The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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*Jtt8 the H:tew i?on& iWtttAjst s, .-sanr- . ' .m^,...! im.j— ' -- ■ . ' Bteve o'Oradr Not,.to Oo With Ban iyj; . .Xarlo opera*. Steve O'Grady. recently in advance of "Madam Butterfly," niakes. the following statement In regard to-a recent report that ho had signed with the San Carlo Opera Oo.; "I resigned as ndvanciy agent, for Mr. Sav- age's company after I had been 111 In New Orleans for two' weeks. Mr, Savage pnhl ray nsek while. (-.KM 111, likewise roy e*- >j* back to New York, and, In addition, _juas if I would agree to remain ana go Held <r otic of i hi* .productions next Benson. ■SUBMMM nn offer from the flan Carlo OMM company. I rofneod tho offer, as tnofo gbCffdfo Die hnvr done. 1 did It because of m* root ■ respect for and loyalty lo Henry w. atage;" T- "**•■* Creasy una Duync'a PliiyerH. ■ •file , Bhubcrts announced SiiiilinttiiiK last week tbe jany onenmd -for the support of Will M. Crt&y and tranche Dayno. lot Mr. Cressy s ploy. "The Village Lawyer.'' It will Include l Wilson Bcrnoldri. Doucla* Wood, KlDiplofc Abbott, Iran La Pierre. Logan. Panl, Mrs. K. He, Jack Gardnur, "francci Wright. Npfcross and Jock Henry. enlu « * T ""■ ltay "»-- ■ f nmrlmavm to lind Long-Xevs-York Ilea, ' -Alia Naslmova will Shortly be sent on tour to, Hoatjon and Philadelphia. Her IBs! per- formance' at the BIJoli, New York City, will taki! place on'Saturday rllghr, F?u»15. - The Khriberts will bring Nasloiovn back Xt New York pavly next «e»M>n and p wfcnt her la a n n w and emotional piny Adapted frolo. tha Italian, by Rupert Hughe*. Wlwti she returns to >f>'W York, however, »be will I *,««■» at ope of tlic larger ftttaliert linawi lalflwl up JrtriiMlwuy. ; _____ "Her Fattier" nnd .llurlr t.ohr «■ - London. •.. Michael Morton's adaptation of "Sob Pcre" was produced at the) HaTuiafkct Thea- tre, London, Eng., evening: of Jan. -'A, utldsr tha tlcte "Her 1 Father." Marie LohrVMa acting in the ro'.ft of the daughter was said •a bo A ravc-lotlon lo London critic*, Arthur Coureiiier took the title role, am) the play was reported to have made a Euceeij s t » ■ Edna A use 111 lo Cincinnati. Celna Auk's lllnes4 in Cincinnati prevented her 'front filling her contract at the Columbia. '■ to the disappointment of zn wan a frequent " the sick corned i- GOLDEX GATH fMbBAMlHO* . x ■ Hpcctol dispatch to THB Ktw YoaK Cuw*.' 8AN Kbascisco; Feb. 4i—At the Van l^eas. Mechanical Asaoclallon, New or fy.„ T e"Mlnutei ffOM Broadway ' openeo \nrk Ladle. Ko, 1. installed on Sunday, i-lii. ...t./flav. for two weeks. t_ , „ £& jS&Fmt Flftr-nlnt. Street and '^SS&'^gl^JSjg »*$£ tnun. B. Hnnford. In repertory, for one wceh, tpenlng with "Antony ami Cleopatra Ileitis.--The OlnKi-rbread Man.,, Nfiw AirAZAB.—"Arc Yon a Maaon t UaritBi.M.—Snndny (matinee). 2: Allre Norton; Hilda .Spore and cmipjny. to . (_IOte Panna. HAtty Allisfer, "">,,^ ol f, n , ? •mo. pice and Data, the four Parrot. Oua WhndSr School Boy» and Olrla, and the ""iSss.-Second week of '^''orodora." AunrroniuM.—Norrls & Bowes Big Show. ♦■• - - XEW JfiltSEY. ^cvark.-At the Xewatl! (Ueri. W. P.ob- bln* manager) Eleanor Bobmm this week. In SaUimv .lane." Edna Wallace Hopper played Jf«w York t.o«Tke. Xo. 1, T- M. ..: ..-^ - Eleicti OBlccrs. Aindl«on»v the following offlcera for rtenl. Wtu. B. Flnneym | pnjt BftaMeM . «^"g- «:. Siiay; livamirer. .Tanie- E. Eaklns : Tecord- Int secretary. B. V. Forwan; financial set*- tarv. Thos. A. Sheean: n»sl-tant nnaijelaj nx£ftry. DoiibIbk ;'.ordon-.:;raar(iha), riios, J ' VrKrrinsi : tcrgennt-hl-arms. Uetlry «ae- iW oiiwr guarSr* Mulvlhlll: tni^uV: 3. I>. Jlallon, J. Bejaentbal. M. AlotanJcr . idixlclun, Dr. R. Sel«on Irwin. lhlrty-Hix mtinni'r" were Installed at the meeting, and mobs Uicm was Vesta Victoria. Jto w«J22 Iht [bnnk» of tbe.i.nierfor her work extended nt'tfie lOKt ln-noitt of, the lodge. •»«♦■ ~ktj». Stock Co., week Sit S,.ln ^ThVrhreTTr . ^ ■' ' . -•-•■a , ■ -■ -^ -. ■ ■rldwep«ri^-At- Smllh's (E. c. Smi.k hianag«tj moving pictutos Jan. U7, J B and aa J}1, iSOwcd-.iO.capacity. "My .Mamie Ml Bli?