The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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JTEBEIWP 1. <mM m$W YORK OliIPP igl oria of Play cri. ^. 11 ' 'ni l ; ' " " ' '' '" 1 -" T —-T " y ■ Bavb TlEit>JA», agent of Vie .Jewell" Kclloy Stock Co., writes: "Our Chrlstluus week "lira year was the biggest we have ever had. for the past nix years lids coulpany bus - i)laje4 Jonistoro.-ArUv, ami has. tlio icpufn- . Hon-of'.neve*. plnyJnsr lo an empty sent In "toft" Jwl»*> and *V* i' car Wu.K. BO exception totte rule, alt we turned people away nt each iK-i-formancD. x'brlstroaa liny itwAH.Inn iKtsslblo t» got a seat, or even standing room, ior'Iiptb) tho afternoon nu<] night perform- ances, Mr. Kellcy has nlway« been a great fBYdntoJp. Jonoslroru, tutt tnf« Jew- we broke ' -<Tr prouous records' for business, and the «itrie'irw!fc:noxt season win agnln be pinyed In that: eJfJ'- ■ A, Poplar HhilT,, Mo,. New Year A week, ,wc.also hud capacity at each performance, nml at botli performances on Ketr. Veat's Way f 1M turned huniireu* of mm- • mo anay. Ihlrlng Ilia holidays ninny haiul- ■ sowo nresenffi WereexobuUKed by the moni- Don of tlte: iobihiiuy. nud miinc of tbc uieiu- bets presented 5Ii-. Kelley with a handsonio "oid-fiaU'llert. nuibrelbi. With tin- opening of ibchewj-crtivwi!' couimi-Ueo Dm lsmklngM'of ?h« - -ibovo;rbiji|(aliy'f«r ueit si-iison,,jjB for „ tno ulglit: nltrat'llon Mr.'Kolley vrin.tnko ' out next Benson, wlii-ili will play the Hqutli and tne'Ensl,-closing (lie season on tbc popu- lar; nrlee circuit, ot tbo middle Vent. Tint .Jewell Kellcy Stock i;o. tylll cdycf the saino territory-on .lifts, been played by.Mr. 'Kellcy (or - the past M >-eara.';i . • - CAni K. .LfcKOlf. law recently completed and dfllveretj to-the l)n Armond Sister* u new four'act-idrty,. entitled, "rrlnross of the I'avvneea." If .. Is a historical: lueJortrainn. rOttriaetl on ai'tual .the. Ilfo of Hie-great.nconi; Kit. Carbon. 'Scenery and Stage, aettli iix a re now being prepared for ■ tbe bill; aiju'-lt.'.iwllt be 'rIvoji an clnlioralo production. Mr. lioech !s now enguged on another pla.v-Thr the nniri3 clover young ladle*. J. Mov lUiKttm', late leading inun with. the Salisbury Stock Copipuuy, located r.t the- B'aplds Tueiitvo," Alexandria, Lu., baa sev- ered his"goriiirellon Willi Unit cuinpnny, and is.visiting; relatives at .Troy. N,,.y ■ .rwiu.jf. Dftvtij"writcBt "Sty-wife mid seir ktt 'rit preset Willi. Holland & rilkhis' fianl- ■ ejil, .•r'or,.>lt)IJi«r'»>' ; 8ako*•-.Co., hi wlil.-li |py Tf|fe..t«Uai). I'Melds^ls Wnc featured, and We are, bavlng"r|iiHe n micccsscul ueflso'ii. .'. ■ ' \1>bUF. H.viiMVit writesi:."! Joined the ICln'rlt-. •urban.Co. for an eitended engagement, and hut doing, flaety." . .;',.. t , . ..^TitB.iTAaiso.AytUHHMr.NT Co., of 'Phlladel- pbfa; .under tin' meiuigcuient of Chns. II. UoOtMn,' ainiou'ncc that lit Auguat of nejtt. neii^bn they will .alar Crnlir 0. Meyers ai 1'iiies, nut he varrled. Ini'iudiiur hoimIiiI f i i'oihu.u..iiK. •nn.%i,„«- , v iit „,„.„ 0i rAV in KL SI ± lll " <1 *«««« «*l»-'len<o<l tlic MM imen eennons lm« proiupW " n» i . n I. ii Mvqlu has wiitIuis.mI wane ahlnialsto oho in «0nie of Ru> producti,.ns. . . K liiA.vKi.vN UtU.viUH oloscs oo Jan. i'J at the l)lenier Theatre, Sprlngtield, Mo., ni- ter ii pwnperotls .Beasup ot aefeUleeB .went*. n V'Op liis-ii playing heariot.. .. IV u. WiNNirrc Is iiinkliijru rnaturc of hi* cniiMgcmv bureau by Biipplylng. nt tho idwrt- MtjHwslbl'! holleo.,druimillc sl«i* eoinji-u'lis Oaudcpillc and miH$lr?l. 'rile Uk Tuemw write: "We opened on Hie M. and M. eliciilt olalu wcf.ks siao. uiiU are ; ohIiik our. new net. -'llu.. UtoallieT's ll^iiirn,' nn eyCtMttk rotuedy Itlili'K filte iti-t, lult-j- uttclus \M tlmu httiijo plii.viug. We h.ive all new yppchtl BcTiiorv, n («•! I'liliin nml ■■*<)<-- Irteul effeets. UWWM '" Hi" f*et llml (ho shisns oi this time arc mnull, we mire f.irreil •;> put the siriiorv in uturaiiii—u neivsi;lty we dei'Piy rcgrel. The net wltitotil I lie nHi»'rv ,uu( mountInes ha« met with vueeriM lieroml m. ijitetiaWfU'i juSvf huve a v<*1i l.-l- "Omt l« good for « lnng,.fa#|' nin without.iviiiilr*?' ' llomiit: Jabvw, Mi., kill c.imedlnii. nmt l{ til. Mnrei together haw opened a aUleeii weekM' liooklni: through the South, at Na«hrtlle, Tenii. • . • . ' . C'iu.i KVKi,r.\'. fh>> girl wlllr (he drum. iv. V"it« luaklgK ii lilt phiyliiH all .Hie lnwps lit Sara KcelU, run. ■' ' l.fnuuo: asi> Lkk did not play ('jirlhngn, HO,, .Inn. I!!, mi lejAiM of hoiKe rt'oslnu. They have eaneeled the Wst of their YiiUlli- gtllr.W (lEORtti: II. CiuaMin cloned u thirty-two Wui-kn' engUK-'iuent at Hie Oil (liu|e Theutve. Spilngtleiu., 111., 04 aiiiuneiiil'iil dlieelor. and \vhi< urc^eiik'd with n goldOn-idi-d uuihrclla M llio Mel.'nim llros. He will velum W mndoHlle, hrCMltllnT n ''V"' eouiedv «koteh, "AUiHtle L'ourtiktu." Willi speelal t-ceiiety unit .