The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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144)0 THE ISTBW YORK CLIPPER- February a In'onlcr In nvoiil mlsrnUea and to irrtoVe the pmruilt delivery of the ■fliers ndvcctlaed- iu, tbii tut, oa envbloiic plainly nililrcmicd nnit be neh't for encli letter, hiul o written order for the letter, »lBned with the nntl- nilUrcsn and the line Of L-n.*Ii»c»« followed' by the'sender, umiinli"). b* ::»noli>»i>il. ■ I'lehae mention Hie date tor num- ber) ..» (lie CLIPPER lit which Ilia teller* sent for were advertlaed. LADIES' LIST. Anderson. Tnrl flcrmntc Anaiittta. Mtas Avery, Grace Anderson. Mot Atvrood, Snrtle Altirlch. Muriel Alarcon. K**a Atlanta, tk-lla Bi\k«r. Bessie ■ Buckley, Kdna Boylee, Agnes Black, Gertrude Batbtau, Annetto Bate?, Kva Brackraun, Marie I.. Berry, MIm N. Barlow. Alice Brottii MaryAnn Bernard. Aunle Bclmout, Orace Beck, MM. Ed. Beardiiley, • . utrtruai Browne. H«,rletti Barry BiqntUi Benrdsley ff! sisten Basociiuet, Mm Male, Jcnsicn Bookman. V! MlM Fredrti, Barton, Ln Rue Colllui. Fallh On vie, Amelia Cole. MabeJ M Cope, Margaret Crane, Viola Olalre, Marjorie Clinw, KUiel Oasscttl HMI B. Ckaae, Lotto Caufrooi), 1,1 MailSeon Onrr. Mlldre4 Carton. <Xiro Y. Cousins ,Mre. C. CrUla>r«. Grace Carr, Flotaie Churchill Orace Chllds. Mrs. a. Cnmerou Lillian Su Free Mlmili 0J1I. Kbthotlhe iMrterrpert Edna Dcrlew, ■• i Mrs.Tboi. E. De t.ticcy Mabel Delle. finlil I. i-.Hri wuririKN wnqou, nonn Virginia Edward* Martha Nllluoa MrsCarl Ivlmt. Uulll itereti. Ruth Koillllaiu. 311P9 Fowler. I'linno I'm 11Ia, MiiiH'Ue Dunock Mrs.Wm Mil ten. Loin Dane. Nina Moureo. Frida BOhettv.' Anna Emmy, Mm. Evans, MaT Krrtmctt. Pearl Earlc, JulU Knrr. Francos D .Vll<nn. lli.ry VniMH MtiCh Packard, All™ (fey, Mini 1'etern. Kettle •lubcrt. Zella Gardner, Florence W. iould, Ir.abtl Itlllltll Mw.F.M Inlntliec I.ovaM ireshai... Elsie Huftl*. Nettle ilraUi. Manila . .fowe, Dolly E. luntcr Eloillat .Mitel, 'Lillian inmllton, Bida leme, Julie toward, Gleny ianwn, Millie .Inyej. Mahle lantlntK, Mm. Ernes IilB'i"., . ■ • \i>. Sen Iawlcy, Mabel toward Aunle.\ erjrica Virgin! ennlncs. JLottl puk'n, Helen »U0.1, Wro. C. ; oliman, Mr*. Will. F .Centon, Dorotli) ivalir) Mra. Chat .telly. Mrf 'Cho» iC lire. Katarlm .illUf, peH'ie li t.alnidlt. Oliver !.a«-lri», Mae Ungdon, Jine l ' MatleB Lawrence 5loil»t •.ape, C"M ... <a Viae. Mra.Ml. i^rqy, Uvelyn Lvivle, dm it i.enllc. HWc k*wl« lU'i'otliy dartrlil.' Mllrtre.) ilolvljle ^Ir''0e« vfarrlton. Tlclle ■lere'rent, Millie tianlrw. Mrs. B. Walter, Sanaa UcCauu. lieniiuint > \Iay9, Utiae UlllJv l J .!lvulietli Hamuli. )l(H4le Neiieln. JPrlacesn Newell, May O'NeUt, Sadie Paige, MaUd Pli-r.'Oii .'otter. Illlu I'rlce. Nellie ilu'jell, Mac Itonnraond, llcllc llaytnondR, Ruby liomalne, Anna tivnni.1,1 Bonnie itlddley, EUlv rtyau, M. lone* :iubjoo. J illlan (let-, Nancy iwank, Lelln itauley, -Tedille iaarp,. Jcasle 'nyder. JcMle E iuotmex. Laura ■onjers. Zelma klons. Ida ■Immons, Krmn 'teveus, Pearl cctt. Marie lan, O'.'lan'i iinl.eain. June l.Clgiv. Audrey haw, Rlanya eott. LVdlle liattm-.k. Truly yfor, Florence 'urner HmellaD i'nrner, Clara I'eninlo, ,'i>'nc ruruer. Wllln Victoria. Etta Van Alleu, l.'va Vnldtre, Tonlse Vinton. (Irace Vinlu: Maude iVliltman Bonnie iVnyne, Juitlna WhUdter, "' ' Marlon Wartlewoll, Mra. U 0. \\Tilte. Clnuille A'ilson. Mclca IVIlmot..Cora vraKblmrn Kent Walsh, Alice "Wrf'^'Dora IVffiliulon, ' . aarl'ril.le A. Walter Molly Wynne, Mtin'i l^rons, Toby Le Roy, Victor Lelck, .lutin Levrlt, Pen 3. LvaitH. M'tdt M. I«orrJs. llolert McArthnr V. A Unasey. Al. Miller Wettd. P. Uuri.Uy « ' O'.bMB Mllllpan, Max Ifuelnleya. The Mceber, Wro.' . Miller. '<luy Mueller, Mr. Merrill, Knro D, Michael. Dan Mace, A. A. McDonaeli, Jaid Monte. Qua Monroe. F. Hnrlcy Marriott Twina & -tlilrlil Mitchell. Jos, A Madcap*, 'Jap 5 Murray, P. H. McClowen Harry Mainline, Job. II Manning:, ■Mr. A Mrs. Moore, TiK*. Mellon. J. A. Morgan A Chiller MUton Mr.