The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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fFEBBUABY 8, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. SEE COL GASTON BORDEVERRY WITH THE GREATEST NOVELTY EVER PRESENTED ON THE VAUDEVILLE STAGE $4 PER WEEK Wo will rent you one 10-lnoh reel of pictures service, including three changes during the wook, and good film* at that. Wo also have a better servioe for 85 and for $6 (no repeaters). We will lose the time for trans. portation and yon to pay express charges ooth ways. This offer stands C ood within 1,000 miles from Now York City. All that is required is a deposit or 02&, wkioh will ho returned. Send II and wo will send them C. O.D. for the balance, subject to examination. i: HETZ 302 EAST 23D STREET, NEW YOBK CITY. K MOTION A I, LEADING LADY. HLUE 8IIIRT l.KVnivt; MaN Hot on ami. HltK ITIC with specialty LADY PIANO PLAYER (Uvo smitU parts!OM BML MAPI, some Charact.ri, GlCN. BUS. with Specialty. Al ADVANCE Sami phop* ERtVmaN for Bit. and specialties PhoSo. If pV„lble ami late fV&.?.?£ Make salaries right. Long and pleasant engagement to right people" KehcaiTaU start at Bolfe, Iowa, February 80. Pay own. Address P">P">. uencarsais KELLY & STEWART. Iak.flolrt. Minn. Wanted QUIOK -for Old F*arme»r Hopkins Ha.ta t "D|ck Swiff," Doable Snare Drum or a Trap Drummer that Doubles n»ne7 Other naeful people lu all lines. Low. sure salary. .We pay all. Will buy or lease for sea-on, a Musical Co ici y WANTED-THE KING OF TRAMPS Jtfvenlle Mjm, Slngiug and Dancing Sonbrelte, small Man for KM part, strong spcclalU: Heavy Man Property Man double small part, twolondstreetOorncts Rivrlton<\TiibR.iwoTromtinneH Drums Lands* TRain),- Piano Player. All men must double band. Add. OBcar O'Shea, 75 Plymouth Place ohleugor. JUST TO REMIND YOU WANTED, SOB SPOT CASH Complete Tent Outfit (Second Hand) Suitable lor Traveling Rep. Show. S> Incluile, lu cood condition. Round Top. two Middle Pieces, Polea, Stakes, sidewall, Blue seat?, Folding chairs, Porlable Stage, Scenerv, Lights, etc. Mum be In first clans cnndlllou. Spot cash It price la right. Muei see outfit. COPELAND BROS. STOCK CO., Majestic Theatre, Waco, Texas, wet* Feb. 10; Opcrallouse. Ennls, Toxas. week Feb. 17. WANTED AT ALL TIMS. 600D VAUDEVILLE ACTS, At SIM- INS AND DANCING SISTER TEAM. .Salary, no limit to right parties. Send photos, some returner.;. Chorus Girls, write. Houso open Kcb. .1. FAIRYLAND THEATRIC, aL. HI'ITZBH, Bristol. Vs., Tenn. ACTORK THAT IIMIBI Ji RRASS cornet, Tnba, Trombono aud Alto to Donble fiuiRo, Comet and Traps for n. and O., Piano Player to Double In Brass. Acton in all lines write. Heavy Woman, Doable Small Character, J). P.'Operator, with Machine. State lowest aaiurv. Pay owhv. Answer by letter only. X. GUEROLI), lti-Ji Milwaukee Ave., Uhluago. P.8.—Will bur Sotof Band Uniforms cheap for cusn. MED. PEOPLE WANTED. Irish and li. V. Noasr uml Dance that - play urgaa or Piano, No salary.too high If jou are worth It. If yon booze and don't want f> work, don't write. Ii. 0. KLOOK, firookfleld, Ho. i it. r. Xo. s, caro or show. CRYSTAL THEATRE ' Now open and doing good business. On Main Street, in a city of 80,000. Only to. theatre In tho city. I Latest Improved machine. Keaaons for selling—other business Interests. Address Crystal Theatre. 