The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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pEBBUABY 8. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 1405 MONEETLAND WON'T YOU BE MY HONEY Both written by JACK DR18LA5E sad THEODORE MOUSE. Both Big Hit.. Both orchestrated In any hey to .nit yoar Tole.. Both .honld ho Im year Mt, lid both »r. pnblUhed by I". S3. H A VIXji AiND FTTB. CO., 125 W. 37th Street, New York - •»— —^ «■***» .n*. *A-» JE>« ^•*»^-^*>» E5CL.08K A LATE PBOORABI. NO CARDS PLEASE. HO BRANCn OFFICES ANYWHERE. ,nic ever seen the raven f Bit noted well the blackness of hit wlngst aSSSmmSm, which In lnxoriant growl She bought her Wig from THE WINERY 1«8 State Street, Cfcloago. (Firth Floor.) STAU.MAN'8 DRESSER TRUNK. Easy to get at everything with- out disturbing anything. No fatigne In packing and unpack- ing. Light, atrong, roomy drawers. Holds as mnch and costs no more than a good box trunk. Band riveted; strongest trunk made. In email room serves aa chiffonier; a 0. D. with privilege of ex- amination. 2c. stamp lor cata- log. F. A. 8TALLMAN, 85 W. Spring St, Columbus, 0. ii Hi hue am on 11 FOR Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetoscopes SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Repairing Bfovlttg Picture Machine* Our Specialty. SEND FOR CATALOGUE F. C B. KlalSHEE. o82-«fl4 Sixth Avenue, New Tort. ALFRED J. CAMMEYER, 6th Ave. and 20th Street, NEW YORK, Leading House In America for Theatrical and Street Shoes SHIR II LEATHER» MILS All Colon In Thiitrlcil Hotliry Theatrical OatalogM ■•tied Free Upon Beqneft. Can Fit Out Com- panies WlthODt Any Delay. Bittantw FurnUbed Films! Films! We can rent yon every feature and good I film the world produces. PATHE'S "LIFE OF CDRI8T." T 'PARSIFAL,» "BEN-HOB" and "TWO ORPHANS" rented reasonable. We are headquarters In the West or Power', and Edison Machines. ■ O. T. CRAWFORD! FILM EXCHANGE COMPANY, 401-3-5 Locust St., ST. LOUIS, HO, | ■MMHaBBBBa^BHSE DA VIES 9 Theatrical Exchange FOR QUICK RESULTS. ■05, 130 Dearborn Bt., Chicago, PI. SANDMEN SOUVENIR NU1CBER OF BOLTON'S HARMONY HINTS now ready. Sent free on request. If in need ot a new Instrument, write us. wo send 'cm on [rial to prospectlvo purchasers. Dig stock, of used Instruments cheap. Send for Bargain List. FHAHK HOLTON & CO., 178 Gladys Ave., Chicago. MOVING PI PRINTING For Dressing Lobby. OAT ALLEN SHOW PRINT, UNIFORMS BAUD, MILITARY, HIRSTBEL OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USHERS And All Others Sett br UTUOt lathi Oil ti*t«* Special Attestloa Given the Prolessloa Western Uniform Go. 214 8. CLARK 8T. CHICAGO Vf" ACTOR* -*£/ ACTRESSSo'n^ORATOR BEST PAYING PROFESSION IN TBE WORLD. We teach you by mall In a short time to go nppn the 8TAOB or speaker's platform. You can easily earn from 128.00 to $200.00 weekly. We have thou- sands of satisfied students. Write for FREE book- let on drsmatlo art by correspondence. CHICAGO SCHOOL OP BLOCWTION, CHICAGO SCIiUWli UB' «si«uvw*-m«j. 1888 Chicago Opera Hoase Blcok, CHICAGO, ILL B7 ALVsnnvia cmims, on double decker floor rack, used a little, but good aa new, $88,00. Two Octave Steel Marlmbaphone, on floor rack with real, used a few times, bat In first cla&s con- dition. 836.00. One set Conn's Wonder orchestra Bells, axoctaves, In case, $7.60. One set 8 Bowls, uM oneeetiaFourln nand Bells, $32.00. One let 8 Four In Hand Bells. $14. Ono Banjo, $6.00. One Set SX Oct. Ohro., 44 Organ Chimes, 2 tubesi to each tone, very oheap, for » or 4 people. Price, $125 SAMPLES $1.00 By Hall, Postpaid. CATALOGUE FREE. DEVBBIiY, MASS. Do You WAN r miLITARV GOODS? HAND UNIFORMS, ARMT or NAVY SUITS, 1 ORB. OUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want In that line I can supply It. New or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 222 South St, Philadelphia, Pa. SUITER H. A. B111MONB. Skating At- traction Extraordinary, Stilts, Burlesque, original, up- to-d ate. Wardrobe the best obtainable. Add. 73 Broad St, N. Y. City. I MILLER. HAWPACTDBEB — or Theatrical Btiota & Bhoea CLOG and BALLET 8H0BS a spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. St. New York. ToL 100 Chaise* I. MILkBn. HABi LOUIS NAMETY Chicago's Official Theatrical Tailor 167 Dearborn St, - • Chicago, DL Telephone, Cent 8788. WaHTT0KBBPBU8TT 08B A "CBOBS" LETTER HEAD Free Samples, Contracts, Tickets, Envelope*, eta CROSSJSeSrnVCHICAGO 8TAQE MONEY, 16o. Book of Herald Onta, 2fto. FOR SALE, .a» (HRAP STEEL Fit A ME CHAlfU, "^■ttibl. for MOVISO P1CTCHB "and VARIETY THBATHBB. we can make a very low price. Address