The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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■:--•■■ 1390 THE -NEW i Plymouth 14, Mauanoy. City 1«- -_.„_• ,. East'Iomne" (Lee Moses, mgr.)—BadcUffe. U. ft Ellsworth 7. .Welter CltT 8,.low* Falls 10. F- Kikt, Mrs. (Harrison Grey Flike, mgr.)—Pitta- royalty to, Ixmdon having twn removed, gets to work'at tbe Umpire, Liverpool, on c«^ Hicbard (ChM M»tki, mgr.) — Kansas „Ji a T y L » n<ler «•»*• »?e la offered «5.000 a Xlooday. Quite icon be heglns a. long en- W cn>; Mu 2 5, «u j'o^Lb o, oiW, Nebr., 7, ^W p« 10-18 «MK for fifty-two weeks' work In America, gagement at the London Tivoll. '8./dWmoIii»W lr.. 12. Milwaukee, wis., 18-16. rij^'.ii'gtat (Lew Fleldi, - ni»r;)—N. T. City but English contracts for tbe moment Im- A dividend of seven per cent, baa Just been Cartcrjirs.Leslle^-Clnclunatt. O., 8-8, Louis- ' pedc the progress of the negotiations, declared to tbe stockholders of tbe London iilie, Ky., 10-12. , "Edwin Druod" Is a failure at His Majes- Pavilion, Which, lu ltn time, baa done much CbiddMI, Mr*. Patrick (Metier * Co., mgrs.)— -ty's'Theatrc.' The play wilt be withdrawn on better. N. Y. City 11. Indefinite. - at Dublin while Mr. Tree was on tour lately. Newa of Adcllna Genee's success In Amer Those truly entertaining entertainers, lea baa reached us by cable, and been re- "Tlie Follies," ore to be located at the Apollo celved with pleasure. . . 'fbeatre for some time to come. —^———————^———ssasj Lena Ash well determined that ahc would never run a piny to death at the Aldwycb; ho, although'"Irene Wycherley" is - still at- tractive, Its probable successor, "Tbe Ad- venturess,-" by Cicely Hamilton, Is well in baud. □all Calnn has gono to Egypt to get local color for a piny which ho has In bis mind. ■ 'Forbes Robertson will, in Edinburgh, eight Ad JJSI'.% u<l8 weeks, bence, produce a play by Henry James. A1 r,lf /wi,' <uu«„. x. u.w»n» n„.. _,__. > lu which a gentle girl Improves the spirit oi A Bwk"n, N Y 8 lno>El£ ' BW ' ) ~ » revolutionary, politician. It was under- Allen/Vbli (Llebier'ft Co., mgrs.)—N. Y. City y. ludt-dnlte. Aodereon. P. Aug.- Pa„ 10-15. Arthur, John (Fullmer A Cole-nan, nigra).— Ok- den, U., 8, Grand Junctbn, Col., B, Aapen u. Oleuwood Springs 7, Snlldu 8, Boeaa Vista 10, Florence 11. Lux An linos 13, Trlaldad 14, Ba- ton, N. Ilex., 10 Ott tbe Road, For Supplemental Lljt 8m Another Colli DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. (Cfcss. Frobman, mgr.)—N. Y, stood that Mr. .Tames was so angered by tbo reception of ■ "Guy Dcmonvllle,' r at the 8t. .Tuiues' Theatre, some tun years ago, that he repudiated the stage. Charles Cortwrlght has undertaken to "produce" Gladys Ungcr's play, "Henry of Lancaster," for Ellen Terry. He will first bo exploited on the road. Evlyn Millard, the actress, has been persuaded Oswald atoll. Lewis Waller aud E. J. Vedrenne have be- come partners In the directorate of tbe Lyric Theatre. One of. the first productions under their management will be that of "Tbe Duke's Motto" rewritten by Justin Huntley Mc- Carthy. Cbnrles Frohman lias promised to give a wedding present to any member of "Tbe Gay Gordons" company who shall marry from the Aldwycb Tboatrc. <> Much stricter rules are'contemplated by tbo Lo'iHlon County Council, with the object of mitigating the daugers of the cinemato- graph. The Idea Is that skilled operators lire the arenteet safeguard of alb Edith Wynne Mattheson sails for America to-day. Hho will appear under the manage- ment of Henry Miller, In two plays written liv her husband, Rann Kennedy, entitled "Tbe servant In thu House" and "The Wlnter- t'oast." 'Tbero Is trouble between our theatrical and tousle ball managers and the County Council, which now objects to the utilization of "standing room In places of amusement. : Herbert Swears admits that his play, "Tbe Whirlpool," which the Kendals will produce on tour Immediately, Is ."taken from an American source." F. II. Benson Is about to do a Don Quixote play shortly. The character Is faclnatlng to un actor of a certain temperament; but Ir- vlng's experience with Don Quixote was not eacmirnglng. ' "Stlngaree," tbe gentleman bushranger, ii the next criminal character to be translated from popular fiction to tbe dramatic stage. A play with E. W. Uornung's creation- for Its liero,.will be E. J. Vvdrenue's next produc- tion at tbe Queen's Theatre, with' Henry Ainley as Stlngaree, aud Hilda Antony as the prima donnu. W. T. Klwnnger, whose