The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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THE ISTEW YOEK OlilPFBB. Fiip^uAfiT a ill Iff Wife Wm mi lii Si** illi- 1 ■• PWi«id«l»Ul«:-—The «V«it of tbe current put tlie :lnHlal performance of. "Nearly a "elo," it : thu-Adelphl, with Sato Bernard l BtbeltLevey. The only other changes' tit (town town houses rire :■ Fritil 'Scbeff, In He;: Modiste," at the Broad, and Cyril Kt£Jn "Tlie Prince Cbdp," at the Walnut. Idbu-hi (Messrs. Sbubert, managers).— K, Bernard,produces for the flrst time on Fbl>. ,8, "Nearly a Hero," by Reginald De Keren and Robert Grant, Ilis «st will In- clude,: vEtlieVTinvey, XlaHon Gal-son, Zelda Sei<»,, Neva Aytnar.. Elizabeth' Blv,tb>..Daisy Green, Franklin llonei-i;., Ralph Dolmore and nobert Clayton Olhb*. "Mrs. Flske, In "Ros- mersholm," was rewarded by line houses last •week. Lvnic (Messrs. Shnhort, manager*).— Frances Starr, In "Tlio Rnsn nf -rim Ranclio," drew crowded house*. The second week bo- gin* a. BpoAD (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers). — Frltzl Schoff, In "Mile. Modiste." begins * two weeks' irtey 3. Frauds Wilson, In "When Knights Wcrn Bold," bad an unusually pro- fitable three weeks' stay. :CaE»r.N - CT Street OrnnA Horsr. (Nlxmi * Zimmerman, raanngor*).— "The Bed Mill" scored an emphatic success last week, to tho capacity. • Montgomery and Stono were warmly welcomed. Tho second week liectns 3. Fobbest (Nixon (c Zlnirucrrann, managers). —"The Follies of 1D07" will bring Its highly {tpfltable ■ six weeks' run to a close fi. "The tetrad Up" 10. Oinnicit (Frank Howe Jr., manager).— Rose/ St&hl continues In "The Chorus Lady." YtAietVT (Frank Howe Jr., manager).— Cyril Scott, in "Xb« Prince Chap," 3-8. "His Honor the Mayor" had line business. "The Heir to the Hoorah" 10. G»anc Opera House (Stair & Havlln, man- agers).— Dochstader's Minstrels 3-8. "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" drew big houses last week. Darld Higglns 10. ■ ■ Pabk (F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, managers). —Adele Ritchie, to "Fnjclnattng Flora," 3-S. Williams and walker, in "Bandanna Land.' departed L after a prosperous fortnight's stay. Al. G. Field's Minstrels next. Blasf.y's (J. P. Hckbardt, manager).— "The Boy With the Boodle'' tl-S- "Parted on Her Bridal Tour" bad capacity last week, UusteB Bros, fallow. National (J. M. Rally, manager).—"The Singing Girl From KUlarney" 8>8. Big houses saw "Panhandle Fete" last week, and ap- plauded James F. Sullivan. "Our. Friend L'rlti" follows. GlBAito (Miller & Kaufman, managers).— Bculah Poynter, In "Lena JllTera," this week. ' The, Volunteer Organist" enjoyed fine re- turns last week. "The Candy Kid" next. , People's ■ (F. G. Nixon-Nlrdlingor. mana- ger) .—"Shadowed by Three" this week, '"rue Phantom ■ Detective" was well patronized. "Since Nellie Went Away" 10. Haht's (John W. Hart, manager).—Jessie Mac H»U devotes her second week, 8-8,,to "My Sweetheart." Last week, tho star dis- tinguished herself In "The Cutest Girl in Two,," to big business. P. A. Anderson 10. CiiiifcTMUT (Grant Laferty, manager).-—The Ofpbcum stock, 3-8, In "SoldlerB of Fortune." "The • Man From Mexico" lasfwcftt, to cMfsvded houses. Wm. Ingersoll and Lillian Lawtcnce distinguished themselves. "Why 8»ith. Left Home" next. •Fobepauoh's (Miller & Kaufman, mana- gers i.-^-Xbe-stock offering, 3-8, Is "A Royal Slave,'" with Harry 0. Brown. "MarclilPB committee, nnii looked after the duties In a most capable manner..'. !' ««i. ' a i ' Pitt»bnr«. — At the .Nixon, this week, Wm. H. Crane.-.Last week Olga Netbersole >i»ved to good business. John Drew, in "My vlie," Feb. iq-i 0. tuXns.last weeJ;.,,-"Carollna" next. •' vElw«ltr,rFnWy;KFoiiD (Stanfordj 4 /Western, mahagetai.—TUo.islock 1 offers "Knohs of Ten- nf»?c?i:.;«*3f«.and " Hln" .0-8. ••rfhrtUICli l (t('"-nnd "ThnCounterfeltera" had fine?returns last week. , Keith's (II. T. Jordan, mnnogor).—Vesta Victoria week nf S, In addition to Laddie Cliff, raul Lc CroIX, Stnlcy'a Tranaforniutlon, Foy find Clark. Mr. anil Mrs. Mark Murphy, tho Dankmar-Srhllloi' Troupe,' Tnnu.'J. <Jnls- ley, Mabelle .Meeker, Chillies anil Nettle King, Kartell I, Itlce Bros, I ho Mitchells, the No- velloa, anil the klnotnuraiih: TkocAosno (Fred willaon, mannger).