The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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■ . ■ - ■■::• * "i_ #gga&$& THE STErer "YORK GlilFPER. 1807 SHE l-v YOU A^#P^^^ Song-withaGriBat Chorus. Beau- tiftu Slides. The Best We Could Get. LAND BOHEMIA By GEO. EVANS and REN SHIELDS. It's the best thev have ever written J -ME? ADifforentdoonSong from the others. Can be used effeot- ively by Single Acts or Teams. The Only Successor to Asleep in the Deep. It is by ARTHUR |; .LAMB. Beautiful Quartette Arrangement. I'M GOING TO DIE. II •i*.a ■> GEORGE M. COHAN'S Funniest and Greatest Oooii Song. Featured by all Headliners. BRIDGETA An Irish-Italian Love Song. Good for Big Numbers. I GOT ANOTHER ONE A Funny Comic Song. By the Writers of He Walked Right In. Lots of Extra Verses. RED WING KERRY MILLS' Great Song aud Intermezzo. Beautiful Slides. ' ■■"}* ?.- <■ ~i~ . .>. ,Z. /: -f* •wLygr- THE NEW YORK TWO-STEP Vocal Orchestrations in any ■::k^j^afhyof; the; above >l'80rig8> FREE. : ■• • SEND STAMP&vF^R POSTAGE. By GEORGE M. COHAN. This March is featured in "The Talk of New York." GREAT FOR DANCING ACTS AND DUMB ACTS. Published for Band and Orchestra. Write for Our SPECIAL SLIDE OFFER F. A '•-•>•■ ■ f 32 W. 29th St., N. Y. For JASON JOSKINS! CO., Special Scenerr, Band andOrchestra, AlJInsftlng Afrent\yiio«w bcblc, wildcat nnrt jwsle.-aHn Peary lias to doriMo.n'arer'drnm or cornet, also 1'roperty Man for*ni»ll hlr i/> doable- either «n»re dram Mir outer. ■T1c*MS,'lf Iknow'yon. Actors who double brass, wrlie. MAX C. Kl.l.lOTT, wtiio. Snow no* en ranie. M.inseers In Jlass. and ?.'. V; State, -end open lime. ■•■•—.< .-•• •:•.•• Bl'tiT STODDARD, perm. add.. Bo.\24T, New firlmln, Conn. em - gz^ TTft REFEBTOIBE PEOPLE, ALL LINES, CARTER STOCK CO. Call or aililrnu.K. h. CAUTKll. »«» WmI 43d.St., N. V. V. S.-Can n«i C'NION < ARI'r; V 1 Ell antl PHOPBttTY MAN. Appearance, Wardrobe, Ability Al. peient people, ahawcr. Artdrms oan AT IIRFBTV" BAY MABTINEZ, «ISS MDBIEL LAN8D0N, Ml lallPbllB a Bi j.eHil^ Iteavlea. V«v.«ill<> Leail.. Only manager* who can and will nay a reasonable salary for com- i. Del., as par route, Feo.s-s, vTailiheto n. Pa., 1016, Cambridge, 0. . r .To-«i«»n-Ui(»+ysil«s»and. purify tin) Wnn.l- Nodlf,. MMIHl all? vou-nin dawn, all iu-Uy 'bit: , Syr.'Trifolliuio romp., one plni. White 6nlp!rnrl53lM, two >iacfcapc*. tcaspoousful of the »yrnn when yon arise WANTED VAUDEVILLE « Uli 1 I I I AniL.1 TPHKATHKH Sclienr<:rnily, Auviiordart). Troy, llorklnirr,, MhIoui<, H'atorinwn, optiPimiinrff. Oswego; Falun, Ootilanil, Aub.irn. BtuttliHauoni, Sen«wi KhIIb, fluicva, iniiiaio, Klneston; Onl, Von mast nntlte good. OKAS, p. fllMIOP.i:. Ostfer-b. K. V. P. S.