The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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mmmm. ■ .:•'■■ 'i-..*:-:T*..«» 1 ■ .-• • 4 ".-0. . ■■■ • THE NEW YORK OUPPER ' ■ ■ ■ • ■ . ' >".■■■■ ; . ,- :•:(.■ f->> :-'; :' llFEBRtTAltY j. J'^tfd'WiBceret"—Claclriaiill, 0.. Feb. 8-8. "WWtH,«( Wflll 8tr«T.";(r*w VIMen, logr)— •tJElW, Otla:, K«b.'3, Walter 4, Liffton fi, ■^iSWSM 8. AngV*arls©'7,:l)rn'ro 10, Klfc City 11. and .•Ad»m«-^.Montr»»l, Can.. 27-Feb. 1. inHl Block • (ChMJ W. Benner,' mgr.)— gynesourg, Pa.. 27-Feb. 1, Washington 3-8. m».|jog.H.' Stwk, Burger.* A lllmmelcln's i W. • nollft^m«r.JrtfX**Cattle, Pa., 27-Feh. 1. MtfataTKnik'nC mo wim West" 'Cims. • ngr*.)—X. V. City 27- H. H. PnmjfU . »i Wayne, iki^ft Uoodl« Boy"—Ft. 8enlr, Kan., 20. '»,:,1bo Country .Boy'-'O-eon Allen, mjrr.)— IbnXknux, r.»„ 30;,N;uv)leon»llle ill, Donnld- Jlo'-Fcb: 1, PlaqliMntno 2, Boycc City 3. fillo.'hH 4. . ... ; . Bl Ri.i;sqrK AND.' V.U DRVILLE. MtCrfn ry. mgr.) — Octroi t, '•TWunj'.L ,E r .fll»«<y Amuse. Co. "Xttifc^flrgenl. AnferiitiliiH-' (T.'.i K. • MMJtM '■" ,<p*hiX2T-F«b.jl. ChWago. ,..jrA3T-F«n,ii: Chicago, ill.. 2-8. Affcbuc 'Girls (Vf- X. "JMfii'BR.)—KlMMI City, ■ M0./i27>Fcb. L v ■• - .-•'.- ■ -■ Bryant's. Fxtnifngnnita -(Barry Bryant, ntgr.)— I rtooklyn, J|, y.-. 27-Feh.' I. 8)i PRibbon tllrls'(Ins.'Hyde, mgr.)—Providence, ' [.'•!.. 27-Ffb.' 1. : • '»ry ' BiiclcMiucrs ■ (E..' II. Itopentlial, mgr.)— ICtthhrj. Pa', 37 Feb. 1. Winn ' Hurler-quer* ■ (Barney • Gerard, mgr.)— bshy\ N.Y.f 27-20. Troy iiO-Feb. 1, Montreal, 1S9ML': ■••■■■ : - ■•■ n-Show iJnck Slngn. rap.)—Kanias City, ; Feb. 2-i. Tons (Weber ft Rush, mgr*,)—Indianapolis, l.,'2:prt. l.OhlortKo, III., 2-8. rj. Bolifci <q. II. IJatchelor, mgr.)—Boston, fiC, 37-Fob; .1, Sprln'gueld £t. iIImh (Ch««: Crnmwcll, nier.)—DuInth.Mlnii., ib. 1, HlnpcapollH :i-8. ' y^rWty 'Wc1k (Jno. II. Cottln, uiftt.)— qHy 27-reb, I. _ Jportfi. (Phil SbprMInn, mur.)—PUIIndripbla, . PWCTrFrt. 1, Ilaltimor". M<1.. 3-8. tlalmnnu)ltls—Plttuburg, i'o„ 27-r«b. 1. Wiuta- imnNi, tc c.i u-8. v '*r Jftckn'(lUrry. I.ronl, mxr,)—Clntlnnotl, M-Veh. I. ■ ■ ■ VnH<Mv°ni«'-()VIII A. I'yiie. mjr.)—Tcmton, jSrwdt I" — • "■ . ■ '■">. ■ (J'fllrjjl (Joflje^rtiirn!'. mr.'ji (IWOBttj Can., fir CI THAT , WRITER SStffALSSSSA SWi» M: «§ * - ««■ ■«■ lit !■ ual> will He Fitil Irtrew dim Sm«- "'■ !•'« W '••• Writhe Aoopii ItfeeJO)! the Cherry Xre«.NOI the Apple Tree, NOI the Bamboo Tree, MATZO TREE PLAY EEK-A 16 SI»i« IhN Song. Co n ip.,e thl. .ong tvlth .he and make -%«5|4«^^jtttf^^ Little Bit Help*," "Tool, Toot, Porewoll," and "A. Little Ult Mor«." •lire hit. Beautiful Slides Now Ready »y A. i-. • l Jjf , j"^2JJ; .^'.^.b- uVll IU MU1U PLEASANT DREAMS, I I'M COINd TO-GET MYSELF J||E MEftMEST MAN IN TOWN COODN.CHT _M A*™,™*J^ k " CO 1481.38 BW HEW YORK, iici^r^^Mw^rnEO FISCHER. FRED FISCH ER IWuSIC J UB. v/U- WAT 8HAY . sliMilirm lll<- ALSO MY MARY Ollll flTAFFi ■* (lof m hffl^^..iCh.e, Sl27-lPeto. lttCleteltod !l-8. Kilko, m«r,)— Cincinnati, mgr.)—Xewark, ipnane. fllrl* (Phil I'luhor, rJ.-. 2TF»b.' 1. ni0W'K Ham (J. 1.. Rlmnmlti, mgr.)—St. Jonoph, •no-iyeh. l.i •■ • MIWfjWMMw (Webor A nn»h, rogi*.)—Scran- ./'Pa./W-aO, IloadtiiB !K>-Keb. 1, Phlliulol- njliurt'e,.- '• . ■. • llrWmlsnil narlesqnerB (Hurt Krarirjok, ragr.)-- Blirralo.JN.;Y., J?'Krb. i, ivmui, Mich,, 8-8. l'.d|ili»r ll\lfle«oiiern (llogor Imholl, mgr.)