—The Cozy Corner Olrla 3-8. \Yntson'a llui'lesiiiieru Irtat wl'ck, to big hoiiKps. Nh\y Century ulrlg next •".- • . ' ■ » -• ■ • • ' • ' • BIJOTJ (Geo. \V. Itlfi>, manager).—Alf. G. Helr.tof(t0n'Ji Lady DIM* 3 and «M£ Mike ,T. Kelly and Jnrrr D. Sullivan shlno In the bur- lepque. 1 Wllllnms' itnperlnla had big houaea last we'elf. Yankee Dooillo Girls 10.- • ■ •' Cabimo .(Runs & Koculg. managers).— Clark's Runaway Girl* 8 KM week. Sheri- dan's City Snor.ta ■ enjoydd prosperity lost Harry Bryant's Co. next, ■" ■ Kbw Gurrr (CL. Waltars, manager).— Dalutv .Duchess Co. tl|1s weok. Thu Qlrta Ffom'Honpvland hadblif houses list week. Bachelor Club Girls wejtt. ' •ElSvcnth Sxu«kt Ot'isitA Hotisn (Frank Dnnout, manngur). — liaglnnlntr 3, "Hair- i-ioodih Harry, or tlio Boy Thnva Always in Hanger"- Is glvcq. Tho progrnnitno retalna "Tho Vandcrbllt. Marriage." nvhllo tho flrst part balladUts will render new voca.1 selec- tions. . ; ■ Ninth and Ancu Mckkuw; (T. F. Hoiiltiu». inanngor).-—Rulli>r cycling nna) week of 3 to-ttu<'tturlo hall. In oiMBlon to: Carlo, Kcl- clekn, Prof. Neumann, lloll a»d Iturdou, and Covin. In'.tjVs tlieatro ore; !thu Wluulucs, John- J. Flynii, Donnelly and Collins, the Great Crowley, tho Mereflliba, uutl Lubln'a claeogropb. Majestic (Wm. 3. Varl). maoatror).— Week of 3: Blamphlua nnd Hehr, Rice and Elmer, the Btancos, , the Kckerti, tho Hal- backa. Ray and HfUon, Wloifrerl Stewart, Corrlo Scott, ana mnvlna pictures. Notes.— The Orphsna^ Court, has h.tnded down n decree ordering Mrs, Rebecca J. Wegcfarth, the widow ot the lato manager, Gustavns A. Wegofarth, of the Grand Oreta House, to sell at public sale the parmlly crmpleted Wm. Penu Theatre, at. Lancaster and FalrnwUiit Avenue!. At tho time of the Into manager's sudden rtaath his affairs wern o.scovcicd to ho la a vcrv much mufltliru condition, th>! biggest surprise being that the title, to the theatre,: althfiuih being built by t corpnrntlon, was In Wnjcforth'n nain<>. Tho sale will probably he followed by all aortB of •imitation by the stockholders, who are la danger of bolni* wipod out of their entire sub- scriptions, aniounlin* to; 1)1010 tbnn 81OO.00O. There Is also some talk of ii f.yndlcato heiUg formed to buv in tho theatro and complete Ft at a cost of ((IR.0OO il/inla II. Bnlier. the popular realdint inmtngcr of the Bijou 'i'heotrc. will leave town next wcok, to take the management of th«, a new burlesque houso j lu Wllkes-Bano. Dut- Ing his «tay In' town, Mr. Baiter ha* miide many warm friends. He will be succeeded by Joseph ScUanhcrgor, a„we I known young theatrical man of Balti- more Thomas F. Hopkins, manager of the Dime Museum, is at home nureinc a vlgorus attack of tbe grip Pblmdelpula I ods:P. No. 8. of the Theatrical MocbaMcn! Association, gave a lino cnUrtiilnuient to Its members on Jan. 50. nt Mftcnnerchor Hall, In-addition to Initiating its hew iirtlccrs a line banuuet was served, at Whlvh the ouosta «cre: Past Grand President, W; T." Bailer; R. H. Cotivcr. Dn-vld Green, Charles II. Col- lln«.iind Charleo O. Revlol. The plucers n- atallert were a« fellow* 1 Prcaidcnt, chatlea II. Kpvngue; part uresld?ut, George \V- Peter- son; vice president. William Mnoneyi record- ing gecretafv, Churlea J. Loveting; Cnaitclal iecMtary, Alexander Chrlitlo i ireasurer, ^na, P. Wnaette' 1 : phvslelan, Dr. w. C. Itarnmona; trorree?. GeOrce Wilcox, «)us Walls nnd llarrv Thompson; marshal, W. B, Block ; aef v«->ut-ni-" , rm«. W»n. Shcebnn. and representa- tive to the grind lodge, J. Joil A. Mitchell. juIm iVurose was chuirman ef the banquet pi GBA»i>.—fhli'week: -Hetty -Ktng. Little Plch, Wniy -Pant'/er and company, Hill and Whlttnker, Barrows, Lancaster and company. Six Kngllsh Rodkers, Or(h and Fern, Jlrflmy Lucas, Willie Hale, Maymc Remington and her plckanirinles, Shccly' Trio. Cotdey and Slovens,' 1JI1 oy Bros.',;and the Cinematograph. 'TliiijliEsXi!.—This' week,- AmHIii Bingham, In rnpeHory. Last week rhe Mnn on tho Itnx" Wn.« liberally patronized. Mrs. Flake, In "Rosmersholni," 10-15. At.viN.—This week, on account of the sud- den death of Denis O'Siillivan, at Columbus, Inst week, Manager Cullck was obliged to I'h.-inge bis hooking nt the last moment' lie sei-urcd "The Honoymooners." Last week •"Plio.Old Homestead" closed a very success- ful "(wo weeks' engagement. George Kidney 30-ir,. Brjon.