sketch, "TbcPeuee- niiiker," niude such u bit beru, .has organ- ised a company for the performance of au elaborate vaudeville show, entitled "Hearts of Gold." It Is melodramatic lu Its style, but has an element of comedy. There are intro- duced songs and glees, aud mauy. auxiliaries. The sketch bad n friendly reception at tbe Palace, Caniberwell. . • . PnzniT.o. a Hon tamer attached to Chipper- reld's traveling menagerie, was badly mauled by. a brute on Monday. , , Oswald Stoll's newest sketch production at the Coliseum Is chiefly remarkable for the line acting of Lyn' Harding, a well known performer on tbo theatrical stage, as "Tbe Man .in Motley." Tom Gallon, the novelist, has the knack of a weird'story, but In this Cressy, Will, and Blanche Dayne—Baltimore, Md., 10-15. _ Corbett, Jaa. J. (Mlttentbal Bros. Amnse. Co., mars.)—St. Louis, Mo., 2-8, Milwaukee, Wis., Cole A Johnson (A. L. Wllbor, mgr.)—St Lotus. Mo.. 2-8, Bloomingtoo. 111., 12. Cbaae-Lliiter. Northern (Olenn F. date, mgr.)— Aberdeen, 8. Dak., 3-8, Watertown 18-16. Cotter Stock (Wallace B. Cotter, mgr.)—Frank- fort, Ky., 3-8, Lexington 10-18. ' Clmuacej-KelBer (Fred Cliauncey, mgr.)—Coboo*. N. -Y.j 8-8, Amsterdam 10-15. . ■ Oopeland Bros.' Stock—Brenbam, Tex., 3-8, Waco 10-1S. ■ Caaopell-Wlnlerbod Stock (C. H. Easbnan, mm.) —Okemah. Okla., 3-5i Prague 6-8, Pauls Valley lu-12, Lexington 13-15. „, N. X. City 8-8, PbUadelphla, Clarke, Cretton (Jules Morry, mgr.J—Greenville, ' Mis... C, Jackson 0. Vickaburg-7,Natcbex 8, Monroe La., 10, Shu-report 11, Texarkaaa, Tex., 12, Paris 13, OreearUle 14, Fort Worth 15. Cook Stock—Jackson, Mich., S-8. Carpt-nter. • Frankle (JereUrady. mgr.)—Fltch- well known dramatic American Stock (Arthur E. Herbst. mgr.)— »Aji-k. Mass.. 3-8, Woonsoeket, B. I;. JO". . Ided S raudevlfie bv Champaign. 111., it-8. Blchmoud, Ind., 1<?15. Coagrovc.Stock (J. N. CoagroTe. togr.)—Burllng- aded to vaudeville by Anb jgx (I> mto H „ mgr .)_B«clne, .,««". M.,8-8. Berlin, N. 1L, 10-15. Wis.. 3-8. Denver. Col., 10, Indefinite. "College Widow" JHenrr W. Satage, mgr.)— American Stock (Ned Eldon, mirr.)—Gordon, Neb., 3-6, Basaett 8-8,' Valentine 10-12, -Stuart 18-15. - "Around the' Clock." Gus Hill's—Duton, O., 8-G, IndlanapolU, Intl., 0-8, Columbus. O., 10- 12, New Castle, Ind., 13, Terre Ilante 14, 15. "Arizona" ' (David J. Ramage, mgr.)—tinlnes- vllle, Tex., 0, Dnllas 0, 1't. Worth 7, 8. Waco 10,' Austou 11, Ban Antonio 13, Qalreston 14, BeSumont 19. "Anita, tbe Sluglng Girl" (A. J. Spencer, mgr.) —PitUburg,. Pa., 3-8. "At btc Old Cross Boads" ■ (Arthur 0. Alston, mgr.)—La Crosse, Wis., 5, .Grand Rapids 8, Marsbnekl T, Merrill 8, Wausau 0, Antlgo 10, New London 11, Green Bay 12, Sheboygan 13, Manitowoc 14, Neeusb 15, "Are x"ou Craxy!" (R. L. Lawrence, mgr.—El Centra. Mc'x., 6. San Pedro, Cal., 6, Bedlsnd 7, Riverside 8, Needles 0. Kingman, Arts., 10, Pmeott 11. Pbtenlx 12. Mesa IS, Jerome 14, Williams 15. ^7- "Along tbe Kennebec" (N. E. Tucker, mgr.— Gainesville. Flu., 5, Lake City a. Live Oak 7, Vuldoata. Ga.. 8. "At Tfale." B (Jules Blurry, mgr.)—Trenton, Mo., C,: giitncj, 111., 0. Burlington, la:,' 7,' Keokuk 8, Alton. 111., t), Decatur :o; 11, Braxll, Ind.. 12, Crowfordsrllbj 18, Bloomlngtou' 14, Bedford IS. "As Told In tbe Bills," West (Maemlllan & Far- ley, mgrs.)—Seattle, Wash., 2-8, Portland, Ore., 0.-15. . ■•"*.. "At Yale," A (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Indianapolis, Ind.. 3-0. SprlngDeld, 111., -8, 7, Peoria 8-12. Jacksonville 18. ' ' -- I - "As.Toldintbi. Hills" (Nesultt ScovUle. mgr.)— Beaver Falls. Pa.,! 5,'. Rochester 8, New Keu- »lngtou-7, Latrobe'8.. . - ■ • • "At Cripple Creek"—Chicago. Hi., 9-15;'. "At the Wayside Inn," Southern (N. 11. Tucker, Bur.)— lienton, HI., C, Hurrlsburg 6, Marlon 7, Hcrrhu 8, Illgbland n, Greenup 10, Toledo 11, Casey 12, Westtteld 13, Koiuas 14, Windsor 15. » • Barryniort'. Kihel (Chas. Frobuuui, mgr.)—N. X. City SlOt . ■ , - ^*^ Bellew, Kyrle, and Murgaret Hllogton (Cbas. Frubuiaii, nigr.)—N. Y. City 3, lndeSnlte. Bates, Blanche (David . Bclasco,- mgr.)—N; Y. ' City 3-15. .■-"*' Blnglin,iii,' Amelia—Pittsburg, Pa,. 3-8. Bofgess, Nell—Troy. N. Y., 0-8. Brooklyn 10-15. Burt, Laura,- and Henry Stanford (Ernest 8blp- man, mgr.)—WntertOwn, N. Y., 5, Albany 0, Coboea 1, Troy 8, N. Y. City 10*15. • ■ Bernard, Sam (Cbas. Frobman, mgr.)—Philadel- phia. Pa., 8. Indefinite. Bell, Dlgby (Sum S. A Leo Shubert, mgrs.)