-ffoel*. Mr. OiU'duei- will be nsiWI.-il lit May l.nWKuii. mui !Ih v hum will be known us iirtnluer lilin'i itmoii, IlKUiX MYfrtltt, of Krufl ami Myrtle, known as '•Th-< Two Neti'slef," wrltcH that she I* illjvVWtf a very pviijiper-iiw v:iinlevlllo ell- uaketlit'Iil. .ThiMeAm have .pl.iyiit Hn-lr new ski-leh lor nearly live WiUk. lotlnir Inn «U weeks ^Hi Hint I lino. Tl|ey are ln'oked aolld i|ntll .tune, They VIII take n vest In Mlelil- inin; niimnv Hie IlikiM. tn-st Ktliiiiner. Mr. Krjlft Will l.ave.for bin botne lira shnrt'tlihe. to on tuude-a |hlrty-«ernnd degree Mlisoti, 'Wilj, ami.MaiiHi. Cahi-wi write: -We bale Juat llnlkheil playing engagement* ai ItulH- ir.«i(e.-M!temlv's, .\ew l.niiilnii, ll.iiui., And Tony rtllor'.s. New Ynfk, wliofe our Hew ML hlcli Ih eul' own •entiei-plluti of art iip-tn nltiibn mjelng the vlglils lu the Hit eltyl lilt; t:t.tPionuM. sword awallowert.- wrlta that, tile) were preneulcd with « U-autllal Nugiiel of llaiicrrt at. the oloilng netfona- uiu-i-.or their tivo weeks' eugagruient it tba HUdxilr. tlientre. fJtnclimalf, 0. * -• ;/ fill; Mll.Mvu linos, have MJNnlril uinl I'luf. Mllll'.ar. tlliiler->tuutH-r ot the h'inil. I- liolini an :ii I villi Ills wife, tift^jf Meredl'.!-. elitltleil "Krent n Soniitellu to nu AfT'ihat/' The net |< | unvelly. Introducing iihyslrlit itlllui'e. [«!!;lun, hhiglu^ and acrobatic Work. 'Lite tints Is kilowh us the Mllmrtr*. ' 'i l.n-i I'. IIviikisi<\ Is enjoying a rest at w Uollii', -Algiiniii',- Mli'btgnii. ) ■ f,K llov ash Hi:\sMi,iu: write that thoy me nibetliiir ivll Ii yin-ens on lour With "I'Jjn Mnlhiee lilrl" ruQUMHy. doing their upcdulty nlul |ilitylii}f parts. SVInuelt efudlo Is now Iwing countrueti-d on Ung rslaud for the buildlnz of nil lliidn M M «.' l , 1 x ery, .l , ,^'"' 1 'y. l: *' vli - ,v l»' c thL ' W« -"otic ofllieH still continue tilth? regular muHne of heatrleiil cinuigcDcIes In every brinch 6C the blialurss,' ' . .U»ii»l.vx.Kui>si.i- wHIch: "I have arrived l.enoany,. and will soon have a uuslatl uoneily tonipntijr -on, Hie road for o-" tdirlne lour through tlta SbW I-'nglnhd Slaleii." • , hoi Axji RtflAXOII lh.oxni.v will reirtnln S'. l,h .. n l? Elle>'. snow, '-Kliiji of.ttie .Catllo Itlng," No. 1. Koutliwcslern. V.. If. Uoeil iiuin- aoyr, -the coming Kuniniei- sen'sou. .lileanor lllon ■"•■ etire.sit! llittor-.i. (il'Meli 1 dule llnli. h'tJ luet With solid- success, and lu Hie few Wffijlji JVO'IlllVe tweti plv<(inHll,!'lt we hire I'erelvcit «ome v.>ry. »i-ry jrnml' "iews|m|icr cl'llliliins'lniiriils,' nf llu: act nliil the luutlii rllle work dnd arc gohui lo Join a teeogil nunvaiiyfor tlic, rest, of Hie mjasdn. , : Ai.lkk ".\-vii DAtl'WX'. Write Ibal Utev Have i loseij with the Kn»' Poster eiinipany after it very mceefkra] engiigepient of feu weokc. Ma". I*-" triltiitix, prol'eHslunally known nit yeltlc .(Villus, received' a lelegrniu eidllhg .Tt:\xu will Mian, who was cngugeil for tho her lmnie to llaitlhiorc, her father lmvlug b0rtvj<iuo or ;'flin Merry Widow,T'tit. Weber's dioil «t the age of clirlity-ilvc,'oil Thursday, Tllj-nlre.; Xew Atrfc.OMJ-, ho« relumed In -fan. ». ' "■' " r ' ' '' , •',-' vrtlidevllle,.buvlnJl wlllidrawli from the edpi- ,CniK. Itnvir tvrtles-thhi bo has branched pany, -He was hmt «m>B nt Hatliawaf's The- out for lilpsrself, atnj la doing a black, fain iilrj;,'i,owell < ,Mi) k i««. • .,...' In, which we portray the.mid rluinieters. Wo open on lliti WlVernian circuit'At \'ork, I'a., weals .of MU. ,20. vial Agent IU1. 4.'. Kmiiip itrrlvcd nit; egfendeil leri'llorliil trip, nua- two dftji haer llilllroml I'.uitia, -lor inono,lo«iie llmt Is ' mectlni" with aucocja ,'Jiib Tttin Kkitovh are wiiiitlrig miirkad wherever be niipeare.. ••■ '" Moh' TSlJitn. Heroian eomedi.m. 's now tour- ing the Hrlilali province.!, and reports mcfll- liig with great su'eeers, ; IIiNqii.Vjk the velllrllfsiulsi: the Tliree Aubnitna, Belle' " suee#HB In Ihe feta* theulres. Their lilt at tho Orplteutii, 1:1 l'asn. was ati eniidldtte nite, ueirspaper eumairul on their ml giving litem high.praise. ' . Vox Ann Waiiii, of lmmoul's Mliislrein, and Molntyre and Heath, wish "The Ham Tree," at tho Walnut street Then I re. I'tillndelpliln IVad A very pleasant time the host two week" Under tht ttnu. 1 | I j • ,i ■ *', h .'t.' Itii'irimuri' Hiiuw Notfc.i.