The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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ffltm\ fimS vim' LJLJOIN $ life MOTiTSffi^ * PH «iA^ L £S IA Am ■ llflK'.. ■ li . ' ». UNDERWRITERS APPROVED MODEL THEOHLY [ equipped with improved Fire Magazines, Au- tomatic Fire Shutter and Au- tomatic Fire aufigg A »- bestos covered Wire Connec- lions, new im- proved Lamp- House, new style Fireproof Rheo- stat, improved Electric Lamp. Coipliti with iffiyttlig smi li Hi Ml, Iscladfng polls.!. GARRYIN6 CASE for BNhiB- ill, $135. Thi same, with Aijutikli Blejcli Stall Lags, to u- till nir five tut, $145. A BeantlftU Dramatio Buljeot, Ex- cellent In Photography. LENGTH, .... 835 FEET. 1907 COMBINED WITH ffxn Including ncsiiio Lamp. Calcium e^r\r- iNJ T,arap ond Afllnstahtn Rh eostat 81€3 Q DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF PHILADELPHIA FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Room 388, City Hall Philadelphia, December 3d, 1907 Hknky Clay, Director John Lattimh, Fire Marshal lb. S. LUBIN, 926 Market St, Philadelphia Diar Sir: Having examined diflerent makes of Moving Picture Machines in regard to their safety in case of Are, I have come to the conclusion that your 190S Oncograph with Stereopticon com- bined, equipped with Fire Magazines, new Automatic Fire Shatter and new Automatic Fire Shield is absolutely fireproof and comes up to all requirements of the Fire Marshal's Department I have suggested to the Fire Underwriters to accept your machine as the Fireproof Model tor general use. Respectfully yours, (Signed) JOHN LATTIMER, Fire Marshal HAVE YOU SEEN MY WIFE? A Comedy of Mishaps and Mlxups. UDTOTK, - - - - 650 FEET. THE HOLY CITY In Life Motion Pictures. No slides are used. A $5,000 Production. Powerful, Pathetic, with Extremely Fine Effecte. LENGTH. - 350 FEET. TH1II DARKNESS TO LIGHT A Most Beautiful Dramatic Sub- ject, Exceedingly Well Told. LENGTH, - - - . 890 FEET. ALL OUR FILM8 CLASS A. PRICE, I I CENTS PER FOOT. OUR BEAUTIFULLY ILLU8TRATED CATALOCUE8 FREE OF CHARGE. I 1 IF WEARING A WIG INTERFERES *- With Tour Acting, DON'T Cut Out the Acting But let us sell you a wig that we will guarantee will satisfy you in every respect. THE WISGERY! 162 8TATE 8T. y CHICAGO. (PIFTH PL.OOB) ■ r >. vs? RESTAURANT CHICAGO Mr. Abe Frank, for die past five years sole Manafcr of the Sherman Houm and College Ian, Chicago, which connection he has severed, announces hi* association win Rector's, Clark and Monroe Streets. Chicago, si part owner and Managing Director. Mr. Frank extends to his friend* sad acquaint- ances among the profession s cordial welcome to Rector's, assurinf them of s continuation of hi* person:.! solicitude for their comfort and entertainment 1 " 1 : *' THE MATTERY-MOORE CO.'S FLEET OF AIRSHIPS. "TIE ROC," "THE ARROW" aid "AMERICA." Commanded by tbe Host Darin? Aortal Navigator C APT. WM. M ATTKBY Positively the greatest attraction for rarks. Fairs, Celebrations, etc. One or more Flights, returning to Starting Point guaranteed, dally. Lowest terms. For Particulars, address W. S. CLEVELAND, Mgr. 830 Knickerbocker Theatre Building, 1408 BROADWAY, . - HEW YORK '/ « 4 DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN 3! 0 O*51 l ^S.^2? lt 'I! >0d, , l n * a Ton «" hwdie Booda that will boU themielvcir IB * 0 J![!?^? t fJr o S,* i ^2* r . d01 !- n »- !»«•"*««& to seieot flora. Inhalers, «o. per do*.; Voltalo Klectrlo Insoles, «5o. doe. pairs, rnro Coooanut OU SoapTjSLW **£ **£!: "5? ""HS 1 %5.rles. MO to 1,1m por eentprollt can be made. ItUJ order wt'iooaTlnoe. Ono-thlrd cash required. Largest Manufacture™ of HeoMo Belts and apices in U^a. aublishedisia. "future and pri wlist rreV THE ELE0THI0 AFPUAIOE CO., tea, BuQigttt, In. America Tet newest in methods and Manner of Meeting the Present Day Demands of the loving Picture Ezhibitor Such is the Status of the NATIONAL FILM RENTING GO. 62 N. Clark SL CHICAGO, ILLS. Conld an Association of This Kind be Otherwise Than A Benefit to Ton? Stop and Consider! We will place upon tbe United States and Canadian market during the week or Feb. 10-18, several line GATJ3IOST subject!, amongst which there are two comedy feature aims, entitled "UNCLE'S CLOCK" LENGTH ABOUT 797ft. A richly posed and beautifully photographed play, wound around a simple plot, In whloh the nephew devises and carries out a number of schemes to rid his home of clocks that a bountiful uncle persists In foreleg upon him. Every scheme Is original, full of interest and comical. "The Strenuous War Veteran's Story" LENGTH ABOUT 264ft. This is a laughable picture story of a veteran relating his adventures on the battlefield. His narration Is bo vehement snd punctured full of gesticulations and wild antics to suit bla words, that the articles of furniture in the room become "alarmed" and commence flying around, causing his audience to become as battle scarred as his comrades on the Held. Other feature QAIMOST subjects that w< have placed upon the market during the last two weeks are as follows! -MUSIC HATH CHARMS" Comedy, "GAINSBOROUGH HAT" Comedy "THE SCOUT" Comedy - - - "ANCIENT HEADGEAR" Comedy "WATER BABIES" Story- - • "OH, THAT CAT" Comedy - ■ 500ft. 517ft. 634ft 527ft. 887ft. 240ft. All GAUMONT sobjeots prove Instant successes for their elaborate staging, line photo- graphlo quality, originality and wholesome plots. EVERY SUBJECT USABLE EVERYWHERE. STATE ST. CHICAGO* 662 SIXTH I¥E. MEW Y©RK. LA PATRIE BLDG., MONTREAL, CANADA *B*nHRRHBKtBHU)HUKM ►*»• U >%t«W^> - %&<