The New York Clipper (January 1908)

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January- 18. THE 1X&W YQH^; OMPOPER. 1311 THE NEW YORK Om>PER - - m l l n % t'f i I < THE FRANK WEE*i PUpi4$rllNfi CO. (LlmlM) . l'ltf>l'BI»«JB8. ALBEBT-I, HOME, • 1 EntTAUAI. ANO'BUSIitSSl! Ma.MAOCT. Ta TUBDAY, JANUABY 18, .1008. tUmH jiino 21, l»7f>. nt the I'osr. Office'it N»w York, N. YV/s Rewind class innttrr, uip-tet ihe tat W Mnrch S. IM"., A.lvfrlli>eratnts,-t<!W> Ii»r Itifli, single column. Advertisements neVwI'ti border. In per c.t. ctlrs. stiis(HiPTin\. Oneyenr.ln advance, 1-1; tW months. 12; Ihrce iiK.Dlh>, It*' Foreign poxtiBO csirn. SIdxIi* copied »,;il be sent, ptslpnld, °o receipt at ]fi cents. ' ' Our TcraiH are Cast*, • THE CLIPPER l» illicit every Wriluop.lnv mom- In*. The. last xnur lanjerllslng) pages «lO 'CO I'ftFSK on Sntntyioy nt 11a. m... nod .Ihe other ,., s m «n iltnSIi.tV and TUPSIIAY. The Form* Clnnlnir. Promptly, Tne»- ilny in I" o'elneli A. Al. Pierre irtnll by express, money order, cheek, I' 0. order or reghtered letter. All cash enrlosed with WW ,1s I' lh| ! ■*** " c MM ' Aililrcs*i Alt ('OlllllltllllcntloilS to THE WW VOBK CMrPEB. ■ 17 We=,t 28ih Street. New York. UfOMcred Cahlo Aiimm, "Autiioinrr." • fHE WE8TBBN BXTREAtr r 1 TnD CMPPJta Is located nt Jlaeni Mi, Ashttmd illoeu. COragn, J "hi '•'• Trlnco Jr., manager ami . nrrpFjniiiUlit,' where advertisements and niih*crl,e linns ire twe»lved at out regular rutos. THE LONDON BUREAU . l»eotcd at 1+ Leicester Street, Leicester Sepiare, loiulon, Wi C. Henry (.rnrge lllhbrrt, manager, ••hem advertisements and tnlwerlplIons are re. •■chert at ourregular rules. Tim t'l.tri'EU can nt: oirr.ttMMi wrtOLF.SAj.ii ANn rrrtAii, hi. our nfrenls, ltrfolnnn'ii utos depot, 117 .wcinie il<- l'Onoro. Pari*, Prance; Diamond News Co., 120 Prntlo, Havnnn; Manila Hook and, Ml a- liotterv tjq.i 128 Mscoltn, .Manila, P.. 1.: Albert It fan. ftl-lllft Klnjt St., Sydney, Australia. 'till'. MKW l'OBK i l.ll'PKH publishes only one edition, iimi that la. dated fnuii.NeiT York. m . ' _[_.l._l_ gas'a'teB i u j jj qtlKRIKS ANSWERED. Kn lt«plli« l>v Mull <>r Telcsrnpli. AnpnmsKS on wiiFnf»iw>irr» kivt nirmr. An IN QUEST Ol'St'OH KIIOUI,nV.'RITR Tn'THOKB WUOU tHK'r nkbic, IS (.'Atirf'ni.' THK CMPPKIt 1'iiht llPl'ii-r. Al.l. l.rTTKIS will. Iiil Alivi:imni:n ONH wruK OMi.if. I* Tim itnmi 10 a.nv ritMTtinAli i«ilp.lKr is sfniflliT, iu:kihi Tn on: i,ist nf KnuiKH us AKrvriica I'A'in. Wi: i.'ANMvr HlSMia intirta lit tint. nUTKixoiiAi'ir. nniMATif. Mns. ll Mf).V., J'amniL 1 . — Klinlly repent you. 1 qnnry. ■ ». \v.l.. 1/.—The lelie.r lins not lieenilnllvnreil. Jr." i). U., t"(lirago.—Wiitidi our romp list eacli week. I'uni'KSKirtx.M., i.'lili'ii^n, — Address Heln- rich Cnnrlei!, .Metrojiolllan unnra House, New Voi* my.' V. .1., Brooklyn.—N'o. i;. I„. ClilntKO.—He l» In Knclnnd. MmioeiiurAN. — TMN U a |duy cnllod "Tn« IIAninr.'' .— .It.; )l. .VH'I,.,. Cleveland.—Address nny of dill' KIlllK .|r.ilii|- lilnj; lUlr.'.'lisci',.. J. lv;-llrl<lger)ori.—.MiVsiiret HllnRlon *>ns nut if the PMt n; "The I'Wof" n short time, p«U» ^10; Illness, ■ Vpon Jiec recovery she re- Minted Iter pesltlott •.villi I he coirttmny, nnd Is ntlll In It.. i 11. r,., Xmt Yo'.k.—Will nufcwcp next week. S* 11., Jeraey (.'lly.—Wa only know of one eoinpHii.v. Address EJwmiVef or tho company. IxfiinsmvK. Cnnton.—1. Krom $no net- n'eek ii|\ i. The niillior must make Ids own j.rlce. ii. There Is no churgo tut Tim CMP- irn ItPrt BOOK, J. K. •Oi-^-Wlinl: Is now knnt\'it ns lhe Fonr- u-eiiih Snwl Thenlre wn« l|rsr. upeneil ■Sljiy *Jil, i8«ll, tis the Tuffltre l-'rani-nla. On Jn'iiit xi, ISiO, lis niimo was i'linn»ed lo I he .Four- teenth .Mlreet Tlionlro. II lier i lie 1>}'- rollhi'Ko*. 2.i; 3M71. On Mnreh ill, 1870. It lieenme Hnveily's Thenlre. Aiir. at, 1885, It Wiik iixiiIii imi'iii'd ns I he I'liuri.s-nili Htrtfet 'I lieiii it unit Im-i eonllniiiMl under thin name over k1i»™. • < ■ U1I1S. 1'ivoi-rit.ii.— , I" W. D., Incllan.inollH.--1. It Is for- iiileil In (hit mine UnMicd. 