—'Xbere ire no. lillo uiii'h mound Ihe Hole tlrotucrt' rSliuw*a Wittier liiinrters ai Harbor Cieek. Etlle Ciiituly. I'l-niiKylviiuln. Ilveryoue has soptr- tllhig to An unil evetyoiie Is dnhig It. ChVro reived Jan. i aftor III. llllll IW'O UilJ:- flurry ToltKr u^l ni-iiii iipiiiiiiuiH". tin Jan. II MiUiujoi Downs eullMl .liigethtr Ihe executive stnn. mid wind ..llltle pivihiilnniy husln«n<; :c iii.llii si uuliulslii'it wue litken up nml nukkl.v «jlsiio6i l i! of. Th veo sleiiiigrapliers and U\:pi. wtners uti» lMis..r In I be general oiUcch. und llie.h illiliiyn" leeitinuhillon of ninll is boltit. I'.liEwered us n;iecdllv ns possible. All COD- traela f.»r an ontlri'lv new Hue'of paper have lleell plsreil, nml olltiof tbo laigeift UM.nulRitrH lu the business Is busy bulldlbn n winili; new iiiy.imi of tents tor tho lupt> spiiHiitl. Tim iiciTect busluesn lnclliuih and of the ejUsou.-- This IS'oiia of 'Mr.'Hllfai liig MMmukn this seaHoii,. return dnte's Be- ing played all along the line; " ' \ .; . .n'miti Hhos. ( mid Jnoies) pUr- ehneed; from Jumes Walter.,ou Sept, HI,- the i;urll?a Coniedy Co. fin Xow.l Ihoy changed lha nnine of the company lo Wight llros. They, ure doing good Smslne**: • ..." . Ala. and Max, Cam/ IIukioi eulertolned Kilmimd Abbeo and slsler, - M. Zaliuei', Mr. und 'Mrs. Charles, lleichar.l. .of the Helen .he 11 ii in ., at tho Wnlniit street Thenlre. I'hllnilelpliln, H«d A very pleasant time the Imst two weeks,'thr-lr.lung lulustrel nod vnilde- vlllo eaioorie.. The titemlsTi h lltesii tw<» (eaitis have been, llfelolis frli-iuts. To niokc lhe|r vlnit all the more Intercxlliiir. II was 1lte lotlletli utililvdrsfuri- of l-'ux Ami Waist's pari- nffsliH),. nttil 'their .friends. Melntyre itttil Heath, are nets-In line. working syntciu of this nggrcgnTtou ilelll When the shows are mi the iilUi'll lu evlili'llee In as ilill'llig Hie busy I ho •asoii so er!- . und. nrc 4s Winter, quarters There , fi'iW riiallgee In Die executive ntult durlug tt. iflitlntt, Keuiuiii. Kd. II Kniipp will ngatu dlt-eet the advance, mid Jumes Mouuh will be par Hnil, tli tfcrqtby >1M Miiyo In n new. untslcAl nnniedy, colled- ''Mian l-'ussy Fuss," iuuslc by Kverelt t)fayrx"Ktofk^cX,'dHring"tbo ciigagemoal'iit H" K] °f ffiW P p ?"«it "eusou. I tril Oann, of Lok' Ahgnleg.. Call, hud book by Krlo, l'n, ' """'*">? "fcugw.ii.iii ni g ytMwrnw In tyy uftjlpal speclii Cbas. II, .GopdWlrt,:..There, will be, .Wc.are . gubSi T,a Mo.vun closed Willi "The Hid- ^WiJ^lOTt^OTMttt, deh HJi'mV' eoniuuny In. Iloustou, Tex., and l ^^J n c '^' nl "« ??"* "" l" n «^ infornied, n churns 'of; thirl y, u carloml of new scenery and all special paper.' Mr. n.-md- win writes: gtjfn lw Mayo is n great fa vorlle In rhllndelphln and her frleUils loftk-forwnt'U. to Ijersncccss. a She will .Have ; i■ .PUMibor <>f nt'W l'ni'lsliiii goWim. sir. Meyers,, u also u favorite |n Thllaiieiphia, and ilila mfluy-friends will lie nuriitisi ' hear I hut lie: la going lutu inuslrul <-o Mis.; Uf! Majvls- BOTr ttUrrlng In a, ()taii)tt 'callcd-'The doming of lava.*" K-iii:ip. K. Lantiam, business mining ipuny left, Holmton, Tex., for her hoa'ie In hrouk- lyn. N. V., whei;e Mho Will rest up for next season..-,- ..••.•'•••".'■,• ,-. r ■ ■'" •.'., . • ItdsTlat or "The Cornor Hr.ieery" Oompaitv now playing 1'ellon k Siuutz-'rV IVyemln^ and lt.ali circuit ; Allan I/.Wis. H. M. Hauill- tbu,,l' , utreiit"l'ruce, Hny Harris, Wis. Uutiey, V..H. Clarke, the'tlfout Mensle. I/TIols;. Vld- lllilsl t.It'Jnes, female laipeisunnlor ; Blrss Joe WUcelcf, Marie. UtttuM, "Klsie. Kelly ahd . UiCIttpcw/rtSuriletic 8loek;:wrl|:'eB: 'VTfio *oa- I "On of thin cuinpnny elu-ifs at .Athens,, tin., J«n, 18, nwlus lo 111 hdulth of P'autito llc- pe.iv." ' • . : ■-'' ■ • Wen. HHiani)As..-who rcccriily closed a ■ three.jeara'^PKageuieut .with If. M. Mrowu's nttl-actlans, Las signed for the remainder,of , tbtii .ueasjni Willi tho DUt Kntrull emnpuiiy, ak^cemtdlinii'V ' ''• " ■• ' '.' ' J-.'Ar.5fcUlM;t: writes; "After having been In odVaucc of Elwlu Htl'oag and his playpvs .-for.tHtlyo Weeks, I clbgctl..Willi that copj- pahy bu'Jai). -1; atld opened, with the Uor- vtpnjt, .hypnotists; bu Jab. 0,.,t6go lu 'ad- vance.; My eUgli^ement .With the'Strong Co. truri vory'iUcasntrt oue, but'l felt that.It ivtft'toiuy adVAiitilse to make the, change." ' |Jai[?(:si axi> liuwiNfi have Joined, raln'ss Puck's -Stock Co. to play comedy nnd'sbu- iireltes and do their specialties In stock at ijauta Cru^, Bt Kwalu'a Tbcatri), for the sea- ■ SOli;'' '•:.".... : ,TIin 1'Biinr BttOH., formerly of thu l'altcu • ..AVevry i'Jerry l-'rom Kerry" Co;,-are lo- ' en led at Monclon, N. H., Canada. <>■ p. I'ecty is manager of Sori'lo.Jk WiotcKs cir- cuit of. houses,.ami Is also lllreelor of-file -eflyband.'; Ij. C. Vcrryls mouagor of llje I'ttlws Cafe, o liiihliug restaurant In the city. lie Is nlsn proprlcior and nianagcr of the I'liniiillnu Tlientiienl Ilookiun Agency, which . Includes twelve picture.ami vaudovllleiliouscs. • '■! WMW ASi> C'l.ti'roiui Ai in viiii.Nn. — , . Uaye-iSeyttwur ivrltcs: 'All-la'vlVeiuJ'-wlsji , "Thp J'tinotoni lletectlve,''aud to date not.a cUAiigo lies been cast. vMillo the ■.win. Is ;ar from a proepoyous ouo with the uvcrageftlliaetloti,this compaur.'Jiasnocaute I'or'-eolnplalnt, as the'proilis unvo exceeded •l!ie?e of the previous year for -a corrcupoud- • lugleootli or time. r.,Uowurd lanige has -' wen called a way to his liomclji Now urloans >>y the' .i?rlous illness of bis, mother. . Thomas vho ;lusticlOKei) Mlth .IcKSloIhisley: tp i ' Dlfllio'p's ' Catrlago" Co.; ,.I»i ' tpiA- l-di-iti'llv (lllltig the role hi Mr. I.aiiaVs afc stn'cc. Venn UVuns "still couiina.