The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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JfylBBtTA BY 8. ii iii LISTOF SLIGHTLY USED FILM Wbleh Wl Will Sill tt $003 PER FOOT. ,Fr-ct 680 170 rfe. • "Oil- 202. ' 410 525 ■ S77 IS.'. S77 • 700 ,124 ' 3«0 Ug m 250 •iff 375. 213 875 ■ .".46 4X0 s«o • 5a 375 C.0O MO Bnd Mito Bad- Mhll UnR ■ -- Belle Satis ond Her Pickaninnies Belle of Ibe Bnll ' Betrothed Nightmare Ueltteen Two Fires BoilnE.MntchM . • • Hitsy Sinn iinif Pleat ■ ■• . .■ ■ Oast Up-By the flea, Child's iJlale ''•".« Counterfeiters Crlrae. on the Ilailroail. during a-lenlnus/TCife) • ' • ■■■ rrnyofca :,'■■•'. Purloin Drcnm fcnrtliquate ■ v ,>«*$, -.'«■.: '• ,• ■ Fnt«l l.cop •:: • . • Fatality. £ • Fntherfe Honor • ... Fountain ,«tA'onto.:. '..:.'.■. Good Clear . v.- , :>Y;"3 miedcDirata nerotlon .Horse stealers ' •.- " JdpaofB*/WoaiBa •'..,■ :, ,! Jnst/li Time • ■ • LJffyet. Enjoy a Himself.. . . Lovers' Quarrel Mefitc Bins ■■-'■• Man Wanted THE STEW YOBK OI^EPPER. 1401 Q. N. /. FILM RENTAL CO. W'll so rant Fllffi. 2» Union Squ are, NJf". "JUST TO REMINDYOU MM 8i: FOK 85 EtMTAPHS Gags, Hotel Rales.-Wants, ate,, a Recitations. SKctoli for t Males (Straight and- mm.),- and- Tbrce 2 ver.--2 elio. Parodies. KverrthlnR original-and funny. - Other.Muff. l.l:-i for itamp, or free with order.'. .... BEST OF SKETCHES. Etc,'written loorder under tlieSTilOKflKST POSSlBIJi 01 AftASTKK. Price on anything »nd.convlnelis|! .privof of. my ability for a as. •tamp. '.: ' "" JUa Y-W. t- THA 31 OT llrnad -St., 1 'rov., It. 1. Ic Managers .of" thealras. Parks, Clubs, Etc. Art you (rottlnit fwlis'faotnry vaudeville* bookings, lf»ot, ir'y theTlojor a HalationCircuit. We have, use or the itesl circuits in f,hn United States, (lur refnrcno.cA.rtrc the bottpca we: hook ror. Wo can. »npplt JOH will) everything >ottalnlng to the tho-, ("ion as scenery, opera chairs, Dims, etc. P.M.—Artists send.In yoor open lime. »(i(lmnltBo>ir.oflloa«\vonr.'liea<i(]nftrterswlitn In town. Address-ail communications to ROVER ,fc, Kooni* 2U5B-7,'Apollo KuliaiUlf, ;33S FcntiHATO-, fr lttslinr g, fa.. B elltl'houe.linfaiiri. ROLL TICKETS. DON'T USE A STOCK TICKET, i .... 