— Wllkes-Barre, Fa.. 13. Bishop, Chester, Stock (Geo. It. .Helmboldt, mgr.) —Niagara Fulls, N. Y., 4-8, Bradford. Pa., ^0-15. Bcunett-Moullou—Kaitou,' Pa., 3-8, Alieutown lu- 15. c/se It has not roude sdgood u play. A young n,.„„' A ,nr™,ii,.n u r M«.t.,,, w i a^ h „,l, student, who has committed a murdor, steals ^''""t-Moulion—Brldgetou, N. J... 8-8, Morris- a fancy dresa for his disguise. He encounters lfenaett-Moult'ou (Geo.' K..Itoblnson, mgr.)-North a bbrglar, who fixes him with the murder. A d ams , Uus »., SS, Kingston. N. Y7. 10-15. The poor wretch sees but one alternative— Burgess (Karl) Co., Burgess ft Hltnmeleln's— suicide—and takes It. .' iladlsou, Iud., 3-8, Little Bock. Ark., 10-15. Burgess ' (Earl) Co., Burgess ft Hlmmeleln's— Ilatiover, Ph., 3-8, Lewlston 10-15. Broadway Tbeata- Stock (Eugene Bryant, mgr.)— Cotteyvllle. Kan., 3-8. On Snnduy lost the nnuual general meeting of the Variety Artists' Federation was held. Tbe membership now approximates 4,000. Cash in hind amounts to $7.500—It would have „- —•■--■-. . - been more but for XI nntl nuld nut In settle- Bunting, l.tuaia, Burgess ft Hlmmeleln's (Boy _ Is ?- ■ ■ ■ _ Sr>rlngnold, Mo., C, Joplln 6, Topeka. Kan., 7. St, Joseph, Mo,, 8, Atchison, Kan., V, Kansas City, Mo., 10-16. "Child of the Regiment" (Chns. E. Blaney Amuse. Go.,-Bigrs.)—Milwaukee. Wis., 2-8. "Cow Poacher," Central, W. F. Mann's (Sam M. Lloyd, mgr.)—Preacott, Arts., 5, Jerome 0, WUllams-7, Kingman 8, Needles, Oal.. 10, Riv- erside 11, San Bernardino 12, Bedlands IS, Pasadena 14, Pamona 15; "Cow Puncher," Western, W. F. Mann's (Edwin Percival, -mgr.)—David City, Nebr., 5, Wahoo 0, Lincoln 7, Nebraska City 8, Blair 10, Fre- mout It, Norfolk 12, Stanton 13, Wayne 14, Sioux City, la., 15.. "Chicken Trnst"—Wilmington, Del., 5. Atlantic City, »., J., 0, 7. "Clilltl Shall Lend Them," S. FlcUIg's—Holyoko, Mass., 3-6, SprlngUeld 0-8. "Coming Thro' Uie Bye," B (Rork Co.. mgrs.)— Ho. Bethlehem, Pa., 5, Korrlstowa U, Lebanon 7, Cumberland, Md., 8. "Omvlct and the Olrl" (Mlteothal Bros.' Amuse. Co., mgrs.)—St. Lonls, Mo., 9-10. "Convict's' Daughter," Jos.' King's (R. N. Har- ris, mgr.)—Jamestown, N. Y., 5, Erie, Pa., ti-S. '.: "Convict 99!)," A. H. Woods'—Dos Moines, la., 5, Peoria. 111.. C-8, .Chicago 0-15. "Cancjy Kid" (W. B-. Frrferlcks, mgr^)—Hobo- ken. N.'J., 2-5, Trenton 0-8, Philadelphia, Pa., OIUA....-- • ' "Cowboy Girl," Kllroy.ft Brltton's <G..A. White, mgr.)—Brooklyn,■ N. r.,; 3-8, Jersey City,'N. J.. 10-13. • - "Cblnafiiwn Chariie," A. H. Woods' (Dave Pos- iier, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 3-S, Worcester 10- 12, Full River 13-15. "Coming Thro* the Bve." A (Rork Co., ingrs.) :t»nialia,'Neb., 2-5, Sioux City, la., 0, Denver, .W«t,-»-10. .-.'!■ "Cowboy and the Suuaw" (P. H. Sullivan, mgr.) —Chicago. HI.. 2<8,.8t..l-ouls,.Mo.. 0-15. "County Sheriff (o. E. .Wee. uigr.)—Bucyrus. O., 5, Toledo 0-8, Wyandotte, Mich., «, Port Huron 10; Pontlsc 11, AdrUu;12, Hillsdale 13, JoiiFtvlile 14, Jackson 10; "Clieekers" (McKee, Uardbier ft Dlngtvall. mgrs.) —HI Worth. Tex., 5. 0, Dallas 7, 9. Oklu- .bouiu City, Uklu.. .9, 10, Tulsa 11, Muskegon •12; Fort Smith,'Ark.,'13, LltUe Bock 11, Hot .Springs. 10.- "Card King.of the Coast" (Vance ft Sullivan, mgrs.)—Hroollyn; N; Y., 3-8, Putersuu,. N. J,! 10-12, Treutou ia-15.' ' ■ ■ "LTsnsmata" (Geo. U. Breuuen, mgr.)—Meraulils. Tenn., 4-1). Nashville 7, S, Columbia lu, De- catur. Ala., 11, Tuscaloosa 12, Columbus. Gn.. 13, Conlele 14. Albany 15. "Choir Singer" (H.G. Hockey, mcr.)—Erie. Pa.. .30, Oil City 0, Lockport, N. Y., 7, Hamilton Out.. Can., 8. "Cow-Boy Soldier" (Crawford Bros., mgrs.)— Pecos, Tex., 0. Carlsbad, N. Mex.. 7. Boswell .8. Portales.10, Textco, Tex., 11, Hereford 12, Canyon 13, Amarlllo 14. 'd , :•• . . - Drew, John (Chas. Frobman. mgr.)—Boston. Muss., 3-8, Pittsburg, Pa., 10-15. Daniels, Frank (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.)—Port- land, Ore.. 0-8, Seattle, Wash., 10-15. Doly, Arnold (Llebler ft Co.. mgrs.)—Dtlca. N. Y.. 0, Wllkes-Barre, Pn., s. Doro, Marie (Cms. Frobman. nigt.)