&Mr* Malconv?. WiTC- Mack 1 . Walter C. Merrell. J.n. Meern, Alfred Mack. Chaa. E. Mnrqnnrdt, Ed. Mal«u**ene H. Marahall, Jack Mantice, 8. Maxwell, lstrry McNluli ft PenfoM Maxwell Majlen. Marry Marx'i.i. raijah McAiiiiIIr.ii, Joe McCloake<°, John Martin, rialpti ManaCieM RobtA Mack. Ben F. Mutuary W. JelT Mix. C. I,. Nelson. W, J. Nelwn. Billy Nlner, Ed. Nevarro, Jos. Nevromb. L. B. Konlbrln, Frciterlk Nnjarros, '."he Norlhcnle. S. W Nelson 4. MUlerlgt Nolmih. Nul Ni'llha icr. JI. Ktlkntn, Carl Oliver. Clarence O'Donnell. T. B Oayvnln. Wra. OiKttn Owens, Jrtin B, Opel, Henry WttUtUM,- Nellie utus, ?euie i'«nng, (J. Pearl " -?. Flo felltf. Oppenuelmer, Jin. J. Osborne. Uoland Ontbank & - BlniKhette Obertl. Jack Pbtlln Players. Mgr, Peterson, • Xawrenee Parker, Bert Ployter, W..A. Peters, Fred J. Perry, Mr. 4 Mra. Harry II Power* Mr. ft Mrs. John Price. E. A. t'llscher Vred-R. ?enlck ClareacK i'arker. Walter Pollard. W. ,tk (•rrntfas. ParHB t'lcli. Llttlo ^ryor, Ari'.uir i'orler, l*. O. '•Ittntn, P. I'reczc, I'hlll I'ldi. Little 1'ntlen & lietelier :'olN, I. S. Pnlssc. Jay I'orrUii. u, .1. jnlrk. Ja>. T. Julnn, L. B. •Julgley. RoIi>rt |U>W, John IT. Moss, Ilnlpli II. Rose & wins lioterts, Wni. L torlKers, Warrei aicbtcr. Otto C. Iluynord, E. Reeyes. Eddie RuWiell. Henry lilcli, Lowell Kesneis. Harry Reeves. A if. Held. Millard Rosa, Sam Rohlnion KnhtO Baymond. Fred Richard. Ureat Be; n old a Bros. & Co. Rose, Julian Ryan. I'rank W. leeyen. Eddie Rluliy, Aflhur Held Miilcrri Heed, Tayktt rtoya, The Ilow, Jpiimle Reed, Jehn P. Rnynnnd. M. B RruM«ll, Fronts Elezn, .las. A. llcKigem k Mnrhln Rnbh. C. T. stuttz, j. o. ; Sengevatt. Bert Smith, Chns. A. Snarks. Ulms. ■ Snvllle. W. H. '•'berldan. John Vmith.B. >U ^tandlnr, HerM strouuht, Ed.B. ?pencer, Oeo. ' ^hermsni Ira 0. Shields. J. M. 3weatman. Willi* P. .-nlllvaii.L,J. I StockwelrP.iW. OKlVTI.EiBIBN'S LIST. AAtersoa. Benli Csrntoily, Jai-F. Olbllii. Gus a 11a>h rlnAii* rlinwl^^,- i r'lmmiA AH.a Schmidt, Fred It Schnllk. Fred J. St. Onao Freil St Inc. Chns. - SHerWntt. W. B. Stable;/. J. W. Stowers. <''rnnk Samnels. M. Powell, Hilltop IStroni,'. I*w I »F,K NOTICE! AT HEAD OF LIST. Bbeltlon, Geo. B. bcnwe.'er. Uiai. Smltli, K. 1. ' Hwnln. I 'inuk anuBeama Tliree Vtaiifuni. lit 0. ^trailer. 1:. L. Scriinc. A. SpuuliUnif, 1 unrvey Srtenccr. Jus. chives, ilrs. P. Stewart. B ; .' ltiiymond Mnydci 4i' ' ' .' Knckley Klone. Ken siren, 11. K. rruehcirt. W. B Tyson ft Grown Tracy, Dick rallnferro. V. (I Taylor, Bert Traxler. Harry Tries. Sum Tilsnn. V. B. fawner. Mr. Taylor, ilm. R. Ten, Hilly Ury. Geo. Vernon, Carl Valaflnn . Von Tyler. H. VanArmon Chai Tan. 0. ft i'aiiny VIney,' Wb'ttfn Vamont. Victor Vailghun, Clnis, Valadour. Tin- Vernon. It. B. Vick. John B. Vice & Viola Welch, Ben Webb. Ed..; Wilson. Hsrry William*. Fred West, Clins. Wolf, Howard C Ward, K. Wood, F. Whlttter. II. B. Wild, Wm. 0.. Wild, WallaeeW Wool. Gen. A. Wlcglna. Bert Welsh, Lew J. WIfine. aJs.'D. Willianl. II. r. Wright, Mr. Walkun. -Eddie Washington, Al. Wells, Ed. Welch ft Earl weir. B. Wlnblor/ John F. WMteiuau. .1. W Wallers-tent J.A. Wnrdra. Wni. Wojsl. Walt H. Wykoff, t'leu Wolcott. lldwln Welsh. I.esv J. Wilson. Robert war-vn. Fred White, Win. Al. Welch ft • j'.'k, Mntlnhd Wlller.l. CHas. Walker. FrsnkT wiultier & Mitchell Trans. Otto Yonne Leouro A Yockiiey'Y.O.B. Youngs. John Yule. Arthur Zanzlg, Julius Allroou. Grant Adams, rut« Aihby, Fred AhScll,' Joe Amlcrscn.'^ .■( CWde E 'Allen. Hobert Atfajms.Engeue Altxtuden Chambers. /, wilbert CiimnKin. Jick Cook.iMMV. Carter, B."\ 1. 0(ark «;•«. T. Oooh, Wai\U. Oelcttu. WW, CoUy.AVui... t! Aahley, Milt R Armhrutter h. J Adams. W. C. Adnnt», Fred Andrm, Chns. E Allen Hurry K. Allalro ft [Ami Alvora. EilJlc Allen, Ernest M. Alston, Anil. Q. Allot! Vela Atcrti'. J'L. Alien A It. AJVltt, t'eter B. Anlibtt 'J'. N. Airy. Willy Burke.. Jobn P. Beatty. Tom Bes.seut, Claude Hu'luvV Will Iivrni's, John Ilatrett, K. I,. Bowers, Wm. II Brolly, Paul Black. C. I.. Burns. Joe C. Hell ft HWiry Jlarnolds. Mr. llratiain. Lewis llulnier. H. If. Jlutdett Bros. llrown. Wm. V, llrltltndale, • .•• Harry llerry A Berry llri»wn, T. A. llarielmau, The Brown, W. M. Benedict, W. J. Bojlnns, The iiower*. Joe Baxter. W. 10. Burr ft Kvnns Byron, A. W Mnnnel Colo, Win. Byron, A. w.. Riier « w«ni> Botwurlb. I-eroy Edward*, JV. H Blomitcad Chns. Buieraon, Jta. ( Otawfort Chmlwlck .Tack dreejio. Albert W:"8a.e 5< B. Claude . Chuii. „. Albert Husmn. -Jobn A lainmond. F. 11. Utnt; J.'\,W. trbert. Percy leltey, Phil Dutttu-Itedua) JosD Hasaa'li, Frank ilughfs,' Jim L. ^i l*V"|.y fleravs. Musical DniromoriJ, Qcm Decker, Harry Duvall, ; Eratnet Dell ft fOMi Dyer, Thoa. L, ni Pollen Henry Draw, CUM. «• Dear, Frnuk L. Dubhilo, Kmll DttTlilson Tarl9t DiiDlng, Freil D'oriuy.L. B. Dabfon, BeiiJ. V mtm l)n.wson BalleyJ, D«»n. lr.F. Doyle, J. 11. Dunn, Hurolil Datli, Valwr U Dnwsou, |l. J. Dram.',, ilrrnit DefHy. A|. ; Dee, John A, Dcliuiiv. jdhn llnvli, (I. U. »avii win c. Bh! tmrj/.. Al., )lWltV, .111*. IMnwa. Tlios. Ileuq, Al; ' Di-aciila, Al, Dale, lllll . Dine-in, Carl Elsstwood, Cbll- Estey, E,'H.' Kurlc. B, Ei Icr ft VVebb 't'rgiiiw UauKvros/ti.M.Ji natikvros, u..M, OMlcn. Miller Hart, Billy Haulaway Itolit. Hurst. Wra. o. Hardlgan, W. II. Havlland. Jns.U