«t to tip returns iO. au did Dan Sur, leKl.' "A rfnee for Llf,." 3, A. %2?|JH_i B, JUrtln'a "Uncle Tom - .? Caliln" C "rS. PHh" 7. 8. Madame Nordlca, Walicr DJ» foft'Ii and New York Symphony Orcuj«tri » POLI'S (E B.. Mitchell. m«nag'p,."-L w ^ aanagcrj vcm of 3: "Motoring," Beaalo Wynne, Harry I,. HOl Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Cran. th. Blazers, and "The Mysterious Globe.'' " BM uacvss he. won that he uaa from. Boston. abb «■« « _ . T ddv Bear ,., ,■„_, COOli . / «.«l NofctWB and Jo<:k Henry .;"'.. ■ mm * » »■ Vlr'irlAlK Harii.-.l nii.l trie SLutievls ■>•, tlepnratK. iVirginia named, has scvoroil her conne.e- rloh with the Slinhurt munngeinent, uecauia " .itlilnka that ;ahe can appear taoro od- '"■oii'lly nridor olher mnnngcmejit. • 4 - Harned was to huve finished the pres- Sboii In "tlamllle," but she objected t« J!on tlwtnjey, and as there wn« no plcea fot her use at present, sb* «•- to> give up the tour, j .. Jovcph lliiljiiinl .tun In In. IlnrJieaB. Joseph Holland, who )iuh been ont of ar- live proWsslonnl life for noma yeiira, has been eDgaged by Wagenhnli & Kemper to stage Leo. Dltrlchttelirs new farce, "Bluff," which la soon to bnvo ltd' first presentation la Wnaidngtbii. ■•■• ■■■■■.- ■ : -' *«» Ai-ti»rs'Society Inftlve IIoiiM'>»:irn>iii«. The Actors" Boelety of-'.-Aiaerlca will on Htmday evening, Feb. 0, glto.a housewarm r Inir at their new building. No. -13.1. West iforly-ilfth Street, New \"oi* City. The coni- MWrryVauTllscr Agntn In Viiuilevllle. Harry Von Tllaer, the sung, writer, who recently 'took a HI* pleased. w(th ibe suC«.fs ---,-, Sccldcd to renialn IA tbo Held, for a time at least.. _ _ __i i_ .■* *- mm*mtM nmlp, ■ Rose. Agnes Scott U» oireenou oi ivemi « * »"v» v, » 'SlA"lXT<m 2rj""iT " Blfty-eJaiith Street Theatre he openea. this and | Term of Years, Hartford.—At Parsons' (H. c. Parson ninnaBcr) "Tom Jones" drew a l 1C g e acf) well, pleased audience J«d. X8. —rife ffil Isw, * by aa Itnllan eorupauy, _9. ,\mom Daly, lu "Mr Mamlo ltoae," to large boon* 30. 81. Tbos. Jefferson, lu "Itln v,'b Winkle." drew a good house Keb. 1. Habtvohd Opeua Hocsa (li. H. Jeaninw lanagetl "A Uaee for Life" pleased teii 'an. 27-20. "The n'ad UoV afd Bears" drew good houses to! His Teddy 'PnocTOK's IB. C Stuart, resident Dianl- Feb. 1. . - - w. „.««a» nniVp tf.M_This wtck • I'nrlylc Moore and Ethelyn Scemc (H. C. Yonng. mauagcrl—w C2ko . HejMSfilgcedco^ntrjctsforaBeasonuBder tf«r).-- "<» *«* • ^Yinti Rose, Agnes Scott 3: Princess Sotmikl and her Hlndooe, u dlreetiou.of Keith tc_ Pfooton at- whose Patoer.cgnPMJ „J t u "K[„| n ottBro«. and Podna. Carl Fischer. Geo.. WltUs; moving t W- •S Ell" Xow'lln Troupe. Clifford and tores and Illustrated songs. ^ -pen's (Iiarry Bailey, manager) w««k A of 3: -Tne Bandwlnas.-Ida (iraunon, Julit ree" Klne and company, Gilbert nnd Kateo Us 5gr»TBSM»w7toew »• ho*. S&SS^SfSSiSSSp Lew '- BlIntVs <K. W. AllLs„miuisger)—"The «~m- 3 Onrlaw's ChrUtnio«" tlil< wm*.. Ci-cil Spoon" LOUISIANA. '" --lastweek, loung ^ 0 , Iconll .__ At tfa .^^ ( _ Barlon-s GalclyCo. Campbell, manager)-^"Brewster's Millions 4 wmI Weak. Ust week did/pjendldly^ "Bcn-Hur" Fib.: Klaw & Erlanger bst week entered into a toutrnct with Adeline Oenee, the »anian . UII[l(lw ,„__ „....„. Cancer who has, made such ■ aepsntion in - ttrncto d unusiial attention 1 "The Soul Kiss," at the New ^ork Theatw, fluftB , 0 .. 10 . ir ,. . : tinder which they secured ber aervieea wai.dmaxs's.— Itlce & V. Genee hm; repeated g.^Mardl-Grus Beauties nlayeda good week, f'.™, s i^E Tv. r, and wniuadoiAted,,.*^"^^^ oit & From Happylaftd S.NatC.' Goodwin. 10-1^ ly nroretn-mMt eltraordlaary drawing at- \jsf >CBvr (T. C. tat Salter Hacketl. .. ily'a, work was watotd, and the players .la bls,*iPport-who did excellent work were Holbtook Blitio, ChrvsUI Herfte and Ilolen "«? •■■* ■■■iij ;■■■■ i Colian's Nctv Theatre and PUr- George' Ml Cohan announces that Cohan A Harris will open llielr new theatre in. Times Square. HM York; City. Wl|ia new ftoductlon. of whlcli be la the author, en» Itled "The Mnn Servant." Mr Cohan la now finishing tbe maau* script. By the terms of tbo contract the theatre should tw ilulsbed by April 1, but it Is not likely to be ready by rliat time..