-s a iV- ... vorlte with'the uudlbnceti auiTher specialty wofk'lK liicst-artistic. This uttiiunluV plays tlK-'Kastetiitlme till well In the rSprht; ' .^MDlar •touiv Kid'' oc-'-t'-i. .',ai,r in Linn . cr of . Marie -Ward,, under the. niauligeinulit of Abe A.'.Ueraon, and Joe Kennedy JijailA'auiw. Tho I'IKifiiM writ Iwcnly-fonrth week, plitylng the Jew comedy ili'l. In Klllnl ft Umr.olo's l>U Si-cille nfodile- , The Kottr Corners of Ihe Knrlu.' , At close of the present: seusou. t will go Hack - lally. Tho e net very nglhg my own sons*." . '■'..-. ZKeir' ami '/.fern write: "Wo are now 11J icir ninth ,'WH| ouUlO'Ilmlklus Circuit, and rii-if-making u blg.hll. We linye sereuniiirn wiiekd lo follow,, and thcii ttik tlio turn it. Hm ilait.gbtpr., l«tH«1. six, mmjUBL- Is il|so,(lr.lhg A spnclnlly up the rluis. which 1* uniting au tiiio.rnious $ik'C';M Ml this clrcilll.". .. ,": .'. ' l,i:W I'vi. ina:, the' irilmle. who lately ended A- very 'proiperpuS;- tup .over-the .SulllV/iucJt Cobslrtlnn circuit; Is UoW riiliil»)lu(f,r".ilst; illid Is booked solid: up t<l tint May. Mr. Wlimu' bus ii great ileal of hew material lu hie net this season, una Is iuvellug with much favor, Novum rniut the Nellie l.enjay Con —This in our sixteenth wdek out, atid'btisl- ness, hilB been ipioil Ihrotigh I'enhsylvanln. West Vll'ghilit Add Maryland. We nave had «aly. oft 1 change, since' our unfiling. Harry Hrorileld was culleil In his homo In Wlwolliig, W. \'a,- Jit) plnee was tilted tn once by l-'iatik ■ Jfiiljdlii, tihitiuiit'i-. ,w|ilk> Maiilu .1. IX>wns will be geji- ih'ul tllrecliM'. lu ihe uilvniiee Mr. Knnpp lias I'tattieil with two exceptions lac same foroi i|nu was wit i. iiliii Inst Mcitsuii mill back with llli! show ilferii win is> no material cbunjie lit HmhonilM nf dcimrtiuonls, Jusl at. pr>«e- (jut, a, force nf Jlfly (.killed lucehanlca Ore Udsy In thi,' repair nhaps nml bulltlcru' Uc- [laruileiil. Mi', howtis employs none l)pl skilled lobar, when skilled InW Is n,'i|ulru|t. for he rcnsoiii that It Is i hen per to piiy good Mien kuod wiiiea-tlinn huve Inferior labor for a iilfi. lice hIii, o the shows ran In wurk in Ilia Wlniei liuurlei-M bus been iuo»ic.i-luv Willi a vi.'MlIt decidedly siillstuclory, • Tin- tMti Hosier, of,I lie eolnpliuy: T. .1. „. niapager,; Kred Imiww, lilaek • face cotueillan Mui plage tnn nnger: V. V. Leaf, wire, traps nud IllU'ltat^d soiiits: Nellie t."Uiay. sluglug itud • d-.'tielnt.' MMihroltc mill 'runliliig globe: Mm* lltowutet. soft mid wooden ilhan rtJlSleer; tltn Mayor Hlslers. muslet' tmililr sho|iM nml palm, shops huve uccoup itlshwl niiicli, while III the ' seiiiblor^' ili-imi-itiiciit sis pllhhwl niiicli, while Iii tho builders' nod n> new lot ivagull,-. SIX edges it ud (Wo huge a n linn I deli.. Ate ntinosi rrnil.v, for I ho painters nud ilecDiototv. The i Hi t bniii |s much lu use nml several , ei|m>nlr|iiiis. Iiuve, even at. tills early du«. fljlsieeritlin Mayor Hlslei;*..jilUHtcu And tliht cvlnmetlioti ante)led and, the pmlVrtluU ff Vflt-o act;, K.I... l)o|y. ilonlsl.. Tltd valinir 1 now nets. Tho Winks; reghlaHy, and Tltn. Ci.trpitit reaches dkn&retf wseli.. , ,....,'•.• ..TUrlrttAVf t.f Winters and l.tlllofleld 1lfls slgtied. w,iilr,aetr. with..Waller iMInuner for bis. iJilniiiici' jial'ks.. Tha team Is now with flirt't'HIde Traeheil" eonipauy. , . Jack '. HnioN'bh wrltci: "I Just closed ilea and ' Hie uevfeetlou til . .itrfiirtmiiee jfi|i bu cuviwl.c ni-W iliid »»> lUinivly. of clfelis funtnfih, ' which arc tiUolUlcly Uyw''in lloarly. nil nf IkU ejijiiiti}-; Tli" lustisgerle has Veu eon- ilS'li'iitlily "tilmueil. as has the,show truln ami touting; •■aptielly ot the "hlj lon.'i', .'a nimilici nt liiiggiign tiuis.'H uiiil 1'lllg shwl. ijiw, and In fact every depm-tiuelit has, bach ilurgeil itiul isitiered. I'rof, CiiurlcA■ Ttji- •y Aylfl uglilu direct the big baud of tbtl't>- iiiHf far;. The company Is booked 'up to opr .clob lug date, Aptlf.'U, at Wlhuebaso City, Minn. Wn will umVn nCir third Mu.umer iinqcr caii- vgx, '-at Lallarpe, III., May l, Must of the present'people will reaia'u ftsv the .rinmrtiel', and a icuni ulul orehcstia, wllL he slldcd. Tho eonpauru tbo suiniu (is Jrhw-wo opsned the tMtvfjion IJst'Mgy. We.hnvo r.ot fotlnd it Mucessai'y "to make u single cbuage. Iho roster.Is aa follows: J. W,'aisbU,.uiuaagcr: I'dUlhi'j Slulils. IreunUrer j Md, .T|llmllri„ stage niAAagci;; Tlarl W Ostrandar, nilvsuco i'«P.r> tur'S Meld." ... ,!',,/.' '■ '../.. Ttiii- SJwjrwiibf, swstd swallowers, write thai, they ate.: meet log ,wlt|t ; success. They are working every week and were, held over fop two '.weeks at Hie Maji'sllu TlieulrvCIn-. cliiiinU. .They go. fryin-lbttc to Uutludsrlllc. I.ixlugtou.,.Ne'w. York Oily, Albuuy, Lynn and others.' Tbfcv are te-ejignged to go ,wllh the Hollujaf Tiros. Hhov, wnlch will make lltclr rccaluL.riCQSoii. MAiyniutm; FLavaii aud her big girl acl. 