The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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1406 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbuaby 8. BIG MONEY m THE ROLLER SKATING GAM® Convert your Opera Boose or Due* Hall Into a Roller Elok, and derive fall benefit from «• laTMtment ta roar building. A Boiler Sink can be : -cessfully operated In any good sized nail, and skating will not Interior* with Us use for other purposes. RICHARDSON CUSHION FRAME, ANTI-JAR RALL REARINR ROLLER SKATES Should he your equipment; ns*d exclusively In all of the largest end most successful rinks In America, and by all the leading waters 01 MECHANICAL HILITAB Y BAUDS. We carry the finest lino of HECHAHIOAL rjfgTBUHEHTS on toe market, constructed emedslhr for Boiler Skating. Bare cost of Instrument In thirty days, and have music all of the tJme.B»^luBtrum«nt fully guaranteed. WBITD for the most complete Boiler Bkate CATALOQDB ever published. Tells how to open and o perate lt oner Bins* RICHAHBSON BALL BEARING ROLLER SKATE CO. - 501 WELLS STREET. CHICAGO y v.. iit f*&M SAFETY VAUTOIVfAt IC - REVOLVER You Must Pull the Trigger or there will be no discharge. This is the one revolver that cannot go off by accident. We make the kind that dis- charges when you want to shoot and not before. One million six hundred thousand have been sold and not an accidental shot. As handsome a revolver as is made; in a number of styles and several sizes. As safe asa spiked cannon, but as full of business as a hornet's nest Send fcr our booklet "Shots" xa& our illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the best revolvers, shotguns and bicycles you can get anywhere. Iver Johnson Safety Hammer Revolver 8-ln. barrel, nickel fire cartridge, Si or8 ■luted finish, 22 rim- tfl ceoter-HrecarUMwe ™V Iver Johnson Safety Haanerleu Revolver Mb barrel, nickel-plated flnlab, B or 88 JT ceater-flre cartridge - • - ■ • ~l For aale by Hardware and Bportlns Goods dealers erer; where, or will be lent prepaid on receipt of price It jour dealer will not nuppl y. Look (or tbe out'$ heaa on grip and our same on barrel. Ivor Johnson's Arms A Oyole Works, 155 River St., Fltchburg, Mass. NEW YORK: « chambers Street. ' Hamburg, Germany, Piokhuben 4. SAN FRAN0IS00: Phil. B. Bekeart Co., 717 Market St. LONDON ENGLAND: 13 Cnllom St. E. C. ■iVsrs of Iver Johnson Single Barrsl Shotguns and Ivor Johnson Truss Bridge Bicycles ' NEW EDISON FILMS TftAOt HARK leatheroid PATENTED ttttiiltt. UNKSfor MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND CASES to Carry 1,2,3.4,5, and 6 Reels SOLK MAKERS LEATHEROID MFG. CO. 532 Broadway, New York Send for Oar Complete Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of MADE TO ORDER SOUBRETTE DRESSES, ANKLE LENGTH COWNS. FANCY GOATS and STA6E GOWNS of Every Description. Catalogue sent to recognized performers only. Write on your own letterhead, or send latest program, WOLFF, FORDING <& CO.. e<-ea Kllot St., Bos-ten, M B >s, New York Film Exchanae (WILL O. SMITH, Manager) NOVINe PICTURE MACHINES. FILMS AND SUPPLIES LARGEST STOCK IK NEW TORK CITY. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. TWO SHOP-WORN NO, 5 N. Y. APP. POWER'S GAMERA6RAPHS AT A BARGAIN Expirt Rspilrlng, it Short Notice. ■ < 7 E. 14th 8t., Now York Wanted, Partner to Finance STATIONAL AIRSHIP, PATENTED A YANKEE MAN-O-WARSMAN'S FIGHT FOR LOVE. A Melodrama o f Na val L-lfo. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. Taken from an Incident during tbe Pacific cruise of the Am or! can Fleet. A SPANISH-AMERICAN SEAPORT overlooking tbe bay—The American Man-O-War lying at anchor—On the dock are a Spanish girl and her parent* awaiting the arrival of tbe "YanW sailors—Also some foreign sailors—The "Yankee • sailor boys air ye—All crowd around to ^t them—A band of street musicians and dancing girl—The little Spanish dancer with her cattenets starts a typical Epanlsh dance—She notices one of tbe "yankee" sailors and he quickly falls in love with her and proposes J wfIts—-Each sailor •«!««, a partner—A foreign sailor endeavors to secure the little dancer, but fa refused— Waiting his chance, tbe foreign sailor trips up oat "Yankee" lad and a flgbt ensues—They are parted, and arrangements made for a fair, square light. THE INTERIOR OF A SPANISH INN—Articles sre drawn up for the fight and side bets placed on ttoe winner—Preparations art made for the light—Ropes and gloves are soon brought from aboard ship—The little Spanish dancer overhears a plot to drug her "Yankw" ' THE SPANISH COURTYARD—The ring nrepared—The fighters arrive, as well as the referees and seconds—-Tie light begins—It proves fast and furious—The first round decidedly bad for our "Yankee" boy—In the second he recovers himself and his opponent goei Sown twice, and the bell Just saves him—The foreign referee tries his "drug" .scheme, but falls, owing to the littte Spanish girl who U on watch—In the third round the foreign sailor Is dazed and tights wildly—A well directed blow sends him to the floor and he Is counted out—The "Yankee" lad Is carried on the shoulders of bis sailor friends In triumph around the ring, while tbe air Is filled with streamers and confetti. No. 6341. CODE VEERPASSER. LENGTH. 830 FEET. CLASS A. 8124,50 SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 346. FIRESIDE REMINISCENCES SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. PARTED RY A BROTHER: The hallway of a fashionable home—Tbe butler answers the bell and admits a young naval officer whe Inquires for the mistress of the house—The lady appears and with a cry of joy Is clasped lu her brother's arms—-The lady's husband ap- pears at this moment and Btands horrified at finding his wife In a stranger's arms—Without waiting for an explanation he throws them apart and orders the officer from the bouse, as well as his pleading wife, with what he supposes to be her lover. THREE YBAB8 LATER: We see the husband seated at his lonely dining table—The great ball seems deserted and cheerless—Sadly he rises and sinks In tire chair by the large open hearth—The maid brings In his little golden-haired girl who klases him good-night—Thi face of the child bi" to take form and the wedding—And now In his dreaming .. vision fades and again be sees his wife driven from home—And now the great gates of his mansion—A woman falls In the snow befors them—Suddenly be Is awakened from his dreaming by the butler, who tells him that a woman has been found at his gate halt frozen to death. RECONCILIATION: The woman Is brought In—It Is his wife—Again the mother clasps her child In her arms and all Is forgottta and forgiven. No. 6340. CODE, VEERXOON. LENGTH, 600 FEET. CLASS A. PRICE, 175.16 BUND FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 3*3. brings back the memory of her mother—He sits gazing Into the fire—There behind the glow, past reminiscences begta d shape—The face of his wife is seen smiling at him—Then the joys of the first hours of love—Then that greater joy, d now la his dreaming comes tbe mother with ber child—Her face filled with the glory of womanhood and: love—Tbi RESCUED FROM AN EAGLE'S