3, Tho player looking high wins. . ■ CIIAItl.KS B. UI.ANIOV. Whoso iili'turi! uppenrson our front pago I'hls Vt'Wk, hns been prominent for years ns n pro- iliit'er and uiiihor or melodrnmuii. hnvlnit nuide many d.illars iintl won ennsldernhle fume in litis line (if theatricals, lie bus ninuv sue- eewics 16 his credit, uiul his New York Then- lre, tlio l.iiti'olu SejUiire, wlileh Is one of a Praia of houses tiui'lor his manHueinenl:, Is now olVerlng hU InKsst. suceess, "The liar) Boy nml Ills Teddy ltcnrs.'.' ■+-— *lnnnii'l rarii.'iiiir, ItnllKunl Man, Dl-11.1. .Samuel Carpenter, well known to theatrical Mrtplo through his half century of service In the employ of ihe I'eiins.vlvnnln Itallrond, d eu 41 the Spencer Arms, Uroitdway nnd yitty-ninth Street, New Vork City, on .Ian. '. ••S! WM born'tn Philadelphia on Nov. !>, leRfl, mid entered the employ of the Penn- sylvania Railroad Co. In Mnreh. 1857, re- inn In lug in the employ of the company, nd- vnnelHR steadily In position. Utitlf hn was retired as ticnernl finslcru passenger ngeiil, Oil Dec, 1. mm. ImvliiK roncdied Ihe ng't limit nt seventy yenrs In force on Ihe I'enn- Bylvnnln lliillnmil. ♦ , »♦ " MIMenllwl lints. Slicu l.oiiir.loii ' HcCinnlcK. Thn MIltenlhAl Jlrns. luive Just signed a '•nnlrnct wilh l.nngilon. .McCoroilel:, the young "'■'"'•(•laywrlghl, for n term of years. Mr. ■Mcloinilek Is to wrllit life new sensational ineljdramn.i on current eventn. nnd Is lo star in one of the live, choosing his own piny and t'linrnerer. H u the, intention of the Mltrcu- innis to make this special production as neap perfcci. os possible, ntvl In tour IhH principal ' i'! s r, x C , ,,,n ««'ntri-. ..ii"' Mel'tirinlck hns nlready gained reeng- Jiuloir In his inelodra.imllc efforls. "The tMn- |t« and. ihn tllrl," "Out or tho Fold," "Thn ii,". nn Actress" ami -The Iturginr and •Jf ';««>■." In which Janes ,1. Corbett Is now slurring, which urn nil products of It's pen. ,, ■■ '.... «» r »I«lltie In l-nlnrsvllio, O.. Pl«r« Ilia \ It riicll.ins. _, ''.'Inewllle, ft., hiiK n house playing one ^ gilt *lnntl* and roportoty, nml It Is proving • iilc sueenss. Some or Ihe hlg nltrni'tloos '" hooked, nnd' the people come for uilli-s •uoiiKrt whM n good attrjclion makes Us iiji- iwnriince. us Piilnesvllle Is surrounded by Knout len towns conue.'leil by liilerurhiiu ''nefi. .\. W. Wlitmiin Is thn innnnger. He ■JW runs Hie BIJou, the vniiilevllle lniuse ,1*1 . , fnre« nml llnyen. E£SiJ u ""' 1 Un or "" , t'ohemlaii llttr- ESKft "i 0 *^ 1 cl"verly nrrnngert and Mrongjy played Utile pi,..,., w m, Missen if„ , ' , 'i^". n<1 B'W* ■»«■«•»■ N»B0» eonnllV.lii rivlli """■*' '" v '' rs,> *' h ' rl1 il "'V The idteteh Is new litis season, having leen Introduced- |„ \ w V ork In the mt ISa *£2f. Hhws , n "tockarto. with cowbovs !25-{J, Ia .'!* '"." , ""' nceensa^y adjnnctii. k» complete the picture of Western life. Htlck and ituiik, two young cowboys, nre called nana M one of inelr cimrndes lo tell ilw t-ir.ry of si mad slnrapede of cnttle in which I wo young fellows went enncerncd, nml they, ret. tin, pans of these cattlemen In (ellln-; the Riorj. Itnlh these fellows love ihe same gin, :ind Ibey ore iwrtnerK. One gets cnnglii. Ii a siampede of steers, nnd ns he has left Ills pistols hehtnd. he ciinnot shoot down Ihe cattle nenifsl. 10 IiIiii. uiul (hits snve hlmnelf. Ills partner, who, sees I lie Hunger front n illslnnt rldge. thinks thnt lie will let the tin- foriiinitie /ellow die. nnd therefore hnvn n clear neld to win the girl. Hut nt the last moment lie repent*, and with the last shot left In his revolver kills the horse on which tie unfortunate fellow Is riding, thus en- abling the rider t,i crouch under Ihe onrea.^ iimi escape the flying hoofs of the herd, tint Ihe man who flree Hie. shot, caught nn foul: In the path t,f the .M(||p, his niniuunlllnn ex- l:ntmted tifld no means or escape open. Is I rumpled In denlh. •Miss CtMwi ns one of ihe .voimg fellows, nnd Miss Iln.ves, as ihe other, eiu-lr recited her shiirc of I lie ,,|eee dellghtflilly, mid Cons. II. Mnckle^ verse wns enlhiislnsllc.illv received, Aiding In the offering were: Mr. MaeKle. the nnthor: Kd. Rravart, Hilly Spen- cer nnd «)eo. 'I'. Dnvls. • Cnre.w nnd nnvei, who have won distinc- tion In their Jockey rcelia.lons )n the post, are w*ll knowtt holli on the vaudeville ana Imrlesqiie singes, nml thev have been promi- nent, for some- j-eflrn Iu their line of work. Ihey nlm to make ihAlr nm-k high class, nml succeed In doing so. ■ ' "' I ' i Hllni'liljiiiiin. .Tananese wrestling, ns shown nt nnmmer- slehi s. i.