-"PASSlO.N M.AV I'lLll to. IIBNT AT ONCE. Wrltemo-ror prices no F1IUW'and Pong Slides; also supplies from machine* dawn; every- thing In stock at lowest prices ever known. MUSICIANS AND SINGERS If you want to mate the hit of your life ««nd prosrum :nd receive Hong "THE MAN IN WASHINGTON" Sparkling ntusle. Fp-lodale wordii. .ftnUroly FURST and HASWEIX Wmianmport, Pa. WANTED, fer the "Real Wild West Show" 101 RANCH MILLER BROS.. . ' Chafitcterferlc alai'di and Two-Step. BIG HIT. LISTEN, WANT flflpertoire People in Ail Lines. I'hosedolQRiipeelHlttefliilTRtrrert.l'lANIST.fllilier -ceoi<irlady, to donW* nitfn- Uhuf enKaKomooi,- "taicall. Noi Aiiiirfis - ■ «F.O. A. COX, MliBKOfeo, nfcla. ilak. Fu;i Oicbesira and 1'lano, lie. Piano Solo. \<*. Fill Pand, oiioriit of Saxophones, 2.>. ■ J. UnT JloiUl, Pub:, ira,W. 9dih St; N. If. 'Ihere s KothTiTg Half So Dear in Life' as Home, Sweet Home, to Me. a UtouiUu) yew Sou'g,'March Chorus "I'm llwaw TliiDliing ftf ^i«." .Mioill'-iMireatSi.rur, Walt/. Chnrni. .' .hli\ll I'*-; r'ORUOTii:-. J. K. s «I1(»1I,M, l»iil»,; i':k W. 0«lll SI.. S. V. Take a teaapono_ ' uiid at r<itirlng. nrlnk the sulphur water afier eai^h meal. Keep Hie howeH and pores oprn. Kftt Uule meat' Kratnrnally yoant. HARRY 1>. PATbE, Palacn Hotels S, Clark St., Chi< am>. AT LIBERTY, RANSOM Wanted, for JOHN A. HirWMELElN IMPERIAL STOCK CO. ■OiUUUi J>1 UKC tor (I'lauoi. »Biw all ■ That run aad will dlreot riM Snick. KF* UIMMF.MS1X, Yomiwown, u...c"*.l'. [ <<wt Mrtpli'. Sober man Only -*;Canton.O.. Feh.iitii,' . • ..."-, ; . BEST RUBE FIDDLER In tiu-'lm.-*. Ute or HLvon, llowoiH .t UlNon. join any Rnod art M pat 'iinr. Oonslrier g'-od one W Jk. WT "T 3ES X», i;oof», K.',fKi:iRX<;Ki», iiKi.iAiii.i-: . KJE>r», ACTOR. aiust iiaye Bhort 01 ve yonr lowctt. 't "s". r Ai' KESNBi'i', Utkewouti, M»y Jerw.r. BfiCOJHK ; 3TAGE ELECTRICIANS. i Saloilc.5 |S and ?M. '■Prnr-'iicnl Cnua'pend of Electricity" explain.' all. A cnlld ooula under- stiDd; «2 pugpy; nUtlrtnit Price |i, El.l.Y BUHHBMIOO- Iivnert SWko l';ie.e(ri, Imv, N'i\ M W. 70th St.. N.V. City.' ■ AT I- I BiTR T Y , OmIuk tn rimlnf( of Tempt* Htnek i'o. FBKD(.