NEST SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. A lumberman's cabin In the mountains—Early morning;—The lumberman off for his day of toll—Bidding wife and child good-bye. In the forest—Felling trees—The baby at play In front of the cabin—The eagle seen hovering above—He sights his prey—The downward flight—The eagle picks op the child and carries his victim skyward—The flight of the eagle with tbe child towards the eagle's crsg la the distant mountains. The mother discovers her child Is gone—She sees her baby In the eagle's claws a thousand feet above—A mother's anguish—She at last reaches her husband and, fainting in his arms, tells bins of tbe child s fate—Tbe lumbermen gather around—They start In pursuit —The chase through a rocky gorge—Along the mountain side—At last they dlsc-mr the eagle's nest down the chasm far below, where the eagle has placed the child—Slowly tbe father Is lowered down the cliff by means of s rope, snd reaches the eagle's nest. The child Is safe, but the father now has the eagle to contend with, who Is furious at losing his prey—A battle royal begins on tbe edge of tht rocky ledge between man and bird—The man at last vanquishes the "King of the Air"—He dashes the bird to the rocks below, then, with his unharmed baby, Is pulled up the cliff, and the child restored to Its anxious mother. No. 6339. CODE, VKERLTEDEN. LENGTH, 515 FEET. CLASS A PRICE, ST.£o BUND FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 34*. Someone with knowledge as well as money. A Park Manager says: "Wo are Interested in your proposition of an airship as an attraction. Your proposal Is tho most reasonable we have received. When your representative Is In this section, we will bo able to close contract with you." If SLING & WALKER, 811 Alonadnock Bldg., Chicago. CENTRAL TRUNKS. Mln., S7.60 ; 281n„ 18.80; SOln., 19.60 i SSln., $10,150 ; 40In„ 112.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, R.B0. BUI Trunks, 80x28x16, inside, f 12.00. Lltho. Trunks, «2%x28Hxl2, Inside, 816.00. ilpped on receipt of 88.00, ML C. O. D., except over 100 miles, then remit whole amount SIMONS * co.. Central trunk factory, Est 1864, s. w. cor. 7th ana Arch su, Phtia MRS. L. SCHEUER, 924-926 SOUTH 8TBBBT, PHJLJL, PA, HM In Stocks largo line OF LADIES'EVENING, DINNER AND RECEPTION GOWNS, both high and low neok; SEALSKIN and PERSIAN LAMB COATS and FDR SETS; GENTLEMEN'S POLL DRESS, TUXEDO, SACK and CUTAWAY SUITS, Prlneo Albert Coats and Tests, Medium and Heavy Weight Overcoats In Saok, Prince Albert and Semi Fitting styles. We carry everything pertaining to a Lady's or Gentleman's Wardrobe, suitable tor Stage or Street Wear. AH orders must bo accompanied by a ' deposit of not 10B9 than 111. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the litest and Most Popular Styles In ladles Hair Drsiilng. A. M. BUCK & CO., 119 N. Ninth Street . — ■ - - Philadelphia Musical Bells and Novelties Electrical effects and properties made to order at lowest prices. Bargains in socond hand Instru- ments. A. T. HOE VET, 438 W. 40th St., N. V.fltv. •rit-fVIS P-OR SAUK OR "TO RENT. MANHATTAN FILM RENTAL CO. HART & DAVI8, managers. Rew^OTk^^MMG^meioy. ,m * n an<1 ° 8,l,r » '■ E»'nrtMnn. Pertaining to the Buslnsu, PLAYS For Stock Compasles, (or Repertoire Companies, (or Amatim LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE) WOULD. Books for home amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jarley's Wsi Works. Catalogue Tree I Free 1 Free I SAMUEL lfRENCH, 17 West 29d St., New York. SINGING TAUGHT BT CORRESPONDENCE Saooeu