—Thla week, "In Old Kentucky." Last week tho Four Morton* gave a grr-nt laughing show, Kcllar and Thurston 10-16. Hlanet's KttrnK—This week, "Anita, tbn Singing iSIrl," with Agnes Cameron. Last week, Wra. II. llirner played to very good Itnslness. "Little Heroes of the Streets 10- 15. Gatett. —This week, the Parisian Widows. Last week, Bowery Burlcsquers played to big business. Rose Sydell's London Belles 10-18. Academt or Music.—Thla week, tbe Wash- ington Society Girl*. Callfornln Oirls gave one of the best singing shows of tbe sea- son last week. Colonial Belles 10-10- Fajiilt. —This week: ' Jeanre and Ells- worth, Ray Irvine, Geo. Foster, Emerson and Wright, Gould Sisters, Beach and Beach, Bowen, Snyder nnd Poole, Parmalee nnd Mur- doch, Margaret Drew, and moving pictures. Business has. been good. ' -. HtPPornioME.—This week: The Great Tan- nn, Corbctt and Forrester, the FannlngB, Murphy and Tally, Wm. 11. Weber, Harry nnd Katberyne- Mitchell, Bert Bond, Post and Warren, Edwin Wagner, nnd moving pictures. • - 1 ■ » ■■ Hen dim*. — At the Academy of Music (Illy S. Hill, manager)Udgar Sclwyn ap- r>eared to &ood ndvanliae?, In "Strongneart," Jan. 27. Francis McMillan, In concert, to a large audience, 20. Lew Welch bad good returns 30. "A Good Fellow" drew crowded houses Feb. 1. :.---■; Okpheuu (Frank D. Hill, manager).— Week of i>: Fourteen Black Hussars, Ray- mond Flnley nnd Lottie Burke, Lambertl, Vll-glnla Earle, Mareno, Nevaro and Mareno, the La tour Sisters, Belle Hatha way's monkeys, und the klnetograph. Family (L'ly 3. BUI, manager).—Irene Mvcrt hud a successful engagement last week. Bjjou (Cpdegraff & Brownell, managers). —Rice & Barton's Extravaganza, nnd the Dainty Duchess Show divided last week, to capacity. Note. —Floyd C. Hopkins has been suc- ceeded by Frank D. Hill, as Wllmer * Vin- cent's manager' of the 0rph>;uin. Mr. Hop- kins will take charge of the Orpheum In liar. rlsburg. Cnrliondnle.—At the Grand Opera House (Geo. W. Lowder, manager) "Ifprtba, the' Sewing Mahlne Girl," Jan. 25. to good husl- ness. "Hooligan in New York," 30. pleased. ' Coming Thro' the Bye" Feb. 8. "The Holy City" 4, "Tho Lion and the Mouse" 8. "East Lynne" 11. ... Family., (F. L. Blair, manager).—Week of 3:. Prof. Charles A; (tabic, the Four Xuclers, "Silent Tnit,',' ,Gllmore and Lntour. • Ben lb-ycr-nnd Brother,'William Shallcs, In songs iliustratcdi a'utl the'-klnetograph. NoTES.-i-Geoi-ge ■ -Cole"* left' ankle was cprtlned Bight of Jan'. 28.' while giving an exhibition on the tight wire, at tbe Family. The wire relaxed, and he was thrown to the atage, tangled in his wheel. Mrs. Cole car- ried on tbe act alone tho rest of tho woek. ......Having recovered from nil arlack of 1110 quinsy, Paul Klrhy has resumed hh duties ns treasurer nt Grand Opera Houkc, JohiiMtotvn At tho Majestic (L. B. Coot, manager), week of IVj. 3: Eph. TIionip> noii'a clopli/iuu, Edith Heleaa, Royal Musical Five, Mr. and Mrs. Allison, llowera, Wnltert aiift CrocKei',' Leona Thurlwr and her plcka- iilnnl.'s. am) llfcogniph moving picture*.- Glopd (J.. G. Folcv, lnahiger).—Week of 3: Gaorgo Vo.m and his dog, Rnmsdcll, Col- lins and Hall a i'd, Plercy and ("uida, and mov- ing pictures. • . . •_'.'» Pabu (II. W. Scherer, manager).—Week of Jan. 27: Aerial Shawc, Wlllard'Newell and company, At wood and Terry, ,iud Joe Nle- Bayer, . -• ■ Caudiiia (W. H. Scherer, manager).— Olga Nethcrsole 4, "Ml-is Petticoats*' 8, vaudeville during rost of week, with Powers 1 elephants, Nippon Jaiiiiiresu Troupe, Mabel Bmn, Mldsefy and Cnrllalc, Garry Owen, Aldo and Vannnrsou, and Mark Sullivan. Note.— Wilt011 Luckayc, who appeared In (his city 23, In "The Bondman," sustained a very badly sprained knea during the per- formance, by falling over a chair to the wind's. He was able to continue his per- formance, bat wil< be serlounlv handicapped to ht3 movements for some time to come. Note— The openlngof the Luzerne Thea- tre Is announced for Tbdrsday, Feb. u. ■ ■lii - " 1 . Scrnntnn.—At tbe Lyceum (C. M. South- well, manager) Kellar and Thurston Feb. 4, Llpzin Yiddish Co. 0, Arnold Daly 7. Uattle Williams. 1, drew a large audience. Academy (C. M. Southwell, manager).