-i-r week, by lii<.ac!tlvamn. n liemini- dons .lap, who looks ns Ihnugli he were tin- champion Hint he chilirts in he. was n delight. la gnllcry and orchestra nlikei nml closid thn hill In Krcnt slyle; llnslling Philip Mliulll, who looks nfler the nlTalrs at illiachlyninii. linn n winner In Iho net. The announcer begins proceeding by (•■plaining exncily tho wherefore and tliu why of "Sumo" wrestling, anil then a .lapnnesi: comimny go through certain ciTj-monles. Then conic the various wrc-sillug houts bv dlftVretit alls of ,lnp wreallers, »,'ho malt" a very serliMis inn 11 or of ihe wnfk In haixl, and £o nl each other' hbihmcr anil longs. Illlai'lily.'itnii, Ihe uilghly. ihnn wresllcs IJ-.o winner of the'other houts, and Ihev have lis flinch chance with hint as n rut diss ngnlnut ji ,aond. i.l)ii. lie tbmws Hiem aluiiii: lllat so lunny unruly llllle chlldran, nnd gcis.plnnlv of applause nnd not a«lii|tc yw-iiI encournge- ment la his jynrk. Tho lift ran about n. l mlt'iilos on Hip full slag... „ . , '•'lie CarlUle*. Hulph and Ll|lle Carlisle In a Western net, with whip snapping and rope work native lo the plains as Itn reeommendhtlon. i(i>- imared .nt Pastor's lost week and held the ' I'l" irnln and Comimut. "Mrs. Pci-khnnt's Carouse," n oiie net. com- edy from the pen of Ueotgo Ade, which May l iu In used ns n curtain raiser Inst sensou, was given for Hie iirst time In Him city, nt the l'liih Avenue Irnu week, wllh Flo Irwin hi the pun of an cnerjeil, , ivomnn reformer. The sketch proved to b.» choek full, at laughs, and tl was so nicely played ijuit. every Utile point, was lelllncly brought out. Ml.<•< Irwin was (lie grim, ini.ldl, ngeil n«lvo- catn of soft drinks and general ri rorinutory iiieasures lo the life, hud she nceumuliif< it one of those sthjcllcenso quick "jugs" with humorous effect. Roland Carter, on (he,re- former's hiishnnd, and John Maurice, nn n lannitliiiut-lown, were holli excnljenl, ami nan, i:. Tnyloc ittuyisl u >nlous wifo wiiii cnpllnl rci.ulis. tli'ii itnih, In a small role, did well. Mrs. Pcekhflru'n trouble begins when she tries to republic nlVnlrs nt her hushand'i* ofllce. She enters and rends him, it long; tneerJi on ihn cvl|s of drink, and gives the poor iiuiii no chance lo wimple n hntile of "forty-ycnr old" Hint a friend lins Just sent htm. Another nC t,'eckham's friends. Jtor- rett, a sporty young fellow, who hns a jeal- ous wife, comes In to see Perkhnm, and Mrs. I'eckhnin, eagle-eyed, thinks he is drunk and telephones his- wife. Mm, llarreii comes do*n In answer to the 'phono, catches Airs. I'eckhnin and her hii'dunKi In the prlvnlo ofllce together, atid lias oun of her insanclv Jealous , ll In. Inning tho excitement Mrs. Peckhnm fnintn, nnd the men succeed In pour- ing two glasses Of thn "forty-year ojd" down her thfflnl before she revives. Iler "Jac," which results from ihcso heroic measures to revive her, furnishes plenty of fun, unit huh!* hpr up ns a line "reformer." The sketch was so lulek-movlng nnd to well provided wHh'fuuiiv lines that It kept the aiulleiice In laughter almost, nil the time. It run about twcnly.fotir minutes, on the full mage. I •' i KIM- unci Wind rum. Chan. H. Kills and Khndn Wlndrum nte- senled a'fnrclcul nffali' nl the New York, last week, called "The Cuckoo." widen, lells of the nftllnllnn Inio which n young officer [s nlungcil whep ho U visited nt his minrters by two ilrimsels. one n gnv yoiing widow, nnd Iho other Hie girl to whom lie In en- gaged. ' He conceals the widow In his ciiclean clock, while the yotinit girl Is culling on him, but Hie widow perslsiR In ciiIIIiib' out "cuckoo" every few inlhulcs. and tangling affairs up generally. Mr. Kills worked In Hie little farce, appearing In officer's dtil- fenu. nml AIIns Wlnilrum, who Is ns dainty mid prell.y as she can be. made it success as tho voting widow. Miss Hlhhnn, ns the girl, and Mc. Clifford ns n servant, gave good aid. The sketch Is typically Kugllsh, mid needs sonic runny lines nnd the striking out of a greet ileil. of. drugging material lo make 11. go In America. Thn