guaranteed or monoy refunded. Write today for free particulars. Address ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY, 191 LavaMoM* RaUdlng, Chicago. III. JUGGLERS' SUPPLIES--&SSV Globes, Boo: , Romaaaxes. stamp Ten wyck, Otn»rnn»a, 0. s, Hoops. Stamp lor No. 6838—THE SUBURBANITE'S INGENIOUS ALARM No. 6336—UUGHING GAS - no. 6335—COLLEGE CHUMS • • • No. 6329—STAGE STRUCK - - ■ ■ no. 6334—THE TRAINER'S DAUGHTER • - No. 6333—MIDNIGHT RIDE OF PAUL REVERE • No. 6332—JACK THE KISSER - - , No. 6331—A RACE FOR MILUONS - • • No. 6330—THE RIVALS - - - - no. 6228—THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES No. 2 Code Veerkracht. 505 Feet. Class A. Price, $80.Si5 For Complete Synopsis send for Circular No. 312. Code Veerboot. STS Peat, Clan A. Price, 189.13 For Complete Synopsis send for Circular So. 840. Code Veenwertel. TOO Ff *t. Class A. Price, S105.00 ■ For Complete Synopsis send tor Circular No. 338. Code Veendami T8S Pees. Class A. Price, 1117.00 For Complete Synopsis send for Circular No. 827. Code Veeawerker. BOO Pees. Class A. Price, 1190.00 • For Complete Synopsis send for circular No. 888. Code Ve.awaUr. BIS Feet. ' Class A. Price, |13T.»S For Complete Synopsis send for circular No. 834. Code Veenrook. 755 Feet. Class A. Price, 1113,§5 For Complete Synopsis send for Circular No. 881. Cede Veeaarrasad. . 975 Feet. Class A. Price, $140.13 • For complete Synopsis send for Circular No. 828. Cede Veengra-rer. 780 Peat, Class A. Price, 1117.00 For Complete Synopsis send for Olroular No. 827. Hand-Colored Cede Veenbaas. 89 Feet. OIswsA. Price, J34.50 Complete. For Complete Synopsis send for Circular No. 887. EDISON KINETOSCOPES UNDERWRITERS' MODEL - - PRICE, $175.00 APPROVES BY THE HEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS AND THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY. Includes, among other Improvements, a new Automatic Shutter, Improved LamDhouse Tinner and Lower Film Mamilnes, New Style Rheostat, New Enclosed Switch, Improved Take-Un'DevIr. New Revolving Shutter and Asbestos-covered Cord Connection. " *""™» EDISON EXHIBITION HODEL, Sim. with run magazines and improved take-dp, EDISON UNIYEBSAL MODEL, $115.00 135.00 75.00 Any Exhibition Model can be fitted with the Underwriters' Improvements at small cost rnm- plete catalogue, describing all models and parts, with prices, sent on request EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY: 70 LAKESIDE AVE., ORANGE. N. J. NEW YORK OFFICE: 10 FIFTH AVE. CHICAGO OFFICE: 304 WABASH AVE. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOMS 20 CIERKEXWEU, ROAD, LONDON, B. C, ENGLAND. CEIUNR 1GEMTC • TBB KINETOGRAPH CO., 41 Bast Slat St., New York dCLUnU JM.CN11 . GEORGE DRBCK, 650-554 Grove St.,"an Cal DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. EMERSON FLOATING PALACE GOOD PERFORMERS FOR FARCE COMEDY Chorus Olrls, Novelty and Sister Acts, Buslolus for B. and 0. Show opens April 1 ADDRBS8 POINT PLE ASART, W. VA. Wanted & &?Js55 Novelty and Feature Acts For the IRV. I'OLACK CIRCUIT of FAMILY THEATRES. Can oner Urns In Pennsylvania, Ohio Maryland, West Virginia end New York. Address Rom. nm™ P0I.A0KTHEATRICAL fcXOlIAViQK,SuiteW«, Keystone^ldg.,,. Sllcn,cea^\lTeneg?Mve! flniwflsffiof , " With <»rf* I Coin., IU! t»*>•. I etc, eip'.' 1 ** mlrj fir*. ».Hrr.. OTTO Swgl*Lg l O UT0 Wert »9il. Stint fig '"*•- PLAYS Lorgc List ol New Proles. elouat and Amateur l'!?f». Vaudeville Bkotohos. *.W= Monologues. Minstrel Mjicrt" Joka. STualcol Plerea, II«£J PVAf. FLEET, -g* 4T wTsWT aSfh STREET, NEW TOnn- ttoaa, Dial