, Muiule Selden, Murlo Freck, Vlvtun Ti.zler. Mrs. Will Geyers, Lillian Hcald, solo cnruetllst; Irene St. Clulr niid Muster ltokcrt St. Clnlr, tho boy soprano. All uru well, and get 'I'm: Olii Hia.iAur.i: each week. Mas- ter Hubert, nml Miirle Vreck, the two prin- cipal vaudeville features, nro wlunlug fresh ■laurels'everywhere wc play. FitANK Hii/i-ux hns been enraged by Edunrd W'nldmiiuii, to play Lawyer Utterson, In "Dr. Jekvll nnd Mr. Hyde." William J. McQuixn writes: "Wc hnvc just finished a very profltuble senson of elgh- . teen weeks, which embraced mostly all towns hi oulnrlo. My cumpnny this seusou In- cludes nearly all of my *>wn family, and numbers six hi all. * Our holidays wen.' spent nt our heme, nnd during New'Year's week we were entertained by the Dale Hros., who are iids season with Martin's T, T: C Show. I also had tho pleasure of culling on George lVnrce,. wbo.U wllhthu David Hlg- glns' 'Ills Lnsl Dollar' Co., which played Toronto. C'un." , "KAsi' Lvnne" Notes.— Under llie' moh- tigemciit of Lee Jloses, we will begin a sea- son of twelve weeks, opening lu Des Moines, In., Jan. 12. . The uolnpmiy.Includes: Chas. llewllt, James W. Hubert, Karl farrlsh, Les- i ter Groves. Leo Moses, Lillian Sterling, Dora 1'lverott Moses. Flora Thomas, Ktelktt Wor- rell and Master ICdwin L. Moses. 'Xlni tour . will Include lows, Wisconsin, Minnesota und t'.ie Dukot-iR. Mas. Chas. Willaro (pi-ofessionnlly known ns Flln Sot'hci'ii) hits been very III at her residence for. tho past Iht-eo weeks, and us a result of n consultation of pbyslrlau* sbo • has been scut lo the Woman's Hospital, New York, fur treatment, ' ►•« , S. A. Mrii-itr.i.i. anu wivn (Edna May Mitchell) opened ou Clirlstmns Day wlta Dodge & Duflleld's scenic production, "My lilxlu'UIrl," en ««*« to the Puclllc Const. 'Mils Is -their second season under Mr. Dodge's ■ miiniigcuient. .... - Ai-riiit spKNiiixa tlie holidays at Clncliv iimll, Frank S. Itced luft.. Jan. 3, for l'ltts- Inirg, l'u., to Join "The Village. Deucon" Co. ■ Mr. llced Is bundling thn ndvance und press ' work for the show, Rnd nlso booking time for his repertory company, which he takes out under cuuvns next Summer. Xiitks mm Holloway & Files' Hlg Four • Comedy Co.—This Is uur iioventlr week out, , .mil we are' doing u fair business. Wc urn playing Southern Wisconsin. Our roster: Mr. nnd Mrs. Murray. John Morev, F,dn • Files, Kiumn Files. Marie Hrtiuti. F.d. Mon- tello, Furl Vivian, Orlie Davis uud Kil. Foun- •lain. Our bund is small. -but good. Ed. • Holloway nud Herman Kites, proprietors. • We gel Tiik Oi.n every week, nnd nil look forwird for II. We are going Into Minnesota and the Dakota*. Giimiux Mi.-Dowkli, writes: "I received • over slxly answers lo uiy recent e.d. I ac- cepted, nml am now with the Temple The- atre Stock Co.. In ItiifTillu. N. Y., under the tnniiugenieut of A. G.- Howard." .Jack K. Kuss closed with "Tlie Hanker, 'idef and Girl" Co., Dec. US, nt Louisville, "■7* ••—.•■•./.«.'. • jiiTwauii, jihitv \>iiuppt> i. l Hrl A, W titer- Bub Ua ' *' "" KnHtlu ' in . "'"' ' Notks inqu rni; H. ft Stock Co.—Th- niemliers of'the II. 1'. Stock Co. enjoyed nn eluhoratc banquet ou Christmas nlgbc after .tho jierformnnee, when tlioy were the'guests of Ldwln Weaver, Ihe clever character man pi! the orgaulzatloii. Covers were laid for fit teeu only, as Mr. Weaver explulnetl that Ii wus strictly a -'family jiO'nlr." The sprcoil took Ida™ nt Ihc Hoiel K-lsher, Concord, \ ,t. Tlie dining room wus tastefully decorated, und ut twelve o'clock everyone look his seat nnu .begun to discuss the good things mi lilwillfuily provided, llobt. 