—Troy, lr;Tr\;'"JT-Jfl. Albany nn-l'eb, 1. 1'ofi I r lM>ter'(Joo ilniwnlielnu'r. mgr.)—Pio»l.lonce, >frj I.'.- 27-li'eH. 'I.-- '• • C>r*(Wf 'Mewr-'Vork Rlnrn (Jnmbu & .mrmon. ■ •rhtfwr)—Cblcngo, 111.. 2<M<>b. I, Belrolt. Ulcb., m -■ • .•• ■ C.iTvrJIorBIng fllortcn fWttop 1- Bn«li, mgr».)-- fdl<«n, >0., 37-P«b. 1. i:t"«el»nil 8-H. City"iiaktriMiter* .iJotin Tnnier, myr.)—Clerc- ]tm, o"2f-Veb. 1, Buffalo, N. T.J S*. OrrikMirtoiil 'Ilanriylnnrt- ftiliadctplila, Pn., 27- ' ,r ™-»*— • — •■aiiV.'Sllnn., 28. mgr.)—Mlnncnnoll". .InKCpIl, MO.. ON. icrmna, inurK.)—-Allinny, (Igfttj;! JOIrLi (I'nt While, ril|Wl.V »I-.A>I>. ,1. 8t. Jul floiniin'Cr'doJi vlncolw & .Icr ■flSV.. S7-'/n, Holyoke, Mttfd.. .10 *WmJ l HIMI' Kch.vil < ll-ibi, Ml fee, ll». ir*.k—All •l>h, 1. mgr.)— N. Y. City ?7- mgr.)—To- erlL ...iliailrlpjila. Pa., 2M->b, i. IrfAtKrWHr AV. & film William*. m»r».)— llojtoa, nii.V »-r , »b?' , 4.. . JoJWSrhiii WIiIowh , <(lim W. Hognn, mgr.)— Hi, 1, 'J. » . V j Jorjei'J^llliii (.1; > VraMla,' mgr.)—Mllwaiikfo, >.Mfifu 8W''«h- l,Ohl«aga. Ill,, 2-i /olg-;flraM WJdmvn, «1\ik. W. llog.i), mgr.)— flpWen. Mn»«., ■97-r>b. I.. KnlcJurljocluTW (I-oiiU Hohlp, mgr.)—IlurTilo, X, '^S2*Ti>b. 1. ■ • • • h'eptooky Belle* (ltobcrt (lordon, mgr.)—Chicago. m^Vt-M- I. l-onlnvllle. Ky., 2-8. 14fHfflfttW ll,;'S. Woodhiill, wirr.)—N. Y. City 2W*»; T.. ' ' l.aifi |JW» (AM. a. Hwrlngton. mgr.)— Jmey OU*.- N.- J.. 27-l''eb.,il. •, MimB.-Orna H>ai)ll«l (Jack Sydrtl, mgr.)—Now- •Hfr'-N.!*;, ST-lVeb. 1. MWlMYirl It: (I.. M. Herk. mgr.)—Paler- »oni' N.,J„ 27-20, Hcranlon, Pu„ flO-Pob. 1. MaMl* Biirnell Vaudeville (Al. Maru, mgr.)— CtlltrimJ N. • II., 80, • Hurry ill, WMlmorelond MtSkllm' (I'red Irwlni' mgr.)— CphimlMM, O., 27- , r >p.;l.-C!|i»elnnntl 3-B. , ' _' 1 . Merry **lakem (.lolm arlenen, mgr.)—OlfTelnnd, O.. 07-Ifeli, 1, ..... Merty Mnlden* (O. W. Danleln, mur.)—Montrcnl, Odti,. 87-Ffb. 1. NlKiit o*-li iciiim. RohlriHon, mgr.)—Kanaan City, Mo.;-27-Ffb: 1. NlkhtlngKlfH (A. Jack Panst. mgr.)—Chicago, ■IIIA-MO'-i'h. J, •> New'Cunlnry tilrln (John J. Moynlhnn, mgr.)— a,T. Oily 117'Feb. I. OrletlUl Oo«r Corner i.llrln (Sam Itoblnnou, mar.) —Baltimore, Mil.,- 27-i-»>. 1, Phlladelpbla, Pu., a-9.: -.'' ; Parialab Widow* (Weber ft Kuhu, mgni.)—Watdi- In'Stort, l>. 0 i 27-Peb. 1, Plttahurg, Pa.. JI-8. Parlalan Belle* (dim. 1!. Taylor, mgr.)—N. ^. Ctty 27-K»b. 1. , „ _ ^„ IIok* Siilell'M London llallea (W. f). Ctmpbbll, idgr. I—Baltimore, Mil " Ir^C,'. .1-8. ' itu4ai»ay;'(llii» (Peter eity'Si*eh. 1. Phlla.,-, lienl frBaiU ley (Alie. J.caji.Ut, _mt,)— »tj -U«l - mgrH.) MlSCfcLLAXBOt;*.. Vllnt, Mr. fc Mrs. Herbert I.. 01. I- Flint, in*-) —Alton,: 111.." 1 27-Feh. 1, rtnrlngOeM JI-8. . FlMke, D6i|.i—Blemarcli. Ji.. l>»k.. -2*VMedlna-BO, l.a Moure' :il,-'Berlln Feb. 1, Oiika 11, Cngnwejl t, l.KlK?.--,wod 5, Hanklnwn (1,' Kmlerlln ., Cloi'linf"ni.j'JI It.—Van-d'oenter, Kan., 27-21). Fre- dnrtln Sft-I-Vlt. I, Sroileaha 3B. Oaney _n-B. . i]«0tgla 'Croutwdoiirs, Wm. M^cCube'n—W atcrlrei. In". II),- Xe»- IlAmplhn -1", Iowa FnllK »1. Wobnter City Fell, t, 2. It. Dmlge ».'» <lla*» Blnwern line!; I/ee, mgr.)—Clarkn- rnirg, W. Vn., 27-lVli. 1.. I.tteflflelil, Nell. Trlr>—Milllngton, Mlcb.. 21). Bte^kenildpe CO, Oxford III, TiwenU Feb. I, Like *l»»pn .1, Pcl*r*burg 4. Homer f>, .So. AllamK 0.