9,000 of J'fiBi' own ipeilal I til. Mia, lifirfoiBtpcl s nrl immli,m«t on lliti roll, {br 8l.aS;^O,0Oi>, «4.U0| 80,000, 410.O0, Caah niiiat. at'couifiauy the order. «e« file •ample*.' MATIOflAJ. TUU CKT CO., D hiiBBHIw. PA. ""Wamted; 4 PI&NO PLAYERS ' ' " r " ' '" ! WHO 6JSC ILLUSTRATED SONGS TiiK.ATrmrr^nrnrtk:',M05ti>efiri>iclaw*in notn. Htle all In Urn letter. .loinonwiro. if . fi. L, BB KQKtl, Ugl-.Tnciltofllim:WAItKHy, VA. WANTED, TOR HIS BETTER HALF, Acton that rtoolilc luusn, At Advance Man, Piano Jonhie. Ilrasa,.'Character -Woman.. Those doing specialties preferred,: Addrena <l.rt.ilYB,.S»ancHili. Wlilt. SAN ANTONIO, T£XAF. I'HE.BEST PAVING'THnAOTE IN THE ". • fft.. STATE.:- WANTED, Dramatic People.In nil. linos, for fertnancut Stock.'- Stnto:!owest snlnry:. . . Ka ffir JitOlCHK Fro prlotor and Sinnager. aTOSTTO REMI ND YOU WANTED, Must have MoVlii (or week. :\Voi'k II M, P. and Films;, to c-hnngc on percentage; also good Slotch 't'enm; ■ UnnT'inirfroprescii't.. 'Address HOB BitOWN.'ticn: Del., Bfftddock. Pa. Vonnp WtmX'y .1l»u, Juvnnll<> and Ueti. lii»n. Atait. .$|ie<'lo.lllp> ]>n<it<rrfil. Kasili'o'ahloiosDcaklliics and willing In dres3 purr j.: . one lo manage slaco. Kcdsonalile salary yjai-'rnmjd., Bend prtisraiiut. ' ■ ' wicnv BR 09., •fflndoni. Mian.: LBkeflclrt-lO-ir.. Pairtner Wanted. IJwra'MM ofliie host iliulc'a.1'Comedy Hits on we rOflc|,:jiiaTlnpmo bvM time.' Want a portlier »|in'iaii, Invi'M 'some nionev to'iako charge of I'Saineal end. A'ereat iiliancc for Home one. Art- •'«■<■( • I OIlAItl.KW HAl.n. •- ■■- IP S Korth tltli e>t:. I'lilla. TellltToMe" CZRA KENDAXE'S 3d BOOK. Alt SEW • JUST OUT. \'W- sale on all' tralus ami newa alaniU, or .hy i>M, itHi: Addrcxs K/BA KKvJJVl,l,. ^^CailvrellAve.i-May Held-Heights, Clevelan d, Q._ A?T UBERITY, WARRBW CATTEHLIN Lpaui), IfMvte*, Singe Director. FRANCES LORING Juv«uti«j, lngvnnes, Soulir<itt«i. Per ftJjftKW»V»E»'l' KNf> PI.AOH ST. t.OD^ MO. MAURI, TALIAFKBltll in FREDERICK THOMP.sriN'a Prodnctlon ot POLLYS CI ROUS gf MARflARF.T MAYO. belasco "taar Maw. Thur-. and Sat. , IIAVIlt URLASCO PRKSKXTS The Warms of Virginia The BRADFORDS w^i^?,? 8 .? 9 . ,N °J=R» »"«t DANCRRH. woitin g all Hie limn. Add., enre N, Y. OLIPPGB BOWERS, WALTERS' & CROOKER. " 3 Rubes." fURECTKiN ^|.. MT1IERI,ASI>. EMninm ,S,n. sum. Satnrdavs af •>. DAVID RKi.AHCO PRRKRKTH I DAVID WARFIELD! In j MM jgjfjjl MW MSTERMl'!EK.»»- THE MERRY WIDOW. FIHSIMMONS and GROS P OlJilgB OP 1W1. Directi on p. ziEOFI KU). Jack Dresdner I IS VAItnfil'lljLtU COOICEIISOIIO-THANK YOf'. j Per, adrtr.'w, cot .vshiand Ulor-fc. t'hlcago. a judgids a < ! OME II V It I M I. K V A V T ! -A 1 ?'!'.