1L Harris, pro pt-lclur aud inuiiiiger of the company, was toastmnster. und uiuny were the slIMHtkiin of good will nnd |iros|wrlty proposed. Mr. Weaver mude a prat little speech, and si" host of the. occasion wits both gracious ami modest. At tho conclusion of the repast the Members repaired, to the parlor, where s short musical programme was given, this ■Hellly musical director, played a selection especially arrangeil for the occasion. The Mnndard Ounrtettc sang several iiunibrrs. Mr. l-redd contributed a solo, und genlul Bri. Wearer, .while uut,of a musical turn, upon rctptcst reud u poem, dealing with Chrlsiiiiiis nud good fellowship, which concluded tin- entertainment In n lilting manner. The lib sence of Mr. Itdcke, our bustling ndvuiiee agent, wus much regretted, but Tils duties iiheud inndo his-presence, un lomiiussiliillly- howeyer, he was not forgotten, und his guoil health wns Included lu tfio tonst-mnklng. Af- ter un evening (or rather morning) of Ifoii- erul merryiiiuking and good cheer, the parly broke, till votlngtlio occiisluii an enloynbi" one. and uniting lu wishing Mr. Weaver health, wcnllh and nrosperitv. Hunter of ipnipuny: ltobt. ll. Harris, inunngor; .Mrs. ltobt. II. Ifnrrls i.ouI.m- Sfrothmorc. Knlli- leen Harry. Dolly Amour, Murec Miller. Chus. Drew. W. E. La Itose, Kdwln Wrcver, Win. R, Freild, Charley D. Muck, Mike Duffy. James P. Lullicr, Hurry Ln Compt, Gus Hlllcy ami Mr. Hock, lu ndvnuce. Gkrtkvpii Ewinu Co. Ciiihxt.uas Nnri;s. —Clirlstmiis wits spent lu Gainesville. Tex., anil possibly surpassed nil previous enjoyable occasions of the Uertriidc Fwlng Co. Cfii'lsl- nias live, after the performance, tlie entire eouipiiny retired lo the llolel Lindsay, where many very elegant presimts were exchanged. Miss I'.wlng wok ■ the iiroud recipient, of a lii'iiullfu: three curat diamond ring, u pres- ent from her mother, Mrs. J. c. Fwlng. ChrlstimiH night, folloivlug their uiiiiul cus- tom, Miss Fwlng and lier mother teudereil tlm- compuny it batujuet. wlilch In honor "if Hip occasion wus made u full dress uffnti. the dining rooms of the Lindsay being lnauitl- fully decorated for the occubIou. Malinger l'nul Ualln und son. Paul Jr., were guests or honor. ' A luenu of unusual excellence und rurlly was served, wllrj doors closed—In a little world nil our own. Tousts were drunk to uliscnt friends, those pi-eseut nnd llie hostesses, for their continued prosperlt). those present were: Manager Paul ■Gtillu nnd'sun, Paul Jr.. ,T. 0. Stutlzuimin and wife (Hose -'Winchester).' (,:imndos llreuna nnd wife, ».'.• ii. Weston uud wife. Cecil I'. Wlllluuis und wife (Undine Andrews), lruiw Joiies. Al. 1'lilllipn, J. C, Crlppeu, Chus. Mn- son, W'm.N.' Smith, Mrs. J. C. Fwlng mill JJertrtlde Fwlng. As Miss Kwlng's season 'bus'been most successful (ns lu the past' no otio wns asked to submit to the usual him week's salary before Christmas. NATM w the h'cnbct'g Stock t'o,, Fiislern. ■—Husluess was la occordiincc with the times tip till six weeks ng<>, nnd was the'biggert In nil for this nttrnetion. but the crash lu'ilniinee hns nlFeetcd tho ierrltory (miinu- factiirliig) In which we nro playing, flowl towns have felt tho stringency of money ns the mills- doing nothing. Still In Hie face of this opiaisltlon our business Is not ua bad as we Would look for, our roster remaining, the funic, nud our speclnltlcs, sis lu uuniher, headed In- Harry McKcc. nil'; tjiiigg, Mnckey and Nlckersou, ns un aildcii leature, convinces the nubile .Manager l'cii- berg Is handing them a lot for 11), I'D uad 80 i-euts. ' Jas. B. HllMfitnKV, niaiinger of Winne- bago Opera House. Wlnnebugo, Minn., writes : ."On Now 1!8 I played Damon's Colored Mn slenl Coriiedy Co. lo a capacity business, ami on Dee. 5 I played Primrose's "A lThicc. of Sweden" lo line business. Heggar Prince Opera-Co. unrK-nrcil Jon. S, nnd those booked tire: Klug-Perkliis. presenting "The Llltl"' T'l-ospector," 15: n concert company IS, local talent the last of .Tniiuury. I luive Fred !•■ Conrad's "Two Orphans" March 1". "Wiiiow SIcCutTT" t^o. Notks. —This coin puny Is playing Michigan and Ohio, to gocii business, and giving uulversnl witlsfiiclloii- We have one of. the <|ulckest and .burden working choruses on Hie road, l-'red Jculi-' Is dohiE Ihe principal comedy work, aim Muster Russell Craner, Second comedy. These comedians are slruplv Immense. Mnjiue M"'- Parlun, as the widow, Ih verv line In her par- ticular Hue, and Joseph H. Hughes, our gen- eral slngo director, Is one of the best in t 1 "" business. Other companies have had to close owing to poor business, but this company hni mode money. . -