8HKDOYO«N, WIS. WANTI F-QR J.W.Cooley'8Floatia^Tiieatre Versatile'Vaudeville People In all Hues, goodSlster T^am. Mualclana Dontillng B. and 0 , Bund and Oroneitr* upto-date Repertoire Music, Calliope Player, Piano Player Doubling B. and 0. Season opens about the 1st ot March. Address niloom- munlcatlona to J. W. QOOLEY. Kewcom eraton, O. ■•• • ' WANTED QUICK, FOR "Undo Josh Perkins" PIANO TO DOUBLE CORNET OR BAHITONE, CODEDIAH DOUBLING BRASS, CHARACTER v.OrUAS. Must join on wle. Mention lowcstBalarv. Address THOS. RO ►', Mgr. Feb.«. Salamanca, N.V.; 7. Tllnn- vlllo. I'a.: B.Nowcnxtle; lo. Franklin :ll. Maidvlllc. STAR THEATRE, ATLANTA. GA. Now booking Single and Donhle Vaiuln- vllie acu. also . tiorus Ladles for the Spring aud Summer of 1008. J. B. THOMPSON. Prop, and Mgr. Aimingliigh I, myielf. am the severon critic that Madl- son's Budget has. Only the brighten mono- logue*, the cleverest parodies and the fun- niest sketches can ever find u p'ace therein. Ifyouwam tosee "Madison at Ma best" send for the latent Issue of my famous evclopedla of slngo comedy MADISON'S Ufssa.. "1* BUDGET No. 11 tho book of books, ror which the world of vaudeville look*. Contents Include 9 gilt- eil/u monologues, 12 line sketches for 2 malca and 3for male and fonmle, IncludlnK acveral ejilendlil Dutch and Uobrew acts; 21 high grade parodies (no Junk), 2 comedy afterpiecos fulloffun aud acilon.besldca hun- dreds of bright stories and "ililiri" gags, comic poems, and toasts, etc., etc, Price, f 1. I buy back at full purchase price any copy of Madison's Budget not entirely satisfactory. JAMBS MADISON, HOI Third Avenue, New York. Past issues out of print, except Madison's Budget Xo. 10. Price while, mpply laxit. fl. JUST TO REMIND YOU GOOD CATCHER FOR CASTING ACT AT LIBERTY ON MARCH 1. ADDRESS JULIUS BART cahe of clipper MUSICIANS WANTED Oboe and Bassoon, Clarinets, French Herns. OTHER-". WRITE, None but Al musicians aud gentlemen need write. A. F. M. Address W. T. 00X, Ko. 1402 Fifth Ave.. Fort Worth. Tex. TOUPEES, Paint, Powder, stamp for price list. a. SOMNOtlELM. lis W. St.. New York. WANTED, MEDICINE IECTUBEB. Must be good Office Worker. ALSO GOOD B. F. COMEDIAN; ALSO - GOOD SKETCH TEAM. State U you take piano. Hake.*your salary low, as you petit. Address PROF. R. GORDON, Olltton Remedy Co., Soutbwoid, Ontario, Canada. AT 1-1 BERT Y, BILLIE CHAMP, COMEDIAN. Only good attractions considered. Managers who pay salaries with "trading stumps" save your postage. "There Is a reason." Others. write or wire. {01 HAY ST., Hultiesburg, Miss. HOW TO BECOME " ; A WIRE WALKER. SO Cent.. QKORGK SLACKEY. 480 So. Wood St., Chicago. MUSIC ARRANGED For Piano. Band and Orchoatra. V. n. NELSON, 6S WMtMh Street. Now Ynrlc. OAU1NET Photos ot younolt sau.oo per 1,000, 03 por 100. Send Nogs, or Photo to copy. FUTIInP HUSBAND or WIFE PHOTOS $».U0 ill I wil p(, r i poo. Fortunes 60o. Samp. 10c. BDBWA CO., 8312 N, Broad St.. Phlla.. Pa. is.oO; setMcigh Bells $1-^: .Murlmbiiphiine $12; act (joblttta and HottieB $0.00; Clari- net $16. Require $3 deposit or don't wrlto. It. W'aldron, caruthcrsrllle, Uo. Ill PLAYS KtiiiiniK una Kecitauon Books,all dramatic Papers soldand mallod.CataloKue froe. cims. MacDonxld, fi.1 Washing! onSL.Ohtcaao v^/ai%9Te:d, Address STARRETT'S SII0W8, Nanuet, N. Y. "MJIJfc ■• SB A a gji Successful Com ctdy. J? VJ» »im.JUJ!J""i)tnjnaand