'The. tllrl J'lratev," made «ac)i a prouonneeil ' Iplii'ilH), f,i;(lVell',',oIlh. Kail., Shy other'season, i.'hrlutlilns lluy ut Kt. AlbiniB we utrliiid pi'opln AWay both nflW- noon niiu. evening, we were the tiftli m|n- •Und ■ show In Itul hind and tile house was suht. oiit thrbe days before'we arrived lliare. To ihfirl tue pew yeni'. Ilnrllngtoii. lh'iinHig- loii. Wuosiek l-'n lis. Kara logs nml dreenwicli guva us llio lnrgest bltslliesa we hove titer doitnln those towns, aud we had not played Iff] towns for I wo years'. The company «• maluH the same. llAimv lli'.iiws-. colored shiglug eomedlau, mitts for London, Ihiglaml, about Jan. Ti, to moaoger. i i;»ri,»,.vstionuor, nuvuuce isprp- ..... h »..., ■fiiiitefc '• r sentJi'tlvo: 'DotoOiy' jlutloniaii, jnusleai dtrce- utT'mF |ht oii'linuu {f- l '. : row i t ;- PWwffSjMfi' ft tRHSi OSS that. thii.v.> : cro ilamcill.'UclyTe-eugiiked fur illl,an tngageinent. Alaluwilght.uua.MaUloMaiuui.. Wocuiujed n Kccoiid week They were billed M the bona- .jjiung VltoM Tim CltVs'Mi. TlilUTML Me- Ihe most. dsllBhiWI Clir stma;s in the hhlory p,V c nctat. tbc bouutlful:new Novelty Tbestri'., Wls.--llushiess Is good, at tills eoiy of thv show.. Everybody,was -wall, and w° ' evciiauged .over ope htt'udr'si mid twebty-flve presents atuoilg Jue mcbdiftidiif .thij MUlw. sl_. llpc oiit-»tt the bo«utiful:pflw yoyelly .. Top'eka, Kuii.,rhe-.opeolu«wesk, Ja«.-p,1»|W. lh, *J ,, ';„ \k? , uiaiiageiuenl Is prescnllag OKirrnrmj ilu-NNirrr Hoi,mi:s thin week ron- ..JJffiStHlj.. IllutilrAled songs Slid motion ple- bMlloJ JM compau*. c i U( j M „ hiuuiy suiecesstul tour oil the Mo- "\<8b <bC MMMHM JJbrechl layilly lluml 2i'^nh a ^^!trai »n elieult" fief ouiSlcal nkctch.''A^Vooil- IS with, tUO Wrtoll , a _ a \T 00 iiit,":lius been one of tho litis of Comedy Oompauy. ■ . - > .-, , ; ,. the. seoson, • MIsh Holmes' booktug arrnuge- QWatd, to; the, surgical operation . whloli |rt the huuds ot .lenule JAiobk HdWflrd Tl»ll underwent ,aome .lme ago, he Cooi'iiu ASO AbnovivnoVelty comedy DiubI- will: dcyole,:lilnisclf to is|agp .writing lunteAiJ onl nciformcrs,• wfltl; that they were held «Xactive'.tbeairfcal miinagemcut for Uua inext ovcr r ( or two .weeks at the CryslAl Palucv, fflW piouths. Mr. 114 I has u, uumbcr of ttuc wilnllngton, N. C, Bid that tllctr act. Is aiect cessful blays'.nnd skekhes to bis credit, lie lug. wllji big meeMM Whojever they CiiAitui]. lions, iinttMCM m'eelllig" 'WItn"-'Wg succeis 0/ 111, iidil utchustiii 1s us good nn nttruellon as any i.ct ynt.presented here. Tbo bam], especially. I:, a,Strong drawing magnet, as the eoiuerlH ii' "lie ._ lobby of, the theatre are hulled with lUligbt by tho clll/eiM, as tt Is the only oill- dtfvr nttruellon Here ai urcseiii, A lilg liu«i- i-i-ts Is preillcleil for tile 1'eUt of this itqcl ■uy lhe.3?i Irivln, hi . "In' iia tnmlag to the WcSt tp iclosb.thc soitsoo's tjuiv ,}l«iubers; of Klh'uy'&'Uiltloti's ','Canily Md" vyariMvlstl ova during the .stay of this compauy in limoklyn; aud tr most, enjoyable HniC!. w§ultcd, Mausacr. KJIroy 'couirlbuUUg no small part to'the .aforcBald.'tcnJoyuhJc will jouniiii In 1'hlladelphla until the eurly t>iimincr,.utid thou gyito his old farm bouto lu' liKllaajt. • ,•...• : ,• .■■;-..: v.i JkisNirU's' Lk pt.AXC, aoubielloof the,Ati- bieyTstock,! Uiid li'nllh Colljiis, musical dlrcc- truss, goye a Now Year's' ovu. parly hi MusWr ^-ou. Mir 11. Games werq'indulged:;lu. and hodliy prizes were given ns.i'6H.veo»'s„of the oeenslou, ami, after a templing -lunch, all ■WW-'lift oldyeAr out.and.thu new year la Mc|ul>era- of: eompuny. prosont-.weie: 1>. ° % m hold. the- Hummer season bats, t.'iiAn. VuiNii, of Youug and Lit Dull, iuto- while .touring Mexico with the yiuar us -Wits erropaoiiHlv stated. ''Tub •UcMisAui'/JiHi'" W I bo tllle of ,?Jto. ,,'Thk 8cMiNAui:,0nti.:: U llio tllle of a nntrritfK*epki.+. Otto tweuly-llvo minute musical playlet, tor, vainly Juggling, eliterlii Wee. Ylllc: ; by John ll'uleher and l'rank Kurby, It tJulabcil a yeiy KJIroy coiltrlbulliis .—inn part to'tlic . time." , . ,.. . ■Jack ok'Castiixo, who was. playing ibe Ameflcnti'artlet- In 'XH Kel'c of Japan," 'valeb .-recently elbped loiii aceomlt of Miss t llffou's liculth, has been pmubq *bf ( mA Cit'i'ltOD'to play tho nrthjt Itt his production or-'Woa She to Blame J" Mr- CasHHo Plajfd ihlj-imrt- Bncceusfullr for two- h|WU with ibe-.