Dept. C. STEEL FURNlTURfc CO.. Q"°° B*P""»' MlA - Would It Make Interesting Reading? &. "$ for prompt exdnlx lafomiiioii oa Ii™ «« "''"i" CALL! ACTORS AND MANAGERS IN ,EVE R V LINE SWAAB —————^—■——<———» —»^— J Has proven to sali.factor/ that WO were almost •vrnmpott with now order, thl. past week, not alone in sales bat In nlrn natal*. Power's Gameragraph, Edison's Kinetoscopes are ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF, and oar guarantee la part of the contract) that'* the reason w. aro recommended br oirtsi- tomcrs. Oar Aim-rental bureau 1. right UP-TO-THE-MINUTE and wo .hip yoar ontlre wrck'i program at one*. >n mt it yoa six reel, weekly, wo .end .11 In on. package every Friday and yon hare only two express chars., to pay, whor.aa yon haw* six eharg.a whan yoa rent from others. STOP-NOTICE-LOOK. Certain ronton horo tell their customer, that they control the Film Renter* Protective Auoelatloa and that they wlU •«. that no dim I* ranted to any except their customers. We want to brand thl. story as criminally false, wllhaet any foundation. WB ARE MEMBERS OP TUB ORGANIZA- TION, and we'll serve all who desire good service fcrafalrprlee. Try the :rvi< WE MAKE YOU A PORTRAIT TH IS SIZE AND 3TVLC.$iOO See ItiehnlF-ronoaWE , mak.for T *THECUPPER- If/ouoro going to hava anyCUTSl madorwrihiusfirat WE MAKE T UATCna* 1 " tn»4i3»enST PHILADELPHIA. PA. PMsaloprHitiii OWE or MORE COtOBSj LEWIS M. SWAAB * CO. Leadmc Dealer and ONLY EXCLUSIVE House 338 8PRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yon a fortnae. If you hare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT. SONG or BOOK that Is worth anything, yon should copyright It. Don't take chances when yon can secure onrserv- Iccn at pmall cost. .Sendfor our artAML OrfEB TO IMVWT08S before ajfplylnr for a patent, if «»» *&*»«• . HsHMda on patents lent IHtX. We advise If patenta- ble or not. FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fee*. Consult UB. W0RMELLE & VAN MATER, stsoaaar*. Colombia Copyriokt a Pateat Co. lac, WASHINGTON, D.C Want Concessions emits in, si Fin. Closed Daring Winter Grand Reopening Hay-Day WANTED ON PERCENTAGE. THREE RAIL SCENIC RAILWAY TICKLER HUIAN ROULETTE NOVELTY SHOOTING OALLERY Or Any Other Devices Not Already on the Grounds GIVE PARTICULARS, TERMS, ETC., IN PIR8T LITTER. A COOP CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY IS YEARS E8TADLUHED. ONLY AMUSEME1IT PARK IN THE CITY POPULATION, 490,000 Address CHUTES CO., San Francisco, Cal. CAGNEY BROTHERS 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY SOLD MEDAL JPECIAl. Hialatar. RaHrosds for Parks, Simmer Resort*,*** TIM Orcateflt Money nakera and beat Attraction la tho World. Ne Park conptefe without then, earaiaf fIM eisixday*. With anatf *"+ wfllbat aj yes**. ■jnsj roa Catjooqw. rorrlrn Hole'l and Hlrasa.tilp M*"**i tlM kliul that ere paMed on tr»«U{rt arty, awl Winks, ire lb* Ul S fail- TotlMt i Imn. lie tbera l<« WJStei* FOBJElSrf tmit tHJMHAMV, Bt. *Vm1% He. Song Films Wanted, •* ALSO PURCHASE SOSG SLIDES. JOSEPH F. COUFAL, 871 Third Avonno, New Yoili. "Oar Servlco SpeskB for ItsoIL" Pllrn*. Blldo*. Edison UtnetoMop**, I Power*. Oaraeragraph*. FOR SALE AHD RENT. 60 Reels of S. II. Films at $29 per each reel. MIN8KY «S* OO.p, 847 SIXTH AVE.. IDW YORK. THEATRICAL Vaudeville and Prediction. Largest Bcenlo Coil' DANIELS In the world, water Color, Bllko and Dye. BOBNIU STDDIOS. UUIOAOO, The Banks Are Letting Loose. We bny Show Ontlt* (no waconi). Tell a* what yon have, namlnc jronr very lowest oath price. No trades. We tell Folding Chairs, finest and best "-not, Electric and Spring Springfield, Illinois. In great demand becanae It contain, tin ?ood.. Now In second edition. Three neat, tr comedy .ketches each tot two peopl*. live monologue. Price, B0 cent., money or- deroratamp., IlttOOKLYN PLAY BUBBAH, 71 Bast 7th Bt„ Brooklyn, N. T. AMATEURS IN ALL BRANCHES OF THE BUSINESS, who .re dcalrous of Adopting tho stage as a profession, will do well to sond their addresses to J. B. HUDSON. P. O. BOS 270. Hadlfon8qn.roStation, Now York oily, N,T. Blood Poison The vital juices ot plant, will positively cure Dlood Poison In all suae.. A remedy that ha* thor CnDA an Ma m AM heen tliorouibly tested by ho* Veil efl PltaUandclfiilcs. SAPA| lively contains no meronr. potash. If yon aro troubled with old sores, ulcers, blotches, or out of tho symptom* of baa blood, in/ of tho symptom try BAPA. Write for book of Information, or •end yoar order. All correspondence strictly con- fidential. SAPA Chemical Go., IpmlillkHtnBilling, • SLLhMo,