skelcii ran ahniit Iweniv niluiilcs on the full slage. ' tloili Mr. Kills.and Mi-s Wlndrum tin'vo Uccii In the legliinialc In Diigl.uul, Mr. Kiln having apiieiirci] with the l>e(<rgo Bdwnries plece:<, among nlhcr <ir.iducllons, anil Mks Wlndrum has nlsoJIosit with Kdwnrdes, She wari In the original production of "The Oelslin." Kltls nml Wlntlriiin nre booked ii]» In vp.iuIhvIKp until Iftlll oil the ether side, and imvc tun weeks In till booked In Amer- ica liming their present, engagement. i'lidlcnce Interested to the end, In sp|le of the fact that tin* specially.wan.lust on Ihe hill. They appear In Western costume, Mr. Car- lisle culling pieces of paper wllh his heavy whip, nnd' showing cleverness at. II. llottt do :«>mo excpllmiL ropn.woi'k In throwing loops over each other, nhrt sorrio good rope tpliiiilng ilnldhcs' the contribution. The net ran about ten m ionics, On. the full stage, j ; , 'lite' Krnmers. Annie nnd Mnii'dn Krifmer offered n par- ticularly iiralwnvorihv nit nt Pastor's Inst we«k. enlllled "Flon-ilnck Kal, da KM Krrtm the West." Sal Is Jluudo Kianiec. who kunrvs tunc to talk slang In u way that Is genuinely funny, und who can play piano, dunce, nnd make thn banjo emit must agreeable intislcul KOiinds. Minnie has n wav with her that gets un- erringly over the footlights, and her piano playing nnd dancing are capital. She also gels a great deal out of Hie hnujo, and Ihe nuitleneos nt Pastor's hist week Just couldn't get enough of her plenslng work. The act rim iib'iut fourteen minutes, on the full singe. The Two Peeks. "The Policeman nnd the Ilnby" wan the offering of Maggie and Otto peek at Pas- tor's Insl week, opening Ihe bill nicely. Both members of the team do pleasing work, Mr. Peck coining Into view wheeling n baby rar- rtnge In which there In it dummy lnfnnl, "found on hln bent." Minn Peck, in thn nurse girl, thrown nsldn the bogus child, gets Into the earriitKC nnd walls like an Infant, Hep child Impersonation Is worthy of praise. Tho act ran about fourteen minutes, In one. . Walter Wehli and Ma> vnttn., "The New Man and the Maid" Is (he Hlle or the act thnt Walter Webb nml May Nar- Ion presented at Pastor's Inst week, nnd (lie stnmp of approval was emphatically placed upon It. Mr.' Webb, nn an outuirn-lialreit sample of Hie up-to-date seirt of help.' carried his slioro nf the offering nicely, but Miss Norton's .ljln- •'Ing-wns the real bit of Ihe specially. Hhe introduced n whirling dance that 'was sortie tlilngr new In Its llhr, being a sort of whirl- ing llervlsh sot to dance steps. Rhe defied dl/rlness nnd fatigue, unl came up smiling nnd cool looking lifter making a hiimnn top of herself fop somi/ time. The npplniise Hint creeled ill Is port, hf (he nrt wns IcrHllc. and It wns well deserteil. The lenni occupied the lr. 11 singe nbonl, twelve minutes. i « • Hilly lli-ond. "The Wnndeiing Minstrel," as Dllly Broad calls himself, told some stories and sang with very good results at Pastor's Inst week. Mr. Hrond's tales of happenings to n cer- tain show troupe proved very much to tba liking of the nudlence, ami his singing was nlso good, He occupied thn singe about six- teen minutes. In one, nnd his black face act wns voted the real thing. Mr. Ilymaelc. Mr, llyntnrk, nt Ihe Colonial last week, gave mi interesttnsr ad, which was away from the l.oni.ii path, and which will no doubt cdiuV i|nlle,ii little guessing mid dis- pute. ... . ■ He nink."i his appearance In ordinary garb: and tolls oP'ii repenl expi<rhtice he luis hail wllh .a ; .hypnotist, who hns IlirealriteiH in rlace htm under a. eertnln spell nt .'