Horan. Eddie llrmphllMC. A. Ilannuford, . Stanley Haywood, C. 13. inch, A, 15. Jermnn, Ha fry Herbert ft _.. ^. IS'HHng Molllstcr Ge>. A Hum. iJealle Hull, Lafnyetto Howuril Olmi'.K Oiiurwttf Brown. Greit Eiutnei t. Jon. K Frmio ft Dare Fay, Robert Toy, Tom: jfrye, Olnyton r'lnnlng, Jon. L Iforreater. Bid Freaerlk, Ale*. Flint. Honor Fltipitflli BnsseU. Leslie . Erawett, V. Brusic. Ed, BnjRlrv City Bailey StunlejE Biaoey, F. Burke, John P. foil JtWaahtmru ljooqc. o. li. Iloylc, Ji'hii J. Blake, IT. 15. Baker. David Burrces. Win. Blackford C. T. Barrett, Ernest llatnold, Cliua. Butcli, Carl Ulstolll. Joe Humi's. Jus. E. UtoMn. Tlios. A, iiurtlos, J r,im Bostoel:. W. V. lloon> I'rltt E. Sakcr Myron DtMt, L TV. nmurd, KM Bixler, F. 0. BnWJMrllc. J. D. Barton. John A. nfilFt.iuy, John Baker. Al. Bohnnun*!. A. M CrniDcr. Bo. Cliuuwlck Jea.U Crotactt, John Canard, Chat. Clifford, Ohas. Cuflln, Robert Oile, Bert Chainpiln, Chts. If.. Cheney, Chns. Coatet. F. N. ColWlla. Hurry Cotbley, Jas, Curtain. TalKy Croucb ft , RlcfcurJl Cauputll A , Beard Carlton. 0«tt CSlylO. Jaa. A mom. Prefl Oulter. Out Finn, Bennett 11 Farnum, Dlok F01, Ei A. Foliar,. Bd. Frits, Johp J. F«ru. M»rry B Pot, U Buy Frank. Bert, 8. French, led. Ford, frail _ FftkJ. 1!. I>. Fictilltig Miiuier Warier J. ft O I'ranu. W. m mgmmsm mm in Ibe , Denis O'Sulllvan, th« famous -lrisb sinner and acto'r, Idled at 7.30 o^clocl; on the taot-nlni: of Bnturdfiy, Feb. 1, at" the Grant liospltnl. In Columbus, 0., liavlng failed to rally from an ofieratlon for aptigudlcitls per- formed on Thursdaj'. Mrs. CrSulllvan. was at hl» berldlde at Urn end. Mr. .O'Sulllvan Toadied Columbus on Tuesdoy, linvlng bopn hooked to appear at the Southern on Jan. 128, 29. He sang; his role 28 against the ad- vice of tils physicians, uot wishing to ols- niipolnt his many local friends, and after tfif! performance collapsed. His condition liecnme rapidly worse, and the operation was resorted to. Ills condition was supposed to havb been caused by the many banquets and social honors heaped upon him by the various Irish societies cfiirlne his Chicago enrage- raeht. Denis O'Sulllvan was born In Ban Krnnclsco In 1808. He studied as an ama- teur, first under Karl Formes and ugo '$al- bo; then Under Vannucclnl. In Florence; later with Bhakeapeare and Snntlfiy, In Lon- don, and more' recently with Sbrlglla, la Paris. He made his first professional ap- ppnrnnce In grand oiievo lu 1803. W» member of the Hoyal CaTl Bosa Opera Co. tnen playing In Dublin. Ho originated tue rojo of Shamus In tho opera "Sbaniua O'Brien." He created and produced In Lon- rsr-j-es i r— — ,|nn and In Dublin the operetta, "The Post liamiuir' knr Baft" and was tho Duko_ In tho proiliictlhn ml Km. Leon <>( ™» Hnchcss of Danliilc.'' Ho created tho Howard '& Kurt 0? Barry Trevor. In "Fom MachiW.'' BcberU W. O. Hlraclillcll J. R llari'lk,- Phil llealey, John Howard, Jos. E nam ... Mgr. ...Inuimi I/»n IIowuril'\ is.,,.. Cauiciou Kiglii's llenii lenry. 0. U. Iny^viini » llivward Hamilton,'X\ A. olden Bros. errniiii.' Hurry award. Johnny Heilduii, Al. o. I e»ley, Frank enry A >onng ollday, G. V. Igby, I. er, Nieii nee,, John IT, oman, Harry rvlns. Plilney Joffenioii. W D. Jerome, Bluier Jfiafon, Tlios. ohpson, Geo. 0 .Tiiiiiiston, F.J. Jqhnson, Joe Jones, Ohas. he wits eight times adjudicator and vocalist of tue Irish Musical Festival; vocalist, delegalo unit speaker at the Pan-Celtic Congress In llulilln, and delegate to the Irish National Convention, Dublin, In May, 1907. Ho was connected from time to time with many or- chestral and choral organizations, and gave recitals both In F.ngiunrt and Ireland. Ho was married In London, and rbmalnod on tlic stage, singing both In America and tho British Isles until 1004. when ho rellrcd, to ho forced to return again tQ tho stago when tnc Ban Francisco earthquake shook hU fortune. The body was shipped to-Pit ts- many oeople fatally. In 1874 Mr. Balrd con- trolled the privileges with the Great kastern. ■IX teat show. In 1875 the Balxd-Howell Circus was orgaolzed at Salem, 0., Jir Bnlrd's old home. 'Phis show did not ho /e ?