—Chicago, HJ., 3-8, Detroit. Mich., lu-12. Grand ltaplds ught.aguli . TJte Performer, the ofnclnl organ of tbe federation, now declared to be u paying prop- u'ultloD. The eecrelary's report confeitsed thut during tbo past few months tbe federation lmd bad to encounter Internal dissensions and money trouble. ' But amity and affluence now prevail. The business to which the federation Is now .addressing Itself Is the re- duction of ngency charges and the altera- tion of ngency commissions. Ft.J Clarke, of Clarke and Hamilton. whose exclusion from the federation caused so ■ much controversy, has been reinstated. As n result, Pbll Kay aud Will Evaus have resigned. Henry Helcham, the vaudeville editor of The London Era, has Just becu testimonial- ized after twenty-five years' service. County Court Judge Sluyley bus given his doclslon In the case of the Sisters Morgan ngiilnst Frank Mucuaghtou. At one of Mnc- nRKlitoii'H north country halls tbe manager forbade the girls to sing a song ho thought silly nnd meaningless. They persisted, and he rang -down the curlnlu, terminating tbo engagement, Tbe Morgans brought suit for salury, alleging breach of contract; ulso for damages. In ro6[>ect of Injury done to their professional reputation by tbe Incident. Judge Sniyley disallowed thu claim for salary, mylug that the manager was within bis rights—there was no breach. With the claim lor dnmnores bn wns not cmnnetent to deal. The Morgans must bring suit In a blgber court. A statement that the'Variety Artists' Fed- eration Is In debt to tbe White Rats of \nierlcn for cusli advanced during the music hall strike. Is officially denied. Another old time music hull, tbe Metropoli- tan, near the Marble Arch. It; to be recon- structed, then run on the two houses a night systoin. There has beeu a vast concourse of travel- ing showmen In Loudon this week. Although what you call tbe street fair does uot flourish here, there are still small fairs nnd pleasure grounds In tutlleleiit number to fix tbo travel- ing showmen at 70,000 on the government ixmsust record. Many of them come to Lon- don durlug the Winter, 1u work the uiuin- moth Fun Cllv at Karl's Court, and tint World's Fair tit Islington. So this time and place Is chosen for the annual meeting of the greut society, the Hhowuien's Guild. Lord (jeorge Sanger, the veteran circus proprietor, presided, us he has done for tunny years, and declared oucu more thut this must bo taken us his farewell, for lie. In more than eighty. Rut we Hi hope lie muy "bob up serenely" a gain. On Monday ulghl there was r> great ball at tbe Olytupla, and on Wednes- day night there was a supper and dunce tit the World's Fair, Islington, both pleasant functions, Tbo show business has uot, how- ever, been very nourishing this year. ltransbv Wllllnms. who has put In uulte a lung Bcanou at the London Hippodrome, opens the Moss Empire tour, at Edinburgh, ou Feb. 3. dcdulte. Brown, Kirk (J. t. Macauley. mgr.)—York, Pa., .8-8. Newburgh, >K Y., 10-15. Boo Ton Stock (Cooke ft Leyburne. mgrs.)— Oneoota. N, V., 3-8, Gloversvllle 10-15. . Bojer's. J. 1I„ Show—Kngle Lake. Tex., 5, Wbar- tea U, Bay CIlX 7, Mstagordo 0.° Black Palti Troubadours 'Voelckel ft Nolan, mgrs.)—Atcblson, Kan., S. Topeka 0, Clinton 7, SprlnebeM, Mo., 8. Meupbls, Tenu., 10, Greenville. Miss.. It. Yasoo City 12,, Jackson 13. Port Gibson 14, Baton Rouge, La., 18, Bnrrlo Stock (Barrle ft Craleim, mgrs.)—Crock- et t. Tex... S-s, Palestine.'10> IB. , Broadway Theatre (Flugene Bryant, mgr.)—Par- sons. Kan., 2-8, Altamont 0-15. "Brewster's Millions" (Frederic Thompson, mgr.) —Springfield, Mass., 5, 0, Worcester 7, 8, Bos- ton ioTs. • "Brewster's Millions" (Cobfin ft Harris, mgrs.) —GalveBton, Tex., 5, 0. Huuston 7, Austin 8, .San A'ltonlo 10, 11.-Waco 12, Oorslcana 13, Shreveiwrt. Lav, 14. Texarkann, Tex., 13. "Iirown of Harvard" (Henry .Miller, ingr.)—St. Paul. Minn., 10-11!, Minneapolis 13-15, "Boy Detective"—Memphis. Ten., 3-8. "Hustcr Brown," Fastern (Baster Brown Amuse. Co.. ingre.)—Troy. Ah., 3, Montgomery 8, Pen- saeolu. Kin., 7, Mobile, Ala., ».• New Orleons, La., 0-10 "lluster Drown," (X-ulrul (Baster Brown Amuse. Co.. nigra.)—Helena, Mont., 0. U. Butte 7, 8, Dillon 10. Poeatcllo. Ida., 11, Boise 12, 13, Ontario. Ore., 14. Welser. Ids., 15. "Bueler Brown," Western (Buster Brown Amuse. Co., mgrs.)—Onklaml, Cal., as, San Francisco p-in. "Beti-Hur" (Klaw ft Krlsnger, mgrs.)—New Or- leans. Lb.. 3-8, Galvestou, Tea., 10-13, '8an Alilualo lil-15 Day. Anna (Ernest Shlpiuau, mgr.)—San An- tonio;-Tex., 5. 0, Victoria 7, Houston 8, Gal- veston u, Orange 10, Beaumont 11. Doone, Allen (Frank J. Lea, mgr.)—Aurora, III.. 5, Rockford 0. Belvedere 7, Clinton, la., 8, ■ La Salle. III.. 9, Dixon 10, Ottawa 11, Streator De v'oude, Chester, Stock (E. S. Daly, bus. mar.) —Altoona, Pn., 3-8. I Dougherty Stock (Fnyne ft Dooglierty, mers.)— ,. Fergus. Fulls, Mlun,. 