• o'clock. le seolfs at what Iho hypnotist tells hint, hut ir the.clock chluie.s nut the hour of .. lie finds Hint his hands, from which he ban Jiint taken a pair nf leu gloves, nre nnvv covered wllh green ones. Knpldly pulling off (he green gloves, n pair nf yellow ones mys-' lerlruisly n(ineitr upon his hands, lltese li,j tnkes off nml throws nslde. and one pink ami one green glnve then cover his hnniK Then ite npttronrlirK n pump, draws some water* In n pull, and picks up the patl, which falls apart, and. proves It. contn111 no liquid of nny kind. By Ihla lime lid lid's grown very warm nml tincnnifortnble. nml takes off his neck-tic, only to have another tin shoot Into view an In- st not Inter. Finally- he throws nslde his isint, and then a Imtg black coat nppennnun hlin. and his hands nre nnddonlv covered with' black gloves. All these changes are nude wllh UgMnlng like rapidity, and In full View nf the audience, which Is naturally very nnteli Impresses!. The net, which ran nitwit eltlit iiiliiul.s. In lltree, made a decided hlf. Mr. Ilytuuck Is now innklng hts (Irst Amcrl- cttii viiuilevllle a|>)i,'.1innce. He luis played mi thn legitimate stage In this rnntilrv niuj on Hie oilier side uiulcc Hie name of Oulnlnri McPhcrsnn. and iiPronge<| bis present net some iitotilliB airo In Ki(ropi', where he hnM iVresenfeil l( with success, lie has hooked only nhoiit tl ilotcu wcclm In America. •I . ,' •■ a ( 0 " i i I Arllnir Vule and Cuiniinnr. "Wlin«'» Vlsjlt,** ns played by Arllnir VuM nnd Allie tAimpson nt Pastot'a last week, proved an tint that, would stand out promi- nently on nny bill, li has cleverness nnd novelty lo recommend It, mid goes with a vim Hull shows Mr. Vule to be an old-timer In the Hhow btislitean. , .Miss. Kliupsoii. who Is pretty, italnly anil neat lonklng, onened proceedings wllh n prettily rendered iitusjcal number, nnd (lien "Wllfli" (Mr. Vule., a iiotlileroMM kill, wllh Inlcki'tliiickeis and n. good cimieily fnce, blew In and stariad Hie fun nt once. Itrrinchlng out few.minutes lulu noiiiii "sounds (hnt we hear every day," lie got slenmbont whialltH.. tJTftlMy i an, iiuloiuolillnn ami other lltlilim down tint. Ills liiillnilou of n tune plnyed nimn musical glasses wns something nnv under tho sun, anil gel. everylindy np- rilauilllig vlgormlhly. The singing of Miss Klinpsun nnd iiinsleiil liniiiitlons uf Mr. Vule that conclndmT the net brought forth nhnn- iintif ei'hieiices nf favor, and Hie hit mndn wiik arn. empllatic one The aid run about seven- teen minutes, opening on Hie full slngo uiul closing In one. Mr. Yule lias lieen singing In public all hln Ufa. his -father nod mot her being singers of nolo Iu Scot lend, where he witH born. He sniip in llui.l'i'chlivi'Drliiu Church, corner Tentb.nlreel and l/nlvcfnlly Place, New York Clly, fur it yenr, uiul' oppeureil with Hover- I.V's Minstrels 111 lhd.1, making a trip to the const (lid back with thnt show. He appeared with Deo. Iivniis (Honey tloyl, llnnks Win- ter, Illll nice, Hiigcri nml (litiieii, ami other old tiluers. anil nun been with ninny com- panies of ItotC. 1(0 recently snn»; with MniMI lllintl tot' two weeks lit Manhattan Bench. !■» 'I ' The TennU Trio, Will -Campbell and the murk Hlstnrs, who n(i|>eiir ns the Tennis Trhi, offered a very clever mid prcltlly net .lllitgllpg. riCt nt the 1'irty olohlh Hlrcel lasl week, the rise, (if i he on cm in sliowing Ihe two gtris reclining In a liariitiiock, with Mr, .Campbell seated beside tlii'lrl On a rustic bench. .'Che stage Is set lo represent a lawn, with JapMoM Idti- terrlB hanging nboljt,. HlSmft rapid wottt Ih rlilh.jilgillng follows, with ijtllck and dexterous passing, unit tHcti Mr. cnmpllell throWN a- plain In the cilr, ciitcttliig It on a big paper umbrella, and hcciilnv: It tolling iibuitt. On the lop of this uiiibrerla. H« then lossos a silver i!nln up, ciitchlng It und rolling It about on tho top of hln umbrella Just as ho did thn plate. The Act throughout Is a remnrknhly good •uie. tine] It nitiite n strong hid for favor. It ran about sixteen minuter!, on the full stage. Tho Tennis Trio have been together for nhout five yenrs, nnd began their Keith 4 Proctor time last April. Previous in that they were In Hie West, ploying principally for Sullivan oV Cnnsldlne. Prior to the nr- gnnlr.ntlnn of the trio'Mr. Campbell wns *n the other tilde for some time, doing an act alone, TWO CURES OF ECZEMA Baby Ha. Unit Altaok—Brantffaikcr Sul- (•Hi Tpfimnis Will tlii DUiast—Vinfttnt Sens pi Ufl t OWE RECOVERY TO CUTICURA. "In 1884 itiy Rr.indsott, a hnlip, liarl an attack of cc/.eina. and nfler tryinp; the ilocidrs:to tlio <xtcnt of henvy bills ami an tiicrrcisp nf the disease, and sitlTerinp, I rccniiitiieiiilril Cnlicitra, and in a few weeks tlio child was well, He is in-iluy a sirrmg man and ahsolutely free from the disease. ,\ few years ago 1 contract- ed ccn'iiia, 'anil became an intense suf- ferer. \ whnlc Winter passed witlinut rinrc tiavittjr on shofn, nearly from the knees to tlie tors ItcitiR covered with virulent' sores, . 