-Steplicnwni R. „,:•"„„•' l.iicey-De Bonn Oomlilnnllon—Conde, S. Dak.; .2,0, IIHfiMer SO, Unrilcn City 81, Rxtrelllnn Fah; t, Alpena, Midi., -I, Xew Prague 0, l>eM MtffSie'. . Mnfkie'H Sow Sunny South—SputWllI",' Ky., ?7- Alarch 1.' ■ - •' ,' . Xorwomk, The— <!cnncll Rlnttd, In.. 27-Feb. I, At- firtel NoralvV—-HlltliigKly, Aln., 20,. 30, Maple*- . ellle 111. Fob. .1. Pi-eVelte and HAM »Iay Uupoa (F. W. Mngoon, mgr.i—l,.iv)rence, Mum., I27-I>b. 1. Ilniiiiila' Lnilii'H' Orclirmri III. O. Roundn. mgr.) —Mien, :Bleh.,'3ft, Uowaglac BO,: Mamlmll ill, Alnlnn Fob. I. Tekoaaha 3, Stovkhrldge I, Chel- hML'Bl (Pr. llaugeiw, mgr.)—flnlncy, 111., 31-Feb. I, Peoria il-8. S vlngall—A.lrlan, Mlrli..,ti-a). OHIO, Cincinnati.—Arrangement* for next aea- boii'h iilnua at Cheater l'nrk ore already tin- der way. Mnnnger J. w. Mnrtlu ban cloHCd 0 contract for the appearance of Die Metro- politan 1-liigllsh Grand Opera company. .Jn- aepk K. Sheelian In Ike tenor. The contract wim cloned at Chicago. . ■" , • (litANii OPnnA MotiMK (Rnlnforth & llavlln. inann»ei-Hi.—Anna Held Jan. 27 and week, In VThe Piirlnlan Model." Lnat week, Oer- trnde Coghlan and'Edmund Hrecsie wero ccn- trm niAiliM* In "The Uod. nnll the Mouse." which renewed] ih« Hitcceaa of a year aou. Mr«.Leslie Carter Feb. il.-ln "Du BaiTy, ,r Uvatc (Ileiick Opera Ilouso Co., dlrectora). —Minnie. Uiipice, Jan. 20, In "The Ilond to Ytnterdny. "The Mnn on the.Dox" wsh wcl- Vatiosm. (filj llurrous. innntger).—l.nlo ::nd .Inlinsun rlM big- mtKlnoHS 10-18. ."Iidfi; Knuiliern KIi1p»" drew well 20-22, "At laic 2iJ-2r., -Whou KnlRhthonrt Wa» In 1-lower 27-20, Darnev Gtlmore 30-Keb. I. I.vnio (Mnx-ll'ui-tlg, mannscr).—Week of '2ti llelleclnlre and Krnmer, Fred Bay nncl -i-omrmnv, Alnhn Trio, IlayeB and Johnson, Kdlth Helena, Mr. rnd Mrn. Edward DntN nnd company, nail Lyrlcacopc. management, of Tullcy ft Jabnaon.., ..Dona ilic handoilt expert, .[lin.vlpi; nt the Own* WIN tied Koenr.-ly ton IrttMer In frmil or the Hlgmil llulldlJig, Jnn Sotbs.— through thn kindness of Kit Bin-- n oro m-orort unite .it hU.week of 2i Nat, mnnager'of the National Thentre, thlx houses prevailing. RogOrl Broa, i iiuii.»i. wm turned over Sunday nlsht. Jan. oowmai, (Chns. I.. Hpr'.zmnn, 10, to'a local entertainment for the benefit of the unemployed. Kvery neat In the Ids ihentre wu« Bold, nnd HOinelhlng ovev *.".00 tfaa rcnlUed from the entertainment. The National Theatre. Orehontrn,' under the dli-ec- tjuti of John Metier, furnished the. mimic, nnd .iliMi nontilar talent as Uuth VTalttmbteh, llifrrv A. WllllairtH. Howard H. Caldwell. Ufi- »ltt«dl)y Cole nntl .Tohnson, the fnnious negl-o (■qtncdlan.'. who nppeareil nt tills theatre last three rtaya' of ■ la»f week. The performance wan a success,. both from nn nrtlMli- nnd llnnnclnl stalidpnlur, .ihd grtM creilk la due the timiiiigemenr nnd all Ihose taking jnirt lor the Interest they took In the behalf of v To iiftv-flve Bt'conils. The act wn» wit- nessed by an Immense crowd- from the Ftreel. » cleveLiiiil—At the Onm House <H';-1>- Kline, manager) Wm. II. Crane, In. "mOMS nnd lira Hoys,;: week «d^OB. S, -^Marto next week', manager.). iierUia'tCiaieh'wiiek of 27, and the ndynnce sale pnliitu to crowdcil flouM'S. "Leah Mracli- itn" drew well for the '.Vnnghftii Olnser Stock Co. week of 20. (Unset- Bt*]s Co. next week. UaJCRTUl tCtu-letoli Mncy. manager).