-. ; i ' t is ' " j ?-: Henry Jtimes' Neirv "Play. neary'JamcB Las written a' new play, which Forbes Robertson will produce IB tea English provinces enrly In Februaxy.-. Tfc; naw play deals with Kngllsli polities, and tbc scenes are laid lu on Kngllsli country bouse. Forbes Robertson will -take the part of a Socialist polKletnn. and Uertrtlda El- liott win- play an Amoi'lcail PC ' a»» C. 91. Fank 8eearr* Onytuon. Okla., A-,'; •■'.'•'. -OpcifW llonne. . ''■' C. )t.' Funk Baa fc'contiy Beciired the man- sjg«m'ent of' the Sow Uuymon Opera House, Oiiymon, Okla. -. . M , .. .'■ Guvmon la a town of MOO people, on the CI Paso dlrlslou of the Chicago, Rock Island -A-yjFactflc Railway. • The Opera House Is. r.OiBOVfcc-1. Beallug about n5«, and Ightcd wltff-'tho V..V- OflHS.• systaia. "Don't T*D My Wile" played, there I>|>c. 23 »*.* 511850 hottici' In a big siiowsiovM. ..... «■■'» ' _ " - ■ • Oerninnj t« Uet "The •firath. , » Clyde Fltctf* "The Truth" will bawe Us nttt.-prMeutiitloo lu Gcrttiany, at .the .Thalia iSTeatre,-. Hauihurg, Thursday, Feb. C, wlta Km Frnnck-WIlt In the leading part. aXbc pleqc has already been soen in tha Tjptted StateV,, Knglnud, .Hungary and Italy, aSa ; tbe productions In Germany complete a total of nve eountrle.K In which the piny has IH>en perfnraiud, Ellzabetli Mtttbury, agent to? Mr. Fitch, announces that contracts havo 'btop'befn signed'for presentations In t>w«- doQ, Norway, Denmark, Austria and France. ■.;»~ ... — 85 - <» » ' ■ for a term of years, cere her London success troctloti for a long time to come. f For ten vcars she was n great feature at the Empire, In London, nud from there Her fame has extended all over the world—ia fame for nrtlstlc greatneas as a dancer that was loost enthiiHlastlcally endorsed by the first night audience af the New York Theatre. **♦ ' K. & P, Ma«e Managers to Give Ball. The stage managers of Keith te Proctor's New York theatres will bold their second annual ball at .Palm Garden, Flfty-elgatB Street, between Third Avenue and Lexington Avenue, on Wednesday evening. March 2o. Shadow danelag and ealclam and electrical effects will bo the features of tbc affair. • *»» . . ...,«- hwvb..> t >. ~. Campbell, manager).— i'«Ptnr in M Hyams, manager).—Wat- A1. H. Wilson last week played to Inmeat) sou^s^B^es'qm-rslhi/^k. Chan?pa^.e Girls to*'«V ,Wr aDd Mack «■ "...I r,-.. unr,,. (ha Rnt-lleh bantam weleht. "Buster urown J-ao ;# . mam GAknr.y (Moran Dowllng the new Circle Theatre, New York ■City,'hsld liy Big Tim Rullivun and George'Kruus. Tha liasehas a little mow than «lght years to tan, and is at the rata of $35,000 a yeat. < '¥ ;, .... " , ;. - People In Support of ?lr«. Campbell, I.trtiler k Co. have engaged Charles' Bal- lon to (support Mrs. Patrick Campbell, in. "Electra," for the rola of. Eglstaus—Otiera In the company will b<! Mrs. Bcerbohm Tree, Stella Patrick Campbell and Ben Webster. ■ «■» » 'West Und Theatre Co. Incorporated. Tlie West End Theatre Co. was' locarpor- atcd In Albany. N. Y., on Jan. SI, with a capital of |lO,00(l. The dlrectorfrtMJofgjS V. Weber, of Weber's Music Hill; Lillian Weber attd Samuel-Murks. ; ■■'■■''-■ ■ -«<-• -■ •; ' • ■■ " ■ » ■» : ::. r; t: Talks on the Stoge. Joseph 6'Meara, retired Tiiesplan, Iiae_ar > - _ ranged for a scries of talks on "The Stagr' : vjj. ' ". g „ ^ -i EH■-_• •„ r-i.,„-.r- and "Actlug." to bo given In- Cincinnati by l^ae Friars Entertaining. In Clilcngo. and Owen Morua, tlie Knglleh bantam weight, received good attention last week. Lany Birds 10-13.. ■ .. ^ ,■ -„i NOTES.