*?!! Cantor CI.IPPF.H. Decide & Zcldi .Ariistie trquilibriJls i TIRN KFAR Ot'f:r:CT1'A_K TltTCATIIR, "Tm ACTS. , west or Broadway. Kvc*. S.,7i MAT. THtRS. AS'lt MAT.. •«. MK. HACkETT, Sole (.eianc and Manager. JOHN MA80K, ln A "Ki;*" ,M ' WITCHING HOUR. THE A WALTZ DREAM ■iIiibI. liy OSCAR STRAINS. KnKU.I. Hook l.jrlc» by .IOSF.PI1 \\ . HKRDK RT. TVMW \OKIl THKATRB. ^ ,JJ " 1.VIU* Ii'way A-4.1IH St. KMWJ EPJaSnEI! .Haoairer^ l'. /ll-.fll'KMt.JII.-aMiisleiil Kmerialnmcni, THE SOUL,KISS m ills, uuk mo. PASTOR'S 14th St. 3d Ave DAILY MATINEES 20 and 30 cents. tiivriNUoi's i'k.ui ottMA\( i >. 4 McNALLYTROUPE 4| RIVERS ■ BOOHRBTKtt ClfAlll.KS HARRIS I BOB a iir 00. KtlVV. AlcWAIIK A- 00. Wllllanis. Hurrl* ,v Williams, Ktlilc Onn, Beeves A., Kenuv, Jack Stockton, Kernim, )>racula. cnineni Snaps, the Vlisgrapli, , and otner... JUST TO REMIND YOU Tf EllBiilAl KIIISICAL BOOKING lllEAI Ori-T.ltS flBGAT I IMPORTED ATTRACTIONS FOR j Parks and Summer Eflgageoijili, 1905 09 Boyal Hungarian Hnssar Raid Royal Ziggany Gypsy Orchestra Hungarian Ladle*' 0;ps? Orchestra Vienna Ladies' Orchestra Royal Servian Tamburllza Orchestra Tyrolean Singers and Dancers from Alps NAKY VOOAI. htm lAKTIltMUflTAI, SOLOIST8,UVAItTI£TTI<:»,SK\TKTTlBH Addrisi: Cartel CLIPPER OFFICE, tt.f. E —TUB- [ i:. ioil .St. Udlea'Mat.Tooav- 0 FWFY I WILLIAMS' IIPEBIALS UUtWUI , »_iinrlcttii5-2. Tandevllle. i _AMATEUR NIGHT EVERY TUPRaOAT. --Tlik— ik.pith8t. Ladiea' Mai.To-day.' GOTHAM i&DPire Burlesquers. ww i ■ ■ mil i. a_|.. A vej«_i>. itoger imiiof. Ametfiiii- Might Kv»ry Krliiay. . PEOPLE NEW CIRCLE, "*%lf$t*'' Matn. Wed.and sal.. 2.15. KoltiQill i,a llg i"n"" si,ow "Lonesome Town" | Huber's ^ Museum; U'AXTEll AT ALL TIMES j ATTRACTIONS for Curio Halls and Theatre Address 4. H. andekson, Mgr. > Uf null Claaa Vnodevllla Theatr... ' M. JlKYfcltPUr.D Jl:.. ''BBS;; 1 MARTIN 11KCK, I1ICNMKAL MANAOBR. All Apiilleations for Time Must Be Addreaaefl ( to t:. R. P.liAY. llnokliig Manager, Ualeallc Theatre Ilnllding, Chicago, III. Specialty People that can play small parts, Good Fea- ture Speoialty. CEO. A. SULLIVAN, Mgn "Harvey Stock Co-.' 1 Hmplr p Thea tre. I. eaH'on.Mi'. MARY EMS loin on Wire Alter Fab. 8. Ingenues, Juveniles, Dram. Char. 9.1 Win. Under Present Man.grment. AMBB1UAV S TOCK, CHAMPA1BH. Wk FOR 3AL.E. IKY UIO HANDCUFF ACT AMI A 1,1, l\*t'IUI( '.TIOMJ. IMJ< KKltKVT PROHl ANY OTIIRH. ■ VAN. Amsterdam, K. V. BERTRAM MILLAR, wanted. DUNEDIN TROUPE VILLE ACTS, ALL KINDS; HAN WITH I. P. AACE11E ABD FILMS. MAltVKIiOUB ARTISTIC CYCI.I8T8. Booircd in IDOIl. *■ K. liOX WIAN. c are Oilpper.N.Y. | MEREDITH MEREDROI . PRINCIPAL BOY. ' 8KASOK '07-OS 1IKUHY tVAKK PAKTOMIMJ Tttren nlahwand week ataedsi. Salary-Ri:HE and a year's wort. .1A6. nilATTON, . per.