-long life. At the close of the season Mr. Bnird went to Boston and organized I. W. Balrd'a Mammoth Minstrels. . This' ajfSteg*- Hon continued scoring a success until l&w, when Mr. Balrd waa compelled, through1 in- sets, to abandon the road and seek a dlirer- erit occupation. He then settled In Tort and, Ore., and.engaged In the real estate JhUBlnefs tbiirc. Mr: Balrd was*-a prominent Klk, and was a life member of Providence, B, 1., Lodge. The Elks took charge of bis •funeral nnd. interment was In Rlverview Cemclory, Portland. His wife survives him, and is left a considerable fortune. . Frederick Intropldl, tho musical con- ductor, died In New York City on Sunday, .Tan. 26. He was born In this city In 18rir>, and studied under Max Meretaek, a famous conductor of Italian opera. After cnnjhnit- lng a Juvenile opera company hero in 187T, ho became chorus master for Her Majesty s Opern company at tho Academy of Music, under Col. Mapleson, and acted in a aim! or capacity with Jnrrctt A Palmer at Booths Theatre. When Gilbert and Sullivan came to this country In 1880 he waa engaged to OBsist Alfred Collier, their conductor. Sir Arthur Sullivan then engaged him to con- duct othor of the operas. He wns engaged by Richard Stahl to;dlrect his opera, "Said I'nsha:" and other companies with which He was associated were the California Opera company, the McCnnll company, the Boston Ideals and the W. T. Carleton Opera com- pany. He lived in Richmond, Va., for two years and while there was director of the Richmond Oratorio Society and the Opera Association. Mr. Intropldl wrote burlesques oh "Pirates," ""Patience" and other operas, including "The Musketeers." He also wrote "Personal Recollections of Distinguished Chess Players." Ho was a well known mu- sic teacher in New York City. . Prof. O. V. Bnrr, magician, known among hlg friends as "Pop," died at his homo In Detroit, Mich.; on Jan. 19. „ Bnrr Rntihioa. old time circus man, died on Jan. 80, at his home In Buena Park, Chicago, 111., ag«d seventy years. His name wns a household word forty years ago, and at one' time he was I*. T. Burnura s rival In the circus flelfl. He Joined Spaulding & Rosers' North American Circus at St. Louis .n 1858, and afterward acquired nn Interest In the circus, but quit It to enlist in the civil war. 116 came out of the war a colonel, nnd again embarked in the circus business. He became wealthy, and when be left the cawdust ring, became a business man In Chi- cago. ■ Mra. Frank Drown, wife of Frank r.roWh, manager of the Orpheum, picture and. vaudeville house lit Urbnna, 0„, died there Jan.28, front blood poisoning. She was treasurer of. the Orphcnm. Her husband and two'smnll chllttfeft-survive her. Chns. G. Longr, a veteran American the- atrical business man, died nt his home In Mo- bile, Ala., on Jani 80. He Was eighty-one years old. but was still in active management of the Academy of Music, 1 Mobile, which he built twenty-two years ago. Mr. Long had been associated with the business manage- ment of Booth, Keenc, McCullough. Pattl, N'etlson and other stars. He was born In England. Christopher B. Bruno, well known In vaudeville, and son of the comedian, Angus- tus Bruno, died at Menlo Park, N. J., on Jan. 30,v aged thirty years. -He *as of. the team, Bruno and. Russell. Uls. wife, Mabel liuAellA survives •hlrh; ■:. .. Mine. Lea fcili, a ■ well known come- dienne .of long ago., died in. Pqrls,> France,-;on .Trih: 23,. at', the. age of aeventy'-seveta.' "She had been. In retirement since. 1870. Moie. Felix : Was the .third sister of" the famous nctress, Mine. Rachel. Mme. Felix made her debut at the' Porte Saint Martin in 1850, and afterward created the part of Claude In George Sand's: famous play and toured In America with her sister. J. C. ilDbtntrer, formerly owner and manager of the Grand Opera House, the Ca- sino Theatre and Ilublnger Park, Keokuk, la., died nt his home in that city on Jan. 28, from pneumoDln. He was noi-n In New Or- leans, La.. In 1864. His wife and four chil- dren survive him. Edward OdrtU, nn actor, died from heart disease, at Sandusky, 0., on Jan. 30, aged fifty-one years. His first cngugement was. with Ion* T. Ford, of Fords Opera House, Baltimore, Md. He was In the sup- port of Thos. TV. Keene, Jamea O'Neill, Mar- garet Mather and stock companies for many years. : Jennie Leslie, of tho ynudcvillc h»ajn, Tho Leslies (John nhd Jennie), corclty dkctch iwrformers, died at licr houic In Chi- cago last week, from heart failure. Inter- ment was In Pittsburg, Pa., whore her mother lived. .iiuin-N HoliiiiNnn. famous old showman, and; brother of tho original John Uoblnson, of circus fame, died-at tho home of his daughter, In Cincinnati, O., ou Feb. 8, Iu his ninety-eighth year. Chief Ulaok Havrk, Indian tnnglclau, gnu spinner and contortionist, died swldonlv ut Lowell, Mich., while on route with tho ldenl Vaudeville Co. * U audcville and minstrel nridw date of Jan. 10, as follows: "we unaii return home to America again In July, having been over here twenty-three months. We ha>" played all the principal countries and Theatres in Europe, fncludlng .three months at the Alharobra ,Thea.tre A London, three months at Wlntuntrtao, Berl«1, and threo months at 0 vmpTa. and l'olies Marlgny, Paris We have met with one of the rgSSi- est successes won by any. American act VOX has come over here. -Wo have tort no t mc, nnd could continue our stay fndeflnl cly but we have to return to America to fiiltlll our contracts there- After all there Is no place like home, and we do not want to stay away too ling 'test we be forgotten. Our stay over here has been very peasant and profitable, and, while knowing nothing of the country, its customs or language when we came over, wo have had no trouble of any kind, and return home with a pleasant memory of foreign lands. The American act Is in demand over here, and there Is n good field for good acts, with plenty of Americans to go to them. Good, universal sight acta, that do not depend ou custom, language or local color, are sure to bo successful over here. Not the small, cheap act, nor the b g„ fancy priced act,.but the medium sued, de- liver the goods' kind. Wo sail for America abOut July 1, and open Sept. 7. for a year s work on the K. * P. time." : Juan A. Caicedo writes: "I am glad to Inform you that my auccess has been big since my return to work. The three pes •Moines, la., newspapers had good nonets dally about me. My arm is becoming stronger every day, and neither audience nor mana- gers notice any difference In my performnnce. 1 Walter Lewis writes concerning an item which recently appeared in a newspaper stating thnt a Mrs. Walter Lewis dled^at Atlantic City on Jan. 8. and asking for the whereabouts of Mr. Lewis. The article also stated that Walter Lewis was also known as ICmll Hoch. Mr. Lewis writes: "Tub Clip- per will do both Kmil Hoch and me a service If It will announce that neither of us has any knowledge of the Mrs. Walter Lewis spoken of In tho squib. Emll Hoch Is one person and Walter Lewis another." ■ Frederick MBi.villr writes: "During the recent engagement of "Motoglrl" at the Or- tihejim. Boston, Mass., week Of Jan., 20. She received column after column of advertising, because she allowed herself to be isecurely nailed up in an ordinary box and shipped from Boston to Cambridge as a present to the mnvor. The theatre did capacity' busi- ness owing to this exhibition of nerve, and the box and photographs showing Incidents during the JourrtPy were on exhibition In trie lobbv Of the theatre.. The place was simply blocked with curious people.7. The Associated Vatjdbvillb Artists,. Lo- cal No. 19, gave their firBt vaudeville enter- tainment and ball at the Llederkranz Hall In St. Louis, on Friday evening, Jan. 15, and the affair was a grist- success. A 'few of ibe members of the Ideal gave spedaltles, as- sisted by performers from the local theatres. Samuel Barrows, father of Josle and Wil- lie Barrows, died on Jan. 27. He is survived by his wife and four children. ■' Emily Howard, of Qulnlan and Howard, was called home to Chicago from Elmlra. EL Y., Jan. 20, on account of the death of an aunt. Muvtln J. Jnnilt. Al OTan«ivt.'}1ijo.H Campbell, Will Clnnon, r*rnn* OUCCord. 15, L. Goodmans, Mns. Qrlggs, ,Wm. A- Olyun, Mi aoutjey * Kecnao Greene. 1|_L. Grant, ciirr Qllpln, Phil Qralilin. Klmer Graham llorr.rL ainlfoyl*. J'm Qurrlln. Louis Gotui, Gui . Olllroy,' CliarlC! Gordon, Ed. Orovcs, Hal (W, (lee. ft. . GarrlcK Rlolinrri Uutlitlo. Chas. Gtangie. Fran!| Iramnion. John Junta, .1- 'ieiUcii. ' aallagiier (TarJncr, aitmoie, Ccodwtu. Ganij. 0 Jordan, R.I. 0. Jackelli „ IlcynoMa 56hnttone, C M. amc», E ; P. twell, Fred JamiM. ltd. Tones, >.l. P. Khlll. mho J. Klein, Ott Bros. ' ft Nlchol'on Kelly ft nVrtha Kelly, Chns. J. Kershaw; Harry Kalacr. Mlltou King, Joe Kleligliu.- I.onln Utngalni.d li. D. Keating. V. J. Kell. J. W. Knoll Gus Kiiufiiiini. Mr. Ktiv\ UirtterM KluK.J-.F. Leo. lioiila 1'. fxonnril fti'ulton Lawrtttct ft Harrington Uwls, Barry Logun, Ja«. '^centra Jos. A .awreiice Atkln ^slor, Nat .en, .Frank . ,* Mol*. Bd. A itunue Hurry .e«, W.: A- ,y5dd. Burl .ton,' M. DM JKm. m& Fran* Sam burg to lio cremated, and Mrs. O'Sull van will take the ashes with her back to Bigland and her children. She and three'children survive him. The company was dlsbnndsd nnd returned to !