-^-Dr. Morris, vho ran down ana killed Manager Marcus Davis, wlrile driving his automobile through Broad street, last Fall, was sentenced last week to eighteen months in the county Jail ..Treasurer Clnvton the J»ewark Theatre,-Is couilued to his Home wltli grip. '.'v- ; sraey City^-At the Majestle (F. H. dersou. manager) "Strongheart woelr of to Give Minairela in Europe. Nelson Llngard returned last week from London. He haa made arrangements for a tour in England with a troupe of American negro minstrels. He will open In the Hip- podrome, Liverpool, next September. prominent visiting acturs, before tbo College of Music , ..->-,-. i"; ■ ',' " '«»» "' ■ ' ■ .-• . Cntlrtou Maey Resisit*. '■ Cariclon Macy, niaim;cr of the Mojcstlc Slieatre, Cleveland. O., and part owner of is ■ lease, has. resigned. Edward Wnde. a niember of the Majestic Stuck Co, sdCoecdl him. , ■ ■ ■ 4 ' » -. T. M. A. OroraulBCd In Bittie. The Friars, that Jolly body, met In social Kv^Rlon lu the form of a smoker, at the Union Hoi«l, Chicago, evening of Jan. 28, to Com Jei Henderson, manag/.... Fob. S. "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch 10-15. "Are, You a. MasonV" Was well at- tended last week. . - ,; ' AcADiiM* (F. 11 Henderson, manager).— "Parted On Her Bridal Tour" 3-8. 'Tha Cowboy Girl" 10-15. "Tony, the Bootblack," bid good business last week. Bo.-» To.v (T. W. Dlnklns, manager).—The '.New Century Girls 3 8. The Rolllckeri next Oood business greeted, the Early Birds while here. ..-.:..- . Keith & PnociOB's.—Week of 3 : Atnerlcoi Comedy Four, Bradlec Martin nnd. company, Mr. and Mrs. Bobyn*, Maddux and Melvtn, Taylor Granville aid company, Chester B. Johnson nnd thn Rnoncy Sisters. Noi-ii—Jersey <:lty ijodse. B. P. 0. Kilts, held Ub nnnunl memiicrs' stag Jan. 31. Pro- fessional Islcnt appeared, und made the oc- casion a pleasant one. " * Trenton,—At tha. Taylor Opera House gerj.—Tho Winter Gardeu Opera Co. is via- nlng great success. Manager Dowllag has made a great many changes about the music ball, and lias a corps of well experienced the- atre hands who make tlilugs pleasuat for thr lovers of opera. "Marltlna'' lost week did the banner week's business of the season Ada Meade scored heavily and was compile to work overtime. Laura Milliard and Josie Intropldl were seen at their best. Staje director and .coiocdlau Dau Young Is tu be complimented on the splendid work of his well drilled chorus. Manager Dowliug do- nated the Jioute (complete) for a mutiny performance to .the Sunshine Society, Jan. 30. The Belie of New York" 3-8. DAtPHtXE fJobh W. Bnrry, lessee),—Ui« Brown-Baker Stock Co. last week was seen to advantage lu "East Lynne." "In Catollns" 2-8, . Gbeexwauj <IIy. Greenwald, manager).— AI. Beeves' Beauty Show last week played to rapacity. Irwlu's Big Show 2-8. City Sports 8-15. . BtANKT'a (J. V. McStea. manager).—Bald- Wln-Mclvllle Stock Co., in "Through Deatli Valley," last week did excellent wort, to ca- pacity.. "Sanho" 2-8. . FnCxcn Ol'KBA Hocsr-^-Tbe Mflen Graid Opera Co. continues playing to large audi- ences., i . .: , OBPltECit (Jules F. Bistcs. numajet).— Week of H: Bert Leslie, Kara, O'Brien Havel Cant.Webb's'.'trained seals, E:- tbrlum.'at 11.30 t. _ prellmlnaiv orraugements had.been attended tDw©ialgn»n Friar 81. Goodfrlcnd called tho HM-eUug u> order to listen to the report of Friar Klagsbnrv, as to what had. been nccojn- lillshed thus fur. oad the •.•esnlt-waS'Vej-x pleasing. ^ .'-,,_. ..The cftjnmlltces were framed: as follows; Keceptlon committee—'Herbert- Dace,- chair- man : Ed. I. Sullivan, Thos. J. Nbonah. Col. elected: President. Goo. W."Donahue; ylet? Kabyau. Si. Goodfriend and John T. Prince president, Chri«. J. Edihond* ': recording eec- Tr-■; prlntlng.cotumlttee—Fred C. Eberts and rotury, AI. C. Newman; financial secretary, '■'«6orge*A", Kingsbury; music committee—Will Wm. Lloyd; treasurer. III. Kimball; marshal, B. Antlsuel. George W. Lcderer aacl Then. Joe Levesey; sergeant-ar-urnis; John Tlioinaa ; ; Bnucrs; .fiusuclal committee—Si. Goodaiend, trustees: D. D. I'lialen. David Evans, Mel- chairman;; Mark Ualtuan, treasurer; B. A. Tllle Sternfels. pick aud:Jamus De Vtolfe; committee on dec- Application has been made to the Grand oratlons-rJos. Buckley, Will It. Antlsdcl and slgo lor a chnrter by Cbas. Malloy, who &■-Oeorgp..A. Kingsbury; special comuilttce-to