1 tried many doctors- In no purpose. Then I procured Ihe Cnti- cunt Remedies and found immediate .im- provement ami final cure, kfi W, Lit Rue, K45 Seventh St., I^utisville, Ky.. April J,1 qniiMay 14, 1007." ■ JLJ '' --aH-lL .B WJ^w^SPB^syWW^ 1 ^-? nt'it iHifUuo iiTrcn. i'nn»t nt;ii i.wv rnnncsroNOKMT. iioiii.i ,1 ,n nnd Hletrel. A cnpllnl dancing act was shown at Pas- tor's InsL week, by itnthuwav and Slegel, who were Iho extra attraction on ihe bill. Both iiii'inlicr.s nf Ihe leant are light ou Ibetr feet, and they get down to the dancing with <■ heariliios and enthunhsni that helps carry tltelr s|iecln(ly to success. Their foot work U very good. Thn net ran nhout eight min- utes, in one nenra;e ami l.lbbey Ilupre. A (letninn comedy sketch offered by Cleorgn nnd lilbbey Dupre at Pastor's last week wns n worthy one, uiul Mr. lliiprc's illuleut stunts brought; him into (ho prominence that bis work entitled hi in (o, The Mat nuide u good linpresslon, l.lhhny IVupre contributing tier chare to Its success, It rnn ilbnur. fourteen inlnulei, on the full Hinge. .... ■—■ —'! -' Ul--L..i JI Ml. WW! Frank Worllitna III. Frnnk Worthing, lending man for Crnc* t'leorge ihln season, was Btrlcken wllh pneii- iiiunlii In lietroll, Mich., on Jan. 8. and nt last ui'ooiiiiIh was sllgnlly better. Ho Is nt Ihe Hotel Pentcharlralu, in Unit clly, W. A. Itintlv left with his wife, Hrflce C.eorge. nnd her comnaur. He plays Mr. Worthing's role In "DlvorconH." • ' «».+ 1—. ' Fhiplda Mldterliiter Kxnoattlon. The Florida Midwinter litternntlonnl posltlon will he held In Jacksonville. Flu., from .Inn. 13 to April If,, 1008. It will be nn exhlbltloii of products n( the soil, of ihe fac- tory nnd of liberal nrls. «>» WlHlojimnit (irts Australian Rights of "A KnlKht for a l>a»." „.;';.f. Williamson has purchased from 15. C. iviiltnoy the Australian rights of "A Knight ter a Hay," now at Wnllaek's. II. A. IJiDiier Item]. A coninntiilcullon from Reatlla, WaBk., In- forms Hi thnt II. A. Unyner Is dead In that cllv. Ills brother In requested to communi- cate wllh Buttorworth * Hons, undertakers. «V*-*v TboiiinaoiPa Klrphanla for Knrnpe. Kpli Thompson's ch-phaiita have been booked by Ibe Mnrlnelli office furu Kurnpecu tour, opening at the Wlntergnrteu, llerllu. Car., Aug. II). After that ihe.v tour England. _ ♦«»■ ' Tbe Trnmbettna Henialu In America. Tho Trombcttns, Italian dne'tls 1 " wlio .tmienreil recently on the Percy 0. WJllInms circuit, have bwrr booked for twenty-two weeks, beginning Mepl. 3. ««» Roblnnnn Cetil llrlsthtoii Hem Ii Music Hull. Dave Ihihlnsoii, manager of the Colonial llicittre, New York (-'It.v. has secured the llrlghlon Beach Music Hall for the roving Suminer, for vaudeville. It will open In the middle of June. How In lleeonte a Successful MAvlnit' Pint ore Operator. Under the title "Lessons In How In Become a Successful Movlpg Picture Operator," Mux- well II. 11 Ite, of llnrrlsbtirg, Pa., has pith- llslied n honk, which Is of great Is'tolii U people in Hint line nf I lie show business. People competent to Judge are cnthiislnsili. over Iho publlrnllon, uiul II Is prouoi|nce(| by many lo be the most fliuliciillc book on protec- tion work ever published In ttih op nnv oilier country. It Is profusely Jlluslruled. It eotitalni explicit liisirucilous, nnd should he secured by every operator unxlotis to do the best work possible. Tint hook covers lit Its nrllcles n description nn tho source of light, directions for dissolv- ing, care of films, repairing lllmc, nice of tildes, Instrucllons on using different 'llni-. operating of llmo light burners, nnd every- thing pertaining to the throwing of picture*. it presents. 111 iidillllon, n complete list of film mi'iiufactiirers. Aeanri and renters, and other show people. *«» Usury's Will Admitted in Probate. The bill of .Inmew Anthony llnlley was ad- mitted to probate in (.ondon, Kng., on Jan. 10, The personal estate or Mr. Bafley in Eng- land Is returned nt St is.