— "The (V.itit of-Monte "Crlsto" Is thcofferlns nf ilie .Majestic Slock forces week, of 2.. "Slaves-of Uusaia" hcoivhI ■ heavily week of 20. Mn.W.'le Slock Co. iietv week. l.\iT.CM lOeo. L. I'o.M, manager).—Cleo. Sirlney, In ''Busy Iasiy - * Itootlle." week of Si. Hi-iiliili I'oj-nter 4lmw .well lu "Lena Rivers, week of 20. "The Flower of t'ie TlanclC' next week. Ci.f.vkiano (flan. At.thc (Irnmt Opera House (V. V. Maxwell, mannRer) Murray Cornedv . Co.' last week enjoyctt n very nice business, il and. gained Ul» lib. ., ex(*p>-^~wu«n--Ainel|a- y Blut!h6»vg-ivi! raU of ttie best performances cVer seen on Iba local Hinge . \A'i', (W. fl. Ilortshorn, mannecr).-- The hill for lust week woh exccpiTonullr strong, and pleased, Under the able tannage- . men! of Mr. Hartshorn thin theatre bat grown Immensely popular, and It Is im nn i-ominnn thing for- Bev L eral thentre parlies to enjoy, the, performance:! Cftth week, nu-ri- ianlso a lnrzc n-nnslent: patronage. Notkh. —Tim local lodge of 1-llkR gave a vcrv JlMslnJ! cnterJalAme.rtt' nt the Wells Am'llfnrlnm last. 'l"hur»dny nnd Friday, nn- ■ seiiMOg for ! the first: time In the cltv Itoherr lUllMrd'K playlet, •;!)»« Man Who Won the Pool," the stage setting being the finest ever attempted,by any locni talnnt. It proved n grenf Hitcceas.. The lu'ocecds go to the Sinn- ton, monument fund. The singing of Sue Ilnrredd nnd Goo. Winters. I,. Todd, runuager).— such a worthy caltse The llolsteln String ••McFadrtcn's How of rjln'.s" week of IT. "It'H (lunHMte.votio of- the -most popular In tin- ' Saver Too tote to M.imV had good rueolptH Staitc. oJ( Ohio,,, will give the iiecond concert i„wt week. 'MU'drord's Hop<!" next week, of the season ft the AV. C. A. Auditorium, Ki'.irii's (II. A. Daniels miumger).'—Bill Weilneadny cvejilng.iJon- 2il.. One or the in- Wl ,r,|t 0 f 27: "fiur H.iys In Itlue." Mnyinn •■'.t -. .' - -. TliNNKSSKlC. Knoxvlllr. — At St'«u(i'»-(-MtJi BUttb, miipugcf) .'Jitry Mannci-lag, aided by n well balanced company. Hi "Olorlous Iletuv.'' plrajrcd n big house .Ian. 18. < The llnrrls- Paejtnt'on (o. oneuoil 20 for a week, to au S. it. tVrhfni- ■. wltn business eontlmilug big for rost-Wtf '-.veck. Keystone Dramatic C«. 27 the well known music writer and lecturer, of this city. Dr."van Clove will bo present on this occasion to hear his work Interpreted bv this wont Hiicci-ssful organisation, which Is composed of Charles K. llolsteln, Ur>>. Jonnnetle .|.'-i-i-<uiiaii Davis. Albert liirOst Klschiuniin and Ira Lester Davis. a i'nicdip. At the Valentine (Otto Kllves, manngei) Blanche Walsh, In "The Kreutzcr Sonata," played lo, n packed house Jan. 20. '"IthciltonditoiVesrcrdny," with Minnie Du pree, enl»ved good business 21, 22. "The Three of Cs" 2ft, Denis O'Sulllvan, In "Peggy Miichree," 24. 25: Robert Mantell 27-20. ' LvfHt'.M (K. II.' Kelscy, manager).—"The Awitkunlng ot Mr. I'lpp," with Charley coned la'at week, wllh Jameson I,ee l"lnncy Cirapewtn'nnd Aunn Chance, drew welt Hi- general ^2. "Juat Out. of College" 23-25, "At Vnle" In the role of Bob Warbtirton. The opinion was Hint Kinney's conception wa» -jn-it) ixcelfh'nr. l-'rniices NordHtrom Is still tho, wan IIiiiit'h (Jack Tlorncy, mnnnger).