rgcly responsible for tbo orgonljntloa of watch progrfs of avrungements—Ed. J. 8tu- piete'arrangcmciits for the banquet., which wirE^-fcfba given- to 01 Is Skinner, at the Audi- (jiontgoibory mioses, lDiiniiger) Thomas Jcf- nesto Sisters', Tfvoli Quartette, and Una - m., Jan. 81. After iho tn!i0D \ u »n\„ \ nn Winkle," Jan. 27, was and n 8 rt. .. . , , - At'W meuttng held 6ii Jan. 21 the orgaalia. on of tlio Butts Lodge of. the T. M. A,, waa perfected, the - fdllowlng officers being * Katlierlne Grey.lit New Play. TBc Madlaon Square -Thehtrc. New' York City, w closed thia week, 't'lm date now sot Lodge largelj tile Unite lodge, und by the middle of Feb- ruary it should be formally Installed. The Butte lodgo starts with a membership of thirty-flve. ■ ' ' a)** --' . Xew Theatre .far. t'orrj , I»».---, , . Geo. li. Verbcck, manager of the Oil City Opera House. Pa., nnd proprietor of the Vet- beck Vaudeville circuit, together with Samuel gi HVaa and Iiarry Sloan, , :Tbo banant was given In Hie ballroom of the. Auditorium Hotel, inland lasted until 4.30 the following morning, :ind at which the good-fellowship, love aud respect for which Ibis bod}" Is noted,: was ever present- About 125 Fflars aud guests were seated at the horsosboe shaped tabltv at midnight, and pro- ceedings were oiwned by Friar chairman, William It. Antisilel calling upon Friars Ed, wall mfolved. "Tho Strahbor." by '^eal tdleut. 31; benefit of the loct«i-out rubber- workeix, played to a good house. Sam Ber- nard, in "Nearly a Hero." Fob. 1; Mmc. Sclmniuuii-lleinlt .".. Kddlc Foy 4, AI. G. Field's Minstrels 5. Tiik.nt (Moutguinery Moses, manager).— Week Of 3^"KIcCtric Crickets," Eldrldge, Nettle Vesta, Colonial Four, McNisli and Pen- fold. Florence nud Reggs, and Kltaumra japs. Statu SnaBR (F. K. Shatters.-manager). - -"The Bl.-uluu Arrow,". Jan. 2T-20, mhde good. Cherry Blossoms, SO-Feb. 1, played to capacity houses, Bussell Brothers 3-5, "The Candy Kid," with Ray Raymond, 0-S. Fatersou—At the Empire (A. M. Bru;- gemumi, manager) week of Feb. 3: Felix and Burry, Lewis McCord and company, Mar- seilles, Warren and Blanehard, Alclde Cap- Italne, Btnns, P.lnns and Blnhs, Taclanu, und the kluetogvupb. ItTOBUI (F. J. Gilbert, manager).—"Happy Hooligan" came .to good, sized bouses Jan. 27-29. "Tbc. Flamins.. Arrow" had good houses 30-ffob. I. "Panaandlo Pete" 3-5, Rus- sell Brothers C-S.' Folia - (M. Jacobs, nmnagcr).—Miss New York Jr. enjoyed good houses Jan. 27-2!). Tiger Lilies cacic, to good business. 30-Feb. ::%... Parisian Belles.3-5, Broadway Oalety Girls 6-8. . 'BovvaVil WiiH. WHllriif f«v.Stn»e. OWIng tu. a surgical operation which How- urd Wall underweut' homm time ago,, he. will devote himself w: state: writing Instead of active tbealt'lcal managennjat for the next few moil lb*. Mr. Wull has a number Of suc- i-essful plays and.iKkahilica to.his credit.. Ho wlll'fcmaui In Philadelphia until Oie curly Summer, nnd then go to his old faviu homo In Indltinu. A rei-etij; slatemeut of the above Informa- tion made Mr. Wall's name appear Hull, ,...i-o"iih a typographical error, •; -. •*■ —' ■ 4 ■ » , new State Fnlr BUI In New York. ,OB Jan. 81. nt.Albany. N. r., tho State Fair bR. was Introduced -by- Senator White. It provides for a.reducllua of-tlie number of vomnjlBSioperii from eleven to seveu. Aa - ubder the present law, the- Lieateo.iat-Gov/- eiftor and ibe' Ctiuimlsilnuer of Agriculture are mode uicoiliers of the roniialxsloii. Tho other nvo are to be named by tlie Governor, -with the approval of-the Sviiute. , ■ « • » " » " ■ , . "Waste" Prodtioen. pnuU'.s traveling. ..Carry has a theatre, Iho Messenger,; Winch whs goiiTurtcd from mi urmery. -The Week* Theatre burned In 1000. - • ' '»»» yit , Barry nnd HuixhcM' Ncit Act. One uf the recent anil decided hlls lu Vaude- ville was [nude at Keith & Procloc'jj.-X'nloii Snimh* Thentre. by Barry ft Huqaes^.