-'irai, and the gross value Of hi* property In America Is pltceil •t M83.I.M. The solicitors say that the groan value of tbe properly will be slightly hi excesa of 13(10,000, after all expenses and debts nro deducted. This Is less than one-third of the ►itlmaioj amount of Mr. Bailer's property at the time of his death, The entire property la left to his widow.' ' - ♦ ■*■ : Plirnso In Uerniany. I'hroso Is at. Iho Apollo Theatre. Halle. Oertnnny, presenting a new act. using two men anil a woman In the specially. I hns. ,1. «'iirl it nn World lour. dairies J, Catler, Illusionist And Hliilglil- of-imud inu-rtalnei', is now on a tour of tlio world with his own company. Tim organisa- tion Is t'cheduleil for a seven months' stay In Aiisli'iilhi, nflerward playing Ihn 1*1)11 Jft- nlno.s. Japan, chiuii. Imfiii, Mgypl, Krmire, Kiiginiid. and thniiec back In America. The nhnw upeiicii In Sydney Nov. 1(1, In Ihe com- [ nnv nre Allen Hluiw, lunglcliin, ami Abigail I'licn mind reader mid Ihougbt trnnsfereiice expert. <♦»■♦*■ Miiy de sonsn Makca .doeeeaa In Criini-i-. May De Si-turn, Amerlcuii slhijcr and dancer, tin-: made a success in tho revue, at tlio Mou- lin llotige, Paris, France. V Kit MOST. — At the Strong (Cabn & flrant, managers) Adam Hood Co., week of Jan. f\, pleased large houses. Al. W. Martin's "I'nole Tarn's Cabin" til, Hlrkey'n muting pictures 14-10, "The llondinurl' r 17, "flhi JlotiOr thn Mayor" IH, I.orne Blwyn Mtock Co. week of 2(1. Notch, —At the Theniorlum (J. P. Doyle/- mnnitgerl moving pictures nnd Passion Play, week of HI At the l.yrlc (I:. Daley, man- ager) good business Duffy A Leonard have opened a looting picture show III Leon- ard Block. They nave convened tile rooms formerly occupied by the V. M. C. A. Into n mlaI'tinre thenlre. In the front A false stage nnd proscenium have been erected, from wlibii vimilei tile real nre* can Ire produced. — «_»+ I,oti Brooku Informs us thnt he Joined Slet- son's Knstern "lliicle Tom's Cabin" compafty, at lltlea, ,N. V„ Hoc. 11 playing Phlneus, Flntcher and Rt. Clnlr. The show Is doing a nlco business through Pennsylvnnln uiul New York State. Western Brirrftn (If the V. V. (TlPllCr, ■'•at AKbtnnU Mlnok. I'.'illi'.MiO, Jan. II, lfitiS. The openJng of Hie new yenr bus lieen rich In enjoyable changes nl the various houses, and there art' still further Ireals (n store far Ms within the next fortnight. Including ihe return of tho Auditorium to grand npCN, wllh the Salt Cnrtu'Cn,, nnd which will close ihn .ctrlfn helweeji the vniiilevllle factions. The lamp cbmtg'cs, lor the week of IS In- clude: The • i-omliifc of Win. Katreraliain, hi "Tlia Mqunw Mini, In Power's ;-change of bill by Airs. Ciimpiicli, nt'lhe llnrrlck ; iiin hs-al stellar debut' of May llithson. In "The IteJUve- nut Ion nl* Aunt Mary," nt Ihe Hlndelink'er; Nat M. Will", In "A Ducky Hug," at the • treat Nnrilierii, lipslllcs the regular changes In vaudeville si. ihe Miijcsiln, Hlymple ami Aiidlloiima, and ihn others a I Ihe outlying bouses of various "cris'ds." The Thaoooro Thomas f»r«'he«trii haiicilicd this week to the extent ,ef nhout *ni,iinii, through llie vffniis nt a nunther ,aC society women, who gave u porfnriuiince cnlleil ."living.Mnnle," nl Or- chestra Hull; a worthy iii'gniihutllnii, well as- sisted, Donald Iloliei'tson lu'onght forwent two plays new to America, durliijr the week. aiul.i'iiiiHiMuni Crawley carried out Ihe gnOil werk wltli aiiiiiliec in ihe Wlillney. The three biggest ainslenl successes of iho year- - "The Merry widow," nt the colonial: "The tllrl 1'iu-lI'Ul," III. Hie Iiil Halle, ami "A Knight for n- Day." at Hie Whitney-enn- llliiie lo plensn, the former playing In ca- piuily nine times weekly. . ii.i.iMills (Will .1. Davis, tnaiingerl.—The Rogers It rot horn, In "The lingers Hroihers In Piiiiiiuiii," nre drawing large crowds. The offering Is Immlioinely costumed nud singed, uiul'many of Hie numbers arc already being whistled, and, the luirlemuie of 'The Merry Wliluw" irnltn ,1s so well and leglilmuiciv dene uv the lingers llrothers thai II Is n lie- light to hoc .tliem In serious luunor for a toonient. Itobm-t lOdeson follnwi 2H; ■f'liwuns' llliirry .1. IMwers, manager). Theoilote Itolmrls und fluy Hlnndlng, In' "The lllgln of May," cloned it good engagement ll. Wlllluin I'avirsliaai, In "Tho Sqilltw Ainu." cuiues HI, fnr two wanks, fallowed bv Marie Born, In "The-Morals nf Marcus," <)Ajinn?K tHerbert C. Hiwc nminagpr).