— "A Race Across the Continent" 3-5. Tne Hired Girl's Millions," 30-Feb. 1, to good houses. ' -.. . • Poli's < John H. Docking, manager).— Week of 3: ' Adelaide Herrmann, Meredith Sisters, Six Samois, Joe.l'lynb,-Mnrron. dpd llnla*.- Leon ROgoe, Mason and KM Mr. Busi- ness large. eoi-L-iiiiiA (G. Nelson Tcela. manngcr).— Harry Bryant S-3, the Illrls From lleppylund tl-8. TranK-Atlnntlcs 10-1S, Runaway Gufc 13-tr.. Stab (Cbn*. C. Cnahman, manager).— Broadway Gaiety Girls 3-4, 1'nrlslnn Belles 0-8. Jolly Grnas Widows 10-12, Imperials 13-11r». Oarnr.uM (A. L. Schiller, manager).— Week of tl Jennlo Burrou, Eva swiuouru and Catherine Pendlelon. i ' Shenandoah—At the New O'Hsra (J. W. Major, resident manager) the Earl Bur- gess Co. played to splendid business. "Com- ing Thro' tho Rye" Feb. 6. Note.— Tbe announcement of the Cusnmaa Club for Women of the Dramatic Profession, which has been conspicuously posted over the top of tbe call 'sheet board. Is being read by every member of the profession. It la creating a great deal of Interest ana com- ment. » ™ Lancaster.—At the Fulton Opera House (Chas. A. Yecker, manager) Kirk Brown had verv good business Jan. 27 and week. Adam Good Co., Feb. 3-8, except 0, when Hattle Williams appears ■ Family (Ed. Mozart, manager).—Current: Five Boises, Stewart and Desmond, Alabama Comedy Four. Musical Km-kieys, H. V. Fitz- gerald, and "When the Devil Drives." ■ lfon-Utotvn,—At tbe Grand Opera House (C. L. Durban, manager) Lew Welch, Jan. 27, had good business. I. O. 0. F. (local), -28, did big business. Y. M. C. A.. 80, did ■well. George Hall Feb. 1, "Too Proud to Beg" 3. Al. G. Fleld'B Minstrels 7. "Coming Thro' the Rye" 8, "The Flaming Arrow" 11, Dan Sully 12, Y. M. C. A. 13. Ci-and Oper* Th* *w* *^*?%******^f***r**>S**'+**** ****** ^v» ^ v» ****%r%s**>r*r+r**rs****' ****}{ NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS '• An Lincoln'* Birthday foil" on Wednesday, which is tbe day <> of the week on vtliich the (j CLIPPER 1* issued in New York City, it will be necessary tor o« to clone the forma of tbe clipper one day earlier darintr that week. All adver- tlaementa for that Issae should reach as before Monday at noon, on February 10. ILLINOIS. East St. Louis.—At the Aveneatt (L. E. Lund, manager), this house made a new de- parture,-week of Jan. 28, substituting ad- vanced' vaudeville for the regular stock pro- duction* which have prevailed ever since the. bouse was opened, the flrst of the season. Heavy matinees,, arid night business have marked this Innovation, and vaudeville will bo continued. Week of Jan. 26 the'bill was: Burke and Nollnc, Roland Ramages. Jones and Blcvlns, Howard and Germalne, J. Eliza- beth Moore, Hlcstand, and Madame Magee. Week of Jan. 19 the Aveneatt Stock Co. gave as It* final bill at this house, "The Gambler'* Luck." Nkw Broaowat (J. P. Barrett manager). —"Snpho" Jan'. 20-20. "A Olrl from Eagle Ranclr' 30-Feb. 1, "Fallen by the Wayside" 2-1. Note. —When the Aveneau Stock Co. re- tired from the boards of tbe Aveneau Theatre, the report was .given out that It would toko to the rond.. playing repertory, at popular prices, but tbe announcement has since been made.that arrangements have been made to use (he Rex Roller Rink by this company, which Is headed by Edna Earle Lindon and Irving J. Ulurokall. clever repertory people*. It Is announced that the rink will be pro- vided 'with 4,000 scats, and the company pre- sent standard plays at popular prices. Week"of-3TDive mF WJK& Jjjf Nelf Whalen and Searles, the Fowlers, illus- trated songs ali d the plogri ■'>''■ BloomlnSton. — At the nous" (Frank M. Raleigh, manager) 'Tb« flirt of Eagle Ranch" did well Jan. 27 ■Teggy From Paris" 31, with Helen Jsron. VMmlr De Pachmnn Feb. 3. Sousa «. Lcn- dOn^alety Girls 7, San Carlo Grand Opera Co. 10, Cole and Johnson 12. Castix (Guy Martin, manager).—Wert .of 27:' Welia anrl Sells, Amours and Wtotett, Barnes and CrnWford, ,Brum.age and Clatk, Dan Rbby, Mile. Weston', n,nd the Castlescope. ♦ « a ; MICHir.AN. nctrolt.—At the Detroit Opera House (B. C Whitney, mnnnger) Iho K»ger* nrotheri played to well lllleil houses last week. wm. Faversham week of Feb. X Ltceiim (E. D. Stair, manager).