—Will II. Vedrter, In ''Kidnapped for Revenge," ltl-18, met with high fn.vor. Marlon Ballon. In "rim Little Organ Grinder," did good business ki- 22. "LtlllK HeroeM ot the Street" 2ll-2*>, "The Cowlwy nnd the So,unw" 20-20. I'lMftitn (Abe Shiiplrn. manngor). — Man- che'stcr'H Guy Masiiuerudera pleased 10-2. r i. exce^... lovable UllJObeih Annesley. Business. good, Julln Mnrlowo, In "Olorln," Feb. .i. Cut.uXiniA<(Anderson ft Zleglor, managers). —Trlxln Frlganw and Kdnu Aug, t.Mnflnnivtl girls, will both be wen-. Ian. 211. whh lliosn^ ca-cnlcrtolnets: Cliff Oordon. the Cnrmi'n Troupe, Mason nnd Bart. Mnrlc Florence,;, VI , Carroll nnd'Cook, Carbl and Otto, and ONftW Billy Hurt wns-the hit of the show. Gay inell and Havrls. Morning Glories 20 nnd week. Olympic (Goorgo V. ft Luella |corej>nt|cli- Xotks. —The Arcnde-Collcgc Theatre has l'lsh.' managers).—"Her Own Way."»by .the ueen temporarily closed. This action is the ForepaiiRh Stock Co.. Jan. 20 nnd week, natural outcome of a season of poor Inisl- I.ant week "Sunday drew out Mplejidld. nfw , Tills nlnvhmmc may reopen on an eu- crowdH. Ida Adnlr was Sunday, nnd- herR? gli-olv nen- plan, depending upon the decision guardians were Charles L. Dnnforth, I'nuik llf j tales llurtlg, who Is expected here to out- Sylvester,'Alnsworth Arnold and Walter Gil- n,ic the new policy Among the lui- bert.. (leracliPll Mnvall was tlm Col. Boln- p.>i-ta»t changes In the house staffs ot both thorpo ofthecast. ''If I Were King" lob. 2. || l0 Lyceum und Burt's Theatre, Is the reslg- \\.tLN it Bi'BRBT (Anderson ft Zlegler. nMir-r uallnn of Roy Bell, uasistanl treasurer of Old Kentucky" Jon. 2(1 Mnl rbe Lyceum, who goes to Peoria, II).. lo ac i'ciit a similar ihibIHou with Chester Sargent, who assumes the management of n Iheutro there. Mr. Bell Is succeeded at the Lyceum by .Icfti-i'Kiiii Klntbcr, heretofore assistant treasurer of Rtirt's, and Will Davidson,,a To- letlo mnn, tins been appointed assistant trcus- ui+r of the latter hottae. capacity. iiiiT.iiiuiiMi) (Max Kaetkenheucr, minn- gon.—"Conehliig Days" gives way to'"lu'u Parisian Onrdcu ' week of 27, on the Hippo- drome programme. Thl* la tt pantomimic musical comedy which has been gotten up by the Hippodrome forces, and will he given for iIn- lies: time on any atagc then.. Tne vaudeville olio for that week will- Includei .toho.F. Henshnw. Hlncs und Remington, Three Kly'.ng Valootcan», -Cllvette, Marco Twins, and Kd. l.atell. Business here con- tlnnes at capacity for nil of the night per- formances .and most r.f- the afternoon per- formances. ' . . .'' , StAi'i (Chna. I,.' M-i.'t/.mun, manager)'.— Washington Society Girls week of 27. Calit iiiruiii Olr'ls drew well laat week. Colonial llclles next week. I RMPim (Goo. Chen?l. manager). — Gay. Mnsnucriidcrn' week of 27. Home's Knlcker- iiiii'iiei's hinl giKsl business week of 20. Guy Morning Glories next'Week. Hose 'hlll.tHngllsh. Folly (Rife ft Barton, »Ml,t)l««gOi lib. 27,Feb. I. ■ Itliillo-.lfounder* (CVas.. Prauklln, mgr.)— updil«, ifnil. w(i.v ft .Wi agers).—"In . weok, nttcr a-week of "Texas." A capable cotnpoiiv, Including William Bonelll, ua Jack „,.,... Dnllam'i.l'MWard Arrher, as I'naquale. und 27-Fel. 1, Washington Oene (latlntlor.. tu. Texas, were responsible. '."' ' * forn-matVriJrtynMo wecR,"'"H«B" Ward. In ». dark, mgr.)—.V. T. "Not i'ct. Bift;Booi|," ft«' +...'--,, .••» :' HeliiUln. Pa., 3-6. WWs^r3f@ not!ft.M/.tJlenck Onera ggt;"msn-T) —St. Lonla. _Mp l ii W .:co„.&;p. n..Sta,ltt J rS.aWwr»l^JMd; IdYdW lion?* this wee;-..:-Lastrweek. Jolrteti S|.riii K n.