AM, NBW SCENERY. Fino lor "Hop." Very reasonable, Addrtes letters only. K. C. KANADV, 253 Fourth Stroft, Jersey City, N. 1. VIM V 11 If Handcntr Act.Trunk Mystery, Second f Vft oAltGrsight Act, Spirit Cabinet, Black Art Outfit. Leg Irons, oalatea, Magician's complete OutfltandloootlHirbargains. Circulars forSTAMP. OEO. A. R.IOE. 4 nnderwnnd St.. Auburn. N. Y. VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE WANTED. And also a PIANO PLAYER WANTED. Most bo a Note Renter. Write in. AddresB to El'GLNE THOMPSOV 4C3 Fulton St., W vrlv.N. Y. WANTED, A 40 X 70 TENT COMPLETE. MUkT BE Al. Tell all aud lowest. No misrepresentation. 8 aokmo rc'a Pantograp h Co., No. 10. Carl bace.Tex. NEW 212 PA61 ILLUST. MAGIC CATAI. Containing cuts ot Leading Conjurors, 50c. New 52 pape twok Calal. V o. None fr«e W. P. LF.RftY. 103 Coort Bt., Boston, Mats. JUST TO REMIND YOU WANTED, COOD ACTS of every description. For Soonio Temple Circuit BOSTON. I'KOVIDEN'CE. WAT7TIIAM, TAUNTON, QUINCY, MARLBORO and others. 8END0PENTIME-L0WE8T SALARY ADDRESS. Scenic Tcmplo, Berkeley St-, Unston, Mass. SLOT MACHINES 1,000 Comprising Edison Phonographs, Mutoscopey, Plcturo, Aihletlo and all kinds of Noveliy Slol Machines in perfect running condition Hunt by sold (jntuk for less lhan one-half the <umI, Arply J. VAI.KNS1 ft CO., 143 Park Row, Now York. Hodlclna Een SOAP "Pakon," Oanvassers OCTonr nrlceaiin soap. TIIEYwlll Interest yon. Special vcpt. for making private brands with at- tractive labels. Monoy-gettors or big valno for canvassers and fakers. We satisfy and bold onr customer*. E. M. DAVIS SOAP 00., 40 rtnlon Park Conrf, Chicago. JUST TO REMIND YOU Stock Dramatic Paper Tho Finest Lino In tho Country. Write tor prices. THE DONALDSON IJTIIOGiWulM CO. NEWPORT, KENTUCKY. HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Largo stock, lmmenio variety. Illustrated catnlogtio Free. New Mam- moth Catalogue ]nat Issued, 20c. Jntt out, list or now books on Uaglo and now list of bargains in trtofcs. A. ROTKRBERO. 179 Ontario St., Chicago. rOB THE STAGE, GOWNS SLIGHTLY DSED. ALSO STREET GOWNS. We have on hand a largo assortment ot tllghtlv worn Evening Gowns, Dinner, RecoptlonandTea Gowns. Theso robes aro, perfect In every respect, and are especially suitable tor wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC productions. Wo have a luU lino of Seal Skin Coats and Furs of all kinds. MRS. II. STARR. 307 South State St, Chicago. BEAMilMADMAN Kir«noen i>nrt Brnkpmojn Kuril trum telOO to 9106 n month. Onrilunlerf^i' thti< rcliool in strut il-;- muTtil. Actual rntluAf offlclft.'a tench you b mall iJiiririK jour >pare time, at gmull coet. Ktm ctulog, etc. Tin WenthsKailwaj Correi.Bchocl Box 838, Vrcsport, llir' 0£H. BUS. WOMAN, TWO GEN. BUS. HER, ONE IDT. HAN. No time tor dickering or tickets. Must he sutom. Don't misrepresent Completo wardrobe. Per- manent Stock. Ulgh salaries to good people. Elsie linlBt. wrlto. Join at nnco. FHANK K. KLANIOAN, Mgr.. The Lyrlo Stock Co.. U ke pilaris. La. Wanted: Soubrette and Comedian With Specialties, for Ponnanent Sleek. In tho best city in the South. Other Good Dramatic People, write. JOHN D. OUMONIt, Olympic Theatre, Dallas, Tux. NO't'B—Repertolru aud Stock Managers, get the real thing,-'THE MOII I' RIDRIIS." The greatest nit since "Tho Clansmau " Noh's the time I For