— nkK Wills drew good houses last week. ' Just Out *&$S£tm (Dr. Campbell. ■MMR^f*' fnyettc Player*. M -Captain Sw'ft. enter- 1 iilned good sized crowds Inst week. Tbe same company, In "Camlllc," 2-8. Whitnky <E. D. Stair, manager).g-.Toc Morris, In "Tho Banker, the Thief and the Olrl." plaved to capacity last week. Llttlo HeropS nf'.tho Street" 2-8. . . _...„.,' Temple (J. H. Moore, manager).—Week of .1 • "Bain Dears," Kddlo Leonard, assisted by Gordon Brothers: Charlotte Parry and com- pany, the Four Lukens. Julius lannen, Lil- lian' Shaw, Keno, Walah and Melrose, Elsck nnd Jones, and the klnetograph. - Gaiety (II. H. Hedges, manager).—8crio- ner's Big Show" drew well last week. Greater New York Stars week of 2, Jersey Lilies Bur- lesquers 9-15. .' ' » Avf.sub (Drew i Campbeu, managers).— Miner's Americans pleased good crowds. Dreamlnnd Burlosquer3 2-8, High bchool Glrl8 0-16. ■ ' Grand Rnpld*, —At the New. Powers (H. G. Sommers & Co., managers) Robt. Mantell Feb. .1-8, "*Wnv Down Cast" 9-12, '•The Old Homestead" 13, JInrie Do.-o 15. • Majestic (Orln Stair, manngcr).—"The Convict and the Girl." Jan. 2G-2-3, played to good business, as did "At Yale" 80-Feb. 1. How's roovlnz oletnres 2-B, ■ "HI* Terrlbln Secret" C-8. Flske O'Hara :M2, "The Way of tbe Transgressor" 13-15. ' * Gn and (Davis & Churchill, managers).—- Week of 3-0:. Josh Dreano, Ellet Bros.. Ilaleh and Thomas, Jolly and Wild, and Martha Jones- ■ ■ .,, 1 Ann Arbor.—At the New Whitney (A. C. Abbott, manager) Jan. 24 U. ot M. Comedy Club pleased large audience. Charley Grape- win, 28, had large business. Robert Man- tell, 30. gave sntlsfactlm- to big business. "Jnst Out of College" Feb. 1. ■ - • Majestic (Fred T. McOmber, manager).— Week of Jan. 27: Grace PqmIey,.XilUaa ' Berry Held, Dick and Alloe McAvoy, W. J. JfcDeraott, Freeman Bros., Gaudscomldta, Mijestiscope. • ■" •'"-'i ' Notes. —Bijou (H. Phelps, manager) Jes- sie Frank, sketch, moving pictures. Illus- trated sings, doing good busings...... Tbea- torlum, Star and Caaiho Theatres are doing well. ' 1 « ■■ Adrinn.—At tho. Crcswell Opera House (C. D. Hardy, manager) "The Time, the Place and the Girl," Jan. 25, pleased a crowded house. Bvengall and company 27-20, "The. Vaudornllt Cup" 31. ■ Note. —Bijou (E. R. Hogate, manager) Is closed for rep-jlrs until .Feb. 10: Cre* ceh't (Wm. Thorpe, manager) moving plcturei and aohgR .to excellent business.'.. ...Queen (C. E. Klllctt. manager).moving pictures and eohgs to^excellent bnsiness.. Maple-City (H. E. Hnynds. manager) moving pictures and songs to excellent business. ' 1 m ■ • 1 Bay City.—At the Washington (W. J. Daunt, manager) "-The Flower of the Ranch" pleased nn enthusiastic house Jan. 27.' "Just tint of College" Feb. 0. . ~ Alvadado (\v. J. Dnunt, manager).— "ltocle Josh Perkins" had good returns Jan. 20-21). "The Rajah of Rhoag" Feb. 2. "Dora Tho'rdo" 6. . . . Bijou (J. D. Pllmore, manager).—Week of 3. Mile. Cecil's performing leopards will head the pill. • iicaTTforseT Wl H. ITurpny, Bttnche Nichuli and company, Bobby North, Smith and Csmo. oell, M Elgoletto Brothers, sM the kiasti- £«tt (T. ;HenrT, manager). — Casino GltU-.dld-blg tuslress last week, hobi.i Knlckerbocltcrs weak of 3, Gay'MasqueradVr, 10-13- -" SiAi (P.- W. Stair, manager).—High 8ciiool Girls . did big business last mtk. Merry Maldena 3-8. . 1 i.- Ht. CathnHnea^At 'th:e' , Qrand Onera HoWte (Chsj.H: WUs.on;-manager) Arieri. cah-.vitnerapU Jan. 30, 31, "A Menage From Man" Feb., 1. "The Wnll« of jorlcho" c ^When Kh!3hthood Was Ih Flower" 8, r>ar- tello Stock Co. week of 10. llnrrisbiirR The Majestic (M. Rein, niniingor) opened Feb. 8, with- Kildlc Foy, In "The Orchid.'-' to capacity. Adjutant General Thomas .1,. Stewart and Stato Senator John E. Fox made addresses. Manager M. Rels, General manager John L. Kerr and Manager X. Apncll, formerly of Harrlsburg, were pres- ent. The new playhouse Is considered one of the handsomest theatres In Central Pcnh- svlvanla. It was an innovation to local patrons. The S. R. 0. sign was displayed early 3. Hattle Williams 5, Olga Nethcrsole C, Kcllar nnd Thurston 7. S. Ont'itni'H (Wllmer £ Vincent, managers). —Thl» ihentre was formerly the Lyceum, and opened under Its new name 3, with: Roso Coghlan, Griff, Scheck. Brothers, Montgomery and Moore, -Welch, Francis and company, Rnllllt's monkeys, and Johnny Jones. The last two bl'l* under the old house Maine, were "SlvoUtthcnrt." with Edward Selvvyn. Jan. 2S, and Lew Welch Feb. 1. Both did good business. Niyrc.