\ew York. ... Kenneth Lee. vaudeville sketch writer, died suddenly from heart failure ft Mrs. Kelly's boarding house, 271 JVest FortlcTh Btreet, Now York City, on Jan. 23. His name In private IKo was Richard Ivenueth Leo, and ho was born In Yorkshlio, bug., Jan. I), J8Q4. He made his American debut no nn actor with Mrs. Laugtry over twenty years ago, and remnlnod to net In this coun- try. At one time ho wns stage dlrecloc for \Vcber & Fields, hut he was best known for li's clever sketch writing. He did ul» boat work for Mr. nnd Mrs. Sidney Drew, being the nuthor of tholr present laughing success, "lllllv's Tombstones," nnd having rlrLctl them nlcelr with "When Two Hearts Are Won, which they used for some tlmo. Mr. Lcc nlso wrote "Blind Justice 1 for Clara Morris; "A Quiet Evening-at llqtnc." for Jolicstono Rennett; "Tho ulnd Hand," a burlesque, nued by Woboir and Fields: "Caged. "In Honor.* "Tho Mondowbrook Mystery. "Half Way" and "The Troubles of Two. Working Glim" Mr. Lee was for several seasons with tho late Richard Mansfield. Interment wns In Calvary Cemetery, N. Y. W. Minor Dyur*. for yonrs director of Bvars' Orchestra, which ho munaged and fur- ntshed to Ihe Mnjcstlc Theatr''. Waco. Tex., died nt his home In that city on Jnn. 20, from Brlghl's disease nnd heart trouble, lie lindlieen 111 for two months. Mr. Uyars.wns horn in Welmnr, Tex., on Jan. S3, 1871, and was mnrrled to Molllo I'liiinceler In 1H03. Ilia wife, wpfuer, one brother nnd ouu sister survive him. I. w. uuir.l, minstrel, died at his home in Portland, Ore, on Jon. 12, from Intesti- nal trouble, aged sixty years. He was born In Salem, 0.. and began his career In tthe show world as a trleTblcycle rider In J 800. In 1307 ue Joined Johnson's Circus at Oales- burg, III., and jtchUved. amM m a •low- man. In $n h» ormhlt«<i sralth * Balrd^s Circus, which closed Tit Mobefly, Mo., on ac- count of on accident that happened to 0 large ■ectlon of the aoats, which fell and Injured IIakrv C. Fexton. manager of the Royal troupo of Clnghleso dancers, has booked the troupe for the season of 1908 with the Ilar- num & Bailey CItcub. Mr. Fonton will work on tho front door. Tkd Rill, "King of Calliope Players" Is the pianist at tho Olympic Theatre, Kansas City, Mo. He will Join the Campbell Ilros. Shows In April, making his third season with that show. Notes piosi the Great Wagner Show.— This show wan formerly owned by the Wag- ner Bros., and was bought by Jolly Jcnaro, the clown. For many years he was con- nected with tho leading circuses, and next season will take out his own show, calling it tho Groat Wagner Show. All the people ere engaged for the season, and everyone Is uay 'round the quarters getting everything In shape. Mr. Jennro was last week lu Chl- cago, purchasing all new tents, etc. We will have one of tho swellcst lay-outs In tbe busi- ness, Wo will- take the old route, playing Wisconsin. Illinois and Indiana. ALi!»:i!Ti>, contortionist and equilibrist, who wns the past season with Korepaugh & Sells Bros.' Shows, has signed with tho Barnum & Iinllev Show for the season nt 1908. llAimv Wentwohtii Just arrived here from Vera Cruz. Mox„ to engage people for tho Clrco Publllones. Walter English, former leader of the Barnum $ Bailey Band, will resume his position as bass player and. mall agent with Ibo same show. Arthur Groves, boss property mail, leaves for Bridgeport, Conn., Monday, Feb. 3. Mr. Wentworth re- ports having encountered a terrific storm at sen. lusting from Thursday night to Snturdny morning. The captain lost control of ship, which steered forty miles toward tho Ber- muda Islnmld, All hnnds were glad when they net foot on solid ground again, Mr. • Wentworth Informed us that the circus Is meeting with great success, The Sllbon- Siegrist Troupo will sliorlly arrive In Now York, to open with, tbe Barnum & Bailey Circus, March 18. WM, Tiiol-t, 'equestrian and hurdle rider. Is te-rngaged with AL F. . Wheeler's New Model Shows fox next season, " BKBWajsjfcns a y^i rtsnfpa - Etna Snow, a well known young actress, Is seriously ill with pneumonia ct the homo of her mother, Mrs. B. M, Snow. \ ttloria of Players. • Bessie Marshall, a member, of the "Toy- land" company, is hereby notified that S. F. Boyd, division passenger agent of the Chi- cago, Rock-Island and Pacific Railway, lo- cated at Davenport, la., nan In his posses- sion the hnndbag she lost on one of tbe trains of the company. Frank A. Cummins, for a number of years Tiib Cupper correspondent nt Akron, 0., died recently. - . "The Tbleohaph Station, 21" Co. closed Its season In Tulsa, Okla., Jan. 14, ou ac- count of the serious illness of JessnieC Ra- pier. , Notes from the Bon Ton Stock company, —This attraction, one of the oldest of suc- cessful repertory companies, lias again taken tho road, and opened its season at New Lon- don, Conn., on Jan. 13, to the largest bouse that city has seen during the present season- The company Is under the management .of Cooke & Leyburne, and is headed by the clever comedian, Al. Leyburne. The rostei is