-fmutliern prodUellon-ol'the'pfet'C, ' :-.>•• i ' U Ainiv Stonx, a veteran ticket' broker, died'oil Jail'. 10, at his home, 255. West lltlth sitreel;. Now York City, from cerebral heuior- - ibage. aged fortyriilneyonrs, His \CldOW/two brothers and tbreo sisters »urv|ve.. They ■ arc llobert K. Hi one. husluenn mouager of Jue Weber;*." Music Hall: irbluoas Stouc. of I'ou- sscola, Pla.: Mrs. Muuilpc Qultuiuu, Mrs. •Sniutiel licldttclii nml Mrs.- Henry Jucksou, oil of this city. lie. wim a number :'of Bt. l'ccIIIb lodge, V.aliu A. M., 'Maceg,'Temple, Ml'sjlc Slirhic aud-the Sous of Moses.- . , y IvtEvru/yx Lyons axP ctrAiii.n; Stewuix- b«t mourn -the' death of tbtrlr-fnthcr, Lionel Stephenson, who died suddenly on Chrlstiufis mornlug. l.j'otis and l,yOlis Are now. ytth B*'W,*mras Co; : ■' May (Jlow^s* an actress, and.Hoy TC. Esty, -u, pouiprofessloiuil, were married wn Jan. lu. In New-.Havcn, Conn'.. Tiy'fhO Hev. Horton.'At St. Tno-jnggr.Kplacopnl rectory..- ,., ,i . . Al. Billon writes.: "L have severed my SSW^'tltH as', partner with the . Hitter & DJlRo. llerald Kijuare Stock Co. T tjiilj: the Miss Rtlldft Herald >l(iua're Stock Co. T <j . !to»»n/" : Jan. £'„ at Clcerftcld.' Pa. PMe ujso elo^eB wlfll" ; ; EitA.T.'Kii.lst'un" (Mrs. AI- J.-Jlassey) has closed with the Cosgrore-Slock Co", and joined llio' ilari-iy HtSek Co., to ploy leads. .he -comnsoy will tour.-Stow lOngfanfl. .. Iicon ■ McltHVN-oMiH writes ii "Mr.' Carter transferred me from "the Heart of Chicago.! Wt«rc'I -wnS:featured, lo "rooil'rond to'lltg.' W-efe I am dolug John Cnnv thu lead) Way :i:id players fire being well received, aud bust- iiesMlv obovo, the-hveroge.'.' ' „„WJf. Hammoni. AKI> I'API.INU HALFimt), of P»y»nd tho Itlo Orande" coiupuay, IrtiVe closed ",'nftei tr aucccsaful ' engagement' Lf f lveuty-two weeks. After o short rest they - T 1 """JWtwIOi the UitmmopiTHtock Co.. nn- Illtuor.CIaude bejvls, f:d..d-.lttcy, James Ulce, villi., Kd. Uar'ct.v, Johnny Ulgglns, OJias. Vttierlcb. has jpst been completed, Margaret i.yous. llaby Jliidelluo Itlce,; l^alth j Coltlus,' Clara , Lewis. J'iauiiatte JtO BlUUC T r Cluro Cnriiyii, and Newport, lUc iuuhcol, B _ Ciuiit,^ KnoiiMAX iiuuouuees .that lu and ruby pli|.aa a token of en>etu. April ljo .Will PiVduce "Tho Waltz J>ream," iu ,1,011(1011, and ut his own theatre, not- at George Kdwards", as was stated. Mr. Frob- Diau-owiiV the KUgllsh rights of thai!-musical play. Mr. Kdwuids.. however,, will bnvo an interest hi the'production.. .■ . : Leu Mosks wrllcs: '!!Kast Lynnc,' uudcr mj direction,, begun n week's the l'amllj-.TheatVC.i.Pes ^Moines, 1A„ nnd from the first ::. performance-.the production made u pVunou'UCcd hit, juid capacity. Iiujl- nws'.hab lieen the rule rf|l' thO W^.cfc. -The COiupiitiv was retahied, for fe-MmM week, with 'Kast , Lyiinn' the bill*. This. Is the tirsttlunS lu tho history of.UesMoipes'. pop- ular pflced- tbeuti'KS wboro ouo' play could successfully run fOT'OWM than a week. Tl|o cumpany fucludes: Ueo.- Moore. "L'arl Pay- risb, Urusl McNult, I/co. -Moms', Dora Kvorott Moles. Lilllau Hterllni .Xlta Ituasell and 1>uIhv Seymonr. 'After next week the company wl|l . resume Its one.night bookings-through Iowa •uud Illinois." ... m ■■' ■ Xoth foiim- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aus- klugii? VAf-ter rlyslng with thb Oscar J. Cook titock Co., mthp.New J'amily-Tbeutrc, SandusL'y,' 0., as business mauager, we spent the holidays, at .our homo'In Sit. icr- POU. O. -We left, there Jun. l-l- for ISJcli- woud.' tuoV, to-Jolu the Taylor block Co. Wc carry • company- of elghteep people, .with six blah,class .VaiiocvllH; acts, and have the vetv- best mi tlm« to follow, ltoberl. Tay- lor Is •manager: Clarence Ausklugs, advance rcprcaeutatlvo;" ' ". i ".'" .. ■ , t ■ AtnticT ■ Tavlou has engaged ■ Chaados Dreaou us his busluoss manager. Mr. ltroiou has' been all this season associated wllh tier- trnde Kwlug.. Wtfitt lJreuou Is also a niem- ber.ul' Mr. Taylyr'B:compiloy. tho He Sail, Hebiisl Inn llos)iltnI. l^tAscis J, I lei" hi: and Co., Kuropauu inhiers. WrllO 11ml they lillVn MUecessful season of forly- iiiii' wdii an ii special feature with Hun John- t». Ham., singe, mtiuwar ut Oruheum J ros.' World's Progressive «hoivs^. nt Adul. ■Iioalre, Hrb'ok|yn,.was prej r -nteil by T'fp.s. J. |a.. Jim. ., and left ul once tor HI. Augiie ltyua and Murld Itlcliilvld. wllh n dlniuoinl ' Till: SifiooN Haou. ,(l*cli; and P'redVliaye closed wllle "Tlic'ISIa'ek ClowkV and opcusd with the Hurfy Hasting* t'loach MoldK,.Co. li'red felddou ly producing, his u*w lmrh's.