-i.l. ai (ho Fairbanks (€. 3. Sillier, manager). "The County Shorl/I" Bliiveil to good business Jan. is. Amelia Inghnin, In "A. Modern I.mlv Godlva," pleased a well illicit house 22: "The Road to yesterday" 27, Barney UUmorc 28, "Miss Bub White" Feb. 1. Grand- (Sprlngllcld . Theatre Co., mana- gers).—Conk Stock Co., Jan. 20-23, had very good patronage. Cora Lnwtoa Mitchell 27- Fcb. 1.'eum (C. B. Fisher, manngcr).—Eliza- beth IlcmliH'Hon Stock Co. Jan. 20, Indefinite. First week, "The Copper Cross" and "The Girl I Love." Nnw So (M; Jackson, manager).—Week of 27: Wayne .Christy, Our Quartette, Murphy and Vldocn, Reed's acrobatic bull- dogs, Will Sheets. first half of the week of Jan. 20. iuiil,"til|ri>u Attuoro" the Jotter half. Robt. Robinson aim Catherine Ilaille.v, in the leads, were exc(l- leat, nnd Were well supported by'fluy Cn)I'- mnn ami ('nnlib- Ward. Tin- vnudcvlllc part. of the iH'i-rornin nrc .was (Irst clnsa, and'con- sisted nr Dnvnll and'Moore, lu "Spirits." Tom McCall, Connie At'nrrt. Wm.. Dnvl*. Il- lustrated songs and vltngrnph. ,'l'lils exci-l- lent bill catised the. house to he.sold out nightly... .-. ..... !...- ^A'acADi: (Arthur Da Aimond. manager).- - 'I'liis ptipttlar hottae as usual Is gcttlug lis sharo ot business. ' The' bill for last week In- cluded: The, Ilrlssev Sisters, Costley and Van Allen, Klhel -Mesblr, Florence Turner. Dick AduroN, Trolnn Sisters. Do Vance auit Howard, Way nnd Hammond, and with this good bill good hiiiiM-M were alwnya lu evl- d«D«e. , . • • lTBAf.—The Columbia Amusement Co., «f which Jos. J. l'rlce Is general inaiiager, have acquired' control of. Dreamland and will i">- open l lie house 20 under I he nuinn of (he Lyceum. High class .vaudeville will be the policy of the new house. "The Passion Flay" will lie the- hendllner for the (Irst week, and prospects arc bright for this house to become u favorite place of amusement. Cniiton. — At the- Grand Opera House (Fred 8, Love, manager) Uoaabele Leslie and her'excellent company scored-well, Jan,'2.U- " except 21, when ■"The Three of Us." one 30-l>b Indlon- .l:?,C»rtett ,wa'a sei'n tfi hdyuntage, In "Thd, ltutilni'. amlif the ..Lady. v ,'. IU. has liup<-ov»(l Iiup<r Clrig niaiStilnlly at '.Ned llttnvors.', Rose King wn tha.Norma Grey nfMhb'ca'st,- which included Mlntile Dupree, In "Tho "n, l J "je Girl" ti, "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" " pleased good liousen 24. 'The Village Priest" 8. .' ,',,' riniu;' Sc'rlbner's lil'g Hho\v (Morris Walnstock, mgr.)'—Detroit, Mich., '27-Feh. 1. Tron*A>tniitl«■ Burlestniers- (llurtlg A Scnmon, iU«TS.)-^Brwklyii, N. \\, 27-Feh. 1. Tiger Miles (l«y flrmU, ingr.)-Scranton, Pa., ;!f:». Patefwm, X. J.'. 30-Keb. I. Thoroii«hbr«vt« (Frnhk II, Ourr, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo,.. 27-tcb, I, ;,"' ' Tweulldth Jentiiry Molds (Maury (vraus. mgr.)— MllF»«k«\Wls., Feb. 3-8. ' Trocaderas iChas.- U.-Waldcou, mgr,)—Rochester, }J., T., Bi-Feb. 1, IloIyo>, 4Ias»„ 0-8. Vanity Fair, Ofohfrt Manchester, nigi.)—Sprln«- liotil, Mom., 37-20, Albany, N. V., aO-l'ch. I. Walson's- Ihirlcuquers• (W. B. Watson, mgr.)— - PUIadelphtq, Pa., St-Feb. .1, Newark, N. J.. -,»•».,■ ' .'....'■ Wuiiitugton Society Olrla. (I#w Wotson, mgr.)— <.OfaWtinil, 0., ST-Fob. 1. Pittsburg, Ps.,5-8. World Heaters (J, Herbrrl Muck, ingr.)—1 tJaJMiOMWO OlVln XT. W.,l)lnkln« Washington, 1>. C, SI-l"?b. 1. Balllnmv. Md., ''.:;., ',',.'