a9 follows: Gus Tapley. George Ciirrlo, Ed- ward Strou'ght, Wm. Dc Wolfe, Richard lio- gan, Morris Geary, Frod Grant. I-'. Harry Cooke, Al. Leyburne, (.vile Holmes, Helen Butler. Maud Douglass, Helen Jackson and Charlotte Curric. Our vaudeville acts In- cludo: Tendahoe and Gautler, acrobats and trapeze; Jackson and Douglass, singing come- diennes : Al. Leyburne, lu songs and his roller skating act; M0119. Herbert and his musical dining room, aud the Todeska Read- ing Trio of trick and comedy bicyclists, it. V. Mallory is tho man ahead. Iu spite of tho business depression la Now England, we are doing a good business. Lilliu E. B. Chesti-.k and Ethel Gotcii have signed a season's contract with Prof. Frank Valdez's "Mexico by Gas Light" com- pany, nnd opened week of Jan, 20 In Sour Lake, Texas. Caw, BwtcH rejoined "What Women Will Do" company on Jan. 2, at Danville. 111. miscellaneous. Tim Aldus Advertising Co. report doing a big business (a lower Michigan, with Three Rlvors to follow. The roster Is: James and Anna -league, the Feltons, Ray Dee, wire walker; Chas. Edwards, ■ and the Walkers, musical act. Geo. P. Wood IS' manager. Notes rnoM Blackmore's Pantograph Co., No. 10.—Business is S. R. 0. Bard time panic has had no effect on our business. All < the company aro happy, and. the '-'ghost" walks always. Company No. 10 has tho Trlpietts. the Mann Bros., Mountain Cub, and tbe Slatons. Noths fbom the Gordon Comedy Co. We started our Winter season the last week In October. Have done a very good busi- ness so for. Our roster is tbe same as it was last season. We regret to sav that our tents, seats, and, In fact, all our Summer outfit was destroyed by Ora In the Cltv of Toronto, at RnwllnBOM, the storage warehouse not having It Insured. We-aro at a loss of about eight hundred dollars, but we have already ordered a new outfit, which will be ready early. In the Sprlag. We aro all woll, aud "ghost" walks ovory weea. Wo also get Tub Old Reuablb every week, which keeps us In touch with, all out■ friends. " • - ■ "-- "^fcOtNIA.- !»orfoik—At the Academy of Music (Ott! Wells, local manager) Raymond Hitchcock drew .well Jan. 25. Nat C. Goodwin, 27, 23 to splendid returns. Maty-Emerson Feb. 4. Virginia Homed 0, Willie Collier 8, "Little Johnhy Jones*' 12. Colonial .(W-Tr. Kltby, local manager).— Week of 8: Hardeen, W. B.JIatyey and com- pany, Lanole Bro9., Madge Fox, Roberts HaTes and Roberts, Johnny Johns, and Ward and Curfan. Business 13 very good. J Gbanbt (Otto Wells, local manager).-^ "The Ninety and Nine" played to, good busi- ness last week. "The County Chairman"' 3-g Buou (Abb Smith, manager)—Ih addition to the regular stock, people for week of 3 are: Earl and Abbott, George Vlneland, and Seiu Acmq (Wllkerson & Manzle, managers).— New people week of 8: Manlori and Jones Tom Hall, May Julian, fJeorgc Stllhnan, Ed! Klngsland, Frankfort and Rents, and Roycs Sisters. AUDiTomuM (J. M. Barton,- manager).— People for week of 3: Classen Slaters/Hnrney and Hayes, Harry Perkins, Josle Allen, James E. Barton, Edna Mayflold, Nellie Osbom, and Fanny Barry. . j. .. . , Manhattan (Crlnnlnn Bros., managers).— People week of 3: Johnson and Btarr, Joe Downev, Arthur Lane, Harry Mack, Lemuels and Mastern, Benton and Goodfellow, Cells Maddern. and Ed,-Leslie. Guy Johnson will proddce his burlesque, "Hamburg'* Troubles,'' — ♦*-»——-,-' WEST VIBOLMA. Wlieellriff.—At the Court (E. L. Moore, manager)' "Simple Simon Simple," Jan. 29, had good returns. Olga Nethersole Feb, 8, "The Great Divide" C, "The Honeymoonert" 6 "Under Southern Skies"' 8. , Vib<hnia (Chas. A. Felnter, manager):— "Anita, the Singing Girl," Jan. 27-29, hid big returns. "Lena Rivers," 80-Fep.- 1, did nicely. "It's Never Too Late to Mend 1 '3-5, •Human Hearts" 6-8. ■ Wokdbrland (H. W. Rogers, manager).— Week of 3: Court Cartright ahd company, Kalacratus, EvaxtB and Kane, Dunbar's goats, Bllllc Sink and company, and the moving pictures. • ; ' *• • * Bijou (Geo. Shafer, manager).—Week of I: M. Somaros, William* and Meyer, Barr and Evans, the Four Ladells, Clifford' and Hall. Lynn and Williams. Marriott Twins and Eldrld, Jest Hereford, the Kncedere, Frank Houghten, Freesc Bros., John Hawkins, and tbe moving pictures,'- , « ■ j " » . » *» . , . TENNESSEE!. Nashville-— At Staub's (Frits ^SUub, manager) Marie La Tour Stock Co., Jan. 27 and week, did nicely. Wm. Collier Feb. 8, "Plffl Paff!! Pouf 111" 5, Nat C. Goodwin0, Mclntvre and Heath-13. Arcade (Arthur De Armotld, monagcr).— Week of Jan. 27: Bros. Vetter,-Bue6 Dirdlc, Brlssey Sisters, Florence Turner, Bob Coatl'w, Estelle La Neave, Ear) C. May, end Sbltyiy Morton. • ,' • - Columbia (Jos. J. Price, manager).