(HAUHAX FlntCliM 1'ln.niai and (i«nnt*l Aclor. People iu all branches to ttlll further nuKmeiu il$* organization* so •nieefl^fullj optnilml »l HrlRklon Bon.'li and the foremour exhibition feature oi ilie. JnuteMmm exMkltlo«,Mi'M trite* Will hoiVb- e.ornblned to produce the "B15ST gliow In Ainerli.a." Any fematlonai or foaturo ai:U kullaliln for a i;ijrii.i'iaHo Wild \ri«: csMbliloniDOClrounsi'fol. AlMi Cowboys. CcwolrlB. Uuctlny Uoi'H uluer. Hope HplLnerrf, Fancy hi, n ,<, Mexican coirboya ami cowiiirli,, h<c.. and muid Addre» nll.l.KR Blins., No. lot lUnrh, Uli.., oitiaiunna. Hupvrlnlendeut nf Uanvu*, Hajritag" hlovli. Mn.lor of TJRUMMMQM, Head Porrer, Drivers, 1'ralninen and I'oleri, ii<hii| ."tear Men, Liiriniuot, Ticket B-iicrs, t:,nnop« 1'ityer, ouNdK friviieijo Penab*, ivrtdre's OKnnOR HlM.\ClTUA,Uen«riit Maiini(«r, llboiu H, llraadlfay Tlu-wru r.!*1ii SfWfVOfl CUT, . : Noynl anil Itljjn ci,i<a AltineiMiw niilinble lor AtiiKenm and l'oni'(|]i| strange and FHMn l'»o|dfl, OqrtoaHlM, l.ndlu* Willi'Mm-! VniM.tvllli; Ar;t». Kiicltoa Big runehoM,8woiil otralloifora, >lun«il A<'l«; l.ndy lliit[.l«t, Jjuak.i ijliiuMior with oiitiit. i'iiiu-n Hi.o, cnpabln taklnttBMOM Lii»nif, uud a HCls'. SationMu or'MIDK FKAT0I1K, Klmllnr Irfinplnir inn U*v: Hide sdmiv Uluiu. AddreM 11. O. WII.MIIX, HatinKnr Hrlvtlrgt-a, •O.ll litrrliwouil , Ave., I'l.ilrtdnlphla, Pa. - "C')'6k'fclil'Pcftjileadilrc»iAVoi. .'. l.ynd.'.'n.H KoH-MadinonSt,, I'l.ilmlelplibi, Ph. Prom Agenla addrena W:0.TaoinnwD,Ocn'i Press Ilciiresenl'iilve, caraioi lloneli, fllU^, o^WibdiH. Di|] l'os)era,Mtliograplierf, Banner Men, addre?? r'UI'lUUlKCiH.ilA\, tieii«rol Agent, K Kiciid Thcalre Uotldlng, New YorltOltj. i Vi ' ' "jvij.''.''All others addrrm , .' . . WEST STAFF EDWARD AKJ lloom IM, llioadvvay Tin «tt* Bldg., iIJtOTO^ —- New Vork City, .lulu at once. .101 CI.1.VTOV HT. DaB'ila, !*. V. W.I.\TKI>—JOIff ON HJKK. Leading and General Business Man Director, s Repertoire. Other Useful People. M. A. MOSELEY. Brooithavon. Mi«s. L.I «T V (First Time In Four V»»r»i, ■MB— 1 WANTED, Rk 'I. Utewn'n At<r»i Jinn., Jurtniie n'oaa'it ulio eiw ael find do specialty. ■Mr.n t* Bi^n w piay „„ e cnnr . u r heavy par.i. . Jlqst w Rood clun: ohai'acler Ooniedlan with -ipcclal- ■JJ Heavy ;Man.. Other spod Repenelro People, *n'e. Immediate onKagenionttothoilgliipeople AddrcMnnltk.Artth lowest silary, Rne healei.S.U- wamteo; : Oenteej Heavy WeloUt, 5 feet 10 or over, also Ciinractar t'ouiodiau, Same Height, and . Ohtraotor Woman. Ijong «ason. Salary Ibiv, bnt snre. __Aililrew \\OKt. .HftWAlHJ, llncHonsanlc X. i. FILMS TO RENT NO JUNK, all FlrM Clans Subject*.. ITIees le»» tliin'imu^rvuecan Im ua-lri-eahere. MM &TVti* from; mm « wiwgg nut ii'iHluaWo elsewlur.:. .. Al jEM CaK. W* KXCIIAXHE. C30 Ualscy SL. N. 1. beWTndYou m ■•"■ TAYLOR JESSIE