. ' mixsthkls. nockaUderV, UiH (Chas.. D. Wilson. W->-- M'ftbblUKt»i. D. C, 27-l\-b. I, Phlhnlelpbhi. De "«'«•'ilfos.—Saranae Lake, X. V„ 20«> I Placid !'.0, Tnnier Like ill, Mnsseun Feb. 4, Potsdam H, ilon*erneiir 7, Canton 8. Donnelly k 'IlatOcld'n—Tallahassee, Via., 20, Xtwllson 30. Live Onk ill, Lake O'ty Feb. I, Iqit6irl," proved Min'oaafnl. Pearl Charhdri, siutlso tfamplou. Wllltam 1'. BourUe and Jef- fetsOtt «)shoilK)e'\tm-e ..iinbnir the clever i>eo- plit-lh-tlicet'lapauj-. '"A Wife's St-cret" nexl " Fr-bri.ii's:-'i(-heuek 1 Opera '116'uae Co..-dim-. iota).—The colonial llolltk'Joh. 2d und week. "mat' tile • ftaftwwnf Sbclcty, t.lrln S'rAitn.vno 'ill. K.. Ilylflckn, manager).'-- Hob" MnOchcster'H Cracker Jacks Jan. 2(1. Fred Irwin's 1 Rig Show packed the house all last week.'and pnl '.oil. "The Great White Wflv" nnd "The Actors'. Club.". The Ben- in-a physical culture stunt. dors en Blanche being Janls, pnclly bouse. 23. Iloiul to Vesterduy 2ft. Denis O'Xttlllvnn. lu "I'eggy Mnebreo," 28, 20: iWm. -Fuvershnm, In "The Sqiuiw Man," itft. ' iCi-.i-rn's (W. W. I'rosser, manager).—Big inislness week of 20. Bill for week of 27: Fndette Woman Orchestra, Hurry and llul vers, Willie PnnUi-r Troupe, Juno Snltno, Irving Jones, Brown, Jim lis and Brown, Welsh. Mealy nnd Montrose. limn Stiihkt (Chas W Harper, mana- ger).—"At Vnle" pleased good houses 20-22. - ->. fu "UnbRn Dan, the Itlsli tallied good sized houses 2!l- tn "f^na Rivera," 27- "Xot Yet, But Soon," (lAYKTY I At. Wlswell, ninuoger). — Bob Manchester's Cracker .lucks pleased big luisl- Oiii'HKiiM- (.Ins. F. Bollnl, manager).—For .ran. 2. and week: .P.. .1. Appleby. Louise Hates. Swiiln and Powers, J. ,1. Cluxton and coiiipuny. Bulley. Crowneli and llnllcy, '■ Fine business week of 20. ■ -.-•.' Notkr.— .\ynlter. N.- Lawrence - visited" his attraction, '"Pile Three of.Us," during Its en- gagement here The week's business at the Orpheuro, 13, when . Kva Roy and com- pany were the headlliiers, wns the lurgest ever enjoyed lu nny of Che,Sun houses. 1 oiiuu-stovrn,—At Hie Park Theatre (A. C. Irons, manager) W. II. Crune played to good business Jon. 17. und gave excellent satisfaction. "The Three of TV' l".°,;*'.':!ti'" "."■' ■"-• , ,"" ,; ' plc-imed, as'dld "The Grtventor-s Valdon,''2L ""! |t, " , * l . l ?>- ln " companies.•■. NnMhvllle.—At the Vcndo'ne (W. A. Slicclz, manager) "The Great Divide" catue Jnii. 20, 21, for three performances, to xood business. Creston Clarke, in "Tho' Power that Guv- urns," 30. Bijou (Geo. II.• Hickman,, manager).- - Billy U, Van. ln.'iPatay Hi Politics," o|iened the week of 20 to ca|ui:lty business. Week of 28, "flay New York." Ctti-HTAt. (Wm. Wnssmau, managef).-'-- Week of 20 opened lo capacity buslaeas, presenting tho following bill: AlcCitbo aail Peters, Jack Strouac, O. C. Phillips, illus- trated aougs and moving pictures. ChKSOBX* (W. J'.--Heady, manager).-— Week of 20 opened to Sc.lL.O. buslnens, pre- senting a Oral! class, performance with. the following-people: lOd/iiutidir nnd'Kvaiia, Mhsa R. Tluirne, Wills and Burren, Densmore Sis- bloving pictures, . » ' ' !■"" ' kltawnbMy-rAi'' tho' Albert Opera I (Paul It Alhect, manngcr) "The Van .. ,'onrlst" pleased a good audience Jan. 10-' Afaft- Manuerlng, .In "Glorious Betsy." iiiiinn tft'pilod buslhess 17,- Alorlo La T.uir Slock Co. did good 1111*10635*'22-25. Creston-Clarke, lu i^The Power that Governs," 27. Sonsa's llantKCg. , llrynn ■ (O, A. Xcal, manager).