-lu-- a dnipiatlc. uovolty. entitled 'The Soul and the Heel." The uct, altlicinglj played In one, car- ries lis own scene, and Is an up-toiluto sinus comedy, with a brolly bit of sentiment,' and introduces two,specliiltlci<. , , When It opened at. tho TJnluil Syuuro, It did not have another week booked, but so Instantaneous wiik Its success that o'n Tnus- «luy of that week It was booked for tho next week and three to.follow It, and Is now booked solid to the middle of June. , «■ » i'.: '.. Ketv York tmlac No; 1 1L P. o. ElU» Jnnnnry KeaslOU. . , The January- social session of this lodge was given at tbc lodge rooms, Flfty:»Intb Street and- Ivlgbtli Avenue, Jan. 30, and an excellent progrnmmo was presented, under the-direction of Hurry Leonbardt. Tha tot,-' profession. The greatest _ Ing came lu tbe-lntrodnctlon of Mme. June Novln, a' prima dohna of the San Carlo Opera Co.. who came to pay her respects to ihe Friars uud their guests, and sung "I l/ov» Yon. Yes I Do," In. Italian, from tho balcony at tho north end of the room. The. applause which rewarded her magnificent vuicc aud graceful courtesy wns deafening. Camden.--At the Camden (M. W. Taylor, manager) ','lVhy Girls Leave Home," Jan, 27- 20.. to good business. "Too Proud to Beg" 80-Feb. 1, "Deadwood Dick's Last Shot" 3-D. New BaoAnw.AY (J. c. Peebles, manager). —last week, Grade Emmett, owing to Ill- ness, was unable to appear. Billy Fornum, and Wills and Bnnsley tbe.-cfore bad an op- portunity to work their new act;.which was very Well received. Others mldgels. Lavlue and Leonard Notxs.— CoK cijas. JBL .Bray. U the Ot- Dhcum, was a Crescent City vijltor last i-ert. Local lodge 43, T. M. A., held lis bUj hannoet Jan. 27, at Hotel Ki;sb. Tbo arrange- racnt: committee was: J. King '.tx-ofcto), y 1. Skarren, chairman; A. B. Nolle. R. ig-jl- lcr* and H. Murphy. . ' 4 i » - . OHEGOV, Portland At. tb» Helllg (JTJ T % PaajL', innnager) "The Gingerbread Man" had 8 fin» upeulng bouse Jan. "2«. "George Washlcf- toa 3t?" Feb. 3-5. Frank "Daniels 6-8. Maeqitam Granu (S. Morron Cohn, oana- .er) .—"Devil's Austlon" did flue burtnfu week of Jan. 19. " 'Way Down 1 East" »• Feb. 1. J/;e WUlard 2, Tcr«a Carreno, direc- tion Lois Steers-Wyim Comau,-.3; "BM Feather" 4-8. : . -, -••■--;--■_ Bakf;b (Geo. L. Baker, managar).—Bat« Theatre Co.-bad two capacity bouses Jan. 2?, when "A Milk White .Flag" was nrestnlrf. "David narum"-Fcb.,2 and week, ''ChirUei Audt" week of 0.'' ■ — :■. , - Empibe (Milton W. Seaman, -nianassr).- "Blg HcartsdJIm" hbd two good houee3 Jib. 20. "A.Desperate Chnuce" did good buslneu week of 10. : . ; ' v ■Lywc (Keating & Murphy, loanagjrs).-- Allen'Stock Co.. week of 27, Jn.."JilcS Weu«, of Wyoming." • „ _ Stai: (J. H. linlckson, manager).—R. E- French Stock Co. presenting "The Mood- shiner's Dadtbter." . . .. . GnA.ND (J. H. Brrlckson. manager).—K. 27 and-week: The. Great t Kddv Faiuilv. Ab- dul Kader, Kvaii Bvtv. f£ Olige Bros., Hassc and Mnrlcttc, Dc \j>y and Evans. Jo- seph K. Tliompson and Tweiitlerh Ctntar, n.ovlng pictures. . _.., Pantabks' (J. A. Jobnson. mauager) —«l" for 27 aad week: Three Kuhns. Goo'ge AIM- a , ..i J *• *. in.. ni,im>,«il',' otTl >. the English censor of-plnya, Who tacently 'owing well known people, appeared: Cttdrles ■ of 11. Gmavlllo Bart- £**& A«k.trill Craig. Bert Earl,^the-Pour Dainty Dancers, haul J. liyun, Cltftcn Craw- ford, CarrloA)e. Mur. * forbade the production .. er's play, " Waste," hds accepted a mod I fled version of It. A copyright - ncrforuianco ot lie piece woa given In London on Jaa. 29. the can Including: Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Saaw, Mr. and Mrs. 11..0. Wells, Mrs. H. Oranvlllo Barker, George Gilbert Morra}-, William Archer. Laurence ndUiicaun and John Oaluwol thy. I ' ♦»» , ■■ ■ ■ 3 B4ttb Wynne M^althtaon la Har«nr«l . AtiHiiu'a Place. Edltu Wynne Mattbleou is to sacceed Mar —ir. Arlluc Fredericks, Jack O'.Donnoll. Mulen Trlx. Elsa Vaudetvoort, John Dillon, Vesta Victoria, Wnw .Stephen* and Eva Tun'guuy. .... '»«» ' ■ :' --. i • Divorce tor Band I.eudor. ... Mrs. Helen Spann, ptofeselbiially "known at Helen May Butler, was granted a divorce la Judge Buincy's division of the Circuit Court at St. Joseph. Mo., an Jan. 25. from J. Leslif Spahn. The custody