-nrtdrefs, llox 12a, i-'ayettcvl le. N. <:. S. arrJ D. SKeTCH*TfffiiiUI AND WIFE), Doluir bliiitles ami lionhles, Slronu Comedy In a"!" and clmnite for week. OSK UVBT l'I,AY PIAKO. Alto At Magician. .HUH* loWe5t salary iu Oi-mi' lotler. 1 .pay .all uficr Joining. Tickets lo ihcio I kDow. AiUlrcaa DR. 0. 11. CIISIIAK. ntttrvllle, Mo. ?tflltuii »e>w a * ■ ~" ~ * _ SALERNO HEA.VYMAN ■ ' '. '.' lift. tt»iiu. ]■' ' ' Mve toll pariItiilAi?. Jo.n <iu wlrn, Jj-jE 1 ;. 1 * gfWuAK ",\* Tn'd in The «llll^*.~ s Reaver Ialls, ' 'a-aiKoeheit ter, il; .VowKetototon^^MtoiiM. OPEN mi] this Season and Hext. >? (our gooHtowna In Central Indiana. Only Bjwl vowe wate£-&^, Xttayer, Sec, £iiett«Tll(e,Uid. JUST TO GRACE LA RUE, REMI ND YOU PRIMA DONA SOUHRETTK roUJHMH? 1907. __ lilrectlon !•'. y.iKfl PIKI.11. KELLY * KENT. Susin 1907-08. OiplnnSnw. Sanson l'Jt)T-8.3erl1>u«tr 'a nig Shotr. " THE GREATEST| JU661ER j KK1TJI *i PKOCTOU cintmiT. i SERBBRT-1WIIsLUinl H MI . na a AIM comin'i; kast. __Q_H JWA»5i L A i±- Mt - EJHes: I BARNEY FIRST ♦) FeAT UllliDNK XTtl KASOS WITH AU 11..\VQflHS ; j OLLIE YOUNG AND THREE BROTHERS. KeW^J'rocjlorJi'reuU. ^ FRED ZOBEDIE, THE WORLD RENOWNED OYMNABT Hooked Sol Id u ntil Jw e. ' JUST TO REMIND YOU AT WBBRTY, CLARINET. ll ami 0„ lean time hi Hat iilanos), also play piano mid nrrange. KNiwrietienl Will«»«Wt'.'ljoni. nrv Ki'ing ^' ,,r,,, iirefetnid. KD. Hrtii.Dll.l., iVi|ro. Tox.iFoKJ*aiuMvcok. ' _ ... v,. • ATTRACTIONS WANTED. llei«rtiilre Com. or nornpaules Uw*. «tn fur small staau. Mti. opening; »ca,Ing »|mclry, 100; pop. 8.C0U. t No other tion'o here. V.K JUrUM.UIC BOOKING TOGETHER, Western Vaudeville II nited Booking Offices Of America, ST. IAMBS BIDS., 1. T. CITY. Managers' Association, ■AIESTIO fUEATBB BIN., OHIO ABU. ••"OR 200 Vaudeville Theatres VROIU TO Inoludinff every olty in the United States, North, South, East and West. LONO KNOAOaCHRNTS VAN BK AltUANUKD HY WlllTINU Ktl'litillt OS" -I'll at ABOVB OFPtOKB, THE TUB OREAT JCNGLIIH Vll'IIEV ILL. i>AI'KH, ami. THEATRE REVBEW, 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London, W. C. roiiFiitiN ■unKrniPTiiiN.