-fib* Columbia Stock, with Robt. Robinson •and Catherine Hadley, presented "East Lynne" last week, to big returns. Vaudeville offered Tom McCnlL Corinne ward, Wm. Davie, JQu- Tall and Moore, and Columblascope. Liceum (Jos. J. Price; manager).^-ffhis bouse opened Jan. 25, under the manngemtnt of the Columbia Amusement Co., and packed houses ruled, with Prof. Jos. G. Moore, At- mand Melnotte, "The Passion.Play," Frank;* Cruze, Wm. Richards, and motion pictures. -Chattanooga.—At the Albert Opera Wcdse (Pnul-H. Albert,,manager) Creston Clarke, in "The Power TliatiGoverh's," Jan. 27, pleased. Sousa's Band, 28, drew a.large audience. Wa. Collier Feb. l7"Piff! Paf!! T?0Uf7 1!"-'.«, Adelaide Thurston 13, ,Mcintyre and Hsata Wells' Bijou (0. A. Neal, manajrer).— "Patsy In Politics" played to 8. B. O. "Banjos" 3-8. Mcmi.hU.—At the New Lyceum (Ftank Gray, ronnagcr) "Egypta" (local), Jau^ 27- 21), drew well Sousa, 30, played to crowded houses. Creston Clarke Feb. 3, "The C|an»- mnn" 4-0. Louis James 12,13; =,'•:, . Obpheum (Mnx FaWsh. manng*j),s:W«k of 27: Herrmann the Grant, Eva Sludge. O'Brien Hnvcl and Efflo Lawronoe, Tlvoll Quartette, the Gcorgettye, Geo. Austin Moore, Jas. F. Macdonald. and the' klnodrome, ■ BMou (BenJ. M. Stalnback, managei).— "A Contented Woman" last weo)t did welL "The Boy Detective" 3-8, ■»»» SOUTH CAIIOLIXA. Colnmbln. — At the New Columbia (F. L. Brown, manager) "The Heir to - lua Iloorah," Jan. 28, pleased. 'Hudson.O'Coftnvll wrestling match, 2D, to standing- 'Wm. "Buster Brown," 30, to full houses. "PUT 1 Faff!! Pouf 11!" Feb. 1, Chnuucoy Olcott.3. "Little Johnnv Jones" 4, "Salorny Jane'' }J. Notiss.—The Dyric, Dreamland nnd Fawy- land, moving picture houses, all report' one business. . ■ > ■ Samter—At the Academy of Music (J, D. SmlthdeaL manager) "Tho ' Cowboy • Sweetheart" Jan; 26. Jimmie Rosen, In ".pul- ler Brown," had a good sale 20. , S STAn.—A new moving picture and lira* trated song house opened here Jan. 22. un- der the name of the Star Theatre.! flurlnfisi M good. ". NoTB.—TBe Theatorium continues to en- joy good business. Charleston At the Academy of Music (Chas. R. Matthews, manage) •."JJhe.Helr to the Hoorah" had a good boa.a W n - *J; Ifubb's Amusement Co. drew well 80. PluJ Paff I IPouf!!!" despite storuvy weather, finri good business 31. "Little Johnny:. Jones pleased Feb. 1. "The Lion nnd tho MM** 3. Chauncey Olcott 0, Colonial-t>per« Co, 8, Harold Brauer 7, Nat C. Goodwin 8. "* i '» ' KANSAS. wluiieiii—At the Oraod Opera Hoiiie (G. 0. Gary, manager) "The Show OM, plensed a full house Jan. 21. "Pon't Tell My Wife", had a good hotiHO 24. "Hums 0 , nenrts" 23, "Mfl's New Husabnd" 30, "rh* Millionaire Tramp" Feb. 9. "Thorns spd Orange Blossoms"-ft: - ' •■ ':■' _ ».a i - ill • NORTH CAROLINA. ■ ' TV 11 mlnntun At the Grand OMI# BOOH (Cownn Bros.,, lessees) "Duster.Brown' dia good business Jan. 26..: '!The CdUntyiChair- man" 31, Edwnrd Baxter Perry, bllOeTplntlMt, Feb. 8, Jack Goodwin «look Co. sOflfl. , CmiaTAL (Von Dusten Bros., manngersi'- Eddie 0. Ross. PaulNixon, Knrtlna and »**■ nel, nnd Doylo ftnd Granger. NEBRASKA. Omaha.—At Boyd's (8. J. Monachan. manager) "Coming Thro' the Bye" Feb? 2-B. Richard Carle 7, 5, Edmund Carroll, in "W« AreKlnL" P; Mary Shuv 13-13. "The Red Mill had crowded houses Jan. 26-28 "The Land of Nod" had large audiences BO-Feb. 1, orpheum (Carl Belter, resident manager) —-T\ eck of 2: Torn Nawn aud cumpany, 'Are* Weston*, Freres Blego, Bertlo Fowler. EddlS Clark, and -hi* Winning Widows. 6terlta, Four Sisters, nnd klnodrome. "<«"-. Ks.50 ("Doc" Breed, manager).—"Tilly 01. aoi" 2, 3, "Montana" 4, 5, Kdua, the PrettT Typewriter," 0-8. "The Spollcra'' fj.12 "A Z&l S^S3 28 80°?, busings Jan. - 20.2fL ."ConvUt V88 ' drew well 30-Fcb. 1. "* * ARKANSAS. . , Hot Mprintga.—At the Auditorium J Frank Head, rannagor) "Cupid nt- Vassnr," Jan. *°. blessed. "The Clansman," 20, filled the house- "The Spring Chlbken," .10, had fine biislnesi. Murray and Mack 81, Sousa's Band F*"-, 1 ; week of 3, Morgan Stock Co., except f < "Qhi'rlous Betsy" TS. ' „ . Lvnlr: (HoWaxd Fogg, manager) .~WoeIi of Jan. 27: Clarence Templcton, DottvDalo, Cain and Pnlmor, h. Anderson, Lou Wllluri. Illustrated songs, and the Lyrograph. 1 11 . -.'.•'l a j.Wj a i jj 'I " J> •.. • " :;'vEHJMbsTt :■■■ Tlorllngton— At the- Strongi:iflWffiJ Grant, managers) CosgroVfl - Stocj^,P«.I.WJ e, of Jan. 27, pTeaavd. "The Toy MrtfrtV W 22, -' ■ -....'• ^OTts.-rtAt th* Theatorioia (J. R fiW'f; nwnoger) good returns......At.tb».MfJJ <W. Daley Vod bUalheSs. .... .WWtfl W son Weston, ». m. C. A. Hall, fap. *•,,.,