particulars, address as above. WANTI CHARACTER MAN, For Recognized Vandeviiln Act. Hooked solid. Beat houses. LEGITIMATE OLD MAN, wardt-jbe, lull dress. Long, pleasant engagement. Slate height, weight, etc. i alio lowest salary,. Ad- dress -''COMUDiAN," 'Jen. Del., Bloorothgtou, III. A JICCERY, From 01 all the tid words that ivir wire writ. Th« tittditt art thiu, "My wig don't fit." WHV DIDN'T TOB BUY IT KHO.M THE WICCERY 162 STATE ST, Chicago l irili floor DOWNIES BIG UNCLE TOM'S CABIN 50 PEOPLE, WHITE AND COLORED, WANTED To Join the eompany tit MKDINA. Jt. Y.. KAIU.Y IN MAItCII. for Its Western trio. 85 to Deacon, Ophelia '. Good . u reis tho parts ns required by tho management. Colored Quartette, Singers. Cake Walkers, Puck, Ile»l nnd Jig Dnncers for plnntatlon scene,: Man to put on musical numbers, specialties to work between the acts. Ladies most work In drum corps, Lenders tor bund and orchestra, with good line of music: Musicians for bond and orchestra, Double Hhhs and Tuhn, two Cornets, Baritone Alto, Trdp Drummer, with line of traps, etc. Actors that double brass. Musicians that double stage. Name lowest salary. I pay uonnl from opening date. The finest state- room cars on the road. Want sober, reliable, experienced pooplo only. Ilmt can appreciate u long engagement mid your money when due. It you booxe, do not write, oh boozcru are let out quickly with this show, ns n number of them can testify. CoiiHldnr turen weeks' silence a polite negative. Can use a r'lrst Class Ohnf. two men lo take cure of baggage, ponies, etc. Address A. D. SIcPIIEK. Ilov 1"1, Medina, ft. Y. VAN DYKE m EATON CO. WANT PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. Join (Chicago) April 0 tor CO wooki. (10 weeks Summer stuck tlioulro.) MAN WITH SPECIALTIES TO FEATURE. (Must change.) Week Kob. 3, Logansport, Indiana; week I'cb. 10,1.11 Porte, Indiana; week Fob. IT, Itaolnc, Wis. -Writ. r. MACK. SOUTHERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION. OWB1HO AND OPKUATItVQ IIOUHKS IN ALL PHINCIPAL M1CT11KIIN 01T1KS. W. M. riil.t.Mti), Bxduslvn nnoklfia AR«nt. OK.VKIlal. OKicfCKSi l:lll KAST Kit in II MTItKKI' CINCINNATI, OHIO. TIIK 0\LY TKN t'KNT VAt'DKVlM.K OIIIVU1T IN TIIK SOUTH. 4IUII MOTTOi Give your Patrons the BUST and lliej will «lvo you ttiotr eo-oporallon and support. VAUDEVILLR MANAUKHM IN TIIK M>UTII who liavo not as yot Joined this circuit stould InvestlgAto at once. Wrlto for list ot successful anil snlisiled luanagris. \ si in. vi 1.1,i~ AiiTi-iwuivKrv niinv wi.kkn Wanleitto hoar from tho host at nil limes GOOD CHARACTER ACTOR IIIKMKIl TIIKAT UK, M|.r ln K Held, Hlo„ (I'KIIH A NKNT STOCK) Must be }out|g; good appesi-siico; gooil wardrobe; sober nmi vvvastlli', I'rerer a man who csn do some sprclslile*. Must Join at once. Slate all first letter; no tlnm for rorrespoiidnooo: sdnd photo. Other useful people write. Work Summer sml winter. HaHUY IiBNAHD, sug> Dlreotor. MOORE AMUSEMENT COMPANY. THE LARGEST BOOKING OFFICE IN THE EA8T. Formerly or '.'It Trcmont. 