|Ue. entitled "Tlie' ithiot Ilnnd's P'ute.V • Tim Quu UjcuAUpu bus' been on the K. &. P, tlmq for HM.awt twelily weekn. and utiles that lii inost of the mnaVH ho Wiortho lieiidltuer. Hi- played his own town riiroHy. of Kevuey's, lirdoklyii. und. Was H tnuseess. . '-Oi.itu.anu bvLvUBTWi recently IIuIhIimI live Successful we6kK.o|i.lfooin's circuit. • Bcut TtiuNKii. courtfly Juggler, Juvl closed nix weeks on the Amnions circuit In Imllaiin. and opened Jan. -'it. ,ul Mansilehl. o., mi the aullIvoii&ConsIdlrio time-- ... . .' .' • JosEi'tl ISohs. rotoOrly.Ol tbo Lester llros;, acrobats, Is still -Avltb oavillo's Twentieth Century "Hunipty liumply" CU„ pluylug Hoy lllue and Harlequin wllh much huccvis. I I'- ll ot pi'cstnt doing an act with the i,u Hoy llros., comody acrobats. The. team la. known as.Le HiiV, lions und Lc\llov, ■und Hity re- port scoring well nightly. ..;',.., , Tub jiatiibu .of May l»uitr, oi the KeutBs, hi vaudeville, and . the..long bUtcrs, with "kiunliy Houtli." died Monday, Jan. 13, at Kcw'Orleans, La. . . '.'■",.'„ ' .Jon WfiiviiiiUAu, the-cuuiedlan, w now prominent In "The Girl Questluil."- Ibis mull- Hue. Ma., when.- lljey will take a rest urlor to ■ ilmlr opeidng nt the Florida Midwinter Lspoiiltlnii, nt Jacksonville, Phi. uii»:at McOA|tvnv writes": "I urn mcctiilg With gfoat success with 'Kiiti Ju a llall- rooni.' and n|y Huuulsh oiierailc /is«|e l>- a wlnuei', "My vofco, has ri'ttirneft pud we manage to lean going nicely. '«e lutm- ducpd vaudeville to Albla and Centroville. in., on this dr. mi. nud .ludgliig from re- liiriis, ihey. eerlnlnlv will like li?' • J. f. Mn:i-)iv, hope: Soloist and rotrtedlaii, has Jiir-i. lurivcd borne from the sliiitty Hoatti, where he has becu playing with line ant-era*, and will return, (here soon. ... JotlN Tii'ci:li:v writes tlinl he Is mnldng good with his sketch "lit If lid "All Alone.'?. Cast. Hinxitv ■ Uin^ia-v informs • us that bis big Newfoundland dog. "8u|!or," died la ijuniewoo'l. I'a., form the olrccis of poison given by some uukiiowii person, Wii.skn N, Milu:ii, basso for several past seasons wlili Dockatadcr's Mltlstrels, wlnlns to auuoutieo that on Jun. 11) he wau the vh - thu of a very.painful accidental shooting. Ho received two bad wounds, one through the right leg. ubore the knee, and auother throtlgli tin.- right arm. at the elbow, while ■ o- rtute to u new mining district near Indlo. Cal., where be Is at present Interested, lie Is resting at the place iluil Is Improving rttpld- utthough tt will be several weeka befoni shtiw, and In, f-ici. nmi sit. plntcsi. Tin: Itn-i'M, Know Is In Winter inwrioi, at rrankfoyl. 1ml., and ul preiieut wiitluV we lire .enlarging for the voiulUg siiaSOB. Wo will liavn a new band vvawoii and four new cages. Will .Use ninety foot top, Wtth two forty foot middles, nliil iicusl tupu. for rati of sbo*. We lmvt- enungeil ubuht hjlf of Inst ysar'K i nie ami will iilAkc.u:l6t,e)f cliiitig'.-s hi tl.e iiinke-iiji of llio siniw, We ate on imrelglilli year of MMCtlM and Ihlf ahtlW Is getting larger every seuson, but v.o Are ndt I'licklim iliein In atld lu|iiliig ihem away. Wo h|iv« every newspuuer wllh iu wbetevoi- we have mini" a stand hi eight yetirs. Tlp.-rc lias never biuu a light on our ahoiv lot, some thing no other vlliiw rail buns! ot. The toa tcr: Prank l.ewla will huve tho Advance Llge Hiiiiu-i. bans hohller; I'lius. I li.lleher. < Iiliii' of cook house, ,|ieii Alien, clown nmt i rich mule : Miss l.con, slack wire mid perch; fhas. Itlpiii'l Jr., contortionist and llouiiin ililgu; Will Piltiit, Jim frills. Con Murnhy and Harry Terrel. musicians: Welter cnickei, IiIkIi wire aud ri'i Hiving ladder; ilila; Mnrllu. Juggler; Ihe tlrcut Meudou. eipilllbrlst lind Imps: Hick Mm t in, lentrllo UUlSl nn I nun -louel I es; Ape Thorpe, bOSl AUl- niiil muit, add Iluppy kllgorc, Dots canvaii- UUli, Hllov will open about April 2D. 'Kb. K. IViiitm, liiaiiager. iiud droves, prtatdeut uf the Uorlaii ii'lfe. Drupi and liuglu Corps, urn now located at. the Academy of Mi|»le. New TOW City, after lllilsblllg n successful s'-n.-ioji ultli Will tor L. Main's Tlrcut l-'iisliloU Plain HIiohu. ' J iIkoiiuk K. Tavi.oii. trombone soloist, bit, been re-ciignged fur' his llflh i-miseeullve «cn- sou. wlili the New Model Hand, with AI, r. Wbecliil-'s IBtnr*.' ,; ' NottiH ricoit Al. V. Wlu-'clt-r's Now Model Hhoti-n.-- 'I'Ik- Show g really cplut'gihl iiiiii |uii(i'()i-i!|l for nest lieiuoti. uad Will stOTt otlt with an ciiih-eiv le,-w sptced of 'I'auVas Kd. II. Hell will ngaIn have tbc prlvilcgijii (b)s iifih .'oinei utile season), und v, III bare 0« bin il|'Hi asslftiinl Ills soil Hail). Wbo Will have i-liuinc. of t|li! outside Mauds. O.' A. lli-rry, oiir piipulur am, Is also re-engagiil for Ills foiii'tb selison, (iiis knows how'ln aei-Vo tlio '-gooU tilings," mill lie asstirca Ijm fliut tpll y'eiiT the "New Model Holer 1 ' Will U neeiijiii lo none on the road. SJr. Wheeler Uinl AnhIkUiM Milliliter Adam tilllcsplu Arc "t prciii-i|l on a htisliicss irlp tliropgh ' tb- " rtly reltirli lo tVlutop i|UuS• a si. but will short .ors In get evetytbliig lu shlp-slmpe for jin i.'llrly opviilng. '..