of tlielr two children, Soda's busltand was the uccoaipanlst on all these occasions. , ... The postpriuidlnl programme was started My an eloquent, address by the clinic, wbu introduced Prof. Itobcrt Moras Lovett, of tbo University of Chicago,, who spjke on "Tho Pluj - ;" Bcv. Maurice J. Downey followed with a humorous nnd interesting talk on "Tho Way Spirit;" Bobert Edeson' gaw i't few Very well cliossii remarks upoh "Tbo rinycr." and introduced the guest of honor, Otis Skinner, who spoke magnificently la m- sponie. mid was aiinluuded to tbc echo. The tumorous side of this man, off the stuge, wus cleverly shown lu his telling of several anec- dotes of his curly career, and he elored by 1-aylng clorjnciit tribute to - his long time litend und muuagcr, Friar Joseph Buckle) : George Ado caused a continuous ripple of 'laughter In his talk, on "The Playwright." unci was followed by Augustus Tltouias. who had been especially Invited, and onuae all the way from-New Aork for the express pur- pose, aud also spake oil tbo same, subject. Mr. Thomas' remarks, lu opening, were Uglily humorous, but for the last Tew uio* -jeuts he paid a most eloquent and U-autlful tribute - to tbo guest of honur, and was rewarded by thunders cf ap* plause. William Hodge spoke for a moment very humorously on "The I'Javer's Hvboken—At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) "Chinatown Charlie*'- closed a.good week Feb. 1. "in New Yora Town" 2-5, '-Pah. handle Pete". 0-8. "A Race Across tbo Conti- nent" 9-12, "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" 13-15. ... .. ." . ... , , ■•= Empire (A. M. Ilruggemann, proprietor).— Week Of 8: riyan-MchHeld companv, Patrice, Bpcy and Lea, Work and Ower, Carter and Bluford, Herbert Cyril, and, as a special fea- ture, Coin s dog paalomlmists. Business Is nhe.. . . Note.— Hoboken Lodge. B. P. 0. Elks, cole- orated the twentieth anniversary of Its ex- Jstence its a lodge,- 2». The city was decoratod In honor of the- event. Arthur C. Moreland was one of the honored guests, and the prin- cipal orator of the evening. ■ » Atliintie City—At the Savoy (Fred E. Moore, manager) *'A Poor Itelatlon" bad satisfactory patronage Jan. 20-31. "For Her were;. Piccolo andor, Claud liuodc, Alice Philbroaks end S. Itoyal Musical » t jruolds, the Florence Troupe,-Fred Bauer. West, manager).—Bill fof . Rooncy and Forrester Recil and Reed. Joues nnd Ralvelle. Virgin's \cr- nou, Birdie .Dlllnrd, Llllbm Soiituwick. » Ian and Howard. Fred Duby, Lottu CoIdiCiW, Mae Vernon, Maggie Coleman. Dan uari. Jack Woods. Mortello. Boby PBlllaoi, to® La Rose, Alberta Hadlty. Menlo, Billy on *cd, and Banks' "Doomsday."- - imU ♦.» ^ nisTniCT op colvMBIA. Wiisliinirtou.—At the NewVJTatlonal lu- ll. Rapley, mnnaacr), this week. Otto JPJ ner. Last week Lew Docksudqrs Mmstw. had. crowded houses, Lillian Knssell lo-io- . Columbia (Luckutt & Dwyer. to^>»Sf n —This week. Guy Standing and TIicobob Kobcrls, In "Tlie Bight of Way.'-'. -L«?t «<*!; Bajuioud Hitchcock, In "A Yankee }«"%, bad good business. Cyril r.'eott, » lac Prince Cbap,".10-1B. .- „,,„., Buivaco (L. Stoddard Tayior, » ni yS!!': —Tills week..Mrs. Fiske, In •'B 03DJC !'^? , w Last week, Eddie Foy. Jn •.•Tho^rohld. ■■ cjcollent business. "Tbo Guy WbHo « a - garat Anglfn In the leading feialnlne rolo of a girl of four and a boy of two, was given th» Thought,'.- Samuel Alscbuser spoke on '-The "The Great DlTlde," as cc-utar with Henry mothor. >% . . . ... ,.; Playgoer," Will J. Davis gave some Interest- Millar, * '• 'ng personal renilnlscences hi response to Miller, Miss Maltblsoh U to apiieor under Mr. Millar's' management In two of ber husband's plavs, "The Servant In the nouse" and "Tho wloterlaast" She will appear In "The Great Divide" for at least two weeks. :— '-gs 4»» ' ' - The Fish Ilunanlo-vr In Jersey. George !