Id III' llll Dtu. At Liberty-FLO GRANT aoubrelto and tlo'vn, «oyiI bpcelnliy. ' Two year/ osiiei'ltnoe. ileljrbiifi.uu. RIoRie nlptiitor rtp. Andrei!) II." r.HAST, i.i-n. Dnl. Iu j»iniih. Ark. For Salf, Vaultviile Tneat.e, Earning from 4 rarodles, 2 Sketcliea, ulie fer 1 tire., one for 2 m.: Iota of end gflgs; 1 nne monologue; siren, cag*. ■■* ■ J 11 " 11 )' I i-eSlwtflii..a» T»r 10 &<H«A^ Minium my tiort. .<;. w. cuksvauj, ■ 1M0 IMflhy Ht.. t'roylilence. 1^ I. ttsta lioo clear weekly. «laly ilioairo litre, innernnrtnirueil. r)kej?i.0Oii. Klwtoane, tltil mvr I Pikers lav nlT. BeX'Kil. 1'jiunsville, O. AT LIBERTY, 6E0. A GRANT, . up to date. in Sls<* Wire and Jugirtlojr that Taiidevlllo pii'fnrrcil. Addrebi . ftSO. A.(tltaXT.lien.1»el.. Vouugatuivn,Ohio . WANTED, MASTER LEON (6 Years Old) Feature 8porlnltt<-» im'IIIi Weelt'n lle|iprlolre). lieimrd" in friendi. l*ll«ll*. arlio. AtMrrw f.'eniropoHs lloiei, Kuhn CHy, Mo. .... 'I ....- .. ... ' ■■■.-..■■ ■ ' ..— warn ' ... ^uujjlhj Chorus Emi Wan GOOD VOICES AND EXPERIENCED. STOCK BNCACEMBNt. CAM, MMKMMMii'i EMPIRK B O O K I IM G» O F" F=" I O E, PAUL H. WOLFF, 1402 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ROOM 724. a. i JUST TO REMIND YOU At Lilierty, Stag* Carjiflitor, | SSSBFJ'"^ ,aK,w BUCTR1CIAX: run efloon.or.muvlnit plctnrtp, j ... iX'OJ-aiilUH nareof CLll'l CLARA ROSE HVBNER l.i »'1» Hi-, lilfi. Aildrert 11 ItKMII Wi'„ Wc.l 1 1 -J.J 1 IHL. ■ ,,'.11L, WW HEW HADriELD « I!«■«»■ I««■ t harm •»■•«. Ilnllirl,), ,>)(,««. ■ J ' W gW» ^^gr ggV, H, ft for.l, conn. For 6Md Paotos at Rtasosatia Prlots «rlii toOHBISTMAN STPDIO, D«pt a, Sprlngneld, When I* neerl of new malarial, .try BARRY GRAY, OF PHILA., Oomposer of Parodliea. SteMhej, gongy, Vopo- losaea, etc. , 706 TIRE ST., Phlla., Ft. . MATT WOODWARD \Vrller of IIATI'IIIAVS * ASIIl.l V'SKieiu iliipi- «n/iir, "I'lea*! /X.ll'timse >le;»|irndoeer and couuihorof -HlW l/n;-JIH*fTZ-MA!JTI,KY BUR- 1E811'E» Hovon ecasnns).ele- I mal:e a specially of fetches wltn Huts, and ocbuaek Song.flnbUlM to Ato>. "Kxcln-tlre-pormll." PAROWEH. .Limited nojolier sold. •-MIIOVK.UK, A>'U THRCIIBLU MINE" and other*. Srnd for Ult, STUDIO: 21i %*5!n 81., S. X. City... ^ ■ • ' ' .... .1 :.' . i.-'.f 'i >■■ '■'''• •» ' .'- " ": • .'"•. • ■'■:."''■ ■ ■... " • ' \i ■;■•' ..• ' ..•'• ;,.'»•'••-•.' ' '.-; ■:/.-.' ■'•:.' ■ '•' '■'■.'■ ;■■■■■. ■ , ^— —— 1 1 ' '■ ' * " ■■■'" . ' " ■■ ■■' ■ ' ■• " ■■'■ i ' v " ■>...' " •'■',. ■'.'■ ■ ■•••'"''liiilji'"' ' •■■^^'■■- ■■■'■.•:.-•■■■■■■ ^ah iitiiiii : i'_L' :.....-; 'j.: ._ .sznAfczxi.S* ■■■">■