3-8. BennldJI 10-15. "Dairymaids" (Cliiis. Frobman." mgr.) — Boston ' Mass... 3-8, Portland. Me., 10, Lewlston 11 Salem, Mass., 12, Lawrence 13, Lowell 14, Worcester 15. "Dr. Jekyl! and Mr. Hyde." Jos. King's—Orange, N. J., 7. Freehold 8, New Canaan, Conn., 10. Bridgeport 11, Perth Amboy, N. J., 12, Bldrc- wood IB, Dover 14. . "Devil's Auction" (Chas. H. Yale, mgr.)—Walla ■Walla. Wash., 5, Colfax 0, Lewlston 7, Peadle- tou; Ore., 8, Spokane 0, Creur d'Aleue, Ida.. 10. Wallace 11, Missoula, Mont., 12, Butte 13 Helcnu 14, Boxemna 15. "Deadwood Dick's Last Shot." A.H. Woods'— Camden, N. J., 3-5, Wilmington, Del., OS, X, Y. City 10-15. 't.'J-JPerate Chance," Kastern—Worcester, Muss., "lK'K|>erate Olianee," Western (J. C. Patrick y; B . r .- ) ~ ltw,, "' l f Cal - °i Nevada City 0, Grass .Valley 7, Lodl 8, Sacramento 9, VulleJn lu Stockton 11, (Minns 13, Wutsouvllls 13, Suuta Crus 11, Holllster IS. "Dlstrlet Leader" (Frank J. Surdani. nurr ) . Oskaloosa. la., 5, Ottumwa 6. Keokuk 7 Han- nlbal Mo., S. Treutwi i.O, KlrksvlIU, si- M a- ...V"" "■ Moberly 18, Marshall 14, Columbia 15 "Dreaui City" (Wells. Dunne ft Harlan, mgr.)— Dulutb. Mliui., 0, 7. terson City 15. "Dura Tborue"—Bay City, Mich., 0. ■ Klllott. Mm hie (Charles Frohman, uurr.)—Bal. tlntoru Md., 3-8. Cblcagv, III., 10-22/ Mcsou. ltobert (Henry 1). Harris, mgr.)—CM- c«g», HI., 3-8, Milwaukee. Wis.. 10-12 Du- SBsU df* wlnou ' 1 ' u ' nu " ". La Crosse, )—La RugllKh Cand Oiiere—Chicago, III., a, ludeflnlte Id. Kluier block—Lynn, Mass., 3-3. ' u,ueoa,M - r llj »?gj* jtjrne. Stoek-Oswego, N. Y.. 3-8, Co- Edsull-Wlnthrope Stuck (D. B. Kdsall m^r )— ' 1'iirkerabure. W. Vs.. it-8. Belalre. O.. i6'n F<lua. the Pretty Typewriter," A. H. Woods'— .St. Joseph, alii., 0, Otuaba, Neb., 0-8, Kansas Llty, Mo., D-lu. . "Kll and Jaoe" (Harry. Greene, mgr.) Mason Plvuiuutb, iwl., 3, Frankfort tl',"NoWe«vliic"7. S"?;, "'••-. c ' A 1 " 1 "* 0. J-exlagton 7, Chenua Braill 8. Terr* Haute 10, Casey 11, Parts. III.. ' ?;. l U' wr . C ,'M' 'I; Cbntauvrth 11. Gibson City 12. Panu 13, Msttoou 14. - ' ,.'- Rautoul 1H. Biwmllli. 14, Mllfonl 15. 'Broadway After Dark," A. 1|. Woous' (W. It. K,s i Lyune, ? Jos. King's (A A. Beymoor. mgr.) —Taylor, Tex., 0. Marlln 8. Waco 7. Ft Worth 8. Wsxbichle 10. Corslcaua 11, McKln^ oey 13, Greenville 13, Paris 14, Bonbam 15, Woods, mgr.)—Wnverly, N. Y., 5, Bltnlra 0, Coruliu; 7, Hcrncllsvlllu 8. lean 11. Salamanca 12. Du Bols, Pa., 13, Klttnnulug 14, Butler 16, "Banker, ttie Thlvf and the Girl" (Mittenthal Bros." Arouse. Co., nigra.)—Rochester. N. Y„ 3-5, Syracuse 0-8, Buffalo 10-10. "BurnoiusMer" (Wm. P. Cullen, mgr.)—Denver, OoC. 2-8, Colorado Sprlugs 10, Trinidad 12, Albuquerque, N. Mex., 14. "Big Hearted .Tint" (Harry J. Jackson, mgr, tlranilf. Orif., fi, Baker City rt. Webster, 7. Boise S, lllackfoot 10, St. Anthony - Parker 12, Sugar Oily 18,. Bexhurg 14, Idabu Folln 10. "Bad Buy uiid His Teddy Benrs" (Cbas. E. Blaney -Vniusc. Co., mura.)—Boston. Mass., 8-3. "Boy with tin- Boodle" (liowanl Hall Auiuso. Co.. ingrs.l~Vlilladel|»hln. P»n„ :t-8. " u,u "" w - "Hilly, the Klil." Westeru (W. W. PotU, lagr.) 3, Indefinite. _., Flsmsn, Max (?obn Cort. «/ r >-^" d f v ,,PPA' VLeadvllle 0, Pueblo 7. Kooky Ford 8, XVIchlta, Kaa., 10. Emporia 11, ToTpeka 12. St. Joseph, Mo.. 13. .Ottawa, Kau., 14, Fort Bcott 1B^^ Farershaoi, Wm. (Llebler ft Co., mgrs.)—Detroit, Hlcb... 8-8, Cleveland. O., 10-15. Foy. Eddie (Bsm S. ft Lee Slinbert, mgrs.)— Woterbury. Conn., 6, New Haven 7, 8, Boston, Mass., 10-22. . . _\ Finney, Jameson Lee (W. N. Lawrence, mgr.)— Yonngstown, O., 6. _ , _. 1— Fleming, Mamie- (W. H. Gracey, mgr-)—Balti- more, Md., 10-15. ' _ ■_, _, Fenberg 8tock, Eastern (Geo. M. Fenberg. mgr.) —Olens Falls, N. Y., 3-8, Schenectady 10-16. Fenberg Stock, Western (Geo. M. Fenberg, mgr.) . —Uontpeller, Vt. 3-8, Burlington 10-15. • Fifth Avenue Stock (Jack Welch, mgr.)—East Liverpool, 0., 3-8, Bochestcr, Pa., 10-15. Franklin Stock. Burgess * Hlmmeleln's— Saginaw, Mich., S-S, Bay City 10-15. Franklin. Stock (Alvldo * Lasserre, mgrs.)—Hen- rietu. Okla., 3-3, Okmulgee 0-8, Klefer 8-11, Brlstow 1215.. ' ■ ^_' ' . "Korty-Bve Minutes Frdm Broadway" (Klaw 4 Krlanger. uigfs.)—San Frindsco, Cal., 12-15. "l'ollies of 10O71' (Ftoreus ZlegftM, mgr.)— Philadelphia. Pa.i 3-6, Chicago, 111.. 10-20. "Faust." White's (Olga Verne, mgr.)