—Lewis McCord, who was resting at his home hero last week, resumed his on- yiipcmeiils In "Welly Jones' Scoop." at Ho- bona, X. J.. 3. —' a Altoona.—At'the Mlshler (I. C. Mishler, manacer) Wilton Lnckayc, In "The Bond- man,'' drew a largo audience Jan, 27. "Maud Mullcr" wan wclF racolved .28. Vocel's Min- strels pleased a good houso 20. "Tho County Slioi-lfr' SL "Mlis Pettlcoata" Feb.- 1> Chea- ter De Vonde Co. 3 and week, except 0. when Olgn Nethersolc presents "Sapho.'' "Happy Hooligan's Trip Around the World" 10. Er- nest uogan 11. Wm. H. Crane 12, "My Wile's Family" 14, W. A. Whltecar 16. Casino (Julius Barron, manager).—Week of 3: The Five Musical McLarcna and mov- ing pictures. • . pi 11 'i Wlllces-Bnrre—At the Ncabltt (H. A. Brown, manager) "The Uoly-^ City" pleased, llotlle Wlllloms. in "The Little Cherub," drew a crowded house. Jittc. Schumann- Hclnlt I'eb. 4. Kellar 0, Arnold Daly 8. E. M. Holland 10, "8h0r« Acrea" 18, "UTie Right of Way" 18, Daniel Solly 22. GRAND Orr.nx Hot Be (H. A. Brown, mana- ger).-t-The Russell Brotliem had good husl- neas, find "The Candy Kid" Played to S. B. m 0. "Happy Hooligan'' 3-5, "Baco Across the F Contlntnt'' 0-8, "A Fighting Chance" 10-12. K Four Huntings 18-15, "McFadden'a Flats" 17, 18. Tedrln.—At the Grand (Chamberlln, nnr- r'ngton &' Co., managers) Lymun Twins, In "The Yankee Drummers," Jan. 20, hail a crowded house. Howe's pictures, 27, pleased. Blanche Watsli 31, Marie Cnhill Feb. 1, "The Yankee. Doodle Boy'" 2, "The Time, tho Place und ths Girl" 3, I, "Olc Olson" 9, "The Bad Mill" 11, 12. Majestic (O. S?. Sargent resident mana- ger).—Mnmlo Fleralun. In "The Girl of the Kagle Ranch." Jan. 2"-25. had large houses. "Klght Bells." 88-39, did large business. "Tho Royal Chef" 30-Feb. 1. Flake O'Hura 2-5. "Convict OOU" 0-8, "At Yalo" 9,12. Main Stbeet (Davls^-Chiirshlll Circuit, man- agers).—Week ot 3: Shepp's dogs, ponies and monkeys, Mueller and Mueller, Grace Armond, Mnnkin, tbe frog man; De Mora and Uracetta, and tbe klaodrome. Dimpsev's (E. H. Brash, manager).— Week of Jan. 27: The Albinos, Tom Delmorc, Merrltt Slsterr, Ed, Sbafery, and moving pictures. Weast's (Chas. F. Barton, manager).— Week ot 27: Stock burlesnne, In "Marriage Vs. Nolsv Kids" und "CoaOdence Restored;" Fergus, De Forest, and moving pictures. ■ ' 1 Alton.— At the Temple (W. M. Sauvage, manager) "At Valley Forge" drew good crowds Jan. 25. "The Yankee Doodle Boy" 20. The Flints had big house* 27-Feb. 1. "The Mnn of the Hour' 2, Burgess Stock Co. 3, 4. 0. 7, 8, Sousa's Band matinee 4, "The Red Mill" 0, "At Tulc" 0. Ltbic (W. M; Snuvago, manager).—Week of Jau.: 27: The Prey Trio. Ida Mlaco, West nnd Mack, Carrie Simpson, Fay Noble, and the blograpb. •' ' Notes. —The Electric waa closed last week owing to change ot management nnd remodel- ing.."....Fay Noble, of this city, was given a place on- the regular Lyric bill last week by Manager Hramhall, to recognition of her clever work on amatenr nights. —^-w 11 s ' i 1 Decntnr.—At the Power* Grand. (J.' F. Given, manager) "The Yankee Doodle Boy," Jan. 27. pleased. "Tbe Gingerbread Man" did well 28. Karl Burgess Co. drew the usual popular crowds 20-31. "TheTime, the Place and the Girl" Feb. 1, "Tbe Man of the Hour" 3, Decatur Cadets, In "The -Merchant of Venice," 4; London Gaiety GirlB 6, Sousa's Band 7. ' ■" • Bijou (A. Slgfrled, manager).—Week of Jan. 27: Dixon, Bowers and Dixon, McFar- land and Murray," the De Mutts. Jones and naniondo, Peru and Wilson,, and the BIjou- drome. —•,....- ...--•.. Qulney—At the Empire (W. L. Busby.' manager) "The Prince of Sweden'" attracted a good crowd Jan. 201 "The Mart of the Hour" was well received 2B. Marie CablU bad bit business 30. Grace Hay ward 31, Teh. 1, ttallah Grand Opera Co. 2, Esra Ksnoali n. "At Yale" 0, "The Red Mill" 7, The Lnnd of Nod" 8: Buor (Patrick & McConnell, managers).— Flint.—At Stopc'a (A.C. Pegg, manager) Tora Marks' Block Co.'did fair business dan. 27-23." Charley Grapewln .X>, "Dota Thorne" Feb. 1, "The Heart of Maryland" 6, Howe's moving plcttU'es 9, 10, Eagle's ^Minstrels (hams talent) 12, 13, "Uncle Josh. Slmpklne" 15. ,', , Buot.' (Jos. B. McKo.ven, resident mana- ger).