—AVeck n( Jan. 20, "In Gay New York" played to ft. H- O.'hijmes nil'week, .'-flllly B. Vnu, lu "Pntsy 111 Politics,''.; week of '27.. Aieroit.Vfic VAIIHEVJI.I.B (Mr. Trainer. mnnngor).~Thts i)ln?.iof amusement is doing the business of the cllv, .having good crowds at: every perforuinncc. ■XoTEi—The '-JllppJilrome Skating Rink, which -has Men - clns-.d for ' some time, has keen remodeled, and will soon be open to the public again "with -eimugoiueuts for the re- mainder nf the tMgoi) with Miiiiie of the best ' ' nell.HUtorti, -In-.n pbyktci i„. were 'nil to the good. II'wIu'h Majesties Feb.-2, flpNHlfw tub. J.iilinv,- Klste Jnnls uml Uer, uui'hi'r. ,remained over to ■ intend the oocnlng of James .1. Cor|>etl's "The Uurglti'r imrJltho Ldfly." :W..l-:: llnrlock Is here lnii'flvnne« .of "The Tlnuvllic Flitce and IM tilri" utid Kara Kendall.."'... .1". T. ljnnnon, ni,'-'"!.riic I.loh and the Moli*," lias moved on. ...... I'rauk, II. Boberltoji, will «I\t' his II- limfrated ti-aVelog|i6 on 'fXovwoy, the Laud .•t tho Mtdmkltt Sim," at,the Lytic, Juii. 20. .:■;.'..Soiiaa-and-Jilu band-ure to he heard Moncbester's Cracker .lucks pleased hi B b,ia|- ••|,-aselnntlug Flora," 22„ drew well "FauBt" - uess entire wtek ot 20. Irwin's-Majesties was presented 23, lo good houses F.lsle Janls .' Metw 21 und week. 24, w lth a big advance sale: Amelia~lllnu- Oray.flt X.n'KS.-Tbe lloslon «ytnphiiny Orchestra „,,„ L'5. Guy tTlandl.V and Theo Robert" 28. SSlln will appear nl the Memorial Ball i'.O Wilton Lnckaye 30. Brown's moving pictures ' "Aradan Guh Showulter, 1 lie popular treasurer at Keith's, stole n niiireli on his many friends lo nit -ml the' hv being quietly married lo Susie Renn 22. rtnuhlM.—At 'the Xew- Lyceum (Frank <lessee) 'Wtlllfliu; Collier, In ."Caught I" 1 Bhln," Jan. 17. pbiy-?il loa'crowded biiusc. .. -: moving pictures, • "Alnflnin Hut tcrlly," IS, with EtWlWrtn Sunduy nights,continue to good patronage. Wolff,, to capacity... I uslncss. '■ "Brewster s t,n.\xb(,loe Schugrln.iiiatinger)—The Four ' Mltttons," with Bubeti. Ober as Monty Brew- Miirlpns, 20-22, anil "McFadden's Flats." 23- . stw. 20,22. to very good busjuess. Local r,5'..!: r ''. w ^u KO0 ,V '"otiaea.- "Around the Clock" lalent 27-20, Honsa's It and ltd. Mary Mauuci r.'"i , T f m, , I '«<"; V 01 """*'" ° r the Kartb': 30- Ing-.'ll, Feb. 1, Crestou Clarke 3, "The Clans l'i-b. I. Moving pictures and Illustrated songs man" Ml. '• ■ every Sunday.. _ OBPUUltX, (Mnx Fnblsh, manager).—Bind XnuFsvllle.—At the Welter Theatre (W. F. Jlusou, manager) Amelia Rlugham pleased a large house .lau. 17. Fifth Avenue Stock ,,.—« Co.. 20-2ri, dirt nltsi business. Kagies" Mln- „ i.).aipi.h a.eo. O ithoiiRer, manager).—Robt. ness'week < commencing' 20 - was exceedingly strcls 1 local) 28, Denis O'Sullivau, In "Peggy nny Nons .Mlnslrcls and moving pictures, -to good. The offering* Included: Fred Walton. Machrec," 30. K oftd I'utronage. pj. ess Eldrldg.-, Canfleld and Cnileton, Hacry I'u-Touit'M (W. C. Qnlmby, manager).— a - Alllstnu. Mile. Toomi, Leotiaril und Andcr- Week of 20: At-tlmr Jeunlugs, the Three Ilnmiiiou At Hmltv. .(Won a Smith «on,.Berry nnd Berry, ami the klnodromc 11 a. nmitn,. nfi-nt: rflinl \t U ,n„„i.- mnnnirer). I'd-