—John- sonbarg. Pa., 5, Bradford 0, Olean.N. T., 7, Port Allegheny. Fa., 8, Galeton 10, Emporium 1],. Benovo 12, Lock Haven 13, Tyrone 14, Johnstown 15.. .._-_».... "Fallen by the Wayside." A. H. Woods'—East 8t Louis, 111., 2-5, South Chicago 8-8, Chicago 9-15. : " • . •» . . "Filming Arrow." Eastern, Uaedu J. Carter's— Bayohne. N. J.. 8-5. Perth Amboy 0. Pbxlnlleld 7, New Brunswick 8, Mount Holley 10. Norrls- tuwn. Pa.. 11, Pbcenlxvllle 12, Eoyersford. 13, Tamaqua 14, .Shenandoah 15. . "Flaming Arrow," Southern, Lincoln J. Carter s— Sherman, Tex..-5, McKmney-6, WaXahacble-7, Waco 8. San Antonio 9; Temple 10,.Taylor 11, Aostiu 12, San Marcos 13, Brenbam 10. "Fascinating Flora" (Sam S. ft Lee Shubert, mgrs.)—Philadelphia, Pa., 8-8,' Schenectady, N. Y...13, Albany 14. 15. . ' ' * "Funabashl" (Sam S. ft I*e Shubert, mgrs.)— Provkleiicc. B. 1., 3-8, Sbringtleld, Mass., 10. "Flower of the Kanch"—Cfevrfand, 0., 3-8. "Fatty Felix" (Dwltc Pepple, mgr.)—Ada, O.. 6. Kenton C,' Wapakoneta 7, St. Marys 8. Lima 10, Salem 11, Ashland 12,Wadsworth 13. Mas- slllon 14, Yonngstown 16. - "For Mother's Sake" (Al. W. Young, mgr.)— Morrlstown. N.- - J., C, Afbnry Park 0. Oranec 7. Perth Amboy 10, Boontoo 11, Dover 12, Psterson 13-15. . • ■■ . "From Slag Sing to Liberty" (Harry Cluy Amuse. Go., nwrs.)—Ottawa. Can., 0-8.' "For Love and Honor" (Boy C. Clark, mgr.)— Vaa Bnren, Ark.,'3-8. '. '. "Fighting Chance;" B, E. Forester's—Newark, N. J., 3-8, Wllkes-Barre, Pa., 10-12, Scrauton 13- 15. ■_;".'• • • ■ ■« . .-•'..: . «. ! - . Grau'd-Opiera (Oscar Hamioerstcln, mgr.)—N. X. City 3, Indefinite. '•.••-' '■' - Grlilnl Opera (Helarlch Conried, mgr.)—N. Y. City'3,' Indefinite;' : GoodwUi, N. C (Geo. -A. Weedon. mgr.)—Ashe- vlUe, -NV C. 5, Columbia. S. C, 0. Augusta, Ga:,?, Charleston, S.C. 8, Savannah. Ga.. 10, Jacksonville, Fla., 11, Macon, 0a„ 12, Atlanta 13,'14.'.BInningliam l Ala., lo. Grace. Oeorge. (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Seattle, Wash., 3^5, Vancouver, B. C, Can.. 0, 7. Vic- toria 8, -Belllngtiaia, Wash.. 10, Eterett 11, Tlicorra 12, Portland. Ore., 13-15. Giahauie, Ferdinand—Little. FaBs. N. T.', 3-S, 'Gloversvlllo 10-15. - Closet Stock—Cleveland, O.."10-15/ Gllnw-e-; :Baraey (Harlln'ft Nleolat. mgrs.)—CIn- clnelnoatl. v., 3-8, Chicago. III., 0-15. Gtnaro 4 Bailey (A. H. Woods, lugr.)—N. Y. City-8-8. Brooklyn, Ni-Y., 10-1IL Crayce. HcJeu (N. Appell, mgr.)—Blngbamtou, ' S: Y., 8-8. Elmlra' 10-15.' Gear,. Florence .(Jules. Murry, mgr.)—Temple. Tex.. 5.'Austin 0. San Marcos 7,. San Antonio 8,-Taylor-10,-MaMlu 11, Cleburne 12, Denl- 'son'13,-Gainesville 14. ArdmorV, Okla., 15. Grapewln, ■ Cbas. E. (Wells. Dunne ft Harlan, uigrs.)—Columbus. O., 3-3, Clnctanutl 9-15. ' Gayle. Florence .(J. W.i West,^ bus, mgr.)— Eannersvllle. La.; 3.-5. Cage Stock (Fred Gage, mgr.)—Taunton, Mass., 3-S, Attleboro 10-15. - . ■ . . Goodwin Stock .(J. F. Goodwin, mgr.)— Bocky Mount. N. C, 3-8, Wilmington 10-15. "George Washington Jr." (Cohan ft Harris, mgrs.) —Portland, Ore;, 3-5, Seattle, Wash:, U-8. "Gay White Way" (Sam H. ft Lee Shnbert, nigTS.)-iN. Y.^ty 3-8. •- • "Gimbler of the West." A. H. Woods' (Al. Blch, ■■ miir.)—SL. Paul, Minn., 2-8. Minneapolis 0-15. "Olrl Question" (M. U. Singer, mgr.)—Chicago, 1)1., 3, ludeflnlte. "Great Divide" (G. H. Milker, mgr.)—Wbeellwr, W. Va., 5, Springfield, 0., 0, East Liverpool 7, *iransatown.S, Mansfield 32. "Gay New York," Ous Hill's—Nashville, Term., 3-8. Norfolk. Va.. 10-15. "Great Express Bobbery,"- A. H. Woods'—Chicago, "GIri'and'the Stampede" (V. B. Lambert, mgr.) ^-Kemmerer, Wyo., 5, Bock Springs 0, liawlluB 7. Hanna 8. ... "Girl From Broadwav" (John A. Mack.' mgr ) Sandhsky. O..' 8. Lima tf. Van Wert 7, Flndlsy 3, Huntington. Ind., 10. BlmTton 11. Wabash -12. Pern'13, Kokbmo 14. Frnnkfort.15. "Girl of the Sunny South": (J. W. Hartnxuj. mgr.)—Cuba.. N. Y.. 6. Frlemlsbip 0. Bath 7. Cernln? S. Hornellsvllle 10, Niagara Falls' 12. Fredonja 13, Olean 14, Jamestown 15. "Gingerbread Mnu," No. 1 (Nixon ft Zimmer- •ban. mgrs.)—San Francisco. Cdl., 2-8, Oakland ?i 10. San Jose 11, Sacramento. 12, Stockton .13, Fresno 14, Bakersfleld 15. ««*iuu Governor's PartVin' (H. B. Wbtttaker. mgr.)— Mcheesport. Pa., 3-5, Comiellsvllle o, Union- *<"" L Wilmington, Del., io:l2, Camden, N. " C rJ' l i < ^S ,tlon '^ (A,,kl11 '* S" 1 **'. mgrs.)—St. Paul, Minn., 2-5, MlnneaixjUs 0-8, Kansas City Mo., 13-16. II • - • Haufonl. Chns. B. (Lawrence Walker, mgr.)— San Francisco, C«L. 2-15. S s SS?3 l SiS2 , »vsr > - S&S5ME l ■* ^ 6hubert - tae - H S A oS a ^F, lor, -'"» Zlegfeld, mgr.)—St. Louis Mo.. 2-8. Chicago. III., IMUnrch 7. ^^ tadv h-'W, *-fl» ">«f-)-Sclieuec- taOy. KpJj 5, UUca 0, Albany 7. 