—Week of Jon. 27: Lea and Onp. By- ron-James, Hnlght and Thomas, and HIJou- scope. • •• ' s Jnolcson— At the Ath-maom IU. J. Por- ter, resident manager) Joe Howard, in "The Flower of tho Ranch," Jan. 20, pleased, llobert Mantell 31, Cook Stock Co. week of 3. "The Old Homestead" 11, "The Heart of Maryland" 12, "Tho Sunny South" 15. ♦*♦ CANADA. Moutrenl. — At Ills Majesty's (II. G. Brooks, manager) tho Van Den Berg Opera Co., In repertory, Jau. 27-20; local talent 30- Feb. 1, "Tom Jones" 3-8. AcADBitr of Music (Walter Greaves, man- ager).—Yorko nnd Adams, In "Plavlng tbe Ponies," to big attendance last week. "Wine. Woman and Song" 3-S, "In New York Town" 10-15. Bbnsbtt's (R. A. McVean, manager).— LaBt week: I'ongo and Leo, the Bradford*, Linton and Lawrence, Chas. Sweet, Big City Quartette. McMahon's Watermelon Girls, May Tully, Pall and Nettle Petera, Brlnda.- mour, and the Benncttoscope. Fbaxcais (F W. Le Clair, manager).— Cunning, in "From Slnz Bins to Liberty," pleased last- week. "The Rocky Mountain Express" 3-S. "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model," 10-1,1, Royal (H. C. Egerton, manager).—Big houses greeted the Merry Maidens. The Bo- hemians 8-S, Cborry Blossoms J0-15. Deb Nouveauteb (It. J. Deincrs, manager). —The permanent French atock company. In "La Femlllo Pont Blquet," last week. 'Grand Oulgnol" 3-8. National (Paul Cnaeneuve, man- ager).—The pormnnent French stock com- pany. In "Olnmoiido," to.good houses last week. "Paul at Virginia" current. 1 Ottawa. —At tho Russell (P. Gorman, manager) "Tom Jones" Jan. ill,-Feb. 1, Nor- dic* nod DamTosch fi, "A Message from Mars" 6, local 13, Calve 10. UiUxfe ui"i'iA Kucsr (R. J. Blrdwhlntle, manager).—The Four Huntings had capacity jim. -i-i.\i. Joe Mortlz l-cb. a-5, "t'roui Sing Sing to Liberty" fl-8. Br.XNETT's^lGeo. S. Greening, manager).— Week of 3: Mnv Fuller and rompanv. Chas. Kcnnn, Mnrno Trio, Henry and Francis. Mile. Armetu. Van Brhthets. and Little Hip. - .— ■ S 1 11 ii n Toronto,—At the rrtoctss (0. R Shep- pard, manager) "Fascinating Flora" did apod business last week. Van Den Berg Lyric Grand Opera Co. Feb. 3-8. Royal Alexandria (U Solman, managsr). —Ida Cor.qutrt, In "Her Great Match." plated to croWcd houses last week. Bertha Kalleh. in "Marts of the Lowlands." 3-8. GiusD (A. J. Small, manager).—"The Walls of Jericho" had big business last week "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model". 3-8. Shea's (J. Shea, manager).—Week of 3: "Polly ricfele'a Pats In Petland," Rossi's nt- TEXAS. iii>n«tcin.->—At the Auditorium (M. t\ Ml- chenls, msnafter) "Painting the Town" Jan 23. "Mndatu Bntteffly," 27, with double prices, crowded tho house. Louis Jamai 28 SO. to two large and ■enthusiastic houses •Checkers'' 30, -Bast Lymao" Feb. 1 (r.-tum 51,'Rlcbards ft Pringle's Minstrels 7, "Brawn- ler's Millions" S. Majestic (F. F. Sturgis. manager).—Tha bill 27-Feb. 1 drew crowded houses. Tha people: Adelc Palmer ttfid Dennis Mullen Fred Oalfttt's trained monkeys, Webb and Connolly, Eugenie Barker,- Ernie) and Hon- negger, Harry Holmon, and moving plcturei Pabk (H. D. Ruekcr, manager),—Th9 rep- ertory Inst week was "The Octoroon" 2t>, "Sylvia's Wedding" 27, "Mysterious Moder 28, "A Texas Steer" 20, "lonng Mrs. Wtm thrcp" 30, "The Planter's Wife" 31, "Trail, the Bandit," Feb. 1- Lratc hai been discontinued for the prev ent by. Managers Brandt & Hoffman os ac- count of bad business. It wlU reopen In March as an open air theatre. Notb. —Karl Hoblltzelle. president. of the Majestic circuit, .'and C. .F. Carothera, of the Interstate, were here Jan. 23, In consultation With H. Prince and Harvey Wilson, owners of the. site where the Houston Theatre for- merly.stood, regarding the building.of a ner theatro for them.' No satisfactory conclusion has been reached.try either party, but tha owners of the site are more.than willing to build if Mcs3rs. Hoblltzelle and Carothera give them any reasonable Inducements to do so. Negotiations will la al! probability be completed by Jan. 31. and building the same harried as soon as plana fire submitted, the boute to be In readiness for the Btpttmber opening. ■ B ■ ■ Port Worth.