-- Mrs, Put rick I'nmpbeit hns been playing/in excellent, ftiidlenue*. In her well known char- acrerlmallorts III ■ the plays uf "The Second .Mrs. Ttnvnteray" mid "'('lie Noiorhiim ilrs. I'llibiiiiilttt.': :ttit>rn .Wednesday iiuill- nees or Niilnliiy ulglil iicifnrmniices ilurliin her engage tiii'llt, lor the seeond week she will U\ >iv/[n Iu the, above plays and "Mimdn" ttllll "llciiln ilaliler," ihn (niter being Hie i>fs'nlni( bill. M.Wleiy m\tl tlio Bulldog, - 'Pnnl Armatrong's. now piny, which wns.scheduled to follow, bus Ueut) postponed, nnd In Its place will t-omn. HI, VVllllutn Morris, ip "The Wlfnhln* llour.'' This piny Is sched- uled fnr n, run. . Comix ut., ifienrge W. I.edorer. miiimgeti. —"The Mfrry. Widow" Is the merriest Thing In lawn.innd (ha box ufllcn Is sidling nut at every performance, j Stiiiikiiak«ii (Mil, .1. Hiilllvnn, manager).— Koin and Dill, In "lonesome Town, con- elude iholr engagement lo-alght, and May llolmon will make her Incnl slnllar debut In- morrow, I-', In "The llejuvenatlim of Anal -Mnry, Ak'VmKHg'H (Oeorge ('.. Wnrron, miinn- gerj.—-Solid In his ponularlly, Denla O'rUilll- van, who iiindn hla American stellar lluhtit net ro- olixily, Willi in lisle, •e," any dejiari, frni . expiration of ltl« mm „ next week, with flm knmvledgo Hint he has scored n (treat personal miccpsi among (ho here bud. Sunday night, In Ihn three iniilUh: Irish cimieily, wi" "Peggy Machree,'' may scenes nl lb" expiration of lilt engagement lib " foljoworH of plays of lilts clan*. Pdtrlck lllilwlll Is given as the Aillhnr's name, Inn this Is thh Hum do plume of the mar's wife. There nro several inn lilonal Irish songs, which nrn hehrlljy rncclvfii, nml (be others, llll of good calibre, urn by Mbliole I'xpOeUu Mud Clarence l.ucns, will! lyrics by Hie nn- rlior. The eld aim were selecleil mid ar- ranged by thn slur. Tin, slnry Is slight and of Ihe coil v, lit Dm n! type perliilillng to (lie Irish •Ifiiiiuf seen heretiiforn 111 Hilt) country. Harry Tfcvor. a yAiliig fiuullkll-lrlsllliinii. of good nlid wealthy .faintly, travels In Ireland with his friend, Kir Lawrence Dorlhwlck, mid emnes upon tin, liiavukllly fair, Hero lie meets Ihe mischievous I,ady Margaret O'PrWcoll, iiuiaqticrailliig nn n pennant ami known nn Peggy, lie lllrls with Iter, and ns there Is n wedding scltedalinl (that, of Hie Widow f.'nfTcrly with a rnciil'.'llrnut Hem. Alexnniler .McHougiiH, Hurry proposes thnt lid ami Peggy gn through (he form us a Joke, wllh lloTlhwIcli, disguised as a priest, per- forming Iho service. The l(|eu liieetH w|th lite njiprovnl of Peggy, lull at thn last mo- ment, nfler I hey have lefl for Ihn church, liorthwlck repents of hln part of tlie Joke. and Ilia rent priest nflielulcs without the ktiuwlitdgc of Ihe coillhictlng parties. Holli are cliritged ntnl illkgiisleii with tint sltiin- llon, una Itnrry leaves for Ihe wars rather limn force Peggy into a Invrlesa life. Ho Is absent live years, but nhsntice has ll|e usual effect with IhuIi. and he returns to learn Hint Peggy hns d|cd, He Iben meets her as Mitrgniei, jiul doesn't rccognl/e in her the la'Assiit girl. He, being disguised us it strolling singer, to Inlmo, ii whim nf Ills, she fulls to rccognlxi! him Al Oral, and then be |s brought In fall In love with Ihe Bade Margaret. Hlio learns his Identity ami teases hlhi alMiut Peggy when hn proposes (o Her. finally telling hint Unit, Peggy Is very utileh alive, and then appears In lhe jmnsanl's ens- t utile In whhii bit met. her. Mini Ihn iinunl clunnx neriiM. Mr, o'Hiilllvnn has bei*i suf- fering wllh it severe cold, hut he showed, in spite of thnt, thai be prinscsses n hnrltom- voice nf line iiuulliy. mid. known fha value of the songs liseii anil how to reach the lienris nf his audience. Pisa Itynn waa de- Itglilful as I'eggy, and sane prettily. Annie yapajaM gnvn nan of her (nmniis linpersuha- linns as Molra, Hie widow, Tho company Is a largo one, mid Hie cosiumes arc both plc- li|res(|i|e und liemtlKijllV innilc. The scenery is very hnndsottn, and great eredlr Is due iho inanngenient, Joieph Brnakii and A, W. Ding-