8, Newark. ^gbSSkSfc^* * ■■ bunbert ' """•) nopper. De Wolf' (Sam 8. & Lee Shnbert. nurre ) ^ ■ - ■ - ■ ■I M » -* C. 5, Whatcom, Wash.f o. l.verett'7. Tacoma 8. Portlnud. OreTo-lS mi t 7 xkto 5: C ?' 1 -' "• Ban Jose 15. ' ' ii i. .' H.^-- 3 " 8 - 1 htlude nbla. Pu.. 1015 Holland. Mildred (Edward <5. White, mar)'— Fremont, p 5. Marion «. Dayton 7. SprhLgucTi ?-,Z»n««"e 10. Wheeling, W. Va.. 'S^9 J^Z'fiLEssrsr- 13 ' East »««SSi. Iniiis, Mgr.)—Chicago. III., 2-8, Clucluuatl,' O., "Bowery Girl"—Seattle. Wash., 2-8. C Ornne, Wm. H, (Cbas. Frobman, mgr.)—Pitts- burg, Pa., 3-8. Altoona 12. >•-.,, ... Collier, Wm. (Cbss. Frobman, mar.) Lyurhbnr* Mlslic and Ambor havn now completed v,. 5. Ri«.hir"nd 0. NewirtNews 7 Norfofi twelve oiouuis tu Englana Tbey aro Just 8, Brooklyn, S. t., 10-lc. "East Lynne," Jus. King's (T. W. Goodwin. mgr.)— Frankllu, Pa., B, Meadvllle fl, Ualon- town 7, Jamestown, N. Y.. 8, Welhtvllle 10, '-' 0uh » »» Austin, Pu., 13, St, Marys 13, SiaeU>: port 14, Kane IB. "Rast Lynne," Jos. King's (E. O'Connor, mar.) —Meriden, Oouu., 5, Tarry torn, N. TV 8, Jim 1 'if"J e T *" r>n»ilsl|sjl|-M 3-8. Ky.?^.' 0 " 0 * »"1. "-gf-)-Ho1klnsvmo. U w™ a, A B f <M > V rv - "W.)-Bock Springs, c93L 8 i ^eVb G ^ eJ ' Coto " 7 ' «& "tU ifi iTW*- WMte, mg r .)_DUon. Uarder-Huil Stock (Eocene J Hull n^s Oswego. N. Y.. 3-8 wVtvrtown Sis "* r ' ) — Ileudor^n. M.ude (Jose^Kreul mgV!)_Brook, riaifcnnann, Jennie, Chicago LuiUes' Orchestta (D, Harvey Stock "(Geo. A. Sullivan,' mgr I—t^.,. tt)».:Ue..,'8-.8, Olcucester, Msss., lo-li W *" - Henderson 'Stock (W. J.- ft B. &. .Bnier^. n,grs.)—Fenton, Micb., 3-8. °««non, Hogan, Ernest' (Hurtlg ft Seamon, bets I—tuui more,,Md.; 8-8.. Altoona. Pa., 11. ' ""f* HUlman's. Ideal Stock (F. P.-HUImaa. m-n Summcrteld.-Kan.. 3-8. ' "*'■>— Herald Square Stock (A.L. Fansbawe. meri Shlctoldnny, Pa.. 3-8. ' Q « r -)- HoTland.—B. - «. (James" K. Hackett. mirr\ Wllkes-Barre, Pa.. 10, Norrlstown'ib, W) ~ HonUnga.- Four (Harry Dull, mgr-lWUkea-Btrrs, "Holy City," West-(LeComte ft Flesker. mrrs i —San Bernardino. Cal., 5. Bedlands 0 PbSII 7,. Pasadena. 8,. Los Angeles 0-15. roo «» "Holy,City." South (Forrest Isbam, mxr 1—u, Veraou, Ind., 6.. Henderson, Ky., e, MtdiivJ. vfllc 7, Princeton 8. Guthrie 10. lwsie||Tlii.*?T" Bowling Green 12. Clarksburg, Tean.?l3 P.«: T4, Brownsville 15. «™-. w, rans "Heart of Maryland"—Flint, M!cb.,0. Jsckmn la "Hooorof'tbc Family"—Washington D C Si "Human Hearts,'' Eastern, W. E. Nankevliis-'Z: Wheeling, W. Va., 0-8. "snuwilltt- "Human Hearts." Western. (Wm. Franklin Rit» mgr.)—Kansas City. Mo.. 2-8. Omaha ? Eg' oTlO. PUttamouth 11. Nebtiska City 12 w,' more 13. Atchison, Kan., 14, Topeka 15 J " hjppy Hooligan;" Gus ,Hill's—Wllkes-Birm Pa., 3-5, Sctanton 6-8,-Altoona 10, OreenVtoi II,-Connellsvllle-12. McKcesport 13, li ff lagton 15. : ■ ^P" "His Honor, the Mayor" (Jos. M. Giltes. aa > "Heir to the Hoorah" ' (Klrke La SbeUe Q, mgr»).^allsbirry.- N. ^C, B. Charlotte g' Greensboro 7, Whiston-Salem 8, Phlladelpbli; "Hani Hanson" (Jaa. T.McAlpIn. mgr.)—Gabs vllle; Tex., 5,;McGregur 6, Qrandrlew lo, huS. boro 11, Bowie 12. ' "HimeylnoDners"—Wbeelbag,-W. Va., 6, • ».-. • ... •' .V..i:. Isabel ■'Irving (Llebler. ft-Co.. m(rs.)—Tulia lOkla., '6,-Mnskogee 8, South MAIetter 7 OkS- liouio City 8, Enid 9, El Reno 10. Stenuiii Jft;i ; 11; Ardmore, Okla.,12, Fort.Werta-^' Dnllas 14. .lo. t' - Imjitrlal' Stock. Burgess 4 Hlmmelchi'i Younn. •town,0.. 3-8.- Canton 10-15: ^^ Tl "Isle of Spice,".. B. 0. Whitney's—Vtlca. K. r 7,.Milwaukee, Wis., .9-16... . _. . ' "In'New York Town," Hurtlg ft Seamon's—Ho- boken,'N.;J., 3-5, Hartford. Conn., 6-8, M«i- treal, Can.,: 10-15. ■ • ' Jefferson,'Joseph and William (S. W. DuoaUs . mgr.)—Applehot), .Wis., 3. Wausau 6, La Cress* S^Wlnooa, Mlnu., 10, Mankatoll, Alhert U-a .yZ, .Waterloo, la.. IS, Dubuane 14, Clloun 15. Jnplp. Elsie '(C B. Dillingham, ingr.)—Brldge- po'rt, Conn., 5, Hartford 0. Northntnptoa. Hits ^.•iSprtflgfleld 8, Boston 10-29. - -. Johnson ft Lewis''Comedy—Kingston. Con., 3«. Jnmes," 'Lohls'" Wallace ' Monro, tngr.) — Bjba Rouge. La.. 5, Natchez, Miss.. 6.- Jackson I, Greenville 8, Clarksdule 10, Helena, Art, 11 Memphis,' Tenn.', 12. : 13," Kasli<Ille'14.' 13. "Josr-jCnit 'Of-College" (Bothoer ft OssjaHsl ftngrs.)—Detroit, Mich., 2-8. Bay 'City 8,' Pott Huron'11, Hamilton, Can., 14, 15. "Joshua Slmpklns." Weste.-n. 0. B.' Rrao's— New' Hahtptun,":la., 5, Sumner-«,- Orlvfela 7, .Waterlpp,8.- ' "Jnkey. lkcy aad'"Mikay" (Allen CurUs, mgr.)