•..' . , Noi'KII nivii K. CI. HMITH'li Colossal hhov.'a und Tiiihi.-d Aiilniul Cipulilua. --Winter- ijuarlel's lif the LILlle liluut have Ui'ou.ilb- necnc of the oust two Moblll*. . Two new ppi .nie wagons fmvc lu'oii bpllt. and tb.' old ones il)l repaired uinl if|ialuli'il, Anew ll|ld niiihslve butid-wugun has been added, mid a now rvlo-horse advuiicc wugOu u.ncarlu^ t'Omiik'Holi. Our puriide tbls aeatpn will be A tulug ,of daulhig Hpieiidci-. Cliir parafle wngonn are In red, while and gold,' all huve inubiirst ivbeels, a ml (be draft stoiik will tniYf- new iii-uns iiiniiiit.'il huriic.s, trimmed with tod mil em Intllicr. Horses ami JloUIca will hit elegantly Implied And pliiiacu, and our iiiimdo, (li<itig|i siiuill, will etimpare With the beat. In tlio laud, each mid ovary Ivngnn being handsomely curved and decorated With mil- l-ors. (iitr draft, slock Is IViut'erlUg lino); and two,ilew teams will lake the place of two that were sold at the clone of last ben- son. tiiMs Hostler Hun Lambert save be 5 thre'j star parts and"Vlir«;dl_l!tlilet"litis lie will be able U l«) about and rcsuiuu his A Hue business ;j. *T yoliey"- aud "A "Vour Relntlon.". I» reported, wltb tho two bills, "peaceful ,Ap'mami Mni.Norri:, double voiced vocalist. Informs us that be has returned tollis. •HJa.tfs and lo now.-en runic to Havana, Cuba, for a concert, tour. After the expiration.of his Cu- ban engagement Be will he seen lu vaude- ville'. In si new imiinitlu aiiddniniatl.' mrrclly »i|f; ».- . .- -;•■ ■■.•^■•:.i '■ :::'"■ -i.rv- , :s '*•:'■■ It: one SMiiua. Li'LV -Tiiikm recently'fell dOwn tha stage .-t.-ps at Alliance, U., and cut her elbow to I It • lion". Xlie arm Is so nffCulcd that she Is afraid she will lose tbo use'or it. km AXli UuNKsr, thu Ucrmuu coaiedlui)".. are booked over the Cauada circuit foul ten weeks, opening ul tfl. John, Cuu., I-'eh, lu. ■ -VlVJAK Wool), of the vaudevllhl teqm of S'ctdbam and Wood, umurus the lots of her mother. Who died lu' Philadelphia. Jim. 'if. Interment was In the family, plot, Laurt-l mil. will have his pels In the best of trim for Tli ly for <-xorv tinting. Mr. H.iiltli. our nuilingcr, returned lie ring stock Is being worktii for .■AtirelHc, and they enjoy their Jail- our ojienliig. dul ' - maiiti' Ud ri;Ain. a*o ii.iv i;. Wilton open l'nb. " al lluller. Man., on tlie Kulllvsii t Cousldlue circuit. In their laical success. "Huns und Ills Hebrew i'rlond." Tbfty are booked pp 'folia till May. aud r«lurn Kant to play, the l'rank Melville l>urks. . Ll.KwrJLLix ANu Watkiis. slnslnj and dan- cing speclultv team, write that Ihty are luukiug good since their appearance lu vaude- ville, and return dates are offered every. .wliert. ■' Iilanciih Pb Corner Attn An^'ih M. Ilnw- from Aiiluine. ti.. Jan. II, uud brings tbc new* llmi lie piirelri.t.-d ti ildW home for; lll.- mIioWm. Thin farm Is loi-atetl mld'.vay between Alliance nud Jtitv una, O,. ut Atwater Htatloli. apt! nest Hiinniier a new ring barn, polar uud' 'bl jckstnllh shops will lie hnlll. Mr Huillti t-mi truthfully say that lie has ono.'pf fb* best .farms Ip that section, and ft , homo for his attraction. chargo ut tbo farm,.ami say« be will, ha- niie Levi Bldifdl H In «ay« be will bar ■ barii.lllh-d for us when wc arrlvu-lu the lorRt - the I'M.'if H>OI(. People! engaged so 'far Mnu. Josuru Ttttatt, innihor of W in. m »in, hetlsr known as tbotcam 61 Do Colre Ouzo, of lh<! Do Huso llrotbers. died at her safitl Howard, write that they optund oir the iiotue In Alli'islietiy. I'a.. on Jan, 8. frpm a ',«,:* M. circuit -Dec, .10, and gr«, meeting pjriilyMe ittoln). rui.-.-eu) was h..|.J from her jHw nbccafH doing their prlidnal i-hnfntOi rtsWeiiw onilsn. u. ;, , : cro% o«^., -,, { . ; .)..;... ,...\ ../ Isemlnger. general agent | iL .1. nsslntanl muanger; Al. Itaymodil, e 'Hiiros. pprlnllsi: (.1ia«. pitkay, leuder «f bund t VA. and Vcflle Tli|res,;lJ#" l.rtmberl, Alva Woodward, ,1<>?/ IJulslMr, ."tUv"! l(qin!rStH ii,-^. .■'., .:-.../ ibitiltk arc: Killer In Tltly llei'i assl clown; Joe 'f ..!" i • • ''■■; !iii-'-.Vfe Mp.<y»'" .-.'.. '" ■ ,.- -. •;■•> v .Uji.<J*,.,, . ••..-•■'■< ■:..• : ..."'■ t-: ■''' '-f- : -.v !*! , '/ ■ •' '.'• .-'•'• •'' ' ! ' ■'■-•„■■• ':•'■• •'.<•>■) <■'■• 'it,- J*-.»ej=.- ■ -.'■■,-. ■■.-..•I,. --.•■■ -, :. '%t.' \ .<;■■' ■ •- •. -, ■■',;■:" ' <>-v«'" n.j ■".■; •. ,. -• ■• ■ ■ ... . , - ■■;■/.■' : -/\ : ■ J- ■..-'<<-'■;;?"": -V.-" -,-. , '.$ -•/■ "•:",;.' ."•''.. ! .'- ; ,'.',% v ;'."''' : '.-"'" '.' ■':.- ■■■-, ■^~-\', ■ ' : - ■■ -.■;■;*. y.n >.-; ;v.;,.,: . .... ., ; .. 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