«, PKUIi'tsMIU.VAI. AI)VBIt'l'IOBMElKT«, X*. till,. X*. tfd. I*l.:il VKAH. Blusilt. Colnnus laala. I, III <. II. ll.ilinra. I>» slllfiZ •t HKKW Of ('lt)l, S'v< l»ke» llieiti. t;.t). I), for. W3-. AiWresM *-<,•-■•"' ' BI.AI.VK HAY. Blklna. W. Vs II Violiiifst ""£!? At Lilierty 1.1 A F,MIS' BXPKHIKMOB f|l-K IH>ATI».'g''llwallow HI., Ho. Hoaton, ifa** - UATAUt" of rroicMlonai and ''Amateur Tlay*. .Skotehcx/«Uijyi- \om. Mlumrol Jokft/tUeUatleniv i ^ Mnicetiptioodi,KtcaentFRBK. "HiUiTi iw Ann St.. Kew York. Wanted Qulok, Single Medicine Ferhirmtr. >»vHty AcW, Man. riayer. Slate aU ilr»t. Address VirRWUUT A- CaRPEXTKK, CorpwaP-on-Huditpn, >'. Y. WA1VTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS THAT WORK IN ONE P. FLAWDERY, Salem Theatre, Salem, Mass. Pacific Coast Amusement Co., HUH AND OPERATING FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE THEATRES ffiOl COAST TO COAST. , ALWAYS IN DEMAND, " KST ^^^SM^wJlgg: w "° 0AN SOl.t: HOOKING AOKNTJti CHIU8. (i. I'.UOWX, lilr.s uroadway, Snlie s.u, io, N. ¥.: I'Aill. OdUIIRON, o; S. Clark Hi., I'lii.'ago: AHUIIIK I.MVV, lis'.'iUoldeu tiBle Ave., Han r-'ranrlsmi. C.U.; n. I.. I.iuvnv, Malinger lhteilleCo«<i Ainuanmuui A^oriailoii, '.IM Ainerlnin Uiink lliilldlng, Mentlli), Wnsli. ' VILLE AOTS at Once. Short Jumps ami good liinn. Slain all. wltli ure^* imtleeH. I'or Honi liern rark-t. Miisknl Ooinodlc i MIOKirels: Operas: Repertoire or Slock t'o'n. Wsnieil. Also SciiNailonnl trci- acU mid Noted ll,tini' Willi Merit. Uing season, »o slate all lli*i litiler ami nernninenl iidilre«>, 80UTIIBUN VAt IIKVIl.MC AtlKNfY. I'mlurali, U>. HENDERSON'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. Suit* 29, 9SK t_ca Sail* St., Ohloago. im. *. I. at All Tlniv. CECIL DRUMMOND JUVENILES AT l.tltMlti'Y, LIGHT COMEDY Tr.ivullliiK to Knropo slionlil Hike ailvaillilKi) ol tile eM'i'pttnnnlly low rates 'now pii'ralllii|< and In OtTeri null) Mni'i'h :it, inn>. rail or wriie tor jmrtleiilnM. Performers .PAUL TAUSIO,"^JLttSJSL"* AND THAT FUNNY "TAIwCLEFOOT" ACT, M.IKKS «P(.Y" AU1HBMVBK 141 (HI I .IVOI.KI OOI' ANDREWS. Ladies' Qowus. Slightly Worn. It US OF A LI, KM l»*. .Mao Curry ilenileiiiell'a Becend lliiinl f'lotiiiiiir. riM Ulalo xirtint lllliAlil) I^oi? Sflie. 110 Blertrte MaaMatM. I Klerlrln Hlwt Plana. .'I HtMsnlleltl Ut/tplioiln.. BiiII.I^ik ofl-'lgure S anil Clntlrs,rnntblnn, tvilt,. J. E. CAHILL, - nOO K. Unllo. tit., Ilaliluioiv. Mil. CONTRACTS LHTTHil HBADH, RNVKI-OI'EB, TtOKUTH, PA86KS, CAUUH, Ktc. Write tor Hamplr* Webb ftr. Co.. iins Uearborn 8t„ Cbliaro. m. ^bbiipoiimbum. 'a ui>. on, linudri'd dollar* worth or new vaudeville- ma- terial In Htoek's liudrel No. 1 (just onlieon tains eiKiir gruat parodies, monolnuues, jokes, rnidtatlons. funuy anyioKs, mlnmrel slatr, etc., etc. mio 3 cents. WAl.TKIl H'ltKlK, tin Uroadway, Camden, N. .1. isouks and Kkvitlean order) "' I IT, | J CARS STORED and REPAIRED S : . J^tlAItWOIlltlt. BAHHAIU. tl^ J.