— TUurber, Tex.. 5, Weatherfonl 0. Benfou", S. • Fort,Worth 10.' 11,'Oorslcana Vt, Tcsroeli. Mexla 14. Rockdale 15. "Jotse James'.' (Jewell:Kclley. >tngr.)—Galtejtca. Tex.. 0, Houston 0, San. Anhinlo 7-9, Acstlu <10,V Fort-Worth 11, 12, DaUas 13-15. "jy-rr-y from-Kerry' (Patten ft Fletcher, mjn.) .Peterborough, OuL,-Con;,' S. . 'K::-:'. ,-i V-'r--?' Kellur.abd-Thnrstou (Dudky McAdow, sigt.)— Wllkes-Barre.. Pa., 6, I'otuvltlc 0, ■ WUlljmt- ' {Sort 7, Harrisburg-8,- Pittsburg 10-15. • Keudall. Ezra. (Askln, ft Slugcr. mgrs.)—Burllut- ton. law 0. ' - Ke|eey. Hecbertvand EDIe Shauuon. (Eroest'Shlp. .tnan, mgr.)—4Ms, U.',-0,-Salt,Lake City i, San-Fraucrsco.Cii.,"0;i5.' " Kallch, Bertha. (Hurrlson Grey Flske, mgr:)— .Toronto,. Can..' 3-8, Buffalo, N. Y.. 10-15. Kolb and Dill—N. Y. City 3, Indefinite. • • • Klark-Urba&—Halifax, JK- S„ 3-S. Keqnedy, -James (H. Q. Ewlng. mgr.)—Norwich, Conn.. 3-S,. Mlddletown 10-15. Knickerbocker Stock (John R. G. Brandos, ngr.) ' Nashua,. N. U., 3-3, HaverlilU, Mass., G-S,lferi- 'den.Corin., 10-151 :: Kclley Stock, Southern (Jewell Kelley, tofr.)- hansas City. Mo., 8-15; Kilties Band- (T, p. J. Powers, mgr.)—Monterey, Mex., 5, Monclora.O. Esperangos 7, Sahhias 8, Kagle Pass, Tex.. 9. Sau Antonio 10. "Kulgbt for a 'Day," B. C. Whltnej'6—H. 1 City 3, ludeflnlte. "Knhjht'for a'Ttoy," B. C. Whitney's—Cllcago, Hi., 3, Jndetlulte. . 7 . "Kidnapped for Revenge" (Chas. E. Blaaey Amuse. Co., mgrs.)—Louisville, Ky., 2-8. Cleve- land,.©., 10-16. ■ ■ ' ' "Kldnspiied' for a Million," Perry's-M3earfleld. la., 5, Crestun 7, Greenfield 8, Stuart 12, Aniti ■15 . - i ... -..,- I,. Lackaye,.WUtou (Wm. A. Brady, mgr-)—Chicago. 'III., -2-15) ■ ■ i •- La -Tour,' Marie,: 8tock—Greenville, 8. a, 3* Columbia! 10-16. Lyceum Comedy (Al. S. Evans, mgr.)—Bra-lea- town. Fla., 3-8. Lake. Svlvla i (Alston ft Zlllmnn, mgrs.)—Havl- land, a., 5. PauIdWg 8, Antwerp'7. Defiance S, Hlckaville 10, 'Bryan 11, Areibold 12, WjusMa . 1.3..MoittrieIier 14. LIndley.' Harry, Stock—Forest,' Out., Can., 3-5, „ Thetford 0 8, Ingereoll 10-12. "Elon and the Mduse," Eastern (Benry B. HarrX mgr.)—Buffalo,'N. Y.. D-8. Bochester 10-12. , Syracuse' 1S-1({. "Lion and the Mouse" (Henry B. Harris, mp.' —Jacksonville, Fla., 6. 0, Columbus, Oa.. 8. Selnja.-Ala.. 10, Meridian. Miss.. 11, Hattlrj- liurg .15, Jackson ■ 13, Baton Rouge, La., 14. Natcher, Mlsa., 10. "Lion and tbe Mouse." Western (Henry B. Hsr- ' rla. mgr.)—Eau Claire, Wis.. 5. Winona, Mluo-. 0. La Crosse. ' Wis., 7, Mankato, Uioo., 5. Mluiicupolis 0-12. 8L Paul 13-15. "Little Heroes of the Street" (Vance ft Sullivan, mgrs.)—Detroit, Mich., 2-8, Pittsburg. P»- 10-15. -. • • . r "Little-Johnny Jones" (Jos. M. Galles, ugr.l— Charlotte. N. C. '8. Greensboro tl. ltoacoje. •Va., 7, LyncnlMirg 8, Blcbmond 10, Newport News 11. Norfolk 12. Charlottesville 13. Sogers- town.Md, 14, Cumberland 13. _„„ "Lena Rivers". (Burton NIxou, mgr.)— FhllSLel- phla. Pa., 3-8, Baltimore, Md., 10115. "Land of Nod"* (Rork Co., mgrs.)—Mf) Kan., C, Atchlsou 0, Chllllcoriie, Mo., 7. «ul« T - , 111.. 8, St. Louis, Mo., 9-lC. •• ' — . "Lottie.' the Poor Saelslady" (Cbas.. E. BlitEl Amuse. Co.. mgrs.)—Providence. B..L. 3-S. "Little Orgun Grinder" (B.- E.- Forrester, mgr.)— , Ubleat». - 111., 2-8. Cincinnati. 0.. 9-15.. "Lost Trail" (Wills Amuse. Co.. mgrs.)—Balti- more,- Md.. 8-8.' • • - -i "Lost ,ln -the, Hills!' . (B. W. Froser, tngr.)— , Adair. la. 5. Anita 0, Walaat 7. Avoca •». .Council Bluffs 10. ShenamDuh 11, Miccknls ..J2, Malvern 13, PlatUmouth, .Veb., 14, Dunbar "Little Prospector" (Frank G. King.' mgr.)—Mi ,Rapids, Minn.. 6, Aktly 0. Walker?. Bemldll 8. Cass Lake 9, Grand Raulds 10,'Bovey U.,*™: perlor, Wis., 12. Virginia, Mlnu;, 13, **■< "Lost lu New York" (I. M. Branson.: owr.)— Auder8on,.lnd.,.6, Goshen 0, So. Bend ■•, '■** Wayue. 8. "Lucky Dog"—Cleveland, O., S-9. msF; Mliler, 'Henry, and Margaret AogUn (Uenry MU- •ter, higr.)— Boston, Mass., 3*. " , Mason. Jbbu (Sain S. ft I*e Shnbert, luc, mfr»-' ' —N; T. City 8, IndCtmit'e, ' ■ _ — Myrkls-Hanler Stock. Eosteni (W. H. ntrd''. mgrO—Gloucester, Mass., 3-8, Dover, N- ■« Mary MennerUig (Sam B. ft,'Lee Shnbttl.. lw- mgrs.)—Hot Springs, Ark.. 5, Lexluxtou. T««- ■.a.Nasbnlle 7; 8. Dallas, Tex., W. ". f»" Worth 12. Waco 13, Marlln 14, Galvestou 15- Murniy-Macfcey. Comedy (John J.. Murray, nigr-l r-Mlddletown, N. Y., 8-8. Troy 10-15. Marlowe,- Jolhr (Sam 8. ft Lee Shbbert, mgrs.)— Clfclr.nutl, 0.. 3-S. -. Mduiyrc ft Heath (Klaw 4 Krlanger, mgo.)- ... •'■■'"