—At Gfeenvall'9 Opera Bouta i l'bi* W. Gr*«nwall, manager) "Madam Buv terflv" enjoyed big house -Jan. -24. "Tnt chicken" drew heavily 25. "The Flaming Arrow" 28,-Jack Slnger"s Bebman Show 80, "Painting the Town" Feb. 1, "At Vassar" 8, Kulellk 4, "Checkers" 5, 0. "Arltona" 7, 'Fust Lmne"'8, Allen Curtis TO, 11, IiaUl Irving 18. •■ Mw6htic (T. W. Mullnly, manager).-»- Week of Jan. 27: Alpine Troupe, Law Wells, Ellsworth and Burt. Three.Troubadours, Bow- man Bros^ Hubert Deveau, and the Majeito- srmplt " 4 Lrnto (G. W Bafnhart, manager).—Peo- ple: Carl and Emma'Gain. Jno. Zouboulaklj, Vlda and Hawley, and C. ¥.. Able*. . i Stakdaro (Frank De Beqne, manager).— "Mam'selle Toklo" was ■ the stock ••jflerlng last week. In tha olio: J. B. N. and Genrgle J'owor3, Lottie Cunningham; Rnae Elliott, Blnneh'e Trojatl, Phil Davis, Mayme- Burcaw, FaVDelmnr, Mnyroe Co-oper. .Fwd Lbrralae. W. n.Frledlariderand Joe-Mlll*. • i)iiiitt«.—At,tlie DkillasOperaHouse (Geo. Ansv,-manager)-."AladBni Bufterfly" made a great.hit, (llllrrg• the honsc-Jan. 25. -rilchard Carle, in, "Me Spring...Chicken," .was ..well received 1 27,-28. Beeman Shbw'ahd Cooere'ki of Show Olrls 20; "The Flaming.Arrow" 30, Florence Gean. In "Cnpld ai Vassar,"-30. Majestic (B. S. Mnokenfuss, manager).-c Weck of 27 : Linden Beckwith^MUe. Irma Orbnsany'3 trained cockatoos, Thos. Ueogh and company. Mills nnd-Morrls, Art Fisher, Harrison Broa., and Cbrle Christopher. Busi- ness good here. * * ———- TA Pnso At the Crawford (Frank Rich. manager) "The .Virginian," Jan. 23, did wo!!. "Madam Buttcrdy" Feb. 1, "Tho Black. Crook" 8. •■ •■..-•-'•.. • • {•? • OnriiBCM (Martin Beck, manager).—Week Jan. 27-Feb. 1: Lillian Bnrkhart and com- pany. Alba, Caron and Farnum,- Flo A*l*r and La Flur Joe. : , Majestic (Frank-Rich, manager).—Week Jan. 24-30: Billy Howard, LulUn Starr. Franklin and Linden, nnd Arthur' Houstpn •and company. Austin. —At the Hancock Optra House Goo. Walker, manager) Louis James played to. n fine house Jan. 23. Vaudeville 25, "Madam Butterfly" -20, "When Knlglltfcood Was In Flower" Feb. 1, "Check-)«" 3, Kiibe- 111; S, - : Cupld at Vassar" 0. an ALA HAM A, — Selma.—At the Academy of Muala (Long A Itees, munascrs)"Tho Mayor of Tqklo" Fail. I, "The Lion and the House"-10, "Adelalao Thurston 11, "Raffles" 12, "SI Plunkard" 17, Lonls James 21. ' • Notk. —Chas. G. Long, who hullt and had the management of the Academy of Music since Its erection, In 1888, died very sudden- ly, from acute Indigestion, on Jan. 28. Ho was eighty years old, and active In business to the evening of his death. He Is survived by a widow and nephew. Geo. T- Bees, who was associated with him in business. - n ■ ■ o I New Decatur.—At the Payne- (W. H- Sorber. manager) Trades Extravogan*a, local nmateiirs, Jan. 20-22, to packed nouies. Stab (Thomas Polk Littlelonn, manager). —"Life of Christ" and other pictures to fair business. This house-is using the best colored pictures, and tho price of admission has been changed from live Cents to ten cents- ■ii» 1 1 S I I I II ' I Troy_At Folmar'a (F. P. Folmnr, man- ager) Judson Glee Club, Jan. 23, dallaWw capacitj-.. Donnelly & Hatfield Minstrels pleased a large and enthualnatlc audience, "Buster Brown" Feb. 5, Adelaide Thurston,8, "81 Pltutkard" 19, Lonls James 20.-' « iieoHtur.—At tlie Lyceum (Thomas Polk Lltticlohn. manager) . Sous* and hla bana pleaded good houses. Jan,. 20, 26. "In Gay New York," 27, to good 'business. I ' *>» » RHODE! ISLAND. Proviiience.—At the : Provldenco Opej* House (F. B. Wendclschncfer, manager),"Ihj Time, t!ie Place nnd tho Girl," last week, did well. "Funabashl" Fob. 8-8. • . Empire (Spits & Nnthanaon, roanagcr8).-- "Tlie Wizard of Oz,". with Oeorge Stone, flllea the house last week. : "Lottie, the Poor Sales- lady," 3-8; Thomas E. Shea wjgk of 1<J. Keith's (Chaa. Lovenherg, monaMf].— Week of 3: Eugene Jepaon and com/Mby. Mme. Etolle'a horse show, Genaro 8 .Banc, Grace Hazard, the La Vlne-Cimaron Trio, the Kltabanxol Japanese • Troupe;. Calllps ana Brown, Cooper and Robinson. Stanley ana Cogswell, the De Chanbtl Slaters, Inn" abd Ryan. Walsh and Thorne, and My«» and Ross. 'r .••■• : _ L- tMPCRUi. (J. P. Hill, manager).—Fay Fos- ter Co. pleased last week. Williams' Exirava- tanza 8-8. .? ■"-_. WESiiitNsifia (0- H- Batchelltr, manigtrj- Hyde's Blue,. Ribbon Girls drew good »»«> enees.. Lid Lifte rs 3 : 9. m .. : ; tAtMScB B. Ktrio has Joined tht "On the Bridge at Midnight" company, to do tt» heavy.