__ MILLER, COSTUMER, liW N. BaraDth si.. PhlladaljahU. OOSTCMISS ANIl WIOH TO 1IIHB. Write tor Calaloe and Ksllmaie. ..... poB S A I« B. 59 REELS of SECOND HAND FILMS S'40 tiv*iT..".o a ltci-i. fiend for I.lsi. ■ IBKAL. FILM KXCIIAIVIilO, ., ...u: . II3H. UitndolpliBtruoi. lilimago. Vaudeville Artiste!! COt.l'MltlA A5II»KMK,MT CO., Klloo villa.Tena.. ran altvas's use First Class Arts 11° enlarv Is rnaiiinalile. .!<>» . .1. I'l tlt K. Ma iinxer. CHEAP SCENERY'. "1UAUOND 111 H." Write for prlees; tlier will mtriirtsfi ron. "t>,v r. ma rtKiNO, ltonm aei. MPS ''roadway. Now York fltr. N' . v . "•:f;; . " wantbd, for New Music Hall, St. lobnrtnry, Vt„ Al .Mtr.ti ii'iiii. 11 '.j-i'ii ii'-h tiii mil'. Hatniice n( season ami lumkliitf^ for iit-.vt. «:. II. •I'tlllSKII. MXNAfiKlt. JUST TO REMIND YOU Folding Chairs, BlrotiK and dtirelile; Imished In the natural wood IBM a dews. ItoKers Mfg. Co., Ill MM A»e.,S.Y. PETER J. RIDGE, Mgr. Western Urannntic Agency Cilrculunt tree Vaudeville Sketchcn, Ktc. Written Small and Leading I'lirta KjjJMgwgj Dancing, Ehv, Buck, Jig, Skirt, Novel, Cake Walk, Chorus Work, Sister Acts, Rag Tim. Songa, Dramatic Art, Vaudeville Acti, Monologues, Elocution, Opera, Etc. 127 La Salic Street, Clilcaao, III. PRTRR .1. KllXJB, Wok. Western UromaUa Anency ATT LlBst-iuiTY, tiwloir loulesiof i'IHi Vninpie'I heatrn Si.tet t'n. Gordon Mcdowell, Caaracters, Uoia&dy, Comoiljr Old lllou. . fliwiil, eolelijr -.piri'lallloa. Addi"-.i __.',ill_i;i,lNfi»N KTIIBKT, Klir'i'AIXI,X. V. jUsTto remind you WANTED, PERFORMERS. Illliek ii ml HI ii ('(iii-O'-ri. Mu llil'l'til.'.t W A<ii»S KNOW, riaoKfoil, Inn. Two SimiII ll.ui'l-, I Dm K mill Whit,.. Milt) Willi I'lelliroMiicllltil'. for (tnngcri. Man for Kldn Mliiiiv. PERFORMING STALL/ON FOR SALE I'or narlleidiirs aildnvs TKI.l. IJITY I'OI'l.- llf, lint >*K. Tull «:■«>'. inn. (flfl v»IC. iiiiinl«<'iiii. iu<-, vamieviiie Hie- run OBLC „»,,. in ,dly or '.".'.OiJO, Montln-rii N. V.htaii-. lining a giant liusliri-:..., and nmkliiK iuiIik'V. Owner nuedK capital In lamer enter- 'ifrlses. Adil. VAi:irtiV|l.l.K.i'ai-i)of<».ii'i'l-:it WA l>J T B£ D , ■ sriiiMi iiAnnKi) OPERA CHAIRS J. Vi. i*AVVTKK. H'. tfalImrtilts. O ut.,Call. PlOFESSiOMLS, ATTENTION! B. HA'hBIS Usymarkut studio Is lbe leading theatrlcol xu.iety Iu the Ketl, patronized by all stage artist*. Vina tor .pedal price int. I'ie.littcs eoulcd at very lew rates, n \ vv aiiket thkathi: bLiiu., chioagu. Ltiua. ■