81.. Boston,announce their removal to uft> Treinnut St., where tlmy ham lcsscd an entire rlisir or alx oDIcuh. MANAOKRU desiring 1'f n 1 11ATK hi;uvick call ■ r wrlto- Make those oilmen viur lieadr|iiarters when In town. Compctonl manager for each ilopartinotil. <i»u iism aOOII I'KllKliltMIiltH at all llmCH. VAIIDKV1LLK, JliiSIC .M, L'O.MCDY, DIlAMA mill Inl.fSTRA I I'll SOXO SINGERS. Chorus girls a specially, HIVING P. MOOHst, Gen'l ManN H *r. J.. WANTED, FOR ELWIN STRONG COMPANY, COOD REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Gen. Buslooss Man and Woman. Those with specialties given preference. Could uso Team. Chance for week and do bits. All must have Al wardrobe on aud oir. Ooozurs, don't wrlto. tllvo height, weight and lowest salary Urat latter; also photo, which will ho returned. Prank Ramsdoll. Wnyoo Nunn aud friends, write. L. E. POND, Mgr., La Urosae, Wis., P«b, 10 and week. WANTED, FOR JNO. F. STOWE'S b,0 dVi!K.a! ,,,iw ES FXfcOXV'X'XJgjEt. People tor following characters (WHICH MUST UK PROPKItLV DRWRD): Indian, Mexican (both Ftrong pans); Cowboys, Old Man andoth»r minor parts. All must doi■ r>i * brassor do Hpoulalllos. Ladles for lead nnd ooubrctte, with strong specialties. (Ladles send plot m.) Sober, reliable, hard working Agent who thoroughly undurstand. hundlinga two oar aliuw. three hustling 1 it) 1 Posters, a reliable Rms Canvas Man. Musicians lu evory lluo mllver liislruinunts), BlauK Paco tlouiudlan for Con- cert salaries must be low to tie considered. Season opsns Port Worth, Texas. Monday, Maruh p' Silence a negative. All ooiumunloalloiis to JNO. V. s'iiiwk, loo Miarlon ML, Denver, Colo. flLlffTElO! REPERTOIRE AND STOCK PEOPLE 10 OPEN MAIICH 1, ONE NIOHT MTAND P wall STftE'lCT'OO.," and tor rlioKewcotu THAT NEWS GIHL " All lettors will bnau,werod. LEW VIUDEN. Owner and Manager Tho Wizard 01 Wall Street Co., ciuckaaiia, oala. To play Hnrtug and Bummer In Colorado. Stuck nt Colorado Nprlnie PEOPLE for nsxtstaton. for" W1ZMID or ■■ edy Drams, QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER EASTERN OO. MAN for Mmm (old nmncharacter) who oau slug tenor In quartette: also Man to sing bats and usalst carpenter. State full particulars In first letter. Addreas FLOYD It. SltlOOS, Mgr., Centralis. Ill, Feb., 6; Mt. Vernon, 111., Veb. 10; Oluuy, III., l'ob. II. A "ROUND UP" OF" WINNI Entirely Now Version ot tho following Plays, A GENTLEMAN BUROLAB THE ARIZONA BANDER HER DOUBLE UPS THE WINHINO HAND BAFFLES, TBE H78TEBI0OI Jim Blndso, An Unwodded Wife, Dora Thome's Duughter, The K lug nf llandlta, lor Ills Child', sake. In the Par Knat, The Devil's Own Doings, Shadows ofNlglit, The Cowboy Millionaire sod liundrods ot others. Ureitt for Htouk, R«p. «r C'oinliliiatlotis. Very lowest royally. For particulars and Han write to tho AMriRIOA .V PLAV DUHKAU, Sulto lira, Its? Hroudway, New Yorfc. AT ONCE, FOR Jeavons' Dramatic and Wild West Shows Actors who play Brass, Indians, Squaws ami Papooses. Indian Band, Eluglflff.aud Dancing coinedlaup, Bill I'osteis, two Boss Canvaamen, Privilege People Loiiii mcssuii. salary auto. Mann It reasonable. Those who wrote before write agalu. Podtlvely the largest aud beat equipped Shuns or Its kind in America. Addre.s all ieiici * with particulars lo TOM .IRAVONS. Arcadia, Via. ROSAR-MASON STOCK CO. Repertory People of all Kindt*. CAMBRIDGE, O., w>eV of fXB. gj HAMILTON, *\, ggajV ot fab. 1". LEEiBESW TUOSB CillOAUO MOYS W110 WRITE IlIuHT. Mo onto, carriage or wagon runs stooootbly unless the ''gear" l« lubrloitod. Yonr ••vehicle" (act) will rati very smoothly I WRITE YOUR SUNOS, MUSIC Oil PARODIES TO ORDER. Address, Dromi opera House, Chicago.