•'• and ■ Lunl'a Forepatigb Plsb, managers of the Olympic. Cincinnati, and di- rectors of the famous Forepau^b stock com- panita, which hhvc achlevcti recent triumph* in both . Cincinnati nud lnitlauapolls, art building a Summer bourn sit Ocean City, N. J.. Tb'elr bUiignluW will be a handsome addi- tion to the cottages .on (hat cvnat." ..... -i. , >;, , . » »» ~—■ Tvro- Cincinnati Ulrla, Two ':inclnua.ll girl 1 ; —Uemudo Botyl Dal* toa and Ada /ellef-^ite plvluk piano doa ratllala lo tho Vfti l-^« musical uovcllj. ■ Win; I'luiikett at the Fifth Avenue. Wllllau Pluukett. formerly with Kl'dw '&' Eilaiiuer at Montreal, Can,, was apoluted stage mnuoger at Keith & Proctoj's Fifth Ayciiiio Theatre, beginning Feb. 8,- -In plact of Fmuk Cnpns, who closed Saturday, Feb. T. .... . <<• . . Karnuiii, Wills aind Ilaniley In Kew Act. Billy Farjtum, with the Mlsies Wills and Rsnslcy. presented tbvlr new act last week, at the New Broadway Theatre, Camden, N.- 3 , taking the place on the bill of Oracle 10m. umt(, who was ill. ..• . -. i-,_^v_. The act font verv wall, tbo new Yiddish song which J'jiraum slnjrs. winning merited applause. The HUM WUIs and. Ban ijilltif clever, upd duncaO tl Itraccs of the audience. Th **wi In New York, auslcy ort clever,' und diuitad tli«lr Way into tha u ' act will noon b* nx 1 'The Ploy Manager." Lyman B. Glover was on the list to speak oil "The Play Critic." bat unfortunately was 111 and unable to at- tend. James J. Corbctt was called uuon for u speech, but tbc audience refused to listen, and demanded bis monologue, a portion of viiicb be gave, to great laughter. and ap- idause; Biurr Mcintosh spoko a few words hi general toplCi'. and tbo meeting -was lirought In a close by Friar Chairman An- tlbdcl calling upon ull to rise and Blnr tb chorus of the Friars' Song, thus complethu In Qtttlig sentlmeilt one of tbo happiest even lngs which It bud been ihe lot of the lildi- ..Sluoal^.Jjfrunrateiy or collectively t« ^it throngh. Mr. Skluuor wiw besieged for hi* autograph. Which be very kindly gave to c'Vpi'Jf. one n ho was ublu to get near, enough business. M^Keo" •^wK^^mS^^? 1 c " isB ' s (MlssH. wWifwdlte.Wittniauf; 'The Chicken Trusted - M «-^ t 4 .*,*?' ger).—This week: James J. Morton. B«»*g rgLtfrS—' rrust °- '• rlle L1 »'« Whirlwind Arabs, the Five toWJg .Houca, Frank Byron and Louise Jjg»S Clement De Leon, Henry HoVton and com pany,,aod tbe American vltagrapb. <■* -Acauuiv of Music (Jobn3AV Lyons, ni'o agcl-).—ThU week, David Higpius. la "■ Ixist Dollar." Last week, crowded atdiJC.j greeted "Deadwqod Dick's Last.Sbot. ■"•" lour Mortons 10-15, „.,i — Majestic (F. B. Weston, mauuser)- This week, Lew Welch, lu "Tbe Sboeaia^ Last week, "Wine, Woman and Song" ^co" 0 well. "A- Millionaire's Revcngo" 10-lo-_,. -Ginrrx (W. S. Clark, manager).—" WCC'k I"" CmJ.11*.. T AndA„ tes. L - Cherub" S. YonxG's Pikb Tukatiu; (W. E. Shncfceb ford, uinnager).—Ben Harris' yaudcvl'le still B2S?¥ S , dra,r wcM - F or week of 3; Kobe-it L. Dalley and company, Arthur Rig. 1>t. Annie Asbmorc. the Ballatlns, Four Mu- slcal TrumiKstei-s, John Le Clair, touts Wes. icy and Georgle Lawrence, and klnetograpb, COKNBCTicTJT. x. K ,V? S*T*5— At tne Hyperion (Sam S. , Lue . °nubert, managers).—Arnold DaJr Pleased Jan. 28. Thomas JeffersonT hid \i crowded house .p. Daniel Sully did well 3L ?h S JV i? ol \*y\*- Henrietta' Crosman fe Eddie 1 ov 7. », Mmc. Nordlca 17; N»\y Uavcs ' Rose Belles. Potfs (S; Z. Poll, proprietor) Weak ni 1im2ZF8& *&&* and Caaraellc an, Pullmaii Porter Sfalds. De Oa»e-Brothers, to Mm lo present IM- mwin, upon.whlu E wax Barry und Kate Jackson Hanson: and K?t' *T,?i iJih ,tSin«lwi krii n lifttidi-til.-e hMHonc at Ihe mnn wlm uUrallv «oii. nnd lto Voi< Dei- Voorl e ,} bed r 1 SRH*iS» slefeDOB "XUo Upnur of tto Family." "" PU W vs. & I^Vwhi5r)r-«« ro The, uiaiu," ihis"'week . Sydell's London «_>£■ p,"' week, Parisian Widows had crowded auu> cores. Sherlllan's City Sports 10-Jo. n[t LtCEUM (Eugeue Kcrnau. njunagcr;.-- i v week. Grieves* Callforulo Girls. iJSLtS tbe Yankee Doodle Girls bad-uniformly .*» house*. Edgene Kernaa's own -compaB.- Washington Society Girls, 10-13.- • -.;• .• »»» ' —•j* FLt-tCTOh Nobto**. Who hns play'd In "»' Belie.of. Mayfalr." and other •an , 'J«* , ' ! _l , KN; Chhfle« Frohninn far III join. "The "* ,rJ